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KOS-MOS Returning to Battle: DLC Season 2.

ES. Dinah

Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2014
Lost Jerusalem
See, this means absolutely jack ****e because Vergeben did not say it before Zippo. And to be brutally honest it’s really sad to see that Vergeben is piggybacking off a new insider when people thought verge has reputable sources. But this story ends my journey with Verge/Sabi. In fact, this is the death knell to me that they are full of ****e. I’ll just use proper reasoning here but Verge DID NOT address the rights issue around KOS-MOS because that was a lie to cover him before TGA to see if it is fake or not because he saw that the fakes were getting traction. Vergeben now comes out to speak like this never happened and he’s now laughing stock in my book. It’s going to be a breath of fresh air to go into season 2 not following these people because honest to god I am very tired of it and worn out.

Anyway, Ayumi gave me her source on where Harada said he worked hard for KOS-MOS revival project. You can slide it into google translate but more recommended to have so someone translate! http://ryokutya2089.com/archives/27622

Just knowing we have Harada with us is a great feeling. Namco may not care but he does enough. Will we get Xenosaga HD with Monolith developing and Bandai publishing? Only time will tell. Just please don’t spam his twitter account with KOS-MOS requests!

I am sad to see we lost one of our supporters above. Deleted member..... what’s going on here?


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2018
It's quite sad to learn that the most "credible" leakers are deconfirming our dear and beloved Kos-Mos, who I never thought had a chance before all the "leaks" and theories that happened lately and I had to catch up with.
We are only a few hours away from the reveal anyway, so let's wait and see. Kos-Mos' chances are still higher than ever for a future inclusion, to my delighted surprise :D

Also, I haven't been added to the supporters list yet D: ES. Dinah ES. Dinah

ES. Dinah

Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2014
Lost Jerusalem
It's quite sad to learn that the most "credible" leakers are deconfirming our dear and beloved Kos-Mos, who I never thought had a chance before all the "leaks" and theories that happened lately and I had to catch up with.
We are only a few hours away from the reveal anyway, so let's wait and see. Kos-Mos' chances are still higher than ever for a future inclusion, to my delighted surprise :D

Also, I haven't been added to the supporters list yet D: ES. Dinah ES. Dinah
I updated it for the moment :)

And also, I wish everyone luck with the characters they want! Remember, it is best to go in with low expectations!


Smash Rookie
Apr 4, 2010
Switch FC
Been lurking here for years but decided to finally jump in to voice my support for KOS-MOS since FP5 is finally only a few hours away! She's been my most wanted fighter since DLC fighters for Smash4 were announced and is currently tied with 2B/A2 as my most wanted. Although her chances don't seem super great for FP5 at the moment, I'll definitely still be rooting for her in the next pass!

⛧Lord Metallium⛧

Smash Apprentice
Sep 30, 2019
See, this means absolutely jack ****e because Vergeben did not say it before Zippo. And to be brutally honest it’s really sad to see that Vergeben is piggybacking off a new insider when people thought verge has reputable sources. But this story ends my journey with Verge/Sabi. In fact, this is the death knell to me that they are full of ****e. I’ll just use proper reasoning here but Verge DID NOT address the rights issue around KOS-MOS because that was a lie to cover him before TGA to see if it is fake or not because he saw that the fakes were getting traction. Vergeben now comes out to speak like this never happened and he’s now laughing stock in my book. It’s going to be a breath of fresh air to go into season 2 not following these people because honest to god I am very tired of it and worn out.

Anyway, Ayumi gave me her source on where Harada said he worked hard for KOS-MOS revival project. You can slide it into google translate but more recommended to have so someone translate! http://ryokutya2089.com/archives/27622

Just knowing we have Harada with us is a great feeling. Namco may not care but he does enough. Will we get Xenosaga HD with Monolith developing and Bandai publishing? Only time will tell. Just please don’t spam his twitter account with KOS-MOS requests!

