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Ken Jumps Into Battle! - Ryu Doubles Potential Discussion


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
This thread, when it is finished, will serve as a guide to players who want to use Ryu in doubles. We will be talking about how well Ryu does with the whole cast of Smash 4. Some parts of this thread are experimental so bear with it for now since I have just started this thread. As this thread comes to a close I will update the OP with a better description Ryu's potential in doubles. We in the Ryu boards are somewhat convinced that Ryu will be a great parthner in doubles and that is why we need to find a great partner to pair with him. The OP will contain all the ups and downs that Ryu has with a certain character and how well it would do in actual battle. Also at the end of a discussion we will try to get some matches with all the gathered theory and ideas to put into practice which will also be uploaded on this thread. I hope that all smashers can come here to have great discussions and have successful results in advancing Ryu's double potential. I will start inviting players from other sub-forums shortly.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2015
So from my testing Id say the best partnes for Ryu are:

Falcon - He can die early due to gimping so Ryus Damage alone allows falcon to get KO's faster making each stock count

Shulk - Shulk can fill any needs we have. If we need a fast psuedo-Rushdown, A damage dealer, A strong KO'er, or an anchor we can have that with shulk. Especially with customs this team can be very deadly.

Ness - Again due to Ryu's insane damage output Ness can run over and Bthrow to KO Ryu's opponent reducing one of his weaknesses, such as a lack of a decent kill throw. Other then that we can Cover ness's weakness of only using Bthrow and Fsmash to kill.

Sheik - because of her frame data she can help control the space around Ryu giving him some breathing room and combos well into Ryu's Bair, Dair, SRK, and Fsmash.

These were the ones that stood out the most to me while practicing


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
Nice observations! When we go over these characters make sure to contribute a bunch.
I'm about to go invite some Bowser players since they are first on the list and then I will go down from there.


Aug 2, 2007
Yo! Thanks for paging the king of awesome! :)

Bowser doesn't have the frame data or the utility that other characters in the game possess. He is a wall, capable of throwing down some fire, locking down a target with Fortress, or throwing out a jab here an there, but most of his power is in sudden trades and on-stage stock closing. Due to his mediocre frame data and inherent vulnerability as a psudo grappler, Bowser has a tough time reversing momentum and getting back into position. This is something that Bowser shares with other heavies, such as Ganon, Charizard, and DK. Yoshi outperforms Bowser (and pretty much any heavy) in frame data and walling ability, making Bowser seem even less appealing in doubles. Because of these points, Bowser does not make an optimal partner for Ryu. Ryu, a character who works best with a little breathing room to assault a single opponent, needs a character like Diddy or Sheik who can pressure the opponents at-will, front and back, through sheer frame data. Bowser would need much of the same things, as Bowser will lose all momentum off of a single screw up, thus forcing him to seek a partner that can provide that breathing room, too.

That being said, this isn't the worst team you could think of. Bowser and Ryu can complement each other with powerful anti-shields and potent bait & punish. It's a team with lots of kill potential and, through Ryu, a way of getting opponents to that threshold. This team has no problems dominating if they're already landing every hit.
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
Yo! Thanks for paging the king of awesome! :)

Bowser doesn't have the frame data or the utility that other characters in the game possess. He is a wall, capable of throwing down some fire, locking down a target with Fortress, or throwing out a jab here an there, but most of his power is in sudden trades and on-stage stock closing. Due to his mediocre frame data and inherent vulnerability as a psudo grappler, Bowser has a tough time reversing momentum and getting back into position. This is something that Bowser shares with other heavies, such as Ganon, Charizard, and DK. Yoshi outperforms Bowser (and pretty much any heavy) in frame data and walling ability, making Bowser seem even less appealing in doubles. Because of these points, Bowser does not make an optimal partner for Ryu. Ryu, a character who works best with a little breathing room to assault a single opponent, needs a character like Diddy or Sheik who can pressure the opponents at-will, front and back, through sheer frame data. Bowser would need much of the same things, as Bowser will lose all momentum off of a single screw up, thus forcing him to seek a partner that can provide that breathing room, too.

