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The Most Experienced Link: Classic Link Discussion Thread!

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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Yeah, but the overall design as well. The way he carries his shield, his face. Just everything. Honestly, if he'd look decently himself, and had pink hair I would find it awesome. But this...


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Now that I think about it, his sprite in LttP looks similar to the Minish/Picori.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Diddy, you're kind of confusing me. You are talking about his SNES sprite right? Or are you talking about his model in the 3DS game? I'm kinda lost here, sorry... ^^;

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
SNES spirte yeah. Sorry, could've explained that better. This Link already looks 1000 times better.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Oh I see then, but if you dislike his design in the SNES game, why do you want to see it as an alt in smash? ^^; Sorry if I misunderstood you again...

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
I thought about this guy being in Smash Bros back last November. Glad to see that others have considered him, too.

Personally, I prefer to call this Link "Downfall Link", as the name "Classic Link" would be better fitting for the Link that starred in the first Legend of Zelda for the NES, and Zelda II: Adventure of Link. Alttp is also the first game in the Downfall timeline.

Some moveset ideas:

Downfall Link should use the Cane of Somaria as his Down B move.
After swinging the cane and summoning the block, characters could stand on it or carry it like an item.
Link could also detonate it like a bomb by pressing Down B again.

I imagine his three smash attacks being based on the medallions from Alttp.

Forward Smash: Bombos Medallion.
Link swings his sword around him in circle near the ground, while fire blazes after it. Also hits opponents behind Link.

Up Smash: Ether Medallion.
Link stabs his sword skyward, followed by a sudden cold flash. Has a slight chance of freezing.

Down Smash: Quake Medallion.
Link does a short hop upwards and then crashes down with his sword pointed to the ground. The impact shakes the ground around him and releases some bolts. Has a slight chance of burying opponents.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
I really like Classic Link... and Toon Link... while a new character would be fun, I think an alternate costume fits him better.
Dec 29, 2012
I believe the older Link (next A Link To The Past on 3DS) could be the version we see in the 3DS Smash Bros 4, while Skyward Sword Link is the one we see in the Wii U Smash Bros 4.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Wait... are you sure the NES Link isn't the classic one?

They're certainly from the same timeline that's branching off from Ganondorf's success, but I don't think they're the same incarnation of Link.

Timeline: According to the wikia, A Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Link's Awakening, Legend of Zelda, and The Adventure of Link are all part of the same timeline (and occur in the order I listed).

Having Classic Link would be kind of interesting, then we'd get a Link from each of the three different Zelda Timelines. That's pretty awesome... and pretty excessive. :)

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Personally, I prefer to call this Link "Downfall Link", as the name "Classic Link" would be better fitting for the Link that starred in the first Legend of Zelda for the NES, and Zelda II: Adventure of Link. Alttp is also the first game in the Downfall timeline.
Wait... are you sure the NES Link isn't the classic one?
I think the name Downfall Link sounds a bit too complex for the average smash fan/casual gamer who isn't too familiar with the Zelda series. The name Classic Link keeps it a bit simpler. I prefer to call NES Link Retro Link but honestly, in the end it doesn't really matter what we call ALttP Link since he's probably going to get a different name such as Light Link, Second Link, Bunny Link or whatever. I mean we referred to Toon Link as Wind Waker Link during Pre-Brawl but he ended up with the name Toon Link in Brawl anyway. (Of course assuming they would go with ALttP Link this time as the next Young/Toon Link in smash 4)

For now Classic Link is just the name we currently go with when referring to ALttP Link. But if you prefer to call him Downfall Link or anything else then feel free to do so. It's just a nickname in the end. ;)


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
I thought about this guy being in Smash Bros back last November. Glad to see that others have considered him, too.

Personally, I prefer to call this Link "Downfall Link", as the name "Classic Link" would be better fitting for the Link that starred in the first Legend of Zelda for the NES, and Zelda II: Adventure of Link. Alttp is also the first game in the Downfall timeline.

Some moveset ideas:

Downfall Link should use the Cane of Somaria as his Down B move.
After swinging the cane and summoning the block, characters could stand on it or carry it like an item.
Link could also detonate it like a bomb by pressing Down B again.

