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TV-Allstar Mafia | Game Over! Mafia wins!

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
theres DEF siblings and i bet hando is the unlynchable one and that gheb took the idea from ff7 because i personally know that that was one of his favorite setups. comparison cop flip makes a town v siblings v scum setup more plausible i think

governor wouldnt save hando

vig needs to take care of our hando problem tonight. not worth a lynch

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
indy siblings like you and ronike? WOuld gheb put that in a game with such a small amount of people?
or town/scum siblings?

Hando why didn't you die?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
I know flavor arguments are weak, but the flavor suggests some sort of unlynchable ability on hando's part as well. He WAS shot, rather than pardoned. However, by his own prowess, he survived the shooting. Also agreed that there is likely a vig. (just look at the death flavor. Both Blue Yoshi and Nix died by beatings, whilst KevinM was brutally murdered.)


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
I was going to be V/LA through the deadline and told Gheb I was gov'ing whoever got lynched because Day 2 was ******** and the last I checked people were wanting to wagon yoshi still when I thought he was town. Thanks.

I'm Judge Judy btw.

vote: marshy

townie: macman, steel, nick
scummy: marshy, scumfever
neutral: cacti, hando, ronike

don't think there's a vig because Jack-of-Trades probably had a vig shot; think there's an SK instead

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
total bull**** claim xiivi needs to die hard and he needs to die now

he pushed the hando wagon all day then saved him? okay scumscum

probably has a buddy in his neutral list

dunno what kind of siblings gheb would put. however with the boss power roles (joat and comparison cop. maybe a doc considering n1) im considering indy siblings. they might also be nerfed but i dont want to test that and would rather vig shoot hando

sad that the vig didnt shoot hando last night

more xiivi votes

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
xiivi yu shud die anyways for using such a crappy power

govern yurself this time


#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
I was going to be V/LA through the deadline and told Gheb I was gov'ing whoever got lynched because Day 2 was ******** and the last I checked people were wanting to wagon yoshi still when I thought he was town. Thanks.
you started the blue yoshi wagon. he claimed prematurely. nothing is convincing about that


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Unvote Vote: Xiivi

Im not even going to pretend I have read up, but note that §teel was the only one on both wagons.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Vote Count:

Xiivi: 4 (Marshy, Macman, Nicholas1024, Ronike)

Not voting: §teel, Cacti, Scumfever, Handorin, Xiivi

Takes 5/9 to lynch



Where's my Jameson?
Mar 30, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
xiivi baby im sorry but i just dont believe it cutie if you're a gov where was the twilight? vote xiivi

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
vig hit hando/steel tonight depending on xiivis flip

vote xiivi



So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
fyi, marshy is scum and just pushed his suspicion on me cause N1 he tried to kill me and it didn't work; similar to what he did vs frozen in sleepover mafia :p

so don't let him live if you want to win town :D

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Final Vote Count D4:

Xiivi: 5 (Marshy, Macman, Nicholas1024, Ronike, §teel)


Another quick turn of events happened: in no time our heroes - without seeming to care too much about their friends killed in the night - made up their minds about whom they would lynch. Together they walked up closer to Xiivi and began to shout:

"You are the traitor!!!"

Xiivi tried his best to run away but eventually they cought up to him ...

Xiivi (The Brain the Bulletproof Sibling) has been lynched!

After The Brain has been lynched another strange person crept up into the middle of our heroes: it was Pinky - the only friend The Brain ever had. The two of them were trying to take over the world ever since they woke up in their laboratory. Even though The Brain cnsidered Pinky merely a tool to make his evil plans come true they have grown fond of each other over the years - to an extent that they always kept appearing as a duo evey time they've been seen...

...and now his partner has been killed. Having lost the only friend he ever had Pinky no longer could see a meaning in his own life...

Handorin (Pinky the Bulletproof Sibling) has commited suicide!

A strange feeling spread among our heroes - on the one hand they had finally managed to kill an enemy yet it was not what they were looking for. They were looking for those who killed their friends and it were certainly not those two little mice. They tried to take over the world and thus were a threat to the good guys but they were not able to commit all those murders.

The evil ones were still alive and still among them as they laid to rest for another night...

Day3 ends!
Night 3 begins
Night actions due 13th January
No posting at night!


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
The last days have not gone well for our heroes. They have lost several of their most important members but only managed to kill three mice. They felt that they were about to run out of time soon enough - a terrifying thought that was about to come true. After waking up again there was yet another one of them killed....

Nicholas1024 (Dr. House) the Doctor has been brutally murdered during the night!


Suddenly our heroes realized that they no longer had the majority. There were 3 of them left - just as much as the mafia! They gathered all their powers to make the best out of the situation but they couldn't do anthing about it - they lacked the numbers to lynch anybody and it was only a matter of time until they ran out of stamina to withstand the power of the evil ones.

