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Nintendo Speaks about Brawl's Delay (Kinda)


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Perrin Kaplan is, for now, the head of Nintendo of America and was recently interviewed by Wired Network about various things, including the delay of Brawl, found below.
<blockquote>Wired News: Okay. Super Smash Bros. just got delayed. What happened?

Perrin Kaplan: What did I just say to someone downstairs… I’m not calling it a delay. I’m calling it a Smash Bros. Perfection Program.

<strong>WN:</strong> Okay, go on.

<strong>PK:</strong> That’s what they’re going to do with it.

<strong>WN:</strong> But why did they? I mean, they’ve had a lot of time to work on this game, and it’s a huge holiday title for Nintendo.

<strong>PK:</strong> So, when it launches, and you play it, I hope you’ll call and tell me that it was worth it. You’ll see.

<strong>WN:</strong> How will I know that it’s worth it?

<strong>PK:</strong> There are a couple different things that I wish I could share with you today, but I can’t, things that they’re working on refining that will make it amazing. And of course, better than any Smash prior. And of course you’re a huge Smash fan, right?

<strong>WN:</strong> I sure am.

<strong>PK:</strong> Do you have a favorite character?

<strong>WN:</strong> Not really.

<strong>PK:</strong> Really?

<strong>WN:</strong> No.

<strong>PK:</strong> Who did you always pick?

<strong>WN:</strong> I played Peach this morning. So I guess Peach, if anyone?

<strong>PK:</strong> Did she kick blank?

<strong>WN:</strong> I tied for third place with Bozon.

<strong>PK:</strong> Alright, that’s fair enough. So all I can say is that we’ve said before that things are worth the wait, and Nintendo is a company that always makes sure the quality’s there, we don’t rush anything to market. And of course the intention was to have it come this year, but they really want to perfect it and they’re going to add in a couple of things that folks don’t know about yet, but that they will love.

<strong>WN:</strong> Does this have anything to do with online play?

<strong>PK:</strong> Next question.

<strong>WN:</strong> Does this have anything to do with online play?

<strong>PK:</strong> No, a different question.

<strong>WN:</strong> Those are the next five questions.</blockquote>
So as you can see, typical Nintendo avoidance, but dropping enough hints to keep us interested. So! Delay = New stuff. That’s good enough of a reason to me!

Oh, and if you’d like to read the rest of the interview (some cool stuff about Wii Ware) you <a href="http://blog.wired.com/games/2007/10/interview-perri.html">can find it here.</a>


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
She clearly dodges questions like a politician on a run, but as you said, it keeps me intrigued.
I hope this delay is worth it, but I'm sure it will be. My guess s it really is just over polishing, and adding some new things. Hell, maybe even a new character or two could get in with this extra time they’ve bought themselves.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
"I'm not calling it a delay, sir. I took my dear time to come up with a sexy euphemism!"

Also, that interviewer is awesome.

Other than that, there's not much left to say. I already knew they'd take the time to make things awesome, and I sure hope they will. Playing an amazing game with so many characters that still somehow manage to be balanced would be quite worth it indeed.


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2003
Interesting. Well, I don't think we needed a Nintendo rep to tell us that this delay was going to be used to refine older things and put in some new things. There's a lot they can do with their extra month or two of dev time, and I suspect that the finished product will be worth the extra wait. I was having a hard time waiting for just December, and February seems so very, very far away... but hopefully this extra wait lets them make Brawl an incredible game.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2007
good point i agree with you so i guess we should wait and see
and a bout the interview i choese peach as well YAAAY

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
that would be great... but it's kinda impossible since some things that make characters unbalanced aren't discovered until well AFTER the game has been released for a while. Unless they get the pros in their and let them practice for a few months... years even.... it wouldn't be worth it.

.... but realizing the importance of spped and therefore giving the slow characters anti-flinch moves is a step in the right direction I think


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2006
right behind you
So as you can see, typical Nintendo avoidance, but dropping enough hints to keep us interested. So! Delay = New stuff. That’s good enough of a reason to me!
ugh, unfortunately it's not just a nintendo trait. but think about it. u have the release of the year that's almost ready, and there's a bug right before a proposed release date. what would you do? i'll tell you what. you would move the release date back. how would you explain this to the fans? you're perfecting it. putting in "new stuff" (a patch for the bug) will keep them happy while you get it ready for release, and no one knows the difference.

it might not be true, but that's my guess.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2007
Last day I was talking to Sakurai while drinking tea with him and I asked him "Sakurai my old man, what made you delay your wonderous project my dear old fellow?" he answered "Oh jolly good question! I say! Jolly good question my good man! Jolly good question! You see, I forgot that I needed to add Simon Belmont and pushed back the release date! And while doing so, I also tried perfecting other things! Isn't this a joyous occassion for us all?" I answered "Jolly good! Would you like some biscuit?" he answered "Oh don't mind if I do!". And that was the wonderful evening I had with Sakurai drinking tea!

