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The Chat Waker - Toon Link social


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2014
Also guys, who's your favorite pokemon?
Personally, I have a bunch, though I think lately chinchou is my main favorite. I mean, just look at this adorableness. It's simply too amazing
.View attachment 34643 View attachment 34644 View attachment 34646
What about you guys?
:170: :172:

Shaymin(land), Lapras, Sylveon, Ninetales, Ampharos, and last but not least, Mawile.
If I'm playing a pokemon game, I always need these guys on my team.
I've also managed to breed over 300 mareeps. If anyone wants a 6iv perfect Mareep, I'm probably your guy.
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Your Residential Mongolian
Dec 27, 2014
Alright, I love Toon Link as much as the next guy (probably more than the next guy actually) but am I the only person kind of disappointed by Toon Link's costume selection? Everyone loves the Dark Link costume and I know that the red costume is basically required for Link (Kid, adult, and toon) but I feel like they missed a perfect opportunity to have some really cool alternates. They could have used Minish Cap Link, Wind Waker Link (in just that blue shirt), and the list goes on. Maybe im asking for too much:facepalm:


Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2005
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
I think I've posted on this forum before in the Q & A section, but one of my New Years Resolutions is to start being more active on forums instead of lurking, so I'll post here. Nice to meet you guys! My mains in Brawl were Pokemon Trainer and Toon Link. With Pokemon Trainer gone I'm using Toon Link and Lucina now. I'm not sure which one I would be considered better with but I like both of them.

servbot 42

Smash Cadet
Nov 18, 2014
Hi everyone, as you can see my name is Servbot 42. started using Toon Link as my main like a month ago. Before him my main was Mario and a ZSS as my secondary but it is now Toon Link as my main and Mario as secondary. My favorite outfit is Toon Link with the brown long sleeve shirt. One question about this though, which is which because there's two versions? I know one has light brown hair and one is blonde so is the blonde on from ALBW? Someone please clear this for me. My likes besides anime and games is Seafood, machaca with cilantro and pasta. I also like the old resident evil games, the Disgaea series, and that's all I can think of at the top of my head right now. Dislikes include shooters, any FF game after 9, and television.

On a side note I am currently working on making a guild or crew(whatever you call it) called the Twerking Toon Links. A little get together where people play as Toon Links and can share strategies and combos. I'm also going to make patches to put on your backpacks or whatevs. Kinda excited to do this. Any tips let me know and I'm glad this section of the forums is here.

I agree. I would of liked to see the crawfish shirt link or a hatless/ezlo hat link from minish. It would really seperate his image from the adult link and shown that both characters are completely different. Another thing that came into mind was one of the alts should have the original sword he got in wind waker by his instructor in wind waker
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Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
@ servbot 42 servbot 42
Congrats on picking Toon Link as your new main. It was a good choice.
You're correct about Toon Link's classic alts. The one with blonde hair and the yellow stripe on his hat is supposed to represent A Link to the Past for the SNES and A Link Between Worlds for the 3DS. The slightly lighter green tunic with brown hair and sleeves is meant to represent Link's appearances in the original Zelda games on the NES. Hope my explanation helps.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
@ Curious Villager Curious Villager
I hope you still pop in from time to time. Thanks for letting us know. I'm sure we all appreciate the work you've done for these boards. Uhm... This isn't good-bye, is it? I'm not very good at those things...

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
@ Curious Villager Curious Villager
I hope you still pop in from time to time. Thanks for letting us know. I'm sure we all appreciate the work you've done for these boards. Uhm... This isn't good-bye, is it? I'm not very good at those things...
I'll still pop in from time to time but I'd imagine that my activity will lower from here on out, there are some other projects that I need to take care of that I've neglected to do for some time now (Such as my art and my plans to develop a platformer game) and I'd imagine that my activity will plummet by a lot once we hear more of the new Zelda U and any other upcoming games.