I am sad to see we lost one of our supporters above. Deleted member..... what’s going on here?
Dinah, yes i know Harada san is awesome but Namco is the problem..... i'm still pissed off at Vergeben sigh.

the unholy Grail

Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2019
Last minute thoughts before the reveal. I don't expect KOS-MOS but I WILL continue vouching for her post-pass. best case scenario is if she DOES end up getting confirmed, Verge (and Zippo) take a massive hit in credibility. Especially Verge. I don't have beef with Zippo because if there's one thing i'll give him it's that he disconfirmed her first and isn't a piggybacker. Alternatively, someone who has been "deconfirmed" (Such as Dante who's looking a hell of a lot more likely now.) could end up making it so Sabi and Verge's credibility can burn in hell so i'm low-key hype about that. As for who I think is going to make it? Travis. Going by process of elimination and taking into account that dumb deconfirm list, and Zippo's words, he's the only "non-Nintendo" Nintendo character I can think of who has not been shut down. There's also that strange hand gesture sakurai made in the thumbnail. Which is very reminiscent of his friend Suda51. Regardless, the reveal will make SOMEONE happy so at least there's that. STAY STRONG! HOPE FOR THE BEST AND EXPECT THE WORST!
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I find it REALLY sus how he only decides to speak until AFTER Zippo comes forth and disconfirms her...

He promised he'd look into her like a month ago. Whatever. Just know she has my support guys.

Verge and Sabi are dead to me now. they don't say **** until some dude comes out says no. then they follow suit.
Why open his mouth about this now when he could have said something months ago? **** Vergeben man I'm tired of his silly **** as well as Sabi and the other insiders and credible leakers.

So I just recently heard Lesley left which makes me really upset to hear. While she mostly wanted female characters mostly notably a female character or two in the DLC lineup, she kind of brighten the mood for us that wanted characters like KOS-MOS, Elma, Shantae, Krystal, Mai, and so on. I'm really going to miss Lesley. :cry:

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
So I just recently heard Lesley left which makes me really upset to hear. While she mostly wanted female characters mostly notably a female character or two in the DLC lineup, she kind of brighten the mood for us that wanted characters like KOS-MOS, Elma, Shantae, Krystal, Mai, and so on. I'm really going to miss Lesley. :cry:
Shame because I really liked her. Hope she comes back one day. :(

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Me too. We all should have been more open minded about her opinions wanting female reps. The heroines deserve their dues just as much as the main heroes and the villains in Smash.
I also hope she's fine given what's happening down there with the Taal volcano. Prayers are out.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2018
I am a massive FE fan since 2003 and I have to admit that even I am tired of all the FE representation.
Even in Three Houses itself they decided to pick the one character with no personality at all.
So many iconic characters and franchises have paid their dues and would deserved the spot in my sense. ( like Kos-Mos ineed ).


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2014
Would've rather had Edelgard or Dimitri but happy TH is getting rep, so I'm overall satisfied. Also really glad they're not just using their sword.

DLC to 2021 is crazy, so we shouldn't give up on KOS-MOS yet!

the unholy Grail

Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2019
Alright so...now that Byleth has been confirmed there are a couple of things I would like to point out.

#1. My Opinion: I think this was the worst reveal out of the 5 characters. Now I don't want to discredit 3 houses I have heard Amazing things of it, but we got yet another FE character in smash. another corrin if you will. (As in the avatar character with no personality.) GRANTED I am happy they finally implemented different weapon classes in their moveset which automatically makes them better than the echoes and Corrin, but it doesn't change the fact that this series is now officially overblown in smash and no one can change my mind on that.

#2. VERGEBEN IS WRONG ONCE AGAIN. He may have had a solid record for the base game and "Erdrick", but this goes to show that he really doesn't know anything for future DLC. He said no Nintendo 1st party characters and look who we got.

#3. The hand gesture for the thumbnail: turned out to mean nothing. The only thing i'm upset at is how numerous speculators will try to count how many games are in a franchise and try to count the total in binary now that Sakurai did the same. More reaching.

#4. Gamexplain: before the presentation they made a video on who they think is FP5 and wouldn't you know it, Byleth was one of them. I never believed that GX had insider information, but after the announcement I can't be too sure on that...It's just TOO coincidental.

#5. Zippo: His claim that FP5 wasn't Nintendo but it's someone close to them was baloney. Unless 3 Houses is counted as a separate universe which is ********. Technically he wasn't WRONG perse, but i'm still not giving him credit.

#6. Color theory: I've seen pictures of plant being the green rep but that spot is now Byleth. I never took this silly theory seriously.

#7. Reggie: He claimed when Joker was announced at the TGA that these characters would be long to new universes and that turned out to be false. GRANTED he did retire shortly after so it's 100% likely he didn't know the full DLC at that point in time. Sakurai even said Byleth was top secret.

