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No more good games for Wii now?

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Mind you, most games that Nintendo has made for the Wii have been good games. Galaxy? Easy, but definately fun. MP3? It was pretty kickass. Mario Kart Wii? Good game, not the best in the series, but still good.

With the exception of Mario Party 8, Nintendo has made good games for there console. The people that are to blame are the third party companies.

The reason why Nintendo isn't taken seriously by third party companies is because their games don't have to go through something called 'concept approval'. Both Sony and Microsoft do this. Before they give licenses for third parties to make games, Sony and MS have the companies come in and tell them what the game is about. This is to prevent genres from being to common, or just stupid games.

Nintendo doesn't do concept approval. This is why we have so many ****ty mini game collections. And not the fun 'pay attention or your screwed' excellent party mini game collections like Wario Ware. Just ****ty ones with stupid ideas.

Who the **** let Bomberman turn into a minigame collection?
Ever heard of the "Nintendo seal of approval"?

Oh and I forgot to say, if they make a "super wii" (which is romoured) then I dont even care if the next SSB is on it, I am NOT buying it! I remember at brawls release when everyone was like "Wow, look at all the awsome games! They have SSBB, TP, MP3! Plus the contoler could be used for sick things." (I included was one of them).

After the end of last year and beginning of this year, im sick of it. The controller is a mini-game machine. Plus it attracts other companies to give us casual games and take that audience then head of to Sony and Microsoft to make "hardcore" games (which almost always turn out better).


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
I haven't touched my Wii (except to unplug it) in about 2 months. There just aren't any games that interest me in it right now.

I feel like I've outgrown Nintendo. I've owned every Nintendo system growing up, and practically always had a controller in my hands. With only a few notable exceptions, Nintendo had all the best games when I was growing up. But now, not so at all.

Nintendo as a company has decided to emphasize immediate profitability over simply making quality games and systems, and trusting that it will pay off. They see an untapped market, and want to venture into it. I get that. It makes them money.

It's precisely like making kids movies: You can churn them out by the dozen using the same formula over and over, and kids will never get sick of them. For the amount of effort put in (next to none) you get a large monetary reward. It's safe and profitable. There's a reason there's always a consistent stream of crappy kids movies: they fill seats.

Unfortunately Nintendo left the rest of us behind when they took their new direction. They intentionally go out of their way to make modern and mature gaming impossible. Friend codes are fine and all, but should be optional. Their mandatory use is mind boggling. Lack of online content, and poor usage of it when present further exemplifies this.

Honestly, just go to your local GameStop and count the number of Wii games out right now that start with "Barbie" or "My little", it's astounding.

What games am I excited about that are coming out?
-Diablo III
-Starcraft II
-Spore (PC)
-Resident Evil 5
-Star Ocean (maybe)
-Too Human

Nothing Nintendo on there. Hell, I'd put future Halo 3 DLC higher up on my anticipation list than anything from Nintendo right now.

It's a **** shame.
If you want a mature game for your Wii, go look up the trailer for Mad World. The game is a gore fest.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2008
I sold my wii while the getting was good. I didn't make any real profit, but I got the majority of my money back.

The only console i've ever got rid of.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 22, 2007
In another dimension where they treat lesbians lik
there is nothing we can really do right now but wait. im having a crappy summer right now because they arent making any good games for the wii at the moment. all the games i got, ive finished them all. so all i do now is just play medal of honour heroes 2 online and play gh3. i got rock band and it sucks. not as good as the 360 and ps3 version. wait...this is another reason why wii doesnt get good games: it cant handle games with those kind of graphics. i wanted ghost recon awf, cod4, and gta4 on the wii. unfortunately the wii couldnt handle it. galaxy was amazing but thats it. i sold my gc version of re4 and got the wii port and i was like was meh this aint innovation. no more heroes is the only decent 3rd party imo.

im tired of seeing childish games like cooking mama on the wii. like wtf? if nintendo wants to stay on top, they have to be creative and make more games that will appeal to the majority of the gamers.

i can always sell my wii and get a 360 with bioshock and gears of war.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
alphace area L
They are good, but they get old;

The only one i'm currently interested in is Mario Kart, but you lose interest after you win the game, same for Brawl when you unlock all characters and beat the SSE, and same for Zelda when you fully beat the game, and same for galaxy when you get far enough.

I do not see any more good games coming out for the wii, unless they maybe make a sequel to a gamecube game or release a more entralling one, but it will be a while before the Wii becomes retro, so good games still have a chance of being made.


Oct 1, 2005
The N64 was awful,

Idk what you're talking about CK, but the N64 was amazing. Sure it had it's downfall with not having CD's, but some of the greatest games ever came out on that game. And it wasn't just a few great games, A LOT of great games, othre than that, I agree withyou.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2008
It's a Secret to Everybody!
From Wikipedia: "Left-handedness is relatively uncommon; over 90% of the adult population is right-handed."
That's fine if you like to use wikipedia and all, but I don't consider it particularly reliable, I used a more liberal estimate because I actually know quite a few people who are left handed. Also, I dare say that handedness may well be a choice for most people, if you willing to take the time to train your offhand.

Just if you use Wikipedia, use it as a starting point, and follow the links at the bottom. It will usually take you to an authoritative web site.

Also thanks for confirming that shaking the Wiimote was just pushing the B button, it supports my statement about it being a clumsy port.

There's thing that scares me about those graphs you posted,

other companies may follow suite, There will always be few out there making Art. And true there were a few before Nintendo that followed that path *cough* sega, but Nintendo's success at it paves the way for other Major developers to do the same.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
I sold my wii while the getting was good. I didn't make any real profit, but I got the majority of my money back.

The only console i've ever got rid of.
Exact same for me. Currently saving up for a gaming pc.

@haines: blind faith can only lead you so far.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
there is nothing we can really do right now but wait. im having a crappy summer right now because they arent making any good games for the wii at the moment. all the games i got, ive finished them all. so all i do now is just play medal of honour heroes 2 online and play gh3. i got rock band and it sucks. not as good as the 360 and ps3 version. wait...this is another reason why wii doesnt get good games: it cant handle games with those kind of graphics. i wanted ghost recon awf, cod4, and gta4 on the wii. unfortunately the wii couldnt handle it. galaxy was amazing but thats it. i sold my gc version of re4 and got the wii port and i was like was meh this aint innovation. no more heroes is the only decent 3rd party imo.

im tired of seeing childish games like cooking mama on the wii. like wtf? if nintendo wants to stay on top, they have to be creative and make more games that will appeal to the majority of the gamers.

i can always sell my wii and get a 360 with bioshock and gears of war.
This is why I am loving the PS3 right now. I am at a point where there are more games than I have money for, instead of vice-versa like when I first got it. The trophy system is really tempting me to spend $10 or so on Super Stardust HD just to mess around with it until more games support trophies, and I recently grabbed, and as yet unfinished, MGS4, Unchartered, Assassin's Creed, and GTA 4, not to mention Siren (12-episode Survival Horror on PSN) and Rock Band 2. It sucks to have so much to save for, but it's great having games to, you know, play on a video game system.

pick up okami, its really excellent.
Yet another port to take advantage of the Wiimote. Sure, it's good but sadly it'll be like NiGHTS. The company knows the IP is pretty much dead in the dirt, so they try one last hurrah to recoup their losses. I do want this game, regardless, but the fact is it doesn't prove Nintendo isn't a beacon for laziness.