Anyway, thanks for being a good bunch of fellow Toon Link fans and I hope you guys get to make him shine on because he deserves it! ^_^


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
I'll still pop in from time to time but I'd imagine that my activity will lower from here on out, there are some other projects that I need to take care of that I've neglected to do for some time now (Such as my art and my plans to develop a platformer game) and I'd imagine that my activity will plummet by a lot once we hear more of the new Zelda U and any other upcoming games.

Anyway, thanks for being a good bunch of fellow Toon Link fans and I hope you guys get to make him shine on because he deserves it! ^_^
You're welcome and we will... If there was a tournament I could find near me, and if school weren't starting up again, and if online tournaments were actually at a convinent time.

Deleted member

So at least two people placed really high in fairly large tournaments with Toon Link yesterday. One of them was Zan who got 7th out of 74, and the other was Tsunayoshi who placed higher at a smaller tournament, but I forget what his placing and the number of entrants were. Also, Jash recently got 4th out of 61 at a tournament, then there's Manzoku's placing something like 4th out of 100+ iirc at a Japanese tournament. Honestly I was worried TL was going to be bottom of low tier especially with the way people talk about him and even moreso after I recently got a Brawl disc again and got to mess around with him as a better yet C tier character in that game. The placings of TL mains in tournaments lately gives me a lot more hope for him, though. I hope this convinces people who left him for being bad/nerfed so hard to give him another chance.

Shaymin(land), Lapras, Sylveon, Ninetales, Ampharos, and last but not least is Mawile.
If I'm playing a pokemon game, I always need these guys on my team.
I've also managed to breed over 300 mareeps. If anyone wants a 6iv perfect Mareep. I'm probably your guy.
Mawile is cool since mega mawile is a thing. I played competitive Pokemon for a little bit when X and Y came out, and used to love having mega mawile on my team. I got one with the intimidate ability since it gets hyper cutter when it mega evolves, anyway, then I'd use power-up punch twice and any attack I'd use after that was pretty much guaranteed to 1HKO the opponent. I was disappointed when mega mawile ended up getting banned in competitive play, but wasn't surprised. Also, ninetales is pretty awesome, and personally is one of my favorite gen 1 pokemon.

Hi everyone, as you can see my name is Servbot 42. started using Toon Link as my main like a month ago. Before him my main was Mario and a ZSS as my secondary but it is now Toon Link as my main and Mario as secondary. My favorite outfit is Toon Link with the brown long sleeve shirt. One question about this though, which is which because there's two versions? I know one has light brown hair and one is blonde so is the blonde on from ALBW? Someone please clear this for me. My likes besides anime and games is Seafood, machaca with cilantro and pasta. I also like the old resident evil games, the Disgaea series, and that's all I can think of at the top of my head right now. Dislikes include shooters, any FF game after 9, and television.

On a side note I am currently working on making a guild or crew(whatever you call it) called the Twerking Toon Links. A little get together where people play as Toon Links and can share strategies and combos. I'm also going to make patches to put on your backpacks or whatevs. Kinda excited to do this. Any tips let me know and I'm glad this section of the forums is here.
I'll organize your profile like this, then. Is that fine?

-Username: servbot 42
-Mains: Toon Link
-Secondaries: Mario
-Favorite Toon Link Costume: Brown undershirt
-Likes: Anime, games, seafood, machaca with cilantro and pasta, old Resident Evil games, and the Disgaea series

-Dislikes: Shooters, any FF game after 9, and television.

I didn't see anything to put in the "other facts" part, but it's fine if you don't want to put anything there. Also, if you want it to be a different color then go ahead and say so. What's machaca? I don't like TV, either. I think the last time I willingly watched TV was when I was in middle school.

@ Curious Villager Curious Villager Aww. Well it was nice having you as a moderator here. You were a huge help, so thanks for that. And of course, we'll definitely make TL shine on, because he's awesome.
:170: :172:
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
@ Curious Villager Curious Villager Aww. Well it was nice having you as a moderator here. You were a huge help, so thanks for that. And of course, we'll definitely make TL shine on, because he's awesome.
:170: :172:
You're very welcome. ^^

Of course, I helped supporting Toon Link's inclusion for these games as much as I could when almost everyone and their grandma's believed he was cut from the games. So you guys keep on supporting him and showing everyone why he's the awesome Hero of Winds we all know and love! I wish those who intend to use him on any tournaments the best of luck and lots of fun! ^^
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2014
Since my friend threatened me to go to the tournament...