Scumfever (Charlie Harper - Vanilla Townie) has been endgamed
Ronike (Walker - Vigilante) has been endgamed
Macman (Will Smith - Vanilla Townie) has been endgamed

After the last townie has died the mafiosi have finally revealed their identity!

Cacti (Dr. Evil - Mafia Roleblocker) has survived
§teel (The Shredder - Mafia Goon) has survived
Marshy (The Ghostfaced Killer - Mafia Staker) has survived

Game Over - Mafia wins!


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008

Alright, thanks for playing everybody. This turned out to be the fastest 13 player game EVER and I hoped this quickie was fun enough for you to play. It was the first mafia game I hosted and it was well worth the effort even though I wished the game would've gotten the time to unfold because I think the set-up was really well balanced. I learned a lot about hosting games and how much I dislike flavour.
One thing I'm sorry about is how easy it was for Macman and Marshy to outguess me - I have talked too much about my view on mafia as a game in AIM conversations it seems.

Here are the role PMs:

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, SwordsRbroken. You are Angus MacGyver, from "MacGyver" played by Richard Dean Anderson.

You are the Jack of all Trades. There are 3 devices in your possesion. Each night you may choose to use one of them:
Device A: Investigates a player of your choosing - you will get either "Innocent" or "Guilty" as a result.
Device B: Protects a player of your choosing from nightkills.
Device C: Makes you immune against all night actions.

To use a device send me a PM during the night phase and write the name of the device you want to use that night and its target in it. After using it the device will break apart and you may not use it again.

You are Town Alligned and you win when all threats to the town have been eliminated


Poor Swords :(
The quicklynch was one of the biggest mistakes and also a huge reason why town lost this game. With him being quickhammered by another townie (who got vigged right afterwards) town has already lost two players and got no info at all in exchange. I really which that it wouldn't have happened because the game's true balance would've had a chance to unfold.
The main point of this JoaT was to give an alternate investigation result to the Comparision Cop - to support him with an "absolute" investigation result. An additional protection and immunizing against Stalking / Roleblocking would've also been immensly useful.

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, Ronike. You are Walker, from "Walker Texas Ranger" played by Chuck Norris.

You are the Vigilante. Each night you may send me a PM titled "Vigilante Night Action" to kill a player of your choosing by posting "Kill: [player]" in that PM. Unless any interferences occur that player will be killed.
You are Town Alligned and you win when all threats to the town have been eliminated


When I randomized the roles I was happy to see a veteran player getting his hands on such an awesome and important power role. In this setup however it backfired more than it helped because Ronike is an obvious target for the stalker. Marshy - having the utmost respect for Ronike as a player - stalked him in the very first night. This is unfortunate but since I wanted the roles to be random there was nothing I could do about it.

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, KevinM. You are Horatio Caine, from "CSI: Miami" played by David Caruso.

You are the Comparision Cop. Each night you may send me a PM titled "Cop Night Action". Send me the name of two players in that PM. Depending on the allignment of these players you will receive either "Same allignment" or "Different allignment" as a response. You are not allowed to send your own name in the PM to compare another players allignment with your own.
You are Town Alligned and you win when all threats to the town have been eliminated


The Comparision Cop is my favourite unused role and was one of my favourtie parts of the setup. 2 siblings and 3 mafiosi gave plenty of possible results. Backed up with the investigation of the JoaT and the deduction skills of a player like Kevin this would've been one the most interesting aspects of the game. But of course Kevin is also a major target for night actions - so much that he never even got the chance to investigate anybody: Roleblocked in the first night, killed in the second. I really wanted to change that when I randomized the roles because I felt two obvious night targedt with MAJOR power roles would be unfair to town but I didn't do it in the end and I still think it was the right decision (even though the game didn't get the chance to fullyunfol in the end).

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, Nicholas1024. You are Dr. Gregory House, from "Dr. House" played by Hugh Laurie.

You are the Doctor. Each night you may send me a PM titled "Doctor Night Action". Send me the name of a player in that PM. Unless any interferences occur this player will be safe from nightkills that night.
You are Town Alligned and you win when all threats to the town have been eliminated


Nick seems to be a good choice for a doc - not a huge target for night actions but still good enough a player to not get lynched. Ideal attributes for a doctor. I don't know why he did it but he protected Ronike all 3 nights. Ironically Ronike was never targeted for a kill so even though he protected the vigilante THREE consecutive nights it never helped. A reliable Doc nonetheless.

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, Blue Yoshi. You are Spongebob, from "Spongebob Square Pants".

You are a Vanilla Townie.

