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The Koopa Wizard: Kamek for Smash Switch thread

Apr 19, 2015

(Header made by N3ON)
Who is Kamek?
Kamek is Bowser's advisor, the second-in-command of the Koopa Troop and Yoshi series' main antagonist. He made his debut in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, where he kidnapped Baby Luigi, causing the Yoshi clan and Baby Mario to go on a journey to reunite the twins. Ever since, he has regularly showed up to cause problems to Yoshi and the Mario Bros., often by powering up Bowser and other enemies with his magic.
(taken from old support threads)

by Thelimomon
- Height: About :4ness:'s height. (The wizard's hat, adds a bit more to it.)
- Weight: About :4mario:'s weight.
- Running speed: About the speed of :4villager:.

- Stage entrance:
Kamek flies on his broom on stage while he laughs (a lot like in New Super Mario Bros. U) and hops off.
The broom then flies away on its own.

- Idle animation:
After a while Kamek looks at the jewel in his scepter.

- Taunts:
1. Kamek does one of his iconic animations from Yoshi's Island.

2. A Toady appears in front of Kamek, it looks like Kamek is talking to him while he spins his scepter around.

3. Kamek hops on his broom and spins three times around while laughing.

- Victory Theme:
Either just Yoshi's victory theme, or a special version of Kamek's theme from Yoshi's Island:

- Victory poses:
1. Kamek flies on his broom downwards and makes a perfect turn right above the ground while he laughs.
2. Kamek sits on his broom when some toadies fly to him, he then does his iconic talking animation.

3. Kamek stands on the ground spinning his scepter around while laughing.

- Jab Combo:
Kamek first punches two times with his scepter and then hold his scepter in front of him while it emits magic energy.A small magic explosion happens as his finisher. (Rather strong for a finisher)

- Dash attack: Kamek runs and stabs with his scepter forward.

- Stilt: Kamek shoots a small magical blast. (Not really strong, but it's a projectile with small start lag.)
- Dtilt: A stab with his scepter. Similar to :4metaknight:'s.
- Utilt: A punch from the bottom upwards with his scepter. Similar to :4robinm:'s. (Sweet spot right at the beginning.)

- Smash: Kamek holds his scepter directly in front of him. Multiple magic hits. Similar to :4zelda:'s.

- Dsmash: Kamek conjures a fiery magical blast with his scepter that moves quickly around him once. (VERY strong directly in front of him, but with a lot of lag. Can't be reflected.)
- Usmash: Kamek swings his scepter from left to right. Similar to :4myfriends:'s, but with both hands on his scepter.

- Nair: Kamek swings his scepter once around him. Similar to :4miisword:'s.
- Fair: Kamek fires a small magical blast. Similar to :4villager:'s, but stronger and slower moving.
- Bair: A strong swing with his scepter behind him. Similar to :4miisword:'s. (Sweet spot at the tip, because of the use of magic.)
- Uair: A stab upwards with his scepter. Similar to :4link:'s. (Great killing move.)
- Dair: A swing downwards with his scepter. Similar to :4olimar:'s. (Sweet spot at the tip, because of the use of magic.)

- Grab: Kamek grabs the opponent with his scepter using magic. Rather great range. (Inspired by :4greninja:.)
- Pummel: He stabs the enemy with his scepter.
- Fthrow: Kamek circles his scepter in front of the enemy and then sends him flying with a small magical explosion.
- Uthrow: Kamek lets the enemy cycling above him and sends him flying. Similar to :4ness:'.
- Bthrow: Kamek spins holding the enemy with magic and sends him flying. Similar to :4wario2:'s. (Almost as great as :4ness:')
- Dthrow: Kamek lets the enemy flying into the ground.

- Neutral special: "Magical Blast"
Kamek fires a magical blast from his scepter. The direction can be controlled like :4megaman:'s.
It also can be delayed by holding the button, it doesn't change speed or strength. (It's rather slow moving.)
(Inspired by the magical blasts from the New Super Mario games.)

