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Mafia Sleepover: The Finale [ Town Wins - Pokemon Sight seeing]


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
He meant that you were playing it too cool by avoiding the vote in rvs of your first game. You say that you didn't think anything of it, but he doesn't know why you think that. Why didn't you think nothing of it?

I'm out. Time to sleep.
It was just a random vote.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Why are you defending Jex in 612 if you're null on him but fine with lynching him as shown in 624?

Also, i'm gonna be making a post explaining why exactly I think Levi is scum later today or tomorrow.
it's not a defense; i asked ryker if he had considered that before coming to the conclusion that jexs is scum;

Something that concerns me about Gova is that he starts interacting with me and yet despite this his read on me doesn't change whatsoever. He's been way more concerned with calling me annoying and explaining why Jexs might appear scummy in the most out of context way possible. Your comment about him needing to play the game rings true but the fact that I don't recall him doing anything here and I do recall him in FL2 constantly busting my balls over the dumbest **** makes me incredibly distrustful of the slot. He's not a priority target at the moment but it's something to note going forward.

yeaaaaah; guess i should update that; i've been at work all day; you can be town unfortunately; since your play mirrors FL2 and i was wrong there;

also; the reason i haven't been busting your balls is i've learned that trying to question you results in

"you're missing the gogdamn point"

so yeah; you've clearly established that there's no use in trying to talk to you or ask you anything

i'll still read what you say though; and that leads me to your whole push on J

as far as town meta goes that you wanted; the games i remember playing with him where he was town J was more active i guess; or at least he took a position of leadership in the town if he didn't post much;

whereas; in the recent newbie; i seem to recall him dodging things and kary picked up on it and correctly nailed him as scum; it seems like you're claiming that he's doing similar things here; i'll have to re-read your posts later to come to a conclusion

im too tired for this **** after my first day of work looool; damn, 8 hour shifts kill your back


Gorf|Washed Laundry
Jul 12, 2014

wow levi for a guy who's posts are generally on the astronomical side you seem to have really little to say on the j subject :rolleyes:

I don't know. It certainly doesn't lead me to believe that he's scum. I've tried before and it doesn't work. You're talking to the guy who always scumread J wrong every damn time. (FFtA, Doctor who mafia, Monster) Do you think there is scum motivation for him avoiding jex/levi then? Oh hey, look. Another reason why I feel we should lynch Jex first. Can you stop for a sec and see why I may be having such pause? Or do you not care about that either? Just wondering.

Him saying that doesn't give him a pass, but him saying that is something I can agree with.

Red and blue, this is what I can't get behind. To me, that is essentially null. I do agree that he should bring his stances forward, and I can't really get behind the case without J himself responding to it.

Grimy, but it is something I have seen townies do/say. Gheb is an example. Your second case post talks about how he's avoiding levy/jexS. You keep seeing 'bad' stuff from JexS and J is waving a town lean on things such as JexS AtE. Would you not think it would be better we look at JexS first and then J? Do you think there is a possibility of J/JexS? Again, I do think he should comitt now.

Since when? Also tell me how they match together as mates.
oh my mother ****ing goodness are you really going to mother ****ing do this we mother ****ing get it you mother ****ing read mother ****ing jex as mother ****ing scum and mother ****ing want him mother ****ing dead first.



so is it the fact that you've been burned by misreading j in the past? is that why you're weary to call him scum? also, in this post monster = zombies right? cuz ffta and zombies are two fantastic examples of j's claim of meta here terribly reflecting his game there.

also for dabuz: we've seen very little to progress our reads on em. we can see the town in his play but laundry personally really seems to agree with ryker in that the paper trail will be best to read him.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
I'm definitely feeling like Protean is just tunneling at this point. In fact it reminds me of my own misguided and angry tunneling from way back. I'm feeling him as more and more town, and I can definitely see his earlier posts in the same light.

J had a valid reason for not being active, and his soft reads made sense for someone who couldn't actively read the thread. Heck, Jexs and I had pretty soft reads too even though we were active, so it's understandable that someome skimming the thread wouldn't get much either.

J's play since being active has seemed pretty nice, and flips will decide how to properly read his earlier reads. Town for now until flips say otherwise.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Who else wants to lynch Bunzy? I don't like Arcane Inferno either. Who wants to lynch him? Deadline's in 2 days and there's almost no movement in votes.
Since Bunz is practically my only scumish read left, I'm fine with it. I'm going to reread today (got a long roadtrip due to work for various reasons) and see if I can decide on any other potential lynch candidates.

My only real problem I had with him was that he was asking pointless questions which have been asked before. He's not actually doing that now and he's also considering his read on me when he can easily just hop on and lynch me without getting much suspicion.
This feels like you're thinking "he doesn't want to lynch me and I'm town, so he's cool." Be very careful of falling into this line of thinking, it can be dangerous.

While we're on the subject of Bunz here, Jexs, what is your opinion on Bunz going against Levi? Does it seem like an omgus reaction to Levi pushing or something more? I'm not sure myself, but it definitely feels like his case was born when Levi started pushing against him specifically. That definitely makes it reaction-based, but I'm not sure what that entails. So there's another thing for me to look at during the reread!


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Since Bunz is practically my only scumish read left, I'm fine with it. I'm going to reread today (got a long roadtrip due to work for various reasons) and see if I can decide on any other potential lynch candidates.

This feels like you're thinking "he doesn't want to lynch me and I'm town, so he's cool." Be very careful of falling into this line of thinking, it can be dangerous.

While we're on the subject of Bunz here, Jexs, what is your opinion on Bunz going against Levi? Does it seem like an omgus reaction to Levi pushing or something more? I'm not sure myself, but it definitely feels like his case was born when Levi started pushing against him specifically. That definitely makes it reaction-based, but I'm not sure what that entails. So there's another thing for me to look at during the reread!


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
He immediately went against Levi and scumread him when Levi really started pushing him.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013

In other words you don't want to get your hands dirty and you want to set up the lynches of me and Protean under suspicion one of us is scum in less than 400 posts.

Vote: Leviathan

Ami, talk to me about Jex, I can see him being scum with Levi but without the flip/ on a town flip, I can kind of see Jex being town.
Mostly from this post.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
(1) Bunzy - Leviathan,

(3) Leviathan - Bunzy, Murderbush, Bardull,

(1) Protean - Werekill

(1) Bardull - Arcane Inferno

(1) Jexs - Admidamaru,

(1) J - Protean

Not voting - , J, Potassium, Gova, Jexs

with 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynche
Deadline is July 19, 2014 at 11:59 PM EST


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
@Arcane Inferno What do you think about the current wagons?

