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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Hello Smashboards.......I'm back (after like 3 years maybe, don't remember).

Ok, so this post is a poll survey poll I have set up and asked multiple groups across Facebook as well as on YouTube. I want to see what the most requested characters would be for the next new Smash Bros. Who you think stands a chance. Who you think makes sense. I will calculate the results in a YouTube video (as well as a list most likely).

The two questions are:

1. What are FIVE new Nintendo characters you would like to see in Smash Bros 5?

2. What are FIVE new third party characters you would like to see in Smash Bros 5?

You don't have to state reasons for why you think they should be in if you don't want to but it is there if you choose to. And of course this is only taking into account characters out now or out shortly in the future as we have no idea what new games get made and what new characters will catch the eye of Nintendo, especially given we likely have a few more years before we even hear of the next Smash. But it will show what the Smash community thinks as of now. I hope to calculate the results (as I intend to ask multiple gaming groups this same survey) and put into a future YouTube video for my channel.

Thanks for any and all votes you can give. I very much appreciate it.
I'll try this, though it might be tough to limit this to five Nintendo characters haha. (Also, since you just asked for new characters, I'll leave Snake out, though he'd be #1 on my third party list overall)


1. Ridley (Metroid). I don't care how likely he is; I'd love to see him included as a playable character. Turning him into a glorified pinata (especially one with his Other M design) wasn't exactly his best representation of a character who's had some of the best boss fights in the Metroid series.

2. King K. Rool (Donkey Kong Country). It's a shame that he's been left out of DKC Returns and Tropical Freeze; seeing him take on all sorts of ridiculous personalities was fun, and as far as Smash Bros. is concerned, his wide variety of boss fights would make for a rather interesting (and entertaining) moveset.

3. Inkling (Splatoon). They seem like a natural fit for Smash, given the wide variety of weapons and abilities at their disposal. (they're also basically a guarantee, given the success of both Splatoon games)

4. Wonder Red (the Wonderful 101). Not exactly the best-known game, but as Bayonetta showed, the sort of games that Platinum makes can mesh quite well with Smash Bros' style of gameplay, and while I had some trouble getting into the Wonderful 101 (mainly due to the camera), it's such a labour of love that I'd like to see it get more publicity.

5. Alexandra Roivas (Eternal Darkness). I played through Eternal Darkness over a year ago, and while I'd mainly like to see her included for the stage potential (especially if they could incorporate some of the sanity effects that Eternal Darkness is known for), I figure she'd make for an interesting contrast with the rest of the cast in terms of visuals (dressing modern and casual, as opposed to fancy medieval gear or futuristic get-ups), and she has a lot of magic and weapons to work with, especially if you take into account the fact that she gains the skills of all of the previous holders of the Tome of Eternal Darkness.

Third Party

1. Rayman (Rayman). I'm a little disappointed that the Smashified leak was fake; he seems like a great fit for the franchise, and it's a shame that he only made it into Smash 4 as a trophy. Between Rayman Origins and Legends, a list of moves pretty much writes itself.

2. Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes). I really enjoy the No More Heroes games, to the point that I bought No More Heroes 2 on its release day, even though it seems like it would be discounted heavily shortly after launch. They may be quite violent and filled with dirty humour (Travis charging his beam katana is a testament to that), but they're still a ton of fun, and between his knock-off lightsaber, luchadore wrestling moves, and power-ups like turning into a tiger, Travis seems like he'd be fun to play as.

3. Shovel Knight (Shovel Knight). Much like Rayman, he seems like he'd easily make the jump to Smash Bros. - aside from being a 2D platformer character who's heavily inspired by games from the NES, his standard moves and Relics (both those in the base game and those that can be unlocked by Custom Knight, like the Infinidagger) give him a lot of material to work with. Plus, it's not like the Shovel Knight developers have been stingy about including him in other games.