I imagine his three smash attacks being based on the medallions from Alttp.

Forward Smash: Bombos Medallion.
Link swings his sword around him in circle near the ground, while fire blazes after it. Also hits opponents behind Link.

Up Smash: Ether Medallion.
Link stabs his sword skyward, followed by a sudden cold flash. Has a slight chance of freezing.

Down Smash: Quake Medallion.
Link does a short hop upwards and then crashes down with his sword pointed to the ground. The impact shakes the ground around him and releases some bolts. Has a slight chance of burying opponents.
I think I'll personally call this Link Downfall Link for now on. And Classic Link as well for people that don't know which Link I'm talking about.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
Yeah, throughout most of my life the original two NES Zeldas were the only games I play. Amazing games and both are underrated. Classic Link, to me, is the one from the Original.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I thought about this guy being in Smash Bros back last November. Glad to see that others have considered him, too.

Personally, I prefer to call this Link "Downfall Link", as the name "Classic Link" would be better fitting for the Link that starred in the first Legend of Zelda for the NES, and Zelda II: Adventure of Link. Alttp is also the first game in the Downfall timeline.

Some moveset ideas:

Downfall Link should use the Cane of Somaria as his Down B move.
After swinging the cane and summoning the block, characters could stand on it or carry it like an item.
Link could also detonate it like a bomb by pressing Down B again.

I imagine his three smash attacks being based on the medallions from Alttp.

Forward Smash: Bombos Medallion.
Link swings his sword around him in circle near the ground, while fire blazes after it. Also hits opponents behind Link.

Up Smash: Ether Medallion.
Link stabs his sword skyward, followed by a sudden cold flash. Has a slight chance of freezing.

Down Smash: Quake Medallion.
Link does a short hop upwards and then crashes down with his sword pointed to the ground. The impact shakes the ground around him and releases some bolts. Has a slight chance of burying opponents.
Why those attacks for Smash attacks and not Special moves btw?


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
I thought about this guy being in Smash Bros back last November. Glad to see that others have considered him, too.

Personally, I prefer to call this Link "Downfall Link", as the name "Classic Link" would be better fitting for the Link that starred in the first Legend of Zelda for the NES, and Zelda II: Adventure of Link. Alttp is also the first game in the Downfall timeline.

Some moveset ideas:

Downfall Link should use the Cane of Somaria as his Down B move.
After swinging the cane and summoning the block, characters could stand on it or carry it like an item.
Link could also detonate it like a bomb by pressing Down B again.

I imagine his three smash attacks being based on the medallions from Alttp.

Forward Smash: Bombos Medallion.
Link swings his sword around him in circle near the ground, while fire blazes after it. Also hits opponents behind Link.

Up Smash: Ether Medallion.
Link stabs his sword skyward, followed by a sudden cold flash. Has a slight chance of freezing.

Down Smash: Quake Medallion.
Link does a short hop upwards and then crashes down with his sword pointed to the ground. The impact shakes the ground around him and releases some bolts. Has a slight chance of burying opponents.
I actually really like these as Smash attack references. Maybe his final Smash could have him summon all of the medallions and use them simultaneously in their actual large form.

Also, I really like the Cane of Somaria idea. I'd make the block something that you can knock around the stage to make it slide into enemies and damage them, that'd be really fun.

I'm putting together a moveset now, it sounds like fun.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
This Link actually would be able to jump properly seeing as he's got that Roc's Feather.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2007
Switch FC
If he has a purple hair recolour I'm in


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Alrighty! I just made him a FULL MOVESET! I'm pretty happy with it, it basically portrays this Link as more of a Batman kind of character than a traditional Link... he doesn't even keep his sword in his hand, since he brings something different out of his belt for every single attack. I've successfully included every single item from A Link to the Past into the moveset while avoiding all of the items already used in Link and Toon Link, making it a pretty excessively fun character.

Feel free to put this in the OP!

Edit: No idea what's up with the collapse tags not working. Just pick the one at the bottom each time.