#8. FIGHTER'S PASS VOLUME 2: OK this is pretty big. We now know there will be a proper FP2 after Byleth and i'm still not giving up on KOS-MOS!

Those are my thoughts. How about you guys?
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
Guys, I'm thinking if that Lloyd Mii costume returns KOS-MOS is in without a shadow of a doubt. No offensive to Lloyd and his fans, but if he get's shot down KOS-MOS is almost a given to be the Namco rep.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2016
Louisburg, KS
Switch FC
Alright so...now that Byleth has been confirmed there are a couple of things I would like to point out.

#1. My Opinion: I think this was the worst reveal out of the 5 characters. Now I don't want to discredit 3 houses I have heard Amazing things of it, but we got yet another FE character in smash. another corrin if you will. (As in the avatar character with no personality.) GRANTED I am happy they finally implemented different weapon classes in their moveset which automatically makes them better than the echoes and Corrin, but it doesn't change the fact that this series is now officially overblown in smash and no one can change my mind on that.

#2. VERGEBEN IS WRONG ONCE AGAIN. He may have had a solid record for the base game and "Erdrick", but this goes to show that he really doesn't know anything for future DLC. He said no Nintendo 1st party characters and look who we got.

#3. The hand gesture for the thumbnail: turned out to mean nothing. The only thing i'm upset at is how numerous speculators will try to count how many games are in a franchise and try to count the total in binary now that Sakurai did the same. More reaching.

#4. Gamexplain: before the presentation they made a video on who they think is FP5 and wouldn't you know it, Byleth was one of them. I never believed that GX had insider information, but after the announcement I can't be too sure on that...It's just TOO coincidental.

#5. Zippo: His claim that FP5 wasn't Nintendo but it's someone close to them was baloney. Unless 3 Houses is counted as a separate universe which is ********. Technically he wasn't WRONG perse, but i'm still not giving him credit.

Those are my thoughts. How about you guys?
About same as you, as much as I'd rather have had the other weapons get their own dedicated characters to be used to their full potential... I'll take it. Still calling Byleth Marth #9001 for the memes though.

But yeah, Sabi, Verge, Zippo, all of them lost credibility due to Byleth here, so that's a good thing.

Otherwise congrats Fire Emblem fans that wanted more Fire Emblem characters, as much as others may have mixed feelings on that. Not going to lie though, the sword-fighter joke in the reveal trailer is like Sakurai knows just how many there are in smash lol.

Here's hoping to Fighter #6 onwards! There's still those four remaining slots though after Fighter No. 11

the unholy Grail

Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2019
I'm low-key happy Byleth is a thing. They just ended a bunch of leakers' credibility so he/she is my boy/girl for that one.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2014
St. Louis, MO
Switch FC
So, coming off the presentation... I just want to say thank you to Sakurai. I know Byleth is going to be a divisive choice, all things considered, and I really hate that he had to ask us not to "have hard feelings" about this. But you can tell how much love and care went into every one of the DLC fighters... and we're getting SIX more of them?! We really, really don't deserve this man. As far as I'm concerned, Sakurai is right up there with Fred Rogers and Bob Ross in the wholesome squad. Just straight respect for him and everything he does. I can't thank him enough for what he's done for this game and this community.

I haven't played Three Houses yet, even though I really want to. My backlog is just too bloated with other RPGs right now. I think Byleth looks fun, and they're easily going to be the most unique FE fighter we've seen yet. My best friend is a huge FE fan and he's freaking out right now, so I'm definitely happy for him. Am I personally excited for another FE character though? Not overly, as I've only played a handful of the games, but I'm down with anyone who looks unique and fun to play as. Byleth may end up replacing Corrin as one of my secondaries, but we'll see. I almost feel selfish not being excited for a character at this point, but the heart wants what the heart wants, you know? We'll get more Monolithsoft representation someday. Also, the meme of Super Fire Emblem Bros. continues, which I appreciate.

