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Robobot Secretary: Susie Haltmann Reports for Smash Switch


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Susie Haltmann Sings Into Battle

Who is Susie Haltmann?

Susie Haltmann is one of the main antagonists of the game Kirby Planet Robobot. Being the daughter of the company owner President Haltmann and the secretary of the company, she praises his name through song or enjoying ice cream on her free times. She is seen as a foe that shoves her intelligence in other's faces to prove her superiority and the company's ideal plans for planetary domination. Susie is not only an interesting foe, but one of the more interesting members of the organization next to her father.

How can Susie be interesting or work as a fighter?

Being a technologic genius, she fights aboard a Robobot Armor. The Robobot Armors were a new mechanic introduced in Kirby Planet Robobot that heightened the puzzle solving and boss battles in gameplay. In Kirby's case, they can be used to copy abilities using a scanner. But for the Haltmann family, they are specialized in combat with a variety of powerful attacks and weapons. She can jump around to smash foes with the screw like extension (which in turn can be used to drill or screw special devices), fire a series of exploding rooting replicas of herself (usually as living missiles or tops to attack her enemies), or spin her arms around like a massive top to attack her foes.

There is much to be done with her trademark pink Robobot Suit. Though who's to say that it can't gain to abilities and weaponry to fight? It could borrow from the Robobot Copy Abilities in combat like Spark shots, ESP psyenergy blasts, Fire flamethrowers, or converted itself into a pink motorcycle to run over her foes. This would make sense given her company did produce the these armors and mass produce them. Or she can borrow some moves from her father.

But what about President Haltmann? Shouldn't he be considered since he is the head of the company?

While it is true that he is her boss and gave her the orders to fulfill his needs, but she made more appearances in the game's story. You see these tasks get performed on screen
Like Meta Knight being robotized into the company's own slave to fend off Kirby or using Dedede's DNA to create purple synthetic clones that were smart enough to use machinery. And that's not even going into her betrayal of a weakened Haltmann to use the Star Dream for her own desires before it took over his mind near the game's climax

But that's not to say Haltman can't be given the alt treatment a la Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings to have him playable. Both of them happen to use the same technology and their Robobot Armors are similar in shape, with his being more of a plated gold and more menacing appearance. That's something that wouldn't be too bad.

Arguments Against Susie

Planet Robobot will be old news by time Smash Switch is out

Given that the game came out some time after Smash 4's release and it had no content as DLC, I'd say we are surely getting content in the next title. There enough material to be used like songs, a stage, or even Susie herself. Or even a Robobot Armor can be an item in case she doesn't appear as a playable character (but more based on the model Kirby used). So promoting the game in the next title won't be too late since the 3DS will still have a relevant userbase by then.
Susie isn't that requested and shouldn't be included over other Kirby characters

Who's to say that she would ever get in the way in the inclusion of Bandana Dee or others when it comes to picking characters. It could be a Brawl scenario when we would get both if we are lucky enough. HAL will probably find her and Dee just as interesting and ask Sakurai to add both character (or even one of them if there isn't enough development time).
She does have a notable following and some would be overjoyed for her to stick around longer as a character. In fact, she is easily the most popular new character in the game next to Haltmann himself
Or even the Star Dream, which is better off as a boss
. She has enough merits on her own, even if they are minuscule. She wouldn't be seen as a threat to Dee or any other more obscure Kirby character for that matter. Even Susie was proven to ne popular enough to have her own exclusive 3DS theme in Japan. So the fandom is there, it's a matter of what HAL plans to do with her in the future.

Susie isn't going to appear in the series again. She is another one-shot like Ribbon and Magolor

That may be true. She doesn't have a clear future for her character arch. Though spending on Robobot's popularity, I can see her coming back as a hero or even a bonus boss fight in the Kirby Switch game. Her popularity is there and haven't even faltered compared to Shinomura-era characters like Adeline or Ribbon. Even then, she could be chosen for Smash given the lack of Robobot content in the series yet as a promotional character (or just chosen based on the uniqueness with the Robobot Armor). We will just have to wait, but I wouldn't say she's a one and done deal yet as a character in the Kirby franchise.

What would Susie do that other mech fighters can do, especially Dr. Ivo Robotnik?
Susie in her defense only has one known Robobot Suit, which can have some tricks up its sleeve. The body shso of the mech itself is semi-humanoid at least, with a pair of armored arms and a drill like leg. She rarely focuses on flying unlike Eggman, she hops and spinning will be her way of moving around. Her only known weapons on said mech involve shooting explosive drones that are shaped just like her. The drill like appearance can be used for something bigger that's a part of her main gimmick.

