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Norcal/Bay Area/DBR:NorCal Nevers: Everything in Moderation. Including Moderation.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
quick shoutouts:
hayward dudes: you guys are cool
zhudat: i still don't think i have ever played you
waffles/chok: didn't get to play either of you, hopefully next time.
fartaz: your hella good. your ganon/marth *****.
yen: good matches in teams, your peach is too good.
prod kid: your marth is better then mine :-(
soxy boozer man: your bowser is good, i was surprised that it kept beating me through those friendlies
BLOKUS CREW: you guys rule.
scamp: extra shoutout for bringing the blokus
isai: extra shoutout for being Dr. Blockus
joey: we didn't do that good in teams, but it was fun. you brought a lot of cookies, thanks :-)
ian: i don't think we got any games in today, maybe next time
bb: ggz, your fox is pretty good.
tomi-x: you fuxin **** me. too good.
anyone i played and forgot: lolz srry
bioalp: sucks you couldn't come.
people playing guilty gear [scamp, nick, funch]: that game looked pretty sweet. i've never really played 2d fighters, but it's something i'd be interested in learning if you guys ever get it set up again at a tournament :-)

thanks kizzo for hostin this ****
thanks people who were running it



Smash Champion
Nov 17, 2005
Bay Area, Cali
Was i the only Jigglypuff there?
nothing to be too proud about...


chokenator-nice m2, it's the only thing i have on you though :p

yen-good call with the items, it's been a while since i played with em, and it was a blast, i'll do it more often when i get back to amelica (gotta work on my accent so i don't sound like fob over there)

phil-i always have the most fun playing friendlies with you, im not sure why, just do :grin:

myko- DUDE! that sucked! My only wins were because you SD'd FTL. **** happens i guess :ohwell:

tommy- i can't believe i choaked agaisn't YOU! I've played so many friendlies with you at San Pablo, and here and there at SJSU before, but for some reason, i got jittery and really slow. Sorry i couldn't give you a better game.

Ian- Upthrow --> rest ARGH! :psycho:

Kizzo- Thanks for hosting dude, much appreciated

to the rest of you guys, i will see you whenever the next biweekly is after the seventh of august, which is when i will be back from china/japan.

*General Statments*

Hooray OC3 Rules-I like em better
Boo me not being in teams
Boo Singles - Dissapointment for many
and items! :p


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2006
Union city
nothing to be too proud about...

phil-i always have the most fun playing friendlies with you, im not sure why, just do :grin:
haha ya those were some fun times. Glad we got to play some good matches before u left!I hope u have a great time in china/japan! get even better while ur away! and take lots of pics!:chuckle:


Smash Apprentice
Jun 4, 2003
watsonville, ca
I wanna say thanks to Kizzo for hosting this tourny. Felt good to play again even though I sucked really bad. Had a blast and met some cool people, too many to name but thank you all for making me feel welcome. Can't wait to do it again and I hope everybody enjoyed the cookies!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 21, 2006
anyone know where i get off from the bus to sjsu. And what bus i supose to take once i get out of fremont bart.


Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA

Sucks I couldn't make it.

Hey you know what, it's midnight, still a huge full moon out, someone should just come over right now and I'll just move my cube and we can play outside in the cool night air w/ the crickets.

(Gotta warn ya though, them crickets are ****in' good.)


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
hey minh how come u did the best out of the ice climber players there haha. too good, i cry!

edit: shoutoutzzz, a few

yen - u R awesome & too good wtf. great items match and gg beating me. discussed it on aim already lawl

zhu - ur awesome too. you more than redeemed yourself man, very nice falco and i'll work hard to beat it. honestly, the first falco ever to "figure out" how to beat me and ic's in general

julian - gg beating me, good ganon, i came up with a name for people like you that i see at ncb: SECRET ASIAN SECRET WEAPON!!!!!!

x-master, BB, frozenserpent: thank you for participating in choknater's epic loser bracket comeback attempt

bootle: ur hella tight lol. good matches and meeting u, keep reppin boozar and hayward. sux u were off today, but GL next time

brandon and jmic: yayuhz ride buddies lawl. we'll do better next time

etc. u know who u are

to the rest of ncbers: i won't be coming to another one in a while. perhaps in august or in the fall. for now wish me luck for 0c3 (or u come too lol)


