UPDATE2: I've found an easier way to find the particular song you want to edit out when editing your music titles in step 10.
UPDATE: Thanks to Alphatron for telling me about the exporting MiscData[140] trick and RandomTBush for helping me solve the info.pac filesize problems. Also thanks to Fijoe in another thread (http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=252004) for providing the Peach turnip into CD code.
Gone are the days of Moosehunter's compress and decompress programs or Dantarion's Any Length Song Title programs. While those programs served their purpose, with the advent of Kryal's BrawlBox, we can now easily edit music titles without having to do a lot of work. Here is a step by step guide (with pics!) on how to do it using BrawlBox. While this guide may look long, each step literally takes a few seconds to do.
Before we get started with the tutorial, let me give you an overview of what we are going to do. We are going to use BrawlBox to edit two files: info.pac and mu_menumain.pac The info.pac file is used to provide the music titles in-battle, while the mu_menumain.pac file is used to provide the music titles for the "My Music" and "Sound Test" menus in Brawl. All right, enough rambling, let's get on with the tutorial.
1) Get a clean and uneditted info_en.pac and mu_menumain_en.pac. You can download info_en.pac here: http://www.mediafire.com/?mmmmj4mjjnm You can download mu_menumain_en.pac here: http://www.mediafire.com/?mndyxggzymn
2) Download a fresh install of BrawlBox version 0.59 from here: http://brawltools.googlecode.com/files/BrawlBox v0.59.zip . Even if you've used BrawlBox before, I recommend redownloading it so you will have a fresh install with all the settings reset. After you have downloaded BrawlBox, create a new folder and unzip all the contents from the BrawlBox zip file to that folder. Also, make sure you have the Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5 SP1 installed, or else BrawlBox won't even start up. If you don't have it, you can get it here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7&displaylang=en=en
fresh install of BrawlBox
3) Take the info_en.pac and mu_menumain_en.pac files and place them in the same folder as BrawlBox so that all the needed files are in one directory.
fresh install of BrawlBox with info_en.pac and mu_menumain_en.pac placed in the same folder
4) Double click on BrawlBox.exe
5) Click on File-->Open
opening up info.pac
6) Open up your info_en.pac file
selecting info_en.pac
7) Your screen should now look like this:
BrawlBox screen with info_en.pac opened up
8) On the left side of the screen, click on "MiscData(140)". Now your screen should look like this:
Clicking on "MiscData(140)"
9) See that box on the middle-right part of the screen with the music titles? That is what you will be editing. To change a music title simply left-click on any music title and on the LOWER-RIGHT textbox, change the title to whatever you want. In this example, I'm going to change the "Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme" to "The Dark Knight"
Before changing it to "The Dark Knight"
After changing it to "The Dark Knight"
10) Now, change any other music titles that you want to change. For purposes of this tutorial, I'm only going to change "Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme" to "The Dark Knight" and not change anything else. Obviously, your music titles will be different from my music titles, because they're whatever music you're choosing to put into your Brawl game. UPDATE: To find the particular song you want, just left-click on any music title on the list of music titles on the RIGHT-HAND side of the screen (not the text box on the lower-right hand side of the screen). Then simply just press the letter on your keyboard that corresponds to the first letter of the song. If the highlighted song isn't the song you want, simply press the same button over and over again on your keyboard until the particular song you want is highlighted. Example: I want to change out the song "Break Through the Ice", so I would just press the "B" button on my keyboard. The highlighted music title jumped to "Butter Building". This isn't the song I want, so I press the "B" button again on my keyboard. Now "Boss Theme Medley" is highlighted. I don't want this song either. So, I press the "B" button again. This time, "Break Through the Ice" is highlighted. Awesome. Now I can change "Break Through the Ice" to whatever song title I want. The good thing here is that you don't have to worry about the length of your music titles. So if you have a music title that's 40 characters long, no problem, type all 40 characters in. Go wild with your music titles.
11) After you have changed out all your music titles, simply click on File-->Save If you did it correctly, there should also be a dialog box that pops up automatically that says it is compressing.
Saving the changes
BrawlBox will automatically compress the file
12) Okay, we are done saving our newly edited info_en.pac file, but we still need to make sure that as a result of our editing, that we didn't end up increasing the filesize. The original filesize of info_en.pac is 391 KB. Your newly edited info_en.pac MUST BE 391 KB OR LOWER. If it is, move on to step 13 below. If it is 392 KB or higher, your wii will freeze. Don't fret, just follow the steps below.
1) We can see in this screenshot that our info_en.pac is 392 KB. The filesize is too big and it will make our wii freeze up. In order to decrease the filesize to 391 KB or below, we are going to need to take out other unessessary information from our info_en.pac file.
Our filesize is too big
2) If you've followed directions, BrawlBox should still be open with the info_en.pac file loaded. If it isn't go ahead and launch BrawlBox, then open up your info_en.pac file. In order to decrease the filesize, we want to get rid of other useless menu messages in the game. To do this, left-click on MiscData[160]. Your screen should now look like this:
Getting ready to edit out other useless menu messages
3) You see those WiFi messages on the right hand side. Well, we are going to relace each of them with just a "?". To do this, just left-click on any WiFi message and on the LOWER-RIGHT hand corner, just put a "?" in it to replace it. Before you replace the message, just give it a quick read and decide whether or not you think you'll end up encountering that message when you play the game. If you don't think you'll encounter it, just replace it with a "?". If you do think you'll encounter it, go ahead and leave it. Keep in mind though, that you will need to replace many of these so that our filesize will end up being 391 KB or below.
Before replacing the messages with a "?"
After replacing the messages with a "?"