You are Town Alligned and you win when all threats to the town have been eliminated


BY didn't get to see a lot of action. The anti-town fractions forced him to claim D2 then he got vigged N2.

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, Scumfever. You are Charlie Harper, from "Two and a half Men" played by Charlie Sheen.

You are a Vanilla Townie.

You are Town Alligned and you win when all threats to the town have been eliminated


Believe it or not but Scumfever actually was in this game! He just was V/LA for about 5 days - turned out that this was almost half of the game he missed. I wonder what he'll think when he reads through this XD

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, Macman. You are Will Smith, from "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" played by Will Smith.

You are a Vanilla Townie.

You are Town Alligned and you win when all threats to the town have been eliminated


I don't know how but he pretty much called all the mafia with almost no info at all! One of the most reliably active and thus one of my favourite players. Thanks for joining. Good **** outguessing me :embarrass:

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, Nox2100. You are Hannah Montana, from "Hannah Montana" played by Miley Cyrus.

You are a Vanilla Townie.

You are Town Alligned and you win when all threats to the town have been eliminated


I don't know what to say but I don't think there's anything positive I can say about Nix' performance. Quickhammering one of the most important townie PRs as a townie 3 days after the game started was a massive blow for the town - losing a PR, getting vigged and leaving the town with now info for D2 was fatal. When D2 started it was literally D1 again except that town lost 2 players and one of them was an important PR. Blame it on Epic Mafia :mad:

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, §teel. You are The Shredder, from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".
You are the Mafia Boss (Goon). As such you have the responsibility of sending the night-kill PM to me each night. In this PM you will confirm to me who the target of your night action is and who of the mafia will execute the kill. If you die Dr. Evil (Cacti) will be in charge.
Furthermore you are allowed to communicate with your fellow Mafia members Marshy (The Ghostfaced Killer, Stalker) and Cacti (Dr. Evil, Roleblocker) at any time. Instant messaging is recommended and you are required to send me all transcripts.
You are Mafia Alligned and you win when you have an undeniable majority over everybody else (or nothing can prevent this).

Safeclaim: Neo from "The Matrix" played by Keanu Reeves is not in this game.


The mafia had a rather easy time this game after N1. Knowing Ronike's identity as the vig and being in a good position overall made things pretty easy. Steel was more or less the mafia hitman (even though I call him Boss / Goon in the PM) and it seems he was mafia with marshy before (in tourney sleepover) so he probably knew how to play alongside him. The result is a pretty much flawless performance.

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, Cacti. You are Dr. Evil, from "Austin Powers" played by Mike Meyers.

You are the Roleblocker. Each night you may choose to roleblock a player by sending me a PM titled "RB Night Action". You have to post "Roleblock: [player]" in the PM to execute this command. By doing so the targeted player will be unable to perform his night action in case he has any. Furthermore you are allowed to communicate with your fellow Mafia members Marshy (The Ghostfaced Killer, Stalker) and §teel (The Shredder, Goon) at any time. Instant messaging is recommended and you are required to send me all transcripts.
You are Mafia Alligned and you win when you have an undeniable majority over everybody else (or nothing can prevent thisble )

Safeclaim: Captain Jean-Luc Picard from "Star Treck: The Next generation" played by Patrick Steward is not in this game.


Cacti was V/LA during most of the games like Scumfever. The quickness of this game made it possible for him to "coast" through 2 days straight - some way to win! XD

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, Marshy. You are The Ghostfaced Killer, from "Scream I - III".

You are the Stalker. Each night you may choose to stalk a player by sending me a PM titled "Stalker Night Action". You have to post "Stalk: [player]" in the PM to execute this command. By doing so you will learn about the role of that player. Furthermore you are allowed to communicate with your fellow Mafia members Cacti (Dr. Evil, Roleblocker) and §teel (The Shredder, Goon) at any time. Instant messaging is recommended and you are required to send me all transcripts.
You are Mafia Alligned and you win when you have an undeniable majority over everybody else (or nothing can prevent this).

Safeclaim: Jack Sparrow from "Pirates of the Carribean" played by Johnny Depp is not in this game.


The stalker is one of the most powerful mafia roles and marshy is one of the most powerful mafia players. The result was a really mafia sided result in a relatively balanced setup - with Ronike as obvious target he found the vig the very first night already, which allowed mafia too much control over the game. If I wanted this game to be played out perfectly I probably would've changed that but I felt obligated to randomize all roles.
I feared that the Stalker could be overpowered (especially in a closed setup) but keep in mind that mafia had 2 bulletproof independent players, a vigilante, a JoaT, a Cop and a Doc to deal with so I thought it'd be fair to allow to give mafia some control.

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, Xiivi. You are The Brain, from "Pinky and the Brain".

