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Rate their Chances: the DLC Edition. Day: 192: The final day


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2015
Chance: 50%

He's probably the most likely candidate for 3rd party DLC.

-He's a veteran, easy to implement
-Popular choice worldwide
-Very unique moveset
-Konami and Kojima want him in Smash

I could bring up the Konami stuff going on, but i'm tired of hearing the arguments from both sides. I'd rather not be a part of it.

Want: 100%

Snake got me into the Metal Gear Series. I love his character and how he plays in Brawl. Since Smash 4 was announced, I was worried that Snake could be cut, and I was sad that he didn't show up in the initial roster. This could the final chance to get Snake back into Smash, and I don't want to see his character get abandoned

Chance: 15
-20% (couldn't decide on an exact number, something between those two)

I tried to put a lot of thought into this, though feel free to disagree with me or correct me if I got any facts wrong

I know Shantae has a large fanbase, but it seems that a lot of people outside her fanbase just don't know who she is and what she came from. Being Smash could easily raise her popularity, but there are requested characters who are much more known compared to Shantae. I think that Nintendo is looking for popular characters who are also very well known in the general gaming community, and to my knowledge, Shantae is somewhat obscure to a general group of gamers. Plus, she unfortunately doesn't have as much world-wide popularity as some of the other popular character.

I don't think that Shantae is completely out of the picture. She is probably one of the most likely indie characters to get representation in Smash, but she would have a much tougher chance compared to other front runners. So for those of you who really want Shantae in Smash, keep bringing the support! Fight for her inclusion and don't let naysayers tell you who to vote for!

Want: 20%

I don't know much about her character, but I knew about her games before DLC was announced. She certainly looks like she could be an interesting character, and more female representation is another plus, but I never actually played her games and I don't know much about her series. I can't say she's high on my list, but I wouldn't mind if she was added.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2015
A game of chance, you say?

Chance: 25%
Want: 70%

Besides the whole "Kojima leaving Konami", "Konami is literal garbage when it comes to interacting with anyone" (Skullgirls and Silent Hill fan, trust me I know), "3rd party Character with $80 million dollar game's not gonna be cheap" yadda yadda yadda...

He just... doesn't really fit that much anymore.

Snake worked great for Brawl, there's no denying that. But at the same time the reason why that was is because Brawl had this "realism" thing going for it. When Brawl moved to 4 the style changed quite a bit, and not in favor of Snake. Color, vibrance, cartoony was all the focus of 4. And Metal Gear has gotten arguably worse when it comes to straying away from the family friendly. Metal Gear 5 is gonna release before the ballot ends, and that's gonna be a pretty dark one from what I can tell.

But he's still a veteran so, I mean, easier to make I guess. So better than any other Konami rep.

Chance: 40%
Want: 100%

I mean, yeah, you can slap the "indie" title on her and pretend that's an instant ban from winning. But... okay? Why? Indies are cheap, practically dirt cheap if you compare them to other companies mascots. Have you seen Runbow? It's got nothing but indies licenced and it's probably going to still turn up a profit. Nintendo even were the ones who helped the developers get the characters! Many people underestimate how hard Nintendo's pushing for more Indie support on their systems.

Okay, besides Indie not really being a bad thing, what does she have going for her?

Here's the thing. Everybody thinks it's just Shantae. It's not. It's Wayforward. A bunch of people are saying that she hasn't made a big enough impact in the gaming department, okay. What if Shantae was never on DsiWare? I'm serious. And it also goes back to Wayforward. You can't swing a dead cat around in both the Dsiware shop and the Eshop without getting a best seller or highest rated Wayforward game. I would make a reasonable argument and say that the reason the DsiWare got popular is because of those games. Wayforward raised the bar so high on the Dsi that nobody beat them until Dsi games were put next to Eshop titles. Without Wayforward's support the online stores would not be the thing it is today, dead serious.

