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Someone told me to sell my copy of Smash, and...

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Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2016
SW England
I might just do that if you all agree? The reason being that despite playing since 3DS launch I am still an awful, awful player. People on anthers are very rude because they know even the lowest bronze rank players can beat me (can't hide my record to my knowledge), and my win rate on for glory is abysmal. Yes, I can't win on for glory, the supposed easiest part of competitive smash. In fact I'm no better than on day one as roll spam alone can still destory me no mater how many replays I watch or guides i read. Hell I can't even beat level 8 computers without really putting everything i've got into it.

I haven't been able to give up this long because smash is all i've got to keep my mind off a horrid breathing condition. Now i've heard this from someone on anthers, and I feel like i'm wasting my time trying to improve on something i'll never be good at. I'd like to be talented at something I enjoy, as i have no talents at all otherwise. I feel jealous of the people who can become god-like in a matter of hours, while I struggle after months on end of daily, hour-after-hour practice. I get jealous of how many people here say "this game is so easy" and how well they do, while I sit under their heels. (This isn't just a problem in Smash; in everyday life I find I get very little out of all the effort I try to put into things, from my old university course to my old jobs to trying to fix my health.)

Have I been trying to get better for too long? Is it time to sell up?
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Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2008
Switch FC
Games are meant to be enjoyed. For some, being competitive is enjoyment. If you're not enjoying a video game, then you're better off not playing it. Letting jealousy control your motivation is not healthy, it saps the soul.

As for your low self-esteem: Everyone is good at something; even you. Something that people will often fail to usurp you at and/or become envious. Step out into the world and find your passion.
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 26, 2015
I've been playing hardcore since brawl, and I only started getting better in the passed month or so (I was terrible, 10% win rate on FG). A lot of smash is muscle memory, you NEED to think about exactly what you want to do before your fingers learn how to do it without you.

As far as getting better, my tip is to pick one thing you want to improve on (learning to spot dodge for example) and go into every battle thinking about it. At first, your skill level will drop drastically since you are overly focusing on that one thing. This will last a while, but once you figure out what the proper use of a single tech is, you can go back to your normal play style, and you will find that the new tech slips in on it's own without you thinking about it.

Keep at it friend. Join a discord channel and play some friendlies, I've met some cool people on the D3 Discord who would just yell "Don't Roll" every time they punished one of my rolls.
And remember:
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2016
Dude look it took me about a year to get good at this game and even then I struggle on For Glory sometimes

I have a feeling the FG 3ds scene is dead and that most of the time you meat loyal hardcore people on there or thats the case with me because I am certain the people I face are experienced or play Anthers tournament since I meet recognized names over there

Playing for a few months and being sad you are crap is stupid because you really think thats how long it takes to get good at Smash?

Nah man Smash is a game that you need a lot of experience with

Just because you lose on FG doesnt mean anything because that place isnt pure competitive smash

So dont judge yourselves on losing to some ***** link who thinks he is hot **** when he wont get anywhere in a real tournament local scene


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Firstly, you shouldn't feel the need to sell your game just because someone that has their head stuck somewhere the sun doesn't shine told you to do so. There's more to life than the competitive side of things and there is such a thing as enjoying a game.

Practice makes perfect. That's it really.

Don't expect to get better instantly or have the skills magically appear one day. We've all started off as "Noobs" and we all have our own learning curves. A lot of us can easily pick the game up and probably improve in a matter of days; however there's others that require more time to perfect it. I feel that a lot of competitive players and other Smash fans that play the game seem to forget that sometimes.

Not all of us can play this game religiously and practice down to the bone. Most of us have more important things to worry about other than being the alpha dog in some game. It's great you have the desire to get better; however, it's not the end of the world if you feel like you aren't or can't. If you let your loss's weigh you down then you aren't going to get very far at all. Patience is your greatest weapon. It may take time but you will improve, everyone does eventually. Don't sell your game because you feel like you aren't good at it.

