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LGBT Smashers

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Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
New England
Whether gay or straight, we all have one thing in common. We're here for Smash Bros. Its amazing how there's always one thing that can unite a group of different people.

I've got no problems if you're gay. It makes no difference and it doesn't bother me.
yup that is the truth.....and if there are smashers who cant accept that....well they deserve to have all their games and systems blown up, never to play smash bros ever again (any version), and be locked in a dark closet with Micheal Jackson >=D


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
From here on out, I want everyone here to report any gay bashing from here on out. It's considered flaming and was the second post of this topic. Kix is being pretty respectful, but Rampage and the other guy I warned were not.
Sweet! ^.^ I'll be sure to use the report feature then. =3

Rock Man X

Maverick Hunter
Nov 17, 2002
Redmond, WA
So I've been out to friends and certain members of my immediate family for about... I'd say 5 years now. The first person I came out to was my stepbrother at the time (he's just one of my friends now). From then on it was actually really easy to start coming out to people. Before too long, I was out to pretty much every one of my friends, and thankfully all have been supportive.

Coming out to my immediate family wasn't intentional though... By different means my mom found out I was gay through my stepdad at the time, who found out from my stepbrother at the time... So in essence I indirectly came out to my mom through the first person I came out to, which is kinda silly in a way. Thankfully, again, my mom wasn't too miffed about it (she chooses to ignore it, which is fine by me), but she told my dad and my sister the same day. My dad has been surprisingly the most okay with it. My sister hasn't mentioned it since that day but I know she's okay with it since she asked me if Mom said anything to hurt me about it. She was pretty protective of me back then. Yay big sisters. <3

Coming out for the first time is by far one of the most emotionally challenging things I've ever done in my young life. I can say I'm glad that I took that first step. It's really made lots of things easier for me both in terms of communication with my friends and family and the relationships I've had. Not with anyone now though... Oh well. :p

I'm just curious... If anyone at this thread has come out to people, how old were you when you did? I was 15 going on 16 when all that happened. I'm almost 21. I've been interested in knowing where other people are at in their situations.

PS: Mario main, right here. Booyah~


Remo Knows
Nov 28, 2007
Houston, TX
Interesting coming out story, Rock Man. We're lucky that our families have been supportive about this stuff. And to answer your question, I was 16 when I came out to my first, then I gradually came out to more and more until I was 18, then I told my mom and I was officially "out."


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
For me, I first came out to myself when I was 18 years old after several years of self torture and several other things I'm not proud of. But once I accepted myself, things got much better. I then told my roommates, and since one of them was Bi, it was fairly easy to accept, even if the idea of two guys together turned off the Bi girl about as much as the idea of two girls together turned me off. =p

Then at 19, one of my friends from back home practically found me out, but he's been cool and has promised not to tell anyone. That same year I came out to my biological mother. She's supportive and actually even got my boyfriend a Christmas present this past year. She's advised me not to tell my mom until I can take care of myself fully though. Based out of personal experience with her, she knows better.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
I came out to my older sister on Christmas of 2007... not so long ago... and I was (and still am) 17. =P
And... that's it...

Rock Man X

Maverick Hunter
Nov 17, 2002
Redmond, WA
still havent told my parents that im Bi....and I KNO they will not take it lightly....
Though I completely understand why you don't want to, you might be surprised as to how they might feel if you did tell them. I always thought I would get disowned or something by my mom, but she was okay with it. I thought my dad would be furious, but he was more okay with it than my mom was. Of course, not everyone is so fortunate, sadly... If they ever find out or if you ever decide to come out, best wishes and hopes in that they won't overreact or be negative about it. You know your parents better than I do, that's for sure. :laugh:


Smash Ace
Dec 5, 2006
denver co
Though I completely understand why you don't want to, you might be surprised as to how they might feel if you did tell them. I always thought I would get disowned or something by my mom, but she was okay with it. I thought my dad would be furious, but he was more okay with it than my mom was. Of course, not everyone is so fortunate, sadly... If they ever find out or if you ever decide to come out, best wishes and hopes in that they won't overreact or be negative about it. You know your parents better than I do, that's for sure. :laugh:

i agree with that being gay my-self(SHOCKER) my parents actually found out but it truned out for the better i has been about 6 to 5 months and it hasn't been weird at all. infact my arents are more supportive and they try to inlove themselfs more .i was hard for them because i waited so long and not the fact that i was .your parents love well.... lets hope either way they WILL be there for you im sure that you wil be fine. good luck:chuckle:

Rock Man X

Maverick Hunter
Nov 17, 2002
Redmond, WA
Dude, Tanea. You're in Denver? That's awesome, haha. I am going to Centennial to visit my mom for spring break next week. I grew up around the Denver area for about 6 years before coming to college. It's where I call home. =) Anyways, I'm glad you were able to stay on good terms with your parents afterwards. Yay success stories.

