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Play Honorably?


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015

I'm a new poster to SmashBoards, but I've lurked around for awhile. I primarily play 1v1 For Glory on the 3DS (well, at least with other people), but I have found some REALLY annoying practices, and I'm wondering if there's anything more to do about them other than complain here....

Intentional Lag
This, by far, is the worst thing I encounter. It's relatively common, in that I mean I play a lot and encounter this a lot. It is something that is actually REALLY easy to induce, and it is among the most annoying things ever. I'm sure many of you have experienced this: you play a good match that has no lag, but suddenly the next match has lag at weird times. Such as when you are trying to pull off a combo or are trying to recover. This just needs to stop, and I always both block and report people I think do this when I play them.

Crouch, crouch, crouch... Wtf. This game has actual built in taunts, and so teabagging is a weird thing. I suppose it's a "safe" taunt, but it's also... well, it is what it is for videogames. For people who say it's *not* teabagging... well, I just have to point this out. 'Teabagging' now is not what it was. Now, pretty much in any game, crouching repeatedly is the "teabag" type taunt or whatever. Here, it's teabagging, and it's worse because you have the option of a pre-programmed animation. You're choosing to do the universal teabag action instead of an animation.

Anything To Win
Some people think "For Glory" means "Don't Have Fun, Do EVERYTHING you can to win." This is stupid. Have fun. No one, and I mean NO ONE (but you, maybe) cares about your record. I play chess competitively. I think it's similar. I never play to lose; I always play to win. But I also want to have fun, EVEN WHEN I lose. If the other player is dickish, and just waits out time when in a losing position, that's not fun for anyone. It's stupid and wasteful. Can't we just play and have fun? Get better? Practice without being asinine?

Dr. Dobis

Smash Rookie
Dec 24, 2013
I'm not going to say i haven't noticed how one match will be great and the next will lag, but how does one intentionally lag?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2014
I'm not going to say i haven't noticed how one match will be great and the next will lag, but how does one intentionally lag?
Download or stream something. Not that I've ever done anything like that, but my brother has intentionally done that to me while I'm playing before.
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Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
There are numerous ways to intentionally lag a game. For the lag inducer, they want to control the lag, so usually they will have something like tin foil handy that disrupts the signal. Since the game is played peer to peer, a disruption on their side slows both sides. You could also use a phone, or anything that might disrupt the signal. Location can too. But they'll try to lag you at inopportune moments (I play Lucina, so they try to disrupt the B left/right combo ALL THE TIME). Also, lag when you're recovering. It's so stupid. They also like to taunt when they succeed in lagging you to death.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2008
There are numerous ways to intentionally lag a game. For the lag inducer, they want to control the lag, so usually they will have something like tin foil handy that disrupts the signal. Since the game is played peer to peer, a disruption on their side slows both sides. You could also use a phone, or anything that might disrupt the signal. Location can too. But they'll try to lag you at inopportune moments (I play Lucina, so they try to disrupt the B left/right combo ALL THE TIME). Also, lag when you're recovering. It's so stupid. They also like to taunt when they succeed in lagging you to death.

I didn't want to quote your large text so.. I can understand the lag. (Effects your play considerably.)
However, Yes Teabagging is a form of taunting but it's working on you, annoying you. So it is working. You just have to get better. Lol when people taunt after killing me it's annoying just for the fact that most 95% of the time they aren't good. (They usually lose... there are a select few who get by due to my mistakes.)

For Glory (Play to Win)
This was essentially made specifically for players who wanted to keep a type of record of how good they are doing. To test themselves. Test to see what works and what doesn't. If they are being too predictable you should be able to adapt and pick up on things they are doing. There is always a way to win. Unless they a doing something completely broken....<--- Yet to be discovered.

Dr. Dobis

Smash Rookie
Dec 24, 2013
Dang that's terrible. The whole "anything to win" mentality really bothers me. I just want to have a fun 1v1 stock match without running into some Ness specialist.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2015
There are numerous ways to intentionally lag a game. For the lag inducer, they want to control the lag, so usually they will have something like tin foil handy that disrupts the signal. Since the game is played peer to peer, a disruption on their side slows both sides. You could also use a phone, or anything that might disrupt the signal. Location can too. But they'll try to lag you at inopportune moments (I play Lucina, so they try to disrupt the B left/right combo ALL THE TIME). Also, lag when you're recovering. It's so stupid. They also like to taunt when they succeed in lagging you to death.