As for N64, nah, LJ, not at all. I could probably list 10 games that were really awesome on the console, which was hardly enough to keep me busy.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Wait a minute the N64 sucked?

In my Day it was required to have the N64,Golden Eye 007 and or Perfect Dark at my school. Some of the greatest games known to man were on that System. A majority of people seem to acknowledge this fact too. The only Problem was no CD's.

Though now 3rd Party Devs looks like they are starting to take the Wii seriously. Also the Conduit devs never said they were making a Halo Killer, or i never read that they were. All they said is that they are making a Wii FPS that will prove that the Wii is more capable than its current state, which is almost down My Little Pony Lane

I also doubt they would make a Super Wii. Stupid Sounding name if you ask me. Maybe a console named "Revolution" would get my money.....


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
So, we are just going for completely blind fanboyism in here? I have yet to see any of you do anything except suck Nintendo's **** and spin literally EVERYTHING negative about Nintendo into something positive. You guys would make awesome politicians.
Are you talking about everyone, or just those supporting Nintendo? Because I sure as hell am not even giving Nintendo the time of day.

It's not bragging if you can back it up. I'm just laying down the facts here, and they, quite frankly, support Nintendo. I completely agree with alot of the complaints that people have about the systems, I share them vehemently (and I blog about them often). However, I can also see past the now and into what might be, and I think that it looks extremely bright.

I'm a student of game design and I've been following the industry for literally my entire life, so I've got some pretty strong opinions about video games. More than anything, I calls it like I sees it.

I own a PS2 and I was an iron-clad supporter of the original Playstation during those days (still own my first one, for that matter). It just seems to me like some people WANT to deny the facts and purposely hate on Nintendo this time around--the facts just don't support it.

There's no fellatio of Nintendo going on, just supporters coming out to do what they do best: Support.
The facts support that Nintendo has been going downward since the Wii came out.

And what do you mean that some people WANT to deny the facts? You think I want to accept that the only game company that was still making good games has stopped? No, I don't. But I'm done blindly following them.

Unfortunately Nintendo left the rest of us behind when they took their new direction. They intentionally go out of their way to make modern and mature gaming impossible. Friend codes are fine and all, but should be optional. Their mandatory use is mind boggling. Lack of online content, and poor usage of it when present further exemplifies this.
Yeah, that's a good point. Why the heck don't they just have an option to implement "parent safety" on a system, and if it's activated, then Friend Codes must be used. Otherwise, they're non-existent. That way, those of us who aren't 5 years old don't have to be burdened by them.

If you want a mature game for your Wii, go look up the trailer for Mad World. The game is a gore fest.
Gore fest =/= good. And while we want a mature game, we also want a good game. Thus far, I'm not impressed with Mad World, what I've heard of it.

I have. That doesn't mean that Nintendo doesn't blindly give away licenses for people to make games on their systems.
Yeah, there's no other explanation for the swarm of crappy games that are all the same. And since they should probably realize that the casual gamers will be less careful about buying games and if a game looks fun and innovative, they’ll buy it, they probably think that giving a license to anyone is a good idea. More money for them.

Wait a minute the N64 sucked?

In my Day it was required to have the N64,Golden Eye 007 and or Perfect Dark at my school. Some of the greatest games known to man were on that System. A majority of people seem to acknowledge this fact too. The only Problem was no CD's.
I don't own either of those games (I'm not a huge fan of FPS's), but I agree. The N64 had great games like Pokemon Stadium 1 + 2 (which had great minigames unlike another game we know....*cough*Battle Revolution*cough*), Ocarina of Time (not a huge fan of it personally, but everyone else likes it), Majora's Mask (again, not a huge fan, but it's an okay game), Donkey Kong 64, Star Wars Podracer, Pokemon Snap, Smash Bros...and those are just off the top of my head.

I also doubt they would make a Super Wii. Stupid Sounding name if you ask me. Maybe a console named "Revolution" would get my money.....
I would be shocked if they named their next console anything but "Super Wii" or anything else with "Wii" in the name. Wii sounded stupid too, but they did that. Clearly they have no standards for names, they just wanted one they could make a million and one puns out of. "Wii came, Wii conquered!" "Wii would like to play!" Ugh, honestly.

As for Revolution, I agree, but...when you think about it, 360 = a revolution. So having their console named the Revolution would be sort of a copy of the name Xbox 360. Maybe. That's the only reasoning I can come up with, but it probably never even crossed their minds.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
As for Revolution, I agree, but...when you think about it, 360 = a revolution. So having their console named the Revolution would be sort of a copy of the name Xbox 360. Maybe. That's the only reasoning I can come up with, but it probably never even crossed their minds.
Revolution does make sense as a name. The Wii was originally codenamed the Revolution.

As for what the next console will be like, I expect much better graphics, a hard drive, and better online. Nintendo has a unique console, but if they want more people to buy their stuff, they should at least fix up the major flaws that critics have said of the Wii.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
What bothers me too is when Nintendo rehashes old franchise games, then they turn out to be WAY too easy. Play Super Mario 64 then play Super Mario 64 DS. Galaxy was pretty much even easier, then Brawl was hit or miss for me. I don't understand it at all.
I don't think that's Nintendo making the games easier, that's the crippling light of nostalgia and time. Nintendo's games have ALWAYS skewed casual--They're easy to pick up and play, bright and colorful, and full of likeable, cartoon-like characters. Super Mario 64 didn't become easier when they stuck it on the DS, the game was easy to begin with. You just got older, got better, and the technology did too--playing a 64 now really reveals how antiquated its buttons and analog stick feel. It was the levels of depth that emerged after playing a few levels and mastering the techniques that made the games hardcore--easy to play, tough to master. Thing is, Galaxy didn't change many of those techniques that you'd already mastered long ago, and the advent of newer, modern and more responsive controls made the game feel easier, even thought it really just wasn't.