Since so many of his items come in sets of two (Fire/Ice rod, Cane of Somaria/Byrna) Link's specials allow you to choose which one you use by tapping versus holding the special. Since Link reaches into his belt/pack to use items in the first place, choosing different items is seamless and easy.​

Up Special
Link quickly dawns his invisibility cape then reappears in the direction indicated. Essentially, Mewtwo's Up+B.
Link takes out his flute and plays a quick song, summoning a bird to swoop down and carry him to safety. The bird would deal damage both when swooping to grab him and when flying away.

Side Special
Link's magical boots allow him run inhumanly fast after spending a moment revving up his feet.
Tap, STOMP: Link begins to stomp his feet to look like he's about to charge but then stops. Essentially, a feint, but it does deal damage to anyone touching his feet.
Hold, CHARGE: Link stamps in place for a second and then charges forward dangerously with his sword in front of him. He stops running when the button's released, otherwise the only thing that stops him is a wall.
(these work in air as well, making the stomping feet more useful)
Tap, BEAM BLADE: Link grabs his sword and quickly slashes forward, sending a circling ring of energy forward, disappearing when hitting anything. Both the blade swing and the energy deal damage
Hold, BLADE STANCE: Link holds his sword in front of him. After a second, a noise and a shine indicates that a spin is charged. On releasing, Link will spin around once in a damaging slash.
- If the extended blade hits anything, it will deal damage to it and Link will put away his sword (as such, the sword spin is more effective against enemies behind Link).
- While holding the sword out, Link can freely move around.

Neutral Special
Link reaches into his belt and grabs either an icerod or a firerod and then points it forward and fires it.
Tap, ICEROD: A weak but fast projectile that has a chance of freezing enemies.
Hold, FIREROD: A slower projectile that explodes on impact. The explosion is bigger and stronger the longer it's traveled.

Down Special
Link reaches into his belt and grabs either a red rod or a blue rod and then swings it in front of him for a magical effect.
Tap, BYRNA: Link summons a floating orb that circles him as a shield. If it hits anything, it deals 3% damage and disappears. Up to four can be summoned at a time, with the fifth making the first disappear.
Hold, SOMARIA: Creates a glowing orange block that can be stood upon. In the end, it's essentially a smaller and weaker version of the “crate with wheels” item that can't be broken. Activating the special again makes the block explode into four projectiles: one going up, down, left and right.

The three magical medallions start to float above Link and they release their powerful energy at the same time.
Quake: The stage starts shaking, popping anyone touching the ground into the air.
Ether: A bolt of icy energy strikes Link from the sky and he releases eight freezing orbs to shoot out from him.
Bombos: A series of explosions start igniting all over the stage. Before each one, orange energy condenses a moment before so careful players can still dodge them.

Link holds up the Magic Mirror and Moon Pearl and warps the stage into its Dark World version, cursing all of his foes into their weak Dark World forms leaving them completely vulnerable. For the next 15 seconds, enemies are left running around unable to attack at all: No Standard attacks, no specials, no items or grabs. If Link can hunt them down, he can easily KO them as they can only use their second jumps to recover.
Note, “Dark World version of a stage”: This probably just means a desaturated color filter and maybe some brown mist to make the stage look dismal.
Link uses a vast array of items to smite his enemies, ranging from his Magic Hammer to his Flippers and the Mushroom he finds in the forest. No longer is he bound to simply slash away with his sword... in fact, he hardly uses it at all!​

Smash Attacks
Up: ETHER ROD: Infuses his Icerod with the Ether Medallion. Link raises the rod into the sky and a flash of icy energy hurts nearby foes with a chance to freeze them.
Side: FIRE BOMB: Infuses his Firerod with the Bombos Medallion. Link swings the red rod like a baseball bat and on impact an explosion at the tip sends foes flying.
Down, QUAKE HAMMER: Combines his Magic Hammer with the Quake Medallion. Link slams his hammer into the ground, creating a shockwave that pops enemies on both sides of him upward.

Tilts, Jabs and Dash
Jab, SHIELD BASH: Link thrusts his shield forward to knock foes horizontally.
Up, BUG-CATCHING NET: Link waves his net above his head in an arc, softly knocking foes away.
Side, SLASH: Link slashes his sword horizontally in front of him. Straightforward.
Down, SHOVEL: He takes out his shovel and digs, sending damaging rocks up at enemies.
Dash, JUMP STRIKE: Jumps and slashes downward, like Link's N64 forward smash.
Alternately, if using his sword Side Special instead of Pegasus boots: PEGASUS DASH: Link leaps forward with his blade in front of him.

