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Looking for smash 4 practice partners


Smash Rookie
Sep 27, 2015
Hey guys, I've been playing smash for a while but mainly for fun. Went to my first tourney last night and got mega bodied, so I'd like to get better so I can go and really compete in the future. So if anyone wants a practice partner, here's a little about me.

My name is Ben, I live in Socal (Irvine) with my dog and girlfriend, I am well educated and an experienced professional in finance and accounting (snooze) and well, I'm old. Not like on my deathbed old but turning the big 30 soon. I'm currently unemployed so I have a lot of free time and my availability is pretty optimal. Ideally we would practice live in person but I have no problem playing over wifi if your connection is good. I like to play Ryu, Mr. Game and Watch, Yoshi, DK, and really anyone else if the mood strikes. Favorite smash players include Mr. R, Trela, Void. Other than Smash I'm into hockey, fitness, and large quantities of food.

Anyway if you want to practice or hang out or whatever hit me up. Thanks and have a great day!



Smash Rookie
Apr 25, 2016
Hey Ben! I've been interested in finding good players to practice against! If you would like to practice sometime you can contact me on my skype: xtiger856x (jaysee)

I play: Greninja, Bayonetta, Diddy kong, Cloud, Rob

Although right now I'm working mainly on bayonetta. Anyhow, I hope we get to practice sometime! :D


Smash Rookie
Jun 22, 2016

Do you play on Wii U or 3DS? I'm sorry if you already mentioned it, but if that's the case, I missed it :p

I'm not a good player, by any means. I've been like a week (or less) playing Sm4sh, but I played a lot of Melee and 64 back in the day.

So if you play on 3DS, feel free to add me and contact me to add you: 4227-5495-5504


Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
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