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QLD Brisbane southside Brawl meetups (expression of interest)


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD
Hey Australia, this is my first post on the forums but ive been an avid brawl player through most of 2008 and onwards. A friend and I discussed that we'd like to branch out from our usual 4 person posse, and bring more people in so that we can have even more fun, and train ourselves for some of the upcoming tourneys in Brisbane. So we decided to make an expression of interest post here to see if anyone was interested

Plan: To start up a smash meet-up group which may encompass the general brisbane area

Purpose: to have fun and hone skills in smash bros for upcoming tournaments

Where: a public venue, to be decided based on where our members will come from. there may be venue fees involved, which everyone will have to pitch in on. currently we're considering local brisbane community halls, which will cost around $5 per person per meet

When: Bi-weekly (Major meets and minor meets)

Time: to be decided! suggestions? Soft drinks will be provided for like 50c a can. Food might also be provided. Let us know if you're interested so we can get an idea of how many members we may expect. If you let us know your suburb we'll get a better idea of where our venue should be.

What to Bring: Only your controller is compulsory for the meetings. If you wish to bring TV's, Wiis or GameCubes, your very welcome :D

If theres any interest at all, post here or send me a message :)


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
Hey Rebun, nice to meet you :)

Check the QLD monthlies and meets thread. Also Vyse, our tournament organiser is the guy to talk to about this stuff.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Hey Rebun!

This sounds like a great initiative to get smash practice in, and it makes me happy to see somebody such as yourself go about organising something like this yourself :)

In response to your private message, I'll list it up in the 'Tournament's and Meets' thread, but I also encourage you to keep this thread active for your own purposes as well.

My MSN is vyse_niseal123@hotmail.com
Add me, and I'll help you nut out anything you're wanting a 2nd opinion on.

But wow, yeah, this is exactly what I love to see. Get things organised, and we could even advertise it on www.ausmash.com. Even though I live on the gold coast, I'd make the effort to come out to Nathan to help support it, or wherever you guys want to host.

But yeah, if you guys want to organise meets, we'll do everything we can to help you out.
:) Exciting times :)


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
Brisbane, AUS
more smash sounds good, and there's quite a few brawl players on the southside.. don't expect a monetary commitment from many people for meets tho, people are stingy enough paying for tournaments that are only confined to a one day (at the most) commitment.

Good idea though, most bris meets consist of people randomly rocking up at each others houses in the spur of the moment.


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Aussieland
Why can't anyone ever be like. Hay I play brawl AND melée
Hi, I'm the other guy organising this with Rebun. Unfortunately, nobody in our usual group has a gamecube and Melee, so that would depend on someone being able to bring it along. If you or anyone else could bring a gamecube with melee we'd welcome it with open arms, I'm sure.

Speaking of which: We're looking for people who can bring equipment (TV and/or console+game), preferably on a regular basis, though we understand that can be quite a hassle. Hopefully each night we'd have at least 1 TV+game per 4 people.
Rebun and I will bring along a TV and two wiis+brawl each meet.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Do you plan on running tournaments at these venues?

I'm sure plenty of members of the community will bring equipment (tv's, wii's and copies of both games) even more so if tournaments are run.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
ill come.. its at nathan right..
i can bring wii and games.. cant really move my tv becauses its expensive and huge.

i think griffin is a free venue shaya.


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Aussieland
Thanks for your words Vyse! Currently we're deliberately disorganised, since how we organise ourselves entirely depends on the sort of interest we get, and where the players are from. We'll get there soon though. :)

If you came along that'd be great. Having players as experienced or well known as yourself could help get the ball rolling for the group, plus even though you'd totally destroy most of us, we'd definitely learn a thing or two from the way a great player does things.

Since you live so far away I don't expect to see you every meet though!

Do you plan on running tournaments at these venues?

I'm sure plenty of members of the community will bring equipment (tv's, wii's and copies of both games) even more so if tournaments are run.
Short answer: We'll certainly have events to mix things up, but we'll leave the giant tournaments to... well, the giant tournaments.

Longer answer:
We'd be the thing you attend between tournaments. We want to create a place where people in South Brisbane can come along and have some fun with other Smashers. We also want to offer a place where you can learn from observing and adapting to other players' styles.

The kinds of events we have and how often we have them depends entirely on how it'll contribute to the group, and on what the members want. Friendlies would be a regular feature of the group, for instance - a way to just sit down and play how you want with other players. Duels would be fine too.

As far as money is concerned, I hadn't thought of charging for any events, though that doesn't mean events with a pot are out of the question.

