Sang, why did you ask Gheb about his read on Ryu? I am just wondering why mentioning your read on Gheb was your first priority, especially since you see me vs gheb as T v T.
I asked about his read on Ryu because he stated that he was banking on you and Ryu being scum but didn't really explain why, and I wanted his opinion on the matter. To the rest, what do you mean?
See, this is something that I feel would = Sang possibly seeing that Gheb isn't really looking to observe Spak here but instead try to force his 'off-topicness' as something odd. Sang, why have you not returned to that line of questioning? Did this affect your read on Gheb, and if so how? Why did your scum lean of Gheb disappear, while you did agree to some of my case on him.
I mean, that was also near the top of page 4 and therefore early on D1, so I didn't come back to it because other things happened that I saw as more important. It doesn't affect my read on Gheb because I'm used to getting those answers from him, at least in the early game. My scum lean of Gheb disappeared because of reasons I have already explained. His D1 play concerned me and I wasn't sure about him, and at that point he was more likely to be scum than many of the other players, IMO. If you're talking about your case from D2, I agreed with them then because it was based almost entirely on D1 which, I agree, was scummy. My opinions of his slot have since changed because of his play yesterDay and toDay.
It is. How does that change your read?
It doesn't, really. As I said, it was a weak point so it's not the basis for my read on her.
#HBC | Kary
I think this is Ranmaru explaining in his own words why him vs Ryu is SvS. Do you people agree / disagree?
I don't necessarily think that it's him explaining why it's SvS unless you're looking at it from the standpoint that Ran is scum. It's more explaining why it's at least TvS.
Like I said, I consider it pretty likely that Dietz is the 3rd scumbag alongside Ranmaru and Ryu so it's not like you'll need to show me any big arguments as to why he should be lynched. His defense for Ran in #1179 is extremely ****ty. But you know ... it's lylo which means that a mislynch will lose us the game so you gotta understand that I'll prioritize lynching my top scumreads if possible.
Ranmaru is individually the scummiest player. I don't even need quotes or massive posts to back that claim up anymore. He went from reading J as town to lynching him back to reading J as town and starting to throw **** at the people that actually provided a reason to lynch J. How much more obvious does it get? If you want Dietz lynched before that, that's OK but I have precious little comprehension for your town!Ran read. Ryu's 'push' on Ran [and vice versa] have been all talk-no action and I don't think Ryu has ever made it clear who his other scumreads are. At this point both slots are fishing for town credit upon the other player's scumflip hoping to make the best out of he situation.
And as things stand both slots have an excellent chance of getting lynched toDay. The way I see it it's mostly up to Chibo to add the majority vote on one or the other because both Ryu and Ran look like they have 3 players willing to lynch them.
I completely agree that his vote on J and his actions late in D2 are scummy, but I liked the rest of his play from D2, specifically just him trying to get people to interact and talk. I think Ryu's 'push' on Ran is more telling than Ran's on Ryu because Ryu has been keeping that up since D1 on Soup's slot, into D2 and back to D3 without really doing much of anything with it. And, as you say, Ryu hasn't really stated who his other scum reads are. Maybe I just have a blind spot here, but I don't get the sense that Ran is scum.
If you want Dietz lynched I'm the wrong person to talk to. I won't be the one that a Dietz lynch will fail because. You don't need to convince me. What you're ought to do is convince ... everybody else. Not sure why you haven't done that considering you haven't pushed for anybody else's lynch.
I am trying to convince other people, but there's kind of this agreement now that Dietz may be the final scum and I think many others are in the same boat as you of not wanting to mislynch, so people are just ending up sticking to their strongest reads (I, myself, am doing the same). So, it's making it a little difficult. [Plus, this isn't really an excuse, but I've been working on packing and moving, so I haven't really had much time to do anything else.] I guess it is going to end up coming down to Ryu or Ran, but I don't know if we will have that one swing voter of Chibo.
I still want Dietz, and I think that we could easily get enough people for that; we maybe enough for Ryu. At this point this game just seems dead. We have, what, 2 players that aren't posting? And another that only posts occasionally? We need 4 to lynch, so we're kind of limited in our options. I'll be here probably around 10pm EST, and maybe in and out on mobile if I can swing it, but I have to leave now for a few hours. I'll try to do more when I get back.