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The Eternal Dragon: Tiki for Super Smash Bros!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2018

First Appearance: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Who is Tiki?
  • Tiki is a recurring character from the Fire Emblem series of games. She has appeared in Fire Emblem 1, 3, Awakening, Heroes, and Warriors, making her a classic character with lasting and modern appeal.
  • Tiki is one of the last manakete, an ancient race of dragons that lives for thousands of years. Although she looks like a child, she is several centuries old in her first appearance. In Fire Emblem: Awakening, two thousand years have passed, and Tiki now looks like an adult human.
  • In Fire Emblem, manakete are specialized but powerful units. They are defenseless in their human forms, but can transform into their true dragon form and deal massive damage. However, in order to transform they must use a rare magic stone, which has a limited number of uses.
  • Tiki appears as a playable character in the spin-off game Fire Emblem Warriors. She uses her magic stone to fight enemies, while also sprouting wings and transforming into her full dragon form, demonstrating that Tiki can work as a playable character in an action game.
Why Tiki?
  • In Fire Emblem, it is rare for characters to appear in more than one game. Tiki is simultaneously a classic character (having appeared in the first game) and a modern character (having appeared in Awakening and Warriors).
  • Tiki is recognized by both long-time series fans and newcomers. In Fire Emblem Heroes, Adult Tiki is a prominent character with a special summertime swimsuit outfit and a recognizable fan following.
  • Tiki has a unique fighting style that has no equivalent among other Fire Emblem characters. She's the farthest thing from another anime swordsman, which is the main complaint when it comes to FE newcomers.
  • Dragons are an integral part of the lore of Fire Emblem, but cannot be integrated as playable characters directly. Manakete are a recurring race of characters in the games with an important history, and Tiki represents that aspect of the story.
  • Canonically, Tiki has a little sister-big brother type relationship with Marth, which means that she could function as Marth's sidekick or foil. She also has a charming personality that differs from the "serious and earnest" FE types.
  • If Corrin doesn't return for Smash 5 (and that seems reasonably likely), Tiki is just about the only Fire Emblem character that could inherit Corrin's moveset. (However, I would rather she had a moveset of her own.)
Why Not Tiki?
  • Despite her classic status Tiki would still be a dark horse pick for Fire Emblem. She would be competing with whoever the Lord of the next Fire Emblem game will be. She's arguably a tier below modern fan-favorites like Lyn and Camilla. And even if they went with a curve ball character, the team might pick Anna instead.
  • Tiki's moveset might be difficult to implement. Her dragon transformation would have to be a special feature that builds up power over the course of the battle, or it could be a Final Smash. However it's a lot less straightforward than adding another character with a melee weapon.
  • There is controversy over whether it should be child Tiki or adult Tiki. Child Tiki appears in FE1 and Warriors, while adult Tiki appears in Awakening. Indecision over this choice may leave the developers deciding to simply not use Tiki.
Tiki in Combat:
Tiki Gallery:
Sample Moveset:

Name: Tiki

Series: Fire Emblem

Appearance: Tiki joins Super Smash Bros. in her child form. She looks like a young girl with long, green hair tied back into a flowing ponytail. On her head rests a golden tiara. She has emerald green eyes and fair skin. She wears an elaborate pink dress with ribbons and gold trims, inspired by a Japanese yukata. A large, red ribbon is tied to her back and flows outward. She wears flat, pink shoes. Tiki holds a glowing blue gemstone which levitates between her palms.

Fighting Style: Tiki is a manakete, meaning that her true form is a powerful dragon. However, she is normally in her human form. As a human, Tiki uses a magical gemstone to strike enemies. By swinging her arms in a certain direction, the gemstone shoots outwards and strikes enemies with magical energy before returning to her. Once Tiki has stored enough power, she can transform into her true dragon form and wreak havoc.

Transformation Mechanic: Tiki's gemstone begins the battle with a light blue color. As Tiki strikes enemies with gemstone attacks, the gem slowly changes color to fiery yellow, orange, and blazing red. Once the gemstone shines a violent red color, Tiki can transform into a dragon temporarily, which gives her access to a whole new moveset. As a human, Tiki is fast but frail, and focuses on keeping enemies away while building up her magic power. As a dragon, Tiki goes all out.