I'd rather sell my game if I really needed the money (and I'd have to be hurting for it pretty hard to make such a decision) rather than cause someone told me to and said I'll never be at a competitive level. Why should I care what they think, anyways? I enjoy the game.

That's all that should matter whether I'm good or not.

It's a joke that some people have to act like if you aren't good at Smash then life isn't worth living. Don't worry about those people or their opinions. If Anthers is treating you this way then you may want to look for opponents here instead. I've faced quite a few people here who were either my skill level or higher, as well as very nice and sportsmanlike. If you'd like, we could Smash it out sometime. I'd say I'm average at best and honestly don't even know how good my advice would be but I'd be worth a try to help someone out, right?

Either way, don't sell it and continue to keep trying. Have faith in yourself.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2015
A year ago I too sucked at smash, and I still suck at it. But trust me when I say that if you just hammer at it hard enough you will start to see things in battle you didn't see before.

Honestly I'm not good at this but I guess I can give you an example.
For a long time I tried to play Project M, that broken dead Brawl hack, and I sucked so bad that at one point I just considered dropping the game and leaving it at that. Then I focused on doing just a single piece of tech, in this case it was just learning how to wavedash. It took me months to learn but I eventually got it off consistently and I moved on to the next tech, and the next one.

In my case I enjoy the learning part of smash, yes I lose almost every freaking game I play. But when I play to practice some new ridiculous tech or tactic I just go all out and have fun screwing up!

I guess what I'm trying to say is never give up because one stick thinks you have to be good to have fun. Instead find something that makes Smash fun for you, be it getting good, learning new tech, or just pulling out the Dorf and making piles and piles of salt!

Captain Norris

Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2014
Final Destination
I personally never sell my games, simply because A) I bought it and usually can't sell them for the same price and B) you never know when you might want to play said game again.


Smash Cadet
Jul 6, 2015
No reason to give up, unless you actually don't enjoy the game and/or hate it, furthermore I've been somewhat bad at the game from day 1 to december of last year, I got into my local scene and found people that told me what I was doing wrong and helped me out waayyy more than any guide ever could. I'm still super inconsistent and sometimes lose to randoms and people that are below me, but I sometimes also beat good players. Smash to me is breaking your limits (no I am not a Cloud main) and having fun with cool people, also don't sell games because you might want to play it again at some point. If you are disregarding this comment because your area "doesn't have a scene", then just look up your area with the words smash scene in it, you'll surely find something close to you


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2016
Even if you are just as good as you were when you started, it doesn't matter if you enjoy the game. Who cares what someone told you to do. Tell them to shove it.

I'm definitely not good. I never bother going on 4Glory, especially not 1vs1. I've won a few matches, but most I've been decimated in. I actually love playing the game online on 4Fun. It's just so...Fun! If you need another person to practice with, let me know. We can practice together, since I'm not the greatest either.


Tricky Fox
Jun 15, 2015
Smash is a game that is meant to be fun, it was never made to be competitive nor will Sakuri ever design it to be for hard core gamers. Play the game because you love to play the game and ignore those who wish to just break you down because their self esteem is less than yours. The best way to get better is to first figure out what your strengths and weakness are in the game and either find a character that fits your style or find ways to working your play style into your favorites. When you go on ladder play Friendlies and when you meet your opponent ask them before the match if they can give you feedback. If they do not want to then move on and find someone else. I actually enjoy giving feedback to those who want to hear it and I am sure there are plenty of other players like me who would be happy to help. Helping out others brings up the Smash community and helps it to grow.

If you take nothing else away from this...."Every pro player got their butts beat down plenty of times before they got good."


Smash Cadet
Sep 8, 2015
If you're still that bad after more than 1 year playing, i think fighting games aren't just for you ( at least competitively). But it doesn't matter, i mean, it's just a game. I think you just should find something you're good at.