@ Gova Gova You listed two recent games of J where he played very differently and he was a different alignment in both games, between those games, which compares more to his play toDay if either compares?

@BarDulL What's your current opinion on Jex?

Looking at Protean's case on J now


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
@J (Asked in 654) Tell me then, is there anywhere you want to look? Is there anyone on the Jex and Levi wagons that bring up red flags?
Protean's case on J:
Ran, compare what I just quoted to all of this:

*Insert quote wall*

He's talked around me the whole ****ing game. He's asked if people would push me. He's said he's willing to lynch me. He's constantly prodded at me. At no point does his vote come out on me, at no point does he actively say I'm scum, at no point does he try to push me. Maybe he's not a sheep for it (gorf thinks he is) but it doesn't change the fact that it's still scummy as ****. There's a very obvious disconnect between how he's held me at arm's length this whole game and what he's saying about his own damn reads.

Point A, J has been avoiding Protean's questions this game, then J puts Protean in her lynch pool seemingly without reason for him being scummy. (actually in 330 it's confirmed that J just doesn't like Protean and vaguely thinks Protean's flip would help with connections -_-) IIRC this is around the time the Protean wagon was forming. Agreed this is scummy play.

I'm holding you at arm's length because I am trying to differentiate from bad play or scum play. It's truly a toss up at this point.

Tbh I am leaning on bad play of a fiesty WL.

No. You don't go half a phase saying "I'd lynch WL, I'm okay with lynching WL, would you lynch WL?" if you're "trying to differentiate between bad play and scum play." That's not how that works.

Agree with Protean that J's 714 is a bad post, but not scummy bad moreso than just bad because it coincides with J being fine with your lynch early but not necessarily saying you're scummy. However that in itself was scummy so if these kind of posts become a pattern, there is a problem.

Initial suspicions: http://smashboards.com/threads/mafi...y-1-the-begining.360822/page-18#post-17082078

Proof Part 1: http://smashboards.com/threads/mafi...y-1-the-begining.360822/page-18#post-17082299

Part 2: J the Turtle:

No hard scumreads to be found here, or at any other point of the game.

NB: A hard scumread is infinitely more important than a hard townread. Hard townreads don't say a lot because they're easier to create and actually be legitimate about. Scum even have incentive to make allies in town and having hard townreads helps. Hard scumreads make enemies. They put you out in the spotlight and give you a target. They allow people to see who you're looking at, exposing your motives to others and allowing you to be read. This is important to note because J has yet to do this. This is why I continue to say he has yet to stick his neck out.

Don't see anything wrong with just not having hard scum reads at this point in the game and I think you're making this point under the assumption he's scum and trying to avoid the hard scum reads. I would find a stronger point to be the simple fact that he comments on how he thinks scum is in the sidelines, but doesn't do anything about that, even a few directed questions at inactives would help.

Hell, even his Jexs/Levi read, two reads he's walking in here to try to shoot down is so half-***** and barely even committal. They're simply leans at this point in time, and yet he feels it necessary to walk in here and shoot down any pressure on them. Not only that, but despite the fact that he sees players attacking them. He's not even gonna walk in here and try to determine the scummy slots despite the fact that people are attacking his town-leans, because there's no way that every slot attacking two of his strongest leans is town. If there is, he knows far more than he should.
Concerning he isn't actually looking for scum on wagons for players he is town leaning, not concerned about how he tries to shoot down the levi/ jex wagons unless either of them flips scum.

It's also important to note that he thinks 3/4 of the game is sidelining and contains scum. He's not wrong that that 3/4 of the game probably contains scum (damn wrong on the sidelining part), but that says ****ing nothing to me. Okay, so he has a pool of 4 players as town leans. He's not committing to a small list of players for reasons other than that he personally doesn't like them and that's it. He's not saying anything at all whatsoever that furthers everything in the thread, suggests he's progressing the reads he's making, or trying to hunt for scum. He's in his turtle shell hoping the game doesn't notice him.

That point is especially compounded when you consider his stance on me. He's not trying to read me. He's trying to lynch me because he doesn't like that I'm annoying.

Basically rewording the previous part in your case, so the same thing applies here as I mentioned above. The only thing extra is him lynching you because he doesn't like you, but the existence of that was established in an earlier post on J.

The only strong point in your case on ScumJ is that he's not attempting to do anything. It's a good point and I would like to see your thoughts in D2 when we have more info to work with and J has had a bit more time to well, do stuff. Right now it's one mark against him which is enough to make me want to watch him, but not enough to make me want to lynch him on D1.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Mod Request Deadline Extension

I'll post what directions I want to go and compromises tonight as deadline is looming. I have martial arts soon.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
1. Potassium - Null. Alakaslam literally did nothing.

2. Leviathan -

3. #HBC | Amidamaru - Town. I don't agree with a lot of his pushes but I get the sense that he genuinely believes in them, is trying to pick peoples' brains, and trying to force people to take as many stances as possible for the sake of analysis. He has an instantaneous posting style that I believe is difficult to replicate as scum.

4. BarDulL - Nulltown. Nothing from him looks sinister or that it has an agenda behind it. I like how he pushed back on Arcane Inferno a bit earlier; it really read to me like he felt that Arcane could be scum trying to look like he was scumhunting by targeting a background player who hadn't done much.

5. #HBC Bunzy - Scum. Asks questions that have already been answered or can easily be inferred by thinking critically. Has literally no unique pushes. I think he's taking advantage of the fact that people dislike me to get rid of his most vocal opponent. He needs to go.

6. Protean- - Nulltown. I strongly disliked his entrance into the game. He changes his mind a lot, but is at least actively engaging people. The biggest point in his favor in my mind was how he chose to leave my wagon alone at a very opportune time where he could have joined, pushed it, and gotten away without looking too bad from it. Like Bunzy is doing now.

7. JeXs - Town. I've been over this. His posts strike me as unplanned; it's similar to how Amidamaru will post a mile a minute.

8. Gova - Null. This slot is pretty much as null as it gets and I won't know more until I either see him get more involved or the playerlist narrows down.

9. J - Nulltown. He has had a consistent scum read (he will likely tell you it's a "feel", but I know where it's going) on Arcane Inferno that I enjoy. There's subtle differences in his play from the Mini that strike me likelier to come from a townie than scum. His comment on how he is not going to do anything is not scummy like people have said; it's the opposite. Scum don't say "I'm going to watch what happens" as often as Town does; they just do it.