Up, MUSHROOM PARASOL: Link grabs at his belt and accidentally grabs a giant mushroom, looks surprised, but then shoves it upward anyway. Bounces enemies away.
Forward, BOTTLE SMASH: Link grabs a bottle from his belt filled with green liquid and quickly swigs from it and then swings it forward.
Back, LAMP: Link swings his Magic Lamp behind him, leaving an arc of flame.
Neutral, MAGIC POWDER: Link sprinkles a bunch of damaging Magic Powder around him that floats in the air a second before dissipating.
Down, FLIPPER KICK: Link dons his flippers and starts flutter kicking quickly.

These use his Power Gloves instead of the Hookshot to grab and throw his enemies.​

Grabs & Throws
Grab: Unlike other Links, he simply stows his gear and then grabs with his gloved hands instead of using the Hookshot.
Hit, SLAP: He slaps his enemy with the palm of his glove.
Up, UPPERCUT: Link holds the enemy up with one hand and then uppercuts them away with the other.
Forward, POWER TOSS: Link hauls the enemy above his head and bodily throws them forward.
Back, BACK THROW: Link rolls onto his back and launches the enemy away with his feet.
Down, POWER GLOVES: Link reaches down and lifts the enemy up above his head like DK's forward throw. When throwing an enemy above him, it's just like his forward throw.


Taunts and Stage Intro
1. He reads from the Book of Mudora and sings a holy anthem.
2. He plays a song from his flute
3. He takes a bottle out to drink from it, but he realizes after bringing it to his face that it's filled with a bee and he panics as it flies away.

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
Here are recolors:
palatte swaps.png

1. Default.
2. Blue mail and red shield.
3. Red mail and mirror shield.
4. Based off the palette for the small Armos Knights in Alltp.
5. Based off a palette for the boss Armos Knights when flashing after being hit.
6, 7, and 8. The color palettes for Link in the Oracle games and Link's Awakening DX.
9. Link's original Link's Awakening gameboy pallete.
10. ??? Haven't thought of it yet. It shouldn't be a shadow Link, though. That would be too...typical. Besides, the only Dark Links he encountered were the ones summoned by Veran.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Here are recolors:
View attachment 636
1. Default.
2. Blue mail and red shield.
3. Red mail and mirror shield.
4. Based off the palette for the small Armos Knights in Alltp.
5. Based off a palette for the boss Armos Knights when flashing after being hit.
6, 7, and 8. The color palettes for Link in the Oracle games and Link's Awakening DX.
9. Link's original Link's Awakening gameboy pallete.
10. ??? Haven't thought of it yet. It shouldn't be a shadow Link, though. That would be too...typical. Besides, the only Dark Links he encountered were the ones summoned by Veran.
Maybe one inspired by the color scheme of Agahnim?


Gibdo Knight
Jan 16, 2013
This is some of my opinion on it:
Personaly i think he should use the sword for the smashes, while maybe putting hammer on side smash.
And some standard attacks and aerial I feel is a little too weird.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
This is some of my opinion on it:
Personaly i think he should use the sword for the smashes, while maybe putting hammer on side smash.
And some standard attacks and aerial I feel is a little too weird.
Totally fair. :p I started out with the mission to use absolutely everything in at least a reference, but some of the things clearly are too silly. Once I started out with a character who was constantly pulling out items from his belt, I decided to just go full flung ridiculous...

So, when I say he's like a Batman Link, I mean he's more of a 1960's Adam West Batman. :p

I'd certainly change a lot of the attacks (namely the aerials) but, honestly, I care a lot more about specials and final smashes anyway. I do like the Smash attacks as they currently are, though... I like linking the firerod, icerod, and hammer to the different elemental medallions.

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
Maybe one inspired by the color scheme of Agahnim?
Yeah, that could work.

This Link actually would be able to jump properly seeing as he's got that Roc's Feather.
He'd certainly be the highest jumper of all the Links. Maybe he could even use the Roc's Cape to glide.