With some creative liberties, stage control used with it if she uses elements from her boss fight (which is a method similar foes also used in Robobot. She can drill into the ground to spawn the same large pedestal from her it, which can serve as her only means of defense or even strengthen her Drill Rush attacks from the boss fight. That would be her trademark ability. When spawned, nothing can essentially harm it (it would be indestructible) as it stands before disappearing a la Villager's Tree. It can betwice the size of her Robobot Suit (which should be around Bowser's size on its own) for balancing and making it more formindable than the tree (instead of being as large as the original below).

Her Drill Rush can even be strengthened by flying into the mechanism by making it deadlier and faster with electricity. It may sound rather straightforward, but what if rushing through it grants you more free control in that form? Using the Drill Rush by itself would last long as Meta Knight's version of it, but when going through the spawned mechanism would allow you to fly more freely around as this giant electrical projectile. There would be major drawbacks like tying too far off the stage, having little control over turning in that form, or even crashing into something else (no electric shockwaves by the way).

Susie drones can also interact with that spawned mechanism as well for more tricks like the boss fight. When shot against it, they can spin around it just like the game, giving them momentum to spin even faster as they go. Either drones can bump into the fighters or the drones with literally fly straight into the air. That last part may sound useless, but it would pack a punch to someone who happens to be jumping or floating above the mechanism.

