The problem is that we have trouble budgeting less than a few hundred bucks, much less $900. That is attributed to my dad being both a drunk and the type that orders fast food despite food being ready in the freezer (mostly due to him wanting to save time to watch sports and general laziness). Even when we had saved up a few hundred, we spent them on fireworks. Also, building was what I was planning to do. The problem comes from the fact that I don't have any money since I don't have a job. The reason is because my birth certificate is located in downtown Cincy and even though we were going to get it, it keeps getting put off. At that rate, I won't have a job until who knows when.
Another problem with job hunting is I live in Mack, Ohio. That place is in the middle of nowhere and there are very few locations within walking distance besides the store chain according to
areavibes. I don't have a driver's license yet and I have been putting it off since I get nervous easily, my vision isn't good, and I need a GPS to get anywhere that isn't a straight shot. Hell, most of the stores we go to are either around Cheviot or Glenway, which is 15-20 minutes away.
TL;DR version
1. Budget issues due to lazy drunk
2. Building was what I was gonna do
3. Birth certificate is downtown and getting it was put off 3 times and counting
4. Currently jobless and no driver's license
5. Hardly any stores within walking distance of my house
As for the build itself, I was thinking of future proofing.
Tri Band AC3200 Routers I'm trying to compare: