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The Probable Character Roster 1.0 - Next edit: Before or After E3? You decide!

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Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something

Due to unfortunate circumstances, the rest of the edits may be later.

Before I start with anything else, I would like to thank my two assistants for helping me with this thread. GoldenYuiitusin and Super Smash Bros. Fan, so questions can also be directed towards them instead of just me, making it even less of a “My roster” thread and more of a community based roster. I would also like to thank Homelessvagrant for making the original thread during Brawl.

Welcome to the Probable Character Roster 1.0! The first version of it, and the only Pre-Smash 4 version. The version will not be updated to 2.0 (Or any further) until we get to E3. This roster in it's Pre-Brawl edition will not have as many edits nor as much detail (and more characters, at first)

First question's first: What makes this roster so different? (At least for now) We're analyzing all newcomers on a large scale that will be edited once a week (I don't have all the time in the world) – I will be putting the edits down below.

I encourage everyone to participate and urge you all to come in here for discussion and debate, and as always, I encourage everyone to stay sane and not jump down to petty insults.

If there's something you don't agree with or have an idea, feel free to tell me. I hope you all enjoy

Before we start, here's a few general rules I'm uptaking:

-Once a Week Rule: I can't update this for every time someone wants to point out something wrong, so updates will be done once a week, with a post dedicated to what's changed and whatnot.

-The Percentage Rule: Just because I have fancy percentage numbers doesn't mean jack. For starters, in the original thread, quite a few unpopular or lesser choices made it in. This is less of a rule and more of a thing. Focus on their placement more in correlation to the color and what I (Along with any future edits) have to say.

-The Japanese Rule: If a character is Japanese only, they'll have a lesser chance of being in Smash 4, as unfortunate as it is.

-The Copyright Rule: Third-Parties are a sketchy one to present and that's why few will be shown on this roster to begin with. It's already hard enough to place a percent on these guys: Making a percent on something that's more “Yes or No” is even harder.

-Flavor of the Week Rule: This applies more to on-going RPG series like Pokemon and Fire Emblem. They may be considered higher because of what I like to call “Flavor of the Week” but at the same time, this holds as a disadvantage (Especially in the case of possible newer games/Overpopulation rule)

-The Overpopulation Rule/Completed Series Rule: This is both a pro and a con. I would like to thank ToiseOfChoice for this one from the first Smash 4 thread. (He can explain this far better than I ever can) While some characters would be able to complete their series, they also may not be included due to bringing the roster up from other series. Also, lesser series are possible to not have more characters than a bigger series.

-Modest Rule: Sakurai's a modest man, so he may not represent his characters much like others.

-”Better seen elsewhere” Rule: This applies to very few characters, but possible contenders may be seen better off as Assist Trophies, Bosses, Generic Pokemon, or somewhere else better in the game.

-The “Programming vs Artist” Rule: Some characters are hard to program, but thankfully, this doesn't apply to many.

- - - - - -

For this version we've got a color code with the pictures:

Blue = In

Royal Blue = Shoe-ins/Highly Probable

Pale Green = Highly Probable

Lime = Quite Probable

Yellow = Decent Probability

Orange = Slightly unprobable

Red = Unprobable

- - - - - -

Ridley = 95%
"I must be playable. I MUST!"

We all want him. Who doesn't? Frankly, I'm still a bit shocked he wasn't in Brawl as playable. Being the second most requested character by North America for Brawl, mentioned after Brawl's release, and ranked high up on the Japanese Brawl poll. I had a hard time thinking of disadvantages for this guy, so 95% chance in, and 5% chance for team stupid. Who's with team stupid?

Advantages-I'm actually not considering poll charts too much on this, but his popularity is more than noticeable.
-He would easily bring apart more Metroid representation
-Completed Series (He would fall in to complete his series)
-He would easily bring a character that people would want to play as to the game. He was even memorable as a boss.
-Programming vs Artist rule.

K. Rool = 91%
"I've been waiting for this for a long time. Soon Donkey Kong, and his own Island, will be no more."

I'm actually shocked I'm putting him up this high. High? Sure. This high? Well, whatever, we've got to start somewhere, right? He's been relevant to the Donkey Kong franchise and they've had a newcomer as of last time. With the series making a return (...that was terrible) after Brawl and being one of Nintendo's highest franchises, I can hardly think of reasons to not complete it.

-He actually has nothing from Brawl that could close his case any other way. No boss appearance
-Completed Series (He would fall in to complete his series)
-He comes from a series that's more probable to have a newcomer than many of the others, to say the least.
-He's still relevant as of recent games.

-The inclusion of Dixie in the original seven (Though, tag team)
-He hasn't appeared in the recent games (A very weak argument considering Retro still even commented on him)

Mewtwo = 88%http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE-iQGRYZ1s"I've got nothing except peanuts and dip. You like that, right? RIGHT?!"

Oh my... Here we go. This is always an iffy subject for me, and what's even weirder is I actually called this one being cut. With the base he has for wanting to come back in though, and in Brawl him and Lucario only sharing two moves, I can say I like his chances more this time.

-He's still a very important part to the Pokemon series
-With Gen Six showing itself and so far our only icon being a possible new form of Mewtwo (Or something else) I can't see why they would replace it.
-Mewtwo has already shown up in a Smash game before.
-With Pokemon being a big series, there's a pretty big room on this slot
Disadvantages-Programming vs Artist rule
-Flavor of the Week

Megaman = 87%
"...I've got nothing. Not even peanuts."

Why not? Okay... So maybe Capcom and Nintendo haven't had the biggest relations lately. Let's just go over this fast.

Advantages-He was mentioned after Brawl's release. I don't remember the exact mention, but hey.
-He actually started out on Ninetndo, and is continuing (Didn't his releases start with Nintendo's shop first?)
-He easily is Capcom's #1 rep.
-Highly requested.
-Much like Ridley, he would for sure traction interest.
-The Copyright Rule, once more.

Tales/Tekken/Pac-Man/Whatever on a Namco Rep = 87%


Namco Bandai and Nintendo having good partnership lately is also nice, sans the part of "Oh look, Namco Bandai is helping. Joy." I really can't see a character not appearing, especially after stated interest in the Tales series. The question is who?

Advantages-Recent releases (Tales of the Abyss 3DS, Tekken Tag 2, etc)
-Namco Bandai is helping with the game
-Shown interest
-Few Third-Party company opposistion
Disadvantages-The Copyright Rule, sadly.

Isaac (Or Matthew) = 86%http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-atoCNumFyo
"I'm just awesome and silent. More silent, but still awesome."

Now here's a character that's worth talking about and still very debatable. He appeared as an Assist Trophy for Brawl and has had one game come out since then along with a hopeful other. It has nice support, and it's one of the very few major fully fledged Nintendo franchises to become playable, but will that be enough?

Advantages-New Series that did manage to make popularity
-he did make an appearance in Brawl.
-The series has shockingly came back (after that long wait)
-He's easily a character that would traction interest
Disadvantages-He has other characters to possibly compete against for new series. It depends on whether the Roster focus is on adding more new franchises or completing certain series.
-Dark Dawn's sales were lackluster compared to the other two, to say the least

Roy = 85

"Hey come on, I can have blue hair too. Hair surgery doesn't cost that much, right?

I'm actually shocked he got as far into completion as he did. Well... this character is something. How much does Flavor of the Week rule matter here? And Japan Only with Awakening now? Personally, if this were just me, I could see Chrom/Robin more but hey, he has his fans.

Advantages-He's been in Smash before, and not just completely for a clone for Marth
-He was planned for Brawl and has had pretty big support to return
-He (much like all the other lords) still returns in Awakening
-He wouldn't be that hard to include
Disadvantages-Flavor of the Week
-Only in Japan (Not fully, but his game)

Shulk = 83%
"The Monado... I hope I can figure out the secret of its power one day."

Already close to the the end of the 80's. Shulk doesn't have much against his favor, but not exactly much for either. Frankly, I'm just glad Xenoblade (along with the other two Rainfall's) came to the U.S.. The question is all on the roster.

Advantages-His game for sure did quite well
-He would easily make an interesting character: Heck, his game is already about 200
-He's for sure a more important part of Nintendo's Wii era.
-Easily one of the better chances on a new party character
Disadvantages-Has other characters competing against him. Really, once more, it all depends on the direction of the roster, but I wouldn't be shocked to see this guy at all.

Bowser Jr. = 80%
"I'll get you mean man Mario!"

We're getting more and more into heated. Soon we'll be in improbable, won't we? He brings a lot of interest either way to his discussion, but many questions come up for and against him. Let's just see what he has.

Advantages-He's for sure been around in more appearances and important as well. Hell, asides from Super Mario 3D Land and Kart 7, he's in every 3DS Mario game. Honestly... he was actually pretty cute in his Sticker Star appearence for those of you who have played that.
-He's had heavy plot important roles before
-The Completed Series rule (Though this goes both ways)
Disadvantages-The Overpopulation Rule: With Brawl only having four Mario reps, it could easily stay that way.
-Other candidates around.

Palutena = 80%
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COgGsetFrCM "That's a Fashion Crime!"

I finally got myself to picking up a copy of Kid Icarus, which is good so I'm actually decent at talking about some stuff later on down the list. While playing it, she's really the only one that appears up in through most of the game asides from Kid Icarus and holds importance in the first two games (I'm only on Chapter 10 right now so be careful with spoilers; though if something spills I don't mind) but is it enough to pull her in?

Advantages-Kid Icarus has recently revived, and with nothing disappointing in it either.
-A lot of personality set upon one character
-With very few series left to go and even less that have a newcomer to establish from while more are being completed in Smash, it does help her a lot.
Disadvantages-Sakurai's Modesty
-Just because the series is back (Unlike Shulk where he's one-shot or saac's being a series) doesn't mean it's fully back.
-She was in as a Final Smash last time, though, much like the other disadvantage, this really doesn't hold much to her


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Something else Pokemon = 80%
As we go down the list gets more heated, to say the least. I don't even have music on this one. This one is more like a placeholder, and really, it's a hard one to tell. Pokemon is probably my least favorite series to even talk about. I'm usually the odd one out with the opinion on this but let's just go over it.

Advantages-Pokemon is for sure one of the bigger series and the only of two series to have five reps in Smash.
-Flavor of the Week
-We haven't seen enough of 6th Gen to determine a true mascot, though, that goes both ways.
Disadvantages-Overpopulation Rule (Really, Mewtwo/PT/Jigglypuff/Pika / Maybe return Lucario could easily be done)

(I'll be editing the rest tomorrow and on other days)

Toad = 76% http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x45UCIPcJHQ "I'm literally scared of everything in Luigi's Mansion. How can I not be playable?!"

Here's an interesting one: One of the very few as well that roots all the way back to Melee, unlike MANY others on this list. It's always a debate between him and Jr, but with how big the series is, we could even see both, really. He comes with a lot on both edges of the table.

Advantages-He's for sure had recent roles. Being playable in most of the NSMB games sure does help.
-The Completed Series rule
-Still being shown as relevant and being one of the longer lasting characters of the series
Disadvantages-The Overpopulation Rule
-Other Candidates around
-His role is... debatable, to say the least.

Chrom/Robin = 76%http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfvY1S-j67k"We won't lose another good person because of Grima. We won't!"

From seeing as much as I can, Fire Emblem isn't as Flavor of the Week as people think it is. Marth and Ike are easily coming back to the roster, so it's all about Roy versus Chrom (Or Chrom with Robin. Or Robin. Or... You get the point.) - One has appeared in Smash and was planned again, the other is new. One has only appeared in Japan outside of Smash, the other is wanted into Smash. Really, I can't decide. Which is strange because last time I was pretty convinced it would be Ike/Marth/Maybe a third Rep (I was banking on Roy or Micaiah, for those curious) but most likely Ike/Marth. It's the same way with the pokemon series. Eh, whatever, let's see what this has.

Advantages-Being the main character of the newest FE helps; especially since we hadn't seen much of the franchise lately. It's boosting in popularity as well.
-Customization is interesting. (This is more to Robin)
-Flavor of the Week
-Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Robin appeared in multiple games?
Disadvantages-Much like Pokemon, it's a stretch to see how this is repped
-With SMT x Fire Emblem at least undergoing and a new game already in the works (Plus hey, a remake of Roy's game hasn't been booted out) and all the lords returning, it's not looking the best.

Retro Character Goes Here (that isn't Sukapon or Takamaru) = 74% http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YL5Q4GybKWc
Silly Roster guessers. Retro characters don't have lines!

Okay, so Sukapon I see more as a WTF entrance later (I'll go more into detail on him later) and Takamaru really depends... The thing about this is we're likely to see another retro character. The question is who. I mean, we have Muddy Mole, Balloon Fighter... Unfortunately I don't know much about this, and to make matters worse, Sukapon and Takamaru are really the only two who have gained traction, but here we go anyways.

Advantages-Ever since Melee, there has always been a Retro character
-There's still many Retro games out there.
-After seeing how Mother Characters, Fire Emblem, and now Kid Icarus have done after their releases gaining more traction for said series, it makes us even more likely to see a restyled Retro character.
Disadvantages-Takamaru and Sukapon
-With a less big Roster on the front this time around, nobody ever said we need to see one.

Little Mac = 73% http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niFtq9r1OA8 "I successfully have the worst picture on here. Score!"

Being from another revived retro franchise (I still need to get it; such few Wii games left. I'm so close to completing my Wii collection...) and being an Assist Trophy before that. Awesome. Though, with the new series competition, it doesn't really help him.

Advantages-With little series left to complete and some that have even a question of being complete, the newer direction could be to adding more franchises
-His game has appeared back
-His request rate is still nice.
-He was still included as an Assist Trophy last time.
Disadvantages-Worst comes to worst. I can already have a bit of a hard time seeing both Shulk and Isaac make it, and in most cases, I really can't see what brings this guy to be higher than them.

Once again, it really depends on a direction. Moving on!

some zelda rep

Takamaru = 70%http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwSEhll_rPk"Screw those other Hack and Slash characters. I'd be better!"
NOW we're diving into improbable. It was pretty hard to order these characters from here on out. This guy certainly has support. Is it enough to make it in?

Advantages-With other franchises already showing up in Smash, a revival for Takamaru isn't too far out there
-Samurai Warriors 3, Captain Rainbow, and Nintendo Land appearences.
-The most popular Retro (Though this doesn't mean much when talking Retro's)
Disadvantages-Japan Only rule
-Other Retro's to pick from.

Isa or Saki = 68%

"I could just post the entire soundtrack here."

Welp, we dive into the theater of "Characters I don't think are likely to make it in but might have some chance anyways." What's interesting about this was Isa was the only character mentioned on popularity, and now that we've seen this series go fully over here, it's even more plausible. Will it happen? It's a 50/50, really. All depends on direction. Oh, and I still need to play this game.

Advantages-The series has been revived, and before it was mentioned upon request.
-All games are now in the U.S.
-Sakurai even mentioned Saki fitting.
Disadvantages-The ever-changing protagonists make it a bit harder to pick
-Even more competition on newer series.

Any Other Fire Emblem Character = 57%http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJiySijrBAw
"Maybe I can get Blue Hair Surgery too!"

So... I don't know. I really don't. Personally if you were to ask me? No no no no no no and of course, the ever fabulous no, followed along by maybe. Though hey, with new directions possibly headed in certain franchises and that happening in Brawl, I guess this is plausible. Keyword: Plausible, not necessarily possible.

-FE is a big series, and with it about gaining 3 reps, a 4 or something else with Ike/Marth is slightly possible
-The future of FE looks bright.
-Flavor of the Week franchise
-Much competition


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Samurai Goroh = 58% (I color derped)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsVFdLs4pRY "My theme is awesome."

I would have a quote but I haven't played F-Zero GX in forever. Man F-Zero is so much fun. I don't like it as much as Diddy Kong Racing and Crash Team Raci- wait this isn't where I talk about racing games I like. It's where I talk about probable characters. Here we go.

Advantages-Being an Assist Trophy in Brawl certainly doesn't hurt him. Quote me on this, but I think we'll see at least one character that was an Assist Trophy be deemed playable into Smash 4.
-The Completed Series rule (Which actually doesn't work against him too much)
-F-Zero is still a running franchise (Wasn't there a possibility on a sequel?)
-Being the most important character to his series
Disadvantages-Brawl might have been his chance. It's a hard cookie to discuss.
-We don't know how much of F-Zero Sakurai wants us to see.