Since so many of his items come in sets of two (Fire/Ice rod, Cane of Somaria/Byrna) Link's specials allow you to choose which one you use by tapping versus holding the special. Since Link reaches into his belt/pack to use items in the first place, choosing different items is seamless and easy.
The idea of different moves depending on how long you hold down the button is pretty cool, but I think it would make this Link overpowered, or at least unpredictable.​

Those two Final Smashes are cool as well. I had some ideas in mind involving the three animal partners from the Oracle games, and Link playing the Ballad of the Windfish to cause a storm or something, but they weren't thought out.​
It'd be cool if there were multiple Final Smashes that you could use depending on how many smash balls you get and save up.

The standard prop-type moveset involving Link's items is a good idea and funny at times, like with the down+air move using the flippers.​


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Yeah, that could work.

He'd certainly be the highest jumper of all the Links. Maybe he could even use the Roc's Cape to glide.

The idea of different moves depending on how long you hold down the button is pretty cool, but I think it would make this Link overpowered, or at least unpredictable.

Those two Final Smashes are cool as well. I had some ideas in mind involving the three animal partners from the Oracle games, and Link playing the Ballad of the Windfish to cause a storm or something, but they weren't thought out.
It'd be cool if there were multiple Final Smashes that you could use depending on how many smash balls you get and save up.

The standard prop-type moveset involving Link's items is a good idea and funny at times, like with the down+air move using the flippers.
For the most part, the different specials have pretty similar functions... if he pulls out a rod, make sure you're not in front of him. If he pulls out a cane, he's going to do something near him. I mostly see it as how Samus has the Smash super missile versus the weaker homing missile, I think it'd be fine.

I definitely created him with A Link to the Past in mind... I loved Link's Awakening, but it's practically not even cannon. Also... the only unique item he gets is the Roc's Feather and, well, Link can already jump in Smash. :)

Also, I don't really remember the Oracle games... it looks like the multi-ammo slingshot could be fun but harder to implement.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2013
Classic Link wouldn't be bad and is his most iconic appearance and could easily represent the retro arc of The Legend of Zelda series but I really don't want to play as another Link that doesn't wear pants. I rather they add Link's Oracle of Ages and Seasons appearance.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I usually replace Toon Link with him in my predictions. I think he will still be called Young Link instead of Classic Link, but it's all the same. He would be based on his 3DS form.

I'd like to keep all his special moveset (bombs, arrows, swordspin, and boomerang), but there are moves I would like to see. The arrows can be Silver Arrows.
A A A: last attack of the combo is a sword beam.
A Tilt left: Pegasus boots stab.
On his way down from a swords spin, he can glide down with the rock's cape.
Instead of Link's kick, he uses the Magic Hammer.

He should also retain the same Final Smash.

With a return to downfall timeline with ALBW, I think he definitely beats out other Zelda newcomers. He's the most likely Zelda newcomer.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
A retro Link has been a vision of mine since Melee. Every move would be unique, with an exception. I would still give him the Boomerang for his forward B, but make it stun briefly in tribute to its classic function.. Yes, that would be very powerful. I think if it is done right, powerful qualities are not a bad thing; Samus's missiles (SSBM) and Falco's Lasers are other really dangerous projectiles that you can use generously.

There is so, so, soooo much potential for what Link can do, but his current design in the past three games has been decent (only suffering from just being underpowered). So, with that, I have never been against another Link appearing to relish in more of the unused items, moves and concepts, so much as he is a unique character and not another filthy clone.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2013
Well, I'm really against duplicates in general but much rather this than Toon Link.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I'm not against duplicates in general because if I designed Classic Link without trying to needlessly differentiate him from regular Link, he would have bombs, arrows, a swordspin, a boomerang, etc.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I think retro Link is one of the most potentially creative and unique newcomers out there, so I made a moveset for him. It wasn't easy because I have so, so many ideas and only so many slots.

First, a unique property:
Link can hold A at any time to begin charging a spin attack. This includes during other attacks, while incapacitated or recovering. This spin attack does not help with recovery.

B: Bomb
Immediately places a bomb on the ground by Link. It can be picked up like an item and thrown. While it does not explode on contact, it has a very large explosion and has a short fuse.