Anyway, she's the poster child of both the Dsiware and the Eshop (to the point of literally being advertised in stores in Nintendo... booths? In stores either way), have highly successful games critically and financially for the DS's, is an "indie" character that has a guaranteed future with another game coming (from a kickstarter that got twice as much money as Shovel Knight), fits with the more colorful style of 4, Wayforward's dedication to Nintendo ever since 2002, the fact that she's an actual female protagonist of her own in the ballot I mean come on (Sorry, just don't want DLC to be male centric from beginning to end.), the darker skin is a nice bonus and character distinguisher, is known by several bigwigs in Japan so I assume she's a low key parallel to Earthbound at least, most importantly has a very nice potential for moveset actually, her 3 games on the eshop + Wayforward's other independently made games is a cash grab waiting to happen, and is clearly popular enough in the gaming department if we're still. talking. about her. Any other indie character is immediately less likely than Shantae. No ifs, ands, or buts.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
Chance: 15%
No different than my previous rating. It honestly doesn't feel so long ago since the last time we rated him, so I don't see why my opinion should have changed all that much. I guess it's because we hear more and more about the company's state of being all the time nowadays. Seems as if the situation has only gotten worse, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Konami and Nintendo couldn't work together on something (as proven by the recent licensing of Konami's Hudson Soft IP). It just seems unlikely at this point. There's just so much going on with Konami recently, and I just don't know how I can feel that Snake is likely to return if I have to factor in all of these different situations I keep hearing about the company. I also still have my doubts that we're going to get more than one third party as DLC. Still, Snake is a very popular and requested veteran, and I'm sure Sakurai and Kojima are above not letting Snake back into Smash if the opportunity arises and Sakurai wants him back. I guess the real question we should be focusing on is whether or not Sakurai wants Snake in Smash 4. We might never know the answer for sure, so I'll stick with my previous rating and give the stealth master a rating of 15%.
Still keeping us waiting...

Want: 35%
Just like I said in my two previous want ratings, I never used or was attached to the character. I acknowledge that he has a ton of fans who want him back in including one of my good friends, so I'd still be happy to see him return.

Chance: 2.4%
I'm just not seeing an indie character getting into Smash via DLC. Maybe in the next Smash game if her popularity continues to grow in other regions. The main issue I'm seeing with her is that she's not big in Japan as of yet, so the idea of making her a playable character via DLC probably isn't worth it to Sakurai. With the kind of third parties we've gotten in Smash thus far, it doesn't seem like Sakurai is putting much focus into anything less than recognizable. Not to mention we've already gotten one third party as DLC already, and like I just said in the rating above I doubt we'll see another until the next Smash. Shantae does have some merits going for her such as moveset potential and the good support of her own company, but that just doesn't feel like enough to me for a character in her position. I'll give the belly dancer a low score of 2.4%, which is only a 0.3% drop from my original rating.
An indie character who has her work cut out for her...

Want: 12%
Shantae has grown on me a little since the first time I rated her, but not enough for me to genuinely want her in Smash since I'm not a big fan of the idea of indie characters making it in; although, she would probably be my first pick since I feel that she deserves it the most out of any indie character. So if she actually made it in I would probably feel more of an indifference rather than a tinge of annoyance. Take that as you will.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2014
As normal, sympathetic human beings, the treatment of employees at Konami obviously saddens us. For a company, whose #1 goal is to make money, it's one way to achieve that goal. I have no doubt if Nintendo could do the same thing, they would. The issue is balancing out the bad PR that results. I mean, Nintendo of America uses random employees to cut down on dubbing costs. While obviously less of a moral quandary, the core is the same - have people do stuff they were not originally hired for to avoid paying professionals. And in terms of ethics, most large companies have a "less is more" philosophy, unfortunately. Nintendo doesn't have a sparkling ethics record, either. Basically, I doubt this is a problem for Snake.

The mature rating thing has no basis in reality. From the ESRB website:

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Platform: Wii

Rating Category:

Content Descriptors: Cartoon Violence, Crude Humor

Includes online features that
may expose players to unrated user-generated content (Wii)

Super Smash Bros.