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Cupertino (Norcal!), CA
1st / 2nd - Lunin, SS (split)
3rd - Tang
4th - Germ
5th - BTZO, Zhu
7th - Afro Justin, Yen
9th - Zel, Hella, Frotaz, (not sure)

i think that's about right... not 100% though.

shoutoutz later! gotta go to a car wash funraiser >_>


Smash Apprentice
Sep 4, 2005
I was just wondering if i was the only jigglypuff, becuase i wanted some pointers/tips that can help me


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2004
Umm... for a while now I've been thinking about canceling the biweeklies, like, forever. They were never "serious" thoughts though, but I often do think to myself about the possibilities of my Saturdays - all the things I could be doing if I didn't have to host a freakin' biweekly every other Saturday. Sometimes I feel like I "waste" the entire day, ya know? We're all in there the ENTIRE day just playing the same game. I'm not programming or reading or doing anything useful - I'm playing smash for an entire day for a bunch of high schoolers with too much time on their hands. Sometimes I feel like it's wasteful of my time, especially this biweekly too - I woke up this morning like, "omg I can't believe I'm doing this again". Don't get me wrong - you guys never "tortured" me with the responsibility of hosting the biweeklies - I just sometimes think about what I could be doing..

Last night I was thinking about the relationships you guys have with each other and how far you guys come just for the biweeklies. I almost never seriously considered it important - I used to not care if you just walk down the street to the biweeklies or travel from Japan to the biweeklies. But last night after that awesome biweekly I was thinking about it and I was like, "wow. people from San Jose, Antioch, Concord, Hayward, Union City, Daly City, San Fransisco, Santa Cruz, Sunnyvale, Saratoga, Sacramento, Cupertino, etc - drive all the way the **** down here just to play smash with me. A lot of them probably wouldn't know each other that well if these weren't happening, and a lot of us wouldn't be as good as we are now. We're all, like, together and stuff. People all over California meet at my clubroom to play smash."

I just wanted to say that, because that was a ****ing great biweekly. I played my best this time around, had a good turnout, friends of mine got placed high, and so on. You know you have fun at the biweeklies when I actually get tired of you guys being there and I have to kick you out at 11 pm, but it's all good.

There'll be another biweekly in two weeks. Take showers before you come.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Pittsburg, CA
Take showers before you come.
hahaha finally!

Great biweeklies. I learn a lot every time. This time I got recorded!

Thanks Max Power for the ride as usual and for helping me get my butt whooped by spectre and tang in the first round of doubles.

JMIC always great seeing you.

HydroKirby for teaching me that i should not get hit by lasers especially when I'm on the edge!

Everyone else that I played!


Smash Cadet
Dec 23, 2005
San Lorenzo, CA

Kizzo: I never knew who you were until yesterday. Thanks for the biweekly.

Hella: I'm gonna kill Orficeless in my next friendly with him for saying that. Anyway, whenever you're ready, just pm me here or bring your Pokemon Pearl to the next biweekly, I'd be more than happy to battle you. Get rid of that female team <.<;;

Zelgadis: Nice shine whatever that was you and Lunin pulled on me. Same goes for you, I'll battle you when you're ready.

Captain Funch: SkarmBliss ftl. Thanks for not johning or running away. I'll rematch you when you're ready as well.

SideFX: I didn't know that was you because everyone always called you Blowback. Haha, good IC.

Chirs Benoit: Nice Fox, keep working on it and don't get "battlefield".

Lunin: I don't look like your brother...but you look like Rick Astley. Well...maybe just the hair. Here's a link to rickrollz. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sK3AqFYAWQ

N2K(NintendoKing): Thanks for playing for me and you gotta tell me what to listen to again, I forgot when I was going out for lunch.

Choknater: I like your IC's too. Too bad your winning streak stopped when SS came, haha.

Bootle: Hayward DI ftw...and purses too.

BTZO: I'll remember you from now on since you remembered me. =P

Myko: We didn't talk, but I love your Falco. Quickly ftw.

Pokemon Guy whose first biweekly was yesterday: Um...yeah, I forgot your name. Hahaha...good game and I thank you for not johning or running. Lvl 31 Golbat?!