4) Now click on File-->Save. Again, a dialog box should automatically pop up stating that it is compressing our file. Once it is done compressing, check on the filesize to see if it is 391 KB or below. If it is, congratulations, move onto step 13 below. If it isn't, repeat steps 3 - 4 until it is 391 KB or below. Once it's 391 KB or below, move onto step 13.
Our filesize is correct now.
13) Now that we are done with editing info_en.pac, we will export the list of changed music titles and import the list of changed music titles into mu_menumain_en.pac This way, we won't have to manually edit mu_menumain_en.pac like we just did with info_en.pac Your BrawlBox should already be open with info_en.pac loaded up, but if it isn't, go ahead and open up BrawlBox and load up info_en.pac See the MiscData[140] on the left hand side? Go ahead and right-click on it, and then left-click on "Export".
Exporting the MiscData[140]
14) A dialog box should come up. No need to edit the name of the file. Just save it into the same BrawlBox folder that we've been working with.
Saving the MiscData[140] file
15) Now, close BrawlBox by clicking on File-->Exit
16) Okay, we are done with editing our info_en.pac Now let's move onto the mu_menumain_en.pac file.
17) BrawlBox should now be closed and you should not have any programs open now. Good. Now we will start up BrawlBox again so we can edit our mu_menumain_en.pac file. So, double-click on BrawlBox.exe You should be at the main BrawlBox screen again
Here we are again at the main BrawlBox screen.
18) Click on File-->Open
opening up mu_menumain_en.pac
19) Open up your mu_menumain_en.pac file.
selecting mu_menumain_en.pac
20) Your screen should now look like this:
BrawlBox screen with mu_menumain_en.pac opened up
21) Do you see the MiscData[7] on the left-hand side of the screen? Just right-click on it, and then left-click on "Replace"
Replacing the MiscData[7]
22) A dialog box will appear. Open up the MiscData[140] file that we exported earlier.
Selecting the MiscData[140] file
23) If you look toward the right-hand side of the screen, your music titles should all be changed to whatever it was that you changed them to when you were editing the info_en.pac file. Since all I did was change the song "Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme" to "The Dark Knight", that's all that shows up in the screenshot. Obviously, your list of changed music titles will be different from mine.
Our newly changed music titles.
24) Now click on File-->Save Again, a dialog box will automatically appear stating that it is compressing.
Saving the changes
BrawlBox will automatically compress the file
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you get the following dialog box:
Error Message when saving the file
Don't panic!!! You're okay. All you have to do is click "OK" to close the dialog box. Then go back to the upper-left hand corner and click on File-->Save. At this point, it SHOULD correctly save the file.
25) Now, just exit out of BrawlBox by clicking on File-->Exit
26) Now, let's just make sure that our newly edited mu_menumain_en.pac file is exactly 4,159 KB IT MUST BE EXACTLY THIS FILESIZE, OR ELSE YOUR WII WILL FREEZE. If you followed directions, the mu_menumain_en.pac should be 4,159 KB.
Making sure our mu_menumain_en.pac filesize is 4,159 KB
27) Okay, everything should be correctly edited. Now, go into your BrawlBox directory and change the file names of your newly edited info_en.pac and mu_menumain_en.pac. Basically, we want to remove the "_en" part from the filenames. So, basically we changed "info_en.pac" to "info.pac" and we changed "mu_menumain_en.pac" to "mu_menumain.pac"
Before editing the filenames
After editing the filenames
28) Insert your SD card into your computer. Place your info.pac file into:
Placing the info.pac file into the right directory
29) Place your mu_menumain.pac file into:
No, I did not type out the file path wrong. This is where many people mess up. They place the mu_menumain.pac in the wrong directory. So, double-check that your filepath is correct. Notice that you are creating a folder called "pfmenu2" INSIDE the RSBE folder. Then you place the mu_menumain.pac inside that "pfmenu2" folder.
Placing the mu_menumain.pac file into the right directory
30) That's it!!! You're done!!! When you go to load up Gecko OS, MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING FILE REPLACEMENT CODE VERSION 3.5.1 If you are using an older version of the code, your wii will freeze. Things like Brawl+ Version 5.0 RC 1 will have the file replacement code version 3.5.1 in it. If you just want the actual code itself, visit the giant texture thread located here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=225642
If you haven't collected all the music CDs yet, use the code below:
Peach Turnips turn into CDs
4A000000 8098D528
D2000000 00000003
2C060056 40820008
38C0000B 60000000
90DD08C0 00000000
Then just start a normal Brawl, select Peach, and just use Peach's turnip move (Down+B) and you'll easily collect any CDs that you don't have in your collection.
UPDATE: Thanks to Alphatron for telling me about the exporting MiscData[140] trick and RandomTBush for helping me solve the info.pac filesize problems. Also thanks to Fijoe in another thread (http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=252004) for providing the Peach turnip into CD code.
Gone are the days of Moosehunter's compress and decompress programs or Dantarion's Any Length Song Title programs. While those programs served their purpose, with the advent of Kryal's BrawlBox, we can now easily edit music titles without having to do a lot of work. Here is a step by step guide (with pics!) on how to do it using BrawlBox. While this guide may look long, each step literally takes a few seconds to do.
Before we get started with the tutorial, let me give you an overview of what we are going to do. We are going to use BrawlBox to edit two files: info.pac and mu_menumain.pac The info.pac file is used to provide the music titles in-battle, while the mu_menumain.pac file is used to provide the music titles for the "My Music" and "Sound Test" menus in Brawl. All right, enough rambling, let's get on with the tutorial.
1) Get a clean and uneditted info_en.pac and mu_menumain_en.pac. You can download info_en.pac here: http://www.mediafire.com/?mmmmj4mjjnm You can download mu_menumain_en.pac here: http://www.mediafire.com/?mndyxggzymn
2) Download a fresh install of BrawlBox version 0.59 from here: http://brawltools.googlecode.com/files/BrawlBox v0.59.zip . Even if you've used BrawlBox before, I recommend redownloading it so you will have a fresh install with all the settings reset. After you have downloaded BrawlBox, create a new folder and unzip all the contents from the BrawlBox zip file to that folder. Also, make sure you have the Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5 SP1 installed, or else BrawlBox won't even start up. If you don't have it, you can get it here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7&displaylang=en=en