That being said, this isn't the worst team you could think of. Bowser and Ryu can complement each other with powerful anti-shields and potent bait & punish. It's a team with lots of kill potential and, through Ryu, a way of getting opponents to that threshold. This team has no problems dominating if they're already landing every hit.
Wow thank you for the response man! I agree with all the you mentioned, except for Ryu needing very little breathing room. Due to Ryu's average approach options that are not safe in the least, he would rather zone the opponent out and make them come to him. It seems as though Bowser would not make a great partner for Ryu as you mentioned. I will try to think of some ups and downs for their partnership and list it for debate.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2015
Yo! Thanks for paging the king of awesome! :)

Bowser doesn't have the frame data or the utility that other characters in the game possess. He is a wall, capable of throwing down some fire, locking down a target with Fortress, or throwing out a jab here an there, but most of his power is in sudden trades and on-stage stock closing. Due to his mediocre frame data and inherent vulnerability as a psudo grappler, Bowser has a tough time reversing momentum and getting back into position. This is something that Bowser shares with other heavies, such as Ganon, Charizard, and DK. Yoshi outperforms Bowser (and pretty much any heavy) in frame data and walling ability, making Bowser seem even less appealing in doubles. Because of these points, Bowser does not make an optimal partner for Ryu. Ryu, a character who works best with a little breathing room to assault a single opponent, needs a character like Diddy or Sheik who can pressure the opponents at-will, front and back, through sheer frame data. Bowser would need much of the same things, as Bowser will lose all momentum off of a single screw up, thus forcing him to seek a partner that can provide that breathing room, too.

That being said, this isn't the worst team you could think of. Bowser and Ryu can complement each other with powerful anti-shields and potent bait & punish. It's a team with lots of kill potential and, through Ryu, a way of getting opponents to that threshold. This team has no problems dominating if they're already landing every hit.
This got me thinking regarding Charizard and Bowser firebreath. If One of these character were to put that out and Ryu was close enough he could SRK through the flames and get a KO off a simple firebreath. Ill check how usable it is in true doubles but that's gotta be tomorrow when I can a group to practice it with


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
This got me thinking regarding Charizard and Bowser firebreath. If One of these character were to put that out and Ryu was close enough he could SRK through the flames and get a KO off a simple firebreath. Ill check how usable it is in true doubles but that's gotta be tomorrow when I can a group to practice it with
Hm that's a great idea. I think fire breath can also help Ryu in getting other moves on the opponent. A few off the top of my mind: FA, grab, sour spot fair, nair--L.utilt--shoryuken, f-smash, and etc.
Gonna post the ups and downs of this combination in a little bit


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
-Ryu applies damage and Bowser finishes with numerous kill option(from setups of course)
-Ryu throws/grab release can combo into Bowsers bair,fair,uair, etc.
-FA's crumple could lead into browser bomb or klaw(needs to be tested)
-Bowser fire breath and Ryu hadoken pressure from above
Ie. Bowser starts fire breath and holds upward. Ryu jumps above and uses hadoken and its many variants to make a little wall of some sort.(testing needed)
-Bowser dtilt could possibly lead into a footstool by Ryu.(needs testing and practice. We should probably ask Hooded for that)
-Bowser up-b might also set up into footstools(needs testing) and if not other ariels by Ryu.

-Both Bowser and Ryu having poor aproach options.
-Bowser having poor frame data
-Ryu having a hard time to kill unless there is a setup involved.
-Bowser can't get down on the stage from above.
-Neither character have that rush down feel, thus making the partnership a dual-defensive, which might not be bad in practice.

Well that's all I can think of for now. Keep in mind this is all theory/ideas and needs to be put into practice to be confirmed. Let's get some more ideas thrown around guys!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2015
Also jiggly puff could be good with FA to rest. Or ZSS or Pac with their stunning weapons to FA or DP.

EDIT: How does FA affect an opponent that has been hit by yoshis egg lay? Will it just do damage or will it put them in crumple? Also, ness and PK Fire could set things up. Or lucas and Pk thunder.
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Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2015
Ok so upon further testing Bowser and Zard are great for locking down opponents for Ryu to land a T.SRK. Other then that there isn't so much chemistry between them.

Kirby - His aerial movement allows Ryu some freedom in the air helping to negate his, more or less, locked air movement due to high air friction. Kirby can help combo opponents into Ryu's attacks with basically most of his moves.

DeDeDe - No real chemistry here.

Mii Swordsman- I like this quite a bit. Swordsman is great at denying foes. Since most of his moves send them at a decent KB a Ryu can see this and use Bair or Fair for more damage. Swordsman seems to have some trouble getting a KO but he can stage spike pretty well, moreso then Ryu IMO. His wind projectile is pretty great for us as if we can read their reaction it allows a good punish.

Mii Brawler - Not a bad mix not a great mix either. Brawler can rack easy KO's from Up-B He's fast enough to help Ryu if he's getting a bit pummeled. Average I'd say

Ganondorf - Sane thing as falcon really but less speed. Not as viable IMO

Keep in mind im not a great player with some of these characters so if anyone who mains these characters would like to interject please do. This is more of a first look or glance and see what can work vs what can't.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2015
Rather interesting thread. Wonder if the Little Mac threads have one of these...

Speaking of, what's the potential of Mac with Ryu? Both have high kill power and Mac is fast enough to cover Ryu's bases, though Mac isn't the best at anything air (unless he get's his Up-B). The only real problem is that both could get easily gimped if they aren't protecting one another...
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
Rather interesting thread. Wonder if the Little Mac threads have one of these...