OMG So it's just not me who notices the lagging at extremely convenient moments for the opponent. Gosh that is such a scummy tactic. It is disturbing to think that there are people who actually do this.
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NGUY (guitarstage)

Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2014
Monterrey Mexico
OMG So it's just not me who notices the lagging at extremely convenient moments for the opponent. Gosh that is such a scummy tactic. It is disturbing to think that there are people who actually do this.
Welcome to the most doshonorable online mode For Glory from guys who insult you with tags to guys that lag intentionally


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
The "anything to win" part is just stupid. I play For Glory just for the hell of it, no matter if I win or lose.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I play it whether I win or lose, but, either way, I want to enjoy it. But I find that I enjoy the competition much less if my opponent doesn't have any sportsmanship.

But I've seen the arguments for crap behavior justified because the goal is to win. Like, hey, if I act like a douche, maybe my opponent will just go beserk and I'll win! Basically, for me, I don't think it's acceptable to be dishonorable. You can say very little in your matches to your opponent, and I just find it disgusting that so many people choose to use what little opportunity to speak they have to just say, "Hey, look at me! I'm a douchebag!"

I usually spend some time looking for an opponent who seems both nice and good. I'll usually stick with such opponents for awhile, because it's fun and they're worth playing

To respond to a prior poster's post, the response that I just need to "get better" ultimately has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. It's not like I'm saying, omg I can't play when someone teabags. I just think it's annoying, and that doesn't necessarily correspond to playing better or worse. This conversation isn't about being good or not, it's about sportsmanship and courtesy. I try to respect my opponent, whether they're good or not. I think it's better for everyone if we go in wanting everyone to have fun. That doesn't mean you can't be competitive, it just means don't be a douche about it...


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
OMG So it's just not me who notices the lagging at extremely convenient moments for the opponent. Gosh that is such a scummy tactic. It is disturbing to think that there are people who actually do this.
Yeah, this is a thing. It's basically the worst thing in for glory. Again, it's done by people who want to win no matter what, and want to spite their opponent for whatever reason. Hate it.


Smash Rookie
Apr 9, 2014
San Fernando or Santiago, Chile
Anything To Win
Some people think "For Glory" means "Don't Have Fun, Do EVERYTHING you can to win." This is stupid. Have fun. No one, and I mean NO ONE (but you, maybe) cares about your record. I play chess competitively. I think it's similar. I never play to lose; I always play to win. But I also want to have fun, EVEN WHEN I lose. If the other player is dickish, and just waits out time when in a losing position, that's not fun for anyone. It's stupid and wasteful. Can't we just play and have fun? Get better? Practice without being asinine?
There's a mode called 'For Fun' in Smash, you should try that.


Smash Champion
Apr 15, 2014
the attic I call Magicant
OMG So it's just not me who notices the lagging at extremely convenient moments for the opponent. Gosh that is such a scummy tactic. It is disturbing to think that there are people who actually do this.
I'M NOT CRAZY?! I KNEW IT! I'm going to report the good for nothing w*****s that intentionally lag and then taunt.


Smash Ace
Sep 6, 2014
Switch FC
If you're looking for highly honorable gameplay, you probably won't find it among anonymous players with a win record at stake. When I play FG, I know exactly what I'm subjecting myself to.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 25, 2015
Somewhere in the year 200X
Eh you really shouldn't be on For Glory at all to be honest unless you wanna fight a bunch of bad players to teach you bad tactics work on bad players.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2015
Intentional Lag
This, by far, is the worst thing I encounter. It's relatively common, in that I mean I play a lot and encounter this a lot. It is something that is actually REALLY easy to induce, and it is among the most annoying things ever. I'm sure many of you have experienced this: you play a good match that has no lag, but suddenly the next match has lag at weird times. Such as when you are trying to pull off a combo or are trying to recover. This just needs to stop, and I always both block and report people I think do this when I play them.
This is pretty much the only thing you can do when dealing with these people. End the match as soon as possible, leave, report, block, do whatever you can to distance yourself from them. Unless you're willing to stick it out in lag (which it honestly isn't worth it, no matter how satisfying and sweet the victory will be), make it a point to exit these matches immediately.

