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Project M Social Thread Gold

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Smash Hero
Jun 7, 2013
Helsong's Carpeted Floor
I feel like it's worth noting that correlation does not mean causation (blahblahevidenceandsemanticsblah). Though women are often overlooked. There are many men that are also overlooked/research/stuff stolen/miscredited. The point is that guys (ew this wording) are also mis-done and there is more male representation (LMAO DIDN'T CHECK FACTS. DON'T WRECK ME PLS) in areas such as science/engineering/whatever.

This leads to a dangerous oversimplification of male vs. female representation/highlights (or whatever word) on wrongs done to women.

more stuff but can't word thoughts fast enough before forgetting and then needing to think again which is hard. derp.


also something something better equality/objective requirements used in general and not racial/gender/whatever group statistics.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2015
I gave up on convincing people on the internet about feminism or gender issues or any of that a while ago, after the 328th time of being dismissed as an SJW. The fact that I kind of am nonwithstanding, I don't see how that invalidates what anyone has to say.
Also I've actually been told I didn't earn my degree and only got it because I'm a woman minority and universities are pandering to "my type". Twice, in fact. ****'s great lemme tell ya. I think this is sorta/kinda why I don't date nerds. I've run into this sort of thing more with those that consider themselves academics than not, though that's also likely due to me spending time with more academic type than not.

So I don't really buy the argument that there's isn't a problem, because there kind of is. The "fight" or whatever isn't really won until the culture has finished developing. Unfortunately, the rhetoric on both sides has gotten so vitriolic that having a discussion becomes impossible and expressing any sort of opinion immediately gets you categorized and dismissed overall. There's plenty of fearmongering, reactionary hate, general misunderstanding, etc. And this sort of thing ends up ****ing both men and women.

Dunno, just general rambling.
By won they mean things like women voting, going into the military, etc. Like things women aren't legally allowed to do

There will always be douchenozzles who think its cool to be edgy and provocative by saying stuff like that unironically and seeing nothing wrong with that

But the idea is that over time their numbers will shrink, because of our efforts of educating children that everyone is equal and you shouldn't treat someone differently based on their gender and stuff like that. It's similar to the argument of old people making children racist, because no one challenges their racist words because they're old and won't change/they feel like they have to "respect" them by letting them say whatever they want, so children think it's okay. The idea is that the problem isn't the current generation but rather the previous who is always less progressive than the current one

I completely agree with your second paragraph with regards to how vitriolic this stuff has gotten tho, you can't say anything about these things because one side gets strawmanned immediately. I stay away from any religious argument because I know for a fact someone's going to call me an uneducated individual who believes in murdering babies or some **** like that(I had an 'acquaintance' who knew of my religious alignment and would frequently say that to me). Or like how any argument against L canceling suddenly makes you a hard casual who can't adapt and get good. Or like how people shut their ears whenever you try to tell them that Sonic games aren't tras- oh I probably didn't want to say that


Feb 18, 2009

Critical Race Theory (anything from the "critical theory" tradition of the Frankfurt school etc.) is literally Hitler.
Wait--that's not...
Literally Marx.
There we go.

Humans are not created equal in any capacity save one: they are humans.

Look at the Scandinavian countries.
They have the most gender free / egalitarian / neutral legislation ever.
Guess what they also have?
The biggest gender gaps in terms of occupation, interest, and occupation.
"If you flatten out environmental variability... all that's left is biological variability, so it maximizes."
Oh, also, generally, the Scandinavian countries (and European countries in general) usually have much less in the way of zoning and building permit laws compared to the United States (Source one of the ContraKrugman podcasts, Dr. Robert P. Murphy and Dr. Thomas E. Woods Jr.)
Maybe we should copy that too?
Bernie Sanders eat your heart out.
"Equality" is a silly principle to follow.

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Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC

Critical Race Theory (anything from the "critical theory" tradition of the Frankfurt school etc.) is literally Hitler.
Wait--that's not...
Literally Marx.
There we go.

Humans are not created equal in any capacity save one: they are humans.

Look at the Scandinavian countries.
They have the most gender free / egalitarian / neutral legislation ever.
Guess what they also have?
The biggest gender gaps in terms of occupation, interest, and occupation.
"If you flatten out environmental variability... all that's left is biological variability, so it maximizes."
Oh, also, generally, the Scandinavian countries (and European countries in general) usually have much less in the way of zoning and building permit laws compared to the United States (Source one of the ContraKrugman podcasts, Dr. Robert P. Murphy and Dr. Thomas E. Woods Jr.)
Maybe we should copy that too?
Bernie Sanders eat your heart out.
"Equality" is a silly principle to follow.

You subscribe to GamerGate thereby making your opinion null and void


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Genetics influence what people are privy to.

Not surprising.

Society shapes that too.

And then there is always dual inheritance theory. That society shapes genetics which then shapes society.