Speaking of, what's the potential of Mac with Ryu? Both have high kill power and Mac is fast enough to cover Ryu's bases, though Mac isn't the best at anything air (unless he get's his Up-B). The onlyreal problem is that both could get easily gimped if they aren't protecting one another...
To answer your first question I would have to say I think this thread is the first of its kind and as of now its pretty dead....
I think Ryu and Lil Mac would make a good team, just because Lil Mac seems to do good with everyone regardless.
Anyways, to make this thread a little more lively I'm going to initiate invites to every character in a little bit. Let everyone just come on in and give their thoughts on their character. If anyone who sees this post and wants to invite people from other boards before me go ahead, be my guest.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Ness and Ryu, Lucas and Ryu...

Hadouken would heal Lucas for a TON of damage (and to a lesser extent Ness), but you'd want to spam it and it might be more impractical than, say, ZSS.

Ness has insane kill options in at least 2 aerials, and later a third starts killing quite well, and in edge-guarding situations even Fair has enough KB to kill. THAT BEING SAID an OoS option that kills is always nice. And where Ryu really shines is finishing off for Lucas, who does have trouble killing (probably even in 2v2).

It's a strange dynamic. I find Ness/Lucas traditionally perform the best with characters that can heal them and allow them to take the role of stock tank, but Ryu may fill a combination of both healer and offensive, so I'm not sure how that would work exactly. It's a bit early in the meta to say, but I can't wait until we get proper teams going again in smash 4.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2015
I came here off the Lucario discussions, and I have been wondering about doubles partners for Lucario for quite a bit of time. Given that Lucario focuses on incredible high-percent kills, having Ryu use his Focus Attack while Lucario distracts or knocks them intonitx followed by Ryu using a side smash, or Lucario, if he's at a high percent, can be a serious killer. I have dabbled in Ryu a bit myself, so I do know what I'm talking about here.(Also, if anyone could look at/comment on my Pokemon DLC Ideas thread lower down in Character Discussions, that'd be great, thanks.)
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Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
I imagine that Mario and Ryu wouldn't be too bad of a team. They're zoning and lockdown game would be pretty good, Ryu having a ground level projectile in his
Shakunetsus and Mario having an aerial one with his Fireballs. Mario, like Ryu, also has very good frame data, and considering how easily Mario can get a grab and how easily Ryu can finish someone off, they'd have some powerful team combos. Mario can also handle himself offstage, which isn't really Ryu's strong point.
I'll do Jigglypuff later.


Smash Cadet
Mar 3, 2015
New York
Hello! I am a fellow member of the Peach boards and Ryu as a partner of ours could be very nice.
Peach has that defensive offensive type build while Ryu can stall during combos from partner. Also, I believe turnips hit ryu when he is using up b and side b so that may he crucial! I hope I helped a little bit at least!


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2015
The United States of America
I think Jigglypuff wouldn't be too bad of a partner, for a few reasons. Saving, combo's, sorta somewhat diffrent playstyles, and covering both ground and air. If could just be a mindless suggestion, but we won't know until we try!


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2014
Seattle Area
You guys paged the Samus boards. This is nothing but pure theory craft.

I don't know that Ryu and Samus have much that separates them as a particularly good team. Ryu has no gimmick to further improve charge shot like say Samus+Villager. Ryu has a largish hit box that makes him a bit cumbersome to shoot projectiles around. Samus has a great offstage and aerial game while Ryu is pretty good on stage. There might be something to work with there, but I don't know if it would be as strong as say Samus+Little Mac. You guys do have that nice shield breaking throw. If you can keep the other character away, a shield break on the main platform is always a kill for Samus. It is quite possible there are good ways to set up Ryu for upb kills, but I don't know that Samus is any better than other characters at this purpose.

We can poke you with zair out of upb and sideb. I don't know if that is particularly useful in teams or not.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2014
New Jersey
So, someone asked the people over at the Roy boards to join in this little discussion, and I would be willing.

From what I know of Ryu and Roy both as characters, their playstyles are very similar - KO the opponent with lots of quick combos. I don't think two characters of a similar playstyle can work very well on a team due to the synergy just not being there. I think of it this way - a Pokemon team with six 'mons dedicated to attacking with the same stat is going to fail, but one with variety and synergy will succeed. There's probably tons of other examples. I just don't see the synergy being there with Ryu and Roy. I can see their play-styles clashing and resulting in chaos. I'm not too knowledgeable on Ryu, but if he doesn't have any moves that are safe on shield, that's another reason Roy wouldn't be a good partner. He has none. I'm sure there are some interesting things you can do, such as lock someone with the sour spot of Roy's B-air and use Ryu's Up-B for the K.O. I don't see this team working too well in my opinion though, but if anyone can point out something I missed go ahead. And sorry if I'm wrong about anything, I'm just trying to help as much as I can with the knowledge that I have currently. I'm kind of new to competitive Smash and just want to put my two cents into the discussion. :D

EDIT: AHA I DID GET SOMETHING WRONG. B-Air stops locking at 25% generally for Roy, so you can use it for more of a combo starter. Still don't see team potential with the two, though.
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We're going top speed!
May 17, 2014
Canada, MB
McCloud action reporting in!