Ok joking aside, I just love the sound of "perfection". It's like music to my ears. I hope they're adding a few more characters they didn't intend to at first...*cough*Simon*cough*...I can dream, can't I? ;)


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2002
"Wavedashing CONFIRMED. Kaplan effortlessly dodged every one of your questions by exploiting a glitch in the interview process. PK-fire? PK-QUIT!"

HAHA...made my day...I honestly think the delay for perfection is a bunch of bull...for marketing purposes to take control of the holidays and the ensuing months, they needed to delay Brawl. Honestly Brawl has had more than enough time, and what is it with that bull that we don't rush games to ensure quality. Last time I checked, Melee was rushed. Its all about the money. Customer satisfaction is only given as the bare minimum necessary to ensure the consumer buys the product. Honestly, how will we know that the game was "perfected"?

We won't because they are so **** secretive even about what they are even perfecting. Best quote from the interview: "There are a couple different things that I wish I could share with you today, but I can’t, things that they’re working on refining that will make it amazing. And of course, better than any Smash prior. And of course you’re a huge Smash fan, right?"

Deflecting questions and such; I have to give it to her she knows how to do her job.

Anyway, reading my comment makes me sound like I am really upset. I'm not, just realistic. I was really surprised when I first heard the realease date was Dec.3, since I thought the major holiday games were poorly spaced (Galaxy, M&S Olympics).

Only thing is I am still surprised at how many people are truly buying the perfection excuse for delaying brawl.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2007
Honestly, how will we know that the game was "perfected"?
By playing the E For All demo? That's what Brawl is like now. Many are going there to play the game, and if there are any differences between the two versions, they WILL point it out, trust me. Even if people don't, major magazines and online communities (like EGM and IGN) will 100% point out every difference. In time, we will know if it's just a marketing scam or a real thing.


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2002
Maybe, just maybe you might be right... but evidence of past games being hyped and delayed.. LOZ:TP, what do you think? Glitches needed to be perfected then?


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2007

I really believe they are trying to perfetct the game as a whole and a lot of cool stuff. Because this could be the las ssb game ever. I also believe that they are trying to find ways to perfect Wi-fi play so it doesnt lag as much in simpler terms better server at Nintendo headquarters to handle all the people playing at once. So lets just be patient this game is gonna be awesome people.


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2006
right behind you
keep in mind that right now there are a pathetically small number of announced stages right now. it could be that there was a bug in those and that they had to bail out on the release date to fix it. the e for all demo had something on the order of ten stages.


Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2007
Because this could be the las ssb game ever.
And why is that?

Anyway, I call BS on the "Perfection Program".

Sure, they may need to fix a few bugs here and there, and two months is enough time to do that. They won't be able to include new characters with the game being this far in the developing process. New stages, maybe. Or a few tweaks on WiFi play.


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2007
Last SSB

This could be the last SSB because Mr. Sakurai doesnt like to do the same game over and over thats why he left Hal and made Sora LTD. I really doubt anyone but Sakurai could make a great SSB game. I would be suprised if they did another SSB for the next Nintendo console. Plus he said he wants us to enjoy this game for years to come. Hint hint he might not do another one. If he doesnt Im hoping they dont make another one without him.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2007
right here...at smashboards
" no, another question." "those are the next five questions."
i've never seen an interviewer be so persistent or "like a real person"
lol, If had been on politics not such would have happened, but politics suck.

I believe Mr. Sakurai may be adding the score boards that he hadn't wanted to add erlier maybe a more competetive mode for Wifi. I believe he might also be upgrading some modes like how he upgraded the sound test into the juggernaut of My music. My items anyone?

AniMaL 214

Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2007
22 seconds in2 the sudden death video u c yoshi do a waveland wavedashing confirmed cheaaa


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Only thing is I am still surprised at how many people are truly buying the perfection excuse for delaying brawl.
So what's the real reason then?

"Yeah, we thought we'd miss the holiday period and the massive sales that occurs during then so we can just make them wait a few more months."



Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
She clearly dodges questions like a politician on a run, but as you said, it keeps me intrigued.
I hope this delay is worth it, but I'm sure it will be. My guess s it really is just over polishing, and adding some new things. Hell, maybe even a new character or two could get in with this extra time they’ve bought themselves.
"I'm not calling it a delay, sir. I took my dear time to come up with a sexy euphemism!"

Also, that interviewer is awesome.

Other than that, there's not much left to say. I already knew they'd take the time to make things awesome, and I sure hope they will. Playing an amazing game with so many characters that still somehow manage to be balanced would be quite worth it indeed.
I literally fell out of my chair laughing at 'those are the next five questions.'
I still think the fact that Europe probably won't get it until 2nd or 3rd quarter 2008 is unaccpetable. It is stupid, and there are NO EXCUSES FOR THAT! there is an excuse for the delay, but they shouldn't have even announced the release date to begin with. They should have just said they plan on releasing it Q4 2007 if all goes well, and said flat out they messed up with the release date. Overall, I don't get Nintendo. Half the time they are the smartest geniuses in the world, the other time they are half-retarted. I think Nintendo might have even been planning to do this delay the whole time along. Nintendo should stop being biased, and give everyone Brawl at the same time, especially Europe and Australia, who have been getting screwed over left and right. Do it EXACTLY LIKE MGS4. Kojima needs to teach Nintendo a good old fashion lesson of equality.