Mind you, most games that Nintendo has made for the Wii have been good games. Galaxy? Easy, but definately fun. MP3? It was pretty kickass. Mario Kart Wii? Good game, not the best in the series, but still good.

With the exception of Mario Party 8, Nintendo has made good games for there console. The people that are to blame are the third party companies.

The reason why Nintendo isn't taken seriously by third party companies is because their games don't have to go through something called 'concept approval'. Both Sony and Microsoft do this. Before they give licenses for third parties to make games, Sony and MS have the companies come in and tell them what the game is about. This is to prevent genres from being to common, or just stupid games.

Nintendo doesn't do concept approval. This is why we have so many ****ty minigame collections. And not the fun 'pay attention or your screwed' excellent party minigame colelctions like Wario Ware. Just ****ty ones with stupid ideas.

Who the **** let Bomberman turn into a minigame collection?
It's completely true, and it's a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, by not filtering the content, you create a much more open developing environment. This increases the flexibility of the developers to stretch creative muscles and try things that haven't been done before. With Sony and Microsoft, you've seen a skew towards "genres that sell" because of this applied content approval, and it's created an oversaturation of me-too mature shooters, and it doesn't look like the flood will stop any time soon. Nintendo systems on the other hand have always had innovative and creative games, probably moreso than any other systems in history (arguably, of course).

On the other hand, it does do exactly what you said it does: it allows companies to just dump metric tons of shovelware on the system week in and week out. This crowds shelves and makes smart consumer choices difficult. Choosing a Wii game at random will likely net you a title of much lower quality than choosing a 360 or a PS3 title because of this reason.

However, if you look at the DS--to rehash an old chestnut--where it's even easier still to make shovelware title, then you'll see a system that has risen above the crap to have a huge amount of really quality titles (Dragon Quest IX speaks for itself, frankly). As a person who's always watched the industry closely and who's really rather deep with the industry as it stands right now (deep-ish), I absolutely see the Wii turning out like this, and every developer I've talked has said the same thing. It's only a matter of time.

firusthehedgehog said:
Yeah, there's no other explanation for the swarm of crappy games that are all the same. And since they should probably realize that the casual gamers will be less careful about buying games and if a game looks fun and innovative, they’ll buy it, they probably think that giving a license to anyone is a good idea. More money for them.
This isn't Nintendo THINKING anything, it's always been their policy. Should they look at it in the light of these recent developments? Absolutely, but don't go around thinking that they just adopted this last year so more mini-game collections and waggle-fests could come out.

Nintendo has ALWAYS been about giving developers the benefit of the doubt, they wouldn't be anywhere if people hadn't given it to them. Jeez, look at Pikmin or Wind Waker, I can remember the entire Nintendo community going "What the hell is Miyamoto thinking?". But people ended up giving him the benefit of the doubt and the artistry and genius was able to shine through.

bentobox said:
Exact same for me. Currently saving up for a gaming pc.

@haines: blind faith can only lead you so far.
It would only be blind if I didn't know what I was talking about. Luckily, I do.

And, well, enjoy spending $3000 to play FPSs, RTSs, and American RPGs for the rest of your days. For that much money I could buy every modern console, and HDTV, and a dozen or more games.

crimson king said:
This is why I am loving the PS3 right now. I am at a point where there are more games than I have money for, instead of vice-versa like when I first got it. The trophy system is really tempting me to spend $10 or so on Super Stardust HD just to mess around with it until more games support trophies, and I recently grabbed, and as yet unfinished, MGS4, Unchartered, Assassin's Creed, and GTA 4, not to mention Siren (12-episode Survival Horror on PSN) and Rock Band 2. It sucks to have so much to save for, but it's great having games to, you know, play on a video game system.
And it really appears to me like you're going to keep loving that PS3 for a long time, assuming you really love flash-fests with gameplay that was standard last-gen. I like pretty graphics too, but it's just much more economical to buy PS2 games right now if I'm getting the same games.

That's what really pisses me off about Sony and Microsoft, they haven't done ANYTHING different, only what was safe. If you only do exactly what people voice their opinions on, then you'll always create successful but underwhelming experiences. The key to continued market innovation is doing something new BEFORE there's a demand for it, and this is absolutely true in any circle of consumer products.

Alright, look at it like this: Microsoft makes an online network, XBOX Live; not the first of its kind but certainly the most successful on a home console. Playstation fans then come out of the woodwork, see this, and want it too. Sony delivers, gamers rejoice, but nothing has changed; the ideas simply spread. There was no innovation, just a constant playing of catch-up. Nintendo then introduces a remote enabling motion control of it's games, and the Wii sells like wildfire. Sony and Microsoft see a market they could do well to tap, and they begin making their own motion controlled remotes. The market rejoices, but still nothing has changed for them. They copied and spread ideas, but didn't come up with any of their own.

But it's not limited to game consoles here, and this will be off topic but relevant. Look at Microsoft's OS powerhouse, Windows. Going from Windows 95 to XP, it's basically the same OS--more stable, faster, slightly prettier, and more compatible, but pretty much the same OS. Having no major competition that was doing anything different than them, it stagnated. Users wanted more stability, so they delivered. Users wanted more compatibility, so they delivered. This is all well and good, but they failed to create any new ideas, just work off of what was desired. Then, Mac OS X comes along, and gives users an experience that they didn't even know that they wanted. Having never had a dock or widgets before, how were they to know that it was even desirable? Apple innovated, created something new without being asked, and it worked. Suddenly, Microsoft sees a demand for desktop widgets, high-resolution icons, and a beautiful operating environment, and they come up with one--They just still don't do anything new, just take existing ideas and make them their own.