Platform: Wii U

Rating Category:

Content Descriptors: Cartoon Violence, Comic Mischief, Mild Suggestive Themes

  • Includes online features that may expose players to unrated user-generated content (Wii U)

Rating Summary: This is a fighting game in which players engage in brawls with characters from a variety of Nintendo franchises. Players punch, kick, and use power-ups (e.g., fireball blasts, banana peels, mallets) to defeat enemies and/or knock opponents off stage platforms. Each character is able to use special attacks that inflict large-scale damage on opponents; one character's special attack uses a crosshair target to fire lasers at opponents in the battle arena. Battles are “cartoony” though frenetic and are highlighted by explosions, colorful light effects, and cries of pain. During the course of the game, players can unlock/obtain character trophies that depict female characters in revealing outfits (e.g., short skirts, moderate amounts of cleavage). One character emits flatulence gas clouds to attack opponents.

Snake was not a factor, since "cartoon violence" is the only thing he could be guilty of and that was present in Sm4sh. Animated violence, Comic mischief, and mild violence are also present on 64 and melee (Melee, if you'll recall, also had a T rating). There's no evidence that Snake caused the T rating and that his re addition would raise it. This is pure speculation with no backing, like the 8-player mode holding back Ice Climbers, which is another speculative reason with no evidence to back it.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Very brief for me today.
Snake Chance:
I only grow more pessimistic as more new from Konami comes along. Still holds the veteran status and popularity as a Smash characters as beneficial factors.

Shantae Chance:
She has a noticeable enough following to get consideration from Sakurai. The lack of a Japanese release mainly concerns me of her chances. She has uniqueness, notable franchise popularity, and a relationship with Nintendo.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 4, 2014
Your mom's house, probably.
I'm probably going to keep this short, considering it doesn't seem that long ago I was typing up my case for Snake in this very thread last rate. It seems like every single day, since the very beginning, EVERYTHING was set against Snake returning. But as the weeks and months pass, every argument I've heard against him has become nullified. To me, Konami and Nintendo working together on that Hudson soft ip thing is the final little push that makes me believe he will return. Stack that rumor of MG being turned over to Namco Bandai on the cake, and it's all looking good for Snake.
Nobody can be completely certain about any DLC character, no matter how everything looks. But Snake seems like more of an unopposed, obvious choice every day I log on.
Chance - 90%
Yeah, that high. I generally scoff mentally at how people can be so sure about characters returning when I see ratings over 70, but I truly believe in his chances. Seems like lately any info on him, or his company has bolstered his chances in my mind.
(Actually Snake has been planned from the beginning, Sakurai/Kojima just thought it'd be HILARIOUS if they did the "kept ya waiting" joke from Metal Gear here) ((jokez))
Want - 100%
I keep imagining my reaction if a Nintendo Direct video started off on a dark screen, and after a few seconds, the "Kept ya waiting, huh?" sound byte played.

I'm not one to step on others' hopes, but seeing as I didn't know who this was until seeing supporters of her...
Chance - Abstain
Want - Abstain
I generally only support fighters for the ballot that could have a potentially very different interesting movesets as well as veterans, and considering I don't know how she fights in her home series...


Smash Apprentice
Jul 19, 2015
4stock on FoD

Chance: 34%

There is only one thing that is holding him back, Its the **** going on with Konami. Other than that, there's a lot of things going for him: fan support, veteran status, etc. He could even be put in Smash as a way to advertise MGS5. Oh and Peach's Ftilt is what caused the T rating for Brawl (& Melee) btw.

Want: 100%

I'd kill to have Snake back in. He's one of my most wanted characters for DLC. Oh and they better bring back Shadow Moses Island for the Codec Calls, those were fun.


Chance: 5%

While she does have a pretty big fanbase, she just doesn't have enough. She's pretty much 3rd party as well & I'm not sure if Sakurai would want another 3rd party in Smash that's not Snake.

Want: 32%

I don't really know Shantae a lot, nor do I really want her in, And I won't complain about her being/not being in Smash either.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 17, 2014
I'm not going to write a paragraph, just going to give my chances and a brief explanation

Snake - 10% chance
Reason: Given everything that has been going around Konami(such as Kojima leaving, and the recent report revealing their insidious behavior); I doubt Nintendo would even want to get involved with them. not only in fear of bad press but because the two clash on an ethics standpoint. Plus We have to realize that Snake got into the game because it was a favor for Kojima, who no longer has the rights for that character and who is currently treated like garbage by the company who owns it. I doubt that Sakurai wants to betray an friend, and adding Snake is a knife in the back to Kojima.