...I am theorycrafting, so don't take a lot of this to heart.

I think Fox+Ryu is a decent partnership but I wouldn't say it's amazing. Ryu's offense is stellar and his killing potential is amazing, whereas Fox has good combo capacity and dishes out good damage when he gets some of his wombos going. Fox plays very in-out and is a reasonably defensive character that focuses primarily on his insane mobility to weave into range. Both characters struggle against characters that hide in their shield (Fox legit has no kill throws and just a bad throw game overall), and both characters are susceptible to gimping. That being said, I would say in the advantageous position the two of them are likely stupidly good at keeping the advantage due to Ryu's bonkers combos, OoS Shoryuken, and how hard it is to hit Fox in the first place. Additionally, both rack damage quickly and have good kill setups (Fox has weaker kill options but has better setups as far as I know).

Because of the slow moving nature of Hadouken, I suppose they could do some fun cheese things with Fox's reflector as well.

I suppose them both having pressuring projectiles and Fox having a very reliable reflector to be a big plus as well. Another advantage is Fox's incredible speed and amazing frame data help him constantly pressure someone to stop them from "sneaking up" on Ryu. This is the advantage to having Fox as an ally, he basically has the best movement in the game because of his dash speed, attacking speed, initial dash, amazing aerial vertical speed and aerial acceleration. It allows him to tail people and prevent someone from juggling or edgeguarding his ally better than pretty much every character.

Just going with what I know of Fox in doubles (not a whole lot), Ryu seems like a capable partner of Fox's, but probably not your best wingman.
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Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Shulk - Shulk can fill any needs we have. If we need a fast psuedo-Rushdown, A damage dealer, A strong KO'er, or an anchor we can have that with shulk. Especially with customs this team can be very deadly.
So like PapaJ mentioned, Shulk can fill in the role required for the moment. His Monado arts allow him to adapt & take on a certain play-style, matching the moment at hand.

I've never teamed with Ryu in Doubles, so I guess I don't have much to contribute to the discussion other than asking a question: What direction does the opponent face when Ryu uses all 4 of his directional throws?

Example: Shulk's F-throw U-throw & D-throw launches them away but their back faces toward the blastline, but his B-throw launches them away with their back facing toward Shulk. --- I asked that because Ryu's throw may lead to a prepared sweetspotted back-hitting Back Slash, which depending on the Monado art per-say Buster, that could deal a whopping ~23% launching them back to Ryu's prepared aerial follow-up.
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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I can see Mega Man and Ryu as a pretty decent team. Hadoken's are fairly slow, so Mega Man can help with projectile pressure with both Metal Blades and Lemons rather quickly in comparison. Metal Blade especially for the multi-hits and 8 directional firing and junk. Crash Bomb might work decently too. Of course, you still have pressure from Flame Sword and Slash Claw. Don't get me started with the Air Shooter shenanigans you could pull off. Leaf Shield covers like three jobs in one move. Extra grab damage is decent. Can work as a sturdy projectile at times. And there's ledge guarding if Ryu knocks them off in time. Slide Kick should be alright. What I would mostly suggest is if your Mega Man teammate lands the SK, have Ryu in the air and get in extra hits. Especially if you kick them off the ledge and then have Ryu Down Air them.

Top Spin could semi-trap an opponent while Ryu lands a quick F-Smash, D-Smash, Hadoken(from a distance) or maybe even a Tatsumaki. This would of course work better if done from the other side of the stage Mega Man's on. Otherwise, it can get some decent damage in.

Rush Coil is pretty much a great helper for any team up with Mega Man. As aside from being a pretty good recovery option on it's own, it can also save a teammate if used correctly.

If you're using Tornado Hold, this might work similarly to the Top Spin. Where Mega Man sets them up quickly while Ryu lands an air move for a finishing blow. I can see Back Air being good for this. There's also Up-B into N-air, F-air or U-air.

So with this stuff in mind, Mega Man could effectively pick off opponents if that's more so your playstyle.

Mega Man also has a lot of kill moves, though a few of them are a bit too laggy, Barring Slash-Claw, Charge Shot and Spark Needle. So with Flame Burst and Mega Upper, as well as the three previous moves, Mega Man can often go for the killing blow for a lot of characters. If you're playing like this, it would be best for Ryu to rack up damage as he does better in close range. While they are occupied with Ryu, Mega Man could go for the kill. This might also work with Back Throw as well.

