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K. Rool's Kremling Kutthroats: PM BKupa666 for an Invite to the New K. Rool Thread

Jul 27, 2014
The inbetween
well guys i guess its time for goodbye's,honestly this is the best thread i have ever been too,this place feels like home,like i feel you guys are family.

i have been lurking here for a few months,but this thread is what made me come out of the shadows. and i am glad for being a part of this thread,thank you for all the laughs,motivation,and even sadness that we have had over the year of speculation.

its been a good ride,take care fellow kutthroats,i will see you in about 5-7 years when smash 5 gets announced,or maybe in a month for the wii u version(who knows honestly).

but i wont give up for dlc,if i see a petition or something i will sign it.

and with that i leave you with some k rool art that i made out of inspiration from this thread and the people in it ( http://imgur.com/n79UEl8 ).
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Smash Cadet
Jul 29, 2014
United States
Switch FC
Well, now that the depression has somewhat subsided, I would just like to say thanks to everyone in this thread. It has been a ton of fun for me. This thread was the reason I made an account on Smashboards.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
Pardon me for asking, but is there something that I missed? Everyone is saying that it's over, but I don't remember King K. Rool getting deconfirmed...I know the entire roster has been revealed on 3DS, but unless I'm unaware of a K. Rool deconfirmation, then there's still a chance he could be part of the roster once the Wii U version is released.


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
I haven't been around here too often, as I spent more time in the Dixie thread, but I also want to say my goodbyes to you all. I wish that things turned out differently for the DK series, but I've gotten over most of it at this point. Regardless, this is one of the best communities that I've been a part of. The character speculation behind this game has been a blast, even if the end result didn't turn out in our favor. I may still stick around the boards to post about Project M and the metagame behind this one, but I'm definitely going to miss this thread in particular. Until we meet again, fellow Kutthroats. May Dixie and K. Rool grace the next installment.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
One last fan art tribute to the crocodile with the best fashion sense in the world!

By リック

By Dudery and FAITH Forever (posted above, but in link format)

By FischHead

by Themrock

By Desertlizard (a member in this thread by the way, they posted this one a few pages back)

by smthcrim89

By Wilttilt (a member of this thread, too!)

By Arnie-Sketch


By myself, I posted it a while ago but I thought it the fitting to repost.

Thanks again everyone. :)


Smash Ace
Jan 9, 2002
Jalisco, Mexico
Being the first character I started to support hard for Smash 4, K. Rool is probably my biggest dissapointment in the roster. The good side of it is that we saw it coming long ago since the ESRB leak and no mention of K. Rool on the DLC. So the blow was less hard.
I shall main a big character like Bowser, DDD or Charizard in honor to the heavy characters that weren't meant to be in this Smash.
P. S. I think I will have "One of Us" stuck forever in my head.


fka president wario
Aug 26, 2014
I've never commented in this thread and would have probably did if my sleeping schedule wasn't so ****ed up but seeing everyone so down (Mostly Ridley, K Rool, Mewtwo, and Isaac fans) is quite depressing. You guys definitely have it the worse though, I don't think Sakurai even acknowledged K Rool's hype like he has with Ridley and Mewtwo, correct me if I'm wrong though. I've never put much thought into K Rool being playable for Smash but I could see why people would want him in. I do hope he makes it in for DLC and if not, I'll be right here fighting with you guys for him to be in the next Smash game. I hope you all have a great day and hold onto your hopes for K Rool for DLC.

The Flying Brick

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2014
Wherever I need to be.
I've posted this before, but now it's final:
I'm having a hard time believing Sakurai would really screw over the DK fanbase so much. Why would he choose to ignore us so much? All we get is a new song on a returning stage, and MAYBE an Assist Trophy. Can this really be... The end?


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I missed part of your quotation last time, in which you told me I was ungrateful and unappreciative.
That actually proved my point entirely, that I don't understand detractors who go around trying to kill hype, when my statements harm no one.
I do not expect anything, I have hope.
The issue I take is with responses like the one you gave me, which generalize and assume, and try to attack me as a person.
...I have no idea what responses like yours offer other than an to try to spread negativity from an exceptionally egotistical place, and to attack anothers character.
Are you being serious man?