Stats: Tiki is about as tall as Pit and on the lighter side in terms of weight. She's a floaty faller and can jump a third time by sprouting her dragon wings. Her A-moves generally have little knockback but deceptively long range, as her gemstone travels beyond the reach of her hands. Her aerials usually hit in an arc following the trail of her gemstone, giving her good air control. Tiki's grabs are pretty bad, though, and her moves generally don't do a lot of damage.

In her dragon form, Tiki is a bit larger than Bowser, roughly as heavy, and significantly more powerful. She has access to an entirely new and fearsome moveset with significant range. Dragon Tiki moves slowly along the ground, but quickly through the air, and can destroy foes with targeted projectiles. Her transformation lasts 12-15 seconds depending on how charged up her gemstone is when activated.

A-Moves: Most of Tiki's A-moves consist in her striking enemies with her gemstone, which flies out of her reach and then immediately returns to her. This gives a lot of her attacks disjointed hitboxes with deceptive range. Tiki moves her hands like a conductor in order to direct the gemstone's path.

Aerials: Tiki's aerials are similar to her A-moves, but her gemstone travels in a loop or arc around her, giving her attacks a wider vertical instead of horizontal range. She also sprouts dragon wings for a couple of her aerial attacks. Be aware that any attacks not using Tiki's gemstone do not count towards charging her dragon transformation.

Smash Attacks: Tiki's smash attacks envelop her gemstone in magic for a powerful strike. Her forward smash pushes her gemstone outward while enveloped in flames. Her up smash levitates her gemstone above her and calls down a beam of light. Her down smash sweeps her gemstone in front of her, leaving a blue magic wave behind. If her smash attacks are charged, they do way more damage and knockback, but use some of the gemstone's charged power.

Grabs: Tiki grabs enemies with her own hands. She can't throw enemies far, but the throw is followed up by a gemstone strike.

Neutral Special: Tiki's gemstone levitates between her palms and spins increasingly fast. When the button is released, it shoots forward in a straight line. If it strikes an enemy, it immediately vanishes and reappears in Tiki's hands. If the button is held down, the gemstone strike is followed up by homing light rays once it hits an enemy. However, it consumes some of the gemstone's charged power. The stone travels the same distance no matter how long the move is charged.

Up Special: Tiki sprouts her dragon form's wings and flaps upward while spinning, ending with a flourish. This move does no damage to enemies but it does push them back if they're too close. It can be angled diagonally by holding the directional button when the move is activated.

Side Special: Tiki holds her gemstone out in front of her while levitating. A magic circle appears behind her. After a short charge period, the gemstone emits a shockwave that sends enemies flying far, but deals little damage. If you use this move when the gemstone is fully charged, the attack concludes with Tiki transforming into a dragon, sending out a more powerful shockwave as the transformation concludes.

Down Special: Tiki throws her gemstone at the ground, and it disappears in a magic portal. While holding down the button, move the directional stick to move the location of this magic portal along the ground. Release the button and a larger version of the gemstone will shoot out of the ground where the portal is located. Enemies will be damaged and sent flying. Immediately after releasing the button, quickly tap it repeatedly to make the gemstone shoot waves of energy that damage trapped enemies further. However, this uses the gemstone's power.

Dragon Form Attacks: In her dragon form, most of Tiki's A-moves are bites, slashes, and tail swipes. Her aerial moves include some wing attacks as well. Her smash attacks are physical blows with deceptively long range and high power. Her neutral special becomes a high-speed fireball shot which can be angled from midair, her up special a flying slash, her side special a deafening roar, and her down special a magic charge attack with an area-of-effect. Tiki cannot perform grabs as a dragon, but her moves can break shields easily. Tiki's main weakness as a dragon is her slow ground speed and cumbersome, four-legged movement, which forces her to approach enemies from the air.

Final Smash: Tiki transforms into a dragon (if she isn't transformed already). A magic circle appears behind her as she levitates in midair and roars. Instead of a fire breath, she releases a wave of searing light energy that zooms along the ground in front of her, dealing massive damage and sending enemies flying.

Aussie the Shinobi
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I support, Tiki was always one of my favorite Manaketes in the series. While we may have Corrin, I feel that she would be unique enough on her own as proven in Fire Emblem Warriors.

@Champ Gold


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2015
Well, I would obviously like her in Sma5h. But not next to Corrin.

