E3 satisfaction: 80%
Simply put: Nintendo won. I watched all the press conferences, and I was saying that the second I saw Robot Chicken
I think my thoughts on this were well stated by Reggie: "What's wrong with a little fun?". This is why I have always loved Nintendo. They do things different. It doesn't always work, but it's a breath of fresh air from most of the other games on the market. As for what was actually shown, overall I quite liked it. I will definitely be buying Splatoon, Hyrule Warriors, and Zelda U (Oh my god that looks amazing!), Kirby Canvas Curse was fun and I will probably pick up it's sequel, I love puzzle games so Captain Toad's game is definitely on my radar (#captaintoad4smash). Amiibo looks interesting, although I will probably collect those more for the sake of collecting then using

And while I am not particularly interested in Yoshi, my baby brother will die for it, so I'm happy for that to.
As for the other games, I have no interest in Mario Maker, as I've gotten tired of all the Mario games recently, I don't need any more. I'm not to fond of remakes so the Ruby and Sapphire didn't get me hyped (Literally the only reason I was interested in those was for Mega Sceptile). I hate Bayonetta as a character, and could never stand her games. And as for X... it looks interesting, but it was such a buzzkill when I realized it wasn't a Metroid game -_-
(Prepare for rant!)
But the thing I hated most, surprisingly, was Smash Bros. The fight shown between Iwata and Reggie was pure gold, and I was actually ok with Mii's after I saw that. Then I heard "It would take 9 regular fighters to equal that number of moves"
Afterwards, Palutena's reveal, while I love her character, shouldn't have been there. She is not the kind of character they should have revealed at E3. The Smash community already knows her and was pretty sure she'd be in, and she isn't as popular as other characters outside of the Smash community, as the Kid Icarus franchise is still relatively small. This could have been fixed very easily:

Boom. Problem solved. Instantly recognizable face to millions of people that the majority of people
outside the Smash community love. It baffles my mind that they didn't show Pacman in the Digital Event, it makes NO SENSE to show him behind closed doors. Plus it had Game and Watch at the end! Everyone loves Game and Watch!!!!
But there was one thing I absolutely despised about the Smash Bros presentation. Guess what it was? The release date. And more importantly, Japan's release date in comparison.
Let me tell you a story. When I first bought Melee, I had no idea who was going to be in it. Each character was a new and exciting addition, and I nearly wet myself when I saw Mewtwo. Fast forward to shortly before Brawl was announced and I couldn't wait to start the same process. And then we got the entire roster leaked
and the entirety of Subspace because Japan got the game early. Long story short: I was pissed off.
And now it looks like the same thing will happen again, and I essentially have two choices. Either forsake the internet and my fellow gaming friends in order to avoid spoilers, or have the roster spoiled early. I despise both of those options. I want to feel the surprise and excitement I felt when I played Melee, not the dull "Oh, that's cool" I got with Brawl! And if I see on the internet that Ridley is playable, instead of the pure excitement of seeing it for myself,
Rant over
Sceptile: 10%
Third most likely Pokemon character. Sounds good on paper, but in reality there's probably only room for two.
Ridley: 50%
At this point, there are two camps: Those that think he is playable, and those who do not. This will be an extremely polarized subject. However, I am going to say right now, if you say either absolute 0% or absolute 100%, you are probably either biased or an idiot. (I'm insulting myself with this, I fully understand my assurance he's playable is foolish)
That said this is to vague of a subject to have any defining answers, he was teased as a boss, yes, and could very well be one. However, his animations were jerky, behaves nothing like a boss, and he is
at least half the size he was in Brawl, none of which makes any sense for a boss character. And since a logical conclusion can't be reached from that information, (No, teasing as a boss isn't enough. Palutena was teased on the Palutena's Temple stage and in the trophy section of the Direct. Palutena confirmed to be a statue?) claiming you know exactly what's happening with Ridley is essentially claiming you can read Sakurai's mind. In which case, you're probably insane and I pity you, as nobody could look into that chaotic, unfathomable place and come back in one piece.