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Rate their Chances: the DLC Edition. Day: 192: The final day


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
Wait, so you have an up to date nominations list? Any way you can show us it with each new day until PK Wonder reappears?
No sorry, I do not have an up to date nominations list. I instead have on paper a tally of every nomination made since PK_Wonder's last count on Wednesday. When the day ends I compare my tally with the nominations list to see who's currently at the top. I may write out a full up to date nominations list some time at a later date.

Chance: 1%
Want: 60%

Dark Matter
Chance: 1%
Want: 50%

Snake prediction: 25%
Sylux prediction: 9%

Nominations: Azura x5



Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2013
CHANCE: 2.22%
WANT: 39.11%

CHANCE: 3.85%
WANT: 28.61%

For the second day in a row, the AT character lost to the other character in chance but was still more wanted. Next up we're rating Snake and Sylux. Also please predict what score Crash (185 nominations) and Bomberman (174 nominations) will get tomorrow.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
What a time it is to be a Metroid fan, huh? Federation Force left a very sour taste in 95% of fans’ mouths with persistent negativity. Prime 4 may not come until the NX, and that’s a few years away. However, there is one piece of news that pleasantly surprised everyone paying attention (and willing to listen): the confirmation of Sylux’s appearance in the 100% ending of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, alongside the desire to expand on the same character’s story, particularly with Samus, granting an already popular ensemble darkhorse character a chance for a future. And now, I’m here to argue one of the events that could happen in this future; entry to Smash. Ignored under the dominance of Dark Samus(until the April Direct) and Ridley(until the Japanese 3DS streams and not much later the 50 Fact Extravaganza+ November 19th interview putting the final nails in the coffin) during speculation, the blue, mysterious Hunter shrouded in mystery and fueled by revenge now gets a better, if still minimal, chance at that DLC spot.


Chance: 30%

Even in the face of my bias I must be honest. Metroid’s greatest villains were axed for a chance at Smash. The confirmation of its appearance at the end of Corruption is huge and it’s likely to grow popular in the coming years, but unless it’s confirmed for Federation Force at the very least, it’ll take people time to get very attached to it.

Now, the other parts of my post.

Hey, this is another irrelevant schmuck with no chances! Sarcastic cheering!

Sure, of course it is. Directly compare Sylux to previously rated characters such as Owain and Bub/Bob, the rejects, if you will. It’s more relevant and popular than most of them, though it obviously cannot hope to compare to the big DLC requests of current. It’s primed (pun intended) for a revival in its own series, which is much more than some candidates can boast.

Objectively, it also has more chances than either Ridley or Dark Samus. No established in game role at all, a pure newcomer. Now what other points can I bring up? Oh yeah, these:

Competition against other Metroid characters

Can I ask, amongst the one-shots (just to make a clear distinction between these one off characters and the popular duo of Ridley and Dark Samus) that Metroid has, between the other 5 Hunters from the spin-off of the same name, the Hunter trio from Corruption and miscellaneous characters from other titles such as Other M, who rivals Sylux in popularity? I honestly believe that only Rundas, a Hunter from Corruption, stands that small chance of doing so. Say all you want about Anthony Higgs, he’s remembered, ironically enough, by the infamous “REMEMBAH MEE” meme and his barrage of silly phrases. Rundas was arguably the highlight of Corruption’s cast besides Dark Samus, going from saving Samus in free-fall after shooting Ridley in the mouth to trying to kill her later and dying in a well-remembered boss battle, aside from having the most presence out of Corruption’s trio. These points would lead most to say that Rundas would be a better one shot-pick.

However, Sylux (or rather, it’s ship) also cameos in Corruption in the 100% ending, following Samus into hyperspace, leaving an expandable cliffhanger. This was formerly a years old theory, recently confirmed by Kensuke Tanabe himself. Sylux also has sizable popularity outside of this as well due to its intriguing backstory and memorable design amongst the one shots. When comparing Sylux and Rundas, it’s a matter of lasting popularity, uniqueness and an actual future (Sylux) versus more relevance in its source game (Rundas), since both are equally matched otherwise (although Rundas, canonically, is dead; Sylux is still alive*), being notable one-shot characters from a single game in the series, though Sylux is on it’s way to ascend from that distinction and thus become a major player in the Prime series.

During the final confrontation in Hunters, all 6 of the same Hunters barring Samus (who arrives late) have their life force sucked out by Gorea, this game’s antagonist, after they released it from imprisonment in the Oubliette by shooting it’s Seal Sphere. If the best ending (triggering Gorea’s second phase and killing it with the Omega Cannon) is triggered, during the ending cutscene when the Oubliette is exploding, 6 colored lights, one for each Hunter, escape in unison before Samus does, confirming that each Hunter is alive, making Corruption’s confirmed cliffhanger possible.

Look, I know some of the more loyal Ridley fans are silently raging at me right now, but let me get some things out of the way first: I like Ridley, I entertain him as playable, and I voted for him as a Metroid fan. But unless there’s some sort of miracle on the way, he’s impossible. Is it wrong that I want to support another character from the same series, a perceived nobody, if you will?

And now, it’s time to bring up the other, more universal points for newcomers.


Smash isn't entirely about popularity, as Sakurai has made clear in interviews regarding his philosophy on newcomer selection. Oddball characters are introduced at every turn. In Melee’s era, Ice Climbers, Game & Watch and Marth/Roy were all oddball picks that got loved. Brawl continued the trend with R.O.B and arguably Snake, and 3DS/U strikes again with Duck Hunt and arguably Shulk. Popularity certainly gives a boost to characters for inclusion, but it’s not entirely required as we’ve seen time and time again. The community has been sucker punched with character choices before; most recently, Ryu filling an unexpected spot as Capcom’s second character.

This is universally applicable to any character, so let’s continue.

Uniqueness / Moveset Potential

Speaking of Sakurai's philosophy on character selection, another factor is uniqueness; what the character can bring to the table in contrast to the other fighters. He has certainly emphasized this is Smash 4 with how many unique concepts have been implemented to fighters like Robin, Shulk and Duck Hunt.

Let’s look at Samus; her Varia Suit version. A moveset composed of mostly melee attacks with exactly three types of projectiles( four if you count both missiles), a Charge Shot, missiles and Morph Ball Bombs. What’s one of Metroid’s defining characteristics besides being the Alien franchise in videogame form? Firepower. You have all of these awesome weapons to use throughout the games, but Samus gets her default arsenal every time. No special weapons like the Ice Beam, just the standard fare. Here’s where Sylux comes in. Sylux has at least six different weapons to adapt into its arsenal, each with unique effects. Fire, ice and electric weapons (the latter category having two and one being a health leeching weapon) a sniper rifle(which has never been seen in Smash, Robin’s Thoron does not count as it is a delayed albeit fast projectile as opposed to instant like a sniper rifle), and an arcing projectile, to establish Sylux as a projectile heavy character. Potential continues with Sylux’s Morph-Ball-esque alt mode, the Lockjaw, which deploys electric nodes that link together after three are placed, perhaps as a trap style mechanic. In short, I’d rather you visit the support thread to see all of the ideas people have made in one place, but do not deny that Sylux has both uniqueness and moveset potential. Enough to separate it from Samus, and enough to make it unique.

Not a clone

“Oh man, it has armor and guns, so it’s another Samus clone! What a wonderful choice!”

First of all, no. Design-wise, it does share traits with Samus, mainly a powered armor (humanoid to boot). That’s where the similarities end.

The most universal complaints about full clones are that their movesets are virtually unchanged from the original, which contributes to their hatebases. Remember the points I mentioned above? Yeah, Sylux would most definitely not a Samus clone in the slightest, between the availability of weapons a la Mega Man, a different alt mode, and the fact that it’s not even known if it’s human or not. If it turned out to be an android or an alien, well, hooray for diversity in this series, since the denied duo were not human at all.

But it has low ballot support!

Nobody can tell how much ballot support a character has anyway unless it’s an extremely obvious case like King K. Rool. Assumptions can be made, yes, but no concrete results can be told until we either see a reveal or official ballot data. The argument goes both ways.

