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Most Embarrasing Moments


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
I would have to say my first week of 6th grade is most embarassing moment. It was a new school for me and during that week, I was picked on by 3 8th graders. They would make fun of me in the halls, at lunch, and other times when they saw me.

During the weeked, I tell my cousin of this, and he starts laughing. I told him it wasn't funny and he says its funny to him. When I ask why, he says that the 3 kids are one of his friend and 2 of that kids friends. When he told me, I was pissed. They set up a plan to make fun of me to see if I would cry or switch classes to avoid them or something.

So it's the second week of school, I tell on of the APs, the kids are brought in, and they say it was just a joke. I tell them that I snitched as a joke too. Everything gets resolved and they stopped making fun of me. But now, they do annoy me at times.

Even though it was better at the end, it was embarassing when I found out. I would also be embarassed if some of my friends found out.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2008
Kansas City, MO
"When I ask why, he says that the 3 kids are one of his friend and 2 of that kids friends. When he told me, I was pissed."

I'm confused about this part.
If one was his friend then who's friends were the other two?
And why does that make you mad?


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
"When I ask why, he says that the 3 kids are one of his friend and 2 of that kids friends. When he told me, I was pissed."

I'm confused about this part.
If one was his friend then who's friends were the other two?
And why does that make you mad?
The other 2 kids were the friend's friends who are okay with my cousin, but they don't know each other well enough.

And I was pissed because they set up this plan to make fun of me the first week.

I should edit my previous post to say that...


Smash Cadet
Apr 9, 2009
South Park, Colorado
Back in grade 7, I ripped my pants at my locker. It wasn't too bad, but I had to go through the rest of the day barely hiding the tear. The worst part was when I had to stand at the front of the class and give an oral report.

Good times.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2007
come on sucker lick my battery
so i am in the dorms.

so one time i was in the bathroom which attaches to the showering area. i had a towel on that's it. my feet were a little wet, but what the hey never thought twice about it. so i need to go to the bathroom. i do my stuff and my RA is in the stall next to mine. so i am just holding my towel now. its now wrapped around me and tucked in. not thinking much about it i step out and walk infront of the other stall's door.

my RA opens his door, i kinda spin and jump out of the way. this would not have been a big deal if my feet were not wet. but since they were... i lose all traction with the ground and i slip. my hands go out to keep me from falling on the floor. since i am only holding the towel around me it goes flying off. so here i am sprawled out naked, trying to keep my self falling on the floor and getting hurt, all in front of my RA.

yeah it was awkward...

Brave Hippo

Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2009
HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Good one. I just remembered my first few days as A Freshmen in HS, I had to pee really badly and walked into the girls bathroom. You can understand my confusion when I walk three steps in and see two girls just staring at me. I took a few steps back and walked into the boys bathroom, hearing them laughing and saying things like,"Oh my god!" And "Tee Hee, must be a Freshmen." Good times.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
This thread is hilarious lol! <3

Anyways, I was in Civics class, and we got a *hot* teacher, and I said to the kid sitting next to me "wow, she's hoooooooooooooooooooooooooot man!" and he's like "ask her if she's single lol".

So, when the teacher introduced herself and asked "any questions?" I said more to myself, "Yeah, are you single?" and... everyone in the classroom heard, even though it was really loud. >_>

It went all deathly silent, with everyone staring at me. And the teacher went "I'll send you down to the office..."


So humiliating. >_<


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Haha. She sent you to the office for a compliment..
Meanie!! And thankyou, I thought it would be fun. =D


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Ehh. I've been getting embarrassed alot latly.
Okay so yesterday I was in class and I was working on a poster, So I was sharpie'ing letters on the top and bottom part of them, and I kept missing spots and my friend was pointing it out. So then I got all finnished and she pointed out anouther spot I missed and I was like " You know what!? " In a kidding way. But as I said it, it was all of a sudden dead silence, and I guess I had said it a little bit too loud and then the teacher replied "What?" and the whole class laughed at me.

Then the same day, I was talking to the guy I like and he was saying something about his insulin pump and I subcontiously said "Why?" and then I freaked out and was like OH! Nevermind!! And made myself look like a total idiot, Like I didn't know what a diebetic was, (how ever you spell it). And he laughed and was like just think about it for a second or something. -_-

I don't know why but I always say why for a reason.. like even if I know what they are talking about.. It's like a habit now.