@ MK's Sword: That is nonsense. I am coming to this site this very moment. :laugh:
Actually, I am kinda noticing more topics being created now than before it came out. *shrug*


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2007
Well Valentine's Day is tomorrow...and I got Jackson(the guy I kissed) a present..I hope he likes it >_<..The book I got him tho..he already read. -sniffle- Other than the book, I got him SSBB ost(he loves Brawl), Chocolates, and a letter :D

Pikmin And Yoshi

Smash Rookie
Feb 10, 2008
So I've been out to friends and certain members of my immediate family for about... I'd say 5 years now. The first person I came out to was my stepbrother at the time (he's just one of my friends now). From then on it was actually really easy to start coming out to people. Before too long, I was out to pretty much every one of my friends, and thankfully all have been supportive.

Coming out to my immediate family wasn't intentional though... By different means my mom found out I was gay through my stepdad at the time, who found out from my stepbrother at the time... So in essence I indirectly came out to my mom through the first person I came out to, which is kinda silly in a way. Thankfully, again, my mom wasn't too miffed about it (she chooses to ignore it, which is fine by me), but she told my dad and my sister the same day. My dad has been surprisingly the most okay with it. My sister hasn't mentioned it since that day but I know she's okay with it since she asked me if Mom said anything to hurt me about it. She was pretty protective of me back then. Yay big sisters. <3

Coming out for the first time is by far one of the most emotionally challenging things I've ever done in my young life. I can say I'm glad that I took that first step. It's really made lots of things easier for me both in terms of communication with my friends and family and the relationships I've had. Not with anyone now though... Oh well. :p

I'm just curious... If anyone at this thread has come out to people, how old were you when you did? I was 15 going on 16 when all that happened. I'm almost 21. I've been interested in knowing where other people are at in their situations.

PS: Mario main, right here. Booyah~
thats why i havent told anyone yet im scared of what people would say to me >_<


Smash Rookie
Dec 25, 2007
Been gone forever....

I'm back now.

Ummm....kinda lazy to go back and read....soooo...

Anything new with anyone?

(Lame question to ask...but yeah.) heh~

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
hah......here it goes.

I'm gay.

*sigh* I feel a little better now.

You guys are the first people I've told. I could never tell anyone, not at my school, not my family, no one.
My mother is a Christian Freak, and she believes very strongly in the whole "gays will burn in hell thing"
I had a chance with a great guy once, he was amazing and hot, but he lived in the next town over, and if we went out, people would bound to see from my town, so I had to stop.
I feel as if I could never tell anyone--due to horrible remarks--and anything else they might try....
I've tried to tell people at my school, but some one blabbed and I have to deny it when I really just want to shout it....
I love SSB, naruto yaoi, and....men. lol
I hope you all except me...

I have to go, but I will be back 2morrow to add A LOT more to this....

And I'm 15 by the way, and live in Indiana...if anyone would want to meet and play smash.


Smash Rookie
Dec 25, 2007
hah......here it goes.

I'm gay.

*sigh* I feel a little better now.

You guys are the first people I've told. I could never tell anyone, not at my school, not my family, no one.

My mother is a Christian Freak, and she believes very strongly in the whole "gays will burn in hell thing"

I had a chance with a great guy once, he was amazing and hot, but he lived in the next town over, and if we went out, people would bound to see from my town, so I had to stop.

I feel as if I could never tell anyone--due to horrible remarks--and anything else they might try....

I've tried to tell people at my school, but I never have really...

I hope you all except me...

I have to go, but I will be back 2morrow to add A LOT more to this....

And I'm 15 by the way.
Heh, yay you came out that rusty old closet.

It'll only get easier, and easier.

You'll eventually build up the courage and bravery to come out to more people.

Trust me....I've been through it all..we all have.

it sucks that you have the "hardcore" christain parents...but you may be shocked that some parents like that tend to be accepting, for the fact that it's their own child.

That same thing happend with my friend Emily. Only she's a lesbian...and people tend to be more hateful towards us gay men.

It's a tough life....but hopefully people will get over this crap. =/

I dunno...i'm rambling. 8D

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
Nonononono....my mom would NEVER understand....she is so strict it's not funny.

and it doesn't seem like it's getting easier.....