And I doubt perfection is the only issue. They want more characters (no clones, maybe=???, or like 6+ clones to have a huge roster), and it almost seems as if Sakurai is making it as his last game ever, and he's putting everything in it, as Nintendo is pulling him back. Finally, it seems like he told them (with Miyamoto) he needs more time, and to stop pushing him. It's like Sakurai is making the last game of his life, and smash is his favorite series he's made. He definitely will make more games and smashes, but the actions of doing something like that (designing a game like that) is perfect. That is how some of the best games ever were made.

Simply put, Nintendo and Sakurai want more balance, more characters, and better wi-fi, and options. I like the last game of your life approach, as it is working. Assist Trophies, Stickers, Wi-Fi, graphical and lighting effects, roster size, number of stages, etc. They want beyond perfection. Something Sakurai and Miyamoto alwawys stive to acheive. Hint: Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, tLOZ, ALTTP, OOT, WW, TP, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy, Kirby's Dreamland, Kirby's Dreamland 3, Kirby's Adventure, Kirby 64, Super Smash Bros. 64, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl! :)

However, if you ask me, the sales time is perfect. There's really never been a big game to come out in Febuary, just like there are few games out in September for Halo 3. Good timing, but I obviously don't like the delay. They did it once, and as far as we know Brawl could be delayed until 2010. That is how unreliable is. Look at Twilight Princess. It was planned for mid 2004, and came out late 2006. Ocarina of Time was planned to be released right after the N64's release in late 1998, and it came out in late 1998. Brawl could be logically delayed again, as far as we know. But, it seems unlikely now that it will be delayed again. Definitely. But there is always the chance it could happen again. Last I check, people who said there was a possiblity Brawl could get delayed past December 3rd got flammed. They were right, and it could happen again, sadly. This better be the last delay. No excuses after TWO OFFICIAL RELEASE DATES!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2007
So what's the real reason then?

"Yeah, we thought we'd miss the holiday period and the massive sales that occurs during then so we can just make them wait a few more months."

Hahahaha! I laughed my @$$ off!

Also yes, I don't think Sakurai and Miyamoto are the kind of people to make bad games to just get money. Some of their games may seem "bad", but I think that is more personal opinion (and tastes) than anything, and also, maybe a grudge against Sakurai/Miyamoto? All in all, neither Sakurai nor Miyamoto seem like the type to dis quality for money.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
There is an excuse for the delay, but they shouldn't have even announced the release date to begin with. They should have just said they plan on releasing it Q4 2007 if all goes well, and said flat out they messed up with the release date.
I partly agree and disagree. If you know you aren't going to make it, don't give it. On the other hand, if you realise that hey, you've got some bugs that still need ironing out, and if in that time you can squeeze a little something else in, I'd go for it, even if it means delaying it for a bit longer.

Overall, I don't get Nintendo. Half the time they are the smartest geniuses in the world, the other time they are half-retarted. I think Nintendo might have even been planning to do this delay the whole time along. Nintendo should stop being biased, and give everyone Brawl at the same time, especially Europe and Australia, who have been getting screwed over left and right.
I totally agree, but that's the fault of Nintendo Aus and NOE. I hate Nin Aus with a passion.

Incidently, if you haven't already, check out this and then this. Interesting if disapointing read.

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
She clearly dodges questions like a politician on a run, but as you said, it keeps me intrigued.
I hope this delay is worth it, but I'm sure it will be. My guess s it really is just over polishing, and adding some new things. Hell, maybe even a new character or two could get in with this extra time they’ve bought themselves.
Don't worry a delay probably won't make a difference to us PAL gamers ;)


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
I totally agree, but that's the fault of Nintendo Aus and NOE. I hate Nin Aus with a passion.

Incidently, if you haven't already, check out this and then this. Interesting if disapointing read.
Nin Aus is about as good at their jobs as anyone from Tesltra is.
I have a personal vendtetta against them, and rather like a game on time for once.

Don't worry a delay probably won't make a difference to us PAL gamers ;)
Don't be to sure. :(

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
Yeah, I thought that about Perfect Dark all those years ago...

Hi, incidentally. I'm Martin. I promise not to make silly topics or ask what wavedashing is.
Hi Martin, welcome!

And Blackadder i don't see why it would delay the game any more since all they really have to do is change the region code and translate it into all those other d*mn European languages which they would still be doing delay or not.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2007
Hi Martin, welcome!

And Blackadder i don't see why it would delay the game any more since all they really have to do is change the region code and translate it into all those other d*mn European languages which they would still be doing delay or not.
True, but I just hate Nintendo Australia.
They really are very slow with games to us...Melee was late enough for us, and now Brawl!

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