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"Revival of DGames" Mafia


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Maven is gross. I scum read Maven 100% of the time.
You have never once scum read me or even read me correctly in the two games we played. First game you went all out of me Day 1 when we were both town, second game I was scum and you never threw suspicion on me at all.

The fact that he's interacting with Gheb now and I don't strongly remember the situations they're talking about doesn't help as I like Gheb atm. I'll have to go back and read when I get home.
"I don't even know what he's talking about but I'm gonna vote for him, and I remember liking Gheb even though his recent post flips on the slot I just posted I didn't like"

Wtf type of an excuse is that?

Has anyone played with Spak or Rosa before that can give me a like 3 sentence summary of each player?
I played with Spak but I can't comment because it was a mini and really short. Rosa is generally very null and mechanical.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Oh, uhm from someone on the outside looking in to this game. The lynches seem really too easy for D1. Whoever made the pool saying that only J/Ryker/WATT/RR are up for lynch is concerning to me because one is mainly cuz policy (J), one is inactive (Ryker), one was just an early D1 bandwagon (WATT), and i actually have no idea why RR is here.

Each of these options, currently, have very easy outs for scum to hide amongst the votes.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Tells me you think J is scummy, and then attack someone who doesn't vote J for meta, which gave me the impression you agreed with the J push even if it wasn't your first choice
^This is a big thing I dislike about Maven, because this does not look like scum-hunting. It looks more like bargaining for al ynch choice and trying to coax people onto a wagon. Now, I'm all for campaigning your lynch choices. But Maven never really was on me early, now when deadline when people are wavering off me, he seems to be desperate. Just the wording of the first part irks me.

Plus his responses to Gheb/Ryker are pretty reactionary/more "wtf" then I think a town would react to pressure.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
.He seems to be trying to find who is the best lynch for him in the long run and that would be my slot I am feeling.
I'm not even voting or pushing you anymore, I gave up when it was apparent you'd really let yourself die to stop yourself from having to post. I'm the only one who stated I believed you'd crack and post.

The problem I have with Maven and Rosa conjoinly is that they both don't really beat to their own drum.
I suggest you read more then just posts that mention you then

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I totally forgot Rake was in this game haha. So I guess that says something for how I am reading him. Put him in the same category as Ryker/Kanty then.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
You're not pushing me anymore? Your vote is kind of still on me and you are asking people like Gheb to vote me still.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Bigger thing for me, you said you "stopped pushing" and were waiting on me to "Crack and post", but how would you know that about me without having clear meta? You did not start that and it is quite frankly impossible for you to have. Iirc, it was one of RR/WATT/Gheb who said something to that nature.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Ryker/Kantrip for the first one.

Narrowing that down/trying to figure that out.
Wish J would address somethings answered I suppose but posts like this make me feel better about the slot over other ones.
24 hours left, I'll bite the bullet.

Vote: J

Would rather not but seems like this is the only way we can go today.
The fact that your go-to list was the inactives and now you're buckling on J without really pursuing any other avenues first doesn't exactly fill me with confidence Ryu.

Why aren't you interested in literally anyone else?


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
I'm staring to think J didn't actually read

You're not pushing me anymore? Your vote is kind of still on me and you are asking people like Gheb to vote me still.
No it's not, and no I'm not. Wtf. Read the damn thread. I unvoted you in #520 and I'm asking Gheb to explain why he's not voting Ryu.

"people like Gheb"

No i'm just having a conversation with Gheb

^This is a big thing I dislike about Maven, because this does not look like scum-hunting.
Wtf? "Here's a post where he shows someone is dodging a question by pretending he never gave reads on J when he really did, this isn't scumhunting" - J

Gheb said he thought you were scummy. Therefore I treated his slot as if he thought you were scummy. Gheb's response is to say "I never voted J and barely mentioned him", which dodges it completly, so I pull up the quotes. Apparently you don't like that I said "believe"? Shoudl I have just said "**** you lynching **** here's the posts ****ing eat it"?

It looks more like bargaining for al ynch choice and trying to coax people onto a wagon. Now, I'm all for campaigning your lynch choices. But Maven never really was on me early, now when deadline when people are wavering off me, he seems to be desperate. Just the wording of the first part irks me.
I'm asking Gheb to explain himself and not even voting him, I'm not pushing anyone else towards Gheb, I'm asking him questions. Gheb is the one pushing me. Yet somehow to J's eyes I'm voting Gheb? I'm the one pushing Gheb?