Off I went to the tournament.

And I got bodied by a Ganondorf.

No, I'm actually serious. God dammit.
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Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2014
Somewhere called Nowhere
Also guys, who's your favorite pokemon?
Personally, I have a bunch, though I think lately chinchou is my main favorite. I mean, just look at this adorableness. It's simply too amazing
.View attachment 34643 View attachment 34644 View attachment 34646
What about you guys?
:170: :172:
My favorite is archeops, cuz archeops offensive stats are insane being a non-legendary. But the ability is ........ and also it´s weak to almost all types :( .... But still it´s my favorite :)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2012
Albuquerque, New Mexico
His uniform from Spirit Tracks would've been a great option as well. I think these are from Project M. But would've been great for Smash 4.



Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
...so anyone else here go back to school today? If you did, did you get a prank essay assigned by your teacher, only as soon as eight minutes are up, he/she yells "STOP!" and you don't have do anymore? Yeah, my AP Euro teacher did that to me today.

servbot 42

Smash Cadet
Nov 18, 2014
So at least two people placed really high in fairly large tournaments with Toon Link yesterday. One of them was Zan who got 7th out of 74, and the other was Tsunayoshi who placed higher at a smaller tournament, but I forget what his placing and the number of entrants were. Also, Jash recently got 4th out of 61 at a tournament, then there's Manzoku's placing something like 4th out of 100+ iirc at a Japanese tournament. Honestly I was worried TL was going to be bottom of low tier especially with the way people talk about him and even moreso after I recently got a Brawl disc again and got to mess around with him as a better yet C tier character in that game. The placings of TL mains in tournaments lately gives me a lot more hope for him, though. I hope this convinces people who left him for being bad/nerfed so hard to give him another chance.

Mawile is cool since mega mawile is a thing. I played competitive Pokemon for a little bit when X and Y came out, and used to love having mega mawile on my team. I got one with the intimidate ability since it gets hyper cutter when it mega evolves, anyway, then I'd use power-up punch twice and any attack I'd use after that was pretty much guaranteed to 1HKO the opponent. I was disappointed when mega mawile ended up getting banned in competitive play, but wasn't surprised. Also, ninetales is pretty awesome, and personally is one of my favorite gen 1 pokemon.

I'll organize your profile like this, then. Is that fine?

-Username: servbot 42
-Mains: Toon Link
-Secondaries: Mario
-Favorite Toon Link Costume: Brown undershirt
-Likes: Anime, games, seafood, machaca with cilantro and pasta, old Resident Evil games, and the Disgaea series

-Dislikes: Shooters, any FF game after 9, and television.

I didn't see anything to put in the "other facts" part, but it's fine if you don't want to put anything there. Also, if you want it to be a different color then go ahead and say so. What's machaca? I don't like TV, either. I think the last time I willingly watched TV was when I was in middle school.

:170: :172:
Machaca is dried shredded beef and/or pork that is marinated. Pretty good stuff.


Your Residential Mongolian
Dec 27, 2014
His uniform from Spirit Tracks would've been a great option as well. I think these are from Project M. But would've been great for Smash 4.

I want blue shirt TL so bad:cry:

servbot 42

Smash Cadet
Nov 18, 2014
What's worse is that Wario's has like 8 or something, robin and Wii Fit trainer has female alts, oilman has 2 skins I believe and Bowser Jr. has 7.


Your Residential Mongolian
Dec 27, 2014
What's worse is that Wario's has like 8 or something, robin and Wii Fit trainer has female alts, oilman has 2 skins I believe and Bowser Jr. has 7.
And i know that our thirst for new costumes for TL will never be quenched but I think its just ****ed how A good majority of the characters in the game have cool costumes (some of which change how the character looks completely!) and TL is so neglected :cry:


Smash Cadet
Sep 24, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
I would have loved a OoT Young link skin (melee), but I guess it's not toon link at the end of the day :(. Ah well.
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Deleted member

So what have you guys been up to lately?