Ultimately, I'm all about the enjoyment of games, however. I like Nintendo, but not to the exclusion of Microsoft or Sony. If a game is good, I'm going to play it no matter who made it and what system it's on. But I also want to support innovation, and trying something different. I WANT the next generation to be different than this one. I want every company to look at what didn't work and either fix it and get rid of it, and make what did work even better, and above all else I want somebody to try something that nobody's ever thought of before. Something that we didn't ever see coming. Something that there was no demand for, but that they'll do anyway because they think they can make it work and they're willing to give a crazy dreamer a chance.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I believe derek is going by sales figures, which Nintendo is leading in. However, sales mean exactly jack to me, just like review sites. Sales just means that people were convinced to pay for a console at a given time. Their money has no say in whether games I actually want to play will come out. At the same time, Nintendo has stated numerous times they are in it for a shorter console cycle of about 2 - 3 years, with the 360 proving that with it's MANY SKU relaunches that practically overhauled the system. Sony, on the other hand, is gunning for 10 years on the PSP and PS3. While this may seem like a bad idea due to dated hardware, the PS3 has the capability to last that long, and if they price drops, I can see the console selling incredibly fast. Now, when evaluating that "2-3 year cycle," logically, one would believe that would be the introduction of the hard drive to the Wii models, which I expect to hear about either E3 this year or next year. Nintendo has been VERY opposed to adding a hard drive, claiming on some sites, that only geeks want it and that it's perfectly acceptable to delete games when you are done playing them since you can redownload as needed. I find that to be complete bull****, but time will tell.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
Jacksonville, Florida
I believe derek is going by sales figures, which Nintendo is leading in. However, sales mean exactly jack to me, just like review sites. Sales just means that people were convinced to pay for a console at a given time. Their money has no say in whether games I actually want to play will come out. At the same time, Nintendo has stated numerous times they are in it for a shorter console cycle of about 2 - 3 years, with the 360 proving that with it's MANY SKU relaunches that practically overhauled the system. Sony, on the other hand, is gunning for 10 years on the PSP and PS3. While this may seem like a bad idea due to dated hardware, the PS3 has the capability to last that long, and if they price drops, I can see the console selling incredibly fast. Now, when evaluating that "2-3 year cycle," logically, one would believe that would be the introduction of the hard drive to the Wii models, which I expect to hear about either E3 this year or next year. Nintendo has been VERY opposed to adding a hard drive, claiming on some sites, that only geeks want it and that it's perfectly acceptable to delete games when you are done playing them since you can redownload as needed. I find that to be complete bull****, but time will tell.
That was only one stupid PR person from Nintendo of Europe who made the geek statement, and he later apologized. I've heard rumors that Nintendo is working on a storage solution, whether that be through an update that lets you access data directly from your SD cards or an external hard drive to put in the USB port.

Derek wasn't going by sales figures, he was going by innovation. And Nintendo has certainly been the most innovative. I expect them to start bringing out more hardcore games now that they have the casual crowd.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
I believe derek is going by sales figures, which Nintendo is leading in. However, sales mean exactly jack to me, just like review sites. Sales just means that people were convinced to pay for a console at a given time. Their money has no say in whether games I actually want to play will come out. At the same time, Nintendo has stated numerous times they are in it for a shorter console cycle of about 2 - 3 years, with the 360 proving that with it's MANY SKU relaunches that practically overhauled the system. Sony, on the other hand, is gunning for 10 years on the PSP and PS3. While this may seem like a bad idea due to dated hardware, the PS3 has the capability to last that long, and if they price drops, I can see the console selling incredibly fast. Now, when evaluating that "2-3 year cycle," logically, one would believe that would be the introduction of the hard drive to the Wii models, which I expect to hear about either E3 this year or next year. Nintendo has been VERY opposed to adding a hard drive, claiming on some sites, that only geeks want it and that it's perfectly acceptable to delete games when you are done playing them since you can redownload as needed. I find that to be complete bull****, but time will tell.
I'm with you on that one. I'm tired of cleaning out the fridge. Just open the frickin' SD card slot and we'll be okay. One of the main things I don't like about Nintendo is how slow they are to respond to current-gen demands--if it ever happens, it's slooooooow.

And, as for the 2-3 year cycle idea, well, as long as whatever "new" system they release plays current Wii games then I wouldn't be too miffed. 2-3 years is longer usage than I get out of most computers, so I wouldn't be able to complain too much. Besides, Nintendo has always done this with their handhelds, so why not their home consoles?

GB -> GB Pocket -> GBC
GBA -> GBASP -> GB Micro

Yeah what gives with the USB ports, decoration? I don't give a **** about a stupid fan, they might as well put them to good use.

LOL. I remember a blog post or a forum thread about this somewhere. People just started randomly plugging USB devices into the ports to see what works. It'll charge your MP3 player, but other than the Ethernet adapter, they don't really do much else yet...


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Lol really It can charge my Ipod shuffle? Hmm something Thin,small and white charging something thin, small and white :ohwell:

And about the DS. Maybe they will start releasing the 3rd one. Im in need of a new DS. I think i dropped mine on Concrete about 20 times, and on my carpet around 14ish.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
Lol really It can charge my Ipod shuffle? Hmm something Thin,small and white charging something thin, small and white :ohwell:

And about the DS. Maybe they will start releasing the 3rd one. Im in need of a new DS. I think i dropped mine on Concrete about 20 times, and on my carpet around 14ish.
Luckily it is a Nintendo product, otherwise it would've been gone way before now.

I was that way with my DS Phat. It was like, "It still works, but **** this thing doesn't look good after so many blows to the head (case?)."

On a semi-unrelated note, I once tried to break a N64 memory card by placing it on a large rock and hitting it with another large rock. Both rocks broke, but the memory card still worked perfectly.

PPS: If you're looking for a good Wii game to get excited about, check out Monster Hunter 3. The one screen that's out there looks fantastic, and the game sounds awesome if they get the online right.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2008
It's a Secret to Everybody!
It would only be blind if I didn't know what I was talking about. Luckily, I do.

And, well, enjoy spending $3000 to play FPSs, RTSs, and American RPGs for the rest of your days. For that much money I could buy every modern console, and HDTV, and a dozen or more games.
If you know how to shop for PCs you will not be spending $3000 for just a few games.
I'm not going to deny that PC gaming is more expensive, but you should know that there are ways to get a good computer cheaper than you may realize. Places like circuit city like to run sales at various times of the year. Key times to get computers cheap would be after thanksgiving, after Christmas, and during various holidays.

Companies also like to have back to school sales on Notebook PCs

Also, its too your advantage to talk to people when buying a computer, to see where and when you can get good quality for less. Desktops are generally cheaper than Notebooks.

Plus a computer also serves as a great tool for many other things, not just gaming.

Also, why the hate on American made games RTS and RPG. Some the best games available are just that!

Blizzard does an awesome Job with Warcraft,
Star Wars fits into all those categories, and most of them are really fun too.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
If you know how to shop for PCs you will not be spending $3000 for just a few games.
I'm not going to deny that PC gaming is more expensive, but you should know that there are ways to get a good computer cheaper than you may realize. Places like circuit city like to run sales at various times of the year. Key times to get computers cheap would be after thanksgiving, after Christmas, and during various holidays.

Companies also like to have back to school sales on Notebook PCs

Also, its too your advantage to talk to people when buying a computer, to see where and when you can get good quality for less. Desktops are generally cheaper than Notebooks.

Plus a computer also serves as a great tool for many other things, not just gaming.

Also, why the hate on American made games RTS and RPG. Some the best games available are just that!