Low ballot support is easily more useful than having full ballot support which amounts to nothing. Looking at you, Rids, sorry again. And while low ballot support may hurt its chances greatly, it’s still there. The chances are low, but it can amount to something.


With everything I’ve said, I still stand by Sylux being a viable Metroid candidate for Smash. Sylux’s popularity is steadily growing as of the Tanabe interview, but even I’ll sadly admit it’s a long shot as of current.

Want: 100%

Does this even need explaining?

My favorite series, coupled with my favorite character from said series, and a possibility as DLC, if a long shot one? Yes please. Granted, I would be content with any Metroid character if they were designed well, but here’s my #1 choice. Someone who I firmly believe deserves a chance in the spotlight.


Chances: 30%

There’s a pretty clear view of what Sakurai meant by fanservice. Pleasing the fans. You have the fans who want veterans and the fans of potential newcomers. It could reasonably be expected that given the surge of veterans we’ve had brought back, the idea of Snake returning isn’t that unfeasible. There’s the Konami issues and all, but Ryu has shown that third party DLC is a thing. So that’s two points to Snake’s favor. But, given that it is unknown how many characters are planned (and SourceGaming has made it clear to not expect many), there’s a lot of factors up in the air.

Want: 100%

Snake’s absence was what hurt me the most in the transition from Brawl to 3DS/U. The first third-party character in Smash (stop saying Sonic is tied for that because he’s not by reveal date alone and was added to Brawl late in development) gets cast aside? Didn’t sit well with me, even if I understood why.

I want Snake back.


- Crash Bandicoot: 4%
- Bomberman: 3%

Nominate: Absol x5(that's for you, @ Delzethin Delzethin )
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Smash Master
Sep 12, 2014
Mexico? (reference to Star Man)
Chances: 20%
The only reason why Snake was in Brawl was because of a favor from Sakurai to Kojima. Kojima is now no longer working for Konami and they are kind of on bad terms. Konami is also making pretty stupid business decisions currently so I don't see Snake returning anytime soon.
Want: 25%
I never thought Snake fit Smash. He's just looks out of place on the roster and I didn't care for him much. Even though I'm saying this, Snake was fun to play as in Brawl.

Chances: 30%
Sylux isn't requested that much and compared to the other big Metroid reps (Ridley and Dark Samus) I don't think he stands a chance. He is confirmed to be in Metroid Prime 4 (whenever that happens).

Want: 50%
Sylux has grown on me ever since I found out he is a more important character in the Metroid franchise. He seems to have cool abilities and I'd love for him to be playable. Ridley first doe.

Crash Bandicoot: 4%
Bomberman: 10%

Samurai Goroh 5x

Deleted member


Chance: 1%

"Muh relevancy" aside, he doesn't have much ballot support.

Want: Abstain

I only played the demo version of Metroid Prime Hunters and I don't know enough about him to form an opinion on him.

Solid Snake

Hideo Kojima will be fired from Konami after MGSV: The Phantom Pain is finished. May I remind everyone that Hideo Kojima is the creator of the Metal Gear series, Sakurai's best friend, AND the reason Snake was in Brawl to begin with. Adding insult to injury, Konami has been a massive train wreck as of late.

Snake's healthy ballot support and status as a popular Brawl veteran and a gaming icon in general can only get him so far.

Chance: Negligible (Approximately 0%)

Want: 90%

As much of a sore thumb Snake was in Brawl, I'd still be thrilled to see him back. That being said, there's a certain other Konami character that I would prefer; One with a whip and much more history with Nintendo than Snake could ever dream to have.


Crash Bandicoot - 1%

The other Activision character who made his debut as an unofficial PlayStation mascot, but has since gone multiplatform and appeared on nearly everything under the sun including not only PS2 and PSP, but also GameCube, Wii, GBA, DS, Xbox, Xbox 360, mobile phones, and even the N-Gage of all systems.

He's doomed.

Bomberman - 5%

Another Konami character. Oh boy...

Nominations: Young Link x5
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Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Not Ridley

Chance: 15%
Want: 0%
Well, as if that title doesn't give it all away...

Metroid definitely needs some representation outside of the heroine and the heroine without armor. However, the community has pretty well made up its mind on who the next character should be, Sakurai's just unwilling to make that happen. Let's see how long we can go before there's finally a playable space pterosaur on the roster.

So why bring up Ridley when I'm rating Sylux? Because Sylux pales in comparison. Most of his support is summed up by the statement "Well, if I can't have Ridley, I guess I'll want him then..." Sakurai probably doesn't see this type of acceptance as 'fanservice;' he's looking for "OMG WANT THIS CHARACTER SO MUCH!!!" Besides, adding Sylux before Ridley is akin to adding Vaati before Ganon(dorf) for the Zelda series - yes, it's a recurring villain, but it's not the villain of the series.

Also, for the 'muhrelevance' argument - was it confirmed that they are most definitely making Metroid Prime 4, or was it just that the creator liked the idea of bringing Sylux back whenever Nintendo decides to greenlight it?

As for the want score, I do not want to see any Metroid characters before Rids gets it. Period.

Previous Rating:
Chance: 50%
This I'll give a coin toss. He was a veteran from the last game, which most definitely goes in his favor. He was also unique, so there's something missing that wasn't before. However, he's embroiled in the third-party bureaucracy realm, which is a major minus. Otherwise, all the arguments from the previous third parties hold.
Now in terms of him specifically, I never understood why he was in Brawl to begin with - I'm not saying I hated him, I'm just saying he's not the most well known on Nintendo consoles. After all, he's most closely associated with the PlayStation - aka Nintendo's major rival. He was in one GameBoy game, and just got a rerelease on 3DS, and that's it. Everything else was Playstation. So his description as a 'Nintendo All-Star' really doesn't hold in the slightest.
I know, he got in because Kojima is BFF with Sakurai.
So his major Nintendo release was really Brawl. Does existing in that game make him enough of an all-star to come back? I think it's a coin toss, and it comes down to politics.​
Want: 25%
Never really liked him much in the first place - he didn't seem to fit. Even with the realistic graphics in Brawl, there was too much of a graphical disconnect between Snake and Kirby. Even Link/Captain Falcon in Brawl were looking a little too odd next to Kirby, then along comes hyper-realism. While that's normally what I like (really not into toony ****), it was a bit too jarring here. But then again, he's a veteran, and it is still sad to see anyone go.
And reinsert argument about me-not-liking-guests-on-principle-since-they-don't-fit argument for the fourth time.​
Chance: 20%
Want: 0%
Well, this score dropped a bit.

Still don't really like him much in the first place - he didn't really seem to fit with the rest of Nintendo's characters; he'd be better in Sony's rip-off. Besides, there's all the bureaucratic nonsense that Kojima's going through, so who knows what will come out of that.

I doubt he'll make a return, and personally I really won't miss him that much.
Both predictions: 2.9%

Nom: Classic modes x5
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Deleted member

The Directory has been updated.


I'm not too confident on this choice. While one of the developers from the Prime games mentioned him possibly being a part of the next Prime game, the issue is that it's a bit too late for that news.
It's big news mind you, but I don't think that mentioning him in an interview would instantly make Sakurai think that he should be a DLC character. We aren't sure if there will be another mainstream Prime game.
Overall, I think that he will play a major role in the next mainstream Prime game, but I think the news doesn't affect Sakurai's thoughts.

Want: 50%
He could be cool I suppose. I'm a bit indifferent to Metroid as a whole to be honest.


I'll quote what I said before.