10. mUrDErBUSh - Town. He's trying to find scum. He's trying to get stances. He's trying to get people to comment on those stances and move towards lynching his suspects.

11. Arcane Inferno - Scum. This read is a newer one as I considered the playerlist and tried to make my mind up on who other than Bunzy I would enjoy seeing go the most. I don't like his push on BarDulL. I don't like his push on J. I don't like his lack of a hard stance on my slot; I feel that if scum were discussing who to set up to look like a partner that I would probably be one of the best people to do that for and that he's trying to do that with his emphasis on not having a read on me. Almost everyone in this game has a read on me and I find it difficult to believe that this slot is having as hard a time in ascertaining one on me as he states he is. I feel like he's playing the long game and Town will ignore him for quite some time.

12. Werekill - Town. The moment that really hits me with Werekill in this game was when Protean- was getting heat. Wagons in general are, for me, some of the better opportunities to get reads on people. It's when the pressure is as high as it gets and there's generally a baseline on how a given alignment will react. Werekill added his vote to the wagon when he was wondering what to do in the thread. It really struck me as a Townie who felt like he needed to do something, anything, to try and make something happen in the game.

Should be lynched today: Bunzy, Arcane Inferno

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Okay. Deadline is looming, so it's time to get our **** together.

Our reads list we posted a few pages back is now out-of-date:

Jexs looks a little better, (Still not good,but slightly better) and is currently hovering just outside of our Day 1 lynch pool.

Our lynch pool is 2 men deep, and you WILL NOT see our votes move outside of this pool. We will ACTIVELY be looking to collect more votes towards the lynch of one of these players, and will not be settling for anything else outside of a major shift in the current state of the game.

These two players are Leviathan and J.

Now, it's not that I won't consider other alternatives, nor will we shut down other avenues of discussion, but this Day needs to be moved toward a lynch. Therefore, I will be asking

@ Protean- Protean-
@ Gova Gova
@ Dabuz Dabuz
@Arcane Inferno

I do not need a decision on WHICH at this point in time. I am actually looking to figure out which one, but will you guys please come together and promise me your votes towards the lynch of one of these two players.

Cases inbound in follow-up post.


Gorf|Washed Laundry
Jul 12, 2014
Okay. Deadline is looming, so it's time to get our **** together.

Our reads list we posted a few pages back is now out-of-date:

Jexs looks a little better, (Still not good,but slightly better) and is currently hovering just outside of our Day 1 lynch pool.

Our lynch pool is 2 men deep, and you WILL NOT see our votes move outside of this pool. We will ACTIVELY be looking to collect more votes towards the lynch of one of these players, and will not be settling for anything else outside of a major shift in the current state of the game.

These two players are Leviathan and J.

Now, it's not that I won't consider other alternatives, nor will we shut down other avenues of discussion, but this Day needs to be moved toward a lynch. Therefore, I will be asking

@ Protean- Protean-
@ Gova Gova
@ Dabuz Dabuz
@Arcane Inferno

I do not need a decision on WHICH at this point in time. I am actually looking to figure out which one, but will you guys please come together and promise me your votes towards the lynch of one of these two players.

Cases inbound in follow-up post.
I feel Levi, and I want J's head on a pike. You have my vote.



Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
ISO of Leviathan, every single post in this thread. To make it easy i'll highlight parts of the posts I am specifically referring to.
1.] @ JeXs JeXs

You haven't forgotten about this game, have you? Please join us.

2.] I wonder what interesting characters I'll run into in this game.

3.] Vote: Bunzy
RVS, nothing interesting.

1.] @ Dabuz Dabuz

I am Leviathan. My experience ranges from Alpha to Omega. I am thedocsalive from South Park. Frozenflame from Food Court. Eor from Trigun. Kirby King from Spider-Manfia. Tom from Harry Potter. Ronike from Bad Idea. Xiivi from Wonderland. Macman from Samuel L. Jackson 2. Ryker from Batma(n)fia 2. Mayling from Down and Dirty. Overswarm from TMNT 2. adumbrodeus from Lord of the Rings. marshy from Tales of Symphonia. Chibosempai from Sonic the Hedgehog. Omni from Mario Kart. vanderzant from Villains. Evil Eye from Bioware. Zen from Castlevania. KevinM from Youtube Memes. Swiss from Nightmare Before Christmas. Kataefi from Resident Evil 4. th3kuzinator from Majora's Mask. Xonar from Fire and Lightning. J from Celebrity Rehab. Vult Redux from Earthbound.

And more that have slipped my mind for the time being. My most recent game can be found in the mini thread. Tell me, if you are truly the host of this sleepover, then why have you not shared the scumteam with us all? Are you Rosalina or merely a fluke?

2.] @ #HBC | Amidamaru #HBC | Amidamaru

I presume there to be 3 mafia in the game. I appreciate the kind words you have expressed towards me. Regarding your inquiry, did Caesar inform Pompeus of his infantry in echelon behind his cavalry? Did Napoleon inform Kutozov, Francis I, and Tsar Alexander of his decision to place the bulk of his army on his right center and opposite flank? Did Hannibal tell the Romans his procedure of operations in outwitting them at Cannae? My greatest weakness is as double-edged as the sword Zelda wields in my avatar. I thus see no reason to expose myself to my enemies. Also, can you prank me? It'd complete my outfit.

3.] @#HBC | FrozeηFlame

How can a flame be frozen?

4.] I don't like where this site has gone in my absence. It seems to be acceptable to talk about nothing and pollute the thread with comments that will not lead to finding scum. I don't care about Studio Ghibli. I don't care that English is JeXs' second language. I don't care about who posts what under Amidamaru's account. I don't care about Werekill's Greninja. Townspeople, stop making this an environment a joke where scum can thrive with drivel being flung about. Also, stop using terminology incorrectly because it lends itself to being used against Town in a dishonest manner. This is for JeXs who is wrongly calling Bunzy a wagon. He has 2 votes.

5.] I am still pleased with my vote on Bunzy the Fraud. It is nice to know that spending half a page asking someone the same question in 50 different ways is thought to be an acceptable way to play D1. Something else has caught my eye but I'll give it time; a bud cannot be nipped when the flower is still in prebloom. Shan't be long 'fore the sickle's to swing at the time most ripe.
Pretty much the only important part of his post, he shows a dislike of me and hints he dislikes someone else, but everything else is unimportant.

