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Picking up Ganondorf


Smash Rookie
Mar 6, 2017
so after spending a couple years playing smash 4 im making the right decision of playing melee with my roomate so we can enter some doubles tournaments. So as a ganon main, what should I practice? I practice L cancelling his Dair and Fair because they have incredible lag, I practice his reverse Uair near ledge to Gimp people. But what else should I practice non stop??


Smash Rookie
Sep 4, 2016
Bloomington, IN
Wavelands. In doubles Ganon's role is typically control center stage and deal massive damage so your partner can finish them off. A Ganon being double teamed on the outside is a hopeless situation. Practice fast falling his aerials and getting down the L-cancel timing for those. This is pretty easy to practice against CPUs or in training mode.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
1. wd into dd into wd into dd into wd into dd. It's useful and good for yiur all around movement.

2. L-canceled aerial on platform into instant shield drop aerial.

3. Get your timing down for aerials. Practice auto-canceling bair, uair, nair. Practice early fullhop fair and make sure you can get a uair hitbox out beforw you hit the ground. Make sure your fullhop dair is early enough to hit the top of falco's head (practice on fox). Practice sh uair/bair into platform wL. Practice edge cancels.

OF 'til I OD

More vibes, please.
Oct 21, 2005
Switch FC
Why are you practicing (especially) L-Cancelled dairs? Those are mainly used for flash, you don't just go around L-Cancelling dairs trying to actually hit people or kill them do you?

Space fairs, bairs, DD into grab, gj on reverse uair, don't forget about lowered f-tilt as an edgeguard. Also, also nice to jump off and fair or bair an in air opponent into infinity.

Captain Phobos

Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2017
Minnesota, United States
Ganondorf's greatest weakness is probably his recovery, that said he's still a damn tank. As stupid as it sounds, I would try practicing staying onstage. Only ledgeguard when you really need to, and depending on the stage, try to stay near the middle.

OF 'til I OD

More vibes, please.
Oct 21, 2005
Switch FC
User was warned for this post
Ganondorf's greatest weakness is probably his recovery, that said he's still a damn tank. As stupid as it sounds, I would try practicing staying onstage. Only ledgeguard when you really need to, and depending on the stage, try to stay near the middle.
What? Ganon has one of the better recoveries. You can jump double jump down b, regain your jump and sweet spot the edge.

Also no, reverse U-air, ON staige can kill an opponent at literally 30 damage. Cool one, brah.

>stay near the middle

You have no idea how to play Ganon. Get out. Get out and never return because you have LITERALLY provided the worst advice ever.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
User was warned for this post
What? Ganon has one of the better recoveries. You can jump double jump down b, regain your jump and sweet spot the edge.

Also no, reverse U-air, ON staige can kill an opponent at literally 30 damage. Cool one, brah.

>stay near the middle

You have no idea how to play Ganon. Get out. Get out and never return because you have LITERALLY provided the worst advice ever.
Ganon's recovery is trash.

Reverse uair kills at 30%??? LOL

Stay near the middle is pretty bad, but it's better than stay near the ledge.

If you're going to be a straight douchebag, at least have room to talk. Your advice blows also.


A guy who knows his ****.

OF 'til I OD

More vibes, please.
Oct 21, 2005
Switch FC
Ganon's recovery is trash.

Reverse uair kills at 30%??? LOL

Stay near the middle is pretty bad, but it's better than stay near the ledge.

If you're going to be a straight douchebag, at least have room to talk. Your advice blows also.


A guy who knows his ****.

How is it Trash? You literally get a double jump, then down +b and another single jump. Or do you not know how to play Ganon, OH WAIT, you don't. His sweet spot is tough, but you can not only doing it facing forward, but also reverse up+b and still sweet it.

Reverse uair can kill at 25-30%, continually reverse uair with the tip of the foot, and they get pushed back far enough off the edge, and they can't sweet spot it, either, if you time your r-uair correctly. Sorry, wrong again.

Stay near the middle? Yeah, if you want to get CG'd, or SHDL, or needled or turniped to death. Yes, you can Power Shield all of that, or avoid via jumping/dbl jumping, but the lag will allow the enemy to close in, and Ganon has NO spam moves. You can CG fasties until about thirty, then maybe a uthrow to a uair, shffld, uair, ftilt of stage, then it's time to edge guard.

If you're going to play Smash, at least know how to play Smash. You're a douche. You blow.

Sincerely, a guy who isn't dumb as **** and has played for more than 5 minutes and knows what advanced techs are. Oh yeah, try wavelanding with Ganon on Dreamland or FoD, and tell me how terrible he is.


Toa Idar

Banned via Warnings
Jan 18, 2014
How is it Trash? You literally get a double jump, then down +b and another single jump. Or do you not know how to play Ganon, OH WAIT, you don't. His sweet spot is tough, but you can not only doing it facing forward, but also reverse up+b and still sweet it.

Reverse uair can kill at 25-30%, continually reverse uair with the tip of the foot, and they get pushed back far enough off the edge, and they can't sweet spot it, either, if you time your r-uair correctly. Sorry, wrong again.