Plus his responses to Gheb/Ryker are pretty reactionary/more "wtf" then I think a town would react to pressure.
"boo, he's upset the arguments made against him are ********"

Bigger thing for me, you said you "stopped pushing" and were waiting on me to "Crack and post", but how would you know that about me without having clear meta? You did not start that and it is quite frankly impossible for you to have. Iirc, it was one of RR/WATT/Gheb who said something to that nature.
You're right, I had no way to possibly know. It's not like you had just posted this

My not doing things D1 =/= scummy. I mean, you are welcome to your opinion on how to play the game, but that does not mean you have the right "nip it in the bud" especially considering how long I have been playing this game, I know which playstyle works best for me. Ironically, this is the only site that seems to persist that there is a problem. If I am lynched for not being "gung-ho" D1, then I have no qualms. But I am not yet, so I am gonna continue to play haha.
or that everyone else in the game had been posting along those lines
Less then 24 hours before the lynch and 3 slots jump to vote me, huge parts revolving around J (though they're not consistent. Fandango doesn't know any better, but I've never played a game with J and that wouldn't apply to me? How do they work that out?), and revolving around my question to Gheb, and here's the kicker, all 3 have different interpreations. Gheb claims I'm lying about him voicing support for J push and scummy for asking him questions, Ryker doesn't even know what the conversation is about, and J believed I'm trying to get Gheb to vote him.

I'm waiting for responses from them before I decide which one I think is scummier but it is currently Ryker and J, Ryker for his blatant lie about being able to 100% read me and for admitting he doesn't even know what I'm talking to Gheb about but he's going to vote me anyways, and J but I'm starting to think J honestly didn't read the thread at all, because if that was a scum push it's horrible. I'm giving everyone a chance to respond before I decide who is scummier, because I don't think I went from minor town/null to all of a sudden the lynch candidate out of the blue for disjointed and horrible reasons 24 hours before the deadline by chance.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Lotta what laundry pointed to and lack of a generally accepted lynch by town
Tell me with your own words and reasoning.

I find this post to be a lot better,

Wish J would address somethings answered I suppose but posts like this make me feel better about the slot over other ones.
I don't see what you like about that J post you quoted. Read it and notice how anything J says in that post has almost nothing to do with trying to get a read out of someone and trying to scumhunt. He talks a lot about his question of Ryker to Maven and then complains about Ryker being inactive and saying that's not his meta when at least Ryker has the excuse of not even actually posting at all while J has been posting a lot of nothing.

Then he asks two more pointless questions in that post. What type of question is "What do you make of Laundry's pretty much just +1'ing your content as of late? " What do you hope to get from Rake out of that @ #HBC | J #HBC | J ?

Then J shows up talks a bit about his posts on him as Ryker asked him and then votes popular lynch choice Maven without even saying why.

You guys almost made me reconsider when basically everyone said that this was his normal D1 meta, but the more I read J's posts the more convinced I am j is scum, this is not the same J that nailed me as scum immediately on that one game he replaced in day 4. J's entire d1 play has been to appear to be playing, asking either pointless questions, or good questions, but then doing nothing with them.

Maven is gross. I scum read Maven 100% of the time. The fact that he's interacting with Gheb now and I don't strongly remember the situations they're talking about doesn't help as I like Gheb atm. I'll have to go back and read when I get home.

Until then Vote: Maven. He can use more votes. If they stack up, our options change. If you have an option that isn't the 4 stupid ones we're working with at the moment, lay it out for me today. Tomorrow it'll be a little late to reverse wagons.
You are not explaining why you are voting Maven though, tell me why.

Also @#HBC | Laundry answer these two questions I addressed to Watt:

The vote in the question refers to Spak's joke vote on Maven that you were confused about.

Out of all votes on that phase, why did one in particular stuck out as the one that wasn't a joke?
Okay let me rephrase the question, Considering the point the game was at that moment (i.e literally just started) What made you think it was an actual accusation and not a joke?

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
I dislike Spak who recently has had a #532 that completely contradicts the lack of vote in #551 where J has done something that should be MORE meritting of a vote from his PoV. Seems like he has basically been waiting for someone to give permission or confirmation before voting J.