Here's our conversation:
If there is one thing that bothers me, it is when detractors try to stifle hope simply because they do not have any. What an unsatisfying way to live life.
I assure you, acceptance and appreciation of what you have is a much more satisfying way to live than to live in greed always wanting more.
I missed part of your quotation last time, in which you told me I was ungrateful and unappreciative.
That actually proved my point entirely, that I don't understand detractors who go around trying to kill hype, when my statements harm no one.
I do not expect anything, I have hope.
The issue I take is with responses like the one you gave me, which generalize and assume, and try to attack me as a person.
...I have no idea what responses like yours offer other than an to try to spread negativity from an exceptionally egotistical place, and to attack anothers character.
My post in green clearly doesn't "attack you as a person".
Funnily calling people who aren't holding any false hope out as having unsatisfying lives is apparently less of a personal attack than my general philosophical statement that you disagree with.

If you try to get people hyped up for the game instead of torturing themselves over what isn't in it.... you get called a detractor who is trying to kill hype. :rolleyes:

That's what's twisted about this whole crusade. You claim that it's being "positive", but all you're doing is focusing on what we don't have, which is the very essence of negativity.

It's clearly very unlikely that the "hype three" will be playable in this iteration of Smash.
Insisting that they will, in contrary to available evidence isn't positivity. It's delusion, which is just an extreme form of negativity (dissatisfaction with what you currently have).

Don't want a fight. Just here discussing the game and at times trying to help people to accept the roster and be happy with it.

If me trying to encourage acceptance of what we have in an always friendly manner offends you, it's not my fault.
Better if you don't accuse me of attacking anyone's character as that's not something I do. Not exactly called for calling my posts useless and negative either.
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Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2014
Wait, what did I miss? Has his trophy appeared? If that's the case, then yeah, see you in Smash 5, Your Highness...
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Aug 5, 2014
For me it's not over until the Wii U version is out. Or until we see his trophy.

I'm still on board even if the boat is sinking quickly.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 29, 2014
See you in Smash 5? What a laugh! I've he couldn't get in this time, than he will never get in. With each generation their will come new characters and every new character will have a higher importance for an All-Star roll, than K. Rool. The next new Pokémon will be more important, than K. Rool, the next FE-Character will be more important, than K. Rool and so on. K. Rool's best chances where back in Melee.


Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2014
See you in Smash 5? What a laugh! I've he couldn't get in this time, than he will never get in. With each generation their will come new characters and every new character will have a higher importance for an All-Star roll, than K. Rool. The next new Pokémon will be more important, than K. Rool, the next FE-Character will be more important, than K. Rool and so on. K. Rool's best chances where back in Melee.
K. Rool will always be important in Nintendo's and Donkey's history, like Mr. Game & Watch. No matter the time, he'll be there.

I agree that for Smash 5 he will clearly have more competitors, but by no means he will be out of the picture. Never.

For me it's not over until the Wii U version is out. Or until we see his trophy.

I'm still on board even if the boat is sinking quickly.
For a moment, I thought his trophy was spotted and that was the reason everybody here was so gloomy and depressed... Then, what's with all these reactions? The galleon may be sinking, but in the end we could arrive before it finally does!