Hard Knuckle will pretty much serve the same purpose as before. It's an optional kill move with decent potential. The only major plus this move has in doubles is, when in the thick of fighting, you can throw these out a little more liberally on stage. It'll do a decent 12 or 14 damage as it is.

Like most characters Mega Man can follow up with another attack after Down throw, N-air, Air, Shooter, Metal Blade and Flame Sword are the preferable options. But a quick Up-Smash can work early on.

Personally, I would prefer to be the type that helps rack up damage early on. But as the game goes on, lay back a bit and let Ryu get a bit more damage in while setting up kill moves. I'm probably wrong about a lot of things in this, but I'd like to think some of it might be worth considering.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
Ness and Ryu, Lucas and Ryu...

Hadouken would heal Lucas for a TON of damage (and to a lesser extent Ness), but you'd want to spam it and it might be more impractical than, say, ZSS.

Ness has insane kill options in at least 2 aerials, and later a third starts killing quite well, and in edge-guarding situations even Fair has enough KB to kill. THAT BEING SAID an OoS option that kills is always nice. And where Ryu really shines is finishing off for Lucas, who does have trouble killing (probably even in 2v2).

It's a strange dynamic. I find Ness/Lucas traditionally perform the best with characters that can heal them and allow them to take the role of stock tank, but Ryu may fill a combination of both healer and offensive, so I'm not sure how that would work exactly. It's a bit early in the meta to say, but I can't wait until we get proper teams going again in smash 4.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
I like what you mentioned about Ness and Lucas as teammates. Papaj also mentioned some useful stuff with this pairing.
Ness and Ryu
Ness plays as the stock tank and mainly defensive while Ryu goes in to rack damage.
At a high enough percentage a well placed bair, uair, or backthrow by Ness will finish the stock. Ness's Pk fire can help Ryu set up for either FA, Shoryu, or sourspot fair into other follows. What needs testing is Pk fire into FA.
If you FA them when they first get hit by the fire won't the fire immediately put them out of crumple. Not sure if that made sense, but I'll try to test and post it here.
Lucas and Ryu
from what you said and my own observations of Lucas he has a hard time killing efficiently. Now that's a pretty big problem for Ryu as well unless he gets a good setup which he has an average amount of. Lucas can rack up quite some percentage rage with a lot of his moves and combos. I'm thinking of utilizing some of the new found locks for Lucas which My Smash Corner shows off in his latest video.(check it out if you haven't already) Lucas's throws aren't as good as Ness's but he still has the up throw and back throw near the ledge as an option if you can't deal the stock. I would image Lucas plays offensive while Ryu supports with hado pressure and healing. I'm not sure if Lucas can assist us in landing easier FA's though.
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Smash Cadet
May 4, 2015
Game and Watch isn't a good partner for you guys. Yes, like many teams, Ryu can fill a bucket, but hadouken isn't exactly fast or safe. Also, I don't see Ryu as being able to defend Game and Watch from dying constantly. A good teammate (stupid bucket gimmicks aside) needs to be able to protect Game and Watch from getting launched as easily as he does by zoning or using quick and safe moves. Side B poses a big problem since it lasts long and travels far. If that accidentally hits your teammate, then Game and Watch will go flying.

That said, Game and Watch can crouch under the majority of Ryu's moves, so maybe the chemistry can imrpove a bit from that. Otherwise, nope. Not an ideal teammate. Then again, I could be wrong.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
Game and Watch isn't a good partner for you guys. Yes, like many teams, Ryu can fill a bucket, but hadouken isn't exactly fast or safe. Also, I don't see Ryu as being able to defend Game and Watch from dying constantly. A good teammate (stupid bucket gimmicks aside) needs to be able to protect Game and Watch from getting launched as easily as he does by zoning or using quick and safe moves. Side B poses a big problem since it lasts long and travels far. If that accidentally hits your teammate, then Game and Watch will go flying.