Dixie Kong = 57%http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mspjf4cACiY"Here I am... wait..."

Considering the series has revived back and she has still made a debut to some other games, it's nice. Being part of the Forbidden seven helps, but we aren't sure if that was meant to be with Diddy or not. Still, this is one of the few series I can see getting another character, I guess. I'm not fond of her much (Neither as a character nor her chances) but once again, it's probability, not coolness.

Advantages-Still one of Nintendo's Flagship series-Forbidden 7
-Complete Series rule
-We don't know what way the Forbidden 7 was.
-Has surely lost interest
-Could be seen as unneeded.

Sukapon = 63%

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qJsA_Dpr-0 "I'm Nintendo's first fighting character. How can I not appear?!"

At least some music, seriously, at least that. You can not tell me you DON'T want to Smash to that song. I don't know how he's escaped this long. He got good Brawl poll results, and Melee, and fits either as a WTF or as a Retro, but unfortunately he has his disadvantages. It's a shame as we dive in further and see good choices.

Advantages-His flexibility allows him either as a WTF or as a Retro, really.
-He was Nintendo's First Fighting game. He would be easily respectable and he does play a part in the history (Especially since Joy Mech Fight, sans the rule of getting people out of the ring, plays very close hand-in-hand to Smash)
-He's been one of the Retro characters to be noticed more
-He's unique; that's for sure.
Disadvantages-Japan-Only rule.
-Programming vs Artist rule. Think Ridley's hard already? Just google up this guy.

Dillon = 53% http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivvt0NDD2N8"Russ, let's do this!"

Well here's an interesting one. He's a rootin tootin cowboy! It's actually kind-of depressing. As we move down the list, most of the last ones on here would probably be some of the more interesting characters to Smash, but I just can't see it. The only other new franchise (at least I think) asides from Isaac to have two games, and to top it off, a 3DS version makes this seem better. Though, for those of you who know my personal picks, I'll probably called out on bias for this and the next three. It's a coin flip. I can at least see him getting some music and an assist trophy. He could even replace Isaac as that well.

Advantages-Unlike other new series, he's even been shown as a major important part of the 3DS
-He would be interesting
-With less series to be complete, it depends on the direction
-At least at the time of posting it, both his games are eShop... ouch.
-The competition between Little Mac, Isa, Isaac, and Shulk is already pretty bad for him. Though hey, I don't put these characters in.

The Masked Man = 48%http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTiLBXsFRW4"I must not be ignored!"

Frankly, I'm shocked I'm putting him above two others, but it's about the same down at this point until we hit 28. So this character is easily one of the top in his series, horrah! Mother fans rejoice! At the same time, for a series that was questionable to have two Representative to begin with and the developers had problems with both Mother 3 N64 and Mother 3 GBA, and with a less character based roster along with this series being deemed as complete, this guy is more downlodaable content material if anything. I could talk more, but let's just go over this guy fast.

Advantages-No opposing competition (Where-as a lot of other series has this)
-Would complete the series
-With Earthbound heading on, it would surely make at least a port of Mother 3 more plausible.
-With Sakurai intending a Mother 3 lean to begin with since the beginning of Smash Bros, it's certainly nice. To top that off, he even ranked high on both polls from Brawl; that's saying something (Esp given that the Fan Translation wasn't done before that)
Disadvantages-Japan-Only rule.
-Mother being... small certainly doesn't help it with overpopulation
-It could be considered completed as is.
-Sakurai's Modesty. This isn't one of Sakurai's characters, but he is a modest man.

Paper Mario = 46%http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRXKF3lMh8k"46? Woohoo, disco time!"

I feel a bit biased as I tried to be as modest as I could with this placement. The Mario RPG series is a favorite of mine and I have 100%'d all the games except Sticker Star three times. No joke. I'm practically a nerd on this. Paper Mario on his own has had four games in an overall bounding continuous series of nine games that have actually all gone well. Plus, with him as a character, it gives people a chance to play as Koopa or Goomba without actually resorting to something as low as that. It could happen, it could not. If it does, hopefully the potential won't be wasted. If not, life goes on. Still, there needs to at least be a stage and some more music. The lack of representation last time was inexcusable, and now with four new games (and possibly even more) it would b e more-so.

Advantages-He would bring a unique character onto the roster, that's for sure.
-We've had another variation of Mario before.
-He would get some high wanted/more popular Mario characters out of the way if he were to use them as a partner
-Literally four games
Disadvantages-Sakurai may not want another Mario
-Toad, Bowser Jr., and then some more

Krystal = 45%http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKKWHL0XdNc "Help me!"

Well this is a weird one. It's weird now that time has passed seeing how some characters have got a complete role reversal. Characters such-as Claus, Krystal, and other FE reps are seen down as less likely, where-as Isaac and Takamaru have surely shot up. It really feels like I'm just doing the probable character roster from Brawl backwards. Enough about that.

She's surely more important than Falco in the series, and last I remember, one of the few that Sakurai has mentioned (Got that from the last thread). The problem isn't overpopulation as much as it is a lack of Star Fox, but doing more Star Fox has been mentioned, and is possible to see at E3. Gah, I don't know. I'm conflicted, really. I think I get a headache from just thinking about her. If there was a time to boot Falco for her, it would have been Brawl, so now I'm even more confused. It's funny how series I was sure about and series I wasn't are COMPLETELY swapped around this time.

Advantages-Completed series rule
-She was actually requested from Brawl (Though once more this goes to many other characters)
-One of the few popular characters left
-Still holding a major role to other games in the series
Disadvantages-Overpopulation Rule
-It's also possible for us not to see more Star Fox (I still don't even knwo what was up with like, 90% of the Wii rumors)
-Star Fox already has quite a bit of characters.