- Side special: "Broom Ride"
Kamek summons his broom underneath him and flies quickly forward. Can be controlled up- and downwards a little.
After a certain distance, or when pressed "B" again, Kamek jumps off while the broom goes into a upright position, creating a small wind box. Kamek can also jump off the broom while riding it, allowing him to attack directly after.
(Inspired by :4bowserjr: and :4wario: side special.)

- Down Special: "Magic Block"
Kamek creates a small block directly underneath him. Allowing him to stand on in midair, increasing his recovery enormously!
When the block gets hit, or when it just gets touched twice (including by Kamek) it vanishes.
(Inspired by the blocks from Kamek's fight in New Super Mario Bros. U.)

- Up special: "Teleport"
Kamek has the ability to teleport himself. Similar to :4mewtwo:'s Up special.
(Inspired by the fights against Kamek in New Super Mario Bros. Wii and New Super Mario Bros. U.)

- Neutral special 2: "Fiery Blast"
Kamek shoots a fiery magical bast forward that is slow but powerful. Sometimes a Fire Snake appears instead.

- Side special 2: "Vanishing Strike"
Kamek vanishes like in the New Super Mario Bros. fights and hits the opponent with a magical strike. Similar to :4greninja:'s.

- Down Special 2: "Spring Cleaning"
Kamek grabs a gigant broom that swipes back and forth, creating a gigant hit box and wind box.
It's not very strong but very useful for edge-guarding and in midair.
(Inspired by one of the attacks Kamek's clones used in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team.)

- Up special 2: "Toadies' Help"
Four Toadies appear and save Kamek from falling. Similar to :4olimar:'s Up special.
(Inspired by the Toadies that steal Baby Mario in the Yoshi's Island games.)

- Final Smash: "Magical Changes"
When activated, Kamek laughs and hops on his broom and flies two times through the screen releasing magic from his scepter on the other fighters, like in Yoshi's Island.
Every opponent shrinks in size and is only able to move slowly.
While they are small and slow, Kamek is able to fight with his normal speed, size and strength.
As long as this effect lasts, boss fight music from Yoshi's Island is played.

by Barbasol
I wanted to make the most of Kamek as a spellcaster, as such, most of his specials cause effects, and not so much damage.
  • Special Neutral: Koopa Kast-Off- This is based on the Yoshi's Island series. Kamek sends out a large bubble. This bubble is very slow, and drifts fowards and upwards before popping. Any enemies that are caught by the bubble are lifted one Bowser off the ground, then put into a helpless state.
  • Side Special: Duplikoopa- Kamek winds up his staff and sends out copies of himself. If it hits an enemy it does moderate damage, but if it does not hit any enemies, it is a long-range movement ability.
  • Up Special: Magikoopa Kruise:- Kamek flicks his staff, which causes a poof and reveals Kamek riding on his broom. While on his broom, he can move 360 degrees and quite quickly. However, once it's over, he falls off the broom and into a helpless state.
  • Down Special: Farsight- After looking into his Crystal ball, Kamek gains extraordinary insight into any nearby enemies. Nearby enemies are now put into slow motion.
  • Final Smash
Other Details:

  • Kamek's Neutral attack is a constant stream of geometrical magic. It does less damage over time though.
  • Lightweight character.
  • Kameks attacks are mostly wide-ranging splash damage attacks.

by qdMbp
Here are my specials ideas for Kamek. I think he'd be a great addition to the roster and is my favored new Mario character.

Up Special
(All appearances)
Kamek summons his broom and flies around freely. He accelerates much faster horizontally than vertically. While flying, hitting B will just send off a hex, regardless of direction indicated. Flying into things does damage based off of how fast Kamek is flying.
Side Special
(Yoshi's Island)
A bubble starts forming at the end of Kamek's wand and when it's released it is shot sideways and it gradually rises upward off the screen. Items/enemies that are smaller than the bubble are caught inside the bubble and the bubble pops when it takes enough damage or if caught enemies struggle enough.

Charging increases the size of the bubble, how much damage the bubble can take before popping, and the damage dealt when the bubble pops. Bubble size is important- a small bubble can only capture small items and pops on contact with bigger objects (still dealing damage to both things inside and what it hit).