That said, Game and Watch can crouch under the majority of Ryu's moves, so maybe the chemistry can imrpove a bit from that. Otherwise, nope. Not an ideal teammate. Then again, I could be wrong.
This is something I'm going to try since my teammate is a G&W player.
I think what you mentioned above is true, but that could apply to any other character. Team synergy is a must if we go by what you said above. G&W can't really help Ryu setup for kills, but Ryu could help G&W get a free hammer after landing an FA. I'll try this pairing out before giving my final thoughts. I am sorta leaning towards what you said @ Sixell Sixell . Thanks for coming by this thread regardless m8.
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
I came here off the Lucario discussions, and I have been wondering about doubles partners for Lucario for quite a bit of time. Given that Lucario focuses on incredible high-percent kills, having Ryu use his Focus Attack while Lucario distracts or knocks them intonitx followed by Ryu using a side smash, or Lucario, if he's at a high percent, can be a serious killer. I have dabbled in Ryu a bit myself, so I do know what I'm talking about here.(Also, if anyone could look at/comment on my Pokemon DLC Ideas thread lower down in Character Discussions, that'd be great, thanks.)
Thanks for coming by man.
From what I know and the little bit of usage of Lucario I have, I would say lucario plays the defenssive stock tank role, but still ends up killing since he has the options. Correct me if I'm wrong, but lucario's smashes do have quite a bit of start up lag. That would mean these moves are almost uselss unless a setup is involved. As always Ryu will rack up the damage while lucario survives to have rage and aura boost his grabs and his side-b. This seems to be an alright pairing for Ryu, but lucario definitely has better options for partners.


Smash Cadet
May 4, 2015
Ryu could help G&W get a free hammer after landing an FA
An interesting combo in a 2v1 situation would be to use FA, let GW use judgment, and prepare another FA in case the hammer number is a low one with horrible hitstun and knockback. If it's a 1 hammer, then that guarantees another setup (given that the FA timing is good), making 1 actually useful in this case.

Pippin (Peregrin Took)

Formerly “ItalianBaptist”
Jan 28, 2014
Switch FC
I'm from the mii swordfighter thread but I'm willing to help out with all 3 miis (lots of setup options there - defaults or variety), dark pit, peach, charizard, greninja and duck hunt. I'm passionate about doubles and really enjoy ryu as well :)

Splooshi Splashy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2015
I really want to believe that Jr & Duck Hunt can be good partners for Ryu, but I've not had the privilege to do actual team battles with Ryu (whether me or my partner playing as him) to prove it, so while the actual teams portions should be taken as theorycraft, the FG Variety portions are what I've personally been able to do (and DH's the one with video evidence from me!).

Jr & Ryu in teams

FG Variety: Jr is the Prince of Juggles, and Ryu is the King of Combos. Once these two get in, the sheer amount of damage they can rack up together is ridiculous, especially if Jr's using Side B Jump Cancels. Mechas & Cannonballs can cover Ryu's approaches, as can Jr's Up 1, making him a great ally for breaking through some campsites (not the most fortified of them, but rather small ones guarded by aggressive bodyguards). Jr can go really far off-stage for deep edgeguards (enough to appear like ROB or Villager!) and yet still make it back to the stage, which can certainly help secure any KOs that Ryu may not have confirmed the 1st time around.

Actual teams (which is what this thread's about): Jr's Up 1/2 & default Mechas will greatly disrupt Ryu. As Blanc shows here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKpgjAKsl1Q), even another Jr can get rekt by his own Mechas & Up 1. Jr's heavy enough and has a good enough recovery to be a legit stock tank, at least. Jr's also got good KO power as well, and will probably share the burden of closing out stocks with Ryu.

If customs are on, 3x33 would probably be the best deck for Jr to rep. As crazy as it may sound, Jrs should consider Up 3 to minimize the disruption on his Up B. I know very well that Jr's recovery worsens with linearity if Up 3 is equipped, and that it's generally the worst of the Up B moves, but it is for the team that I will put it on. Its KO power is still good, and its landing lag if you DON'T swing the hammer is actually pretty good. You'll reach the ground quickly as well. Your sharp descent & the Car explosion is where the KO power is with this Special. Hammer still KOs, but you don't need it as much as the other 2 Up B moves do, plus swinging the hammer increases your horizontal movement distance. Unfortunately, as stated earlier, this wrecks Jr's recovery ability, limiting his ability to stock tank.

Air Cannon can make like Mario's FLUDD and push everyone in front of Jr, including Ryu. Shenanigans ahoy as Jr pushes your Focus Attack closer to the other team...

I know not which Side B to run in teams, aside from maybe NOT picking Koopa Drift except for certain stages like Castle Siege & Delfino for their walkoffs, and/or for those running Up 3 to make up for its linearity. At least if KD's spinouts hit Ryu, it's not going to KO him, even if he's at 100+%, though it may setup a KO moment for the other team to take advantage of.

Big Mechas are best Mechas for teams, due to its lowest partner disruption output in comparison to the other 2 Mechas. Handing a Big Mecha over to your partner is a fantastic way to approach folks, though edgeguarding with it will likely be Jr's duty, due to the length Jr can go off-stage for the deep edgeguard and yet still make it back to the stage. Big Mecha can also ward off some projectiles (Duck Hunt's arsenal comes to mind...) and still remain to be picked up later.

Speaking of DH...