I am not confident in Snake's return at all. Yes he is a veteran and thus will get a lot of votes worldwide and has a moveset already, but I think he has four key factors working against him.
1. He is more loyal to other consoles than with Nintendo. Judging from the history of the MGS series, it has been on other consoles more than recent consoles. Sure, it was on a lot of Nintendo's earlier consoles, but the MGS series has been on the competition's consoles more. All Nintendo gets from MGS are remakes that were originally on Sony consoles; Nintendo is not going to get the new MGS games.
2. The E10 rating could be seen as a preventable factor. MGS is a very mature series and Snake is a very mature character; his inclusion could have raised the rating of the games. Snake uses weapons like grenades and mines, something that the ESRB could have raised the rating on. Nintendo may have prevented his inclusion for this very reason and they did outright cut content to get this rating.
3. Konami's relationship with Nintendo is very bad recently. They are less active on Nintendo consoles and they have a very iffy relationship with Nintendo. Konami may not want to request to put Snake in, especially when the guy who begged Sakurai to put Snake in Brawl is (supposedly) fired (and I only say supposedly because who knows what Kojima is actually doing).
4. The Wii U isn't doing well financially. This also could have been a preventing factor as the Wii U isn't holding up well against the PS4 and Xbox One, two systems that will get MGSV. This means that Snake's inclusion is a double edged sword; include Snake and they will get profit from MGS fans who might not have bought a Wii U in the first place, but the competition could profit by buying MGSV and thus hurt Nintendo a bit more.
It's honestly for these reasons why I think Snake doesn't have a strong chance at all. Could I be wrong? Perhaps, but I think Snake should have been in the base game to have a chance.
One thing to note: yes, Ryu is pretty odd as he is a Capcom character. However, his inclusion is made slightly easier as Nintendo already has the rights to a Capcom character with Mega Man; they could ask Capcom to include Ryu and, knowing how Capcom loves their crossovers, would agree to such a thing.
Thinking over what happened on Bayonetta's day, the second factor shouldn't hurt too much because Smash 4 has more cartoony violence while Brawl had more realistic violence, justifying the T rating for that game.
What is going to be a major preventable factor now is going to be Konami itself. Konami is moving onto mobile platforms instead of working on home consoles, so they might not take interest in having Snake in Smash. Not only that, but Kojima is going to be laid off, ya know... the guy who made the Metal Gear series and begged for Sakurai to put him in Smash? Now that he won't be around, this casts more doubt on Snake's chances. Being a veteran and having ballot support as a result of it can only push Snake so far.
I think the chances of a Konami character are pretty low for the direction that they are taking.

Want: 0%
I'll quote myself again.
Want: 0%
I don't hate Snake as a character and I loved playing as him in Brawl, but I don't want him to return at all.
In a game with Nintendo's all-stars, he is far from one in my eyes. Sonic, Mega Man, and even Pac-Man, I can identify them as Nintendo all-stars due to their history with the company; Snake barely has that with Nintendo.
My 0% want also comes from another reason: Bomberman. Snake's cut doesn't mean that he will get in, but the door is open for him slightly. Bomberman is an absolute dream of mine and Snake getting in was a preventing factor since he is now owned by Konami. This cut at least gives me hope for the next game...
Crash Bandicoot Prediction: 2.11%
Oh boy here we go.

Bomberman Prediction: 5.38%

Nominations: Young Link 5x


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
!Rerate: Snake

Chance: 5%
Previous Chance Rating
Chance: 10%
Well this is an awkward situation. Unlike other third parties we talked about Snake has already made a name for himself as a Smash fighter. (Even got a fancy icon to go next his name, see?) So there isn't really anything that needs to be said in terms of pros, because it seems like a lot is in his favour...However due to unfortunate circumstances he was cut from the roster in Smash 4, despite this fans are still clamouring to have his return as DLC. The whole issue with Konami not releasing the latest MGS game on the Wii U does not help Snake in the least, as that is the whole reason he got cut in the first place. If things get patched up with Konami he might make a return, however I think it is very likely he'll keep us waiting for quite some time...
My views have turned out to be more pessimistic...Konami's in a worse position than they were when we originally rated and Snake's chances seem to falter as collateral. There's no doubt about his fanbase, as well as his vet status, but I see it as less likely that we'll return...Remember Kojima's the one that convinced Sakurai to put Snake in the game, Kojima's no longer apart of Konami...It makes me wonder what the future has in store for the franchise, seeing as Kojima was the one that oversaw the MGS series but now that he's gone will they continue or will they just let the franchise die?...I hope it's not the latter but I also feel it won't be the same without Kojima on board...


Want: 70%
Previous Want Rating
Want: 70%
I love the Metal Gear Solid games. Metal Gear Solid II and III were amoung my favourite games ever, even though I haven't played them in ages. Snake was a unique fighter within Brawl's roster, but he seems a little...out of place...Metal Gear in general has sold itself as being a lot less kid friendly than almost all of the other games represented in Smash so his inclusion was quite odd to me way back when he was revealed for Brawl. That said Snake is the embodiment of stealth gaming, so his status is well deserved. I wouldn't mind seeing Snake come back as it is somewhat fresh for Smash to have something a bit more mature, but at the same time I don't miss him that much as he did seem a bit out of place next to likes of say Pikachu or Kirby.:kirby:
My opinion hasn't really changed though now I don't really care if he's 'out of place' as that just adds to his appeal...besides Ryu's in the game currently and he's arguably out of place in the same vein as Snake...Would still be nice for him to return however...



Chance: 1%
Oh boy this one's a doosey! Sylux is the bounty hunter from the Metroid Prime spin-off game Metroid Prime: Hunters. It was one of many Bounty Hunters encountered by Samus, and had a very distinctive attribute having a massive hatred towards the Galactic Federation, and by association samus as well. It's ship the Delano 7 was also cameo'd at the end of Prime 3 (which was only recently confirmed)...However before E3 Sylux was on almost no one's radars and, until the highly controversial revela of Metroid Prime Federation Force, whihc spawned a highly negative backlash by the Metroid fanbase...
During this time Metroid Prime producer, Tanabe, ahs gone on record stating his plans for the future of the Prime series, which included which seems to be confirmation that Sylux will indeed play a role in the next entry in the Metroid Prime saga. As a result it's support base has gained a bit of a boost. However most of Sylux's support is pretty much due to the fact that Metroid fans are thirsting for a newcomer and with both Ridley and Dark Samus already having preestablished roles within the game, it doesn't leave much room for other characters...you could argue that Sylux and Rundas are the 'frontrunners' for the Metroid series, but as stated both of their support is generated from the want of having more metroid reps...

Overall Sylux's chances are not really anything worth considering because, like I said a lot of it's support is mainly bandwagoning, and the fact that it's only 'somewhat' major appearance was on an 'ok' Metroid title...Does Hunters really have enough going for it to garner it's own representative? I mean it is still apart of the Prime series in a way and Dark Samus is the character to look towards as a primary representative...and if you want to go a step further then there's the big purple elephant in the room by the name of Ridley who's pretty much a character that has a much longer and historic rivalry with Samus than both Dark Samus and Sylux combined...Sylux would need to have some significance within it's future appearances if it wants to make it into any smash game let alone DLC for Smash 4...


Want: 10%
It's a cool character. It can serve as another counterpart to Samus in a way as it has it's own signature weapon, the Shock Coil, in comparison to Samus's Arm Cannon, as well as the Lockjaw which serves as a transformation similar to the Morph Ball...and it has it's own ship like Samus...

however I'd rather wait until it has something to offer in it's future roles before jumping on the bandwagon...I don't want a new Metroid character for the sake of having a new Metroid character...i want to actually get to know this character a bit more first...Both Ridley and Dark Samus are both characters that I really want to have, as they are both awesome and both deserve their place amoung the current all-star roster...although they pretty much got the next best thing (which isn't good enough imo)...Sylux as an Assist would be cool though, Rundas as well...

I'm actually more excited about it's possibilities in the future because it has a lot to work with for an interesting backstory...and I want a new Metroid Prime...like really badly....(one that is made by Retro that features Samus as the playable character, before you people jokingly point out 'lulz Federation Force is a new Metroidz Primez!'...yeah not that Prime game...)


Crash Bandicoot: 2.3%
See Spyro's ratings....basically....cept no Skylanders involvement....

Bomberman: 1.3%
Konami's predicament+Snake technically has priority, though he is an iconic character, arguably on the same level as some of our other third parties, and has been requested almost as much as Megaman...I feel like he'd be DLC in Brawl if it existed...