Tap: A small bubble that can only capture small items like capsules or bob-ombs. Pops when hitting a wall or large object.
Partial charge: It doesn't take long to make it large enough to capture enemies. Bounces off of objects too big to envelop instead of popping.
Full charge: Larger than the largest character, this giant bubble can capture anything that moves and is very difficult to pop.
Neutral Special
(Super Mario World)
Kamek conjures the classic magikoopa projectile made of variously colored geometric shapes. If there are any enemies nearby when he casts the spell, the spell shoots in the direction of the nearest enemy, but does not home and continues in a straight line. If no enemies are close, the spell just shoots forward.
Upon hitting an enemy, it simply deals damage.
If it happens to hit a container item (capsule, barrels) the item is transformed into a random weak enemy (goomba, koopa).
Down Special
(Paper Mario Series, Yoshi's Island)
Kamek raises his wand and channels for a bit. If he is allowed to channel uninterrupted for a couple seconds, his spell grants him a random boost that lasts for a short time. Alternately, if an ally is standing right in front of Kamek when the spell is cast, the spell affects them instead.
Attack Up: Raises standard attack damage and launching capability.
Transparency: Becomes invisible and doesn't take damage (just like the cloaking device but short-lived)
Giant: Becomes super shroomed.
Heal: Heals target 10% (can't activate during certain single-player modes such as all-star and adventure)

Palette swaps
by splat

by me

Signature icons

by N3ON

by legendofrob1

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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Step 1: Join the list

Step 2: Axe the New Mushroom Kingdom Stage

Step 3: Convince the Japanese audience that Kamek is his own character.

You see where I'm going with this, right?

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Kamek is one of those villains that you love to hate, in a good way compared to Bowser. He appears at the beginning of each boss fight to taunt you before changing a random enemy with magic. Don't get me started on Bowser's Castle in Yoshi's Island.

I definitely still support him.
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Apr 19, 2015
I made some palette swaps:

1. Regular Kamek
2. Toady/Red Magikoopa
3. Green Magikoopa
4. Psycho Kamek
5. Yellow Magikoopa
6. Gray Magikoopa
7. Kammy Koopa
8. Kamella

They probably don't look very good, as the only image-editing program I have is MS Paint...

Lola Luftnagle

Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2016
I so like y'all's ideas for Kamek's move lists, palette swaps, and such. Yeah...I'll be supporting him; I think Smash can use more antagonist/anti-heroes like him.

I've never played the Yoshi series games before, but I pretty much enjoyed his appearances in the Mario Party series, a series I'm personally fond of.

Depressed Gengar

Hana Is Best Girl
Aug 13, 2013
The Johto Region
Well, I guess with Smash Switch underway, I guess it's time to bring back the "Kamek Hype Train Of Growing Proportions". Hopefully it isn't just a port so that Kamek actually stands something of a chance this time.

Also, since it seems OP's gone, I think we're going to have to find someone who can take over the thread. I'd be willing I suppose, but I think we actually need to talk this over more as a group.



Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
Shyguy and Kamek are the two Yoshi characters I'd love to see.
I could stretch myself so much mentioning the Stork, but these two are way more likely... Even if that even is not the best either. Still, I support Bowser's right hand.


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
Haha, I'm late. You can have the thread this time, I'm just here to throw some support your way.

I'd love Kamek, but I'm taking a more realistic stance this time and say he's probably not getting in, unfortunately.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
Add me to the support list. Kamek is very underrated, I feel. He's the second most reoccuring villain (really only being challenged by Bowser Jr. at this point) and is a notable part of both Mario and Yoshi, which can make him serve not only one, but two roles. His dependency on magic and not being much of a physical fighter can offer a unique moveset and the potential for palette swaps of Kammy and Kamella are honestly perfect. Most people seem to forget Kamek is the parental figure of Bowser himself. Why not complete the familial bond?

His only real setback is the lack of really any notable playable appearances. Like... At ALL. It's honestly strange. I guess you can count the Magikoopa from Mario Party 9 as Kamek? Evem then, that's only one time and in a game that started the trend that got people to start to hate the series for more than just ruining friendships.