1.] @Alakaslam The Jester

Thou's words and declaration of myself as your lord during your time of exile flatters me. I believe that I am one of the few who can understand you, my unpredictable friend. Know if thou shall prove thyself to be an ally of the kingdom that I will grant ye the title of squire, accompanying me on noble missions across the land. However, it would be folly for me to place that honor and responsibility unto you at this time.

2.] @ Lore Lore The Naive

Allow me to echo the words of Murderbush The Thorough as I repeat: Nothing is done for "just RVS." Stop thyself from falling into the foolish trap of utilizing that buzzword and allowing actions to be free of the scrutiny they deserve due to some arbitrary point in time in the game. Every action has reason regardless of when it takes place. The JeXs wagon (hardly a wagon, but I shall humor thee) can certainly give you reads. I implore thee to change your ways whilst thou art young.

3.] @ Dramatic Flair Dramatic Flair The Thorough

Thou doth exclude me from thy council? 'Tis insulting; I hope it shall be rectified in a hasty manner. You ask for action. Action I shall give. You have alluded to the following suspicion and I would appreciate knowing if thou doth have a similar feeling of unease; judge if I am justified in my following offensive if you will.

4.] Townspeople, come 'round and hear me. I have reason to suspect that Protean- The Shifting is a villain due to the following reasons.

A.] Protean- The Shifting is reaching for his case, i.e., being dishonest in his bout with Amidamaru The Scatterbrained.

B.] Protean- The Shifting is subtly discrediting people in a subtle manner that does not aid the townsfolk. He is booing amongst the crowd during chaos as opposed to raising his arm to cast the stone.

A1.] I would like to point all persons reading this to scripture Book of Proteans, chapter 1, verse 128, also known as a "post" in some places the days. Therein we bear witness to Protean- throwing off his gloves in Amidamaru's direction. Words that Amidamaru has said prior are highlighted and quoted in an effort to showcase potential wrongdoings, specifically those of Amidamaru questioning JeXs The Youth repeatedly. He labels these words as "baiting", which is a cornerstone of my issue with this attack. What does baiting a slip even mean and how does it differ from inquiring a player of his motivations in order to ascertain alignment? I am no fool. Protean is implying that Amidamaru's persistence with The Young One is that of a liar hoping that the lad will fall flat on his face in a way that could easily be twisted into one of scum intent due to a shaky and thus false stance. The problem arises immediately after these words are quoted wherein Protean accuses Amidamaru of being fraudulent in trying to truly question The Young One's motivations by asserting that the questions would have stopped long before the fact were it to be the case in addition to accusing him of not truly trying to find the motivation. This, my friends, is malarkey in its purest form. Amidamaru did show a change in judgement in Book of Amidamaru, chapter 1, verse 119 wherein he unvotes young JeXs. Anyone reading intently can see that it was an instinctual drop of a vote determined by the answers given by The Young One in response to Amidamaru's barrage, i.e., doing exactly what Protean The Shifting accuses Amidamaru of not doing! The Shifting lives up to his name, somehow drawing the opposite conclusion of a clear-cut action done by The Scatterbrained. He is attributing a false motivation to an action that shows the opposite and I believe him to be manipulating the townsfolk in this assault as he lays the groundwork with which ensure The Scatterbrained to stumble over himself as he is wont do considering his title. Furthermore, The Shifting states that nothing in JeXs' play inherently changed when Amidamaru unvoted him. This actually works against Protean's original point that Amidamaru is trying to manipulate JeXs because Amidmaru's decision was fueled by clarification on JeXs' part as opposed to a different route taken.

B1.] I point you all to Book of Protean- chapter 1 verses 69, 70, 78, 141, and 166. These posts have no constructive purpose other than to make the mentioned contestants (JeXs, Amidamaru, JeXs, Alakaslam, myself) look incompetent, untrustworthy, foolish, annoying, and loquacious respectively. I don't believe this is a huge reason to suspect Protean of being an enemy of the kingdom, but it is worrying to see how quick he is to sling mud at players without further engaging them in a manner that might give him knowledge as to their alignment besides Amidamaru.

5.] I have not forgotten about Bunzy The Inquisitor nor his Great Waste of Bandwidth on the latter half of page 3 where he asks inane questions that prove to be fruitless which only gets worse when we realize that he has said nothing about far more interesting events past this. He is still the one I would love to see hang the most despite the length of the accusations I have towards Protean. That said, I find it highly unlikely that both of these candidates are Town and would be ecstatic to line them at the gallows and follow through consecutively.

6.] The tides of war are among us whilst the clock ticks over the battlefield wherein skirmishes are soon to be followed by great battles, my friends. Let us all choose a side and weigh in on these matters in ways that can lend themselves to stances which can be scrutinized. Know that among ye several shall die but embrace such a fact as it is inherent to the glory that we all seek in order to achieve victory.

“We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” - Chuck Palahniuk
The first point is essentially Protean is scum for thinking Ami was trying to make JeXs slip. I don't agree it's alignment telling but w/e. The second point Levi admits is weaker but still brings up as a point; Protean is mud slinging and those posts aren't constructive. WTF kind of reasoning is that, how is Levi so experienced apparently but his reasoning is so weak? "Hey Leviathan I think your posts are too long, worded in weird ways, and annoying" Does that make me scummy because that's the essence of Levi's second point and it's gaaaaaaarbage to even be a slight reason to scum read Protean.

Then at the end he's already working towards setting up lynches by saying he wants to see me and Protean lynched consecutively because it's unlikely we are both town. Red flag red flag screams of scum setting up MLs, and this just gets worse.

By the gods...this is some unbelievable twisting on the second quote.

Zen said he wanted JeXs to be scum. That does not equate to Zen's every action in regards to JeXs being in line with trying to paint him as scummy. You are coming up with that idea to cover your real motivation in making Admidamaru look bad. If he wasn't trying to find scum, he would not have unvoted after the fact. That action is consistent with hesitance, i.e., weighing a player's alignment. Thus Amidamaru The Scatterbrained essentially admitted that he thought he was wrong by way of the unvote.