FG Variety (from myself): https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hAxWhKKP9pQ#t=347 .
While it's uncertain how good the Ryu buddy I was with was, the highlight here is what DH can do for him, particularly when he's confronting campsites. An aggressive rushdown doggie will be able to escort his partners into the most fortified of campsites, though he may struggle with semi-campsites that have an aggressive bodyguard (ex. Little Mac) covering the camper (this setup is what Jr excels at handling).

Actual teams: For lowest disruption, DH should rep 3123 or 3133 if customs are on.

Zigzag is mashable from the get-go, making it quite the anti-air. If it hits Ryu, it'll merely disrupt whatever he's doing and the DH player can avoid mashing B to prevent any further damage.

Duck Jump Snag is the dog's version of our wakeup DP, and it can be followed up by Ryu if he's nearby. Doggies are going to want to be at walled Omegas to make up for Up 2's worse recovery with wall-jumps.

Super Duck Jump's windboxes can shake up folks, and it boosts his vertical recovery at the expense of his horizontal distance, making his recovery path very linear.

Mega Gunmen takes the longest out of the 3 Gunmen to actually fire off a shot, plus it'll soak up many projectiles and approach moves either before the shot comes or it gets KO'd.

The burden of KO-ing is going to fall on Ryu, and DH can help with setting up KOs with his arsenal. While his recovery is easier than Ryu's (especially with walls), he's not going to go AS far off-stage as Jr can, but his arsenal can make up for that. He may be too light to be a reliable stock tank, but he can at least support from afar and fight on multiple fronts if need be.

I might post here with more characters (I'm thinking Zelda or Doc...) or clarification on what Jr & DH can do for Ryu later.
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2015
Yoshi and Ryu could work.

Ryu stays close to the ground and his jumps aren't very high so Yoshi could stay back and covor Ryu with eggs. Sence Yoshi has really weak throws I would expect Ryu and Yoshi to have nice teams combos because they both launch characters normaly horizontal and vertical.

I think they could do good edge guards to. Yoshi can edge guard low and high while ryu has really good tactics for above. Also Yoshi recovors high while Ryu recovors low so there wouldn't be many recovory problems.

I would expect the team to be good though because there pretty diffrent but have great tools.

Also a uptilt combo with a Yoshi on the team is deadly. Yoshi could do a free 32% from his down air while ryu keeps ussing up tilt. Possibly a infinite too.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2015
Pac-man and ryu seems pretty good, pac-man is a great double partner and learning your partner could prove a really good team. The ryu however would have to conmit to getting kills but pac could set them up, rack up damage and save ryu from sticky situations.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
I imagine that Mario and Ryu wouldn't be too bad of a team. They're zoning and lockdown game would be pretty good, Ryu having a ground level projectile in his
Shakunetsus and Mario having an aerial one with his Fireballs. Mario, like Ryu, also has very good frame data, and considering how easily Mario can get a grab and how easily Ryu can finish someone off, they'd have some powerful team combos. Mario can also handle himself offstage, which isn't really Ryu's strong point.
I'll do Jigglypuff later.
Welcome to Ryu's doubles thread, and thanks for commenting.
I agree with all that you said except for the part about recovering. Mario doesn't have the best recovery and his options are limited to the cape stalling which you can oh so many times before your fall to your doom. Ryu on the other hand has a few options up his sleeves(if he had any). I won't sit here and tell you all of them,but if you go into our video thread you'll find a video on Ryu's movement and how to utlilze it.
Anyways back to Mario and Ryu. With these two it seems the roles can switch depending the players style. Both characters have an offensive and defenssive nature.
I'll ellabrote upon this more when I get some gameplay.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
Hello! I am a fellow member of the Peach boards and Ryu as a partner of ours could be very nice.
Peach has that defensive offensive type build while Ryu can stall during combos from partner. Also, I believe turnips hit ryu when he is using up b and side b so that may he crucial! I hope I helped a little bit at least!
Hi and welcome to this thread, thanks for commenting m8.
Well you say peach is defensive, but I really don't see it. Her turnips just don't go as far. I feel she would be better continuing combos that Ryu initiates with her float shenanigans. I could be wrong about turnips so don't hold it against me.
Also I'm not sure why you would wanna hit Ryu with the turnips. Is there something I'm missing?
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2015
Welcome to Ryu's doubles thread, and thanks for commenting.
I agree with all that you said except for the part about recovering. Mario doesn't have the best recovery and his options are limited to the cape stalling which you can oh so many times before your fall to your doom. Ryu on the other hand has a few options up his sleeves(if he had any). I won't sit here and tell you all of them,but if you go into our video thread you'll find a video on Ryu's movement and how to utlilze it.
Anyways back to Mario and Ryu. With these two it seems the roles can switch depending the players style. Both characters have an offensive and defenssive nature.
I'll ellabrote upon this more when I get some gameplay.
I see no other yoshi players enterd... Im normally the only one entering these. Oh well.