Waddle Dee = 39%http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST3BH4EUHFM

"Silly rabbit, Return to Dreamland is for awesome."

So funny story time: I actually got this at the same time as Ratchet All 4 One and Skyrim making my copy of this game free at a B2G1 free two years ago. Asides from Ratchet, it's easily my favorite. I'm actually close to a mastered on Backloggery. Oh, right, this forgettable thing. He'd make an interesting spear user, but for a series that is already more complete arguably than anything else on the Brawl roster and Sakurai's Modesty... I just can't see it. Hey, Assist Trophy?

Advantages-He's for sure been playable
-No other true competition
-Sakurai's modesty
-The series can easily already be seen as complete, and to be frank, probably the most complete one after Brawl's additions.

Captain Syrup (Or a WW character) = 35%
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgmGxoGJzN8"Syrup is goooooood"I still don't have Shake It much like Punch Out, but I know she appears. Game & Wario has been out along with Wario games. To be frank, I see this just staing the same, but it depends on what complete for this is. Does that mean it'd go WarioWare? Or WarioLand? A newcomer from both? (even more unlikely) So many questions pop up just from "How abotu a new Wario rep"?

Advantages-A Wario Rep woudln't be too far off a table, especially with seeing new Wario games by the bundle in platformers now along with a lot of Minigame Wario
-A second Wario rep would for sure be interesting in gathering traction to the series
-Could be seen as complete
-Doesn't really... add much.

Kamek = 30%http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8NGKE-jRFs"I'll make all of your stickers into... Slippers!"

The only real candidate for the Yoshi series. Contrary to popular belief, I would actually like to see him, and with two new games, it's very plausible he ends up as the main villain on both fronts. Really, it's either this or bust. He was hilarious in Sticker Star

Advantages -Many recent appearences and love
-Would complete the series
-Would for sure be interesting. Hey, we do have a gliding mechanic.
-Yoshi could already be seen as complete
-Debatable importance.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
List of the past weeks:

May 18th-23nd: (First week)
Ridley (95)
K. Rool (91)
Mewtwo (88)
Megaman (87)
Namco-Bandai (87)
Isaac/Matthew (86)
Bowser Jr. (84)
Roy (83)
Shulk (81)
Gen Six Pokemon (80)
Palutena (80)
Samurai Goroh (78)
Chrom/Robin (76)
Retro Character That Isn't Sukapon Or Takamaru (74)
Little Mac (73)
Ghirahim (Or Toon Zelda/Tetra) (71)
Isa (68)
Any Other FE Character (65)
Sukapon (63)
Takamaru (61)
Dixie Kong (57)
Dillon (53)
Masked Man (48)
Paper Mario (46)
Krystal (45)
Waddle Dee (39)
Captain Syrup or Mona (35)
Kamek (30)
Black Shadow (22)


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
how about the probability of Kamek? probably somewhere along the lines of yellow to lime as a yoshi rep, but orange as a mario rep, but I'd like to see other people's opinion.

suggesting characters is how this works, right? um, if not, just ignore this please. :/


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
how about the probability of Kamek? probably somewhere along the lines of yellow to lime as a yoshi rep, but orange as a mario rep, but I'd like to see other people's opinion.

suggesting characters is how this works, right? um, if not, just ignore this please. :/
I'm open to suggestions until I add 20-30 later this week, and even then, I'm still open to suggestions!

Kamek's still on there as one of the last ones. The only reason I haven't added everyone is because I'm very busy tonight, unfortunately. I'm still welcome for commentary despite that though.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
This is my personal opinion, but I think Shulk has a slightly better chance than 81%. But that is just me.

Palutena is another big hitter I take it you will be covering?


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
I'm open to suggestions until I add 20-30 later this week, and even then, I'm still open to suggestions!

Kamek's still on there as one of the last ones. The only reason I haven't added everyone is because I'm very busy tonight, unfortunately. I'm still welcome for commentary despite that though.
alright, I wasn't too sure how this worked, thanks for clarifying!


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
This is my personal opinion, but I think Shulk has a slightly better chance than 81%. But that is just me.

Palutena is another big hitter I take it you will be covering?
Right after Shulk for sure. I actually really enjoy Uprising, so I'm honestly hoping for more Kid Icarus representation.

It's not that I don't like new characters, it's that I hold about a worm in a tail idea as to what direction Sakurai is going (whether completing series or adding newer chars)

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Right after Shulk for sure. I actually really enjoy Uprising, so I'm honestly hoping for more Kid Icarus representation.

It's not that I don't like new characters, it's that I hold about a worm in a tail idea as to what direction Sakurai is going (whether completing series or adding newer chars)
Makes sense. Although i'm sure Sakurai would be able to do both this time. The pool of potential characters isn't all that expansive.

I think as a plus for Shulk, you could add that Xenoblade Chronicles was one of the best new series that Nintendo has produced, in a console generation that didn't see much new stuff.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Makes sense. Although i'm sure Sakurai would be able to do both this time. The pool of potential characters isn't all that expansive.

I think as a plus for Shulk, you could add that Xenoblade Chronicles was one of the best new series that Nintendo has produced, in a console generation that didn't see much new stuff.
As another plus, Isaac was still included as an Assist Trophy, so it's very possible he was highly considered and I really wouldn't doubt that. I agree about the pool being bigger. I'll consider raising Shulk in the next update (Anyone else has any two cents?)