4. Doomguy (Doom). No deep reasons here; Doom's easily the most fun that I've had playing a first person shooter, and much like Ryu and Cloud, Doomguy is one of the big figures for an entire genre.

5. Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury/King of Fighters). Aside from SNK putting more work into getting classic games on the Switch than Nintendo, I figure he'd make a nice contrast to Ryu in terms of design and fighting style, and the sheer amount of Engrish that he'd bring into the table would be hilarious. (for similar reasons, I'd also have no problem with Geese Howard)


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Welp, people must love their snakes if Serperior had won. At least Samurott was a good second place contender. While Emboar and Audino sits in the corner of shame.

Next up is well one that shouldn't be too hard for a certain former Gen 5 Pokemon shoo-in to win. Your picks are Excadrill, Zoroark, Bisharp, and Hydreigon,

There was a problem fetching the tweet

*back into the shadows*

Deleted member

I hope you guys are prepared for some intense pro Chandelure propaganda on tomorrow's poll.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Hey DragonSniperNintendo (aka SnipingIsFun). Long time no see.

Guess I can say my Top 5 third parties and non-third parties here

1. Takamaru
2. King K Rool
3. Bandanna Dee
4. Incineroar
5. Spring Man

1. Crash Bandicoot
2. Jin Kazama
3. Ryu Hayabusa
4. Doomguy
5. Shovel Knight

Think that should be a decent list.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2017
I'm not invested into Nintendo characters enough so I'm sticking to third parties if we're talking what characters I wouldn't mind seeing in Smash, though I wouldn't see it happening because of the situation of Western third-party characters being very unlikely in a Japanese fighting game, but I like to do it just for fun.

imo If Sakurai was not restricting to only Japanese third-party characters, then these characters would be welcoming additions because of their reputation with the gaming industry.
Third Parties:
5.) Doomguy
4.) Crash Bandicoot
3.) Lara Croft
2.) Scorpion/or Sub-Zero
1.) Rayman


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I changed one of my top five most wanted characters from Gengar to Ninten. I know it would never happen in a million years. I've seen the desperate attempts to differentiate his design from Ness and it just doesn't work.

But, he is my favorite Mother character of all and I love him way more than Ness. It would be neat if he had PK Beam as a clone of PK Fire and a boomerang instead of a baseball bat.

It would be a miracle if Ninten could somehow join the cast in a way that would work. But, it would be impossible without making him a completely unrecognizable character.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
I love how people say "more popular" as if they have a way of knowing what's actually universally popular outside of the Smash community (or even within it, aside from a few ubreliable fan polls).

The DLC Ballot should be a reality check. I don't know a single person who expected Bayonetta to win overall. I didn't even know she was that popular. I thought K. Rool was shoe-in, and I feel multiple other did as well.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013

The DLC Ballot should be a reality check. I don't know a single person who expected Bayonetta to win overall. I didn't even know she was that popular. I thought K. Rool was shoe-in, and I feel multiple other did as well.
I think a lot of people don't think to stick their heads out of the dark depths of online forums and consider all the casual and hardcore Nintendo/Super Smash Bros fans that don't spend their time on the internet creating support threads for their favorite characters.

So probably best not to rely only on Smash forums to measure a character's popularity.
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No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC
Here's mine:

1st Party
1. Paper Mario
2. Isaac
3. King K. Rool
4. Waluigi
5. Inklings

3rd Party
1. Crash Bandicoot (duhh :p)
2. Bomberman
3. Phoenix Wright
4. Black Mage
5. Spyro
HM: Tails and Rayman


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
I think a lot of people don't think to stick their heads out of the dark depths of online forums and consider all the casual and hardcore Nintendo/Super Smash Bros fans that don't spend their time on the internet creating support threads for their favorite characters.