Want - 0%

Reason: I have always been neutral with Snake, i don't hate him but i never saw the point of his inclusion in smash. But like i mentioned earlier given what's been going on with Konami, if Snake made it back into the game, i would actively hate his inclusion as it would be a betrayal to Kojima.

Shantae - 60% chance
Reason: She's fairly popular almost everywhere, all of her games have been on Nintendo consoles since the Gameboy era, and even Wayforward wants her in the game. the only thing preventing her from being 100% is the fact that she's form an indie game, and as of writing this post no indie games reps have made into that games yet.

Want - 50%
Reason: She would be cool addition to the game, and i would love to see how she plays. But I'm mostly neutral about her.
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The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
Chance: 15% - I really think he's a one time thing.

Want: 85% - I want all the vets back, but I'd rather have other DLC. I did give him 100% before the game came out though.

Chance: 30% - She has a much better chance than people are giving her credit for. She has a good amount of popularity and her company is pushing her super hard.

Want: 94% - I still want some other characters but I think she's super cool in terms of character design and originality. I plan on playing her games soon because they look really fun.

SsBB runner up in Smash 5 X 5

SMASH Tour: 8%
Pirate ship: 15%


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.

Chance: 15%
Would be the most likely 3rd party were it not for Konami owning Snake, and disposing of his creator. A creator who is on very good terms with Sakurai. Now Snake's likeness is in the hands of the jackasses that screwed his friend over, I think Sakurai won't see asking Konami for Snake again as a priority.

Want: 50%
Half and half on Snake. He was unique, but I never really used him. Not a fan, but not a Snake hayter either.

Chance: 10%

Honestly I don't think she's as likely as Rayman. I don't think she's as likely as Snake. I DO think she's got a very dedicated and incredibly vocal fanbase, but I think that's all she has in her favour that are pushing to get her votes up, but she's barely a name in Japan(one game as far as I can tell, and not even a re-release on the 3DS's virtual console). I don't consider Wayforward wanting her in Smash a point in her favour as most companies would kill for a chance at such advertising of their IP.
This is an improvement on my last rating believe it or not.

Want: 30%
If I want a hair whipper it's Dixie Kong first and foremost. Shantae doesn't stand up to Pac-Man, Sonic, Megaman or Ryu's tier either, and for most people she's very much a "who?" character they've never heard of before.

That said, I'll probably buy a Shantae game soon and experience it for myself. I'm sure they're great. I doubt it'll change my stance on her though, as she has a total of one Japanese release, and is relatively small potatoes name wise compared to other third party wants.
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Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
Chance: 1%
Want: 0%

Chance: 0%
Want: 0%

More Smash Tour content prediction: 4.78%
Pirate Ship Prediction: 37.52%

Omanyte x5


The artsy ikke
Jul 20, 2014
Glade of dreams
ouwch Snake is getting low percentages left and right from pretty much everyone (including myself). I didn't see that one coming.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?

Chance: 50%

It could go either way. I don't think the Konami situation is even that big of a deal, I just question if Sakurai wants to add that many veterans over newcomers.

Want: 80%

He was ridiculously fun in Brawl. He had a distinctive charm that nobody else could ever capture.


Chance: 15%

I'm gonna be very generous to Shantae because she's honestly the only indie character, to my mind, with some kind of realistic chance. She still has the typical third-party hurdles to overcome, so I think it's a pretty big "if".

Want: 80%

Her games are fun. Magic is fun. Hair is fun. Shantae is fun.


More Smash Tour content: 10%

Pirate Ship: 30%


Brash the Bear x 5
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Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2014
Alberta, Canada
Solid Snake

Chance: 50%

Can't elaborate on this much, but both Kojima & Konami wants him in. Of course there is this "Konami situation" that I'm not going to elaborate on since I'm sick of it. There too many rumors and and such to accurately estimate his chances, both good and bad, so I'm going for 50%. He does have veterancy, so he does have an advantage there.

