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The Interview Topic - #4 Dojo (Interview Up.)


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Northern Virginia, <3 Ramona Flowers
So here in the general brawl room we will be bringing you an interview from a Top Player or Influential Member of the Community every other week, to be released soon.

Better yet the questions we will be using will be coming from none other than well, you. The format works like this. I will open the thread, tell you who we are interviewing this go around, and then leave it open for about a week for you to submit any and all potential interview questions you can think of (please only post actual questions in the thread until the interview goes up). We will then take the best of the bunch, use them for the actual interview, and then bam like butter will edit the topic so the world can see the interview.

Past Interviews:


The only person to ever 3-0 M2K's MK, the Texas Tornado(I've never heard him called this, but I thought it sounded cool :)), Dojo!

How did it feel to 3-0 M2K during the grand finals of one of the biggest Brawl tournaments yet? And how did it feel taking those feelings into the second set of the grand finals? Do you think they affected your play?
Dojo: Ha, well it was definitely a good feeling, no doubt. I try not to let any emotions affect me when I play though. I was really focused, so I don't think it affected me much. He just adjusted in the 2nd set, and outplayed me.

What do you think of the Snake vs. MK matchup?
Dojo: Eh, I used to have alot of trouble with it. I had a real lack of match-up experience against him, but since then I've really figured it out. If you learn how to edgeguard him and keep him in the air correctly it's not insanely hard. Probably 6:4 in MK's favor.

Who do you think are the top 5 players in North America, not including yourself? (Read: You are one of the top 5 lol)
Dojo: Lol, well M2K and Ally obviously. Atomsk is insanely good. Probably 2nd best in EC, in my opinion. From what I've heard it seems like ADHD is really picking it up too. DSF is still top-notch, as well.

Eternal Yoshi
What's your opinion about Meta Knight, and how do you feel about Meta Knight dittos?
Dojo: He's no doubt the best in the game. I don't know about ban-broken material. I try not to be biased, considering he's my main, but I'm not completely convinced yet he should be banned. People around the country have been able to take out 99% of the MK mains in the country they play. I actually like the ditto. Both players have alot of options, so the matchup is never really straight-forward despite what some people think.

Why Meta Knight? Is it that he feels most attuned to your playstyle?
Dojo: Well in Melee I mained Falco. I was very combo reliant. I loved playing aggressive, and putting constant pressure on my opponent. So when I saw the E3 trailers and everything, with MK's quick attacks and speed I decided I wanted to give him a shot. So at midnight release I started playing him and kept going.

Why were you wearing a pink headband at WHOBO?
Dojo: Lol, on the way to a tournament we stopped at a convenient store to fill up on gas and get some snacks. I saw a rack of bandana's hanging next to the counter and I was like daaang I'm gonna be Anther. I picked the pink one. xD I've worn it at every tourney since like March.

What is your favorite stage and which stage is your least favorite?
I love battlefield. Ever since Melee I've loved working with platforms and I kind of just carried that over. I typically love all the neutral stages. Idk, if I have a least favorite. Maybe Green Greens when it's legal. Compliments of UTD Zac. :p

If you could pick one banned stage to be allowed in tournies, which would it be?
Dojo: Lol, I dont even know. I've never played on a banned stage. Not that I can remember at least.

Who was the toughest player you've fought that used a low tier character against you and either almost beat you or did beat you? And who did they use?
Dojo: Lol I don't think that's ever really happened to me even back in the early tourneys. Espy and I have played a few friendlies before, and he has an amazing Sonic. So him if anything. He never beat me, but I think he got close a couple of times.

Do you practice your skills often with other people? If so how long do you practice?
Dojo: I used to practice alot during Summer 08. Me and Santi would practice pretty much everyday for about 3 to 4 hours from like 12 to 4 in the morning. For about the past 3-4 months though I don't practice much. Maybe a couple of hours or so a week, if that.

Who according to you is the worst character in this game?
Dojo: Falcon is really really really bad lol. But he's major fun to use. It's a crime what Sakurai did to him, but yeah I'd say CF.