I think the biggest takeaway from today is that the credibility of Verge, Sabi, Zippo and the like are shot. I was already pretty skeptical after the VGA debacle, but this seals it. Sakurai said only a few key staff members knew Byleth was in, and I'm sure that will continue to be the case for pass 2. Don't believe any leaks, especially those without anything to go on but text. No one knows outside of Nintendo. But how am I feeling about KOS-MOS? Pretty much how I felt a day ago. She's still just as likely as any other third party character at this point. The fact that we still haven't seen the Namco Mii costumes is strange, as is the lack of a dedicated female newcomer. And as toxic as these past few months have been, they've given KOS-MOS a ton of exposure. She went from a niche, dark horse pick to one of the most talked-about characters! I think that's really cool. There's still a lot of time for things to change, and I'm staying optimistic. I'm just excited that the upcoming reveals will actually be surprises. Here's hoping that KOS-MOS is one of them.
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Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2014
Guys, I'm thinking if that Lloyd Mii costume returns KOS-MOS is in without a shadow of a doubt. No offensive to Lloyd and his fans, but if he get's shot down KOS-MOS is almost a given to be the Namco rep.
Well I actively don't like Tales of Symphonia (too many cliches and easy to guess plot twists) so Lloyd is already on my do-not-want list (which isn't very big). I got one of my wanteds in a Three Houses rep so now I'm mainly hoping one of those six is a Xeno rep, whether that's KOS-MOS, Elma, a Torna duo like Lora and Jin etc.
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the unholy Grail

Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2019
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Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2016
Louisburg, KS
Switch FC
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ES. Dinah

Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2014
Lost Jerusalem
I'd rather not talk about Vergeben in here, to be honest. Dropping a huge disconfirmation list and even though he back tracked on Nintendo it absolutely means nothing to me that he didn't know the character. He's a fraud and it is going to stay that way. All those months of speculation on his stupid list and it was a first party character Byleth. Sorry, NOBODY is going to believe him after this. Even posting the mii list a few mins into the presentation absolutely means nothing to me. He did not KNOW the character.

Anyway, with that out of the way I honestly think everyone is in the dark right now. We can't do anything... Fighter pass #2 is finalized and we are just going to have to wait it out. Our new starting point is that Harada article that said he pushed the KOS-MOS project which is now on hiatus and no Namco costumes. That's all we have right now unfortunately. Please do NOT spam Harada requests about KOS-MOS. Show him instead that you are passionate and want the character if possible. Make him have a reason to care about her ever coming to smash. Maybe she wont even be in this pass. It's hard to say. I do know that if we follow leakers blindly again we're going to be full of disappointment. This Byleth episode is a lesson to us all and especially me to never trust leakers again.

If anyone is interested on my thoughts on Byleth.... well

I was unbelievably full of disappointment and I had no care in the world about Byleth. This speculation episode, KOS-MOS's name being dragged through the mud by haters, all this third party speculation..... for what... Byleth? Okay dont get me wrong I love three houses but as a final fighter's pass end is this really what we should have expected? This just feels like Sakurai does whatever the **** he wants and it shows. How on earth is this a good reveal? It is Byleth....I'm glad they put the female in but this is just another Corrin for me IF ANYTHING. Bayonetta was a huge HUGE character to end a dlc with and not this. I was so ECSTATIC about Bayonetta. Like, I literally lost my ****e when I saw her. I remember the day being full of joy? THIS? Nope, it did nothing to me. I'm glad Byleth isn't a clone and uses all weapons but this makes it worse for us. It paves the way for more Nintendo characters to get in but i'm still hoping for third parties.

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
I'd rather not talk about Vergeben in here, to be honest. Dropping a huge disconfirmation list and even though he back tracked on Nintendo it absolutely means nothing to me that he didn't know the character. He's a fraud and it is going to stay that way. All those months of speculation on his stupid list and it was a first party character Byleth. Sorry, NOBODY is going to believe him after this. Even posting the mii list a few mins into the presentation absolutely means nothing to me. He did not KNOW the character.
Don't give up though. If it wasn't for the fighters pass 2, I would feel this is anti-climatic and a bit disappointing. KOS-MOS is one of my five most wanted characters in Smash Bros and I'll be sad if her or Travis don't make it in the end.
I'm happy about Byleth and I can't wait to play as him/her but I do think the character should have had a middle of the road Fighter Pass 2 placement.

Dinah and sadly Lesley who wanted a female and has now left; we have almost two years. It'll be long but be hopeful for KOS.
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Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2016
Louisburg, KS
Switch FC
I'd rather not talk about Vergeben in here, to be honest. Dropping a huge disconfirmation list and even though he back tracked on Nintendo it absolutely means nothing to me that he didn't know the character. He's a fraud and it is going to stay that way. All those months of speculation on his stupid list and it was a first party character Byleth. Sorry, NOBODY is going to believe him after this. Even posting the mii list a few mins into the presentation absolutely means nothing to me. He did not KNOW the character.