3) Take the info_en.pac and mu_menumain_en.pac files and place them in the same folder as BrawlBox so that all the needed files are in one directory.

4) Double click on BrawlBox.exe
5) Click on File-->Open

6) Open up your info_en.pac file

7) Your screen should now look like this:

8) On the left side of the screen, click on "MiscData(140)". Now your screen should look like this:

9) See that box on the middle-right part of the screen with the music titles? That is what you will be editing. To change a music title simply left-click on any music title and on the LOWER-RIGHT textbox, change the title to whatever you want. In this example, I'm going to change the "Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme" to "The Dark Knight"


10) Now, change any other music titles that you want to change. For purposes of this tutorial, I'm only going to change "Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme" to "The Dark Knight" and not change anything else. Obviously, your music titles will be different from my music titles, because they're whatever music you're choosing to put into your Brawl game. UPDATE: To find the particular song you want, just left-click on any music title on the list of music titles on the RIGHT-HAND side of the screen (not the text box on the lower-right hand side of the screen). Then simply just press the letter on your keyboard that corresponds to the first letter of the song. If the highlighted song isn't the song you want, simply press the same button over and over again on your keyboard until the particular song you want is highlighted. Example: I want to change out the song "Break Through the Ice", so I would just press the "B" button on my keyboard. The highlighted music title jumped to "Butter Building". This isn't the song I want, so I press the "B" button again on my keyboard. Now "Boss Theme Medley" is highlighted. I don't want this song either. So, I press the "B" button again. This time, "Break Through the Ice" is highlighted. Awesome. Now I can change "Break Through the Ice" to whatever song title I want. The good thing here is that you don't have to worry about the length of your music titles. So if you have a music title that's 40 characters long, no problem, type all 40 characters in. Go wild with your music titles.
11) After you have changed out all your music titles, simply click on File-->Save If you did it correctly, there should also be a dialog box that pops up automatically that says it is compressing.


12) Okay, we are done saving our newly edited info_en.pac file, but we still need to make sure that as a result of our editing, that we didn't end up increasing the filesize. The original filesize of info_en.pac is 391 KB. Your newly edited info_en.pac MUST BE 391 KB OR LOWER. If it is, move on to step 13 below. If it is 392 KB or higher, your wii will freeze. Don't fret, just follow the steps below.
1) We can see in this screenshot that our info_en.pac is 392 KB. The filesize is too big and it will make our wii freeze up. In order to decrease the filesize to 391 KB or below, we are going to need to take out other unessessary information from our info_en.pac file.