Zero Beat

Cognitive Scientist
Apr 12, 2006
MIT Observatory
I don't know why but I always say why for a reason.. like even if I know what they are talking about.. It's like a habit now.
Hahaha I used to have that same issue like two years ago. It went away.

Are you in high school? Because the whole class going silent happens a lot there.

Moon of the Strawberries

Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2009
I remember two weeks ago I stayed after school for a project in english. We decided to film a few things, so we were all fooling around untill the kid with the camera was ready. Once he told us to get ready, I tried to be rebellious and attempted to jump over one of the desks ( in the same way one would hop a fence) and...the desk just fell over. And I went down with it.

My friend helped me up and asked if I was ok, said I was and just laughed although I was extremely embarrassed.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Hahaha I used to have that same issue like two years ago. It went away.

Are you in high school? Because the whole class going silent happens a lot there.
Yes! And it happened AGAIN today. My table was sitting there talking and then someone was like "Carolina give me a backrub" and I was like that wasn't sexual at all, then we started disscussing that a backrub isn't sexual and I was like... " I know I was kidding I didn't mean giving a backrub was a sexual thing" (or something like that) and like the whole class heard, because it was a silent moment again!! I have a really good projection voice I guess you could say. Like sometimes when I'm talking I'll get really into it and start like yelling.. I raise my voice really easily but not because I'm mad, just because I'm excited and that's how my voice is. xD

Also yesterday I got embarrased like 3 or 4 times lol. Anyways I was in print making class so I walked over to the guys table and was like what do I do now? And they were like " Matt " and I'm like "NO! On my paper, Plus Matt isnt even here right now" And they were like " So you're pretty much saying if Matt was here you would do him!? " and I'm like " OMG NO!! I didn't mean it like that!! " And Matt walked in and we were kind of laughing and I was like " We were totaly not just talking about you" and then the guy is like explaining how I just said I wanted to do him and I was like OMG NO I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT and sat there and explained myself. x]


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Haha. She sent you to the office for a compliment..
Meanie!! And thankyou, I thought it would be fun. =D
Lol, she almost sent me down to the office, but I shut up and went red with embarassment. :embarrass

No problem. I lol'd at your two other posts. You sure get embarassed a lot, don't you? :laugh:


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2008
Kansas City, MO
I ussually NEVER do.
It's just been these few resent days.
I guess when I'm in front of Matt I just... act like an idiot for some reason..
Like I turn into one of those girly-girls, and I can't help it. 0.0
It's driving me nuts.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I was at a diving camp at Michigan State University. My friend and I were staying in the dorms, and there were 2 rooms connected to only 1 bathroom. It was the first night and we hadn't really gotten to know our roomates yet. My friend really wanted to take a shower but we didn't know if the other guys were in the bathroom/were going to use the bathroom.

I told him to stop being such a ***** and go and ask them if he could take a shower. I told him he had nothing to worry about and there wouldn't be a problem. I said "Stop being such a little baby! Now get over there and TELL THEM YOU WANT TO TAKE A SHOWER".

And I FLUNG open the door to find one of the kids taking a crap on the toilet. I was like "Ohhhhhhh MY GOD" and slammed the door closed again. We laughed for a good 20 minutes....xD


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Lol, That cracked me up big time. xD I didn't even notice my teacher was RIGHT BEHIND ME. -_-
But she didn't even notice... xD
Um. So I had one of those moments again today but I wasn't really embarrassed,
The teacher turned the lights off so we could watch a movie and I over said "It's dark...I like it."
And everyone heard but I just laughed. My first block knows me pretty well.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Oh yeah, I remember when I was in music class in Grade 8, and I was leaning back on the chair, and there were a lot of stands behind me. (the ones you put your music books on) So I was leaning onto them... when the chair legs bent, and *crash* I went into the music stands, knocking a bunch of them over, creating a lot of noise, and everyone stared at me... and it went quiet. T_T Not pleasent.