Anyways I will test some ryu and yoshi combos because a infinite seems possible.
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
I see no other yoshi players enterd... Im normally the only one entering these. Oh well.

Anyways I will test some ryu and yoshi combos because a infinite seems possible.
Do you mean this thread when you said "entered"?
And an infinite may be possible, but testing is needed. If you want to play doubles with some good Ryu's look around our main threads, you're bound to find someone.
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Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
Welcome to Ryu's doubles thread, and thanks for commenting.
I agree with all that you said except for the part about recovering. Mario doesn't have the best recovery and his options are limited to the cape stalling which you can oh so many times before your fall to your doom. Ryu on the other hand has a few options up his sleeves(if he had any). I won't sit here and tell you all of them,but if you go into our video thread you'll find a video on Ryu's movement and how to utlilze it.
Anyways back to Mario and Ryu. With these two it seems the roles can switch depending the players style. Both characters have an offensive and defenssive nature.
I'll ellabrote upon this more when I get some gameplay.
True, Mario's recovery isn't spectacular.(by the way, if you try to Cape stall in this game, you deserve the imminent doom you're about to meet) but it's acceptable at the least, Super Jump Punch has a brief period of invincibility at the start, as well as an active hitbox. That, combined with his lightning-fast aerials (frames 3,6,4 and 5) make him a terror of an edgeguarder. More so than Ryu, anyway. That's not even mentioning his gimping tools. What with Ryu having a quick meteor smash and a KO move, and Mario having a meteor smash, Cape, and F.L.U.D.D., offstage won't be a friendly place for the opponent. I'd say Mario can handle himself offstage better than Ryu can.
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
I think Jigglypuff wouldn't be too bad of a partner, for a few reasons. Saving, combo's, sorta somewhat diffrent playstyles, and covering both ground and air. If could just be a mindless suggestion, but we won't know until we try!
My teammate plays jiggs too and I'll try to get some gameplay of this as well. Jiggs's side-b combined with most of Ryu's moves, mainly heavy f-tilt, can cause shield breaks which can result in a rest or shoryu, whichever is better in the situation. I think jiggs would be a great partner for Ryu. I'll get gameplay to further give more thoughts on this character.
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
True, Mario's recovery isn't spectacular.(by the way, if you try to Cape stall in this game, you deserve the imminent doom you're about to meet) but it's acceptable at the least, Super Jump Punch has a brief period of invincibility at the start, as well as an active hitbox. That, combined with his lightning-fast aerials (frames 3,6,4 and 5) make him a terror of an edgeguarder. More so than Ryu, anyway. That's not even mentioning his gimping tools. What with Ryu having a quick meteor smash and a KO move, and Mario having a meteor smash, Cape, and F.L.U.D.D., offstage won't be a friendly place for the opponent. I'd say Mario can handle himself offstage better than Ryu can.
Oh I see what you mean. I thought you meant recovery-wise. That's my bad. I agree with your explanation, which makes more sense.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
Oh I see what you mean. I thought you meant recovery-wise. That's my bad. I agree with your explanation, which makes more sense.
Good. While we're on the subject of Jigglypuff, I think I'll butt in.
I think Jigglypuff and Ryu could be a complex team. Mostly because both characters take lots of skill to handle. Ryu's extremely powerful and versatile moveset on the ground and Jigglypuff's "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" style in the air would make a hell of a team with both bases covered. The two could have some fatal combos, too. Focus Punch into Rest, or maybe Sing into Shoryken. If the opponent gets their shield broken by a Pound or a Collarbone Breaker or something, that's pretty much a guaranteed stock off. Ryu would do a pretty good job protecting Jigglypuff as well, considering he's like a stone. Heavy and strong, but surprisingly fast. If Ryu were to miss a recovery, Jigglypuff would also have little to no problem saving him. All in all, I see potential for a pretty scary team.
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2013
You guys paged the Samus boards. This is nothing but pure theory craft.

I don't know that Ryu and Samus have much that separates them as a particularly good team. Ryu has no gimmick to further improve charge shot like say Samus+Villager. Ryu has a largish hit box that makes him a bit cumbersome to shoot projectiles around. Samus has a great offstage and aerial game while Ryu is pretty good on stage. There might be something to work with there, but I don't know if it would be as strong as say Samus+Little Mac. You guys do have that nice shield breaking throw. If you can keep the other character away, a shield break on the main platform is always a kill for Samus. It is quite possible there are good ways to set up Ryu for upb kills, but I don't know that Samus is any better than other characters at this purpose.

We can poke you with zair out of upb and sideb. I don't know if that is particularly useful in teams or not.
Hi and thanks for coming by and commenting.
My initial thoughts on this pairing is, charge shot to shield breaker by Ryu. There could be more to this team, but I'll look into before saying anything.
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