This is ridiculous. Protean can pull all the linguistic gymnastics he wants but it matters not. He did what he did and nobody likes it. The fact that he's recently chosen to question J of all people when there are plenty of other slots that deserve more to be questioned makes it that much worse. He can go. Stop talking in circles and hop the Protean lynch. If he flips green (unlikely) then Bunzy dies next. I know J, Werekill, and Gova have expressed some discomfort with the slot so this should not be difficult. Amidamaru needs to weigh in on this due to his unique perspective as the one being attacked along with his squire J being able to assist us with this direction.
Talking to Protean and pushing him in the first paragraph, w/e he's doing stuff. The second paragraph though...he's already trying to get a lynch. I don't remember the exact post # this is, but it's still early, he explains in the next post to werekill that he wanted to see reactions because he knows he won't get the lynch yet so w/e, i'll buy it. So the other problem with this; he's still trying to set up my lynch after Protean's if Protean flips town. Keep in mind we have yet to see a connection between me and Protean, in fact i'm pretty sure I still have yet to post since PG. 3 so it doesn't make any sense.

1.] Werekill, think of the actions that take place after I tell people to vote Protean- or any other player in conjunction with the context of where we are at in the Day. Half of the game is not even voting. No one has more than 3 votes. Many players can be considered null and lacking in contribution. While this is not a big deal considering the weekend, pressure on a slot to the point of asking for others' votes garners something for town: their behavior towards the slot that is in focus. Do you really think that everyone in the game is going to read mine and Murderbush's posts and immediately vote Protean-? No, but they'll naturally be prone to commenting on the subject due to its high visibility. It is, in essence, a method used to both vanquish my enemies as well as encourage the citizens to weigh in on them and a less redundant way of collecting opinions than asking everyone directly for their thoughts on him. So because I know a quick lynch will not actually occur, we are not giving up connections. There is no data showing that a longer Day is likelier to pay off more than in a shorter one.

That said, you seem a little anxious. I'm not particularly worried about what you do right now because you have at least expressed some opinions we can chew on while there are plenty of nulls sitting around.

2.] Protean-, I understand that you may simply think different than I would. That defense can be used for any action. I'm making a judgement call here. I don't think it's a coincidence that you're the only one who has interpreted Amidamaru's play the way you have; it reminds me of scum looking to contribute to the game with a different perspective for the sake of appearing as he is scumhunting.

3.] @ #HBC | Amidamaru #HBC | Amidamaru , what are your reads looking like?

1.] Amidamaru the Scatterbrained, I asked for your opinion because your flame died. I had thought you were going to join the offensive on Protean- but instead you quieted down. Your latest posts have been foul, with a Werekill vote and asking where I am when it has not even been 24 hours. Neither of these directions accomplish anything useful for town nor do they belong in this thread, living up to your title. I'm reading you as null.
2.] Bunzy, I have no interest in doing anything you asked me to do. I don't care that you disagree with my read. Deeper analysis will come in time and when appropriate. I'm looking at Protean- and you; there is a negligible chance that both of you are town. I don't care about J, he's fine, isn't a play, and a waste of time to talk about because discussing him is inconducive to the Town's win condition. Things like this reek of faking contribution (feel free to laugh at that accusation as well) by muddying the thread with irrelevant drivel. It's why you can get lynched.

3.] mUrDErBUSh, the bolded was me disliking Protean-'s case on Amidamaru and wanting to lynch him for it, but not wanting to jump at it too soon for the sake of letting people react naturally to it. And yes, you are right in your hunch that there is scum between Protean- and Bunzy. I am just waiting for the multitude of people who have expressed interest in Protean- being lynched to place down their votes so I can progress with my reads.

Important parts of the post.

1: Amidamaru is null, Levi is only interested in Ami pushing Protean more, doesn't care about Ami pressuring werekill and is annoyed Ami is asking Levi more questions in 24 hours. I don't like how Levi is trying to shut down everything that isn't more Protean pressure.

2: I gave Levi the perfect chance to analyze his Protean read and go deeper into why it is, as a townie this is the perfect chance for him to show his towniess through a logical interpretation of scumProtean, but he brushes it off completely, it's working against not only me trying to get reads, but against furthering town as a whole whether it means having more reason to believe scumProtean, or realizing the case on Protean isn't good enough to push for a lynch. Completely ignores not only me asking about J, but me asking for ANY other direction or thoughts, I believe this is scum tunneling. Then he has the audacity to say i'm reeking of fake contribution when I just asked him stuff that would contribute greatly and help me contribute. THIS IS WORKING AGAINST TOWN.

3: Continues reinforcing the idea there is scum between me and Protean. WHY? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY?!

I expect you to have reads because there is enough content to have them. That is a lazy way to look at the game. JeXs did it. J did it. Werekill did it. Are you saying you can't? What of your other half? Do neither of you have absolutely any idea what either of you are doing at any given time?
I forget who Levi is talking to here, not important.


I cannot wait to lynch you once this wagon of mine dies.

Request votecount
Response to me, not important except for the fact that he's moved to wanting to lynch me foremost it seems.

Village idiot.
...a village idiot can only be Town. That's its exact meaning. A townsperson whose play helps the scum, but is town nonetheless.
Your pursuit of me seems genuine. You're asking people to vote with you after wrongly thinking you've caught scum; while this is still bad, it's certainly much townier than your earlier disappearance and expressions of not being able to read anyone strongly.

I'll give you a JeXs read after you give me reads on J, Arcane Inferno, and BarDulL. Additionally, I'll give you reads on 2 other players you ask in return for fairness' sake.

Bunzy, I am saying that I'm going to do everything in my power to get you lynched once this wagon breaks. I don't have much to say about you until then.
Says Amidamaru is the village idiot because he seems genuine despite his play helping scum. What I don't like about this is he doesn't say HOW Ami's play helps scum (unless it's a shallow reason like pushing the Levi wagon). By not trying to tell Ami what he's doing wrong and you know, help Ami stop helping scum, he's indirectly letting Ami help scum. OFC Levi could have just been referring to the wagon on him which is a disgustingly shallow reason for Ami to be the village idiot.

For some reason he's playing hard to get with JeXs read, Amidamaru is a player who has laid all his thoughts in the open. I guess this isn't scummy by itself, but it's not helping town to be so hard to get reads out of.

Finally, he's going to try to get me lynched once the wagon on him breaks, from a town POV why is he waiting? I even told him it'd make sense for him as town to do that now, but he's being stubborn and isn't actually presenting his case on why i'm scum. Makes me think he doesn't have a well thought out case.

That I have 'neglected' to mention? Is this a joke? If the vote bothered me in any meaningful way I would've said so. Stop overextending.

JeXs is a slight town lean. His thoughts are transparent and I see nothing to get up in arms about. Murderbush is a town read. I see him reading intently and trying to find scum.

His JeX read and a bonus Murder read, I don't have any problems with his reads, I just think it's anti-town for him to be so hard to get about these reads on active players.

I'm not going to lash out at everyone voting me. You don't see me calling you or Murderbush scum, do you?