That is actually a point I can agree with you on. Asides from new IP's, not much happened in the world of Nintendo, especially console wise. I actually own most of the 360/PS3/Wii exclusives and just from looking at my shelf it was more Mario/Kirby/Zelda/Wii ___. I'm actually shocked I came up with that many advantages for him in the first place. If he or Isaac get trailer'd, I'll probably put one of them up (This is exciting with Trailer being around the corner and possible)


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
shouldn't megaman be above the namco rep so the peanuts joke will make more sense? i mean, since they have the same % and all...


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
I feel as if Roy has more disadvantages than that. Don't you think that his game being old should be a disadvantage? Or the fact that he wasn't in brawl so sakurai must not care about his inclusion too much. Just saying Roy seems awfully high. Also I'd say both Chrom and palutena are probably in the top ten. Also megaman being a third party character whos company isn't involved in making smash should be far lower. How did you get the percentages?

Deleted member

A couple of advantage for Mewtwo to add is his massive clamor to return and that he was planned for not only Brawl, but for all three games in the series.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I feel as if Roy has more disadvantages than that. Don't you think that his game being old should be a disadvantage? Or the fact that he wasn't in brawl so sakurai must not care about his inclusion too much. Just saying Roy seems awfully high. Also I'd say both Chrom and palutena are probably in the top ten. Also megaman being a third party character whos company isn't involved in making smash should be far lower. How did you get the percentages?
If you think being old is a disadvantage then we might as well cut half of the roster now.

The fact that Roy was PLANNED for Brawl means a lot.

I think Chrom's somewhere in the high teens while Palutena will probably be 11-13.

Megaman is the most requested charcter PERIOD. He has a good chance.

Also, thirdkoopa, I see no Little Mac on here. Do you think he has a lower chance than the characters you already talked about?

Fun read by the way. Eagerly awaiting the rest.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I hate threads that try and use % when they have no idea how likely a person actually has

Cool Daddy Booty Funk

Smash Cadet
Jan 13, 2013
Kind of unfair for both Mewtwo and Roy to be labeled as "flavors of the week." Mewtwo is a huge gen 1 rep, instead of being the new gen V or gen VI like Genesect or Zoroark . Personally, I'd consider Lucina or Chrom more as "Flavors" instead of Roy.

Also, another disadvantage for Ridley should be "better seen elsewhere," because he's already been in the game as a boss, and could be very fitting as an assist trophy. I'd love him to be playable too, but a 95% might be a little high of a percentage.

I also think the percentages are a little weird, because they're mostly based off of the opinions of three people, but all in all a nice read, excited for the rest.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Here we go

I feel as if Roy has more disadvantages than that. Don't you think that his game being old should be a disadvantage? Or the fact that he wasn't in brawl so sakurai must not care about his inclusion too much. Just saying Roy seems awfully high. Also I'd say both Chrom and palutena are probably in the top ten. Also megaman being a third party character whos company isn't involved in making smash should be far lower. How did you get the percentages?
...I'll cover those when I get to them

A couple of advantage for Mewtwo to add is his massive clamor to return and that he was planned for not only Brawl, but for all three games in the series.
I actually didn't notice this. Could you get a source up?

Also, thirdkoopa, I see no Little Mac on here. Do you think he has a lower chance than the characters you already talked about?

Fun read by the way. Eagerly awaiting the rest.
Yes, but I for sure think he holds a chance. I'm not sure how well Punch-Out! actually did (Unfortunately I still don't have it as well; thanks for reminding me to get it) but he's got a chance.

I hate threads that try and use % when they have no idea how likely a person actually has
And what other indicator is better? % is fun and I see nothing in particular against it. I guess it doesn't work for some characters and some cases. I'll probably be switching things up as we get closer.

Feel free to just ignore the % and listen to what there is more on the character instead. Hell, in the old probable character roster thread, a lot of the characters in the upper sixties to the lower eighties made it.

Like, I don't even know what gain there would be to removing it.

Kind of unfair for both Mewtwo and Roy to be labeled as "flavors of the week." Mewtwo is a huge gen 1 rep, instead of being the new gen V or gen VI like Genesect or Zoroark . Personally, I'd consider Lucina or Chrom more as "Flavors" instead of Roy.

Also, another disadvantage for Ridley should be "better seen elsewhere," because he's already been in the game as a boss, and could be very fitting as an assist trophy. I'd love him to be playable too, but a 95% might be a little high of a percentage.

I also think the percentages are a little weird, because they're mostly based off of the opinions of three people, but all in all a nice read, excited for the rest.
Flavor of the Week is talking about an in-general thing. That doesn't mean Roy and Mewtwo are Flavors of the Week (Only popular for a while) - It means that their franchises might be considered that, especially considering they're the only two constantly updating Protagonists/series.

That is a good point. I actually did list on K. Rool that the lack of inclusion makes things better. I bit my fingers on the 95 as well. Honestly, 95 is probably too high for anyone. Even 91 on K. Rool is pushing it.

The percentages? Not even the other two had a say before I posted it, but once again, editable. I do want to have this more community oriented than even the three I know; it's just that I'm only updating it once a week since I already have thread issues and I'm a bit busy with other stuff running in my life.

edit: Though once again, the percentages are totally acceptable to ignoring. I'll put that at the front page.

edit2: I think that's enough for the night from me. I'll be back hopefully with a morning serving of more to analyze on your favorite characters who didn't quite make the top ten cut.

edit 3: Oh, just one more thing for people who don't resee these two new things I set on the front page

-Once a Week Rule: I can't update this for every time someone wants to point out something wrong, so updates will be done once a week, with a post dedicated to what's changed and whatnot.