Glorious Haltmann Company Moveset
Appearance: Susie will be piloting her trademark Robobot Armor from her boss fight, which is fairly large (being near Bowser's size) with very clunky movement (but she have other mobility options to help her overcome that light hovering when the jump button is held).
Entrance Animation: Susie hovers above her Robobot Armor with her helicopter device (the one she used to escape her defeat) to drop tight into its cockpit. Then she would activate the controls, causing the machine to raise itself straight and get ready fro battle.
Idle Animation: Her stance is exactly like the games, but more active in the way the mech's body bobs rhythmically with her arms flapping to the side. Her animations could include leaning her body forward to take a look at her surrounds as the Robobot Armor responds accordingly or pressing a variety of controls to make the machine flex threateningly.
Walk: She hops slightly in a heavy manner like the boss fight.
Run: The drill spins below her to help move the mech faster, like her spinning attack, but without the arms really spinning with the lower body.
Sleeping Animation: She sleeps within the cockpit headfirst as the Robobot Armor leans forward with its hands on the ground.
Dizzy Animation: She dazes within the cockpit as the mech visually glitches and malfunctions as if its dizzy too.
Dodge Animation: She maneuvers around her opponent in a 180 degree manner similar to R.O.B.'s dodge.
Jab: Susie commands her mech to jab forward with its right hand followed by a faster, stronger jab with the left (a reference to Kirby's base Robobot combo) then continues with a long probe that extends out of the mech's hand to shock the foe (Spark Mode).
Forward Tilt
She executes a large slap with her mach's hand.
Up Tilt
The entire mech does a handstand (complete with Susie handing on to her seat) for it to jab with the drill above her.
Down Tilt:
Susie sings into her microphone, which triggers the mech to fire a wave of music towards the ground (Mike Mode).
Dash Attack:
Susie does her spinning attack from the boss fight to attack with wide rotating arms as she charges at the foe.
Neutral Air
Susie presses the controls to make her mech's arms become parasols briefly to spin into nearby foes. There's a windbox with this attack that allows her to float briefly and help foes get knocked into the air if they are close (Parasol Mode)
Forward Air
She attacks with a rapid beam attack that emits from her mech's hand as she swings it (Beam Mode)
Up Air
Susie presses a button to make her mech assume a "zen stance" and fire psionic blasts into the air from the palm of its hand (PSI Mode)
Down Air
Susie fires a drill towards the ground from the bottom of the mech like her boss fight. If she happens to be floating, she can automatically fire more than one as she remains airborne. Though this can leave her wide open to attacks.
Forward Smash:
Susie pulls back her mech's fist to charge a powerful punch. During this phase, the first enlarges into something bigger and have the appearance of a more durable steel. The end result is a powerful punch that reaches further than her default punches. This could be a reference to Robobot Armor: Rock Mode while also doubling as reference to the same punchess Haltmann's robot henchman do.
Up Smash:
The hands of the mech transform into that of flamethrowers and raise minot the air before raining their temperature. The charge is dependent on the duration and length the flames will shot. Upon release, Susie yells as the flamethrowers hurl twin streams of fire above her (Fire Mode).
Down Smash:
Susie presses a few buttons while the mech lowers itself with the upper body poking out it's chest. This would result in a Susie shaped drone appearing out of the chest and hovering at its target before flying. The charge is depending on hard far it can go and the strength of its explosion. An uncharged Down Smash can have it go as far as Zamus's Paralyzer with a fully charged one giving it a coverage of half of Final Destination. I
Susie transforms her mech's hand into that of a giant screwdriver before extending it for a grab.
She literally shakes them as if she's trying to open a large can of soda.
Forward Throw
She flings them forward really hard.
Back Throw:
Susie tosses them behind her after swinging her arms a few times.
Up Throw:
Susie flings the foe into the air before firing a few pink drill-like drones from her mech's shoulders to blow them up.
Down Throw
Susie slams the foe onto the ground them jumps into the air before grinding into them with her drill several times. The final hit is another large slam from the weight of her mech.
Neutral Special: Haltmann Elite Drones
Susie presses a button on her mech to have it raise the hovering drill-like extensions on her shoulder forward as if she's targeting them. She eventually fires at least two drones at her foes.
They are fairly straightforward as projectiles, covering a large distance and exploding upon impact. When the button is held however, she can aim for whichever direction she wants to shoot them (upward, diagonal, forward, backward, of even downward to cover both sides). They can even interact with the mechanical pedestal that she summons from her Down Special just like the boss fights (being able to spin a round it in a 360 manner).
Side Special: Robobot Drill Charge
She simply raises the drill below her forward and charges at a high speed like her boss fight. Unlike Meta Knight's Drill Rush, she hits harder with this and it covers a fairly short distance. Most of a damage racking only occurs at the drill while being it by the main body will just get you knocked away.
When used against her pedestal however, it amps up the strength and speed by covering her in an electrical field once she flies past it. She can also gains some angular control of it to right higher or lower foes at a distance. But it does have a downside by making it possible for you to fly too far off the stage if it pedestal is close to the edge or making you helpless after you move farther enough.
Up Special: Robobot Crush
Susie simply jumps high into the air before slamming onto the ground. Unlike Super Dedede Jump, you can freely choose whichever direction you want to jump, wether it be a full lunge or even a backwards jump. However, you can't cancel the jump at all, which can can lead to a self destruct if you are too far from the stage.
When you into into the pedestal or against it, you gain that same electrical field you get out of Drill Charging through it and you can hit harder. Not only that, but slamming onto the ground fires a shockwave from either side that travels slightly further than Kirby's Final Cutter and it's far stronger too.
Down Special: Robobot Stand
Susie literally drills into the ground, all while having both of her mech's hands put together rotating in a clockwise manner. This would pull out a large steel pedestal out of the ground similar to her boss fight. They way she interacts with them can amp up her specials or even drones she firing at it, making interaction to the main strategy of it. It's extremely durable (making it impossible to destroy) and towers above Susie at twice her height. It can last as long as she interacts with it in a way Villager's tree its if he doesn't cut it down. Other fighters can use it as a platform to protect themselves, though it can be a trap for Susie to interact with it. The pedestal can even protect her from others enemy attacks and projectiles, serving as another means of defense.
Once it disappears, you can freely drill out a new one whitener you want. But there's a small chance of you getting something more unexpected like a giant screw (which may be a dud, but can serve as a heavy throwing item) or even make a small pit that can trap foes. Even an item could appear f you are lucky enough, though that has a minuscule chance of happening (even in comparison to the pit and crew). Both have a low chance of happening and can still be helpful. Using the special in midair will lead you to drill straight towards the ground until you can pull the pedestal or any other object out of hit.
Final Smash: Haltmann Elite Works Might
Susie pulls out a special device and presses it to summon a massive black cube in the middle of the stage that's three times bigger than her own pedestal. It's similar to the one Haltmann summons in his boss fight, allowing her to fly into the center of the cube with her Robobot Armor. Within the cube, she charges enough energy to illuminate the four square holes of this cube to prepare her final attack.
The result it a massive beam fires from both directions of the cube as she yells. This can stretch as far as Final Destination and can trap you easily for massive electrical damage. This can kill anyone at high percentages if they were unlucky enough to get caught in the beam.The opponents' only ways of dodging the beam is either by running far from it or staying airborne. Even standing on the cube will shock them to deliver that same effect. Susie would fly out of the cube in exhaustion when its over, leaving the cube to sink back into the ground.
Taunt 1: Susie sings while her mech does the same dance she is known for. Then giggles in shyness as the mech gestures for her.
Taunt 2: Susie takes out an ice cream cone and eats it while the mech mimics her movements without a cone of its own.
Taunt 3: A Golden Susie drone is spawned from the Robobot Armor's hand and they both laugh along with each other. Then it explodes leaving her to to gasp from the sudden explosion.
Victory Animation 1: Susie sings the Haltmann Elite Works them outside of her mech and ends with a bow to show off.
Victory Animation 2: Susie jumps around within her Robobot Armor in joy before the last bounce literally kicks her onto the ground. Leading her to groan in annoyance whiles he's face forward.
Victory Animation 3: Susie fires multiple drones into the air to celebrate her victory. Then she jumps out of the mech's cockpit for the explosions to occur around her as if she's ending a stage play with her hands in the air.