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
Dude, I feel the exact same way with this game. I've been playing Smash with the serious intent of improving as a player for about a year and a half now, and I still doubt that I even make average in the grand scheme of things (though at this point, I've basically come to terms with the fact that competitive gaming of any kind just isn't for me). My best advice is to simply take some time off the game for a few months - or at least Anthers/FG, people tend to be assholes over there - and maybe play something else to pass the time. I've been trying that for a few weeks now, limiting myself to occasional friendlies with people who I really trust, and I feel like it's definitely been helping. That said, don't sell your game. Chances are you won't be able to get a decent deal for it anyway.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2016
The other posters here have made some really good points about practicing. Almost everyone starts out really bad at the game- me, you, and even the Smash gods (well, probably). In the case of the latter, they didn't get that term by snapping their fingers. It takes many hours of practice to git gud, but it doesn't have to be tedious. Try going one step at a time, e.g. finding out what all the technical gibberish means (something I still kind of have to do :lol:) or trying to improve your recovery. On Anther's Ladder, try and play endless friendlies instead of ranked matches, since your wins and losses aren't recorded. When you're done playing, ask your opponent how you can improve; something I always do when I lose. Most people are very friendly and point out my errors, for example that I am too predictable and that I need more mix ups. This has helped me improve my gameplay, and I've been able to score a few surprise victories, even when it seems I'll lose. Have faith in yourself, too, since thinking positively can help you perform better and make you less discouraged in the face of a touch scenario.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2014
Upstate NY
It doesn't matter at all what others think. I understand if you have a health problem whether physical, emotional, mental, etc it is good to distract yourself. I have gastroenteritis myself and most of the time feel really sick and find games can be a good way to distract myself from any pain I'm having. No matter what game I play I always strive to be better. You will never be the best but you won't also be the worst. I'm sure there are plenty of things u are better at than a random person who beats you in a video game. If losing or dealing with people bc a lot of people just suck and try to make others feel bad about not being great at a game takes away from your happiness then I'd suggest finding a single player game or a game where you play coop with people towards a common goal. Any game that you are playing PvP is going to give you at least some degree of frustration. Life's too short. Just do what makes you feel good and happy.


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2007
Caracas, Venezuela
dont sell because youre not good right now, you can always improve

online sucks for improving, the little lag ****s up your timing badly

every single video game is full of salty players online, i dont know 1 that doesnt

if you do enjoy the game, dotn sell it, practice and become better, visit character forums for tips on your main, and help discover new things


Smash Rookie
May 17, 2016
You might just be lacking in the theoretical aspects of the game, which is fine.

People have different ways of learning. You have those who just do a couple matches and then already understood the basic concept enough to work up from there and you have people who can't make sense of any of that no matter how many matches they play. The latter in particular are mostly people who are more theoretical inclined. That doesn't mean, that they suck, but it does mean, they have to find a different way to understand the game, alongside having to practice the same things the others have to practice. It basically means, you have to work more for it and it doesn't really help, that a lot of guides are more useful for people who are more practically inclined.

Sometimes it's also important to take a break and focus on something else. A different metagame of a different game, for example. That not only allows you to get your head free of anything Smash related, while still allowing you to use all the learning strategies you picked up before, but it also may give you new strategies that you could incorporate into Smash, when you get back to it.

But if you're not really in it for the competitive aspect, then it might just be enough to stop thinking about it as a competitive game and focus more on the moment and having fun (and rolling around like crazy to piss off your opponent :p)

Just don't sell the game, especially since you've already put tons of hours into it. :)


Smash Rookie
May 19, 2016
Medellin, Colombia
The important thing is that if you are not enjoy a game, you should give it a rest for your health, I did not like smash that much but since I try to be in a competitive scene I enjoy it more and I have improved, you maybe should try playing it in wii u or with a different controller, that helped me a bit. Then you can try still playing and trying to improve

Now, If you really are not enjoying the game anymore and just wanna to give up, it is up to you mate.
Just try again, and make your decision


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I haven't been playing Super Smash Bros. 4 for a year. I'm pretty new to it, unfortunately, and there are times where I think giving up would just be the best thing to do. I don't give up, though. I learn what strategies are making me lose and try to fix it. I don't watch videos of myself. My brother tells me what I'm doing wrong, though he encourages I watch videos. Try these steps.