Before Corrin was announced, I was a big supporter for her. Now less. I like Corrin to play with in Smash, although I do not like the game in which he appears and the character himself.Corrin has a nice moveset in Smash, although he is not loved by the Smash community. It is a swordsman.

Fire Emblem has a big problem with that: there is little diversity. Each character uses a sword (and many weapons of the weapon triangle are not represented). Another problem is that with every new Smash Bros. game, they just throw in the Lord of the newest FE game. They are far less relevant in the FE series over time. Anna, Tiki (and other more frequently recurring characters) remain relevant and would thus be a much better choice in Smash Bros.

Those last two mentioned characters also have much more moveset potential than the average Lord. Tiki can, in addition to her dragon stones, also use her staff (see Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE). Anna can use any weapon.

I do not need more Fire Emblem characters, but more diversity is desired.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
Well, I would obviously like her in Sma5h. But not next to Corrin.

Before Corrin was announced, I was a big supporter for her. Now less. I like Corrin to play with in Smash, although I do not like the game in which he appears and the character himself.Corrin has a nice moveset in Smash, although he is not loved by the Smash community. It is a swordsman.

Fire Emblem has a big problem with that: there is little diversity. Each character uses a sword (and many weapons of the weapon triangle are not represented). Another problem is that with every new Smash Bros. game, they just throw in the Lord of the newest FE game. They are far less relevant in the FE series over time. Anna, Tiki (and other more frequently recurring characters) remain relevant and would thus be a much better choice in Smash Bros.

Those last two mentioned characters also have much more moveset potential than the average Lord. Tiki can, in addition to her dragon stones, also use her staff (see Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE). Anna can use any weapon.

I do not need more Fire Emblem characters, but more diversity is desired.
I couldn’t agree with you more. I was totally pulling for her pre-Corrin, and actually thought Azura would be the Fates character if any. I honestly love what they’ve done with Corrin though.
I’m still totally onboard with merchant Anna taking inspiration from the whole series. The thing about always choosing the newest character is that it can be good for promotion if it actually makes people interested where they come from, but if the characters seem repetitive and uninspired, it’ll only have the opposite effect. I’m glad Robin joined over Chrom, and while Corrin isn’t the most thrilling character, I’m actually glad Fates got love and her moveset is so interesting.

It’s really hard to wager how they’ll go with the FE roster. With Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Shadows of Valentia, Warriors, Heroes, and Switch, there’s plenty they can do, but nothing that they need to do, or that would stand out as being omitted.
I still can’t decide exactly what I want them to do, honestly


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Hm... time to revive the Tiki support thread! I think it would be interesting to get a full manakete in the game, and that could definitely provide for some unique moves. Plus, who doesn't love dragons?

Deleted member

Regardless of how fond I am of Manaketes, I mainly want to see varied Fire Emblem representation, not just Sword Emblem/Lord Emblem characters.

Tiki is great cause she's representative of the entire franchise, is a manakete which can give her an interesting (albeit difficult to implement) fighting style, has a history with both the Shadow Dragon and Awakening representatives, and is a female character (which we still need more of imo).

So ey, support from my end. Let the cute dragon attend.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Regardless of how fond I am of Manaketes, I mainly want to see varied Fire Emblem representation, not just Sword Emblem/Lord Emblem characters.

Tiki is great cause she's representative of the entire franchise, is a manakete which can give her an interesting (albeit difficult to implement) fighting style, has a history with both the Shadow Dragon and Awakening representatives, and is a female character (which we still need more of imo).

So ey, support from my end. Let the cute dragon attend.
Since they found a way to add Ridley, I'm sure they could find a way to add Tiki. I, too, would appreciate more diversity in the FE representation, and I really think Tiki is one of the more plausible ones that they might add. She's in quite a few of the main games, Warriors, Mirage Sessions, and has her own Amiibo. I'm sure Tiki appreciates your support!

Deleted member

Since they found a way to add Ridley, I'm sure they could find a way to add Tiki. I, too, would appreciate more diversity in the FE representation, and I really think Tiki is one of the more plausible ones that they might add. She's in quite a few of the main games, Warriors, Mirage Sessions, and has her own Amiibo. I'm sure Tiki appreciates your support!
I think especially Warriors could provide some inspiration for her moveset.