Haltmann Elite Works Company Management
Aussie the Shinobi
Yomi's Biggest Fan
Rider Gwen
Velvet Rebirth
Shen Long
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
- Reserved for extra stuff like alts and whatnot. -

You want to check this out Cutie Gwen Cutie Gwen ? :3

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Might want to put some of that DeviantArt stuff in a spoiler because of the size. Other than that, nice job. Kind of wondering how you would tackle her moves when your boss fights were pretty much basic (But what Kirby boss wasn't like that?). While the Kirby Copy Ability would be nice, I'm pretty sure Kirby's mastery of it is what enabled his Robobot Armor to copy them. But who's to say she can't upgrade her armor to do the same thing. They own the company and machinery, Kirby just happened to be special.

Anyways, I support if only because Robobot was an awesome game. Better than just having "Robobot Kirby join the battle" when she is an original character that masters and works for the company that makes those things. Kind of pleased that you are willing to have Haltmann as an alt too. Like father, like daughter.

lady_sky skipper

Smash Ace
Jan 29, 2017
Might want to put some of that DeviantArt stuff in a spoiler because of the size. Other than that, nice job. Kind of wondering how you would tackle her moves when your boss fights were pretty much basic (But what Kirby boss wasn't like that?). While the Kirby Copy Ability would be nice, I'm pretty sure Kirby's mastery of it is what enabled his Robobot Armor to copy them. But who's to say she can't upgrade her armor to do the same thing. They own the company and machinery, Kirby just happened to be special.

Anyways, I support if only because Robobot was an awesome game. Better than just having "Robobot Kirby join the battle" when she is an original character that masters and works for the company that makes those things. Kind of pleased that you are willing to have Haltmann as an alt too. Like father, like daughter.
The thing I'm most interested about the idea about Susie and her Dad being part of the next game is that how did President Haltmann get resurrected? (Of course, there's the default canon that Smash Bros takes place in a world of trophies, but most of the fanfics I've read had the actual characters interact with each other.) Didn't his soul got destroyed by Star Dream OS? And how would Kirby react to it? (I agree Robobot is a great game Yomi, I sure had fun piloting Kirby in a mech;))

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
The thing I'm most interested about the idea about Susie and her Dad being part of the next game is that how did President Haltmann get resurrected? (Of course, there's the default canon that Smash Bros takes place in a world of trophies, but most of the fanfics I've read had the actual characters interact with each other.) Didn't his soul got destroyed by Star Dream OS? And how would Kirby react to it? (I agree Robobot is a great game Yomi, I sure had fun piloting Kirby in a mech;))
Uh spoiler alert.

Thing is that Sakurai half of the time don't care about canon and Smash works the same way. Metal Face is dead, yet he appears as a stage hazard in Guar Plains. Ganondorf dies multiple times through ghost Zelda and he's still a reoccurring character. I doubt Sakurai ever took a look at fanfiction and thiugh about how the characters would really interact in their universe.

I don't think they would need a big explanation for Haltmann being an alt for Susie if they did worked the extra mile. Assuming that Susie was created in Haltmann's daughter's original image, she can do the same thing for him given the Haltmann Elite Works Company should be there. As for Kirby reacting to it, he probably wouldn't trust him after everything that happened, even thinking the original OS still takes over him.

You aren't wrong, Planet Robobot is an excellent game. We need more Kirby titles like that in the future.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
More counter-points to make in the OP:
  • With Sakurai's tendency to focus solely on Kirby content related to Kirby Super Star and prior, what is his motivation to pick one of the newest and furthest characters from him of all?
  • In terms of gameplay, how does Susie stand out from other potential mech-users, like Dr. Eggman?

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
More counter-points to make in the OP:
  • With Sakurai's tendency to focus solely on Kirby content related to Kirby Super Star and prior, what is his motivation to pick one of the newest and furthest characters from him of all?
  • In terms of gameplay, how does Susie stand out from other potential mech-users, like Dr. Eggman?
We were close to getting a Kirby's Epic Yarn stage, but got Yoshi's Whooly World because the promotion demands it. Even if that were they case, we could have gotten Marx or a Super Star Helper/Enemy by now. Though I agree it's too early for Susie since she is just introduced, even Magolor and Dee got around more than her with recent games. That bias is still there when there were so little tracks from recent HAL titles lately.

As for Eggman, he definitely has a bigger arsenal going for him when she's only limited in technology in comparison. Given Sega's stinginess, I'd say his third party status is what holds him back (not to say that Susie is Super likelier in comparison).