Maven is gross. I scum read Maven 100% of the time. The fact that he's interacting with Gheb now and I don't strongly remember the situations they're talking about doesn't help as I like Gheb atm. I'll have to go back and read when I get home.

Has anyone played with Spak or Rosa before that can give me a like 3 sentence summary of each player?
Explain what you're trying to say with your Spak observation? I don't understand it.

And is that Maven observation based on his play in it's entirety or just his last interaction with Gheb?

Spak hasn't ever played, and Rosa usually will sit on one thing without expounding it until made to do otherwise from my experience.

This is Dietz btw.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Someone who is voting Maven should explain to me why he is scum. I recall liking him in my catch-up and his side of Maven vs J looks like legitimate townie frustration

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
lol what a load of ****

The complaints you made about how J was playing are the exact same made against Ryu but you don't ever explain why you think they're different. This is not a "manipulation", it's asking you to explain why you think that

I'm asking Ryu why he's not interested when J is playing to what he says is ScumJ meta. I'm clearly suggesting that Ryu has no real reason to not push him. Why don't you like that?

I don't even think we're playing the same game. Wtf are you talking about? You were voting J for scummy behavior, I'm saying Ryu is playing the same and asked you to explain why this is different.

I throw two questions at this slot, he refuses to answer one of them and suddenly flip flops his read on me (no explanation) and votes me while reading every question I asked as if they were an attack. Why the defensiveness?
Maven was there any particular reason your response to Gheb was this explosive?

I.e. do you think Gheb scummy for his push onto you or is there something else?


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
My gut said scummy but I was just completely confused at what seemed to be his non-sequitors. I don't want to talk about it too much because I don't want to give Gheb an out, but I can see a possible non-scum motive for what he did, and I wanted to talk to him more. There seems to be major confusion between me and Gheb on what's going on and I'm waiting for him to explain what he's talking about. But yeah if he can't or doesn't then I'm scum reading Gheb

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Oh, uhm from someone on the outside looking in to this game. The lynches seem really too easy for D1. Whoever made the pool saying that only J/Ryker/WATT/RR are up for lynch is concerning to me because one is mainly cuz policy (J), one is inactive (Ryker), one was just an early D1 bandwagon (WATT), and i actually have no idea why RR is here.

Each of these options, currently, have very easy outs for scum to hide amongst the votes.
That would be Red Ryu and Swords respectively.

I don't think you've ever directly commented on either slot, or even Dancer's push on you.

What's your read on Dancer and Ryu right now esp wrt Dancer starting your wagon.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
My gut said scummy but I was just completely confused at what seemed to be his non-sequitors. I don't want to talk about it too much because I don't want to give Gheb an out, but I can see a possible non-scum motive for what he did, and I wanted to talk to him more. There seems to be major confusion between me and Gheb on what's going on and I'm waiting for him to explain what he's talking about. But yeah if he can't or doesn't then I'm scum reading Gheb
For the push alone, or for other additional reasons?


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
For the push alone, I found his Spak read questionable but I wasn't going to scum read him for that. His post seemed incredibly defensive, the second I asked him questions (again, I just asked Gheb questions, I wasn't voting or pushing him, I asked him to explain himself) he flips on his read on me and decides I'm scum. Then despite the fact that he definitely said he found J's play scummy, he dodged the question about similarity between J and Ryu's play by claiming he barely talked about J. That could either be his confusion at my own mistake, or it could just be him dodging the question because he didn't have an answer.

I was wrong/confused and overstated Gheb's level of support for the J push, so that could very well be where Gheb's scum reading me comes from, but Gheb did say he thought J was scummy then attacked someone for not voting J for meta reasons, which means my question asking him to differentiate J and Ryu's play is absolutely valid and I'm still waiting for that response.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

@ BarDulL BarDulL request vote vount

The fact that your go-to list was the inactives and now you're buckling on J without really pursuing any other avenues first doesn't exactly fill me with confidence Ryu.

Why aren't you interested in literally anyone else?
I voted what I thought was really the only option other than a no lynch given how town has been.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Looking over this, I'm not really confident in a J lynch, and would really only do it to avoid a no lynch.

I do want to know what Gheb has to answer to Maven about though, that does interest me.