Want: 100%

Super fun in Brawl and was brough not only a unique playstyle, but also tone and universe to Smash. If I could only add one more character to Smash, it would be Solid Snake.


Chance: 15%

She's had the typical 3rd party issues, as well as being an indie character. Unlike Snake, she doesn't have a veterancy advantage and a lack of longtime popularity.

Want: 0%

I didn't even hear of Shantae until a month ago, so I don't care for her. Good luck to her supporters I guess.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2015
Ehhh.... trust me when I say there's enough people that hate Konami THAT MUCH that they'd convince themselves that Shantae should have a better chance without much of a second thought.

Also on the whole "Snake is too mature" dealio I'd never expect Snake to up the rating, it's more along the lines of "people will use his latest game as their first reference" kind of thing. I'm not saying every kid that plays the game will look up Metal Gear and go to 5, but because of the intense realism (masking over the intense goofiness, hilariously enough) Nintendo now may feel like it's best to distance themselves from the series to avoid complaints.

What might have been a questionable choice at first, now is really a questionable choice kind of deal.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Why's it ironic?
Because the only biased people here are the guys from the Shantae thread.
Notice how everybody rates Shantae with a 0%-15% and then a guy with a Shantae avatar or signature comes here and rates her with a 30%-60%, without good arguments. The only thing they say is WayForward wants her in Smash, she has a "history" with Nintendo and she is popular in America.

It's pretty obvious.

Konami wants Snake in Smash, he is extremely popular in both America and Japan and obviously... he is iconic and a veteran.
Konami is a mess, but that is not as bad as being a not iconic, indie third party with little or no support in Japan.
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Smash Lord
May 14, 2015
Somewhere without a Smash community. Send hlep
Shantae - 60% chance
Reason: She's fairly popular almost everywhere, all of her games have been on Nintendo consoles since the Gameboy era, and even Wayforward wants her in the game. the only thing preventing her from being 100% is the fact that she's form an indie game, and as of writing this post no indie games reps have made into that games yet.
By almost everywhere, you mean most places except the most important area like the country Sakurai lives.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2012
Somewhere in the Cosmos.
Because the only biased people here are the guys from the Shantae thread.
Notice how everybody rates Shantae with a 0%-15% and then a guy with a Shantae avatar or signature comes here and rates her with a 30%-60%, without good arguments. The only thing they say is WayForward wants her in Smash, she has a "history" with Nintendo and she is popular in America.

It's pretty obvious.

Konami wants Snake in Smash, he is extremely popular in both America and Japan and obviously... he is iconic and a veteran.
*sigh* The Shantae Thread is not bias and dude seriously...


Feb 5, 2009
Why's it ironic?:confused:
Because realistically and objectively, believing Shantae is more likely than Snake is probably the more biased viewpoint.

Higher demand, a bigger gaming icon, a Smash veteran, and easier to produce with Brawl assets. All he has against him is "the Konami situation" which is so vague and rife with unknowns that nobody knows what to do with it but turn it into a phrase surrounded by quotation marks. Shantae has the one thing Snake doesn't, which is obvious avid developer support, while Snake has a leg up on everything else.

Regardless of how likely either of them actually are, it just seems really hard to place Shantae's chances higher than Snake's. Even if Snake's chances were only like 5%, I couldn't see Shantae's chances ever surpassing his.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2012
Somewhere in the Cosmos.
Because realistically and objectively, believing Shantae is more likely than Snake is probably the more biased viewpoint.

Higher demand, a bigger gaming icon, a Smash veteran, and easier to produce with Brawl assets. All he has against him is "the Konami situation" which is so vague and rife with unknowns that nobody knows what to do with it but turn it into a phrase surrounded by quotation marks. Shantae has the one thing Snake doesn't, which is obvious avid developer support, while Snake has a leg up on everything else.