Then... it happened again. DURING THE SAME CLASS WAAAAAAAAARGH >_<;

Yeah. Music class was always humiliating. :(


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2007
come on sucker lick my battery
has anyone been with a large group of people and was leaning back in their chairs then suddenly loose balance and fall backwards. and of course when you do this, you automatically react and try to keep yourself from falling and end up doing this weird falling dance. then you look like a fool and everyone is laughing at you. i do that alot


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Haha, I try and catch the table with my feet. But nothing embarrasing has happened to me today. YAY.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2008
Kansas City, MO
Okay so I was swimming at swim practice today and my friend and me were bouncing up and down off the bottom of the pool and we were laughing and I got caught up in the moment and shot water in her face when we came up and she was laughing with her mouth open and I shot it in her mouth. 0.o
It was soooo awkward.


Smash Rookie
Apr 26, 2009
Southeastern U.S
They were shaving guys' hair for cancer awareness at my school and I took some of my crush's(who was getting his head shaved) hair and stashed it in my pocket.. During lunch and the only thing that's separating him and I are my ex-friend who just happens to be a guy(let's call him Bob). I think I can trust Bob so I show him the hair I have stashed in my pocket. This is where the EX comes in. Bob asks my crush if he knows who has his hair and blabs to him, his best friend, his best friend's friend, and so on. By far the dumbest thing I've done in relation to a stupid crush.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008
In a circle with Fez, Hyde, Eric and Kelso
I was talking with my classmates about how as a dude I have noticed that guys are generally much more stupid than girls at 13-14 years of age. And my friend says, "you do know that you just dissed yourself right?" And i answer in an attempt to be funny way,"No because i'm a metrosexual." I spent the next few minutes trying to explain what that is and walking away in shame.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
Buhl, Idaho
Okay, here it goes... When I was but a wee lad I didn't like to take baths. One day when my mom managed get me naked and had the tub ready to go, someone knocked on the door. I jumped out of the bathroom door, made a dead run to the front door, opened up to find that three female Jahova Witnesses were wanting to give my family some of those "save yerself ye danged sinner" pamphlets. I was naked, they were shocked, and then I made a run for the tub. Now that I'm older I realize that that was the most idiotic thing I could have done. I should have hid in the dirty clothes hamper.


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2008
Not sure if this is my most embarrasing moment but...

Me and my friends were standing near a curb at our school, just talking, and after a while, I figured my ride forgot to pick me up. So for some reason I step on the pile of snow, and go right through and my leg goes in the gutter, and I almost fall over. They laughed about it for a while :<. Almost lost my shoe too.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2007
come on sucker lick my battery
Okay, here it goes... When I was but a wee lad I didn't like to take baths. One day when my mom managed get me naked and had the tub ready to go, someone knocked on the door. I jumped out of the bathroom door, made a dead run to the front door, opened up to find that three female Jahova Witnesses were wanting to give my family some of those "save yerself ye danged sinner" pamphlets. I was naked, they were shocked, and then I made a run for the tub. Now that I'm older I realize that that was the most idiotic thing I could have done. I should have hid in the dirty clothes hamper.
LOL if you were older that would have been way way way too funny. but no normal person would answer the door like that. but definitely a funny memory.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2008
Kansas City, MO
OMG! The funniest thing happened today in fourth block at school and it didn't embarrass me but my friend, Amazing huh? Anyways,, My friends were listening to my Ipod and it was up loud and they were listening to a song called Spongebob Grindpants, (it's screamo) and then my friend said really loud That's what it would sound like if you ***** Spongebob!! And everyone in the class looked at him even the teacher and all three of us (the friends and him) turned red and was cracking up, I almost pee'd my pants it was so freaking funny, but that is because I had to go realllly bad.

Martel Hammer

Smash Apprentice
Dec 25, 2008
Location, Location.
I remember in elementary, I had my birthday party at my house; it was a modest affair, with about 10 or so friends with me. It was the usual; playing melee (casual), pool, eating cake, what not. Well anyways, I was doing my thing in the restroom with the door closed when my friend stumbles in. Awkward silence, then he says "Sorry" and closes the door. And I thought to myself, "WHY would you open the door when it's closed and there's clearly the light on?" Well, anyways an awkward moment and we laughed about it afterward.
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