That said, since transformation Final Smashes aren't a thing anymore, I'd wager they'd have to keep the whole "awakened state" within her main moveset in a way.

Perhaps in her smash attacks and specials akin to Bayo?


Smash Cadet
Jul 25, 2015
Tiki would be a wonderful addition to Smash. Loved Corrin's dragon form and Manaketes are a staple of Fire Emblem.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Tiki's one of my favorite Fire Emblem characters. I'd be all for her appearing, though there are other Fire Emblem characters I'd love to see first.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I think especially Warriors could provide some inspiration for her moveset.

That said, since transformation Final Smashes aren't a thing anymore, I'd wager they'd have to keep the whole "awakened state" within her main moveset in a way.

Perhaps in her smash attacks and specials akin to Bayo?
Yeah, a transformation final smash similar to Warriors would've been perfect for her. As an alternative, I could see them allowing her to transform for a short period of time as a regular special attack, or else just transforming on specific moves.

Hello, I've come to say I support Tiki, that is all.
Good decision! That is all.

Tiki would be a wonderful addition to Smash. Loved Corrin's dragon form and Manaketes are a staple of Fire Emblem.
Indeed they are! So it's about time we get a full manakete in the game!

I want more Fire Emblem characters and Tiki is a good choice.
Yeah, I definitely want more FE characters, they're always the ones I play the most. I'm sure that they'll include someone from Three Houses, either at launch or as DLC, but I'm hoping they expand the roster for more FE beyond just that.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
Yeah, a transformation final smash similar to Warriors would've been perfect for her. As an alternative, I could see them allowing her to transform for a short period of time as a regular special attack, or else just transforming on specific moves.

Good decision! That is all.

Indeed they are! So it's about time we get a full manakete in the game!

Yeah, I definitely want more FE characters, they're always the ones I play the most. I'm sure that they'll include someone from Three Houses, either at launch or as DLC, but I'm hoping they expand the roster for more FE beyond just that.
I'm hoping that the success of Heroes opening the series to a broader audience will help get us at least one more character. The series has so much to offer outside of the "anime swordsman" that it feels under-utilized in Smash.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I'm hoping that the success of Heroes opening the series to a broader audience will help get us at least one more character. The series has so much to offer outside of the "anime swordsman" that it feels under-utilized in Smash.
Fire Emblem is now one of Nintendo's principal flagship franchises, so I think it's reasonable for them to include more characters from FE. There's such a diversity of potential fighting styles and weapons to choose from in the franchise, it really is something of a shame that all the characters currently in the game all use swords (although Robin and Corrin have other tools to make their play styles interesting and different). Tiki, in my opinion, would be radically different, and she's a recognizable and popular figure in the series.

I'm hoping that they'll include Edelgard from Three Houses, since she uses axes and has a great character design. I'd also be interested in getting them to round out the weapon triangle, or incorporate more magic.

I don't think that we need any more Fire Emblem in Smash Ultimate. I would prefer it if Tiki replaced Corrin in the next game.
Since everyone from past games is returning, I'd say that's something of a moot point. But if it were left to my preferences and I had to kick a current FE character out to make space for Tiki, I would go with Roy, given how many sword lords are already in the game, and how differently Corrin plays from other fighters.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
I've only played Awakening. But, I do support! I didn't realize she was in Awakening. Maybe I just didn't see her.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2013
United States
I actually really want Tiki in Smash.

She's easily in my top three most wanted, I'm just very cynical about her because it seems not being a Lord/avatar means you don't get to be playable. Even though her support group is small and probably won't get any momentum for a long time, add me in. I won't let my cynicism keep me from supporting her.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I've only played Awakening. But, I do support! I didn't realize she was in Awakening. Maybe I just didn't see her.
Yes! She shows up later in the game, and is an unmissable story character.

I actually really want Tiki in Smash.

She's easily in my top three most wanted, I'm just very cynical about her because it seems not being a Lord/avatar means you don't get to be playable. Even though her support group is small and probably won't get any momentum for a long time, add me in. I won't let my cynicism keep me from supporting her.
Great! Tiki appreciates your support. While I, too, think the odds of her getting in the game are small, considering the representation FE already has, but I think, if they were to add another FE character that's not from Three Houses, Tiki would be on the short list.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 2, 2018
Yes! She shows up later in the game, and is an unmissable story character.