-The Percentage Rule: Just because I have fancy percentage numbers doesn't mean jack. For starters, in the original thread, quite a few unpopular or lesser choices made it in. This is less of a rule and more of a thing. Focus on their placement more in correlation to the color and what I (Along with any future edits) have to say.
There we go. Think that covers all questions and thoughts for now.


The Depraved Optimist
Jun 23, 2012
San Marcos, Texas
Chibi Robo,
lotsa stickers and some trophies in Brawl.
Original concept for the game by Bandai, but the project was taken over and completed by Shigeru Miyamoto.
Nintendo owns the ip and all the games are on nintendo systems.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
If you think being old is a disadvantage then we might as well cut half of the roster now.

The fact that Roy was PLANNED for Brawl means a lot.

I think Chrom's somewhere in the high teens while Palutena will probably be 11-13.

Megaman is the most requested charcter PERIOD. He has a good chance.

Also, thirdkoopa, I see no Little Mac on here. Do you think he has a lower chance than the characters you already talked about?

Fun read by the way. Eagerly awaiting the rest.
Oldness of a game of course plays a role. To an extent. I don't mean that it is the only factor which you seem to assume whenever I say anything. But anyway if oldness were not a factor than the retro characters than what about pokemon from 3rd gen? What about gooey? What about the black knight? What about nearly every retro character out there? What about skull kid? These characters are not really considered due to them being old. It doesn't really change how prevalent they were to the series at the time but now they aren't. Age is definetly a factor. Think about the existence of the retro rep that everyone brings up. What is the definition of a retro rep? Something that is old and now can be brought back for nostalgia! When it comes to age there are 3 stages that I can see. There are the current things that are currently being used in games, there is the unrelevant characters that were once relevant to their series but due to their age have faded in relevancy to the series and overall popularity, and there are retro characters that are old enough to be brought back for old fans, though these are usually the protagonists of classic games. Roy currently sits in the unrelevant stage in fire emblem AND in smash bros. Ike sits in the unrelevant stage in fire emblem, but he is still current in smash bros so his situation is different. The fact that Roy wasn't considered important enough to add to the roster in the end means a lot too.

As for megaman, he has a chance due to being a highly popular character, but since he is part of a company not even affiliated with the game his chances can't possibly be that high. I do think they are a bit higher since capcom does like to see its characters in crossovers. Wasn't megaman in street fighter vs. tekken or something like that?

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Noler.... I swear...

Oldness of a game of course plays a role. To an extent. I don't mean that it is the only factor which you seem to assume whenever I say anything. But anyway if oldness were not a factor than the retro characters than what about pokemon from 3rd gen? What about gooey? What about the black knight? What about nearly every retro character out there? What about skull kid? These characters are not really considered due to them being old. It doesn't really change how prevalent they were to the series at the time but now they aren't.
Gooey, Skull Kid, Black Knight were forgotten because they weren't really important to each of their respective series as a whole. Not because they are old. 3rd Gen got represented with Rayquaza as a boss which really is an honor.

Besides look at K.Rool! He's one of the most requested characters and he hasn't appeared in quite some time! Age doesn't matter (unless they're a minor :troll:). What matters is popularity.

What is the definition of a retro rep? Something that is old and now can be brought back for nostalgia! When it comes to age there are 3 stages that I can see. There are the current things that are currently being used in games, there is the unrelevant characters that were once relevant to their series but due to their age have faded in relevancy to the series and overall popularity, and there are retro characters that are old enough to be brought back for old fans, though these are usually the protagonists of classic games. Roy currently sits in the unrelevant stage in fire emblem AND in smash bros. Ike sits in the unrelevant stage in fire emblem, but he is still current in smash bros so his situation is different. The fact that Roy wasn't considered important enough to add to the roster in the end means a lot too.
The forbidden seven really were intended to be in the game. You know that right? Sakurai said that he had more characters that he wanted to include but couldn't due to time constraints. Mewtwo and Roy were at the top of this list as they had the most data in the game (out of the forbidden seven).

Marth,Roy and Ike are favored much more by IS and Nintendo. They were the ones who Nintendo used to advertise FE13. They even called them Fire Emblem allstars! They are revelent to Fire Emblem. Besides, Marth wasn't relevant to FE when he was put in Melee.

OAs for megaman, he has a chance due to being a highly popular character, but since he is part of a company not even affiliated with the game his chances can't possibly be that high. I do think they are a bit higher since capcom does like to see its characters in crossovers. Wasn't megaman in street fighter vs. tekken or something like that?
I guess Sonic had next to no chance amirite?

Deleted member

I swear, people keep forgetting that relevant and important are basically the same thing.
As for megaman, he has a chance due to being a highly popular character, but since he is part of a company not even affiliated with the game his chances can't possibly be that high. I do think they are a bit higher since capcom does like to see its characters in crossovers. Wasn't megaman in street fighter vs. tekken or something like that?
I don't think that Namco Bandai being affiliated with the company necessarily helps the chance of one getting in. Like everyone else, they still have to go through Sakurai and even if the respective third-party agrees to have said character in, if Sakurai doesn't want the third-party character, he will say "no". That's why I consider Pac-Man to be the most overrated potential newcomer (at least on GameFAQs where many people ridiculously overstate his chance), because people forget that Sakurai has the final word on third-parties (plus Pac-Man has competition with a Tales rep).

Not that I agree that Mega Man should be placed as high as he is, but if we are going to make a case to remove Mega Man from "Highly Probable" (who has the most going for him when removing the Namco factor), then a Namco rep needs to follow suit.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I believe the chances of a Namco rep are 50/50. Though I agree that Sakurai has the final say, I have a hard time imagining Sakurai saying no to a Namco rep if they beg him Kojima-style.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
Noler.... I swear...