As far as Yoshi and Mario reps go, his role in both give a him double the priority, but honestly, Shy Guy seems to heavily contend with him for being a beloved minion with a high popularity, multiple playable appearances and even cameos or straight-up enemies in the mainstream games. It almost seems like Shy Guys have appeared in more things than Kamek himself, making then fairly relevant. There's also loads of potential in their many appearances what with their many forms and powers/skills/abilities.

Regardless, I'll always support the elderly Koopa wizard and hope he gets in Sma5h to complete the trio of Mario villains as well as rep Yoshi's main villain as well.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I would love to see Kamek included.
I also hope we get info about him being in Yoshi's new game.

Maybe even both at once.


♥Smash Beauty♥
Aug 6, 2012
I will support him
Also he could borrow some attacks from Kammy Koopa, Kamella and other Magikoopas


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2018
Kamek is the most solid choice ever. He's a legacy character with tons of history and his design is classic Nintendo. Yoshi is his own "series" in Smash Bros. and the only other Yoshi series character that makes sense is Kamek. He has a unique moveset potential and is a villain, which Smash sorely lacks.

The only issue is that a) he hasn't been relevant in a long time, and b) is in competition with Captain Toad, which looks a lot more likely for a number of reasons.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2010
Count me in. The Yoshi side-arm of Mario needs another rep. Kamek makes perfect sense.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2014
While he isn't my first choice for a Mario rep (that would be Fawful), I'd definitely like to see him get in! I feel like Kamek, King Boo and Maybe Captain Toad are the main three candidates for Mario reps right now.

I support!


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Well, I'm already supporting the bodyguards of three royal Smashers, what's the harm in throwing a bit of support to a fourth?

Side note; can we PLEASE get playable Kamek in some more Mario spinoff games? It seems bizarre he was originally thought of to race in Mario 64 when the roster was what is now considered "The Big 8" of Mario, and yet years later he still has yet to get behind the wheel despite even Villager, Isabelle, Link and the Inklings doing it.

Tetris Attack, Mario Party 9 and one Mario golf is all he's ever gotten in his frankly lengthy career in the Mario and Yoshi series.


Smash Cadet
May 7, 2016
Kamek would be a really interesting character. First of all, he's a mage, which we don't have too many of. And he's got moves like magic blasts, a flying broom, teleportation and even cloning himself. Plus, he's another villain, so that's also great.

I might conjure up a moveset for him at one point.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Kamek's in the game. Hardly affects his chances, but still neat

Also, the owner of the thread hasn't been active since December. Does that mean this thread should get a new owner? I really don't know.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
I've been feeling oddly more confident in Kamek recently. I don't expect him, per se, but I'm becoming more and more aware of how many things going for him he really has. If not this game, next Smash is a definite possibility.


Smash Cadet
May 7, 2016
This is really good. Maybe you should post it in the General thread? People sleep on Kamek too much, this would hopefully make people notice him more.
You mean a General Newcomer thread? Is there something like that? I've only seen one for speculation and I'm not sure if that's the right place, but if you think so...
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
You mean a General Newcomer thread? Is there something like that? I've only seen one for speculation and I'm not sure if that's the right place, but if you think so...
There is a General Newcomer thread, but I would put it in the General Speculation. Way more people view the Speculation thread.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2008
He is the last remaining villain of the original 8. A bit of an out of the box choice, but I think he'd be perfect. Hoping Sakurai realises his potential and plucks him out of obscurity.


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
We haven't seen Mushroom Kingdom U yet, outside of the CSS. Kamek could have been replaced with a standard magikoopa.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Now that K.Rool's in the game, Yoshi is the only OG 8 character without an antagonist. This makes Kamek much more likely.

PS: I'm trying to get ownership of this thread, because the OP's been gone for almost a year.
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Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2016
Louisburg, KS
Switch FC
Since we got K Rool, Kamek has more of a chance seeming as now we're only missing three series out of the original 12 for villains.

Kamek being one for Yoshi obviously, then the other two being F-Zero and Earthbound... I think its easy to assume though Black Shadow for F-Zero, but Earthbound? Porky or Giygas... Nonetheless, I hope Sakurai gives Kamek his chance.

Even if he is in Mushroom Kingdom U, that can easily be written off as one of his duplicates he can recreate or a Magikoopa underneath him.
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