- No kill throw, or no kill confirm off a throw
- Jabs still don't link properly (except for a small % range)
- No aerials are fast enough to be combo breakers
- No real disjoints (seriously why does Mario's dair beat our Up B?)
- Still not great frame data all around
- Missiles still suck
- Zair still gets janked by platforms
I agree she is mid tier and not high. But I don't see how she is not competitively viable at least to a degree.
also I am not just going through and refuting everything in a list, I just wanted some way to organize my ramblings of what I think are issues and what aren't really
-Our jab is good. The most unfortunate thing about it is how it whiffs on Pikachu and some characters that go into a low profile crouch thing during landings/moves/etc, which is one of the biggest contributing factors to our bad Pika MU. The second most unfortunate thing is its lack of safety at low percents. I feel like Samus' other fast moves, damage racking abilities at low percents, and gameplay that revolves around midrange means that Samus is rarely in a situation where she relies on jab 1 when her opponent is at a low percent because her opponent doesn't stay at low percents for long and may not have broken through midrange neutral yet. I feel like Samus' other defensive options can be utilized to avoid the issues with jab at low percents. And obv jab is good at mid+ percents (except on Pika).
-But we don't get combod hard if you di out and jump. It's a bigger deal for a character like Falcon to not have a combo breaker. But Samus isn't a fast faller. I think people get a little stuck on the lack of combo breaker thing and try to act like Samus has a combo breaker instead of taking 12% and jumping out. The amount of damage Samus takes from combos is minimal and is better than resisting with frame 8 nair and taking three times as much damage. For what it's worth, uair does function as a combo breaker against many combos but not a combo "punisher" like Yoshi's nair.
-Dtilt and zair are massively disjointed and useful in the neutral. Also jab, dair, usmash, fair, (projectiles, I guess), are disjointed. But I think Samus' general lack of disjoints is an issue.
-Samus' frame data isn't even bad. We can't expect to have Luigi's frame data when we have a highly utilizable midrange game. This is the argument Link mains in particular make, that their long range game can mitigate the issues with their frame data. I would say the same with Samus and her midrange game, except out frame data is
significantly better than Link's and probably in the top half of the cast. Dtilt is hugely disjointed and does 12 damage, yet comes out frame 6. Uair is frame 5 and has 12 frames landing lag, nair is a frame 8 kill move, we have one of the fastest oos in up b at f5, zair has 8 frames landing lag, and jab is frame 3 with tied second lowest FAF of a frame 3 jab with
Falcon's jab 1, only beaten by Kirby's, which has awful range compared to Falcon's, which has awful range compared to Samus'. Fsmash is frame 10, fair f6. The only issues with frame data are on less utilized moves like dair (other than the good AC), dsmash, and grabs (which is the most unfortunate). And various endlags, landing lags on moves not AC'd properly, etc. But we also have to factor in the range of our moves, and the rest of the game as a whole, not just frame data.
-Missiles aren't great, but opponents can't really stay at long range because of how powerful Samus' projectiles are. They're good on some characters, pressure shields, do 10 damage, they aren't great but they have uses. Mostly that characters can't just stay at long range without a reflector, they have to approach (and when they do they will probably punish the bad end lag on our missiles). Also, Sheik's side b is bad. Our side b being bad doesn't mean anything. This is just in general, a bad move doesn't mean that the character is bad, that is silly. There are many good characters with bad moves.
-This isn't holding back Samus
Also Villager is not 20:80 or 10:90