Gooey, Skull Kid, Black Knight were forgotten because they weren't really important to each of their respective series as a whole. Not because they are old. 3rd Gen got represented with Rayquaza as a boss which really is an honor.

Besides look at K.Rool! He's one of the most requested characters and he hasn't appeared in quite some time! Age doesn't matter (unless they're a minor :troll:). What matters is popularity.

The forbidden seven really were intended to be in the game. You know that right? Sakurai said that he had more characters that he wanted to include but couldn't due to time constraints. Mewtwo and Roy were at the top of this list as they had the most data in the game (out of the forbidden seven).

Marth,Roy and Ike are favored much more by IS and Nintendo. They were the ones who Nintendo used to advertise FE13. They even called them Fire Emblem allstars! They are revelent to Fire Emblem. Besides, Marth wasn't relevant to FE when he was put in Melee.

I guess Sonic had next to no chance amirite?
First of all I'd like to say that those really gay first liners you have been throwing out a lot are so unnessesary. Just dispute my points.

They WERE important to their series.

King K is a bit different because he gained the role as the donkey kong main antagonist. He may have faded but since he does have such an iconic role to the series in general, he is brought up more.

You think I'm so dumb I don't think the extra characters were supposed to be in brawl. That's like the point of having extra characters... So I'm really not that dumb. But still no matter how much they were considered, THEY DIDNT MAKE IT. They are not in brawl whatsoever. If sakurai cared about Roy that much, he would have made a way to stick him in the game. But he didnt.

Good point.

I don't know how many times I have to say this. STOP TAKING EVERY THING I SAY TO THE UTTERMOST EXETREMES. did I ever say megaman was unlikely? I said he didn't deserve to be that high because he is third party. Nintendo can't just march up to capcom and demand the character. It's pretty damn hard to get a third party character. I'm sure sonic was not a sure bet either. BUT I NEVER SAID HE HAD NEXT TO NO CHANCE.

Deleted member

I believe the chances of a Namco rep are 50/50. Though I agree that Sakurai has the final say, I have a hard time imagining Sakurai saying no to a Namco rep if they beg him Kojima-style.
Namco going to Sakurai is pretty much how I see one getting in (just like how I see Sakurai going to Capcom if we get Mega Man and not the other way around).

I could see Namco pushing hard for a Tales rep given that there has been interest expressed in having one by the Tales producer (and it's not hard to see why Namco would want one, since the Tales mechanics has similarities to Smash's). Pac-Man is possible to, but considering that the same company expressed interest in having a Tales rep but nothing on Pac-Man yet, I wouldn't be surprised if Namco's choice was a Tales rep.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
First of all I'd like to say that those really gay first liners you have been throwing out a lot are so unnessesary. Just dispute my points.
But I love my homosexual one liners.... :troll:

They WERE important to their series.
Gooey and Skull Kid were only important for one game. Not really their series.

Black Knight is the only one I'm iffy about. I guess you're right about him.

He may have faded but since he does have such an iconic role to the series in general, he is brought up more.
Isn't this why Roy is brought up so much?

He's iconic and popular. One of the best known lords. Right up there with Ike, Lyn and Marth.

You think I'm so dumb I don't think the extra characters were supposed to be in brawl. That's like the point of having extra characters... So I'm really not that dumb. But still no matter how much they were considered, THEY DIDNT MAKE IT. They are not in brawl whatsoever. If sakurai cared about Roy that much, he would have made a way to stick him in the game. But he didnt.
By this logic, Sakurai doesn't care about Mewtwo that much either, I guess.

I never said or implied that you were stupid. Ignorant maybe. But not stupid.

I don't know how many times I have to say this. STOP TAKING EVERY THING I SAY TO THE UTTERMOST EXETREMES. did I ever say megaman was unlikely? I said he didn't deserve to be that high because he is third party. Nintendo can't just march up to capcom and demand the character. It's pretty damn hard to get a third party character. I'm sure sonic was not a sure bet either. BUT I NEVER SAID HE HAD NEXT TO NO CHANCE.
I was joking....

That's why I said "amirite?"

Jeez. Calm down dude.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
This is an excellent list, and I generally agree with it and its odds 100%. My only complaint is an unusual lack of Little Mac. I think his support and odds, especially given recent relevance of the Punch-Out!! series should bring him to at least 80%. I for sure see him more likely than a Namco rep, but honestly I don't have any complaints outside of that.

Pretty logical list, really.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Ridley was laughed at by Sakurai, LITERALLY when he was asked about him being playable, and he's somehow the most likely? I don't know. I also think Mewtwo being considered flavor of the month is kind of boosh. Isaac/Matthew are also second party characters, which ave never been playable in Smash before. I also think the "overrepresentaion rule" shouldn't be applied to Junior since, in Melee, 5 of the 26 playable characters were Mario characters. If Doc didn't over rep that franchise on an even Smaller roster, how would Junior over rep it on a roster larger than Brawls was?

Also, are these top ten SOLID, or fluid? Because, I don't know about Zoroark/Gen VI Pokemon being number 10.

Vintage Creep

Smash Master
Oct 8, 2012
Silent Hill
How did you make these calculations? Seems like a random number you slapped there to make it look more official.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Pokemon is a second party franchise so we have had quite a few.
Yeah but Pokemon is owned 96% by Nintendo currently, so, yeah.

And, you can't really compare Golden Sun to Pokemon.
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