Kind of don't want to lynch Ryker now either, I like his catch up post.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
What did you like about Ryker's catch up post Ryu? I thought it was underwhelming and lacked convincing reasoning.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Tell me with your own words and reasoning.
I'm not Orbo, but I'd consider it at this point if it came to it because he seems to be actively avoiding choosing his own lynch target or putting suspicion down. In my experience with Ryu I'm used to TownRyu saying his mind on things even if it looks bad on him (especially if it looks bad on him), but here when asked who he was looking at besides putting checkmarks next to agreed town names he told me "Kantrip and Ryker", the only two players who couldn't push back about it.

I see him touching on his town meta by stating that he doesn't care who knows that he doesn't have any reads, but that feels to me more like a mindful callback to it, not an actual part of what he's trying to do. I'm used to "X is scum because Y and I don't care how bad that logic sounds" rather than the reverse, where there is no list and no active attempts I can see to make a list.

Now just today he folded on voting J, but without arguing about it with anyone or discussing options, rather just posted a single list of candidates that other people had agreed on as if he truly also doesn't care that he a) has no reads and b) won't defend the town ones he claimed either.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
With 13 players in all, it takes 7 to lynch!

Vote Count 1.4

1. Wots All This Then? (0) :
2. Gheb_01 (0) :
3. Maven89 (4) : Rake, Gheb, Ryker, J
4. Kantrip (0) :
5. Spak (1) : Rosalina
6. RosalinaSGS (0) :
7. FandangoX (0) :
8. Red Ryu (3) : Kantrip, Laundry, Wots
9. #HBC | Dancer (0) :
10. #HBC | Ryker (0) :
11. Rake the Macaroni Jabroni (1) : Modvote
12. Laundry (0) :
13. #HBC | J (2) : Fandango, Dancer

Not Voting: Spak, Red Ryu, Maven
DEADLINE IS SET FOR AUGUST 7th, 12:00PM PST! (Roughly 17 hours from now.)
Last edited:


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm heading out for the night but I'll hopefully be able to post on my phone from work before deadline tomorrow morning.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Quite honestly, J and Ryu seem to be the only two votes I might have at the moment. There seems to be a lot of Maven interest and I don't know 100% why, so I'll have to go back and read up on some of his posts for any possible scummy intent. I know that he seemed pretty town for the first 7-ish pages, but I've sorta stopped looking for reads on him since.

I'm still a bit suspicious of Rosa for keeping pressure on me for so long (she's kept her vote on me for like 10 pages), but it would be either really dumb or (less likely) really smart but potentially risky of a scum to beat a dead horse for this long. I really want her to answer Kantrip's question that he posed in his catch-up area, but I'm not sure if Rosa has come back whatsoever.

I don't really have a strong enough read on anyone to want a lynch yet, but it would be even worse if we went no lynch D1.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
J shouldn't even be on the table.
Ryker's post so far aren't impressing, so im pretty ok with him being gone.


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I dunno how you're not seeing scumJ here if that's what you're saying, that last line seems to explain J's play perfectly

@ Shun Goku Satsu Rake Shun Goku Satsu Rake Hasn't had a single contribution the entire time nor has a single scum read as well as strange interactions with his questions where it appears more he's trying to budge in on conversations to get some conversation credit instead of actually conversing

Personally I think my answer about Spak reading me to be sufficient, I'm actually really surprised to hear you have a problem with it. Why do you have a problem with Spak's read on me for defending him?


I'd still rather lynch a useless Ryker


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Quite honestly, J and Ryu seem to be the only two votes I might have at the moment. There seems to be a lot of Maven interest and I don't know 100% why, so I'll have to go back and read up on some of his posts for any possible scummy intent. I know that he seemed pretty town for the first 7-ish pages, but I've sorta stopped looking for reads on him since.

I'm still a bit suspicious of Rosa for keeping pressure on me for so long (she's kept her vote on me for like 10 pages), but it would be either really dumb or (less likely) really smart but potentially risky of a scum to beat a dead horse for this long. I really want her to answer Kantrip's question that he posed in his catch-up area, but I'm not sure if Rosa has come back whatsoever.

I don't really have a strong enough read on anyone to want a lynch yet, but it would be even worse if we went no lynch D1.
Why the change on me?
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