Crouch, crouch, crouch... Wtf. This game has actual built in taunts, and so teabagging is a weird thing. I suppose it's a "safe" taunt, but it's also... well, it is what it is for videogames. For people who say it's *not* teabagging... well, I just have to point this out. 'Teabagging' now is not what it was. Now, pretty much in any game, crouching repeatedly is the "teabag" type taunt or whatever. Here, it's teabagging, and it's worse because you have the option of a pre-programmed animation. You're choosing to do the universal teabag action instead of an animation.
Teabagging is just a lot more humiliating and infuriating (as proved by this quote), so people are bound to do it. It's unfortunately how players who want to make people mad work. Just do the same thing as with lag switchers: don't give them your time.

Anything To Win
Some people think "For Glory" means "Don't Have Fun, Do EVERYTHING you can to win." This is stupid. Have fun. No one, and I mean NO ONE (but you, maybe) cares about your record. I play chess competitively. I think it's similar. I never play to lose; I always play to win. But I also want to have fun, EVEN WHEN I lose. If the other player is dickish, and just waits out time when in a losing position, that's not fun for anyone. It's stupid and wasteful. Can't we just play and have fun? Get better? Practice without being asinine?
It's actually quite easy to beat any time-out or camping strategies in For Glory (from my experience), unless you're simultaneously dealing with lag. What exactly do your opponents do that aggravates you?

As others have said, playing For Glory is a dying, rotten wasteland of trolls. If you're having significant problems finding decent people on there, try looking for opponents elsewhere (like on here). The average player skill and friendliness is much better than on FG, and many people would agree to a match without these things (nobody likes lag, teabagging is unnecessary, and people playing friendly matches likely won't run away or play overly defensively). I know I would!


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2015
New York

I'm a new poster to SmashBoards, but I've lurked around for awhile. I primarily play 1v1 For Glory on the 3DS (well, at least with other people), but I have found some REALLY annoying practices, and I'm wondering if there's anything more to do about them other than complain here....

Intentional Lag
This, by far, is the worst thing I encounter. It's relatively common, in that I mean I play a lot and encounter this a lot. It is something that is actually REALLY easy to induce, and it is among the most annoying things ever. I'm sure many of you have experienced this: you play a good match that has no lag, but suddenly the next match has lag at weird times. Such as when you are trying to pull off a combo or are trying to recover. This just needs to stop, and I always both block and report people I think do this when I play them.

Crouch, crouch, crouch... Wtf. This game has actual built in taunts, and so teabagging is a weird thing. I suppose it's a "safe" taunt, but it's also... well, it is what it is for videogames. For people who say it's *not* teabagging... well, I just have to point this out. 'Teabagging' now is not what it was. Now, pretty much in any game, crouching repeatedly is the "teabag" type taunt or whatever. Here, it's teabagging, and it's worse because you have the option of a pre-programmed animation. You're choosing to do the universal teabag action instead of an animation.

Anything To Win
Some people think "For Glory" means "Don't Have Fun, Do EVERYTHING you can to win." This is stupid. Have fun. No one, and I mean NO ONE (but you, maybe) cares about your record. I play chess competitively. I think it's similar. I never play to lose; I always play to win. But I also want to have fun, EVEN WHEN I lose. If the other player is dickish, and just waits out time when in a losing position, that's not fun for anyone. It's stupid and wasteful. Can't we just play and have fun? Get better? Practice without being asinine?
Yeah people care TOO much about there record. They should realize that this is a game that's intended to be fun.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
Hold up. Does anyone actually think people take this game seriously enough to have tin foil ready to disrupt online signals whenever they're losing?

Some crap goes on in For Glory but I think this whole "intentional lag" is a bit farfetched.

NGUY (guitarstage)

Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2014
Monterrey Mexico
Hold up. Does anyone actually think people take this game seriously enough to have tin foil ready to disrupt online signals whenever they're losing?