(^ edited this part a bit since Vyse's quote)

Whats that, discounts for equipments?
Perhaps, if that would keep things going smoothly. I'll consider it, but not if it means Rebun and I end up paying out the wazoo for the meetup. After all, it's not like I won't be chipping in just like everyone else. If there's excess after everyone's paid their dues and we've paid for the venue, maybe we can use that to order pizza for everyone, or save for some more equipment, etc.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Why can't anyone ever be like. Hay I play brawl AND melée
They do actually. Usually they don't post on here, but they do exist. It's just that as far as they know, Melee isn't a game worth pursuing because it's no long the current game per se. Many people are oblivious to the difference between the two games, and yet, for example a pair of people I met not long ago at the Manabar, know and feel the difference.

I try to explain to them that the competitive scene for Melee in Queensland is worth looking into, but as I've said plenty of times, the people worth chasing are the ones that look into us themselves.

In the end, all I can do is advertise the Brawl scene and integrate them into the Melee scene too. I realise what you're saying is just a rhetorical complaint, but I felt I needed to elaborate.

Thanks for your words Vyse! Currently we're deliberately disorganised, since how we organise ourselves entirely depends on the sort of interest we get, and where the players are from. We'll get there soon though. :)

If you came along that'd be great. Having players as experienced or well known as yourself could help get the ball rolling for the group, plus even though you'd totally destroy most of us, we'd definitely learn a thing or two from the way a great player does things.

Since you live so far away I don't expect to see you every meet though!
You'd be suprised, I travel to Brisbane all the time for Uni, so it makes no difference to me to travel for smash as well.

Set up a venue, setup a date and the rest will take care of itself as long as you stay active on here. Bug me and I'll send out mass emails and stuff about it.

We'll certainly have events to mix things up.

The main purpose of the group is twofold: first, to offer folks a place to come along and have some fun with other brawl players. Second, to offer a learning experience for players similar to tournaments where they're pit up against unfamiliar styles of play.

So the kinds of events we have and how often we have them depends entirely on how it'd help the group members learn, how much they'd enjoy it and, of course, what our members actually want! Friendlies will have a constant presence in the group though, since it's a good way to just relax and play.
I agree with this and I'll tell you why;

Fact of the matter is, smash meets don't happen anymore like they used to. Save for DJ. Cat ocassionally, nobody sets up smash meets. Nothing happens on the GC (barring a couple of recent meets at Testi's house) and Brisbane only has one hub that only a few people head to.

Generally, for us, for years now all over the world, a 'Smash Meet' - that is, a practice meet, has usually consisted of a bunch of people getting together in somebody's house and playing smash. Cheap, effective. However, I can understand that many people don't want to open their house to just anyone, and more to the point, you guys barely know us, so I wouldn't do so either.

We can make suggestions and ask questions, but it's your call. Run a practice meet first and see who comes. It might make a good venue for a tournament in the future, but consider it at your own pace.

Perhaps, if that would keep things going smoothly. I'll consider it, but not if it means Rebun and I end up paying out the wazoo for the meetup. After all, it's not like I won't be chipping in just like everyone else. If there's excess after everyone's paid their dues and we've paid for the venue, maybe we can use that to order pizza for everyone, or save for some more equipment, etc.
There's nothing to discuss here until you have an idea of how much the venue will cost. In my experience, Uni's have steep hire fees, but your uni sounds okay, so investigate and let me know what kind of prices you're looking at (or how the pricing scale works in general) and I can advise you as to whether it's worth the money or not.

I hope you guys pull through with this. It makes me really happy to know something like this is happening :)


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Aussieland
On melee: I personally would have posted this topic with "Brawl & Melee:" in the subject, and I honestly hope Rebun can change that. Or if you can, Vyse, please do so!
Standing contrary to those in the common description you bring up, Vyse, I see Melee and Brawl as just being games and that's that - there's no scale, and if there was, they'd measure equally on it. Whatever Melee's like, I know people play it and it receives a lot of attention, so I'd welcome it being at this club, since it can't detract from anything. However my entire playing experience extends to one evening at my friend's house in grade 6.

After a few days and some posting about, Rebun and I will perhaps get an idea of the numbers we're going for and we'll be able to find an appropriate venue. Right now I won't settle for a venue with a capacity lower than 50, but I might have to up that standard if we get more interest.


Smash Champion
Jul 27, 2009
In an alternate universe.
I welcome you guys to the Aussie smash scene.

I might be from WA. But it doesnt matter. A welcome is a welcome.