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
Well Valentine's Day is tomorrow...and I got Jackson(the guy I kissed) a present..I hope he likes it >_<..The book I got him tho..he already read. -sniffle- Other than the book, I got him SSBB ost(he loves Brawl), Chocolates, and a letter :D
That sounds great Seiya. ^_^ I bought my boyfriend a DS game he's been wanting for ages. I wanted to take him out to dinner too, but it looks like I kind of over did it... I've got 3 dollars to last me until next week. =/ Being a poor college student sucks... At the very least he'll be happy with his game though. ^_^

hah......here it goes.

I'm gay.

*sigh* I feel a little better now.

You guys are the first people I've told. I could never tell anyone, not at my school, not my family, no one.

My mother is a Christian Freak, and she believes very strongly in the whole "gays will burn in hell thing"

I had a chance with a great guy once, he was amazing and hot, but he lived in the next town over, and if we went out, people would bound to see from my town, so I had to stop.

I feel as if I could never tell anyone--due to horrible remarks--and anything else they might try....

I've tried to tell people at my school, but I never have really...

I hope you all except me...

I have to go, but I will be back 2morrow to add A LOT more to this....

And I'm 15 by the way.
Of course we'll accept you. ^_^ *hugs* Most of us here understand exactly what you are talking about. My mother is similar to yours. She's even come out to my face and asked me if I was Gay before. I would have told her the truth, but she immediately followed it up with. "Because if you were I'd be very disappointed in you." Which in her language means. "I'll never forgive you." It's cause she wants grandchildren. I want kids too, but I'll probably be seeking alternative methods like adoption or something...

It'll become easier to come out to people as time goes on. Hopefully you'll find a really good friend you can confide in. If not, you'll certainly be more free come time for college. ^_^ Maybe you should do like me and pick one out of state away from your family. Farther away from them the less likely news will travel, and the more free you can be yourself.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
Welcome ethanrodgers223! And yes it does feel better to say it... I know I felt better after I finally admited it... though weird. O.o

My one friend always jokes around by saying stuff like "People round here don't like gays" and whatnot... ehhh if it sounds mean it's not supposed to and she even follows it up by a "I'm just kidding" because sometimes I make faces like "Huh?" after she said it... sometimes it takes me a second or two to realize somebody is joking. X3 But the thing is... I made that face at the joke gay remarks too... hmmm... that'd be pretty suspicious right? O.o Meh oh well I'm starting to care less anyway, some of my friends wouldn't care... only a few would and some I don't really know. @_@ So it's not like I have to be afraid of EVERYBODY'S reactions if they found out... though I guess I should expect to lose a couple of friendships. =/ Meh... my friendships will probably all end after high school anyway. ^^; Which is kinda sad to think about. ;_; ...

Ugh! Valentines day is tomorrow and I have nobody to celebrate it with... last year I didn't really care and I didn't care any time before that either... ever since I came out to my sister I've been longing for a relationship... before I could have done without... well not really but I didn't want one as much as I do now. @.@ It'd be so awesome if somebody who's my type just whisked me off my feet and carried me away to a dreamland without a care in the world... though the odds of that happening are pretty much... dead. O.o But still... ^^;


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
EDIT: I'm SOOOOOOOOOO sorry for this stupid triple (or whatever) post... D= REALLY!! I'm REALLY sorry... I have a really dumb computer and this site runs slow for me and I didn't wanna lose all that I wrote and... ugh! >.<


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
EDIT: I'm SOOOOOOOOOO sorry for this stupid triple (or whatever) post... D= REALLY!! I'm REALLY sorry... I have a really dumb computer and this site runs slow for me and I didn't wanna lose all that I wrote and... ugh! >.<


Smash Rookie
Dec 25, 2007
Yeah I wish I had someone to spend Valentine's Day with.

I just want a relationship so bad.....it's not even funny.

I'm just so **** picky.

Not to sound conceited, but I mean, I have the 3 B's:

Beauty - Brains - and Booty.


But seriously....it's SOO hard to find someone ATTRACTIVE, GAY, AND INTO VIDEO GAMES.

I swear....it's like trying to find a germ in a hay stack. lol.....yeah, that bad.

Most video game nerds that I met who are gay, are very unattractive.

lol I want a beach boy lookin' guy.....

I wanna share Valentine's Day with that person....and uhh...yeah. Cuddle. (:

I'm rambling AGAIN.

Imma stfu now.

Tomorrows gonna be a normal day for me. =/

Any hot, muscular, video game nerd gay guy out there.......no. thats impossible. (:

lol joking.....or not....hell...whatever.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
Yeah I wish I had someone to spend Valentine's Day with.

