@DrinkingFood - can either of you figure out the chain jacket by the frame data? i tried to do it in frame advance but wasnt able to get it to any reliable capacity
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- what i do usually is go for whichever throw is better since sheiks throws have slightly different release points that are favorable over the other, the short version being to bthrow fox falco wolf falcon roy mk lucas diddy zss, but otherwise to dthrow everyone else (this is assuming that i ignore throwing for position instead), i wavedash to where the opponent lands, and then either tech chase or jab jab and then tech chase, the first jab being for the reset, the second to disrupt SDI. this generally brutally murders the entire cast except the pseudo fastfallers (mk roy diddy lucas specifically) because if the opponent does no DI on the throw it usually sends them too far for WD to cover tech in place without giving the opponent access to ASDI > disrespect option. so for a basic example, i grab roy at 30, ignore throwing for position, and bthrow. on no DI, the throw to a combo is no good, but the distance roy goes is still too far for sheiks WD, so tech in place > dtilt becomes very hard to reactively challenge. if the opponent is ******** and DIs bad or always tech rolls then sure sheik eats them, but this has not been my common experience vs those characters at higher level play.