You must find your own path to the future.
If you're suiciding, you must be doing something wrong. It's key that when you are using AAS and need more recovery distance, that you do not recover low. Use AAS when your feet are somewhat above the ground for the best recovery. After then, the only reason you go lower is to snap onto the edge if you can, for extra safety, or do a mix up and actually do recover low (in which case you either use just the first slash or make sure to space the first and second out enough so you can make it to the edge).@berseker01 As long as 2133 makes the cut i dont care if its a critical or preference set. Thank you.
I also used to believe that Advancing Airslash would be better with decisive arts because of the extra horizontal recovery of the second hit, but in practice it is uneeded and usually leads to suicides.
Using my table, Speed is worse for MAS than when in AAS or AS. I have not tested Decisive Speed yet, but I imagine that this is still the case.Its uneeded because when you are on decisive speed you already have enough horizontal movibility to get the ledge even from far far away.
I doubt that decisive shield is that great at lowering your knockback. I still think it's likely you will have times where you will need to recover, but will find you cannot without AAS. I would love some numbers on this or something.When you are on decisive shield you wont be thrown offstage far enough to desperate need that horizontal recovery (unless you are on like 180% of course).
Having a more vertical recovery is worse while in arts that do not adjust your air speed or fall speed. Mighty air slash is worst unless if in monado jump.But you will always need the extra vertical recovery that Mighty Airslash gives you (about half of shulks body), always. It patches the jump height loss of speed and shield and lets you edgeguard deeper.
The chart shows that no it won't.If you pair up regular or decisive shield or speed with AAS the vertical height loss of those arts and AAS will make you pay and die sooner than expected.
Really? What did you do?I did extensive testing with AAS and i cant recommend it over regular Air Slash in any set or way, it has it niche uses but overall its far from being better than regular.
1) Indeed.Now i must ask, have you people given a try to Mighty Air Slash? I have to ask because it is better than Regular Air Slash in almost every way and it should be in more (if not all) sets. Let me explain why:
Mighty Air Slash pros vs Regular Air slash
1.- Mighty does 5% more damage than regular
2.- Mighty leads to vertical kills, so it kills sooner than regular that kills in a 45% degree angle. (see pits upperdash arm vs dark pits electroshock arm)
3.- Mighty has extra vertical recovery height about half of shulks body. Lets you recover safer and edge guard better. This helps to recover better in regular or decisive speed or shield and completely replaces monado jump so you will never need it to recover, but if you want to fight while in it be my guest.
Regular Air slash pros vs Mighty Air Slash
1.- Its easier to link the second hit with regular than with Mighty. Once you practice enough with Mightys timing you will see that this can be overcomed and connecting the second hit will be second nature.
2.- Regular has more hit range than Mighty. Completly true and its the one and only true advantage that regular has over Mighty, but Mighty still has enough range (similar to f-tilt) to hit OOS or out of spot dodge or as a punishing option, and unlike regular it can lead to a kill in less %.
These are the 5 differences between them.
Make you choice and tell me why would anyone prefer regular air slash over mighty because i cant see any good reason for doing that.
2) I would think it would be dependent on stage position. Let's see about this. The kill percent of MAS against Mario is 127% (top blast zone). From training mode spawn point, it is 110% with normal air slash. Then, from center stage, it is 143%.
So, yeah, generally while on the stage MAS does have better kill percents. However, it's worse when nearing the sides of the stage, and even worse as an edgeguarding tool. I guess pick what you prefer.
3) I still need to check out decisive arts in combination with the up B customs, but for normal arts, MAS will be worse for recovery than the other customs unless in monado jump. This is because of MAS's almost complete lack of horizontal movement. You must get closer to the edge before you can use MAS. During this time that you are getting closer, you are also falling lower. This effectively eliminates the extra vertical height which MAS has.
The theoretical reason why it is easiest to recover with Shield (and Buster/Smash/Vanila) while in AAS, worse in AS, and worst in MAS is the horizontal movement of AS and AAS allows you to use the move earlier. Shield's drift speed has a poor angle from which it falls, much lower than 45°, so any horizontal distance really matters.
For off-stage attacking, yes, mighty air slash can go very low. However, it can't go very far out, so it's a trade off. In most circumstances, normal air slash can go as low as is needed with mighty air slash. That low of recovery isn't needed. Furthermore, normal air slash can go a lot farther out. For most cases, AS is probably better. AAS does have some issues with the very deep edgeguards, but is still not bad, having the same height as normal air slash's first strike. AAS is really good for... surprise surprise, horizontal edgeguarding.
1) Indeed. You're right about the hits connecting with MAS. Unlike other customs, the opponent continues to rise, so that when you delay the two hits you can hit them. That's a smart move by the developers. Indeed, mighty air slash even works on Bowser. However.. using it while in monado jump is a completely different story. You go much too high.
2) Yep. The ability to actually get the hit on the opponent is lesser thanks to the lack of range. MAS is nice if you land it, but are you going to land it? It depends. There will be more instances where AS or AAS will hit and MAS will not.
I've read your post.@erico9001 There is no need for fancy science or custom maps to realize that MAS has the best vertical height recovery of the up b. MAS is the only one that can get to the top platform of battlefield with no jumping and without the second hit of air slash. Default AS cant make it without the second hit and AAS cant even make it with both hits!
MAS has the best vertical height of the up b, which is vital while in decisive speed or shield due to the inhability to change to jump.
Also the following its not true:
"If purely looking at recovery, the advantage of AAS is it allows you to not have to switch out of Buster, Smash, and especially Shield as often."
AAS has the worst vertical height of the up b, it cant even get to the top platform of battlefield with both hits!.
imagine that scenario with decisive shield o decisive speed while recovering thanks.
MAS has more uses and credit that you give it, even for pure recovery. Check my other posts in this same page (4) abouth the matter.
That part which I said is definitely true and proven.
That's all I have for now. I still have a lot of other posts in this thread to catch up on!
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