Concept: DLC Adventure Mode x3
!Rerate: Impa x2
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida

Also, for the 'muhrelevance' argument - was it confirmed that they are most definitely making Metroid Prime 4, or was it just that the creator liked the idea of bringing Sylux back whenever Nintendo decides to greenlight it?


Tanabe reminded us about the ending of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. After Samus’s ship flies off into the distance, another ship suddenly appears. He said that players Metroid Prime Hunters should recognize that the ship belongs to a bounty hunter called Sylux. "He’s actually chasing after Samus, and that’s where that game ends," Tanabe said. "There’s still more I want to build around the story of Sylux and Samus. There’s something going on between them. I want to make a game that touches upon [it]."

"I’m also thinking that, in that eventual game between Sylux and Samus that might get made, that I wants to involve the [Galactic] Federation as well," he said. "So it would be a good idea to release a game like Federation Forces to flesh out its role in the galaxy before moving on to that.
In line with the community's fascination with wording in interviews, it goes both ways. It's clear they want to make Prime 4 and it's clear that the director wants to have Sylux as a main focus. However it was also said by Tanabe that it would likely be on the NX due to how long it would take to make it. So in a way, one could see it as them definitely making it, but after some time.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2013

Chance - 1.75% - While Sylux just showed us that he's planed to be more important down the line, right now I'd say it's too little, too late to really get his support going. Eclipsed by Ridley's shadow until now, it seems unlikely that he will be considered. Next game he'll have a better shot, but until then he's not looking all that healthy support wise or notability wise.

Want - 50.05% - Vaguely interested, but Ridley and/or Dark Samus would be choices I would take over him.

Snake - 7.5% - Ten points off. Yeah, the situation between Konami and Kojima is rapidly deteriorating, and that does not bode well for their chances.

Want - 55% - I'd a appreciate his inclusion, but if worst comes to worst I don't mind him going.


Crash - 1.23% - More of a Sony character than anything else.

Bomberman - 1.13% - Snake eats him up.

Secondary Ballot X5
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Sylux - The enemy of the Galactic Federation and Samus Aran.

Chance: 8%
Sylux's greatest obstacle is it's relative obscurity to most players - However, it seems to have slowly gained a dark horse popularity, with it's appearance at the end of Metroid Prime 3 Corruption and Tanabe mentioning that he wants to explore the relationship between Samus and Sylux in the future Metroid games. For it to warrant playability in Smash Bros, I think Sylux needs a few things:

1: A strong support group that can carry it through this generation of Smash Bros and when Smash 5 comes around - when it'll be one of the main Metroid possibilities, alongside fan favourites such as Ridley and Dark Samus. At the moment, Sylux has around 50 supporters here on Smashboards, but I doubt 50 can compete against the strength of Ridley and King K's support bases.

2: Nintendo actively keeping Sylux a memorable name for the Metroid players - be it in the upcoming Federation Force as a main character or even a villain, and it's potential role in Metroid Prime 4.

3: Sakurai taking interest in what other characters in Metroid exist outside of Samus and Ridley:

It's got plenty of playable potential, as Liquid said - the Shock Coil it uses could make Sylux akin to an electric vampire in the battlefield, as well as other various weapons from the other Hunters like Weavel.

Want: 70%
Admittedly - I've never played Hunters, but I'm very interested in its backstory. I want to see Nintendo make use of this character more often, and with Metroid slowly being revived in some fashion (And I'll admit - I'm curious about Federation Force, and wouldn't mind seeing Sylux in that game), I think Sylux could become an interesting newcomer choice for the Metroid series alongside Ridley.

Snake Rerate: Original chance score: 35%
New chance: 20%
Given what's going on with Konami - I'm having trouble seeing Snake becoming a returning veteran - I can only hope that his vocal support carries him for the Ballot or as a pre-planned newcomer.

Want score: Same as before - 50%
Snake is awesome, without a doubt, and it'll be sad to see him leave given his legacy in Smash Bros as the first 3rd Party character in Smash, but I'm still neutrally supportive of him - I wouldn't mind him coming back, but I can probably go without him for this game.

Nominations: Isaac (Golden Sun) X5

Crash: 2.96%
Bomberman: 2.96%


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
It's time for a rating.... *Look this day's dudes" ... Oh... this will hurt... Well, it's muy turn.


Chance: 8%

Well... My reasons to give a better chance a little bit personal... But still it's oscure. Now he probably has in his side some Metroid Fans's Support... Also, he has confirmed future. That helps.

Want: 50%

I'm okay with him

Snake...? Snake!? SNAAAAAAKE!

Chance: 5%

All the recent facts really... REALLY HURTS his chances, still has a giant Ballot Support... The Miracles exists.

Want: 50%

I'm okay with him

Predictions: Crash Bandicoot and Bomberman

Crash Chance: 2%
Bomberman: 4.7%


Adeleine x5
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Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
Sylux's Chances: 15%
He doesn't have much support so I wouldn't think the odds are in his favor. Having the possible role in the next Metroid game could help in the future, but I'd expect him to fare better for SSB5 instead of DLC. At least he's not doomed to be a boss time and time again.

Sylux's Want: 70%
If they were to add another character from Metroid, it hope Sylux would be it. Dark Samus just is too similar to Samus to interest me (for one thing, I hate any character with the work "dark" slapped in front of a good guy's name and call it a villian). And even if they could get passed Ridley's size, I don't see much in him either (sorry guys). With that said, Truth be told, the only thing I want from the Metroid series is SR388 to be a stage, or at the very least, have the Metroid 2 surface theme included in the soundtrack.


Snake's Chances: 50%
I, unfortunately, had to drop his chances a bit not due to the Konami situation, but because it appears that pre-ballot characters are over and Snake will have to compete with everyone else. Everyone acts as if Konami is going out of business due to the recent drama, but that's not true at all. With or without Kojima, Konami can do whatever they want with Snake and including him in Smash Bros isn't that farfetched. Kirby didn't end when Sakurai left, and Capcom allowed Megaman after Inafune left, so I don't see this being as big of an issue as it's made out to be. Furthermore, despite the drama, both Konami and Kojima are receptive of the idea of Snake being included.

With that said, I'm more skeptical if Nintendo will be the one to block him as they were resistant of his inclusion in Brawl. They do get the final say and they could be the roadblock to this all. Of course, financially it would be in their best interest to include him since he is very popular, tl:dr guaranteed lots of DLC and Amiibo sales, and they have all his assets already existing, meaning a much cheaper production cost.

Snake's Want: 100%
I would trade any character, that even means Mario or Link, to get Snake back in. He brought so many unique mechanics to the series that it's a shame to waste it. He's just too much fun, no character has even come close to the enjoyment I had playing as him.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013

Chance 10%

Well not dlc for smash 4 since we pretty much have a pretty safe bet for smash post-ballot characters

But all other metroid reps are hosed.

But for smash 5 however my chance would be 75% for sylux

(They confirmed sylux for the next prime game on NX)

(Ps the ship on primes ending got confirmed by the director its sylux's ship anf not dark samus resurrecting again.)

Want 100%

We need metroid reps


20% chance

I don't see it wolf is probably the last smash veteran character thats going to be dlc

80% want

Would love to see his codecs again (and hopefully for all new characters + dlcs.)
Aug 1, 2013

Sylux chance: 10%

Sylux want: 1% I don't want any Metroid rep to be included over the more essential one is all. It would feel ridiculous. I would rather have him over Rundas though.

Snake chance: 30%

Snake want: 50%

Crash prediction: 2%

Bomberman prediction: 7%


Hades x10. I got the prediction thing right so I get five extra nominations right? If not then Hades x5.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑

So, Sylux will appear in a game that's not even in development and that for some reason makes him more likely for Smash 4, yeah, sure. Also, he is not popular.

Chances: 2%
Want: 50%


He wasn't in the base game for a reason.

Chances: 5%
Want: 40%

!Rerate Chibi-Robo X5


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2013
Chance - 12%
Want - 0%
No character should go in over Ridley. I don't care you they are.