I just want a relationship so bad.....it's not even funny.

I'm just so **** picky.

Not to sound conceited, but I mean, I have the 3 B's:

Beauty - Brains - and Booty.


But seriously....it's SOO hard to find someone ATTRACTIVE, GAY, AND INTO VIDEO GAMES.

I swear....it's like trying to find a germ in a hay stack. lol.....yeah, that bad.

Most video game nerds that I met who are gay, are very unattractive.

lol I want a beach boy lookin' guy.....

I wanna share Valentine's Day with that person....and uhh...yeah. Cuddle. (:

I'm rambling AGAIN.

Imma stfu now.

Tomorrows gonna be a normal day for me. =/

Any hot, muscular, video game nerd gay guy out there.......no. thats impossible. (:

lol joking.....or not....hell...whatever.
I know exactly what you mean... maybe we're gonna have to lower our standards? O.o


Remo Knows
Nov 28, 2007
Houston, TX
Ugh! Valentines day is tomorrow and I have nobody to celebrate it with... last year I didn't really care and I didn't care any time before that either... ever since I came out to my sister I've been longing for a relationship... before I could have done without... well not really but I didn't want one as much as I do now. @.@ It'd be so awesome if somebody who's my type just whisked me off my feet and carried me away to a dreamland without a care in the world... though the odds of that happening are pretty much... dead. O.o But still... ^^;
Ugh, indeed. I've been thinking about Valentine's Day for a while now. My boyfriend-less self has been bummed on this day for years and years. <_< And it seems that won't change much. I have this friend who I've known for a long while. We're very close and lately we've been spending a lot of alone time together, like going to movies, dinner and just sittin' on my couch by ourselves, just enjoying each others company. But, yeah, it's been really nice for me 'cuz I like him oh so much and I thought he might have some feelings for me, too.

In hopes of having my first boyfriend just in time for Valentine's Day, I got my thoughts together and told him how I felt. He said he wasn't surprised by this and he cared a lot about me, but just "wanted to stay friends". *sigh* Like I haven't heard that one before... Sooo, it's whatever, I guess. It'll be me, myself, and I again for V-day. For everybody out there with someone special, have a lovely valentine's day. : D ^_^


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2007
Ugh, indeed. I've been thinking about Valentine's Day for a while now. My boyfriend-less self has been bummed on this day for years and years. <_< And it seems that won't change much. I have this friend who I've known for a long while. We're very close and lately we've been spending a lot of alone time together, like going to movies, dinner and just sittin' on my couch by ourselves, just enjoying each others company. But, yeah, it's been really nice for me 'cuz I like him oh so much and I thought he might have some feelings for me, too.

In hopes of having my first boyfriend just in time for Valentine's Day, I got my thoughts together and told him how I felt. He said he wasn't surprised by this and he cared a lot about me, but just "wanted to stay friends". *sigh* Like I haven't heard that one before... Sooo, it's whatever, I guess. It'll be me, myself, and I again for V-day. For everybody out there with someone special, have a lovely valentine's day. : D ^_^
Awww that sux, well maybe next Valentine's day you'll have somebody to celebrate it with. =3 (me too hopefully)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2007
Aww guys..I feel bad now that I shared the story of me having a Valentine tomorrow..He's like my first one ever. Elementary school doesn't count XD

Rock Man X

Maverick Hunter
Nov 17, 2002
Redmond, WA
I actually kinda forgot Valentine's Day was tomorrow... Well I guess having no boyfriend kinda does that. =P I'm actually gonna cool it with relationships for a while. Well... gonna try at least. Everytime I say that I end up in a relationship a short while later. >> But I'm gonna try harder this time. Sometimes relationships are a lot to deal with, even if they are 100% awesome. They can really put a lot on your plate. So no matter who you decide to get with, make sure that you'll be absolutely dedicated and happy with who you'll be. I have rushed into a couple relationships before and sorta-kinda regretted them. =/


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2002
Indianapolis, Indiana.
hah......here it goes.

I'm gay.

*sigh* I feel a little better now.

You guys are the first people I've told. I could never tell anyone, not at my school, not my family, no one.
My mother is a Christian Freak, and she believes very strongly in the whole "gays will burn in hell thing"
I had a chance with a great guy once, he was amazing and hot, but he lived in the next town over, and if we went out, people would bound to see from my town, so I had to stop.
I feel as if I could never tell anyone--due to horrible remarks--and anything else they might try....
I've tried to tell people at my school, but some one blabbed and I have to deny it when I really just want to shout it....
I love SSB, naruto yaoi, and....men. lol
I hope you all except me...

