Fox is 96. Falco is 108. This is secret information, NOT TO BE RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC.
There's a lot to respond to today, but lemme just say first, that Zant is a troll. He thinks that Peach requires no skill whatsoever to play, and we're all just derps who get lucky and aren't actually good, cause it's just Peach. And that skill from this game comes due to how many buttons you press. At least, that's what it ALWAYS sounds like. :\ If you've ever watched an Armada match vs a Fox, you'd know that she requires IMMENSE skill and precision in inputs to be able to play that MU at even a mid-high level. This is my only response to this, because I don't want to go down this road again.
@Nintendude: There was one friendliy in the stream recording where Bones was using Peach, and you Fox, I believe, which is what Bones linked to. @ 1:47:00
@Ryobeat: FD is a stage I like vs Sheik as well, but it's kind of do or die there. We juggle her pretty well, but in return, we don't have platforms to escape from downthrow (which is kind of useful). In general, though, I think FD favors us more, because she suffers more from the lack of platforms than we do. I just want to emphasize two things that Atma said (very good stuff on Sheik, btw <3). Mobility during defense (a really big thing for Peach is abusing her ability to stay mobile while defending, through good use of WD), and crouch cancelling. You will, more often than not, be able to catch bad/mediocre Sheiks with a lot of crouch cancel downsmash, and while it's a really bad habit to spam this (I kind of loathe to say this), if you find that these Sheiks you're playing cannot deal with it, ABUSE IT. Against proper spacing, crouching > shield, and then moving from there, is more often than not a better option.
I like the thing about buffering DI when you wavedash, too. And of course, don't float for any period of time, and try not to jump too much vs Sheik. And 90% of the dash attacks you want to do, should be grabs instead. Throw her towards the ledge, or uthrow (sometimes, you get illegitimate follows on their preemptive DJs with uairs, or you just get a uair if they don't DI. Sheik is above you, this is good).
@Quaz: As I hear it, Armada was sick-ish at Pound 4, but for the most part, I think it was a decent representation of the MU, at least. I'd like to see Armada play against more NTSC Sheiks (KK), cause he has it waaaaaaay too easy.