Chance - 5%
Want - 70%

Crash (everyone already starting to hate with their side comments -_-) - 4.9%
Bomberman - 3.9%


Rhythm Heaven Group Consisting of the Popular Characters (see signature) x5
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Sylux chances: 0.08%
I don't give much credit to his confirmed role for a Metroid Prime 3 sequel. As of now I think the character is far too minor and not influent enough within the Metroid universe to be considered as Smash material. And even with his potential future role I doubt he will become more relevant to the series as a whole than, say, Dark Samus, who isn't playable.

I expected Sylux to get some overinflated scores, but not so much :glare:

Sylux want: 0%
No thanks. Too random for my tastes.


Snake chances: abstain
I have no clue at this point.

Snake want: 70%
I wasn't surprised to see him not coming back as I thought he was probably going to be a one-time guest, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want him back. I loved his moveset in Brawl and he was my favourite character to play as among those who were cut afterwards. Not that much of a priority for me though.


Crash prediction: 2.68%
A score similar to Spyro I suppose?

Bomberman prediction: 4.61%
And this one will have a score comparable with Simon Belmont I guess?

Playable newcomer: Tetrimino x5


Smash Lord
May 14, 2015
Somewhere without a Smash community. Send hlep

Chance 5%:​
Low popularity, low importance, etc. At least from what I've seen, I can't find Sylux anywhere.

Want 5%:​
Meh, Ridley seems better. At least he has more popularity and significance than Sylux.


Chance 50%:​
Short answer: Konami issue.

Long answer:
I do see decent amount of support from both here and Japanese community, and is one of the top voted veterans, etc. Though I wanna say: 3rd Party characters shouldn't really able to last, unless they are REALLY that iconic. Remember how this is a Nintendo game, so the main focus should be on Nintendo characters. The 3rd party "guest" characters are just here to, well, be a "special guest". Not to stay forever in the series, as "a part of the Nintendo-celebrating game" anyway.

Also on the Konami issues, as I wander around the Japanese community (2chan threads and Miiverse posts), many people do mention about the cases too. That didn't stop them from hoping/predicting Snake to be in the game (Nor did the recent famitsu column affect their feelings on Wolf). Though without the special relation between Nintendo and Kojima, chances are the same as getting other 3rd party reps (that are realistic) in this game, with a bit of extra chance for being a veteran and a popular character (due to being a vet).​

Want 90%:​
Seems like a special character for me, but in terms of special, he is much better than Ryu imo: Introduces new mechanics, but at the same time is not OP as hell. Haven't really deeply investigated his moveset (Since I can't play Brawl), but I do think I would have fun seeing him back.

Also a bit of a percentage cut due to, as said above, the increasing number of 3rd party reps. Being heavily depressed by the release of Ryu, I gained more hate on 3rd party reps. Snake is not too much affected by this tho. If Snake returns, please cut Ryu first

Extra Notices
I don't even know if I should, but I would like to cut in half my chance and want scores.

Chance because, with the current news about "Only several more before ending DLC", everything seems to be less as likely, if they are not at the top of the chances.

Want because, again with the aforementioned news, the remaining slots "残り枠" are more tight, and the one I want (Wolf) is practically competing with everyone else. That said, I certainly wouldn't want, at all, if the characters got in before Wolf.

Crash 4%:​
Another one I wouldn't know if he wasn't mentioned in my communities. Having not much relation with Nintendo, I wouldn't say he's probable at all.

Bomberman 10%:​
A bit more relation with Nintendo, and is one of the few characters I nominated. So yeah

Slippy Toad x5
Apr 19, 2015
Chance: 1%
Want: 0%

Chance: 12%
Want: 5%

Crash prediction: 2%

Bomberman prediction: 4%

Nominations: Black Mage 5x
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Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014

Chance: 10%
Not sure how much support he has

Want: 10%
Don't know much about him

Snake Rerate

Chance: 20%
Konami complicates things.

Want: 50%
Didn't really play as him much,
Predictions: Crash 2%

Predictions: Bomberman 4%

Nominations: Sami X5.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Two stars are out tonight, one rising, one falling...though both may need stars of the lucky kind to reach their destination.



Chance: 5%

A strange figure, a ruthless hunter with his/her/its identity and origins a mystery. All anyone knows of Sylux is their hatred for the Galactic Federation, and especially Samus Aran. Sylux would've been an afterthought as recently as three weeks ago, a remnant of Metroid Prime Hunters with a possible cameo in the ending of Metroid Prime 3...provided you found every last upgrade.

But an interview came out during E3 talking about a potential Metroid Prime 4...and not only was Sylux confirmed to be the owner of that strange spaceship in Prime 3's ending, Sylux is explicitly confirmed to play a key role in future Metroid games! The question now is if that news can turn into significant enough support in time for October, even though Metroid Prime 4 may not even be in development yet!

Fortunately, the chance may be there. Sylux has always been an ensemble darkhorse among Metroid fans, and this announcement will only help that grow...though the speed of that growth is still unknown. Sylux's moveset potential may actually be pretty good--all the varied weapons the other Hunters carried would mean quite the repertoire to choose from, if it felt true enough to character.

Is Sylux likely, by any means? I can't say that. But with a sudden burst of future-relevance, combined with Metroid's would-be frontrunners already being in non-playable roles, something might just happen.

Want: 40%
There could be quite the variety there, if Sylux got something involving the other Hunters' weapons.

...I'd have more to say here, but there's still a lot about Sylux's identity we don't know. I guess that's interesting in and of itself, though.

Rerate: Snake

Chance: 20% -> 15%
I don't know how, but big news regarding a character's chances always seems to drop a few days after we rate them. Takamaru was revealed to be an Assist Trophy just after we rated him, a Paper Mario stage was revealed the day after we rated Paper Mario, and now, within a week of rating Snake we saw signs of Konami coming apart at the seams. A company falling apart doesn't seem to be in very good position to collaborate with a much bigger one, especially if said company hasn't been on good terms with Nintendo lately.

Not only that, though, but Konami's situation has exacerbated the other big issue Snake had before:
But what may be the coup de grace is Hideo Kojima's falling out with Konami and the news that he's leaving after he finishes Metal Gear Solid 5. Kojima and Sakurai go way back, and he was the reason Snake got in Brawl in the first place. If Konami got on Kojima's bad side...how willing will Sakurai be to give the go ahead to collaborate with the company that jilted his friend?
Veteran status and moderate-to-moderately-high support does not make a character a lock. With so many issues going on in the background, Snake's chances are lower than ever. Not even the world's greatest soldier can sneak his way out of this one without a serious fight.

Want: 30% -> 30%
On one hand, he had an original moveset. On the other, though, he kinda stuck out like a sore thumb in Brawl. He could be worked a little to fit better in Smash's environment, but to be honest I don't care a whole lot for the guy.

...But if they do bring Snake back, for the love of all that is good and holy, fix those tilts!

Crash Bandicoot Prediction: 2.25%

Lacking in relevance, associated more with Sony, and paling in comparison to so many other third party candidates, I can't see this ending well.

Bomberman Prediction: 4.12%
Ryu's inclusion could've helped his cause even if Snake took priority...but Konami's issues hit him even worse.

Nominations: Absol x5

Must be getting close by now...

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Chance: 80%
I seriously think he has a pretty strong chance to return. He is the most requested veteran alongside Wolf (who tops the other is really difficult to say), and he has got tons of votes on the Ballot. Plus his inclusion routates about 4 parties:
-Konami: they have alredy shiwed interest into having him back trough Twitter and when it was requested, so just because they are a mess now isn't a valid problem for Snake's return.
-Kojima: again, he showed interest into having him back. Just because he is lefting Konami doesn't mean he is going to stop caring about his child (just like Sakurai never stopped caring about Kirby even after he left HAL).
-Sakurai: He wants to do fan-service, considering that he is one of the most requested characters he surely had at least considered to re-add the soldier.
-Nintendo: They want to make money from DLC. Requested characters are surely big profit, and considering than developing Snake will be less expensive than developing a newcomer (Snake has a stage, sound files, movesets already done). Plus all the arguments like "Snake would advertising the competitors" are b******t after :4ryu:' s inclusion (reminder: Street Fighter V is a PS4 ESCLUSIVE, While MGSV is multiplatform). Lastly, they confirmed that TP are eligible for the Ballot, and Snake is the most wanted TP and even the cheaper to do, so...