Great! Tiki appreciates your support. While I, too, think the odds of her getting in the game are small, considering the representation FE already has, but I think, if they were to add another FE character that's not from Three Houses, Tiki would be on the short list.
Unfortunately if theres a dlc fire emblem character they'd probably pick Edlegaurd from three houses which sucks :/
Unless Sakurai decides to make Tiki a echo of Corrin which doesn't exactly make sense, but I can maybe see it happening.
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Smash Lord
May 7, 2013
United States
Unfortunately if theres a dlc fire emblem character they'd probably pick Edlegaurd from three houses which sucks :/
Unless Sakurai decides to make her a echo of Corrin which doesn't exactly make sense, but I can maybe see it happening.
I always pictured Tiki getting in using a combination of Dragon moves and holy magic from Naga, making her sort of a Zelda/Corrin hybrid.

Alternatively I've embraced her being a replacement in Robin's Final Smash for Chrom, with the two of them emitting auras of Grima/Naga while attacking together, before the symbols of the respective dragons appear behind them at the end. I think it'd be a cool choice aesthetically and would pay homage to one of Fire Emblem's most distinguished characters since it could be a long time before she appears playable. Most are suggesting Morgan will be the new Pair Up partner, which makes sense. But Tiki would be cool...and hey, if it worked for Chrom, maybe it'd bode well for her in the future.

As it stands she's one of the most recurring characters and is the only one that can claim to be both a classic character and a modern one, having appeared in both the series' birth and in it's remakes, and the series' resurrection.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
I always pictured Tiki getting in using a combination of Dragon moves and holy magic from Naga, making her sort of a Zelda/Corrin hybrid.

Alternatively I've embraced her being a replacement in Robin's Final Smash for Chrom, with the two of them emitting auras of Grima/Naga while attacking together, before the symbols of the respective dragons appear behind them at the end. I think it'd be a cool choice aesthetically and would pay homage to one of Fire Emblem's most distinguished characters since it could be a long time before she appears playable. Most are suggesting Morgan will be the new Pair Up partner, which makes sense. But Tiki would be cool...and hey, if it worked for Chrom, maybe it'd bode well for her in the future.

As it stands she's one of the most recurring characters and is the only one that can claim to be both a classic character and a modern one, having appeared in both the series' birth and in it's remakes, and the series' resurrection.
And has a unique role in that weird J-Pop spinoff. If we got her, which version would it be: child Shadow Dragon, or adult Awakening? Or we get an Ike scenario and have both?

Yes! She shows up later in the game, and is an unmissable story character.
Well, you do have to clear a side chapter to make her playable but yeah.
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Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Unfortunately if theres a dlc fire emblem character they'd probably pick Edlegaurd from three houses which sucks :/
Unless Sakurai decides to make Tiki a echo of Corrin which doesn't exactly make sense, but I can maybe see it happening.
I agree, I think Edelgard or someone else from Three Houses is likely to make an appearance in Smash. It would strike me as odd if this didn't happen, since FE is now one of Nintendo's flagship series. We also have precedent for this with Corrin. But we can have our hopes and dreams that Tiki will make it in!

I always pictured Tiki getting in using a combination of Dragon moves and holy magic from Naga, making her sort of a Zelda/Corrin hybrid.

Alternatively I've embraced her being a replacement in Robin's Final Smash for Chrom, with the two of them emitting auras of Grima/Naga while attacking together, before the symbols of the respective dragons appear behind them at the end. I think it'd be a cool choice aesthetically and would pay homage to one of Fire Emblem's most distinguished characters since it could be a long time before she appears playable. Most are suggesting Morgan will be the new Pair Up partner, which makes sense. But Tiki would be cool...and hey, if it worked for Chrom, maybe it'd bode well for her in the future.

As it stands she's one of the most recurring characters and is the only one that can claim to be both a classic character and a modern one, having appeared in both the series' birth and in it's remakes, and the series' resurrection.
That would be interesting if they did a hybrid of Corrin & Zelda. Tiki never wields a sword, so the sword moves wouldn't make sense for her, but I could see them giving her magic (although Tiki never uses magic either).