Anyway, with that out of the way I honestly think everyone is in the dark right now. We can't do anything... Fighter pass #2 is finalized and we are just going to have to wait it out. Our new starting point is that Harada article that said he pushed the KOS-MOS project which is now on hiatus and no Namco costumes. That's all we have right now unfortunately. Please do NOT spam Harada requests about KOS-MOS. Show him instead that you are passionate and want the character if possible. Make him have a reason to care about her ever coming to smash. Maybe she wont even be in this pass. It's hard to say. I do know that if we follow leakers blindly again we're going to be full of disappointment. This Byleth episode is a lesson to us all and especially me to never trust leakers again.

If anyone is interested on my thoughts on Byleth.... well

I was unbelievably full of disappointment and I had no care in the world about Byleth. This speculation episode, KOS-MOS's name being dragged through the mud by haters, all this third party speculation..... for what... Byleth? Okay dont get me wrong I love three houses but as a final fighter's pass end is this really what we should have expected? This just feels like Sakurai does whatever the **** he wants and it shows. How on earth is this a good reveal? It is Byleth....I'm glad they put the female in but this is just another Corrin for me IF ANYTHING. Bayonetta was a huge HUGE character to end a dlc with and not this. I was so ECSTATIC about Bayonetta. Like, I literally lost my ****e when I saw her. I remember the day being full of joy? THIS? Nope, it did nothing to me. I'm glad Byleth isn't a clone and uses all weapons but this makes it worse for us. It paves the way for more Nintendo characters to get in but i'm still hoping for third parties.
What Irepan said, though I don't think its inherently bad that first party characters can be DLC as there are still some great contenders for DLC picks that haven't been in Ultimate whatso-ever and would make for great choices... as an example Porky (still bugs me this guy is the only Subspace Boss not in Ultimate) and Sylux. Though Third Party 100% has the wider pool of characters they can pick from and I wouldn't doubt that most of it will be third parties again, that or at least giving Namco some sort of second rep and maybe a second M-Soft rep as we just got a Cup-Head Mii Costume.

But yeah, we basically got two years, I still got the hope she'll make it in as DLC in the second pass... and potentially the third since as I said... 4 slots unused and I doubt they will stay as such. Wouldn't be surprised though due to that weird number... there may or may not be some successor to the Fighters Ballot where on-top of one Nintendo Pick the top three winners will become DLC fighters.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Dinah and SilverSoul already saw this but im sharing it here again for good measure. Waiting for the Elma & Octoling threads to be posted in again so I don't double post, and I feel a bit shy about going into the Hayabusa thread for... personal reasons...

My predictions, in no particular order:
FP2-1: Ryu Hayabusa. There’s a rumor that Byleth was originally gonna be in pass 2 but got expedited to pass 1 cause Hayabusa was leaked. Hayabusa is a common name among insiders while almost NO insiders knew of Byleth.

FP2-2: Neku Sakuraba. The The World Ends With You site went under a surprise maintenance lately. Last time this happened was before Final Remix’s release, and I doubt we’d see a sequel just yet. Nintendo’s Twitter accounts also heavily promoted Final Remix before its release. I also doubt Geno will make the jump from Mii Costume in 4 to playable in Ultimate via DLC. See KOS-MOS’s section for my reasoning.

FP2-3: Elma. First Spirit promotion. Rex was shown as a Mii Costume at the start of Pass 1 and apologized for him not being playable. It could be that ANOTHER Xenoblade character is planned, especially if Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition becomes a thing. Plus, Caitlin Glass’s NDA is STILL unknown. CRAZY STRAW GRASPING - also, Fiora was added to Shulk’s Chain Attack Final Smash despite Chain Attacks in 1 and 2 having only three party members. X, however, has four party members and Overdrive instead of Chain Attack but that’s not important so Fiora breaking the three members only rule may be a reference to X. Again this here is just a stretch but I can see it.