Just like Wolf there really isn't any real problem with his return, as long as he is requested as he is now.

Not only my Brawl main, with an unique moveset than no AW character could ever take, he is also my favourite videogame character of all time.

I haven't seen a lot of support for him, so I highly doubt he will make in Smash 4. Still, he looks like to be a perfect candidate for Smash 5 if Metroid Prime IV comes around that period (considering that he has been confirmed to return in that game, making him one of the few characters to appear in more than 1 title that isn't a giant boss enemy).
Want: 50%
I don't know anything about him, but he looks cool and unique, plus he would be the perfect 3rd rep for Metroid.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
90% Chance

Yes. You read that right. I think Snake is that likely.
1. Veteran
This comes to no surprise to some. Veterans are highly sought after in the DLC scope. Veterans are no only extremely popular, but also have extremely high likelyhood of being brought back. Both Sakurai and the fans have huge amounts of love for the veterans we have here. Every Veteran we rate will get at least above a 50% from me, for their veteran status alone.
2. Popularity
Snake is a reasonably popular choice. Snake was one of the most popular characters in Brawl, and as such, several people voted to want their main back. I know some parts of here are pessimistic about this, but generally, Snake was very well received in Brawl, and that increases his chances further.
Those two points would have made snake a lock, but then there comes Konami. While Konami would not be apposed to Snake coming back, the issues present at Konami are a hurdle for Snake. Further hurting Snake is the status of Kojima currently, as he is no longer as huge of a voice he once was, making possible negotiations harder.
However, Snake can easily overcome this hurdle. His ballot support is massive enough that he has reason to be looked at once more. Sakurai's desire for fan service will most likely mean Snake returning to the Smash bros scene. While at first the Konami hurdle might seem like a big obstacle, remember that DLC is to make money. Nintendo will attempt to create the DLC that sells well. What DLC would Sell more than an extremely popular veteran with a unique moveset?
100% Want
Now, I have rated every veteran at 100%, even :younglinkmelee: and:pichumelee:, who are more infamous in the smash community. Part of this rating comes from the desire to have all of the veterans back now. Cuts sting, they really do. If :4darkpit: and :4lucina: are cut in Smash 5, I honestly hope they come back decloned to a degree, maybe semi cloned, and would rate them 100%. As such, Snake is no exception to the 100% want rating.

Yet, there is more then that. Snake was one of those characters who really has a sense of nostalgia for me. Brawl was a huge game for me as a kid, and got me to start playing more games. Snake was seriously one of those characters in Brawl who I looked at and went; wow. This character is so different and unique that I have to try to play as him.

Snake had several elements to him that made him unique. First, his moveset. Now, some characters, like :popo::4olimar:and :rosalina: had a fundamentally unique moveset. There is nothing that you will see like this besides these characters, a double character, a minion character, and a puppet character. Others have a moveset where, while in general gameplay they are not groundbreaking, there are huge things that make these characters not only unique, but extremely fun to play as. :4ryu::4robinf::4shulk: :4lucario:and:4megaman: fall into this later category. While fundamentally they have a more sound base and less insane gimmick to them then someone like the three mentioned above, certain attributes to them make them play very distinctively in a Smash environment. Snake is one of the later ones. Snake's trap based moveset really has not been replicated at all. While some characters can pull off some traps, like DH and Pac, it does not come close to Snake's potential. Secondly, the charm of having the Metal Gear universe in Smash. Hearing the tunes from metal gear was such a huge contrast from other series, I loved it. Lets not forget the Codecs, which in my opinion, far surpass Palutena's Guidance. Just all the general charms to having Metal Gear represented make me feel happy inside.

20% Chance
I see Sylux as really not as likely as I would hope for DLC. For Smash 5, maybe. But, I need him to come back, not actually mentioned to becoming back. It sounds weird, but thats how I feel.
100% Want
While Not Ridley, I could get behind more metroid content, especially not from Other M. While I may not be as dead with Ridley's chances as others are, I still think that Sylux would be cool.

Crash 1.11%
Bomberman 5.55%

Nominating Pichu x 5


That's Yoktastic!
May 20, 2014
Everywhere and nowhere, all at once
Sylux? 19% Chance 60% Want
I know absolutely nothing about this character, and I doubt most people here do either. Maybe he'd be a good fighter for Smash? I honestly don't know.

Snake? 9% Chance 90% Want
The company that would cancel its most anticipated title, downsize its most famous employee and abandon its most dedicated fanbase is the company that actively avoids intelligent decisions. It makes total sense for Snake to come back as DLC, and that's precisely why Konami will never allow it.

Predictions? Crash 2.17% Bomberman 1.48%

Nominations? 3x Rerate Spyro 2x Concept: Smash 5 will be a crossover with PlayStation All-Stars


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2009
What a time it is to be a Metroid fan, huh? Federation Force left a very sour taste in 95% of fans’ mouths with persistent negativity. Prime 4 may not come until the NX, and that’s a few years away. However, there is one piece of news that pleasantly surprised everyone paying attention (and willing to listen): the confirmation of Sylux’s appearance in the 100% ending of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, alongside the desire to expand on the same character’s story, particularly with Samus, granting an already popular ensemble darkhorse character a chance for a future. And now, I’m here to argue one of the events that could happen in this future; entry to Smash. Ignored under the dominance of Dark Samus(until the April Direct) and Ridley(until the Japanese 3DS streams and not much later the 50 Fact Extravaganza+ November 19th interview putting the final nails in the coffin) during speculation, the blue, mysterious Hunter shrouded in mystery and fueled by revenge now gets a better, if still minimal, chance at that DLC spot.


Chance: 30%

Even in the face of my bias I must be honest. Metroid’s greatest villains were axed for a chance at Smash. The confirmation of its appearance at the end of Corruption is huge and it’s likely to grow popular in the coming years, but unless it’s confirmed for Federation Force at the very least, it’ll take people time to get very attached to it.

Now, the other parts of my post.

Hey, this is another irrelevant schmuck with no chances! Sarcastic cheering!

Sure, of course it is. Directly compare Sylux to previously rated characters such as Owain and Bub/Bob, the rejects, if you will. It’s more relevant and popular than most of them, though it obviously cannot hope to compare to the big DLC requests of current. It’s primed (pun intended) for a revival in its own series, which is much more than some candidates can boast.

Objectively, it also has more chances than either Ridley or Dark Samus. No established in game role at all, a pure newcomer. Now what other points can I bring up? Oh yeah, these:

Competition against other Metroid characters

Can I ask, amongst the one-shots (just to make a clear distinction between these one off characters and the popular duo of Ridley and Dark Samus) that Metroid has, between the other 5 Hunters from the spin-off of the same name, the Hunter trio from Corruption and miscellaneous characters from other titles such as Other M, who rivals Sylux in popularity? I honestly believe that only Rundas, a Hunter from Corruption, stands that small chance of doing so. Say all you want about Anthony Higgs, he’s remembered, ironically enough, by the infamous “REMEMBAH MEE” meme and his barrage of silly phrases. Rundas was arguably the highlight of Corruption’s cast besides Dark Samus, going from saving Samus in free-fall after shooting Ridley in the mouth to trying to kill her later and dying in a well-remembered boss battle, aside from having the most presence out of Corruption’s trio. These points would lead most to say that Rundas would be a better one shot-pick.

However, Sylux (or rather, it’s ship) also cameos in Corruption in the 100% ending, following Samus into hyperspace, leaving an expandable cliffhanger. This was formerly a years old theory, recently confirmed by Kensuke Tanabe himself. Sylux also has sizable popularity outside of this as well due to its intriguing backstory and memorable design amongst the one shots. When comparing Sylux and Rundas, it’s a matter of lasting popularity, uniqueness and an actual future (Sylux) versus more relevance in its source game (Rundas), since both are equally matched otherwise (although Rundas, canonically, is dead; Sylux is still alive*), being notable one-shot characters from a single game in the series, though Sylux is on it’s way to ascend from that distinction and thus become a major player in the Prime series.