Anyways, I'm out for now. I may be able to post tonight depending on work. Tomorrow night again at the latest.
Not important.

1.] My reasoning for wanting Bunzy to be lynched is simple. I have not seen one instance of him biting into anything like I expect townies generally to do.
He asks a lot of questions, but I have not seen anything fruitful come of them. His contribution to the game is a few questions early on towards JeXs which he then says afterwards that he sees no scum motivation from what he is doing and then saying that the Protean- wagon was poorly founded (which is fine, I don't find that opinion worrisome), then hopping my wagon when I tell him that I'm not going to respond to him in the manner that he would like, then votes me because "You are scum if you don't do what I say." That is it. His scumhunting consists of throwing away an accusation towards JeXs and voting me for whatever reasons. So, he thinks he's wrong on JeXs and I know he's wrong on me. I didn't like him asking me about J "latching onto what I say" because why wouldn't he just ask J himself why he was doing so and get an answer out of him if it bothered him? I do not get the vibe that Bunzy truly cares about what he is pursuing at a given time; I do not know what he is trying to accomplish other than fit in with the waves that Town goes through.

-This- is his case on me, the epitome of the entire game him calling me scum is this. I expected more, much more, I also expected him not to contradict himself like he did in the blue highlighted part. Is this really it Levi? Is a part of your case really that you don't get the "vibe" I truly care about what i'm pursuing? I expected more.

2.] I don't want to lynch Protean- anymore for reasons I stated earlier. I do have a question though. Protean-, specifically the Gorf half, earlier you had called me Town around a time when I was actually attacking your slot. Now I'm scum for attacking your slot. Can you walk me through the progression here? What is "pushing way too hard" and why is it scummy?

3.] I say JeXs has been transparent because I get the sense that he is not putting much thought into his responses and posts. For example, this morning when Amidamaru was asking questions to both him and myself, he would respond within literally a minute. He did this earlier with his initial clash with the same slot. JeXs is not planning his posts ahead of time. What do you mean by feeling disconnected from me?

4.] mUrDErBUSh, here's a question for you in an effort to get you to look at things from my perspective. If you could have me and JeXs lynched in a fairly quick manner, would you? That's assuming you're confident in your scum reads. There does not have to be a direct correlation between 2 slots (not that I'm accusing you of doing so. I can already tell that you're trying to set me up to be a partner for JeXs ahead of time) to want them both dead. If I find both individually scummy, then yes, I will switch between them whenever I can if I see one can't get gone. My analysis of your JeXs post is that I think it's wrong. I wouldn't fight the lynch, but my vote's where it needs to be. Also, are you lying about your town read on Arcane Inferno? That'd be pretty clever.

EBWOP: "3.] BarDulL, I say JeXs..."
Then some of this post is actually quite good until the next red segment. If i'm reading this right, he admits that he just found both me and Protean individually scummy. He was acting like there was some major connection between why one of the two of us is scum, either that still exists but he just won't share the reasoning, or he really just never had a good reason for that to begin with. This is scummy, no doubts about it either way this is scummy and looks like Levi made a huge slip-up.

Blah blah blah more lynch me.

Amidamaru, I thought you were about to vote Protean with me because one of your halves had just made a bigger post indicating that he was scum.

Who else wants to lynch Bunzy? I don't like Arcane Inferno either. Who wants to lynch him? Deadline's in 2 days and there's almost no movement in votes.

Oh look, seems like my lynch isn't popular, now he's jumping to Arcane without reasons explained. Looks like he's trying to see how much interest there is in Arcane before pushing the slot, reeks of self preservation.

Potassium, are you fully caught up? What is your general view of this game?

Pointless question because Potassium will post once he's caught up.

1. Potassium - Null. Alakaslam literally did nothing.

2. Leviathan -

3. #HBC | Amidamaru - Town. I don't agree with a lot of his pushes but I get the sense that he genuinely believes in them, is trying to pick peoples' brains, and trying to force people to take as many stances as possible for the sake of analysis. He has an instantaneous posting style that I believe is difficult to replicate as scum.

4. BarDulL - Nulltown. Nothing from him looks sinister or that it has an agenda behind it. I like how he pushed back on Arcane Inferno a bit earlier; it really read to me like he felt that Arcane could be scum trying to look like he was scumhunting by targeting a background player who hadn't done much.

5. #HBC Bunzy - Scum. Asks questions that have already been answered or can easily be inferred by thinking critically. Has literally no unique pushes. I think he's taking advantage of the fact that people dislike me to get rid of his most vocal opponent. He needs to go.

6. Protean- - Nulltown. I strongly disliked his entrance into the game. He changes his mind a lot, but is at least actively engaging people. The biggest point in his favor in my mind was how he chose to leave my wagon alone at a very opportune time where he could have joined, pushed it, and gotten away without looking too bad from it. Like Bunzy is doing now.

725 Tells me Protean is still cool with your wagon, so your biggest point is a result of ignorance.

7. JeXs - Town. I've been over this. His posts strike me as unplanned; it's similar to how Amidamaru will post a mile a minute.

8. Gova - Null. This slot is pretty much as null as it gets and I won't know more until I either see him get more involved or the playerlist narrows down.

9. J - Nulltown. He has had a consistent scum read (he will likely tell you it's a "feel", but I know where it's going) on Arcane Inferno that I enjoy. There's subtle differences in his play from the Mini that strike me likelier to come from a townie than scum. His comment on how he is not going to do anything is not scummy like people have said; it's the opposite. Scum don't say "I'm going to watch what happens" as often as Town does; they just do it.

10. mUrDErBUSh - Town. He's trying to find scum. He's trying to get stances. He's trying to get people to comment on those stances and move towards lynching his suspects.
11. Arcane Inferno - Scum. This read is a newer one as I considered the playerlist and tried to make my mind up on who other than Bunzy I would enjoy seeing go the most. I don't like his push on BarDulL. I don't like his push on J. I don't like his lack of a hard stance on my slot; I feel that if scum were discussing who to set up to look like a partner that I would probably be one of the best people to do that for and that he's trying to do that with his emphasis on not having a read on me. Almost everyone in this game has a read on me and I find it difficult to believe that this slot is having as hard a time in ascertaining one on me as he states he is. I feel like he's playing the long game and Town will ignore him for quite some time.

