I had a long(-ish) post but my internet went down and I effectively lost all of it, so this is going to be short(-ish) (like my attention span atm).
I'm really starting to dislike Spak as of his last back and forth with Kary. I don't have a specific reason besides that right now as it might just be a gut feeling, but all of his posts in that part just seem like he's trying to make it seem like he's doing something relevant while not actually contributing.
I'm also just really disliking Rake. In my opinion, he hasn't really explained his reasons for anything besides saying "I find something this way and you should too" without giving reasons as to why or even trying to convince anybody. He's probably the person I'm disliking the most at the moment, and he needs some pressure.
Shun Goku Satsu Rake
if you could answer my questions that'd be great.
Okay, but can you explain, please? And, like, actually explain? You and gheb both have been very closed and diplomatic with your answers (Gheb more-so, which you pointed out, but still). And, while I understand there may be reasons behind it, we're getting dangerously close to deadline and I'd like some explanation.
So, what's your opinion of Spak, then? Are you leaning more to town or more to scum?
Also, Kary, did you ever explain your vote?
Anyway, my vote has been on nobody for long enough.
Vote: Rake