Also, I figured you guys all knew this already, but just in case you didnOt, our main is top tier in adorableness. Like, his adorableness is so broken that itIs just plain amazing. I know this is like the millionth time I've posted Toon Link pictures, but I still think more need to be posted in this thread.
6d3349736c96f74696c786a4c873d495.jpg 1483338_1374436352807571_2676218_n.jpg 1111edit.jpg

So since my friend threatened me to go to the tournament...

Off I went to the tournament.

And I got the **** beat out of me by a Ganondorf.

No, I'm actually serious. God dammit.
Yeah, thatIs how you do it and show off TL's brokeness and stuff! Good job! Nah but seriously, everyone does badly at their first tournament. Keep going and IAm sure you'll eventually improve. Or not. :p (just kidding)
:170: :172:
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2014
Machaca is dried shredded beef and/or pork that is marinated. Pretty good stuff.
Can you cook for me pls? I mean your name is servbot, it's only appropriate. Just joking btw, don't hate me.

So I was told to post something today. So, here goes nothing. Hi, but seriously, have you guys read David Sirlin's book, "Playing to Win"? Its a good read, I highly recommend it.
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Deleted member

Can you cook for me pls? I mean your name is servbot, it's only appropriate. Just joking btw, don't hate me.
You would say that. Even if Servbot doesnOt hate you for it, you bet I will. Just joking btw, don't hate me.

So I was told to post something today. So, here goes nothing. Hi, no but seriously have you guys read david sirlins playing to win? Its a good read, highly recommend it.
What? Someone told you to post something? Which terrible person threatened you into doing that? It definitely wasnOt me, I have no idea what youAre talking about. And IAm still waiting for you to link me that Playing To Win thing, otherwise I would have read it. :p
:170: :172:
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2012
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I guess an advantage we have is that Red, Blue and Purple are technically the alternative colors from Four Sword. At least they feel like real costumes and not just colors. But that's just the feeling you gets. It's an illusion.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2015
Final Destination
I'm partial to the "OG" classic costume myself. But some variety, like the blue shirt, would have been cool. Especially since some characters like Little Mac get what, 16 colors?!

Deleted member

I'm terrible at cooking, so I just pop things in the microwave and hope they don't explode lol. Also, @ Cyre Cyre , you should link us that book thing you were talking about.

What are you guys' favorite non-neutral stages in Smash 4?
Personally mine are Congo Jungle 64 on the Wii U (I haven't really messed around with many stages on that one, and like that a 64 stage was brought back), and that stage I forget the name of with the dragon and the person in a cage on the 3DS.
:170: :172:
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Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
I'm terrible at cooking, so I just pop things in the microwave and hope they don't explode lol. Also, @ Cyre Cyre , you should link us that book thing you were talking about.

What are you guys' favorite non-neutral stages in Smash 4?
Personally mine are Congo Jungle 64 on the Wii U (I haven't really messed around with many stages on that one, and like that a 64 stage was brought back), and that stage I forget the name of with the dragon and the person in a cage on the 3DS.
:170: :172:
Defilino Plaza. Something about it makes it so appealing, and I don't know why.

Deleted member

Defilino Plaza. Something about it makes it so appealing, and I don't know why.
Delfino Plaza is fun. Also, swimming is like one of the greatest things added into a Smash game, so Delfino Plaza is pretty awesome for the areas where you can swim. Though personally I don't like the stage very much competitively. It's a good stage for my Brawl main and I think it's at least an okay stage for TL (then again, I wouldn't really know since I don't play on it much except when I'm playing goofy), but all the transitioning is just too distracting for me.

Your wish is my command, Master. @Dr. Artemis

Really good book, I really recommend it. Useful for far more than just competitive gaming.
Thanks! I'll probably read that some time tomorrow. Also, you would totally say that. The "master" part reminds me of this time a Smash Boards user I met on this site years ago declared himself to be my slave, for reasons I don't even remember. I thought he was joking and told him, as his master, he should mail me a straight jacket and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. One day a week or two later I found a strange package when I went to get the mail, then opened it up and there was the most disgusting looking PB&J sandwich and a straight jacket (that he took the time to make himself, I should add) inside. It was the weirdest thing, lol.