So probably best not to rely only on Smash forums to measure a character's popularity.
I've been saying this to Krystal fans for YEARS. Shes obviously not popular or well known among casual gaming fans. Like at all!

she has a loud vocal minority on Smash related websites, but outside of that. Shes a nobody to most people in real life. Probably didn't even make the top 15 in Smash Ballot. Definitely not iconic / important enough compared to most characters. Her support thread has more posts than a lot of characters here, but honestly that doesn't mean anything at all. Probably the same group of rabid fans talking about the same stuff over and over.
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
Hello Smashboards.......I'm back (after like 3 years maybe, don't remember).

Ok, so this post is a poll survey poll I have set up and asked multiple groups across Facebook as well as on YouTube. I want to see what the most requested characters would be for the next new Smash Bros. Who you think stands a chance. Who you think makes sense. I will calculate the results in a YouTube video (as well as a list most likely).

The two questions are:

1. What are FIVE new Nintendo characters you would like to see in Smash Bros 5?

2. What are FIVE new third party characters you would like to see in Smash Bros 5?

You don't have to state reasons for why you think they should be in if you don't want to but it is there if you choose to. And of course this is only taking into account characters out now or out shortly in the future as we have no idea what new games get made and what new characters will catch the eye of Nintendo, especially given we likely have a few more years before we even hear of the next Smash. But it will show what the Smash community thinks as of now. I hope to calculate the results (as I intend to ask multiple gaming groups this same survey) and put into a future YouTube video for my channel.

Thanks for any and all votes you can give. I very much appreciate it.
1) Mimikyu
2) Ghirahim
3) Doc Louis
4) Isabelle
5) Paper Mario
6 ) Ridley. F it. Ridley's still interesting even if I don't support him anymore.

Don't care for third party members.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I've been saying this to Krystal fans for YEARS. Shes obviously not popular or well known among casual gaming fans. Like at all!

she has a loud vocal minority on Smash related websites, but outside of that. Shes a nobody to most people in real life. Probably didn't even make the top 15 in Smash Ballot. Definitely not iconic / important enough compared to most characters. Her support thread has more posts than a lot of characters here, but honestly that doesn't mean anything at all. Probably the same group of rabid fans talking about the same stuff over and over.
God, which Krystal fan **** on your life? She hasn't been focused on in this thread in ages. Was she in anyone's top 5 list so far? No one, not even her supporters, see her as particularly likely until Starfox gets a new game with her in it, unless the Smash devs are specifically going for a Starfox character with an easy moveset.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
God, which Krystal fan **** on your life? She hasn't been focused on in this thread in ages. Was she in anyone's top 5 list so far? No one, not even her supporters, see her as particularly likely until Starfox gets a new game with her in it, unless the Smash devs are specifically going for a Starfox character with an easy moveset.
i was talking about the past 2 smash iterations. They had been acting cocky about her "popularity" pre brawl and pre smash 4, just because her support thread posts and polls votes were always high here LOL.


Falling into Infinity
Oct 21, 2014
Might as well join in.

1st party:

1) Rex w/ Pyra/Mythra OR standalone Pyra/Mythra (either is fine by me)
2) Decidueye
3) Ashley
4) Ridley
5) King K. Rool

3rd party:
1) Crash Bandicoot
3) Doomguy
4) Spyro

Can't think of a fifth character I want for 3rd party.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Hello Smashboards.......I'm back (after like 3 years maybe, don't remember).

Ok, so this post is a poll survey poll I have set up and asked multiple groups across Facebook as well as on YouTube. I want to see what the most requested characters would be for the next new Smash Bros. Who you think stands a chance. Who you think makes sense. I will calculate the results in a YouTube video (as well as a list most likely).

The two questions are:

1. What are FIVE new Nintendo characters you would like to see in Smash Bros 5?

2. What are FIVE new third party characters you would like to see in Smash Bros 5?

You don't have to state reasons for why you think they should be in if you don't want to but it is there if you choose to. And of course this is only taking into account characters out now or out shortly in the future as we have no idea what new games get made and what new characters will catch the eye of Nintendo, especially given we likely have a few more years before we even hear of the next Smash. But it will show what the Smash community thinks as of now. I hope to calculate the results (as I intend to ask multiple gaming groups this same survey) and put into a future YouTube video for my channel.