Just my two cents. I figured her answers will be better.


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
This is so weird I kind of wanna see it. Plus her design is fantastic. I'd actually love to see characters from the Kirby series like Susie, and Prince Fluff who represent some of the more different game mechanics like in Robobot and Epic Yarn make it in into Smash. Yeah I'm in.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Yeah, Tortured Steve has a point, Eggman has her COMPLETELY upstaged in that regard, it's a loss for Susie
Now that's something I haven't seen in ages (if you're referencing what I think you are that is.)

As for the actual topic. I really don't see her as being very likely, but at the very least I would like to see a lot more post-Sakurai Kirby content in Smash Bros. It was pretty disappointing that all we really got was the Ultra Sword as Kirby's FS.
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God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
As for Eggman, he definitely has a bigger arsenal going for him when she's only limited in technology in comparison. Given Sega's stinginess, I'd say his third party status is what holds him back (not to say that Susie is Super likelier in comparison).
This doesn't answer the latter thing I'm talking about, though. What separates her from other mech-users? I'm not asking about just Dr. Eggman in specific or any of the circumstances of his actual likelihood in Smash. The question goes towards what Susie can do that puts her above any other mech-user.

Just trying to help cover Susie's weaknesses by making sure you guys can acknowledge them right off the bat and discuss them enough to counter them when brought up.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
More counter-points to make in the OP:
  • With Sakurai's tendency to focus solely on Kirby content related to Kirby Super Star and prior, what is his motivation to pick one of the newest and furthest characters from him of all?
  • In terms of gameplay, how does Susie stand out from other potential mech-users, like Dr. Eggman?
I would gladly take the to address these points for now. Not adding to the OP just yet, but discussing some ideas for now.

There is no real motivation to add Susie right now as she is a one-shot character. The best thing to do is wait until her role is expanded in a future game. We definitely could be getting some Robobot content in the form of songs and other stuff (assuming Kirby could get another Final Smash change), but that SNES bias and Sakurai's lack of interest in a new character is a slight issue. I'm not sure how good HAL and Sakurai's relationship is since he left, but some negotiations could be made. The same could be the case for post Sakurai characters like Magolor and arguably Bandanna Dee (who HAL was able to expand into a bigger character without Sakurai).

The Eggman point though, this is a tough one. The thing tonrrally ronder is whether Eggmsn would be fighting in his Egg Pod or a custom Egg Machine designed for combat. It's about pinpointing what type of body they would go for with his trademark machine. He's definitely got a ton of abilities and weaponry looking at the classics and modern games.He's got lasers, mistakes, bombs, arms, elemental abilities, Badniks, drills, and even shields.

Susie in her defense only has one known Robobot Suit, but I have some unique ideas at least. The body shso of the mech itself is semi-humanoid at least, with a pair of armored arms and a drill like leg. She rarely focuses on flying unlike Eggman, so hops and spinning will be her way of moving around. Her only known weapons on said mech involve shooting explosive drones that are shaped just like her. But I feel thatbthr drill itself could serve as her overall main gimmick in combat and interaction.

Remember how she and Clanky Woods literally use their drill like appendages to change the environment around them to interact with it? With some creative liberties, I can see some stage control used with it if spawning machinery out of nowhere doesn't seem to strange. She drills into the ground to spawn the same large pedestal from her Boss Fight, which can serve as her only means of defense or even strengthen her Drill Rush attacks from the boss fight. That would be her trademark Down Special. When spawned, nothing can essentially harm it (it would be indestructible) as it stands before disappearing a la Villager's Tree. I can picture it being twice the size of her Robobot Suit (which should be around Bowser's size on its own) for balancing and making it more formindable than the tree.

Her Drill Rush (Side Special) can even be strengthened by flying into the mechanism by making it deadlier and faster with electricity. It may sound rather straightforward, but what if rushing through it grants you more free control in that form? Using the Drill Rush by itself would last long as Meta Knight's version of it, but when going through the spawned mechanism would allow you to fly more freely around as this giant electrical projectile. There would be major drawbacks like tying too far off the stage, having little control over turning in that form, or even crashing into something else (no electric shockwaves by the way).

On the subject of her Susie drones, I can see them interacting with that spawned mechanism too. When shot against it, they can spin around it just like the game, giving them momentum to spin even faster as they go. Either drones can bump into the drones or the drones with literally fly straight into the air. That last part may sound useless, but it would pack a punch to someone who happens to be jumping or floating above the mechanism.

Sure it sounds like it would only work in a 3D environment, but I can see that being her big gimmick. This definitely sounds like something that wouldn't be done with Eggman that can make her stand out. Sure it's a large mechanical interaction gimmick, but I'd argue that it's something that's never been done before. Still fit the aggressive and tricky playstyle of her boss fight without feeling too slow or boring.