1. Don't play auto-pilot. Humans do that very well. If you drive a car, you'll understand.
2. Observe your opponent, not yourself. You should know where you're at and what position you're facing.
3. If you're using any strategies that get you punished, find different strategies to use.


Pro Hands Catcher
Nov 11, 2014
East Coast
You can put a lot of time into something and not improve at all, or you can improve in a pretty short amount of time pretty quickly. It all depends on how you use that time, consider checking some resources on improvement, broaden your understanding of the game, etc. Effort isn't the same as just playing the game online for hours. That experience can be totally useless towards improvement if you don't learn from it or use it to work on an aspect of your play, or take notes on matchups, etc. So consider not how long, but how you spend that time. Quality over quantity, my friend.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2015
There's nobody forcing you to play Smash, but I'd strongly discourage you from giving it up if the sole reason is because you're bad. You can play Smash Bros, or any game, for a very long time and not improve if you're not learning from the experience. Save a bunch of your own replays, and watch a bunch of pro games, and see how the characters move differently in your hands and theirs. This has actually been a very big thing for me. Since I've started my channel, I've had to watch a TON of my own gameplay, and it started becoming very obvious that I was making some mistakes I never would have noticed if I'd just jumped from autopilot game to autopilot game. So in the two months that I've been doing YouTube, I've actually experienced the most growth ever as a player.

I'm not saying that you need to become a content creator, but I seriously recommend saving a ton of different matches and identifying what differences you see between your behaviour and the pros. Are you constantly approaching? Are you dash attacking into shield? Are you rolling too much and being called out for it? These are all habits that you can get deeply entrenched in, and it helps to be able to look at them with a clear head, not trying to sort everything out while you're in the middle of a frustrating match.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2016
Millbrae, California
Firstly, you shouldn't feel the need to sell your game just because someone that has their head stuck somewhere the sun doesn't shine told you to do so. There's more to life than the competitive side of things and there is such a thing as enjoying a game.

Practice makes perfect. That's it really.

Don't expect to get better instantly or have the skills magically appear one day. We've all started off as "Noobs" and we all have our own learning curves. A lot of us can easily pick the game up and probably improve in a matter of days; however there's others that require more time to perfect it. I feel that a lot of competitive players and other Smash fans that play the game seem to forget that sometimes.

Not all of us can play this game religiously and practice down to the bone. Most of us have more important things to worry about other than being the alpha dog in some game. It's great you have the desire to get better; however, it's not the end of the world if you feel like you aren't or can't. If you let your loss's weigh you down then you aren't going to get very far at all. Patience is your greatest weapon. It may take time but you will improve, everyone does eventually. Don't sell your game because you feel like you aren't good at it.

I'd rather sell my game if I really needed the money (and I'd have to be hurting for it pretty hard to make such a decision) rather than cause someone told me to and said I'll never be at a competitive level. Why should I care what they think, anyways? I enjoy the game.

That's all that should matter whether I'm good or not.

It's a joke that some people have to act like if you aren't good at Smash then life isn't worth living. Don't worry about those people or their opinions. If Anthers is treating you this way then you may want to look for opponents here instead. I've faced quite a few people here who were either my skill level or higher, as well as very nice and sportsmanlike. If you'd like, we could Smash it out sometime. I'd say I'm average at best and honestly don't even know how good my advice would be but I'd be worth a try to help someone out, right?

Either way, don't sell it and continue to keep trying. Have faith in yourself.
Sadly, as seen in the comments of ZeRo's "How to get good" video, everyone is pretty much giving some trolly input.

A majority of players in America when it comes to this thing are too busy punching each other down rather than supporting one another like Japan has. That's why people are Japan are very good (they practice together constantly at the same rate).

In America, most of us are solo yet hyped-as-**** players who mind our own business a ton, while also having an inflated pride that causes us to pretty much poke fun at everything and make other people cry lol.
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