Everyone else: Thanks for playing well yesterday, I had a lot of fun. You guys showed Orficeless how much different this game is at biweeklies compared to a smashfest held by a bunch of friends from school <.<;; Hopefully it taught him a thing or two and he'll come back next time.


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
Mmm that was fun

I wish zfreak had gone, but he's a nublet, so i couldnt do teams ><
friendlies were cool though, as well as the singles tourney

-Julian: we were all surprised. Maybe I should move to MV too so i can play zhu and get crazy better in a few months ><

-AfroJustin: Crazy Pika :p I didn't haveta play you in the bracket, but I watched you beat a series of space animals (hydrokirby and zelgadis) and i think it was Sidefx's ICs. Pretty cool person, pretty cool pika :p

-Zhu: finally won an insignificant friendly where you were sandbagging, but still, confidence +1 :p (*Ignores the next 3 times i got 2 stocked*)

-Hella: No hard feelings about that sheik/peach match, i really wasn't trying to prove anything, and it was just a friendly. As you saw though, the only way i know how to paly against peaches is camping (I tried not camping afterwards against Yen, and got 3stocked lol). That being said, crazy peach, i have no idea how you do so well against spacies, both my peach and sheik get ***** by any spacy

-Hydrokirby: Chris, you SUCK against peaches. (but you know that too)

-person who played samus that i played zelda against in tourney: don't quit the game :O Zelda is just good on samus

MC Mike: stupid falco players >< lol good matches

-BTZO: D: your sheik is too fast. i needa play more matches with you to improve my speed in sheik dittos. AND you should tell me how to play against spacies next time

Ian and Frozenserpent: Peanutz was okay i guess, the beef sub i got was really large though.

and also bootle is always wannabe funny, as usual

that's all i think

I definitely needa come to more of these. And i really really need more vs fox/falco practice, so if anyone likes playing vs sheiks as a space animal, then play me next time


Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2005
Umm... for a while now I've been thinking about canceling the biweeklies, like, forever. They were never "serious" thoughts though, but I often do think to myself about the possibilities of my Saturdays - all the things I could be doing if I didn't have to host a freakin' biweekly every other Saturday. Sometimes I feel like I "waste" the entire day, ya know? We're all in there the ENTIRE day just playing the same game. I'm not programming or reading or doing anything useful - I'm playing smash for an entire day for a bunch of high schoolers with too much time on their hands. Sometimes I feel like it's wasteful of my time, especially this biweekly too - I woke up this morning like, "omg I can't believe I'm doing this again". Don't get me wrong - you guys never "tortured" me with the responsibility of hosting the biweeklies - I just sometimes think about what I could be doing..

Last night I was thinking about the relationships you guys have with each other and how far you guys come just for the biweeklies. I almost never seriously considered it important - I used to not care if you just walk down the street to the biweeklies or travel from Japan to the biweeklies. But last night after that awesome biweekly I was thinking about it and I was like, "wow. people from San Jose, Antioch, Concord, Hayward, Union City, Daly City, San Fransisco, Santa Cruz, Sunnyvale, Saratoga, Sacramento, Cupertino, etc - drive all the way the **** down here just to play smash with me. A lot of them probably wouldn't know each other that well if these weren't happening, and a lot of us wouldn't be as good as we are now. We're all, like, together and stuff. People all over California meet at my clubroom to play smash."

I just wanted to say that, because that was a ****ing great biweekly. I played my best this time around, had a good turnout, friends of mine got placed high, and so on. You know you have fun at the biweeklies when I actually get tired of you guys being there and I have to kick you out at 11 pm, but it's all good.

There'll be another biweekly in two weeks. Take showers before you come.


C++ BANDAIDS!!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2004
San Jose, California
Umm... for a while now I've been thinking about canceling the biweeklies, like, forever. They were never "serious" thoughts though, but I often do think to myself about the possibilities of my Saturdays - all the things I could be doing if I didn't have to host a freakin' biweekly every other Saturday. Sometimes I feel like I "waste" the entire day, ya know? We're all in there the ENTIRE day just playing the same game. I'm not programming or reading or doing anything useful - I'm playing smash for an entire day for a bunch of high schoolers with too much time on their hands. Sometimes I feel like it's wasteful of my time, especially this biweekly too - I woke up this morning like, "omg I can't believe I'm doing this again". Don't get me wrong - you guys never "tortured" me with the responsibility of hosting the biweeklies - I just sometimes think about what I could be doing..

