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Something I want to say about education and critical thinking

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Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
There is something I want to say about the case of education, and it is this.

I do not think people without proper education are fully independent. Why? Because some people, too many of them for that matter; tend to listen to others, especially those with power, and automatically assume what was said was correct, even though it is false. On top of that, the people I am referring to lack the proper, if any critical thinking skills that they need; they just listen others without finding evidence to back it up what so ever. This has to do with politics and political leaders as well, as people listen to those kinds of people. I'd say so long as people listen to the wrong people, or anyone who is actually wrong, like certain political leaders, without doing research or critical thinking are relying on others, and thus are not capable of being fully independent thinkers. They might have free will, but they do not have the critical thinking, which is needed for logic and being much more independent.

Which is sad, because it looks to be that some people, such as the Republican party of the USA and rich people in the same area, seem to easily manipulate those without critical thinking skills, just because of their power and so-called leadership. To me, it is as if they want it to remain that way, as in not have the education system we have not to be reformed for the better of our people, as that would create more critical thinkers that would challenge those in power, something those in power do not want.

The powerful, namely the Republicans and the rich, among others, do not want to lose their power over others no matter how wrong they are. In fact, with that, I would say that those people with such power wanting people to remain ignorant are exercising indirect despotism or tyranny, because they do not want changes made to our education system to allow more people to challenge them, even if it would better our society. Those powerful people I refer to are just too selfish and not wanting people to be smarter no matter how much it would help, overall.

This thus has an impact on those with lesser money, the poor, as well as minorities and women, who are not equal to the rich, Caucasians and men respectively. In fact, without proper education and critical thinking, such people would go and do not smart things, seem dumb to the eyes of others which adds to false generalizing, and even committing crimes that can make themselves or the rest of their kinds look bad. Sad thing is, that is what those like the Republicans and the rich, like those in the USA, want, so they can have excuses to exercising power over the ignorant, or those without critical thinking and continue to tell lies that aren't true, or that the minorities, poor or women would "serve" the rich and powerful, go by their word even if it is not true and continue relying on them instead of being free and able to think for themselves.

Without critical thinking and logic, people have begun to question science on things even if science has plenty of evidence to back up the facts it states. Long ago, when society was just beginning to form in many areas, people did not have the critical thinking skills we should have today, and thus began believing in god, religion, superstition, perhaps even magic. Now, I can't say I think it is wrong to believe in those things today, but my point is, even with evidence on the side of science, people without the right thinking skills still refute it, such as believing the Earth is flat and not round, the Earth is only around six thousand years old instead of being around millions, maybe billions, etc., even though evidence shows that the Earth is not flat and that it is much older than six thousand years of age. On top of that, people rely on the wrong people nowadays, especially those who lie without any evidence to back up their claims.

Take former United States president, Donald J. Trump, for example; he said the last election he was in was rigged against him, and the vaccine is bad and people should not take it. Thing is, many people listened to him, and still do, even though he had no evidence to back any of it up. Aside from being a sore loser in the last election, Donald Trump is abusing his power over those without critical thinking and education and taking advantage of him for his own gain. This may be controversial to those who support Trump, but that is my point of view. Regardless, I would not be surprised if he did not care if any number of people died from not getting the vaccine or going by the mandates for it. Now...

I am posting these two links to show my point about Trump being against people getting vaccinated, or at least causing some people to be against it. This is one of the examples where people buy into his lies.

Here is some more evidence about his claims about the election being rigged being false.

It is not always good to listen to those who are leaders, especially those who abuse their power. It depends on what the leader's cause is. Those like Martin Luther King Jr. of the African American civil rights movement had a good cause, which was about equality for all African Americans and more. Those who abuse their power, like Donald Trump, have causes that are more selfish and not for the well-being of the people altogether. I would not be surprised if Trump did not want people educated or have critical thinking skills if that means without them, he could control them more easily.

There are people who say that society needs heroes. I would say that heroes, or people to look up to and listen to are not needed. People just need to have good and proper education and critical thinking skills to determine what is right and what is true. As I have been told, people seem to be becoming more liberal than conservative, at least in the USA; such as a lot of people believing in women's rights, and around 2/3rds percent of Americans believing in climate change. If this is true, then the conservatives, like the rich and republicans, are afraid of losing their power, no matter how wrong they are, and will do anything to protect it.