B Forward: Boomerang
A weapon the older Link uses as well, but this is different. It has more uniform movement; it can only go straight forward or on a diagonal axis when aimed, and has the same speed going in and out. This briefly stuns on hit.

B Down: Cane of Somaria
Link uses the cane to create a red block. When the special is used again, the block will detonate and send out four fireballs diagonally. This block acts as a physical barrier, can be pushed and jumped on.

If this is used when there is no ground beneath it, it will begin to fall. Furthermore, Link can only use it once in the air and has to touch the stage to use it again. This is to prevent Link from infinitely floating off the stage, and gimping recovery too easily by placing it by the ledge.

Roc's Feather, Stepladder, any of his flutes, a cucco to carry him away... I am sure you can use your imagination.

Smash Attacks
Forward Smash
Link pulls his sword back and thrusts it out, like he does in Adventure of Link. This fires off a slow moving sword beam that, while it does damage, has no knockback. I thought about gimmicks where this only happens when he is at 0% or having it inversely scale with his life, but keeping fun gameplay in mind, it should remain uniform at all percentages. The sword itself still ****s people up and has decent KO potential, of course.

Up Smash
Link holds up one of several random items above his head, knocking fighters away on presentation. If you fully charge this move, it plays the iconic Legend of Zelda item-get theme.

Alternatively, this could just have Link raise the Magic Rod above and create an explosion, and the presentation could be reserved for a taunt-attack instead.

Down Smash
Link smashes the ground with a hammer. Fighters at a short range at either side are flipped and end up on the ground. The range and damage increases as you charge it, though this move does not have knockback of its own.

Link constantly slashes as you mash A, like any of his classic pre-3d games. The animation interrupts itself of course so you can keep racking up the damage, but like with other rapid-hitting normals either Link or his victim will be pushed too far away for it to continue.

Forward Tilt
Link swipes the enemy with a lantern, igniting on hit

Up Tilt
Link taps the stepladder on the ground, causing it to extend and knock away anyone unfortunate enough to be in the way. He hits enemies when he brings it out, and positions the enemy for the second hit.

Down Tilt
Link does a simple crouching thrust, akin to what you get in Adventure of Link.

Dash Attack
Link holds his sword forward, making the patter sounds of the Pegasus Boots from LttP and striking the enemy multiple times before a final crash, bouncing off of them and sending them flying.

Link does a 360 corkspin with his Ice Rod in hand, leaving a cold trail. At higher percentages, this causes the enemy to briefly freeze.

A punch-like aerial sword thrust. This is difficult to connect with, but has great knockback and sends the enemy on a low trajectory.

Link does a rearing shield bash and turns around. This does not have a lot of knockback but the hitstun is decent, so you can definitely follow it up.

Down Aerial
Like adult Link, this is a sword plant. Where this changes is it always bounces off the enemy, has no landing lag and always has the same level of knockback (not much at all). Link players are encouraged to pogo off the enemy as many times as they can to rack up damage. A bread-and-butter move, like it was in SSB64.

Up Aerial
The upwards sword-poke. While I had many ideas for what this move could be (like using his magic wand to create fire or throw magic powder), this is the most iconic choice and more importantly is something that I feel would make for the best gameplay.

Link holds the enemy above his head, as he would a pot or a shrub. As a result of using both hands, retro Link is the only character that can't attack fighters while he is carrying them, but like Donkey Kong he can walk around with them in hand until thrown or they break free. Since he immediately goes into this position after grabbing them, he can only throw them forward or backwards (not downwards; that would be terrible!).

Of course his Final Smash, like his recovery, could be one of many of the powerful spells he has had in the series.

Overall he is a projectile character like his successor, but of a completely different play style.


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2012
Do you all consider Link in A Link Between Worlds to be 'Classic Link'?
If so, I'll need to overhaul the OP.
If not, then I'm simply going to update with the great movesets above. Its high time I started taking care of my thread,


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
yes he definitely is. in terms of continuity, ALBW Link is the same Link from ALTTP.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
yes he definitely is. in terms of continuity, ALBW Link is the same Link from ALTTP.
This morning they just stated it takes places hundreds of years after LttP, so no, they are not the same Link.
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