Blizzard does an awesome Job with Warcraft,
Star Wars fits into all those categories, and most of them are really fun too.
Oh, I'm not saying that they're bad at all, I really do enjoy all types games. Some of my favorite games growing up were the old Blizzard RTSs, Duke Nukems, and the Bioware overhead RPGs. Thing is, the PC mouse and keyboard setup, while suited well to those games, isn't well-suited to alot of other genres. If you really like those types of games, then by all means a PC is most certainly for you, but for variety of experience it's not ideal.

It's quite true that $3000 is an exaggeration, and you can build a gaming PC for less (I'm an A+ certified computer technician, it's pretty much a requirement to know my stuffs), it's just the number I hear thrown around most often when people are bragging. Plus, I figure that if you're going to want to game on a PC, you don't want to compromise anything. So your dual graphics cards and quad-core processor should be able to run anything at max settings and resolution, and you should be playing on no less than a 22" widescreen monitor with a 5.1 surround sound setup. A megaton of high-speed ram and 10,000 RPM HDD are a must. Plus that weighted 9-button gaming mouse and backlit keyboard with built-in LCD display...

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
That was only one stupid PR person from Nintendo of Europe who made the geek statement, and he later apologized. I've heard rumors that Nintendo is working on a storage solution, whether that be through an update that lets you access data directly from your SD cards or an external hard drive to put in the USB port.

Derek wasn't going by sales figures, he was going by innovation. And Nintendo has certainly been the most innovative. I expect them to start bringing out more hardcore games now that they have the casual crowd.
Why would they? The hardcore crowd is NOTORIOUS for sticking to one game and dissecting every aspect of the game, rarely buying newer titles. If anything, this focus on casual/non-gamers is going to be Nintendo's new and only market.

Luckily it is a Nintendo product, otherwise it would've been gone way before now.

I was that way with my DS Phat. It was like, "It still works, but **** this thing doesn't look good after so many blows to the head (case?)."

On a semi-unrelated note, I once tried to break a N64 memory card by placing it on a large rock and hitting it with another large rock. Both rocks broke, but the memory card still worked perfectly.

PPS: If you're looking for a good Wii game to get excited about, check out Monster Hunter 3. The one screen that's out there looks fantastic, and the game sounds awesome if they get the online right.
Yeah bull****. My DS was on the table, then the little wrist latch was hanging down. My cat grabbed it, SLAMMED the DS to the ground and shattered the screen. It was bad ***, but it sucked.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
Why would they? The hardcore crowd is NOTORIOUS for sticking to one game and dissecting every aspect of the game, rarely buying newer titles. If anything, this focus on casual/non-gamers is going to be Nintendo's new and only market.
Can't deny the general gaming crowd's penchant for dissection, but I just don't think that Nintendo and the Wii's only market will be causal gamers. Zelda, Metroid, and Mario have continued to sell well enough to justify to any company making more hardcore titles. Casual gamers will be in there too, but they buy remarkably fewer games as a whole so it just makes less sense to try and sell a ton of product to them.

Yeah bull****. My DS was on the table, then the little wrist latch was hanging down. My cat grabbed it, SLAMMED the DS to the ground and shattered the screen. It was bad ***, but it sucked.
Lol, that blows. Well, guess the mysticism of a lolcat trumps the indestructibility of a Nintendo product. I can imagine it being badass though.



Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
It would only be blind if I didn't know what I was talking about. Luckily, I do.

And, well, enjoy spending $3000 to play FPSs, RTSs, and American RPGs for the rest of your days. For that much money I could buy every modern console, and HDTV, and a dozen or more games.
Make that 1k$, for the next 4~5 years. I sold my Wii because it wasn't profitable, which is rarely a problem you're faced with when purchasing a decent computer.

And thinking you know what you're talking about doesn't validate any speculation of yours, sorry. Because stating that the Wii will follow DS' footsteps is nothing but (justifiable) speculation.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
Make that 1k$, for the next 4~5 years. I sold my Wii because it wasn't profitable, which is rarely a problem you're faced with when purchasing a decent computer.

And thinking you know what you're talking about doesn't validate any speculation of yours, sorry. Because stating that the Wii will follow DS' footsteps is nothing but (justifiable) speculation.
If you can keep your setup viable for that long, then more power to you. I just don't like to compromise when I'm playing games, so if I was going to build a gaming PC it would have to run at max settings.

It is speculation, but it's built off of market trends, the history of both consoles, and developers that I've spoken to at length. There's a great deal of speculation as I might end up completely wrong, but I do try to know what I'm talking about.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
A. I built a custom computer for $2k and it runs Crysis at nearly top settings.

B. You cannot go about past stuff anymore. XBox innovated how games are coming to us and Sony innovated how consoles will function. Thanks to XBox there is an even stronger push for full games as downloadable, and PSN has at least 4 full featured games, and Sony has created essentially a constantly evolving console whereas some of the software changes would require a whole new console. It's speculated that emulation could come later for the non-BC consoles, and just look at the trophies.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Revolution does make sense as a name. The Wii was originally codenamed the Revolution.

As for what the next console will be like, I expect much better graphics, a hard drive, and better online. Nintendo has a unique console, but if they want more people to buy their stuff, they should at least fix up the major flaws that critics have said of the Wii.
I know it was originally named the Revolution. I'm saying that the reason that they changed it was PROBABLY because it was similar to Xbox 360. Either that or they take joy in the million and one corny "Wii" puns.

As for the next console, I don't know...they're heading towards the casuals, and that kind of stuff is more for us geeks and otaku.

I don't think that's Nintendo making the games easier, that's the crippling light of nostalgia and time. Nintendo's games have ALWAYS skewed casual--They're easy to pick up and play, bright and colorful, and full of likeable, cartoon-like characters. Super Mario 64 didn't become easier when they stuck it on the DS, the game was easy to begin with. You just got older, got better, and the technology did too--playing a 64 now really reveals how antiquated its buttons and analog stick feel. It was the levels of depth that emerged after playing a few levels and mastering the techniques that made the games hardcore--easy to play, tough to master. Thing is, Galaxy didn't change many of those techniques that you'd already mastered long ago, and the advent of newer, modern and more responsive controls made the game feel easier, even thought it really just wasn't.
Notice he said "play Super Mario 64 and then Super Mario 64 DS". Not "I remember Mario 64 being a lot more difficult". I've only played the DS version, but I'd imagine he knows what he's talking about. Games are certainly getting easier, don't give me that BS. It's going all around, for every game company, but Nintendo isn't doing everything right and it's our fault for having nostalgia. Super Metroid = much harder than Metroid Prime 3. And a hell of a lot harder than Hunters.