As long as people don't try to force literally equality in number via race and gender and religion, then some careers and roles will have strong statistical biases in one way or another.


Peoples stances don't inherently invalidate their opinions. If someone has good/bad point, it's still a ****ing good/bad point regardless of what they believe in or not.

It's an act of stupidty to think otherwise.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2015
Tfw you're working on adding a heap sort to your program and then you realize you don't actually know what heap sorting does and your professor kinda cruised through it and actually did a terrible job of explaining it

You subscribe to GamerGate thereby making your opinion null and void
you can't say anything about these things because one side gets strawmanned immediately.
case in point


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
I also wonder if what we think as sexist is influenced by our culture
Of course. What is deemed sexist/not is often purely subjective influenced by our various western ideologies. Like everything else, the culture of one's nation influences a lot of beliefs and how we see things, regardless of if they are correct, valid, or hold truth. What we deem as acceptable or unacceptable behavior is no different no matter what ideological spectrum you fall under.

Well right but the argument is that at this point the fight is mostly won and all that needs to be done is waiting for legislation/our culture to proceed to develop.
There isn't much that can be done legally that hasn't already been done. Theoretically, as written in the law of the land, opportunities are open for those that want them, and that is the extent the law can realistically take it.

What's left is the "social" aspect of society in attempts to "fix" the culture, which can lead to problems like zealotry, ideologically subjugation and chasing after shadows that don't actually exist. In this scenario there really is no correct way to proceed.

But please tell me more about how the West has it out for women.
The problem is that the issue isn't black and white, nothing in life is. The belief that only one particular group of people are better off then the other, especially in 1st world countries, is a gross oversimplification that often attempts to categorize or negate one's life experiences based on labels instead of true human interaction, and in my opinion shows a very fine lack of understanding human experiences we go through every day and simplifies life itself.

Life sucks and is out to get everyone, you're not any more special then the other. Some nebulous, amorphous "groups" of people may experience more perceived difficulty in one area then others, but vice-versa is also more true then most are willing to admit but can be often ignored because of bias planted by our culture. It swings both ways.

You're better off trying to find ways to improve the quality of life of your fellow man. I feel that taking these issues in a case-by-case basis is always more beneficial then the often useless generalizations of "group x is oppressed" approach and self-victimization that many activists do since it's too broad and sweeping to ever be useful.

I dunno, those skimpy dresses don't design themselves, and girls don't (usually) shamelessly treat themselves as objects/tools to be used and then discarded once they are no longer of use, either.
Everyone goes through these episodes of worthlessness, abandonment, depersonalization, demoralizing in society they live in various different ways outside and also including sexual.

Again, it's not a special attribute to any group of people, it's part of life itself and everyone goes through it. Trying to claim that you get it more then others seems incredibly egoistical and is the height of narcissism.

"Equality" is a silly principle to follow.
I believe that if you want true equal opportunity then you value and promote the merit of individuals above all else. In this way hopefully one's beliefs, identity and other useless labels are meaningless to the abilities of the person.

Trying to prop up various identities or social groups while simultaneously trying to tear down other nebulous social/societal systems won't achieve anything and will just swing the other way in the change of hands in power structures.

Though "Equality" in all it's vague meanings and different interpretations across socio-political spectrums, is an admirable but unattainable ideal anyway.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Peoples stances don't inherently invalidate their opinions. If someone has good/bad point, it's still a ****ing good/bad point regardless of what they believe in or not.

It's an act of stupidty to think otherwise.
This is true, I apologize
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Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
I'm officially becoming a meme in my state!

You were on the front page or /r/ssbpm in a thread where people were praising you as the next big Ike since Ally and Metroid, it was really only a matter of time.
For real though, your play is nice. I've found QD walljump fair to be utterly unnecessary and risky, but that's the fun part.

Tfw you're working on adding a heap sort to your program and then you realize you don't actually know what heap sorting does and your professor kinda cruised through it and actually did a terrible job of explaining it
So heap sort is that thing where you first make a heap and then you sort the heap, duh.

(Except that's also kinda wrong too)
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Smash Master
May 27, 2010
User was warned for this post
was gonna post a funny thing in pm social but I guess I'll wait until all these white boys stop nibbling each other's smooth, feckless testicles


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
Yeah, I'm still really humbled people said that lmao.

And like I keep saying, Wall Jump Fair is awful, but when I hear commentators lose their **** about it then I can't help but still go for it.

I've been getting better on the sheer basis that I'm sick of getting SDs though.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2015
was gonna post a funny thing in pm social but I guess I'll wait until all these white boys stop nibbling each other's smooth, feckless testicles
>assuming we're all white

i may not be the darkest chocolate but im definitely on that spectrum

Check out my hot new selfie I took to improve my tinder profile

i don't know how to make images smaller on this site

So heap sort is that thing where you first make a heap and then you sort the heap, duh.