And has a unique role in that weird J-Pop spinoff. If we got her, which version would it be: child Shadow Dragon, or adult Awakening? Or we get an Ike scenario and have both?

Well, you do have to clear a side chapter to make her playable but yeah.
I'm inclined to think the Shadow Dragon version is more likely, given that that's the form she has in Warriors and for her Amiibo. Her adult version also shows perhaps more skin than Nintendo's censors might want for Smash. While that's a silly reason, I could see that being a factor for them. If I were to choose, I would prefer the Awakening version, and having both would be especially awesome.

And I meant that Tiki's presence in Awakening's story can't be missed. But yes, she joins the party from a paralogue map.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
I agree, I think Edelgard or someone else from Three Houses is likely to make an appearance in Smash. It would strike me as odd if this didn't happen, since FE is now one of Nintendo's flagship series. We also have precedent for this with Corrin. But we can have our hopes and dreams that Tiki will make it in!

That would be interesting if they did a hybrid of Corrin & Zelda. Tiki never wields a sword, so the sword moves wouldn't make sense for her, but I could see them giving her magic (although Tiki never uses magic either).

I'm inclined to think the Shadow Dragon version is more likely, given that that's the form she has in Warriors and for her Amiibo. Her adult version also shows perhaps more skin than Nintendo's censors might want for Smash. While that's a silly reason, I could see that being a factor for them. If I were to choose, I would prefer the Awakening version, and having both would be especially awesome.

And I meant that Tiki's presence in Awakening's story can't be missed. But yes, she joins the party from a paralogue map.
Well, she can reclass into a mage during Awakening. Though after looking at Warriors, her child dragon form is probably a lot easier to make a moveset for. Unless they go with adult Tiki and just use the Shadow Dragon design for her dragon form anyway.

Since tranformation Final Smashes aren't a thing anymore, it woukd have to be a part of her standard moveset. How, though? She isn't like Corrin who's perfectly competent at fighting without transforming. Perhaps she would have a meter to fill in order to transform and gain stronger moves, or have it accessible from the get-go with a special move but have a cooldown on it's use.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Well, she can reclass into a mage during Awakening. Though after looking at Warriors, her child dragon form is probably a lot easier to make a moveset for. Unless they go with adult Tiki and just use the Shadow Dragon design for her dragon form anyway.

Since tranformation Final Smashes aren't a thing anymore, it woukd have to be a part of her standard moveset. How, though? She isn't like Corrin who's perfectly competent at fighting without transforming. Perhaps she would have a meter to fill in order to transform and gain stronger moves, or have it accessible from the get-go with a special move but have a cooldown on it's use.
Ah, yes, I forgot she could reclass. It's been awhile since I've played Awakening.

As for her transformation, I could see them going with a meter as you suggest, similar to Warriors. Having flash transformations for her attacks might look awkward, so having a meter and a period of transformation where she's much more powerful might make more sense for that. Flash transformations for smash attacks might look okay, since those take longer.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
Ah, yes, I forgot she could reclass. It's been awhile since I've played Awakening.

As for her transformation, I could see them going with a meter as you suggest, similar to Warriors. Having flash transformations for her attacks might look awkward, so having a meter and a period of transformation where she's much more powerful might make more sense for that. Flash transformations for smash attacks might look okay, since those take longer.
How about both? When fully transformed, her smashes would become much faster by virtue of skipping the transformation phases.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
As the creator of the Tiki support thread back during Smash 4 speculation (holy crap it's been 5 years!?) I would consider her being an AT a large victory!
It's pretty much Awakening Tiki, but with the Shadow Dragon massive fire breath.


Lord of Revenge
Apr 16, 2015
N.Murica Indiana
I'm even later than the post before, but she deserves to be in.

Imagine my pain when I saw Krystal and Tiki as assist trophies.

Hoping they make a dlc pack dedicated to bringing assists into being playable.


Lord of Revenge
Apr 16, 2015
N.Murica Indiana
A user on Twitter made a moveset for Tiki:
There was a problem fetching the tweet
I'm guessing she would stay in human form most of the time? Gives me Corrin vibes but at least she wouldn't have a sword lol.

What if she had a stance switch mechanic? Like old Zelda/sheik but the moves would be altered instead of changed. Being able to switch between a light and heavy form would be so unique.

Regardless I'll take her with whatever they decide.
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