However, if you look at the DS--to rehash an old chestnut--where it's even easier still to make shovelware title, then you'll see a system that has risen above the crap to have a huge amount of really quality titles (Dragon Quest IX speaks for itself, frankly). As a person who's always watched the industry closely and who's really rather deep with the industry as it stands right now (deep-ish), I absolutely see the Wii turning out like this, and every developer I've talked has said the same thing. It's only a matter of time.
I still don't see the DS having all these great titles. I have very few games for it, as I've mentioned, there are maybe one or two I'm actually interested in picking up that I haven't put the effort into doing yet, and the last time I bought a DS game was LAST YEAR, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. The next time will probably be next year, with Pokemon Platinum. I've not been entirely impressed with the DS's lineup at all.

This isn't Nintendo THINKING anything, it's always been their policy. Should they look at it in the light of these recent developments? Absolutely, but don't go around thinking that they just adopted this last year so more mini-game collections and waggle-fests could come out.

Nintendo has ALWAYS been about giving developers the benefit of the doubt, they wouldn't be anywhere if people hadn't given it to them. Jeez, look at Pikmin or Wind Waker, I can remember the entire Nintendo community going "What the hell is Miyamoto thinking?". But people ended up giving him the benefit of the doubt and the artistry and genius was able to shine through.
Well it may not be a new policy, but they really ought to review this policy because everything that comes out save for one title every blue moon is "Yay motion sensor!"

It would only be blind if I didn't know what I was talking about. Luckily, I do.
That's debatable.

And, well, enjoy spending $3000 to play FPSs, RTSs, and American RPGs for the rest of your days. For that much money I could buy every modern console, and HDTV, and a dozen or more games.
Believe it or not, while you spend a lot of money on a gaming computer, the capabilities you give it so that it can game are really nice. And computers are a must-have these days, so a nice one is nothing to sneeze at.

That's what really pisses me off about Sony and Microsoft, they haven't done ANYTHING different, only what was safe.
Innovation is nice, and on previous consoles it was awesome, but at least Sony and Microsoft haven't screwed things over. Their systems aren't stellar but they haven't abandoned those who enjoy them.

I believe derek is going by sales figures, which Nintendo is leading in. However, sales mean exactly jack to me, just like review sites. Sales just means that people were convinced to pay for a console at a given time. Their money has no say in whether games I actually want to play will come out. At the same time, Nintendo has stated numerous times they are in it for a shorter console cycle of about 2 - 3 years, with the 360 proving that with it's MANY SKU relaunches that practically overhauled the system. Sony, on the other hand, is gunning for 10 years on the PSP and PS3. While this may seem like a bad idea due to dated hardware, the PS3 has the capability to last that long, and if they price drops, I can see the console selling incredibly fast. Now, when evaluating that "2-3 year cycle," logically, one would believe that would be the introduction of the hard drive to the Wii models, which I expect to hear about either E3 this year or next year. Nintendo has been VERY opposed to adding a hard drive, claiming on some sites, that only geeks want it and that it's perfectly acceptable to delete games when you are done playing them since you can redownload as needed. I find that to be complete bull****, but time will tell.
Agreed. People are stupid. People are also different from me. I may enjoy something they don't, I may not enjoy something they do. Reviews are nice to read, and enjoyable for me, but you can't trust them. Sales are also untrustworthy, just as much as, if not more than, reviews. With reviews, at least the reviewer has played the game. With sales, someone could easily have bought the game and returned it, or sold it back. Or maybe the game just wasn't what they expected. Brawl probably got a lot of sales that people wouldn't give to it again if they could redo it, I am one of those people. It's fun about once a month. I get a sudden urge to play it, play two matches, get bored, and go back to what I was doing. Sales clearly mean nothing. And that is what you're predicating a lot of your assumptions on, derek.

As for telling you to delete games once you're done with them and redownloading, what the **** are they thinking?! What the hell is the point of owning a game if you're just going to have to delete it? I guess casuals are the type of people perfectly willing to play something through once and put it down, but most hardcore gamers like to go back and replay their games. I don't want to have to plan through it, "Okay, I'll delete this game so I can re-download this, but I only want to play it once, so afterwards, I'll delete it again and re-download the other game..." NO. There's no reason they shouldn't be able to do more than that. That's just a lame*** excuse.

That was only one stupid PR person from Nintendo of Europe who made the geek statement, and he later apologized. I've heard rumors that Nintendo is working on a storage solution, whether that be through an update that lets you access data directly from your SD cards or an external hard drive to put in the USB port.

Derek wasn't going by sales figures, he was going by innovation. And Nintendo has certainly been the most innovative. I expect them to start bringing out more hardcore games now that they have the casual crowd.
They made the statement. Whether in politics or in a situation like this, I don't believe you can say "Ooops, my bad..." especially not unless it's right after you make the statement. If it's afterwards, you clearly meant to say it and are only upset that someone caught you. And considering Nintendo's reaction to it thus far, I wouldn't assume it's just that one PR guy that felt that way.
As for rumors, don't use them to back up what you're saying. There have been a million and one rumors that Pokemon Gold/Silver are being remade, I've heard many video game rumors in the past that also haven't come true. Until they announce it, Nintendo is being complete morons about the hard drive. It's very possible a storage solution will be announced at E3, but until I hear it I'm not going to assume they're cleaning up their act.

Yeah what gives with the USB ports, decoration? I don't give a **** about a stupid fan, they might as well put them to good use.
Well, they have the USB Keyboard compatibility. Which is only compatible with the Wii Menu and the Internet Channel. So yeah, you're pretty much right. They need to put them to use. Heck, it can't be that hard to just allow any sort of Flash Drive or mass storage USB drive to work with the Wii as a storage device, and all that should take is a Wii Menu update. If they could do it with the Keyboard, why not other USB devices?

I'm with you on that one. I'm tired of cleaning out the fridge. Just open the frickin' SD card slot and we'll be okay. One of the main things I don't like about Nintendo is how slow they are to respond to current-gen demands--if it ever happens, it's slooooooow.

And, as for the 2-3 year cycle idea, well, as long as whatever "new" system they release plays current Wii games then I wouldn't be too miffed. 2-3 years is longer usage than I get out of most computers, so I wouldn't be able to complain too much. Besides, Nintendo has always done this with their handhelds, so why not their home consoles?

GB -> GB Pocket -> GBC
GBA -> GBASP -> GB Micro
What the hell do you do to your computers that they only last 2-3 years? I've had mine for...god, at least four years now, and it still works great.

As for handhelds, notice that all of these mini updates are not necessary. I've gotten one handheld each generation. GBC, then GBA, now the original DS. I don't intend to buy any others, although they make it a ***** for original DS owners. All the accessories are for DS Lite only, so the only place you can get anything is by ordering it online. Even the Internet Browser (which I don't have and don't intend to get) is catered to the DS Lite. Why? A regular sized GBA cartridge would work FINE with both DS's, so why did they make it suited to the DS Lite? Well, the answer is obvious, they want more money, but it still irks me. I'll bet you Guitar Hero: On Tour is the same way. Not that I care about Guitar Hero, but I'd bet the button thing that goes in the GBA slot is fitted for Lites.