Last night I was thinking about the relationships you guys have with each other and how far you guys come just for the biweeklies. I almost never seriously considered it important - I used to not care if you just walk down the street to the biweeklies or travel from Japan to the biweeklies. But last night after that awesome biweekly I was thinking about it and I was like, "wow. people from San Jose, Antioch, Concord, Hayward, Union City, Daly City, San Fransisco, Santa Cruz, Sunnyvale, Saratoga, Sacramento, Cupertino, etc - drive all the way the **** down here just to play smash with me. A lot of them probably wouldn't know each other that well if these weren't happening, and a lot of us wouldn't be as good as we are now. We're all, like, together and stuff. People all over California meet at my clubroom to play smash."

I just wanted to say that, because that was a ****ing great biweekly. I played my best this time around, had a good turnout, friends of mine got placed high, and so on. You know you have fun at the biweeklies when I actually get tired of you guys being there and I have to kick you out at 11 pm, but it's all good.

There'll be another biweekly in two weeks. Take showers before you come.

sht scared me for a sec........

noW tHATS what im fkn talking about kizz!!!!!!

nOrcAl btchcesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAH

i usually work saturdays xD


Smash Ace
Jan 4, 2007
San Bruno, CA
Kizzo, thanks so much for hosting. I myself came from Merced yesterday and picked up the Modesto kids (choknater and waffles) so we all could play.

Chok, thanks for the tips. We need to play more! Hope you didn't get into too much trouble when you got home =/.

Waffles, my good man, that was a crazy friendly you played with SS. Good stuff man. And the music discussion in the car, lol. Good stuff man.

Atma, let's get a Zelda ditto next time! Did you like my SDs? haha

AfroJustin, goood set. I need to practice up against Pikas, lol.

Jam and Max Power, I like how your warmups were against SS and Tang. Great way to warm up right?

Bowser guy, sorry I forgot your name, but good Bowser! Those were awesome matches.

Two guys from Mateo, how was your first tourny experience? Hope to play you guys again soon.

You can definitely count on my being going to the next biweekly. I'll pick up the modesto kids again.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
oh and quak, you beat me in the mew2 ditto set. really nice. let's play another next time i see you, if there is a next time.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Pittsburg, CA
I think they were from Santa Clara, JMic. Dude, I need to learn this whole "teamwork" thing.

Next time we'll come earlier so we can warm up and get more than 2 stock off of whoever we play.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 4, 2005
Pokemon Guy whose first biweekly was yesterday: Um...yeah, I forgot your name. Hahaha...good game and I thank you for not johning or running. Lvl 31 Golbat?!

Yeah, that was me. My golbat was in there cuase it was a HM mule.

I think they were from Santa Clara, JMic. Dude, I need to learn this whole "teamwork" thing.

Next time we'll come earlier so we can warm up and get more than 2 stock off of whoever we play.
Were you the Captain Falcon/ Dr Mario team me and my freind played against for like an hour? (Jigglypuff/Dr mario)


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Pittsburg, CA
Yeah, that was me. My golbat was in there cuase it was a HM mule.

Were you the Captain Falcon/ Dr Mario team me and my freind played against for like an hour? (Jigglypuff/Dr mario)
Yup that's me and Jmic. Nice games. I thought it was a good chance for me to practice against a Jiggs since I usually only get to play Jmic's falcon and my other friend Max Power's doc. I learned a lot from those matches with you guys. Teamwork isn't one of my strengths. You probably figured that out every time I killed Jmic! haha! We should play again next time. I remember chris but I totally forgot the other guy's name. Sorry!

I used to use Dragonite as an HM mule. He's useless anyway. A dragon (special) type with good attack stats? psh. I'm not sure what changes were made in D/P but I used to be competitive back in the GBA generation.


Smash Champion
Nov 17, 2005
Bay Area, Cali
oh and quak, you beat me in the mew2 ditto set. really nice. let's play another next time i see you, if there is a next time.
fer sure, if i ever come early enough for doubles again, and if you happen to be there too, we should be the first double m2 team even though we'd get last

infinate anyone?