What do you think was the reason that you lost to Mew2King in the Grand Finals after that lead at WHOBO?
Dojo: Eh, being the best player in the world you could imagine how good he is at adjusting. He just switched it up some, and it's hard to figure him out when his spacing is **** near perfect. However I do remember seeing a couple of sore MK's telling him some stuff inbetween the two sets. We won't get into that though. ;]

Did you enjoy the Rave at Whobo?
Dojo: Lol yeah, it was really fun. My legs were kind of sore though afterwards. My face was too, for those who know what I'm talking about. ;]

How did you start with the Brawl/Smash community?
Dojo: Eh, Santi found Smashboards looking for ways to get better at Melee because we would play alot of money matches with FFA's and all that noob stuff. We started learning about the scene and started training in August 06. Then we went to our first tourney in December 06. We got completely *****, lol. It was hard to travel because we were only 15 and 16 at the time, and we live like 3+ hours from any tournament scene. I went to a total of 5 Melee tourney's from December 06 to March 08. It was sad. :[ Since brawl's come out though we go to almost every in-state. Even though it's like 3-8 hours of driving every other weekend...

What's your favourite part of going to tournaments?
Dojo: Ah, the people. The Texas scene, along with Lousiana and Oklahoma have soooo many awesome people. I've made so many amazing friends since I've started. Granted, I love the competition of it all, but if it was an ******* scene, I probably wouldn't be a part of it.

What's your advice to people entering the tourney scene?
Dojo: Just give it all you got. I think if I made it, anybody can make it. Less than a year ago, I don't think anybody out of Texas even knew my name, and now I'm going close to even with the best player in the world. With enough dedication and desire, you can make it to the top if you want to. Just give it your 100% all of the time, and have some fun. That goes for anything in life.

Do you think a Toon Link will ever be able to beat you?
Dojo: LOL, no.

Dojo, as a whole, how do you feel about the Brawl community?
Dojo: It's really amazing. And it's continuously growing. There are very few smashers that I haven't grown to like due to bad attitudes or whatever it may be. Everybody's really cool. The competition can be really tough too. National tourneys are so much fun. =D

What's your opinion on those who plank?
Dojo: Eh, it's really really gay. I lose respect for those who do. But you gotta do what you gotta do to win I guess.

Nike 20
What are your plans for the future (such as after high school)?
Dojo: Well, I'm going to attend a year at the university here in town. I wanna move soon after though. It'll probably be somewhere in Texas, but I wanna go to a big city. I'm not exactly sure what I want to be, or what I even want to major in. My options are endless, so I don't see a point in deciding now. That'll come in due time.

Twilight Prince
What led to your tag being "SeXy"?
Dojo: Lol, at CoT4 I was playing friendlies with somebody and, I had just pulled off a 0 to kill for his last stock. Somebody behind me was like daaaang Dojo why are you so sexy?! So I put that as my tag and started playing again, and I liked it. xD

How have players been able to exploit MK's weaknesses in defeating you in the past? (Or do you chalk up those losses to inexperience/being outplayed)
Dojo: Yeah it's just being outplayed. Obviously you have to know the MK matchup to beat him, but to really make it happen you're going to have to outplay him. And that goes for any match really.

What's the origin on your name? How did you get it?
Dojo: Oh God... Lol well on Santi's 16th bday we were all over playing poker and smash and having fun. His little brother had over some of his soccer friends. They had just gotten back from a game, so they were still all geared up. When they took their shoes off, God they're feet smelled like ****. Santi was like wtf, that smells like when you walk in a karate Dojo place and it smells like nasty *** feet. We were all making alot of jokes out of that. Well the next weekend, we were playing football at the school yard (we did every weekend growing up) and I was wearing my reciever gloves. Afterwards we went to Santi's to go play, and when I took my gloves off, they smelled identical to the stink of the Dojo feet. I was like Santi smell this, he was like dudeee wtf?! He started calling me Dojo after that.

A common view people have as to why MetaKnight is currently considered the best is that he has been developed by players much more than other characters, that other characters aren't concentrated on as much and as such they haven't been advanced nearly as much as MK. In your oppinion, how much of a part does this really play in MKs dominance? Would you say that MKs success comes from players concentrating on advancing his metagame more than other characters or that its more to do with the strengths MK has as a character being just generally greater than those of other characters?
Dojo: Eh, I think he's just naturally better than the other characters. But a little has to do with him being pushed farther then the others. I really think at the top of our games, M2K and I are pretty close to maxing him out. Then again, I could be wrong. We're still only a little more than a year into the game.