Done. I hope this sounds spiffy.

lady_sky skipper

Smash Ace
Jan 29, 2017
Uh spoiler alert.

Thing is that Sakurai half of the time don't care about canon and Smash works the same way. Metal Face is dead, yet he appears as a stage hazard in Guar Plains. Ganondorf dies multiple times through ghost Zelda and he's still a reoccurring character. I doubt Sakurai ever took a look at fanfiction and thiugh about how the characters would really interact in their universe.

I don't think they would need a big explanation for Haltmann being an alt for Susie if they did worked the extra mile. Assuming that Susie was created in Haltmann's daughter's original image, she can do the same thing for him given the Haltmann Elite Works Company should be there. As for Kirby reacting to it, he probably wouldn't trust him after everything that happened, even thinking the original OS still takes over him.

You aren't wrong, Planet Robobot is an excellent game. We need more Kirby titles like that in the future.
Don't worry about it, I'm kind of flexible when it comes to canon myself. I was just thinking that it would be interesting if Haltmann did come back from nothingness and how did he managed to do it.

Now that I think about it, I would love to see a Kirby shump game:)

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I would gladly take the to address these points for now. Not adding to the OP just yet, but discussing some ideas for now.

There is no real motivation to add Susie right now as she is a one-shot character. The best thing to do is wait until her role is expanded in a future game. We definitely could be getting some Robobot content in the form of songs and other stuff (assuming Kirby could get another Final Smash change), but that SNES bias and Sakurai's lack of interest in a new character is a slight issue. I'm not sure how good HAL and Sakurai's relationship is since he left, but some negotiations could be made. The same could be the case for post Sakurai characters like Magolor and arguably Bandanna Dee (who HAL was able to expand into a bigger character without Sakurai).

The Eggman point though, this is a tough one. The thing tonrrally ronder is whether Eggmsn would be fighting in his Egg Pod or a custom Egg Machine designed for combat. It's about pinpointing what type of body they would go for with his trademark machine. He's definitely got a ton of abilities and weaponry looking at the classics and modern games.He's got lasers, mistakes, bombs, arms, elemental abilities, Badniks, drills, and even shields.

Susie in her defense only has one known Robobot Suit, but I have some unique ideas at least. The body shso of the mech itself is semi-humanoid at least, with a pair of armored arms and a drill like leg. She rarely focuses on flying unlike Eggman, so hops and spinning will be her way of moving around. Her only known weapons on said mech involve shooting explosive drones that are shaped just like her. But I feel thatbthr drill itself could serve as her overall main gimmick in combat and interaction.

Remember how she and Clanky Woods literally use their drill like appendages to change the environment around them to interact with it? With some creative liberties, I can see some stage control used with it if spawning machinery out of nowhere doesn't seem to strange. She drills into the ground to spawn the same large pedestal from her Boss Fight, which can serve as her only means of defense or even strengthen her Drill Rush attacks from the boss fight. That would be her trademark Down Special. When spawned, nothing can essentially harm it (it would be indestructible) as it stands before disappearing a la Villager's Tree. I can picture it being twice the size of her Robobot Suit (which should be around Bowser's size on its own) for balancing and making it more formindable than the tree.

Her Drill Rush (Side Special) can even be strengthened by flying into the mechanism by making it deadlier and faster with electricity. It may sound rather straightforward, but what if rushing through it grants you more free control in that form? Using the Drill Rush by itself would last long as Meta Knight's version of it, but when going through the spawned mechanism would allow you to fly more freely around as this giant electrical projectile. There would be major drawbacks like tying too far off the stage, having little control over turning in that form, or even crashing into something else (no electric shockwaves by the way).

On the subject of her Susie drones, I can see them interacting with that spawned mechanism too. When shot against it, they can spin around it just like the game, giving them momentum to spin even faster as they go. Either drones can bump into the drones or the drones with literally fly straight into the air. That last part may sound useless, but it would pack a punch to someone who happens to be jumping or floating above the mechanism.

Sure it sounds like it would only work in a 3D environment, but I can see that being her big gimmick. This definitely sounds like something that wouldn't be done with Eggman that can make her stand out. Sure it's a large mechanical interaction gimmick, but I'd argue that it's something that's never been done before. Still fit the aggressive and tricky playstyle of her boss fight without feeling too slow or boring.

Done. I hope this sounds spiffy.
Splendid, never really thought about the the "drilling out your special pedestal" idea before. I thought it was one of those ideas that sound good on paper, but too gimmicky to use in the long run. It does have some drawbacks like being only useful when on the ground or only lasting as long she she interacts with it (maybe a coolsiwn session is needed). But the way you can power on of your main specials with it or even give your drone something to spin around sounds good enough in a way where it's not a programming mess. Even giving her less control when she dies happen to spin through it makes it so that she's not too OP. I'd imagine the actual mech being just as fast as the original and only faster when spinning. I like the idea because it sounds more effective than the trees with the ways you interact with it.