Stay near the middle? Yeah, if you want to get CG'd, or SHDL, or needled or turniped to death. Yes, you can Power Shield all of that, or avoid via jumping/dbl jumping, but the lag will allow the enemy to close in, and Ganon has NO spam moves. You can CG fasties until about thirty, then maybe a uthrow to a uair, shffld, uair, ftilt of stage, then it's time to edge guard.

If you're going to play Smash, at least know how to play Smash. You're a douche. You blow.

Sincerely, a guy who isn't dumb as **** and has played for more than 5 minutes and knows what advanced techs are. Oh yeah, try wavelanding with Ganon on Dreamland or FoD, and tell me how terrible he is.

Every character in the game can punish Ganondorfs recovery, the lag from doing aerial down-b is very long, and the hitbox is so tiny that there is almost no risk in jumping out and hitting him.

A reverse U-air could potentially lead to a kill at lower % but the opponent must be near the edge and prefferably without a double jump. It is not a tool that can guarantee a kill similar to the shine.

U-air, B-air and N-air are autocancelable in short hop even WITH fastfalling so they are very spamable and great tools to keep centerstage.

Stop beeing a ****ing dumbass.

Captain Phobos

Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2017
Minnesota, United States
How is it Trash? You literally get a double jump, then down +b and another single jump. Or do you not know how to play Ganon, OH WAIT, you don't. His sweet spot is tough, but you can not only doing it facing forward, but also reverse up+b and still sweet it.

Reverse uair can kill at 25-30%, continually reverse uair with the tip of the foot, and they get pushed back far enough off the edge, and they can't sweet spot it, either, if you time your r-uair correctly. Sorry, wrong again.

Stay near the middle? Yeah, if you want to get CG'd, or SHDL, or needled or turniped to death. Yes, you can Power Shield all of that, or avoid via jumping/dbl jumping, but the lag will allow the enemy to close in, and Ganon has NO spam moves. You can CG fasties until about thirty, then maybe a uthrow to a uair, shffld, uair, ftilt of stage, then it's time to edge guard.

If you're going to play Smash, at least know how to play Smash. You're a douche. You blow.

Sincerely, a guy who isn't dumb as **** and has played for more than 5 minutes and knows what advanced techs are. Oh yeah, try wavelanding with Ganon on Dreamland or FoD, and tell me how terrible he is.

You're arguing with someone who mains Ganondorf. You clearly don't know what you're talking about as much as they do.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Cyn Cyn

You gave ME a 2 point infraction??? WTF?? Flaming? The guy was a total jerk for no reason to someone giving an opinion and I called it like it was. You are a joke Admin.

I've done more for these boards than you've ever THOUGHT about doing. Lmao. Such comedy.


do you not know how to play Ganon, OH WAIT, you don't.
Last edited:


Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
Oops, meant to warn him earlier as well. That is mobile browsing for you.

As far as calling it like it is, there are other ways to call out people without calling them names.


Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
Are you 12? LMAO.

Stay in school.
No. But as an ex-mod, I would think you'd know that we have a pretty strict policy on flaming/trolling.

If you don't happen to remember and you have a problem with the way I handled it, contact Forum Support. I'm sure another admin would be happy to help you.

Have a great evening.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
No. But as an ex-mod, I would think you'd know that we have a pretty strict policy on flaming/trolling.

If you don't happen to remember and you have a problem with the way I handled it, contact Forum Support. I'm sure another admin would be happy to help you.

Have a great evening.
I used the word DOUCHEBAG. Censor it if you don't like it. FFS you don't censor GODDAMN.

Yeah, I was a mod once, but thank Ganon some overzealous Admin like you decided to demod me. After all, I went on an absolute rampage and infracted 2 people in an 8 month period, LOL. You guys are too fruity for me.

Thanks for the link to forum support. Very official of you. But unfortunately I don't need it. I already know someone there will reassure me that the person who begins the flaming deserves a warning and anyone that calls that person a name deserves a 2 point infraction. But hey. Thanks anyway.

Nice of you to drop by the Ganon boards. Consider this your final warning. You are quickly becoming a candidate for a FULL BLOWN BAN.


Smash Cadet
May 13, 2012
Orlando, FL
So I'm gonna bring this thread back on topic.

Dair to Side-B to bair/uair is a great combo to get used to using on the vast majority of the cast. Wavelands are Ganon's main way of moving around the stage. L-cancelling makes Ganon not trash, so get that down as well. Ganon's ledge hop and ledge dash options are unique from the rest of the cast, but they're insanely good, especially since you can no-impact land from the ledge immediately into shield/grab/jab/Down-B/a ton of stuff. Dash dancing can fake people out, even if Ganon's dd is atrocious. And ABSOLUTELY get familiar with how to edgeguard the rest of the cast. ACE put up a great edgeguarding thread that's stickied on these boards. Read that ****.

No matter what anyone else says, keep the grind, man. Ganondorf is so much fun in Melee, definitely a mid-tier character who can hold his own when played well.
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