LOL. I remember a blog post or a forum thread about this somewhere. People just started randomly plugging USB devices into the ports to see what works. It'll charge your MP3 player, but other than the Ethernet adapter, they don't really do much else yet...
Yeah, I tried putting my Flash Drive in there. Nothing happened. Oh well.

And about the DS. Maybe they will start releasing the 3rd one. Im in need of a new DS. I think i dropped mine on Concrete about 20 times, and on my carpet around 14ish.
I'm in need of a new DS as well. Well, not in need, but in slight need. First of all, as I mentioned before, 90% of accessories these days are for DS Lite. Also, one time, when I was putting normal pressure on the touch screen, I got three ugly scratches on my DS. Not huge, and they affect nothing, but they look bad. I eventually gave in and bought a new battery for my DS because the other one had whittled down to a very small amount of gameplay time in one full charge. It was partially my fault for not being very smart about charging it (as in charging it whenever I was done for the day, which I know now was a stupid idea), but it's still irksome. I get the impression that the Lite has better battery life. I'm fine for now, but still...

It has held up well otherwise, though. I've accidentally knocked it off of my desk a few times onto my hardwood floor, and nothing's broken yet. Maybe I just haven't knocked it off right, though. (And by right, I mean wrong, as in a way that would break it.) My friend dropped his, though, and the hinge busted on the left side so the top screen comes halfway off.

Yeah bull****. My DS was on the table, then the little wrist latch was hanging down. My cat grabbed it, SLAMMED the DS to the ground and shattered the screen. It was bad ***, but it sucked.
Ouch. I would've attacked my cat had it done that to my DS. Not that my DS is entirely useful--I use it mostly for GBA games--but that's an expensive piece of hardware to be trashing like that.

So yeah, it's probably just that I've not had my DS fall in the wrong way yet.

Also, everyone STOP IT with the "Nintendo's going to bring out the lineup of hardcore games soon!" Yeah, my ***. That's pure speculation. And I still don't see the rush of hardcore games that the DS has brought us.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
Also, everyone STOP IT with the "Nintendo's going to bring out the lineup of hardcore games soon!" Yeah, my ***. That's pure speculation. And I still don't see the rush of hardcore games that the DS has brought us.

To summarize, that thread is THE list of great DS games, and there's a ton on there. I give 1000000 internets to whoever put that together.

Notice he said "play Super Mario 64 and then Super Mario 64 DS". Not "I remember Mario 64 being a lot more difficult". I've only played the DS version, but I'd imagine he knows what he's talking about. Games are certainly getting easier, don't give me that BS. It's going all around, for every game company, but Nintendo isn't doing everything right and it's our fault for having nostalgia. Super Metroid = much harder than Metroid Prime 3. And a hell of a lot harder than Hunters.
And notice how I said that technology had alot to do with it. Alot of games for the N64 are extremely clumsy to go back to, Mario 64 amongst them. Everything was tightened up in the DS version, not changed or made easier. The game controlled better so it was easier to play. And, it's impossible to compare Super Metroid and Metroid Prime 3. They're two completely different types of games made two generations and 3000 miles apart. Besides the Metroid license, there's not much in the way of comparison.

I still don't see the DS having all these great titles. I have very few games for it, as I've mentioned, there are maybe one or two I'm actually interested in picking up that I haven't put the effort into doing yet, and the last time I bought a DS game was LAST YEAR, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. The next time will probably be next year, with Pokemon Platinum. I've not been entirely impressed with the DS's lineup at all.
See the list that I provided earlier.

Well it may not be a new policy, but they really ought to review this policy because everything that comes out save for one title every blue moon is "Yay motion sensor!"

That's debatable.
You're cute.

Believe it or not, while you spend a lot of money on a gaming computer, the capabilities you give it so that it can game are really nice. And computers are a must-have these days, so a nice one is nothing to sneeze at.
Oh, I'm not sneezing at computer technology at all. I loves my 2.4Ghz Core 2 Duo Macbook very much. The thing is, unless you're doing 1. Hardcore video/sound editing 2. CAD 3D work or 3. Video Gaming, you don't need a computer that costs anywhere over $1000.

Innovation is nice, and on previous consoles it was awesome, but at least Sony and Microsoft haven't screwed things over. Their systems aren't stellar but they haven't abandoned those who enjoy them.
You're only as abandoned as you feel. Nintendo has not publicly stated that they hate you.

Agreed. People are stupid. People are also different from me. I may enjoy something they don't, I may not enjoy something they do. Reviews are nice to read, and enjoyable for me, but you can't trust them. Sales are also untrustworthy, just as much as, if not more than, reviews. With reviews, at least the reviewer has played the game. With sales, someone could easily have bought the game and returned it, or sold it back. Or maybe the game just wasn't what they expected. Brawl probably got a lot of sales that people wouldn't give to it again if they could redo it, I am one of those people. It's fun about once a month. I get a sudden urge to play it, play two matches, get bored, and go back to what I was doing. Sales clearly mean nothing. And that is what you're predicating a lot of your assumptions on, derek.
How do sales mean nothing? Have you never taken a business class at all? Sales drive the industry. If there were no sales, there would be no industry!

That just seems sort of...duh, to me.

As for telling you to delete games once you're done with them and redownloading, what the **** are they thinking?! What the hell is the point of owning a game if you're just going to have to delete it? I guess casuals are the type of people perfectly willing to play something through once and put it down, but most hardcore gamers like to go back and replay their games. I don't want to have to plan through it, "Okay, I'll delete this game so I can re-download this, but I only want to play it once, so afterwards, I'll delete it again and re-download the other game..." NO. There's no reason they shouldn't be able to do more than that. That's just a lame*** excuse.
Agreed. Hopefully they're working on SOMETHING. Anything!

Well, they have the USB Keyboard compatibility. Which is only compatible with the Wii Menu and the Internet Channel. So yeah, you're pretty much right. They need to put them to use. Heck, it can't be that hard to just allow any sort of Flash Drive or mass storage USB drive to work with the Wii as a storage device, and all that should take is a Wii Menu update. If they could do it with the Keyboard, why not other USB devices?
It should also be compatible with Monster Hunter 3, I doubt Capcom would let the game go through without that support.