Walk us through your brawl career. Your first tournament, your challenges, your obvious improvements, people that helped you along the way, and your inspirations.
Dojo: My first brawl tourney was in April. I had been practicing hard that entire month of March for it. I remember being really nervous because Hylian, Sethlon, T-rex, and others were all there and had already been winning tournaments. I ended up getting 5th beating T-rex who hadn't lost a tourney set to anybody yet, and losing to 3000 and Hylian. I remember Hylian telling me I was going to go far if I set my mind to it. So I did. I’m a very competitive person, and I was determined to do what he said.
The next tourney was about a month later and it only had about 30 people. I got 2nd losing to Hylian in winners bracket and again in Grand Finals. He was like my cryptonite. I also remember FS4 just before summer I had gotten 9th. It was the first statewide tourney in Texas. It had all the best players from Dallas, Houston, everywhere... I was super nervous and ended up losing to Roy in winners bracket, and Pozerwolf in Losers bracket. I was frustrated with my performance, even though Roy was clearly the best in Texas at the time and I went really close. Summer came and I was determined to get better. No matter what it took. I wanted to be the best. For no reason either, I just set my mind to it that I had to. I practiced everyday of the summer with Santi hardcore. Both of us would put in so much time trying to get faster, and learn new stuff.
I went to my next tourney in Dallas sometime in June. I ended up getting first beating Wobbles in Losers finals and Melee1 (who had won FS4) in Grand finals in two sets 3-1. It was a 30 man tourney but I was still happy with my performance. I had been put on the PR, but I was rank 9 and nobody thought a whole lot of me. I was determined to move up. We went home and kept practicing. Next tourney was in July at Hylian's with him, Sethlon, Stiltz, and more. Who were all like top 5. I ended up winning again beating Sethlon in winners finals and Stiltz in grand finals, and changed alot of their minds about where I was placed. I remember Stiltz was like yeah, you're definitely gonna have to move this guy up. I didn't get to play Hylian who I had yet to beat. I went to a tiny Waco tourney the next day which was and messed around getting like 5th or something. I didn't care about it much because there was only like 20 people if that. I lost to D4ba a really campy snake.
I went to Hobo 10 about a month later. It was the next statewide tourney with over 118 entrants. I ended up beating DMG (who's overly amazing) in a really close set, Roy, and Hylian. (YES!) I made it to winners finals against D4ba. Once again I lost. I couldn't deal with a campy Snake. I was so frustrated by that, I lost all my composure and got wrecked in losers finals. I got 3rd. I wasn't satisfied at all. I went home to train. A small monthly in San Antonio came along and I got first 3 stocking everybody I played in tournament including Hylian and Santi.
Hylian hyped me like no other after that. It was like nationwide hype, and I was being compared to M2K. So he came down for Hobo 11 with 112 entrants and completely obliterated me in front of the entire tournament, and Roy finished what was left of me in Loser brackets. I got 9th, and was crushed. Sickened even. All that hype, and for what? I went back home, but I didn't train. I just started thinking. Alot. I thought, and thought, and thought. About everything match-up wise. Why I lost to the people I lost to. Why M2K was so much better. What the hell did I have to do...
I went to a big regional in November. Oh Snap 4 had about 110ish players and I won. Both singles and doubles. ***** pools then beat T-rex, Sethlon, Infinity, Melee1, and Royr twice. All of them were top 10. Roy started comparing me to M2K again saying I started playing a lot more like him. I didn't wanna hear it. It still wasn’t enough. I went through the next couple of months in a slump, and I was like wtf. Although I had been able to take over D4ba during this time (he seemed to be getting worse) Lee Martin was my next trouble. His Lucario was ****. I started rethinking everything again.
I heard about a big tourney in the EC called Clash of the Titans. I wanted my rematch. I started training again. I was determined to prove myself this time. Time came around and it showed that I had improved a ton. I ended up getting 4th, which wasn't enough. I was satisfied how I had done against M2K and how well I placed with 286 people but it still wasn't enough. People pretty much know from there. I've won everything I've attended from that point up and got over my Lee Martin struggle until Whobo where I got 2nd to him again. I did so much better this last time. I keep getting closer. But it still isn't enough. It won't ever be enough until I beat him. Not even for the best player title, or anything. I will probably never consider myself better than him, and with good reason obviously. But I won't be satisfied til I beat him. It's just something I've set my mind to and I'm not going to stop until it happens, even if it’s just once. And despite what everybody thinks, I'm going to do it.

I'm pretty sure Dojo hates you now Hylian. lol.
Dojo is a sexy dude, what can I say. No homo, or meatriding intended.



Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
How did it feel to 3-0 M2K during the grand finals of one of the biggest Brawl tournaments yet? And how did it feel taking those feelings into the second set of the grand finals? Do you think they affected your play?

What do you think of the Snake vs. MK matchup?

What are your thoughts on Brawl+?