Thanks for any and all votes you can give. I very much appreciate it.
Sorry if this is a late reply, but here's my responses to your questions:

5 Nintendo Newcomers to Smash Bros 5:
1: Isaac (Golden Sun)
2: Inklings (Splatoon)
3: Spring Man (ARMS)
4: Rex/Pyra (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
5: Bandanna Waddle Dee (Kirby)

Third Party Newcomers to Smash Bros 5:
1: Doomguy/Doom Slayer (DOOM)
2: Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
3: A Persona or Shin Megami Tensei character, but for simplicity's sake I'll say Ren Amamiya/Joker (Persona 5)
4: Rayman (Rayman series)
5: Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2015
Here's mine, trying to stay realistic while including my preferences:

Nintendo Characters:
1. Inklings
2. King K. Rool
3. Midna
4. Spring Man
5. Isaac

Third party characters:
1. Prof. Layton
2. Shovel Knight
3. Rayman
4. Crash Bandicoot
5. Sora


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I've been saying this to Krystal fans for YEARS. Shes obviously not popular or well known among casual gaming fans. Like at all!

she has a loud vocal minority on Smash related websites, but outside of that. Shes a nobody to most people in real life. Probably didn't even make the top 15 in Smash Ballot. Definitely not iconic / important enough compared to most characters. Her support thread has more posts than a lot of characters here, but honestly that doesn't mean anything at all. Probably the same group of rabid fans talking about the same stuff over and over.
I don't wanna say the same thing about Isaac and King K. Rool, but I would say characters like that are more vocal in the Smash community than they are popular with most people in real life. I'm sure most people would recognize King K. Rool, but I don't that a lot of casual people really care about him one way or the other compared to a lot of other Nintendo characters.

I gave up on Donkey Kong Country newcomers after Smash for Wii U. When you have DK & Diddy you're pretty much set.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I will say...

People here think its the casuals who decide the characters.

But we got a niche character, in Bayonetta, when there was a poll.

It wasn't that we ignored casuals, its that we misunderstood the hardcore.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
People may point at characters like K. Rool and Isaac and say that the hardcore doesn't dictate the roster while seemingly glossing over inclusions like Shulk and Palutena.

The truth of the matter is that no one group has sole sway over how the roster takes shape; multiple contingents are appeased... as it should be. You can get your Mario characters and third-parties that everyone knows, you'll get your Bayonettas and Little Macs that the Nintendo gamer cares about, and you'll get your Shulks and Palutenas that the hardcore supports.

I commend Sakurai for finding room for all subsets, and I fear another director, especially EPD, would not cater so equally.


Smash the State
Apr 22, 2010
User was warned for this post
I take issue with a lot of the roster in choice and implementation, so Sakurai can suck an egg.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2014
My top 5 first-party picks would be:

1) Isaac
2) Lola Pop
3) Spring Man
4) Rex (w/ Pyra and Mythra)
5) Inklings


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
...can go suck an egg.

Makes me think of Birdo spitting an egg into another Birdo's mouth.
This goes on and on, back and forth for hours.
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I will say...

People here think its the casuals who decide the characters.

But we got a niche character, in Bayonetta, when there was a poll.

It wasn't that we ignored casuals, its that we misunderstood the hardcore.
Wasn't her winning the poll also helped by the fact the voting was started as Nintendo were heavily advertising her new game, setting her popularity to an all time high for her series at that time?
People may point at characters like K. Rool and Isaac and say that the hardcore doesn't dictate the roster while seemingly glossing over inclusions like Shulk and Palutena.

The truth of the matter is that no one group has sole sway over how the roster takes shape; multiple contingents are appeased... as it should be. You can get your Mario characters and third-parties that everyone knows, you'll get your Bayonettas and Little Macs that the Nintendo gamer cares about, and you'll get your Shulks and Palutenas that the hardcore supports.