What the hell do you do to your computers that they only last 2-3 years? I've had mine for...god, at least four years now, and it still works great.
My 3.0 Ghz P4 Dell that I bought in the spring of, oh, 2005 probably was really feeling it's age by just earlier this year, which is when I upgraded to my Macbook. Would it still have been usable? Sure, but I can be a pretty demanding multitasker and it just wasn't doing it for me anymore.

As for handhelds, notice that all of these mini updates are not necessary. I've gotten one handheld each generation. GBC, then GBA, now the original DS. I don't intend to buy any others, although they make it a ***** for original DS owners. All the accessories are for DS Lite only, so the only place you can get anything is by ordering it online. Even the Internet Browser (which I don't have and don't intend to get) is catered to the DS Lite. Why? A regular sized GBA cartridge would work FINE with both DS's, so why did they make it suited to the DS Lite? Well, the answer is obvious, they want more money, but it still irks me. I'll bet you Guitar Hero: On Tour is the same way. Not that I care about Guitar Hero, but I'd bet the button thing that goes in the GBA slot is fitted for Lites.
Guitar Hero is compatible with both and two versions of the Internet Browser were made available. Just because the updates aren't necessary doesn't mean they don't make sense. They drive console sales higher which attracts more developers, and it generally means lower prices for people who haven't bought one yet. Plus, they tend to bring new features to the table (backlighting and better buttons).


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
I also forgot to mention that I never got the DS Phat AKA DS original style. My super durable DS is infact a black DS lite :laugh: To be far the hinge is loose, but that was after EXTREME abuse, and by that i mean like the 18th Concrete fall. And the Power Button is screwed up :( but i can still turn the DS on. My Gameboy Pocket still works too lol.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
wario land looks good.

I'm also mostly interested in games with great replay-value. And games boasting the latter most often come under the form of MMOs/FPSes or Fighters, because these are the type of games which generally gather people together. It's no secret that most people bought a Wii mainly for SSBB (myself included, as Melee was worth buying a GC for) and now that its out, I honestly can't say if it won't just die out in the next 1 or 2 years (the community's liveliness, the competition, etc) . That is what I meant earlier by profitable. You know that if you get deeply involved in whatever online game's community, you will get your money's worth. At least, that's how I feel. And the Wii just fails to deliver in that department. Aren't most good games on the Wii, games you'll go through once and then let proceed to collect dust? What happened to Nintendo being the king of multiplayer games? I guess they still are but yeah... cooking mama...Even the n64 boasted better games when it came to multiplayer (mario kart, smash, goldeneye, PD, bomberman...). And when it comes to single player games, the Wii gets outshined by the other next-gens. Hi mgs. Ramble ramble. g2g2work.

The Wii makes me cry at night. I guess it does bring new experiences to the household~ :D


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
I also forgot to mention that I never got the DS Phat AKA DS original style. My super durable DS is infact a black DS lite :laugh: To be far the hinge is loose, but that was after EXTREME abuse, and by that i mean like the 18th Concrete fall. And the Power Button is screwed up :( but i can still turn the DS on. My Gameboy Pocket still works too lol.
Ha, sounds kinda like the story of my original GBA. It's scratched to hell, been dropped more times than I care to remember, and is missing the battery cover, but it still works just perfectly.

Dunno how they do it, but they do. (Most of the time. Lolcats defeat Nintendo products, apparently, as CK has shown us.)


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
There's been some talking about why Nintendo doesn't allow SD/USB memory ports. Well, while I agree that we need some sort of storage for the Wii, Nintendo has a reason why.

You guys know about the Twilight Hack? It's a Wii Hack which allows a homebrew channel on the Wii. The newest update for the Wii got rid of it, but within a week the TH was back and better than ever. This has scared Nintendo into not providing us with these forms of storage because those could lead to easier hacks on their console.

If Nintendo were to allow this, no doubt we would be getting many new hacks for the Wii. Nintendo doesn't want this because these hacks could take away from there profits (they see WiiWare as the form of homebrew on the Wii).

It sucks, but Nintendo loves money. I doubt shouting louder will change their stance on it.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
I hear tell of a DKC4 in development. Possibly for the Wii, and will most likely be revealed at E3, so there's that. That > everything else imo.

Also, we still have a possible F-Zero Wii to look forward to.

AC Wii

Starfox Wii (Although if it's not like Starfox 64, it will probably disapoint.

And no, the formula is NOT 1 Zelda game per system, it's 2.

Zelda + Zelda 2 for the NES, LttP + ??? (I know there was one) for the SNES, OoT and MM for the N64, WW + TP for the Wii (You could include FSA if you wanted too, making 3) and TP for the Wii, which should mean another Zelda game is coming for it.

And I predict a Pokemon game for the Wii, as well as another Mario (If the gap between the Wii and the next system is as long as the GC and the Wii, we'll get another Mario game. Or a Luigi game (GC had Luigi's Mansion and Sunshine)

EDIT!: I forgot, Pikmin 3! Which is most likely one of the front things to be revealed by Nintendo at E3, given all of Miyamoto's hints, the renewing of the Pikmin copyright, and a couple other things! Pikmin 3!!


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2008
It's a Secret to Everybody!
Regarding Super Mario 64 DS vs, Super Mario 64, the DS version really is easier, In the DS version of the games, there are for first two Bowser battles 8 bombs instead of 4.

In tick-tock clock, the hole at the bottom is smaller.

A few of narrow bridges are wider.

And Luigi's jump is godly making just about everything very easy.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
That and by the time I got to Bowser I had 50+ lives where I could take risks and explore, earning me yet more lives. I remember barely making it to Bowser with more than 2 lives as a kid. Another game this was awful in - New Super Mario Brothers. I definitely had no less than 80 lives at any given time. It was kinda depressing because there was no risk of losing and starting over.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
That and by the time I got to Bowser I had 50+ lives where I could take risks and explore, earning me yet more lives. I remember barely making it to Bowser with more than 2 lives as a kid. Another game this was awful in - New Super Mario Brothers. I definitely had no less than 80 lives at any given time. It was kinda depressing because there was no risk of losing and starting over.
I can wholeheartedly agree with you there. I play Super Mario Bros. 3 nowadays and I still get my *** handed to me over and over again, yet New Super Mario Bros. only presented a challenge here and there. Still, the game was fun, and to me that's what absolutely matters more than anything.

The games that we get released in America are oftentimes alot easier than what they get in Japan (except for Resident Evil). A very big part of me wishes that more games had difficulty modes these days, so gamers that just wanted to experience the game could play through and really not be challenged, but gamers that wanted to get their ***** handed to them over and over again could do so on higher difficulty modes. I understand that it means more programming, but it seems like it would solve a huge part of the problem with most modern games' lack of difficulty. And, I really doubt that many would complain all too heavily about it.
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