FP2-4: Octoling (Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion). Second Spirit promotion. At the start of the year, something new involving Splatoon 2 was teased months after Final Fest (the SAVE OUR SALMONS thing). Octo Expansion was a huge hit and Splatoon 2 is still played widely today even after Final Fest. A major Splatoon 2 update is also scheduled for April. And despite Rex being a costume, Spring Man an Assist Trophy and Officer Howard from Astral Chain an Event Spirit, Byleth proves there’s no such thing as “too new” for Smash. Octo Expansion came out in 2018, and Inklings can be used as a base for an easy Isabelle style semi-clone if not Echo.

FP2-5: KOS-MOS. She was deconfirmed for the fifth pass character, sure, but the second pass opens up an opportunity. And before you say Heihachi or Lloyd, it’s very unlikely a 4 Costume will be promoted to playable in DLC. So far that’s only happened in base with Inkling, Isabelle (who was also an AT in 4), Chrom, King K. Rool and I think I’m forgetting one more. Maybe not. But my point stands and while a Xenosaga HD Trilogy was deemed financially unfeasible, the interest is very much there. Plus, KOS-MOS appeared in Xenoblade 2 as a Blade alongside Shulk, Fiora and Elma; and in the Project X Zone series with Ryu and Ken (and in 2, Chrom, Lucina and Fiora).

FP2-6: Arle Nadja. Why DID the Puyo Puyo director retweet the 1/16 announcement when Byleth was revealed...? Arle wasn’t even a Mii costume. Unless... Arle will be in Pass 2. Arle was another big name among insiders, and since Lip from Panel de Pon couldn’t be added as playable, Arle may be the next best thing. Plus, Sega has been promoting Puyo Puyo like CRAZY as of late.


Smash Cadet
Dec 20, 2018
Alright so...now that Byleth has been confirmed there are a couple of things I would like to point out.

#1. My Opinion: I think this was the worst reveal out of the 5 characters. Now I don't want to discredit 3 houses I have heard Amazing things of it, but we got yet another FE character in smash. another corrin if you will. (As in the avatar character with no personality.) GRANTED I am happy they finally implemented different weapon classes in their moveset which automatically makes them better than the echoes and Corrin, but it doesn't change the fact that this series is now officially overblown in smash and no one can change my mind on that.

#2. VERGEBEN IS WRONG ONCE AGAIN. He may have had a solid record for the base game and "Erdrick", but this goes to show that he really doesn't know anything for future DLC. He said no Nintendo 1st party characters and look who we got.

#3. The hand gesture for the thumbnail: turned out to mean nothing. The only thing i'm upset at is how numerous speculators will try to count how many games are in a franchise and try to count the total in binary now that Sakurai did the same. More reaching.

#4. Gamexplain: before the presentation they made a video on who they think is FP5 and wouldn't you know it, Byleth was one of them. I never believed that GX had insider information, but after the announcement I can't be too sure on that...It's just TOO coincidental.

#5. Zippo: His claim that FP5 wasn't Nintendo but it's someone close to them was baloney. Unless 3 Houses is counted as a separate universe which is ********. Technically he wasn't WRONG perse, but i'm still not giving him credit.

#6. Color theory: I've seen pictures of plant being the green rep but that spot is now Byleth. I never took this silly theory seriously.

#7. Reggie: He claimed when Joker was announced at the TGA that these characters would be long to new universes and that turned out to be false. GRANTED he did retire shortly after so it's 100% likely he didn't know the full DLC at that point in time. Sakurai even said Byleth was top secret.

#8. FIGHTER'S PASS VOLUME 2: OK this is pretty big. We now know there will be a proper FP2 after Byleth and i'm still not giving up on KOS-MOS!

Those are my thoughts. How about you guys?
I kind of believe that the hand sign of sakurai meant 3, meaning 3 houses perhaps; just my guess.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2014
Just got to watch it. Oh well, it's not really my thing but they looked fun to play anyways so that's cool. I'll still vouch for KOS-MOS going forward, I don't think this was her last chance


Smash Cadet
Sep 29, 2018
Alright so...now that Byleth has been confirmed there are a couple of things I would like to point out.

