Tsundere Princess
6?! WE LOST A DOGGY SOMEWHERE. DAMMIT!Huh? People are doing DH MUs? He only has like 6 players though.
@Spirst pretty much nailed the doggy MU with Lady Boy, though it is worth taking into account Marth's control with the can.
With his sword not being part of his hurtbox, Marth can safely (but carefull) deal with Cans and Clay Pigeons. A jab destroys Clay and makes the can go the opposite direction. The Gunmen would be the safest bet for opening for doggy, though Marth could knock em down (granted he can close the distance fast enough).
I'm not sure if we are supposed to state how we feel the MU is, but it feels pretty even for doggy and butterknifeman. If not, maybe slightly better for doggy, only because of projectiles and the similar speed to Marth. 50:50 or 60(DHD):40(Marth). Not a terrible time as long as you stay aware, capitalize on laggy moves and keep pressure,.