During the final confrontation in Hunters, all 6 of the same Hunters barring Samus (who arrives late) have their life force sucked out by Gorea, this game’s antagonist, after they released it from imprisonment in the Oubliette by shooting it’s Seal Sphere. If the best ending (triggering Gorea’s second phase and killing it with the Omega Cannon) is triggered, during the ending cutscene when the Oubliette is exploding, 6 colored lights, one for each Hunter, escape in unison before Samus does, confirming that each Hunter is alive, making Corruption’s confirmed cliffhanger possible.

Look, I know some of the more loyal Ridley fans are silently raging at me right now, but let me get some things out of the way first: I like Ridley, I entertain him as playable, and I voted for him as a Metroid fan. But unless there’s some sort of miracle on the way, he’s impossible. Is it wrong that I want to support another character from the same series, a perceived nobody, if you will?

And now, it’s time to bring up the other, more universal points for newcomers.


Smash isn't entirely about popularity, as Sakurai has made clear in interviews regarding his philosophy on newcomer selection. Oddball characters are introduced at every turn. In Melee’s era, Ice Climbers, Game & Watch and Marth/Roy were all oddball picks that got loved. Brawl continued the trend with R.O.B and arguably Snake, and 3DS/U strikes again with Duck Hunt and arguably Shulk. Popularity certainly gives a boost to characters for inclusion, but it’s not entirely required as we’ve seen time and time again. The community has been sucker punched with character choices before; most recently, Ryu filling an unexpected spot as Capcom’s second character.

This is universally applicable to any character, so let’s continue.

Uniqueness / Moveset Potential

Speaking of Sakurai's philosophy on character selection, another factor is uniqueness; what the character can bring to the table in contrast to the other fighters. He has certainly emphasized this is Smash 4 with how many unique concepts have been implemented to fighters like Robin, Shulk and Duck Hunt.

Let’s look at Samus; her Varia Suit version. A moveset composed of mostly melee attacks with exactly three types of projectiles( four if you count both missiles), a Charge Shot, missiles and Morph Ball Bombs. What’s one of Metroid’s defining characteristics besides being the Alien franchise in videogame form? Firepower. You have all of these awesome weapons to use throughout the games, but Samus gets her default arsenal every time. No special weapons like the Ice Beam, just the standard fare. Here’s where Sylux comes in. Sylux has at least six different weapons to adapt into its arsenal, each with unique effects. Fire, ice and electric weapons (the latter category having two and one being a health leeching weapon) a sniper rifle(which has never been seen in Smash, Robin’s Thoron does not count as it is a delayed albeit fast projectile as opposed to instant like a sniper rifle), and an arcing projectile, to establish Sylux as a projectile heavy character. Potential continues with Sylux’s Morph-Ball-esque alt mode, the Lockjaw, which deploys electric nodes that link together after three are placed, perhaps as a trap style mechanic. In short, I’d rather you visit the support thread to see all of the ideas people have made in one place, but do not deny that Sylux has both uniqueness and moveset potential. Enough to separate it from Samus, and enough to make it unique.

Not a clone

“Oh man, it has armor and guns, so it’s another Samus clone! What a wonderful choice!”

First of all, no. Design-wise, it does share traits with Samus, mainly a powered armor (humanoid to boot). That’s where the similarities end.

The most universal complaints about full clones are that their movesets are virtually unchanged from the original, which contributes to their hatebases. Remember the points I mentioned above? Yeah, Sylux would most definitely not a Samus clone in the slightest, between the availability of weapons a la Mega Man, a different alt mode, and the fact that it’s not even known if it’s human or not. If it turned out to be an android or an alien, well, hooray for diversity in this series, since the denied duo were not human at all.

But it has low ballot support!

Nobody can tell how much ballot support a character has anyway unless it’s an extremely obvious case like King K. Rool. Assumptions can be made, yes, but no concrete results can be told until we either see a reveal or official ballot data. The argument goes both ways.

Low ballot support is easily more useful than having full ballot support which amounts to nothing. Looking at you, Rids, sorry again. And while low ballot support may hurt its chances greatly, it’s still there. The chances are low, but it can amount to something.


With everything I’ve said, I still stand by Sylux being a viable Metroid candidate for Smash. Sylux’s popularity is steadily growing as of the Tanabe interview, but even I’ll sadly admit it’s a long shot as of current.

Want: 100%

Does this even need explaining?

My favorite series, coupled with my favorite character from said series, and a possibility as DLC, if a long shot one? Yes please. Granted, I would be content with any Metroid character if they were designed well, but here’s my #1 choice. Someone who I firmly believe deserves a chance in the spotlight.


Chances: 30%

There’s a pretty clear view of what Sakurai meant by fanservice. Pleasing the fans. You have the fans who want veterans and the fans of potential newcomers. It could reasonably be expected that given the surge of veterans we’ve had brought back, the idea of Snake returning isn’t that unfeasible. There’s the Konami issues and all, but Ryu has shown that third party DLC is a thing. So that’s two points to Snake’s favor. But, given that it is unknown how many characters are planned (and SourceGaming has made it clear to not expect many), there’s a lot of factors up in the air.

Want: 100%

Snake’s absence was what hurt me the most in the transition from Brawl to 3DS/U. The first third-party character in Smash (stop saying Sonic is tied for that because he’s not by reveal date alone and was added to Brawl late in development) gets cast aside? Didn’t sit well with me, even if I understood why.

I want Snake back.


- Crash Bandicoot: 4%
- Bomberman: 3%

Nominate: Absol x5(that's for you, @ Delzethin Delzethin )

Well analyzed. While I am not very familiar with Sylux, I am going to give ratings anyways.

Chance - 35%
Want - 40%

Rerate - Snake:
Chance - 40%
Want - 50%


Crash Bandicoot - 3%
Bomberman - 6%

Nomination - Smash 5 has 10 year wait cycle x 5


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Chance 1%
Unimportant Metroid character
Want 0%
Not Ridley

Chance 7%
His veteran status is enough to give him a small chance but the Konami stuff does lower his chance considerably compared to other Veterans
Want: 100%
I want every veteran to comeback, every single one of them.

Crash 2.2%
Bomberman 3%

Nominate all veterans returning x5
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
You guys realize sylux hasnt appeared in the new game yet and by the time he does smash 4 dlc will probably be over. Being really overrated right now for something yet to happen :/

chance 0%
currently only in one game barring a cameo. Also very little ballot support. Now if we were rating for smash 5 and prime 4 was out this would be very high.

But this isnt smash 5 and we cant take a game that hasnt happened into account :/
Sorry but sylux isnt happening. Not yet at least.

Want 0%
i have no connection with him. His theme is ok but thats about it. Weavel seems more interesting to me as both a fighter and a metroid chracater. (Dat arm blade)

Chance abstain
konami's implosion could mean anything. I just dont know how and wont pretend to know how it will change things.

Want 100%
Probably my favorite newcomer ever. Seeing him in brawl was crazy. And i havent even played MGS yet.

crash 4%
Bomberman 7%

agnes oblige 3
Next smash has new director 2


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
x5 Unpopular DLC Newcomer

I've been noticing the nominations for a rerate on Young Link, and I feel that he's unnecessary to rate at this point unless something aside from Sakurai's comment on fan service (which is still very vague of itself) happens that affects his chances. I've already worked hard to get Young Link at a fair rating. Now is not the right time.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Chance: 30%

On one hand, Metroid is long overdue for a character in Smash Bros. who isn't Samus, and Sylux is probably the best-known option who doesn't already have a role in the game. On the other hand, Sylux seems like a fairly obscure character to get people to spend extra money on - depending on how Metroid's future plays out, I could see him being considered for the next Smash Bros. game (if they make another Metroid Prime game, it seems likely that Sylux will play a major role), but I'm not sure if he's got enough to warrant inclusion as a DLC character at the moment

Want: 30%

I don't know much about Metroid Prime Hunters, but it seems like Sylux is the most prominent character in that game outside of Samus, seeing as he was the only one of those hunters to reappear. In general, I'd love to see more Metroid content (along with Donkey Kong and, to a lesser extent, Zelda, I feel like Metroid really got the shaft as far as content in the new Smash Bros. is concerned - there were characters in all of those series who really should or could have been playable, but they were relegated to assist trophies or stage hazards, or ignored entirely), but that alone doesn't seem like enough to get me really excited about Sylux.