I commend Sakurai for finding room for all subsets, and I fear another director, especially EPD, would not cater so equally.
I don't think those characters were that much of 'hardcore' characters either. From what I heard Shulk was pretty popular in Japan around the time the roster was being made, and Sakurai made KI Uprising that brought Palutena's character to life before going onto Smash.
I don't think the process of making the roster is as deep as we make it out to be. It's most likely a combination of "who's been talked about recently" or "who Sakurai likes" or "that character's a bangin idea for Smash". I wonder how many character concepts came to Sakurai as he was vegging out in front of his TV with a nice cup of tea watching reruns of sitcoms.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Wasn't her winning the poll also helped by the fact the voting was started as Nintendo were heavily advertising her new game, setting her popularity to an all time high for her series at that time?
That was a long time before the ballot.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Hopefully I'm not too late.

Top 5 Nintendo Picks:

1. Issac (PLEASE! I'm begging for him to be added.)
2. Rex and Pyra
3. Inklings
4. Impa
5. Lycanroc (Honestly, I feel like I'm alone for this one, everyone else picks Decidueye, but oh well.)

3rd Parties:

1. Sora
2. Snake
3. 2B

Not alot of 3rd Parties I want.
Just gimme some cool characters and I'm fine.
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Roberto zampari

Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2013

I wonder if this is true, knowing that Emily Rogers speculated that would have Female Link in Breath of the Wild, but it's not true.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Yeah I don't trust her. And it's so vague too, a lot of people are predicting that Smash Bros will come this year.

I just hope regardless of when it releases and if it's a port or not, most franchises get a new stage, at least the franchises that have had a game or have a new game coming to get a stage in the next Smash. And trophies and music from everything new.

I don't want to be playing a 2014 game with barely any content from past that era. Smash has always felt like a culmination of Nintendo history, including recent history.


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
Hello Smashboards.......I'm back (after like 3 years maybe, don't remember).

Ok, so this post is a poll survey poll I have set up and asked multiple groups across Facebook as well as on YouTube. I want to see what the most requested characters would be for the next new Smash Bros. Who you think stands a chance. Who you think makes sense. I will calculate the results in a YouTube video (as well as a list most likely).

The two questions are:

1. What are FIVE new Nintendo characters you would like to see in Smash Bros 5?

2. What are FIVE new third party characters you would like to see in Smash Bros 5?

You don't have to state reasons for why you think they should be in if you don't want to but it is there if you choose to. And of course this is only taking into account characters out now or out shortly in the future as we have no idea what new games get made and what new characters will catch the eye of Nintendo, especially given we likely have a few more years before we even hear of the next Smash. But it will show what the Smash community thinks as of now. I hope to calculate the results (as I intend to ask multiple gaming groups this same survey) and put into a future YouTube video for my channel.

Thanks for any and all votes you can give. I very much appreciate it.
A) Five New Nintendo:

1) Mike Jones - I really like Star Tropics. Those games hold up. And it’s a great way for me to get a third.
2) Vaati - similar view of four sword adventures. And felt four worked better than the three in triforce heroes
3) Bandana Dee - the fact is kirby characters play like Smash brothers fighters, he just fits.
4) Inkling - just seems too likely.
5) ARMs Rep - see inkling

B) five new third party

1) Bonk - because 16 bit console wars.
2) Bomberman - Because he fits
3) Commander Video - Runner3 is exclusive, he has a trophy, and would rep indies.
4) yoshimitsu - from soulcalibur/tekken. I know he has no chance. I just like him.
5) Rusty/Dorothy - Steamworld games rule.

Deleted member

A wise man man once said:
dont put any stock.jpg

Remember these words of wisdom.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
The problem isn't really the leaker(who has gotten things right before, even specific details), it's the fact it's just so vague and expected that it doesn't really merit any reason to trust this particular leak. It's basically a prediction in disguise.
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