Speaking of which, do you have a Final Smash in mind since you've already used an important part of the boss fight for her main gimmick?

Don't worry about it, I'm kind of flexible when it comes to canon myself. I was just thinking that it would be interesting if Haltmann did come back from nothingness and how did he managed to do it.

Now that I think about it, I would love to see a Kirby shump game:)
That's good. Nothing wrong with a little discussion about canon. And it wouldn't be too far fetched for her to be just as advanced with technology as her father.

A shoot em up would be great. The games had experimented with that multiple times and I kind of want to see it as a stand alone spinoff.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Truthfully, I more see Susie as a potential Assist Trophy, if not just a mere trophy cameo.

However, what really bugged me about Susie is when I found out that she was a villain; I thought that she would be an ally to Kirby.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Truthfully, I more see Susie as a potential Assist Trophy, if not just a mere trophy cameo.

However, what really bugged me about Susie is when I found out that she was a villain; I thought that she would be an ally to Kirby.
I see here as more of an anti-hero or morally ambiguous character, doing however she please for her own goals. Her relationship with Haltmann was seen as rather dubious, which she intentionally used Kirby as a means to defeat him and leave the Star Dream open for her to take over. She even considers herself a secret spin that was willing to do it for a long time.

This does raise a few questions like what did she want to wish for? Being the new ruler of Popstar just like Marx or wanting to rule the entire universe a la Lord Dominator. She did give Kirby another Robobot Suit to chase after the Star Dream when it went rogue out of desperation. It's pretty clear that she doesn't seem to care much for Kirby as more than pawn or likes taunting him alot during their interactions. This could raise an interesting point as to whetehr she would possibly retrunn as a bigger threat or a friendly rival like Dedede and Meta Knight did over the years.

That being said, I can also see an Assist Trophy as the likeliest scenario for her if Sakurai were to be generous enough. She does have some potential, but any acknowledgement of her character would be cool enough.

lady_sky skipper

Smash Ace
Jan 29, 2017
Splendid, never really thought about the the "drilling out your special pedestal" idea before. I thought it was one of those ideas that sound good on paper, but too gimmicky to use in the long run. It does have some drawbacks like being only useful when on the ground or only lasting as long she she interacts with it (maybe a coolsiwn session is needed). But the way you can power on of your main specials with it or even give your drone something to spin around sounds good enough in a way where it's not a programming mess. Even giving her less control when she dies happen to spin through it makes it so that she's not too OP. I'd imagine the actual mech being just as fast as the original and only faster when spinning. I like the idea because it sounds more effective than the trees with the ways you interact with it.

Speaking of which, do you have a Final Smash in mind since you've already used an important part of the boss fight for her main gimmick?

That's good. Nothing wrong with a little discussion about canon. And it wouldn't be too far fetched for her to be just as advanced with technology as her father.

A shoot em up would be great. The games had experimented with that multiple times and I kind of want to see it as a stand alone spinoff.
Yeah, it would be great to play a Kirby shoot em up where he uses the Star Rod or flies in a little ship.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Truthfully, I more see Susie as a potential Assist Trophy, if not just a mere trophy cameo.

However, what really bugged me about Susie is when I found out that she was a villain; I thought that she would be an ally to Kirby.
I liked it honestly, it makes her stand out more from Magolor and Daranza as they both became allies later whereas it's more ambiguous for Susie


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2015
I like her so I'll support.

She, despite the issues mentioned in previous posts, has potential and being from the latest Kirby game helps her a bit.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I like her so I'll support.

She, despite the issues mentioned in previous posts, has potential and being from the latest Kirby game helps her a bit.

Later this day, I'll probably addd more to the OP and maybe get started on the moveset. I already have a general idea of where to go and move on from there. That metal pedestal will be the key to her defense and overall stage control. Maybe during rare moments, she can accidentally pull a giant screw out of the ground as a dud, though it can be used as a heavy throwing item.

Going to also replay Robobot in a pit to get a little more ideas for her other attacks. Nothing's stopping the Haltmann Elite Works Company from rolling in cash.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
One of my favorite Kirby characters from my new favorite Kirby game. Susie is cute and has a likable sass, and I enjoyed learning about her backstory. Also, let's not forget she's an awesome singer.