I have to go, but I will be back 2morrow to add A LOT more to this....

And I'm 15 by the way, and live in Indiana...if anyone would want to meet and play smash.
of course you'll be accepted in a thread of gay people! lol.

i live in indiana too. where about do you live by the way?


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
New England
hah......here it goes.

I'm gay.

*sigh* I feel a little better now.

You guys are the first people I've told. I could never tell anyone, not at my school, not my family, no one.
My mother is a Christian Freak, and she believes very strongly in the whole "gays will burn in hell thing"
I had a chance with a great guy once, he was amazing and hot, but he lived in the next town over, and if we went out, people would bound to see from my town, so I had to stop.
I feel as if I could never tell anyone--due to horrible remarks--and anything else they might try....
I've tried to tell people at my school, but some one blabbed and I have to deny it when I really just want to shout it....
I love SSB, naruto yaoi, and....men. lol
I hope you all except me...

I have to go, but I will be back 2morrow to add A LOT more to this....

And I'm 15 by the way, and live in Indiana...if anyone would want to meet and play smash.
congrats my friend! (^^)v as for yur Mom....tell her that the only ppl who burn in hell...are the ones who cant accept others (^^)v.

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
of course you'll be accepted in a thread of gay people! lol.

i live in indiana too. where about do you live by the way?

Only an hour away! I live in Rushville! OMG! I'm so excited!!!

Wait. You just asked me where I live.


Rushville, IN. It would be kinda cool if we could meet....

And ya hooray for "No-Love Day"


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006
im catholic

i remember religion class freshman year and my religion was telling us that we go to hell if our parents get divorced and my best friend stood up and said that his parents were divorced and if he was going to hell because of it. Our teacher said yes. Our teacher said this about gay people as well.

this one of the many issues that the catholic religion does not make sense at all and i do not believe.

its just stupid to judge someone like that.

little rant i guess =P


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Your teacher doesn't know what she is talking about. I am catholic myself and while I don't want to turn this thread into a religious topic, I can say that the catholic church frowns upon divorces that are not annulled or based upon irreconcilable differences or actions. Those that divorce outside of those reasons and then begin another relationship are seen as having an affair; the children have nothing to do with it. Just wanted to point that out :)


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Nottingham, UK
Love should be celebrated every day, not when the mass media tells us to.

Buy some discounted chocolates, curl up in front a movie and laugh at the people spending ridiculous amounts of money on there boyfriends/girlfriends.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
im catholic

i remember religion class freshman year and my religion was telling us that we go to hell if our parents get divorced and my best friend stood up and said that his parents were divorced and if he was going to hell because of it. Our teacher said yes. Our teacher said this about gay people as well.

this one of the many issues that the catholic religion does not make sense at all and i do not believe.
Erm, that's not Catholic dogma or doctrine. Divorce is considered sinful but it CERTAINLY doesn't guarantee one is going to hell, and being the child of a divorcee isn't sinful, the whole "guilt by association" thing (beyond original sin, which is special case, which I can explain if anyone is interested) is a protestant idea, and patently heretical.

Condemning people to hell for being gay is a similar case (actions can only be sinful, it's impossible for being something to be a sin). Actually, saying that anybody is going to hell is considered usurping the judgment seat of God and a major sin of pride, but that's a different story.

Your teacher needs to get his/her facts straight...

1) Was I ever discussing anything with you?
I responded to you, my point was that it was pretty obvious that you were avoiding my points because they were considerably stronger then others.

2) Oh, Relativism? Can you edit in what you are talking about so I can further comment?
I'll point you to a previous post where I laid it out quit cleanly: http://smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=3818136&postcount=754

3) The study used to be located here: http://www.worldpolicy.org/globalrights/sexorient/twins.html

but is no longer right now so I have to find it. In fact it was the results with bias in the other direction - opposite of mine but it still made these points none the less which was strange to say the least.
Does not count as a source till I can critique it.

I made a positive assertion, just like he did and a lot of people in this thread. I'm going to point them out for you: Hey guys, you made a positive assertion, back it up! In fact if people start bringing up studies for me it will most likely be easier to make my point.
Of course, and you called them on it, on others I have called people on the thread on the same issue, now I'm merely calling you.

I've also done the same thing on numerous other threads in regards to many different topics.

Now back to me I am going to edit this post when I find the studies and in fact the position of much of the psychology community and why it was forced to be changed. Also stuff about genetics and behavior and sexuality.
Ah, "forced to be changed", that sounds like political speak for "new evidence showed they had the wrong position but I don't want to admit it".
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