(Except that's also kinda wrong too)
As I read through the notes I took(which is everything he wrote on the board, which is everything he says in class in condensed form) this is pretty much exactly what he said lmfao
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Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2015
Helsy Helsy Helsy
As I read through the notes I took(which is everything he wrote on the board, which is everything he says in class in condensed form) this is pretty much exactly what he said lmfao
I'd explain it but I'm tired as **** and need to get some sleep so I'll just refer to my best friend wikipedia:

It's pretty good, definitely look at max heaps as well that'll help a lot.


Feb 18, 2009
I believe that if you want true equal opportunity then you value and promote the merit of individuals above all else. In this way hopefully one's beliefs, identity and other useless labels are meaningless to the abilities of the person.
Agreed, in a way, but I think we should strive for different things. One ought not presume to know about another individual based upon their physical or psychological qualities, but rather only accept what we come to know about them through the content of their character.

Trying to prop up various identities or social groups while simultaneously trying to tear down other nebulous social/societal systems won't achieve anything and will just swing the other way in the change of hands in power structures.
Something the Marxists don't seem to understand. They think that all current institutions must be torn down for the next utopian phase in their evolutionary theory of society to commence, which will somehow be institutionless and free from presumptions like "identity."

Though "Equality" in all it's vague meanings and different interpretations across socio-political spectrums, is an admirable but unattainable ideal anyway.
Then, you acknowledge the definition in "true equal" you used earlier is different than how I'd understand it, aye? :D
The words themselves aren't important. What's important is the meaning behind them. If everyone clearly explained what they meant by each thing that'd likely cause misunderstanding then this world would be a better place. Not perfect, but better~

So, I meant to say this in the quote: "Equality as a universally applied principle of level entry and outcome leads to all sorts of absurdities."
Peoples stances don't inherently invalidate their opinions. If someone has good/bad point, it's still a ****ing good/bad point regardless of what they believe in or not.
case in point
I think Kurri was making the jokes.
@★Kurri can you confirm also screw the star at the beginning of your name makes tagging take too much effort
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Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
tfw no snake eyed oneechan to tuk me in at night

also my little brother broke my wii u tablet

im gonna **** him up


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2015
I'd explain it but I'm tired as **** and need to get some sleep so I'll just refer to my best friend wikipedia:

It's pretty good, definitely look at max heaps as well that'll help a lot.
Found this page as well and it helped quite a bit, namely because it used easily digestible words which I kinda needed since I'm dirt tired

Hope he likes my output for this function though cause I'm not going to change it lel


Feb 18, 2009
Nah don't jerk
be smooth
use lube
Edit: I feel like this might have been a mistake.

Also nice avatar Smooth Criminal Smooth Criminal
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Smash Master
May 27, 2010
one of the few things I can consistently feel thankful about is how I wasn't born to parents that felt like it was necessary to mutilate my penis


Feb 18, 2009
Guys I won't get infracted for the word "nimrod" will I?
Just making sure, I had to custom censor a post because of the image I used

I was confused as to why my mouse wasn't moving.
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Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Agreed, in a way, but I think we should strive for different things. One ought not presume to know about another individual based upon their physical or psychological qualities, but rather only accept what we come to know about them through the content of their character.

Something the Marxists don't seem to understand. They think that all current institutions must be torn down for the next utopian phase in their evolutionary theory of society to commence, which will somehow be institutionless and free from presumptions like "identity."

Then, you acknowledge the definition in "true equal" you used earlier is different than how I'd understand it, aye? :D
The words themselves aren't important. What's important is the meaning behind them. If everyone clearly explained what they meant by each thing that'd likely cause misunderstanding then this world would be a better place. Not perfect, but better~

So, I meant to say this in the quote: "Equality as a universally applied principle of level entry and outcome leads to all sorts of absurdities."

I think Kurri was making the jokes.
@★Kurri can you confirm also screw the star at the beginning of your name makes tagging take too much effort
Yes, it was a joke, although in very bad taste. Also **** you the star is dope
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Feb 18, 2009
Yes, it was a joke, although in very bad taste. Also **** you the star is dope
Tell me the alt+numpad code for the star thingy and we'll call it a compromise
Also no that joke was excellent, I laughed.
Unless that means I have bad taste? But I'd ask "why so?"
It's making fun of such positions, which deserve ridicule for their ridiculousness, and that's funny.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
Tell me the alt+numpad code for the star thingy and we'll call it a compromise
Also no that joke was excellent, I laughed.
Unless that means I have bad taste? But I'd ask "why so?"
It's making fun of such positions, which deserve ridicule for their ridiculousness, and that's funny.
Not gonna lie, I don't actually know it. I just copied and pasted it

Edit: Here's a website though

I just keep getting Spades when I do it
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