Who do you think are the top 5 players in North America, not including yourself? (Read: You are one of the top 5 lol)

I haven't seen you use anyone other than MK. If, in the unlikely event that MK gets banned, which character would you pick up?

Dojo *****.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
What would you do if Meta Knight ever got banned (note: "if")?

Any region you're interested in visiting (perhaps again if you have gone traveling)?

Why Meta Knight? Is it that he feels most attuned to your playstyle?

Are you pretty confident in your ability to take out anybody in your region, or is there somebody you feel could give you a run for your money?

The Cunning Weasel

Smash Master
Dec 30, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Have you shared any MK tricks and discoveries with other top MK players, including Mew2King?

Why were you wearing a pink headband at WHOBO?

Who are some Pro Smashers you want to face at a national tournament?

What is your favorite stage and which stage is your least favorite?


Smash Lord
Oct 19, 2008
What character causes you the most trouble as Meta Knight like your personal worst matchup? (If Any lol)


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2008
Orlando, Florida
What stage do you consider to be the most neutral?

What is your favorite stage to counterpick?

If you could pick one banned stage to be allowed in tournies, which would it be?

How do you compare yourself to other good Texas players like Ultimate Razor, Roy R, UTD Zac etc.?


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2007
Lomita, Ca (it's in L.A.)
How do you feel about Captain Falcon being bottom tier? Would you say he has any chance whatsoever of rising from where he is?

What food do you eat before and during the tournaments? Do they help your reflex's or clear your mind more while playing?

Who was the toughest player you've fought that used a low tier character against you and either almost beat you or did beat you? And who did they use?

Do you practice your skills often with other people? If so how long do you practice?

What's the most useful AT you've ever used that has saved yourself from losing a match and actually win it?


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
Which character is the hardest one to face?

Have you ever used the dimensional cape for offensive purposes?

Which character is the worst in the game, according to you?


Smash Ace
Mar 26, 2008
Have you ever fought ally, and if so, did you win? If not, and you do face him, do you think you can win?

Wait, did he 3 stock M2K or was it vice-versa. If not vv how? Or was he sanbagging?

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
What do you think was the reason that you lost to Mew2King in the Grand Finals after that lead at WHOBO?


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Perth, Australia
Who is your fave doubles partner, both person and character??
What is your favourite stage?
Who do you think is the most underestimated player and character?
What is your fave of MK's taunts?


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
How did you start with the Brawl/Smash community?
What's your favourite part of going to tournaments?
How often do you play Brawl/How long did it take for you to get good?
What's your advice to people entering the tourney scene?


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Do you think a Toon Link will ever be able to beat you?

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
-Dojo, as a whole, how do you feel about the Brawl community?

-What's your opinion on those who plank?

-Besides M2K, who has given you the hardest time in a tournament setting?

-Who has surprised you the most of any smasher thus far in terms of advancement into the competitive scene?

-Steak. Do you approve of it?


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
if you had to say who your hardest matchup is, what character would it be?

what was the turning point for you when you were trying to become the best? i mean, what is it that clicked for you that helped you understand how to win?


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Who is the most fun charcater in your opinion?

What are some characters you think are underrated?

Do you think someday, you could surpass M2K?


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Do you feel it's specifically how smart you are as a player why you were able to learn M2K's playstyle after several matches against him, or do you feel that its only a matter of time before other Metaknights catch on (Tyrant and Infinity for example)?


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
How often do you play Super Smash Bros. Brawl? Estimating is fine if you don't have an exact number of hours you play.


Smash Rookie
Apr 5, 2009
How do you practice to get better at Brawl?

What's your overall strategy when you are about to start a match?

Can you consistently preform the IDC?

Would you ever consider quiting Brawl and ensuing in becoming a men's underwear model since you're so "sexy"?


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Walk us through your brawl carrer. Your first tournament, your challenges, your obvious improvements, people that helped you along the way, and your inspirations.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
When the discussion of banning MK was at it's peak, I seem to remember you picking up Diddy. If MK was banned tomorrow would you be going back to Diddy as a second? Do you see yourself picking up Diddy for tournament use sometime in the future?


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
What do you think about the whole point being brought up about M2K using IDC in the last match?

Which lower tiered (under the middle spot in the whole tier list) gives you the most trouble?

Is there any character you feel is underrated? Overrated?

How much money have you made off of Brawl?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 4, 2008
you really been far even decided to use even go want to do more like?

you actually would even have been if like on any occasion as if it go?


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
How much of an impact has Santi and San Angelo made on you as far as smash?


What are your plans for the future (such as after high school)?
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