Some crap goes on in For Glory but I think this whole "intentional lag" is a bit farfetched.
i had it recently first game went smoothly then he switched to mario and it lagged when i was comboing him with dr mario and recovering


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2015
There are numerous ways to intentionally lag a game. For the lag inducer, they want to control the lag, so usually they will have something like tin foil handy that disrupts the signal. Since the game is played peer to peer, a disruption on their side slows both sides. You could also use a phone, or anything that might disrupt the signal. Location can too. But they'll try to lag you at inopportune moments (I play Lucina, so they try to disrupt the B left/right combo ALL THE TIME). Also, lag when you're recovering. It's so stupid. They also like to taunt when they succeed in lagging you to death.
Wait, but how does one choose when to lag/not lag that quickly? You'd have to have everything in place, take a hand off the controller and hit up phone/piece of foil, which would have to damage the signal quickly enough to significantly damage reception and cause a change in lag conditions--and then remove said obstruction as soon as you got on stage. I'd imagine trying to pull all this off would only make you play significantly worse.

I could see manipulating the general environment in a 2nd match, but its hard to say what causes it without knowing who you're playing--it could be that your opponent (or you) lives in a multi-resident building (a dorm or an apartment) and someone switched on a microwave in an adjacent unit.

This is pretty much the only thing you can do when dealing with these people. End the match as soon as possible, leave, report, block, do whatever you can to distance yourself from them. Unless you're willing to stick it out in lag (which it honestly isn't worth it, no matter how satisfying and sweet the victory will be), make it a point to exit these matches immediately.
Teabagging is just a lot more humiliating and infuriating (as proved by this quote), so people are bound to do it. It's unfortunately how players who want to make people mad work. Just do the same thing as with lag switchers: don't give them your time.
Leave and block if you want, but I'd refrain from reporting people. There's way too many reasons people could lag besides cheating, and when you report everyone with lag it just makes you/your NNID look like a sore loser or complainer and devalues your complaints when you do find something truly offensive/obviously cheating.

Report taunters/teabaggers if they're particularly disrespectful, but be aware some people are trolls looking to get reported so you only feed their egos.

Xbox reporting became practically useless because of how badly abused it is and it ended up serving no purpose except to feed the hunger of trolls who start comparing how many times they can get reported in a week. Put another way, if everyone got reported every other match, Nintendo wouldn't be able to tell who actually is abusing the system and hence wouldn't really be able to assign a meaningful penalty to discourage it.


Unfortunately, lag is always going to exist online. It's physically impossible to get around. So play or don't play, but realize there's nothing that can ultimately be done about it. And quit caring about your W/L record. It's more fun when you just quit caring about wins and losses or being the "best" and instead focus on just playing the game. It's really hard to tell who's best with lag anyway.

Just ignore teabagging/taunting. The more you think about it the less you think about your gameplay.
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Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Thanks to so many for replying. What I do is is I block laggers, and I report them ONLY if I have good reason to (needs to be beyond just the intro of lag, but also SUPER convenient introductions of lag more than once).

I marginally care about my w/l record, but only insofar as it lets me improve my game. I don't care a whole lot about it, because it's unimportant. I would rather have fun losing than utterly dominate a player.

I also report people I think are intentionally rude or unsportsmanlike. I finish my game with them, and then don't play again. I'd rather play someone else. There are lots and lots of good players that behave well; and this makes for glory fun. I just wish I didn't have to deal with the intermediary trash.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
As for those questioning the intentional lag, just look it up. It's a real thing, and also really common. However, it can only be controlled to a certain degree... that is, you don't have perfect control over the lag. My advice is, if the movement ever STOPS TO LOAD, begin spamming every button endlessly. This will usually create a communication error.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2015
Leave and block if you want, but I'd refrain from reporting people. There's way too many reasons people could lag besides cheating, and when you report everyone with lag it just makes you/your NNID look like a sore loser or complainer and devalues your complaints when you do find something truly offensive/obviously cheating.
This is a fair point, but there's a pretty big difference between lag switchers and someone with a bad connection. Usually, if lag spikes badly when you're in a bad situation, or after they lose a match, it's often a lag switcher. Of course, they're rather rare, but these are some good signs of them IMO.