2) If you've followed directions, BrawlBox should still be open with the info_en.pac file loaded. If it isn't go ahead and launch BrawlBox, then open up your info_en.pac file. In order to decrease the filesize, we want to get rid of other useless menu messages in the game. To do this, left-click on MiscData[160]. Your screen should now look like this:

3) You see those WiFi messages on the right hand side. Well, we are going to relace each of them with just a "?". To do this, just left-click on any WiFi message and on the LOWER-RIGHT hand corner, just put a "?" in it to replace it. Before you replace the message, just give it a quick read and decide whether or not you think you'll end up encountering that message when you play the game. If you don't think you'll encounter it, just replace it with a "?". If you do think you'll encounter it, go ahead and leave it. Keep in mind though, that you will need to replace many of these so that our filesize will end up being 391 KB or below.


4) Now click on File-->Save. Again, a dialog box should automatically pop up stating that it is compressing our file. Once it is done compressing, check on the filesize to see if it is 391 KB or below. If it is, congratulations, move onto step 13 below. If it isn't, repeat steps 3 - 4 until it is 391 KB or below. Once it's 391 KB or below, move onto step 13.

13) Now that we are done with editing info_en.pac, we will export the list of changed music titles and import the list of changed music titles into mu_menumain_en.pac This way, we won't have to manually edit mu_menumain_en.pac like we just did with info_en.pac Your BrawlBox should already be open with info_en.pac loaded up, but if it isn't, go ahead and open up BrawlBox and load up info_en.pac See the MiscData[140] on the left hand side? Go ahead and right-click on it, and then left-click on "Export".

14) A dialog box should come up. No need to edit the name of the file. Just save it into the same BrawlBox folder that we've been working with.

15) Now, close BrawlBox by clicking on File-->Exit
16) Okay, we are done with editing our info_en.pac Now let's move onto the mu_menumain_en.pac file.
17) BrawlBox should now be closed and you should not have any programs open now. Good. Now we will start up BrawlBox again so we can edit our mu_menumain_en.pac file. So, double-click on BrawlBox.exe You should be at the main BrawlBox screen again

18) Click on File-->Open

19) Open up your mu_menumain_en.pac file.

20) Your screen should now look like this:

21) Do you see the MiscData[7] on the left-hand side of the screen? Just right-click on it, and then left-click on "Replace"

22) A dialog box will appear. Open up the MiscData[140] file that we exported earlier.

23) If you look toward the right-hand side of the screen, your music titles should all be changed to whatever it was that you changed them to when you were editing the info_en.pac file. Since all I did was change the song "Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme" to "The Dark Knight", that's all that shows up in the screenshot. Obviously, your list of changed music titles will be different from mine.

24) Now click on File-->Save Again, a dialog box will automatically appear stating that it is compressing.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you get the following dialog box:

Don't panic!!! You're okay. All you have to do is click "OK" to close the dialog box. Then go back to the upper-left hand corner and click on File-->Save. At this point, it SHOULD correctly save the file.
25) Now, just exit out of BrawlBox by clicking on File-->Exit
26) Now, let's just make sure that our newly edited mu_menumain_en.pac file is exactly 4,159 KB IT MUST BE EXACTLY THIS FILESIZE, OR ELSE YOUR WII WILL FREEZE. If you followed directions, the mu_menumain_en.pac should be 4,159 KB.

27) Okay, everything should be correctly edited. Now, go into your BrawlBox directory and change the file names of your newly edited info_en.pac and mu_menumain_en.pac. Basically, we want to remove the "_en" part from the filenames. So, basically we changed "info_en.pac" to "info.pac" and we changed "mu_menumain_en.pac" to "mu_menumain.pac"


28) Insert your SD card into your computer. Place your info.pac file into:

29) Place your mu_menumain.pac file into:
No, I did not type out the file path wrong. This is where many people mess up. They place the mu_menumain.pac in the wrong directory. So, double-check that your filepath is correct. Notice that you are creating a folder called "pfmenu2" INSIDE the RSBE folder. Then you place the mu_menumain.pac inside that "pfmenu2" folder.

30) That's it!!! You're done!!! When you go to load up Gecko OS, MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING FILE REPLACEMENT CODE VERSION 3.5.1 If you are using an older version of the code, your wii will freeze. Things like Brawl+ Version 5.0 RC 1 will have the file replacement code version 3.5.1 in it. If you just want the actual code itself, visit the giant texture thread located here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=225642
If you haven't collected all the music CDs yet, use the code below:
Peach Turnips turn into CDs
4A000000 8098D528
D2000000 00000003
2C060056 40820008
38C0000B 60000000
90DD08C0 00000000
Then just start a normal Brawl, select Peach, and just use Peach's turnip move (Down+B) and you'll easily collect any CDs that you don't have in your collection.