Yeah I've been busy with finals. Sorry bout that.
Personally, I'm giving up MK in customs for Mii Brawler + Kirby. MK has too many MUs that are about even in the regular game that go horribly sour in the customs game. Even some MUs he wins normally goes bad in customs, for example:

10:90 MU - The Smallest Mii Brawler (and only the smallest one) has a true combo from grab that KOs MK starting at 40% (D-Throw > F-Air > (F-Air >) Helicopter Kick). MK can't DI out due to his "perfect" weight/fall speed combination but most of the cast is in the same boat since it is a true combo so if he predicts the DI, you're dead anyway. Mii Brawler has to win neutral 3 times with the same combo and MK is dead. MK has to work at least 3 times as hard just to take a stock with no good tools for boxing Mii Brawler out. Did I mention he has one of the longest non-tether pivot grabs in the game while being exceptionally fast? Don't get grabbed.
(Except there's no Nana to KO so you're never safe.)
30:70 MU - DK can now Up-B out of a lot of our combos safely (and just Up-B in general) and recover for free since the move has invincibility on start that changes to super armor. His Wind Punch gives him instant state control and charges quickly. Hot Slap Down-B is a crazy good edge-guarding tool and just a good move to use underneath a platform since the hitbox is tall enough to hit
above the platform he's underneath.
40:60 MU - Because MK's feet dangle when Marth grabs him, MK is guaranteed to get air grab released if Marth pummels him once. MK's grab release jump puts him off-stage and in the perfect position to get Crescent Slash tippered and die at 60% (50% with rage). Crescent Slash is also very good for recovering so it's much harder to gimp Marth. Don't get grabbed.
And again MK wins against those characters normally. So just imagine what the MUs are like against characters that were even or worse for MK in the normal game but got better in customs...

I can place 3rd in customs in my region (with 1st & 2nd being two Mii Brawlers) because I can outplay most players in my region but MK is mid to low-tier in customs. He's not viable. Easy top 15 best in normal Smash 4 but not viable in customs and he didn't get nerfed, in fact he got better by virtue of having more possible tools, everyone else just got that much better than him. BUT the thing to keep in mind is not many characters from mid- or low-tier rose up above him. He's still better than mid-tiers like Pit, Robin, Shulk, Charizard, Dedede, Ganondorf, Greninja, Bowser Jr, and pretty much anyone but Marth, DK, Mii Brawler, & Palutena. The cut-off for viability is just that much worse than in normal Smash 4.
Customs is Marvel vs Capcom 3 or Skullgirls. You fight jank with jank. If I wanted to do that again, I'd go back to playing Skullgirls. I like Smash 4 because of its skillful play that required you to adapt and think on your feet rather than get 3 brain dead combos and win the game or zone-out your opponent with a stupid-good keep-away game. If your character doesn't have jank (MK) or lacks the option to play extremely safe, your character is not viable in customs.
Like here's the character's I think are viable (not outstanding, just viable)in vanilla Smash 4 (and also part of my tier list, character are
alphabetical in rows):




*obviously the C tier characters take far more effort to use than A but we've already seen great results from these characters at regionals. Even if you took out the C tier, it's still than the list below.
And here's the viable customs characters imo (
in no order):

*Ness and Luigi barely squeeze in due to their ability to play very safe and get KOs when they come to them.
Other characters may be viable secondaries for very specific MUs but those are the characters I think are viable on their own for each metagame. This is of course assuming high-level play for each character. On the bright side, low-tier tournaments are real fun with customs! :^)
So until EVO finally kills this garbage "metagame" called customs, I'm maining Mii Brawler in customs (I'm still always gonna be MK in normal) to both win and get this garbage banned. I could just not go to customs tourneys but I like hanging out with friends more than I hate customs.
I'll definitely try to help you guys out with customs match-ups since I kinda know how to fight all the customs viable characters with MK except Lucario & Palutena (I don't fight many of them) but don't expect much video footage of me using MK in customs.