Nixon Corral

Southland Scion
Jan 16, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Hold up. Does anyone actually think people take this game seriously enough to have tin foil ready to disrupt online signals whenever they're losing?

Some crap goes on in For Glory but I think this whole "intentional lag" is a bit farfetched.
Agreed. I think the only "tin foil" with respect to intentional lagging is in the form of a hat. People are just paranoid.


Smash Cadet
Jun 22, 2015
I've noticed the lag thing before, kinda weird.

The teabagging, I just assume it's them fooling around. Makes me feel better inside.

And those guys who do the whole "winning is everything" thing, those are the ones you tryhard against, use the more disrespectful moves, and taunt after killing them/winning.
Just to screw with them.
Though, leave after you win. They're gonna to go balls to the wall after that.


Smash Rookie
Jun 27, 2015
I've played over 200 "For Glory" matches in the past week and what I find is that many of the people online are just intentionally lagging or wish to play rudely or disrespectfully too. I have around a 15% win rate just because of how many games that I SD just to get away from it.

That said, sometimes I find a non-laggy oponent that will totally match my skill level and is very respectful. I generally play over 5 games with these people and have a blast. Doing so. It all depends on the match making but, as posted above, "For Glory" is not a place to really better your play, it's just a quick way to fight a person in two stock with no items.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2015
Wait, but how does one choose when to lag/not lag that quickly? You'd have to have everything in place, take a hand off the controller and hit up phone/piece of foil, which would have to damage the signal quickly enough to significantly damage reception and cause a change in lag conditions--and then remove said obstruction as soon as you got on stage. I'd imagine trying to pull all this off would only make you play significantly worse.

I could see manipulating the general environment in a 2nd match, but its hard to say what causes it without knowing who you're playing--it could be that your opponent (or you) lives in a multi-resident building (a dorm or an apartment) and someone switched on a microwave in an adjacent unit.

Leave and block if you want, but I'd refrain from reporting people. There's way too many reasons people could lag besides cheating, and when you report everyone with lag it just makes you/your NNID look like a sore loser or complainer and devalues your complaints when you do find something truly offensive/obviously cheating.

Report taunters/teabaggers if they're particularly disrespectful, but be aware some people are trolls looking to get reported so you only feed their egos.

Xbox reporting became practically useless because of how badly abused it is and it ended up serving no purpose except to feed the hunger of trolls who start comparing how many times they can get reported in a week. Put another way, if everyone got reported every other match, Nintendo wouldn't be able to tell who actually is abusing the system and hence wouldn't really be able to assign a meaningful penalty to discourage it.


Unfortunately, lag is always going to exist online. It's physically impossible to get around. So play or don't play, but realize there's nothing that can ultimately be done about it. And quit caring about your W/L record. It's more fun when you just quit caring about wins and losses or being the "best" and instead focus on just playing the game. It's really hard to tell who's best with lag anyway.

Just ignore teabagging/taunting. The more you think about it the less you think about your gameplay.
Worrying about W/L Record for a player that wants to be good is really hard to just ignore
Trust me i'm one of those players

Mizzy Moe

Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2015
Worrying about W/L Record for a player that wants to be good is really hard to just ignore
Trust me i'm one of those players
i feel like theres a point you stop caring or at least i did im somewhere like 4000+ wins and like 1000+ losses ( dont have my 3ds to check but hopefully you get the idea) and i dont really care if i lose just as long as it was a good match. now if they werent good and won to me being stupid killing myself then i kinda care cuz i feel like i shouldnt be making those mistakes but at the end of the day its just meaningless numbers :p

and about the intentional lag i have felt like people were making it lag on purpose exactly as stated i win a game sometimes blowin them back or just barely winning with no lag then the next game a stupid amount of lag for no reason i dont even deal with it i just let them be petty and i kill myself unless they taunt then ill beat them just to show i dont need the stock XD


Smash Lord
Sep 29, 2014
None of your beeswax!
Switch FC
Teabaggers DISGUST me as a proud Dedede main who can just hold crouch to taunt. You will NEVER be in my league!!
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