*shoves a goron pie (aka rocks) into your mouth*
:170: :172:
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2015
Final Destination
So....hi. I'm new here.

I've mained Toon Link since Brawl, and really like him in Smash 4. I also play Ness and dabble in Shulk, Lucina, and ROB. My favorite costume is the "Brown hair original" Link.

Nice to meet fellow Toon LInk mains! You guys have my heart.



Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2014
Somewhere called Nowhere
Defilino Plaza. Something about it makes it so appealing, and I don't know why.
Delfino Plaza is my favorite too... that´s because... TOO MUCH WATER :p

btw guys I just got the Wii U version, so I tried the 3ds as a controller... I noticed that only can be used to play smash mode.
You guys know if I can use it for the online mode (I know I shouldn´t post this here, but help me out plz)


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
So....hi. I'm new here.

I've mained Toon Link since Brawl, and really like him in Smash 4. I also play Ness and dabble in Shulk, Lucina, and ROB. My favorite costume is the "Brown hair original" Link.

Nice to meet fellow Toon LInk mains! You guys have my heart.

Hey, welcome to the TL boards! Also a Ness and TL main. Hope you have a good time here!

Delfino Plaza is my favorite too... that´s because... TOO MUCH WATER :p

btw guys I just got the Wii U version, so I tried the 3ds as a controller... I noticed that only can be used to play smash mode.
You guys know if I can use it for the online mode (I know I shouldn´t post this here, but help me out plz)
One of my favorite things to do in water stages is to spike people in the water into a KO, in fact TL d-air is broken on water. But I think I just like the moving platform and all the stops on Plaza. I don't know why, it's just so fun to play on.

And unfortunately, I do not know of any way to be able to use 3DS in online. You only appear to be able to use it in smash.


Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2014
Somewhere called Nowhere
Hey, welcome to the TL boards! Also a Ness and TL main. Hope you have a good time here!

One of my favorite things to do in water stages is to spike people in the water into a KO, in fact TL d-air is broken on water. But I think I just like the moving platform and all the stops on Plaza. I don't know why, it's just so fun to play on.

And unfortunately, I do not know of any way to be able to use 3DS in online. You only appear to be able to use it in smash.
I don´t have the adapter :( Look like I need to get PRO with the Wii U game pad... or just wait for an adapter :p

thanks for the reply


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2014
Aboda Village
I don´t have the adapter :( Look like I need to get PRO with the Wii U game pad... or just wait for an adapter :p

thanks for the reply
Fortunately, the Gamepad is similar to the 3DS, so hopefully it should be easier to break into than other controllers.

Edit: Oh, and you're welcome.
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servbot 42

Smash Cadet
Nov 18, 2014
What is the deal with the adapters? Are they still out of stock? Last I remember only the people who preorder them got it, then like a week later they were on eBay for around $100. It does help to play more comfortably but only because I've been using it since the GC smash.

Deleted member

I don´t have the adapter :( Look like I need to get PRO with the Wii U game pad... or just wait for an adapter :p
The gamepad isn't that bad. I use it since I don't have a GC controller adapter, either. It can at least take a lot more than the GC controller, and I think it feels a lot easier to do jump cancelled item throws on it, too. The only real problems I have with it are its size, difficulty to hold, lack of handles, and its awkward cstick placement (people say it's something you can get used to, but I've had the game since soon after it came out and still haven't gotten used to it at all). These issues aren't that bad besides the cstick placement, though, but even then that's still better than the 3DS.

What is the deal with the adapters? Are they still out of stock? Last I remember only the people who preorder them got it, then like a week later they were on eBay for around $100. It does help to play more comfortably but only because I've been using it since the GC smash.
I think you have to go to a store like Best Buy or Game Stop (at least in the US, not sure about other countries) and ask them to order an adapter in the mail for you.
:170: :172:
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