I hope this meet idea goes well for you, and that you fit into the scene over in QLD well.

as for combining Melee/Brawl. Just hope you dont get any haters for the opposite game of choice.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
1. Changed it to include both tags.

2. If you're going for just meets I'd wager 12+/- people is a good benchmark, since these are a bit more open and organised than your Friday nights with a couple of mates. I also say 12+/- because you intend to run on a Bi-Weekly format.

For tournaments, bump that number up to 15 - 20.

Sorry I'm not on MSN right now. I'm busy atm :X


50 people capacity might be unecessary for bi-weekly meets. I realise that you don't literally expect that many people, but if you can save money and get a smaller room, I'd do that instead.

For example, For SmashPlay, the room is pretty small, like, 9x4 metres or something rediculous. But when you think about it, that's actually roomy enough to fit 15 - 20 people.


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
Brisbane, AUS
if you plan to hold these meets on a set weeknight I'll make the effort to come fortnightly.. but if they're on during the day forget about it. That's just me though.


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Aussieland
If you're going for just meets I'd wager 12+/- people is a good benchmark, since these are a bit more open and organised than your Friday nights with a couple of mates. I also say 12+/- because you intend to run on a Bi-Weekly format.

For tournaments, bump that number up to 15 - 20.
Well I'll go for a 20 person capacity then. Are you saying we'd have more people or fewer if it was weekly? We were aiming to minimise trouble hauling equipment and make attendance fuller each night (and biweekly might work in an absence-makes-the-heart-grow-fonder and weekly-is-too-demanding sort of way). Now that I put that into writing, though, that might be a bit misguided.

Thanks for changing the topic tag btw.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Well I'll go for a 20 person capacity then. Are you saying we'd have more people or fewer if it was weekly? We were aiming to minimise trouble hauling equipment and make attendance fuller each night (and biweekly might work in an absence-makes-the-heart-grow-fonder and weekly-is-too-demanding sort of way). Now that I put that into writing, though, that might be a bit misguided.

Thanks for changing the topic tag btw.
No no, your previous reasoning is correct - fortnightly is good. Weekly would indeed be too much for people to attend.

Even on a fortnightly basis, people might not be able to commit as much, and it may also clash with tournaments coming up on the horizon, so just be careful.

So yeah, Bi-weekly is good. I was just insinuating that extending that to monthlies instead might make it something for people to aim for more than every 2nd week, but that being said, frequency is good too.

Bi-Weekly is the goods.


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Aussieland
In that case, it'd call for a bi-weekly format that alternates between two kinds of nights.

Main meets: Everyone should concentrate on attending these! Since it's quad-weekly, it's spread out enough it's almost monthly, but we get to sneak in not twelve but thirteen of these per year!

Light meets: These are every other meet. Only attend these if you really want to come bi-weekly. These nights have less attendance of course. We'd recommend you do not attend light nights if you're a quad-weekly person.

If it's not clear, here's how we'd be scheduled week by week:

Week 1: Main meet
Week 2: (no meet)
Week 3: Light meet
Week 4: (no meet)
Week 5: Main meet
Week 6: (no meet)
Week 7: Light meet
Week 8: (no meet)
Week 9: Main meet


Smash Cadet
Jul 23, 2010
Brisbane, QLD
If you plan to host it at Griffith campus, that means that people such as myself who hail from the Northside can still travel there without it turning into a massive slog through public transport. I heartily approve of this motion.


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2005
Hoen Region
Bob and I live at tarragindi, which is 5 mins away from griffith, i have to travel THROUGH griffith on a 120 bus to get home. I am very open to this idea.

Im sure if I can motivate bob that there is melee and people he will be willing to help out (oh, and punch and pie)


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
i live in logan, shailer park.. near the hyperdome.
i should tell matt tho when i host since he lives 2 minutes away =P

about the timining of the meets... just make sure the big meets dont land on exam period times, also if anyone else is hosting a meet try to work around the schedule -,-


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
Bob and I live at tarragindi, which is 5 mins away from griffith, i have to travel THROUGH griffith on a 120 bus to get home. I am very open to this idea.

Im sure if I can motivate bob that there is melee and people he will be willing to help out (oh, and punch and pie)
I'm the other roomate. Just realised that this also applies to me. 120 buses are indeed surpreme.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
My brother and I actually go to Griffith Nathan, so turning up for something we don't hate and paying far less for it will be awesome. We will be in without a doubt!!!


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
I'm a trainee though so my wage isn't that good, Plus I'd rather buy other stuff with the money I can actually save
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