So I just moved to CFL a week ago (was previously in TX fortworth area) and noticed the lack of smash. I live between fullsail and UCF and attend fullsail. I'm going to be trying to promote more smash here and hopefully get some big weekly smashfest turnouts. I'm holding one today and there's going to be around 8-9 poeple, but we have no room for more. If somebody has a place to host smashfests I can most likely always bring a crowd as long as we got a place to hold it at. Currently the smashers here are pretty new to the game, but I feel like that's great. Everybody has to start somewhere and you never know if you're teaching the next mang0. If anybody is interested in hosting smash fests or already hosts them hit me up! c:
Hm, it really depends on which Smash game you'e talking about. I've learned that the Smash Community is LARGE here in Orlando but it is game specific. Melee and PM are the most popular and most played. Unfortunately, Brawl isn't as big.
So, yeah, maybe CFL is lacking Super Smash Bros. Brawl but it isn't lacking Melee and Project M. Personally, I prefer Project M, then Brawl and Melee.. Well, I'm not a big fan of that game and wouldn't bother touching it.
As for Smashfests, it is spotty. There are groups that hold their own Smashfest with their own groups, it sounds like, such as Corby. You're going to have to speak with him on inviting 9 or something people to his apartment. I'm down to participate for whatever.
There is a guy named Cherry (forgot his full username) who is currently hosting #SmashTheRecord. He is planning on doing weeklies soon where everyone can meet up on Thursdays and he does monthlies. Orlando is pretty active. You just have to talk to the right people.
Welcome to CFL, by the way. Hope you're enjoying your time here (I used to go to Full Sail, taking online classes). As you can see, we're mildly active on this thread.