Chance: 80%

Based on comments that they've made, Kojima and Sakurai had no issues with including Snake in Smash. Unless Konami suddenly hates money and good publicity (which, given their recent actions, could be possible now), there doesn't seem to be a reason for them to turn something like this down. By my understanding, the main issue seems to lie with Nintendo. Veterans in general are quite popular picks worldwide (people don't like seeing characters, especially unique ones, getting removed from the game - who knew?), and it seems like they're a lot easier to make rather than creating a newcomer from scratch, but maybe Nintendo would be more willing to go with a veteran that they already own, like Wolf or Ice Climbers, first. Still, given Snake's popularity (and the reaction that his Brawl announcement got), maybe Snake DLC would sell well enough to offset that?

Want: 100%

Aside from being a unique veteran who represented an entire series, Snake was an incredibly unique character in terms of his playstyle. No character, before or since, has had that trap-based type of gameplay, and losing that is a huge loss to Smash Bros. as a whole. Plus, he was really fun to play as, and his inclusion introduced tons of people (myself included) to the Metal Gear franchise, as well as introducing more obscure Nintendo franchises to Metal Gear fans.

I don't really get why him supposedly "not fitting in" is an issue - you wouldn't expect Kirby to fit in with Metroid's setting, or F-Zero and Animal Crossing to blend together, but that sort of thing is what Super Smash Bros. has been about since the beginning.


He wasn't in the base game for a reason.
I'm not sure if that's the best reason to say that a character shouldn't get in - by that logic, we shouldn't have gotten Mewtwo, Roy, or Lucas back, and we shouldn't be getting any DLC characters whatsoever. After all, they weren't in the base game for a reason.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2015
@ BandanaWaddleDee BandanaWaddleDee is the winner of Ashley's prediction, and @ Fire_Voyager Fire_Voyager , @ TheSqushiestManatee TheSqushiestManatee , and @Nimbostratus all win for Dark Matter.

Chance - 5% not Ridley
Want - 15% maybe not Ridley but could be cool if he gets well implemented

Re-Rating Snake
Chance - 25% we miss him, but Konami wont open their hands easily
Want - 60% with a better moveset, the right weight, he could be really good this time

crash 2%
Bomberman 10%

Vaati x10


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Chance: 4%.
Want: 15%.

He is a character that seems to be on the way to having a future...but right now he doesn't seem to. At least, by the time he gets a new appearance we won't be getting any more DLC for this game, I think. Even then, he probably won't ever come before Ridley despite his problems.
As it stands, I see him as future Assist Trophy material.

Chance: 20%.
I'm kinda giving him the benefit of the doubt here. By virtue of being a cut veteran he has a very very large amount of support, and I think that's what will matter the most for him. The only thing is that I don't know what the condition for him being cut in the first place was, so my rating is a shot in the dark.
Then again, "shots in the dark" is the focus of DLC predictions anyway, huh?
I don't think Konami coming apart is much of a factor, from what I understand they've been on that path for a long time.

Want: 100%. He's a veteran, whether he's "not Nintendo enough" or not, Snake is now part of the Smash family, it hurts that he was ever cut. In hindsight, he was a huge part of the Brawl hype too, so even without having played a Metal Gear game, he has endeared himself to me.
Also, MGS brought some awesome music to Smash. I'd like to have that back, thanks.

Nominations: Jill Valentine x3, Excitebike x2


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Chance: 5%
Smash 5 frontrunner, considering Metroid NX will focus on Sylux, but I doubt that premise will get him in 4.

Want: 10%



Chance: Abstain
I don't know how bad Konami is right now.

Want: 70%
Kept me waiting for too long

Crash: 3.4%
Bomberman: 6.4%

Azura x5


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Chance: 3%
Doesn't seem likely, as I doubt Metroid is getting a newcomer. Also doesn't seem to be voted for much
Want: 25%

Copying and Pasting this from Snake's original day
Snake? Snake? SNA- NOOOOOO!!!!!!
Chance: 5%
The only reason Snake got into Brawl was because Kojima was friends with Sakurai. And unless he does that again, I don't see any hope for the human reptile.

Want: 5%
Snake kinda sucked in Brawl, but he was a heckafun to play as. Honestly though, he was the only vet I was glad got the boot.

Crash Prediction: 1%
Bomberman Prediction: 18%

@ BandanaWaddleDee BandanaWaddleDee is the winner of Ashley's prediction

Leon Powalski x4
Sora x2
Tails x2
Rerate Jibanyan x1
Rerate Bandana Dee x1


Smash Apprentice
Dec 4, 2014
Your mom's house, probably.
Chance: 3%
I have no idea how he's going to play out.
Want: 2%

Chance: 65%
There are so many reasons Snake is a front runner to return, and seems like the only argument people can cling to against him is that Konami is in a mess right now. I'm pretty surprised at the vitriolic hate Snake seems to bring to some people. People are generally pessimistic about his return, but there's a high chance he'll sneak back in.
Want: 100%
Keep me waiting... As long as you return.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Snake Chance:
Still has the veteran status and popularity as his main favor, given that he's been in Smash before, there's no real reason to address his other main support points. Will have to be a ballot candidate unfortunately, I don't see any indication that Snake was pre-planned. If he was, Konami wouldn't be supporting their character in the ballot on Twitter in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't get in as DLC given the state Konami is in right now, which could possibly mean that the hoops of getting him are much larger and stressful.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
I'm not sure if that's the best reason to say that a character shouldn't get in - by that logic, we shouldn't have gotten Mewtwo, Roy, or Lucas back, and we shouldn't be getting any DLC characters whatsoever. After all, they weren't in the base game for a reason.
Those characters are not third party veterans.


Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
Chances: 4% It's a minor character who will get a larger future role, so that ups his chances a bit, as much as I detest that.

Want: 20% As much as I think Metroid should get another rep for the sake of fairness, I really hate this idea that characters should get in based on their future. Are we prophets now? No! So why should we judge a character as worthy before their main game is even out? It would be a insult to currently more deserving characters to let someone in, before they've even made their big splash. This isn't the future, so I'd like to think we should judge based on the present and past, and not off the future. The 20% here is just for the slight satisfaction for the Metroid fans, they deserve something, but this isn't who should be their rep.

Snake?...Snake..? Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkeeeeee!!!!
Chances: 6% He may be a vet, but his developer Konami, hasn't got the best relations with nintendo, and left Kojima, one of Sakurai's friends, the guy who got Snake in Brawl in the first place, behind. Snake has some demand, but I don't think it can overcome the legal situation here.

Want: 70% Snake was pretty fun, he was unique, and while he stood out from the rest of the cast, it feels wrong not having him here with us anymore. We miss you buddy.

Nominations: Concept: New Kirby stage from newer Kirby games x 5

Prediction: Crash : 10%


Roaring Salsa

A dragon never yields
Mar 7, 2015
Courtroom No. 4
Chance: 20%
With Ridley and Dark Samus out of comission, I think he has the best chances for a Metroid character though his low support hinders him.

Want: Abstain
I don't know much about him to rate.

Chance: 60%
Being a veteran and a highly requested character all around the world are things Sakurai simply won't overlook. In the end it all depends on what Konami has to say about adding Snake. Either they accept the idea or not, making this a 50-50 chance. I granted Snake an additional 10% due to the factors I already mentioned especially since Sakurai seems really determined to give fans what they're asking for.

Want: 100%
Awesome playstyle, moveset, huge legacy in video games plus one of my most used characters back in Brawl. It just seems weird in a Smash game to totally lose an entire franchise especially when Metal Gear had a great stage and music selection.
And I seriously need a Snake amiibo.

Basically, my rating for Snake remains the same as last time.

Tingle x5
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