PS. I JUST woke up


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2005
Johnsville, Johntana
I had funz and stuff.

Isai - more Blokus Trigon and you owe me a massage.
Boback - sorry you felt like **** man. Good seein ya.
Nick AKA HELLA - I like you too.
Tang- ****er doesn't even check smashboards.
Jeff- you too butt monkey. LOL SPECTRE HAS ARRIVED IN THE PODIUM!!
Lunin and Co. - As always fun seein you guys and your little sis pokes too hard *rubs sore arm* lol jk. I hoped you enjoyed your massage a lil.
Yen - pfft.
Vanessa - Where's our matches yo? Liked the massage as well? lol.
SuperRadBrian - I win you. I win you so well.
German - Puke your guts out for the rot of Jack has infected your insides. NICE TWO MATCHES.
BTZO - CuUuUuUuUuUuUuUute.
Kizzo - you know I like em dark baby.
Freedom - Blind Guardian.
PK - ??!?!??!??
Frotaz - My heart belongs to you.

Chris Benoit - RIP.

And I believe that is all I care to say.

Lalala I can't wait for the next one of these.



Smash Cadet
Jan 7, 2007
That was the best tourney ever! Thanks to everyone who made my first tourney an awesome one!
Hopefuly I'll come to the next one, planin' around around it, and yes I will Main Boozer again:mad:.

I didnt get a lot of names but thanks to anyone who put up with playin' with my bowser:laugh:. Since shout outs seem to be so popular i'll do one with a list.

# of times I got 4-stocked: once by GERM. I was ***** horribly but enjoyed it so much.

# of times I SD because of missed wavelands from the edge: 22 I know so noobish,need practice

# of times a Fsmash landed: 3

I didnt get names but props to anyone else who 2 or 3 stocked me. AfroJustin dang your pikachu it rocked, I will have revenge...

A question though, are you supossed to feel exausted after a tourney?

@baysians: Dont ever stop Dancin'


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
Melodies of my life
Umm... for a while now I've been thinking about canceling the biweeklies, like, forever. They were never "serious" thoughts though, but I often do think to myself about the possibilities of my Saturdays - all the things I could be doing if I didn't have to host a freakin' biweekly every other Saturday. Sometimes I feel like I "waste" the entire day, ya know? We're all in there the ENTIRE day just playing the same game. I'm not programming or reading or doing anything useful - I'm playing smash for an entire day for a bunch of high schoolers with too much time on their hands. Sometimes I feel like it's wasteful of my time, especially this biweekly too - I woke up this morning like, "omg I can't believe I'm doing this again". Don't get me wrong - you guys never "tortured" me with the responsibility of hosting the biweeklies - I just sometimes think about what I could be doing..

Last night I was thinking about the relationships you guys have with each other and how far you guys come just for the biweeklies. I almost never seriously considered it important - I used to not care if you just walk down the street to the biweeklies or travel from Japan to the biweeklies. But last night after that awesome biweekly I was thinking about it and I was like, "wow. people from San Jose, Antioch, Concord, Hayward, Union City, Daly City, San Fransisco, Santa Cruz, Sunnyvale, Saratoga, Sacramento, Cupertino, etc - drive all the way the **** down here just to play smash with me. A lot of them probably wouldn't know each other that well if these weren't happening, and a lot of us wouldn't be as good as we are now. We're all, like, together and stuff. People all over California meet at my clubroom to play smash."

I just wanted to say that, because that was a ****ing great biweekly. I played my best this time around, had a good turnout, friends of mine got placed high, and so on. You know you have fun at the biweeklies when I actually get tired of you guys being there and I have to kick you out at 11 pm, but it's all good.

There'll be another biweekly in two weeks. Take showers before you come.

Thats the **** im talking about! ^_^ we talked about dis david...and man...i love the biweeklies so much. Like ur speech made me wanna cry. I love smashers like....just. Pure <3 for smashers...biweeklies... our friendship. Gawd i jus dunno i would die if these biweeklies went hella down...
thats why i encourage ppl to like lend a helpin hand wen kizzo or anyone needs et u know? ^_^ its just so SIGH magical ^_^_^_^-

*shoutouts laters BRB imma shower
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