#3. The hand gesture for the thumbnail: turned out to mean nothing. The only thing i'm upset at is how numerous speculators will try to count how many games are in a franchise and try to count the total in binary now that Sakurai did the same. More reaching.
Technically, it DID mean something, just that meaning was so out of left field that no one could have been expected to understand it. Though I agree that it will have been a one time thing. He's not going to use the same thing again.
#4. Gamexplain: before the presentation they made a video on who they think is FP5 and wouldn't you know it, Byleth was one of them. I never believed that GX had insider information, but after the announcement I can't be too sure on that...It's just TOO coincidental.
Byleth was a reasonable guess. I think I've guessed a Three Houses rep a couple of times in this thread and I know I'm not getting any information. From there, Byleth is the obvious choice as the only character you are guaranteed to play as in every run through.
#7. Reggie: He claimed when Joker was announced at the TGA that these characters would be long to new universes and that turned out to be false. GRANTED he did retire shortly after so it's 100% likely he didn't know the full DLC at that point in time. Sakurai even said Byleth was top secret.
From what I understand, Reggie's statement was misquoted like a game of broken telephone and layers upon layers of people applying their own interpretation to it to get to "These five DLC are from IPs not yet represented in Smash Bros." He said they were new characters that could not be anticipated. Personally I still think he was wrong, since really only Joker and Banjo fit the criteria ((and Banjo only due to being owned by a competing console)). Though I do agree that he likely didn't know who they were and was just playing hype man. "Look at this! We just threw this character at you from left field and no one saw it coming! You speculators don't know ****! Throw all your theories and rules into the trash and just buy the Fighter's Pass!"


Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2014
Meridian, ID
I guess I'll give my opinion and feelings on all this. My 5 most wanted characters in any order that are feasible, so no assist trophy promotion atm....though if I did Krystal would be number 1, but I digress. I wanted KOS-MOS, Shantae, Rean, Fire Emblem: Three Houses character-either Byleth or Edelgard, and Master Chief.

Going in today I wanted at least one of my characters to make it in as dlc, because I've been dealing with drama and friends abandoning me the last two weeks, so while KOS-MOS was my number 1 choice I wanted 1 dlc character at least for me to be hyped for. Once I saw Byleth I was over the moon, and her playstyle looks really really fun, my girl Edelgard is in the stage, a color swap, and I can use her badass axe in the moveset. While part of me is upset no KOS-MOS as she is my third all time favorite video game characters, Fire Emblem Three Houses is my 2019 game of the year. So I understand the disappointment, half of me is disappointed as well, I am still hopeful for KOS-MOS as dlc in pass 2, the other half is the most excited I've been in a long time. Byleth made that possible, so she'll mean a lot every time I play her. I wanted something after all this real life drama, none of the dlc has made me like really excited, they just looked neat, Byleth is the first to make me feel this way, but like I said, Byleth/Edelgard were 4th most wanted, my heart still lies with KOS-MOS, and I'm full of hope for her in pass 2.

I know a little long, but wanted to say why I personally am happy for Byleth, and where my stance is. Let's all pray for KOS-MOS to come to pass 2, this wild ride isn't over yet. Hope that all makes sense, lol, thanks for baring with me :)


Smash Rookie
Dec 9, 2019
Well, can't say I am not disappointed; I really wanted KOS-MOS :p
An unexpected and different character outside of the Fire Emblem franchise would have made me happier, since I personally think there are too many of them in Smash (I guess they still need some advertisement for their most recent game), but it will still make some fans happy, whoever the character added to Smash is, so good for them :)

At least, instead of 4 or 5 DLC characters, we are going to get 6 for the next pass!
That is awesome news, and give more chances to characters like KOS-MOS, amongst others, to get in. So who knows, maybe they saw how many fans of her wanted her included in Smash, so they decided to upgrade the number of dlc fighters.
We can always hope, we can always dream.. I will just try to do so more responsibly so I don't get crushed too hard, again ^^'

the unholy Grail

Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2019
The most damning thing about the reveal to me that i just realized is how Sakurai claimed Rex could not make it due to being recent and too late for developement. WELL WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN NOW THAT BYLETH IS A THING?! Xenoblade 2 came out December 1st 2017. 3 Houses? July of last year. I'm sorry but that is bullsh*t. If I had to pick one 1st party DLC character for ultimate, it would have been for Rex and Pyra. But who the hell cares amirite? Fire Emblem is a HOUSEHOLD name! (see what i did there? :p) I've accepted Rex's fate before the announcement and I was relatively cool with it. But Byleth in smash pisses me off to no end. I SINCERELY hope they are the last Fire Emblem reps for smash. Period. that brings up the total to 8 and 3 of them are identical. I hope all of you understand my frustration, and I apologize if I came off too hard. No offense to 3 Houses or it's fans.
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