Something you could consider adding to the OP regarding Susie's popularity: Susie got her own exclusive 3DS menu theme in Japan. Here's the top screen of that theme:

As you may have guessed, I definitely support. I think she can easily stand out with a moveset that revolves around the Robobot Armor gimmick in her game. Heck, perhaps they could even upgrade that robot of hers so that it could utilize attacks from the different Robobot abilities.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
One of my favorite Kirby characters from my new favorite Kirby game. Susie is cute and has a likable sass, and I enjoyed learning about her backstory. Also, let's not forget she's an awesome singer.

Something you could consider adding to the OP regarding Susie's popularity: Susie got her own exclusive 3DS menu theme in Japan. Here's the top screen of that theme:

As you may have guessed, I definitely support. I think she can easily stand out with a moveset that revolves around the Robobot Armor gimmick in her game. Heck, perhaps they could even upgrade that robot of hers so that it could utilize attacks from the different Robobot abilities.
Glad that you could show up Erureido and you do have a an important point on her Japanese popularity. Getting her own Japanese 3DS theme is a big factor for her overall popularity. Sure most Kirby one-shots are popular, but Susie at least got her own theme before the rest of them. Just wonder if that would be enough for her to reappear in the future despite everything the company had done to Popstar (not that she cares).

Thanks for reminding me, I've got to update that OP a little later (for real this time) using yours and God Robert's Cousin's points. I am still thinking about the inclusion of Cipy Ability upgrades to her moveset, though they won't be such a major focus of the moveset via specials. I've settled on a stage control gimmick with her standard boss attacks. Should definitely keep track of this topic more often.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Not to rudely interrupt, but you never answered by previous question of about Susie's Final Smash. This is the big discussion that's meant to be talked about. If you are working on the moveset right now, then I can respect that and sort of wait longer.

And I'm guessing you are probably busy with some new OP additions as well.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Not to rudely interrupt, but you never answered by previous question of about Susie's Final Smash. This is the big discussion that's meant to be talked about. If you are working on the moveset right now, then I can respect that and sort of wait longer.

And I'm guessing you are probably busy with some new OP additions as well.
I'm still working on it as you speak and playing the game currently for more research. Patience, Escargoon. It will be complete.

In the mean time, enjoy the new argument I've added in the OP that GRC wanted me to address about her being different from other mech users and I've also added Erureido's point about her popularity. No other character that isn't the Main Four (Kirby, Meta Knight, Dedede, and Dee) got referenced in their own 3DS themes than her. It makes me wonder if they would bring her back as another anti-heroic antagonist. I quite liked her complex character as Cutie Gwen Cutie Gwen said.



Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I'm pretty sure that's what he wants.

And how's the moveset going?
Ok. Added you Russell_SSB Russell_SSB

It's going good, just need more specs on how her Drill Rush who of work with the pedestal among other stuff (like tilts and aerials). I've already decided on a Final Smash, but that's for you to find out soon.

I've forgotten how much fun I had playing Planet Robobot. The level design is still good as ever and I like the various modes for the Robobot Armor.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
For those looking forward to that moveset, you are in for a bad time. The OP is down with a fever and probably won't be back for a while. Just want to throw that out there.

On a new subject, how would some of you feel about the idea of Susie being a secret unlockable character in the next game?

Assuming Bandanna Dee, Dedede, and Meta Knight will be featuring with Kirby again.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Well what do you know, more proof of her popularity.

That Kirby Twitter just can't get enough of her.

And yes, my moveset is still being worked on. Expect it to be finished by tonight or tomorrow evening at best, for real this time.

And if you are going to talk about that Kirby Quest game here, keep the spoiler tags sealed since not everyone reached the end yet.


Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Forget a Susie movie.

I dededemand a Dedede movie. The king deserves it after the **** he goes through.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Agree, the guy gets possessed so many times, it's amazing he doesn't go crazy;)
Maybe have Susie in charge of the special effects. I'm sure she has plenty of things to use in the old company.

Or even have her as the main heroine of the story.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Happy 25th Anniversary Kirby and I see Susie is photobombing as usual.

And would you look at that, the moveset is done and it's perfect. I wonder what the others would have to say about it though.

I hope you are feeling better this fine afternoon.


Smash Cadet
Jul 18, 2016
I think Susie is the best character the Kirby series has introduced in a long time. That moveset is exciting.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Honestly with the new Smash announced, I can settle on some Planet Robobot music at best.

But that doesn't mean I will give up on being loyal to the Haltmann Company Elite Works. And so shouldn't the rest of you.

Raise your Robobot hands in the air.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Good news, someone made a Dream Smasher article for Susie recently. It's a very nice moveset, taking all of the copy abilities the Robobot suit had instead of focusing on her own boss abilities like we did.


Sign me up. I've rooted for pretty much every single Kirby character at some point. Might as well as this one to the list!
Adding you to the list. Welcome.
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