Here are some links as evidence as to what I am talking about in terms of people believing in women's rights and climate change.

Now, I am sure Republicans and the rich won't go away altogether, no matter how many people switch to being more liberal. Thing is, those like the rich and Republicans are suppressing, repressing people and their children, as well as future generations just so they can maintain their power over them. As long as those people do not have people critical thinking skills, they will listen to even those who abuse their power and lie. I'd say it is quite sad, really, and not what real leadership in the USA should be. Such people also tend to take advantage of what others want to hear by saying what they want to hear rather than the truth, which, to me, is not the right way to go. Plus, even if a better education system and critical thinking impacts the Republicans and the rich negatively, they will still have a positive impact on everyone, and will help this nation in many good ways. Plus, power is not everything, especially if one abuses their power and are using it for a bad cause.

I should probably note that Democrats, while not mentioned much like the Republicans, can be at fault of all of the above as well, as well as the media, such as the news. While it is important to know what is going on in the world, it is easy for those without critical thinking skills and education to be manipulated by the news, and by extension, be manipulated by the news and media. I mean, the news media is considered the fifth branch of government, after all. So I acknowledge that the Democrats and the news media can be at fault too. In the case of the media, they are free to say whatever they want to say, but freedom is power, freedom of any kind, and people can abuse that power, especially telling lies or what people would want to hear when they should know the truth. Too many news media outlets tend to say something that is not true just to get views or reads or whatever. It helps spread misinformation.
I would also say that social classes, such as the upper classes and the lower classes, also cause more division, as it seems to benefit the upper classes more, and the powerful ones in the upper classes, no matter how close the gap between higher and lower classes are.

So in the end, I do not think many people in the USA, and others in other parts of the world as well, have the critical thinking skills and proper education skills to think for themselves, nor do they listen to the right people, let alone listen to the people who have power but abuse it and lie. Just because of a simple thing, like someone being a leader or powerful, for instance; means they are always right, let alone the truth and the whole story itself. There is always much more to the story than what someone says, and power abusive people can leave out details or cover up details or just lie to make themselves look right. It is a shame that today's society does not realize this. Unfortunately, as long as people like those are in power are selfish and not willing to let things change, we may never see a brighter tomorrow. I'd also like to say that everyone is special, but most specialties, if not, all, can only be realized through education and critical thinking. Also, while people can make others fearful and threaten those who think differently, that should make it more evident that they cannot think for themselves, and are more like mindless sheep, with more animal like behaviors.

So, what are your thoughts on all this, guys..and girls?
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Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
Your post is pretty long and im not that awake right now!
I mean i am a weird case (probably cause autism) but i had pretty great critical thinking since i was 3!


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Your post is pretty long and im not that awake right now!
I mean i am a weird case (probably cause autism) but i had pretty great critical thinking since i was 3!
No offense, but there is always some knowledge in critical thinking that you, or others do not start off with right away, as you have to learn those things in school. Plus, this is also about being educated along with having critical thinking. There are plenty of people who do not do both, and do make assumptions. I am not trying to pick on you or say you are wrong, but even if you had such critical thinking at 3 years old, there is still always room for improvement to make it better, via learning, of course.

EDIT: Besides, critical thinking is not something you have at a young age, especially at 3 years of age. You have to develop it, and I doubt it could be developed fully at the age of 3. That is too young.

And by the way, I happen to be autistic as well.
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Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
No offense, but there is always some knowledge in critical thinking that you, or others do not start off with right away, as you have to learn those things in school. Plus, this is also about being educated along with having critical thinking. There are plenty of people who do not do both, and do make assumptions. I am not trying to pick on you or say you are wrong, but even if you had such critical thinking at 3 years old, there is still always room for improvement to make it better, via learning, of course.

EDIT: Besides, critical thinking is not something you have at a young age, especially at 3 years of age. You have to develop it, and I doubt it could be developed fully at the age of 3. That is too young.

And by the way, I happen to be autistic as well.
Ok true it was definitly not fully developed still better than some (less intelligent) adults tbh!
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