Regardless of how likely either of them actually are, it just seems really hard to place Shantae's chances higher than Snake's. Even if Snake's chances were only like 5%, I couldn't see Shantae's chances ever surpassing his.
Wait, when did I say Shantae is more likely then Snake???
My viewpoint is that nobody is likely in this ballot so I have my expectations low on everybody on my DLC wishlist.
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May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
Yeah... To those who keep biasing about Shantae, please stop. She has a reasonable shot to get into the game among other third parties. I can understand those who might not want Shantae if they have good reasons for it (like saying she needs more exposure in Japan. That is understandable, and I have seen some people in this thread with reasonable responses as to why they don't think she should be in the game). But if you're going to bash her and have bias against her, then stop. Shantae supporters really don't need to hear that kind of stuff. It honestly puts them down whenever negativity is presented against her, which is unneeded.
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May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
Saying a character is not likely ≠ Bias against a character.
The thing is, she has a reasonable chance. Maybe not a guaranteed or an almost guaranteed chance, but a chance. If she had no chance, then I would agree with you and say she isn't likely or not going to happen. However, this is a character who has a chance; People can place in their arguments against her inclusion, which is absolutely fine, as long as its a good argument, but pointless bias (or just bad arguments in general) is not needed against her. Overall, I've seen this pointless bias way too often, which agitates me. That's why it needs to stop.
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Smash Lord
May 14, 2015
Somewhere without a Smash community. Send hlep
*sigh* The Shantae Thread is not bias and dude seriously...
You know, your standpoint doesn't help this statement very much.
Every time someone says Shantae is more likely than Snake... a Waddle Dee dies.
Um... Rip Waddle Dees?
The thing is, she has a reasonable chance. Maybe not a guaranteed or an almost guaranteed chance, but a chance. If she had no chance, then I would agree with you and say she isn't likely or not going to happen. However, this is a character who has a chance; People can place in their arguments against her inclusion, which is absolutely fine, as long as its a good argument, but pointless bias (or just bad arguments in general) is not needed against her. Overall, I've seen this pointless bias way too often, which agitates me. That's why it needs to stop.
Well, even if she has a chance, it's definitely not a 60% chance.

In this case, you *are* biased towards Shantae.


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
You know, your standpoint doesn't help this statement very much.

Um... Rip Waddle Dees?

Well, even if she has a chance, it's definitely not a 60% chance.

In this case, you *are* biased towards Shantae.
All I said was she had a 50-50 shot; nothing more then that. Beyond 50%, I can't see her getting higher. The thing is, i'm not biased at her myself; I'm biased at the people who constantly put Shantae fans down with unneeded negativity and not very good arguments, even if she is a third party/indie, that does not mean she should be criticized so much. That is what I am biased about. Like I said, there have been some good arguments in this thread as to why some people here do not want her in Smash; I respect that. It's just the bias from those that just want to put Shantae fans down that I dislike (or just not very good arguments).
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 17, 2014
Well this turned into a mess very quickly, as well as becoming stupider by the minute

@ Logo12 Logo12 i said 60% percent based of the widespread support i have seen throughout the internet, maybe I'm wrong(I'm most likely wrong cause i don't know how analytic works and how much the support groups intersect). i have no biases since i didn't vote for shantae and it's just my impression.

these ongoing arguments is stupid, and it's actively detracting from this thread. please stop
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2015
To be fair there's just simply too much crap happening over at Konami for there to be a consistent rating on likelihood of Snake among gamers.

Some of those low chancers also think Shantae has a high chance, nothing wrong with that. I'm one of those people. Judging by Nintendo's recent push with indie titles i'm not that surprised by people thinking Nintendo has a lot of faith in the department. And yes, 60% is actually reasonable if they believe Nintendo is wanting one. (Due to the aforementioned cheapness of indies + said character having more than one game buyable right now on the console)


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
Well this turned into a mess very quickly, as well as becoming stupider by the minute

@ Logo12 Logo12 i said 60% percent based of the widespread support i have seen throughout the internet, maybe I'm wrong(I'm most likely wrong cause i don't know how analytic works and how much the support groups intersect). i have no biases since i didn't vote for shantae and it's just my impression.

these ongoing arguments is stupid, and it's actively detracting from this thread. please stop
Well, either way, I'm done placing my word on this since I personally don't wish to go off-topic. Continue rerating as you all must.
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
I think I'll stop for good with this game. I knew I should have stayed only for the Isaac and K.Rool re-rates...

This is for sure my final post in this thread. Good bye, RTC thread.
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