12. Werekill - Town. The moment that really hits me with Werekill in this game was when Protean- was getting heat. Wagons in general are, for me, some of the better opportunities to get reads on people. It's when the pressure is as high as it gets and there's generally a baseline on how a given alignment will react. Werekill added his vote to the wagon when he was wondering what to do in the thread. It really struck me as a Townie who felt like he needed to do something, anything, to try and make something happen in the game.

Should be lynched today: Bunzy, Arcane Inferno

I smell Levi trying to create an Arcane wagon quickly.

So in summary, the points against Levi are (in order of importance)
-The entirety of him trying to connect Protean and me at TvS for some reason, only for it to be we are individually scummy. (I think that's the point Levi tried making).
--Him shutting down discussion not along the lines of Protean or me for most of the game.
---Avoids explanation on various things throughout the game EX: when I asked for a deeper analysis of his Protean case and when I asked him for thoughts on any other players.
-----His case on me being weak
--------Various instances where he did small anti-town things. Ex: The whole deal with him calling Ami the village idiot.
----------Recent push to Arcane Inferno which looks like pure self preservation.[/spoiler]


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
@MOD May the hostess with the mostess edit to fix the spoiler tag?~<3

Also, i'm down to kick out Leviathan the party pooper any day. If you girls can't agree to that, I am OK with J going home only so we can scale down the party size<3~

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Unvote Vote: Bunzy

Placeholder. His overall lack of presence is concerning, and isn't really looking for scum. His only contributions: JexS vote, backs off, levi vote but without much analysis as I'd expect. I'll look at his recent post and give out compromises when I come back.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
First up: Leviathan.

Once more, we have a major issue with his Dabunz case. It has NO valid footing to support such a strong desire to lynch. If you look at Leviathan's post #818, you will find the following explanation:

5. #HBC Bunzy - Scum. Asks questions that have already been answered or can easily be inferred by thinking critically. Has literally no unique pushes. I think he's taking advantage of the fact that people dislike me to get rid of his most vocal opponent. He needs to go.
Personally, I think this is a load of horse****. If you look at the explanation he has given, he has shoved ALL of Dabuz's efforts to play the game into two categories: 'Useless' or 'Obvious'. Meanwhile, he has Ran as a Town read, despite asking many similar questions. The fact of the matter is, asking simple questions is a major part of mafia. You open a dialogue with another player, and you create a paper trail, so they cannot claim to be misunderstood later. It pins people down, and allows you to better gauge them.

Now, the Ran example is not a fair one, I will admit. It is simply used to show that it is a technique used by other players. And Ran has done more this game. Dabuz has not played a super-stellar Town game, but the reasons stated by Leviathan add up to a NULL read, not a SCUM read.

As for his comment about "taking down his most vocal opponent", that is an INCREDIBLE assignment of motive. He has NO grounds to assume that motive, or to use it as a reason to pursue that lynch. For a player with a Town-lean on J, he has no right to call out ANY player for their lack of unique pushes. Especially with Dabuz leaving behind a paper trail at every juncture. Hell, at least Dabuz HAS pushes, unlike half this cast!

Sorry, but this read MAKES. NO. SENSE. I believe the only reason he still holds it is because he got caught with it early in the game. Go read back, if you're interested. Look where this read originated. None of this explanation can truly cover his original claim of Dabuzscum, nor does it explain how a previously pointed-out set-up of the slot upon EITHER Protean flip.

Moving forward, you can see his explanation of J null-town, Gova-Null and Arcane Inferno scum.

J I have a simple problem with. He simply tries to brush his explanation of the read under the rug. He claims that there are 'subtle differences' in his play from the mini that strike him as 'likelier to come from a Townie than scum'. That is something akin to saying, "I think J is Town, because reasons." Would you be convinced by that? Because I'm not.

Look at his Gova-Null read. This is a COMPLETE cop-out. Gova has made a few KEY posts, such as the one Arcane Inferno noted, concerning Protean, early in the game. As well as his exchange with us after our first explanation of our reads, talking about Jexs. To say he's done nothing is a GROSS overstatement.

And finally, his explanation for Arcane Inferno scum. The theme of 'assignment of intent' is still present here. Assuming Arcane Inferno scum, setting up a partner is quite frankly, ridiculous. You can make that argument for literally any player in this game, for pretty much ANY OTHER SLOT in this game. It's WIFOM and a half, and doesn't matter either way until we have a flip. Just like Dabuz, he's including slander to make his push seem stronger.

This slot needs to go, and is currently my leading choice.

J next.


Gorf|Washed Laundry
Jul 12, 2014
I don't know. It certainly doesn't lead me to believe that he's scum.
Why does him not only having weak ass reads but also not doing a damn thing to figure out the alignment of 3/4 of the game not strike you as scummy? He's literally not scumhunting. He's made a bunch of pisspoor easy reads to make and is not doing anything to actually find the scum in the giant list of nulls he has. He refuses to even find scum. He says he hasn't seen anything yet and yet we've sat in his "can die" pool the whole phase. Yet he doesn't call us scum. Are you seeing the logic here because this doesn't ****ing add up.

Do you think there is scum motivation for him avoiding jex/levi then?
I don't think he's avoided Levi/Jexs. If anything he's put too much emphasis on talking about them, Jexs moreso than Levi.

Oh hey, look. Another reason why I feel we should lynch Jex first. Can you stop for a sec and see why I may be having such pause? Or do you not care about that either? Just wondering.
No, I don't give a ****. If anything Jscum probably confirms townJexs and scumjexs confirms that J is probably town. I'm not gonna say that with any scrap of confidence because I have yet to analyze their interaction because, surprise, I don't have J's flip in my hand saying he's scum and personally, between the two, I'd rather lynch J, who I'm 100% confident is scum, whereas I still can't tell if Jexs is newbscum or just incredibly mechanical newbtown.

Red and blue, this is what I can't get behind. To me, that is essentially null.
surprise his lack of activity has jack and **** to do with my case because surprise it's null surprise

I do agree that he should bring his stances forward, and I can't really get behind the case without J himself responding to it.

Grimy, but it is something I have seen townies do/say. Gheb is an example.
Do I give Gheb passes for it when he does it? Does that even fit in the context of this ****ing game? There are very rare scenarios when that's actually helpful and this is not one. There's no reason to give him a pass for this type of ****.

Would you not think it would be better we look at JexS first and then J?

Do you think there is a possibility of J/JexS?
I don't care

Again, I do think he should comitt now.
He has no defense for his actions outside of throwing buzzwords, ad hominem, and AtE at me. He's already proved that. If he had a defense, he would've posted it by now. He's scum. There's literally no defending him from trying to justify him wanting to lynch me all day as "trying to decide between badtown or scum".