You are in Mason with Handorin (Pinky). You are free to communicate with him at any time during the game. Instant messaging is recommended and you have to send me all transcripts.
You are one time Bulletproof. You are able to survive one lynch or nightkill during the game. Afterwards you can be killed or lynched like every other player.

You are Independently alligned and you win when both you and Pinky are the last men standing. If one of you dies the other will die too.

Safeclaim: Ash Ketchum from "Pokémon" is not in this game.


Xiivi has to be the most unluckiest player in this game. After the quicklynch D1 he got (pretty much randomly) shot at N1, which was already a massive blow to the indy masonry. As if it wasn't enough Marshy decided to stalk him the next night considering Xiivi survived the kill. That and the fact that I made a mistake with the flavour pretty much screwed their chances to win. I really wanted the indymasonry to last until late in the game but it never got that far :(

Gheb_01 said:

Welcome to TV-Allstar Mafia, Handorin. You are Pinky, from "Pinky and the Brain".

You are in Mason with Xiivi (The Brain). You are free to communicate with him at any time during the game. Instant messaging is recommended and you have to send me all transcripts.
You are one time Bulletproof. You are able to survive one lynch or nightkill during the game. Afterwards you can be killed or lynched like every other player.

You are Independently alligned and you win when both you and the Brain are the last men standing. If one of you dies, the other will die too.

Safeclaim: Pikachu from "Pokémon" is not in this game. Your partner's safeclaim is Ash Ketchum allowing you to claim Town Mason.


It seems like I made a mistake (Ronike pointed it out) - I used the work "bulletproof" when both Xiivi and Hando were more than that. It is stated in their role PM but nobody else was aware of this: Both of them could survive one kill attempt, lynch OR night kill. Hando got (pretty much) rule #1 lynched D2 which revealed his ability. Marshy - after stalking Xiivi - immediately figured out that there's a sibling team and - after shooting Xiivi N1 - got Xiivi lynched which put an end to the indymasonry.
I feel that the independent fraction was a major part of the game's balance. Having 2 Bulletproofs made a Vigilante and a Stalker plausible and at the same time it would allow for a vast amount of options in regards to the comparision cop. Deep in my heart I wanted Pinky and The Brain to take the whole world!


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
~Night actions:~​


Nick protects Ronike (succesful)
KevinM compares Macman and Marshy (roleblocked)
Marshy stalks Ronike (succesful)
Cacti roleblocks KevinM (succesful)
Ronike kills Nix2100 (succesful)
Steel kills Xiivi (BP hit)


Nick protects Ronike (roleblocked)
KevinM compares Macman and Marshy (killed)
Marshy stalks Xiivi (succesful)
Cacti roleblocks Nick (succesful)
Ronike kills Blue Yoshi (succesful)
Steel kills KevinM


Nick protects Ronike (killed)
Marshy stalks Scumfever (succesful)
Cacti roleblocks Ronike (succesful)
Ronike kills §teel (roleblocked)
§teel kills Nick (succesful)



Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Nix, you've replaced Hando for Rule #1. I don't care if you're town or scum, you should be lynched immediately. You completely submarined town this game. :mad:


Where's my Jameson?
Mar 30, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
lay off nix, and i'm not even saying that because scum had an easy win. town failed more than just on d1

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
if kevin/ronike weren't roleblocked...
town didn't really fail besides nix... All that was bad was d2 inactivity. Which wasn't even that bad since we did hit indy that day. So yea, it was more like nix fails/you guys got lucky with roleblocking d1 and did your nightactions perfectly


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Well sorry I didn't do better, especially since I had marshy pegged since day 2 (for wrong reasons, but nonetheless), so yeah.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Nix, you've replaced Hando for Rule #1. I don't care if you're town or scum, you should be lynched immediately. You completely submarined town this game. :mad:
says nicholas the impeccable scumhunter

this goes for everyone: keep your **** to yourselves. blame yourself for all of your losses and get better at the game.

congratulations to the mafia on their win!


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
the sibling indy team needs to win by being last man standing, but they have no nightkill. therefore, shouldnt they be considered survivors? then, you cannot use the "there are no survivors" blanket rule.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
says nicholas the impeccable scumhunter

this goes for everyone: keep your **** to yourselves. blame yourself for all of your losses and get better at the game.

congratulations to the mafia on their win!
Sorry. Extremely frustrated ATM by Cowboys-Eagles game. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: etc.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Holy bajeesus this game is short.

Ouch @ quickhammer Day 1.

I lol'd when Marshy's eyeroll emote basically halted the wagon on him. XP

Interesting read. I don't think I've ever read a game where there were no posts that actually had more than like, 10 lines of text. XD
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