Since when? Also tell me how they match together as mates.


#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
725 Tells me Protean is still cool with your wagon, so your biggest point is a result of ignorance.
Protean's initial dislike of my wagon was an indicator of alignment in itself. Him coming back to it was a result of the other half. The former still shows hesitance on his part. This would be obvious if you actually read into intent instead of skimming over posts and sticking to the conclusion that hits you at face value without further consideration.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Unvote Vote: Bunzy

Placeholder. His overall lack of presence is concerning, and isn't really looking for scum. His only contributions: JexS vote, backs off, levi vote but without much analysis as I'd expect. I'll look at his recent post and give out compromises when I come back.
His last post before the case has some actual questions, and I'm starting to feel that it's pure OMGUS at this point after that case. A few points felt reachy as hell to me; I feel that instead of looking at the posts neutrally and forming a conclusion, he started with his stance already in his head and read everything as furthering that stance. That may actually be a sign of it not being OMGUS, but the fact that this started RIGHT after Levi's vote makes me lean towards it being OMGUS.

Still rereading.


Gorf|Washed Laundry
Jul 12, 2014
it's not a defense; i asked ryker if he had considered that before coming to the conclusion that jexs is scum;

yeaaaaah; guess i should update that; i've been at work all day; you can be town unfortunately; since your play mirrors FL2 and i was wrong there;

also; the reason i haven't been busting your balls is i've learned that trying to question you results in

"you're missing the gogdamn point"

so yeah; you've clearly established that there's no use in trying to talk to you or ask you anything
When I have people who think I want to lynch J because he's inactive or simply due to "weak reads", they're missing the gogdamn point and I am 100% right in claiming that. Don't give me that.

i'll still read what you say though; and that leads me to your whole push on J

as far as town meta goes that you wanted; the games i remember playing with him where he was town J was more active i guess; or at least he took a position of leadership in the town if he didn't post much;

whereas; in the recent newbie; i seem to recall him dodging things and kary picked up on it and correctly nailed him as scum; it seems like you're claiming that he's doing similar things here; i'll have to re-read your posts later to come to a conclusion

im too tired for this **** after my first day of work looool; damn, 8 hour shifts kill your back
that's fair. this is better from you



Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Mod Request Deadline Extension

I'll post what directions I want to go and compromises tonight as deadline is looming. I have martial arts soon.
Request Declined.

I currently do not see a reason to extend the deadline, nor has there been a game scenario where it's needed.

@MOD May the hostess with the mostess edit to fix the spoiler tag?~<3
1) I, unfortunately, am not a moderator. You're probably confusing my 'Backroom' badge as a mod. LOL

2) HOWEVER, if you send me the PM as soon as possible on how you want your spoiler tag thingamabob to look, I'll see if I can get another mod to do it for me. Please keep in mind there's no promise that it'll be fufilled.


Gorf|Washed Laundry
Jul 12, 2014
I'm definitely feeling like Protean is just tunneling at this point. In fact it reminds me of my own misguided and angry tunneling from way back. I'm feeling him as more and more town, and I can definitely see his earlier posts in the same light.
I'm tunneling because we're two days from ****ing deadline and this is the lynch I've decided I want the most. I'm willing to compromise on Levi because I think he's also scum and Gorf is pretty much indifferent on which one goes first.

J had a valid reason for not being active, and his soft reads made sense for someone who couldn't actively read the thread. Heck, Jexs and I had pretty soft reads too even though we were active, so it's understandable that someome skimming the thread wouldn't get much either.

J's play since being active has seemed pretty nice, and flips will decide how to properly read his earlier reads. Town for now until flips say otherwise.
Activity is not why he's scum.

I don't care for weak reads. I don't care for Gova's weak reads. I don't care for Jexs' weak reads. I don't care for the fact that Levi has, up until #818, had really weak reads outside of two. I don't care for J's weak reads. I don't care for your weak reads. You're the only one that isn't in or around my lynchpool because of the fact that the rest of your content is there and I can at least see your thought-process forming. It's not even just about the fact that his reads are weak. It's also due to the fact that his reads are so weak and a player I know to be fairly good is perfectly okay with his reads being absolute ****. His reads are **** compounded with the fact that he's not scumhunting is why that point is important. Weak reads alone is a pisspoor reason to lynch someone.

And no way in ****ing hell should his play yesterday be considered "pretty nice" or "town for now". It was grody as ****.



Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
1) I, unfortunately, am not a moderator. You're probably confusing my 'Backroom' badge as a mod. LOL

2) HOWEVER, if you send me the PM as soon as possible on how you want your spoiler tag thingamabob to look, I'll see if I can get another mod to do it for me. Please keep in mind there's no promise that it'll be fufilled.
NVM then, it's not a big deal.<3~


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
I'm tunneling because we're two days from ****ing deadline and this is the lynch I've decided I want the most. I'm willing to compromise on Levi because I think he's also scum and Gorf is pretty much indifferent on which one goes first.

Activity is not why he's scum.

I don't care for weak reads. I don't care for Gova's weak reads. I don't care for Jexs' weak reads. I don't care for the fact that Levi has, up until #818, had really weak reads outside of two. I don't care for J's weak reads. I don't care for your weak reads. You're the only one that isn't in or around my lynchpool because of the fact that the rest of your content is there and I can at least see your thought-process forming. It's not even just about the fact that his reads are weak. It's also due to the fact that his reads are so weak and a player I know to be fairly good is perfectly okay with his reads being absolute ****. His reads are **** compounded with the fact that he's not scumhunting is why that point is important. Weak reads alone is a pisspoor reason to lynch someone.

And no way in ****ing hell should his play yesterday be considered "pretty nice" or "town for now". It was grody as ****.

I'm still not seeing J as scum, dude. To me it just seems like you're hyperfocused on J for pretty much nothing. HOWEVER I suppose it can be slightly reasonable with the fact that deadline is coming up.

Still, I'm just not seeing it. He was without a computer up until like yesterday, it's no surprise his reads were "crap." He probably just skimmed and posted so he could have at least SOME activity.


Gorf|Washed Laundry
Jul 12, 2014
I'm still not seeing J as scum, dude. To me it just seems like you're hyperfocused on J for pretty much nothing. HOWEVER I suppose it can be slightly reasonable with the fact that deadline is coming up.

Still, I'm just not seeing it. He was without a computer up until like yesterday, it's no surprise his reads were "crap." He probably just skimmed and posted so he could have at least SOME activity.

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