The Flying Brick

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2014
Wherever I need to be.
See you in Smash 5? What a laugh! I've he couldn't get in this time, than he will never get in. With each generation their will come new characters and every new character will have a higher importance for an All-Star roll, than K. Rool. The next new Pokémon will be more important, than K. Rool, the next FE-Character will be more important, than K. Rool and so on. K. Rool's best chances where back in Melee.
What makes you so sure about that? What if K. Rool is in the next DKC and reclaims his throne as the main villain of the series? Can you really say even then that he is not important anymore? Anything can happen when Sakurai's involved.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2014
New York
What makes you so sure about that? What if K. Rool is in the next DKC and reclaims his throne as the main villain of the series? Can you really say even then that he is not important anymore? Anything can happen when Sakurai's involved.
Sakurai will include Dark Luigi, Dr. Lucina and Baby Rosalina in the next Smash if Smash 4's full roster is an indicator :troll:. But really, I think K. Rool has the highest opportunities to be DLC if there is gonna be any. Hopefully that will be talked about during the Treehouse's 7 hour stream today.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Well it's over and I've cooled down after some initial frustration, sorry to say I let pessimism get the better of me in a few posts yesterday in this thread. I suppose I wasn't the only one, but still sorry about that. Frustration among DK fans is going to be pretty common for the time being I guess. It's time to start supporting King K. Rool in a new way I suppose. You know it's funny I was always against character DLC until the moment I saw we weren't getting nearly as many characters or larger ones that I expected. I suppose that shows my own personal bias towards things, but hell I still love King K. Rool. Easily one of my favorite bosses I've played against, or at least just in DKC1. So much move set potential that I hate to possibly see go to waste, but I'll join you all in whatever other support threads we manage to migrate to.

Again it has been great discussing the King with you all, and it's never over until King K. Rool is finally in Smash, so hopefully one day preferably sooner rather than later we'll be celebrating his inclusion and all of the things that make him unique in Smash!


Smash Master
Apr 14, 2014
I'm actually More Konfident in K. Rool being playable along with Ridley and Mewtwo to hype the Wii U version. You would probably only need the Wii U to get the full roster but you could link it to the 3ds version and have all your Smash dreams on the go. That coupled with the Dixie trophy but no K. Rool trophy makes it seem more likely that he'll be playable.

The Flying Brick

Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2014
Wherever I need to be.
I'm actually More Konfident in K. Rool being playable along with Ridley and Mewtwo to hype the Wii U version. You would probably only need the Wii U to get the full roster but you could link it to the 3ds version and have all your Smash dreams on the go. That coupled with the Dixie trophy but no K. Rool trophy makes it seem more likely that he'll be playable.
Though I'd love it to be true, don't get your hopes up too high. Disappointment is a cruel b****, and I found that out the hard way.


Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
It's been nice, fellas. Really, it has. I didn't post in here much due to business, but I always checked in from time to time, and even made myself a...Kutthroat, if you will. I will definitely leave this with one thing in mind...next time, perhaps?

I know for a fact that one day, K.Rool will enter Smash. But for now, he rests. Probably trying to scheme about bringing DK Island to an early end.


Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
I'm done speculating about Sm4sh. At this point people want something to speculate over, but I'm perfectly content with the current roster in most ways.....

Beyond the obvious lack of K. Rool and some other things notwithstanding.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2014
Hmmm, guys? You WANT to see this:

This is why I asked if anyone's seen a K.Rool trophy.
Ever since they announced that the games would be coming out a few months apart, I've firmly believed that the Wii U version will bring 3-5 more characters to the game.
If K.Rool doesn't have a trophy, I wouldn't count him out just yet.
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Smash Master
Apr 14, 2014
This is why I asked if anyone's seen a K.Rool trophy.
Ever since they announced that the games would be coming out a few months apart, I've firmly believed that the Wii U version will bring 3-5 more characters to the game.
If K.Rool doesn't have a trophy, I wouldn't count him out just yet.
Sakurai did say that they would have the same roster, but they could connect, like Sakurai said they would. Thus them having the same roster even if the Wii U got more characters, and you could only get them on 3ds if you had the wii u version.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2014
Sakurai did say that they would have the same roster, but they could connect, like Sakurai said they would. Thus them having the same roster even if the Wii U got more characters, and you could only get them on 3ds if you had the wii u version.
That's what I was thinking.
They need to keep the hype alive for the Wii U version, and nothing generates hype like characters.
People aren't going to be super excited for Smash Wii U if they've already been playing it on the 3DS for a month or two. Yeah it's got exclusive stages, but that's not what gets people excited.
I've thought this for a long time: I can definitely see them releasing a few more characters when the Wii U version comes out, and adding them to the 3DS game via an update, or by connecting the two versions together.

It'd explain the weird grey space on the character select screen too. There are other ways they could have arranged the characters so that they'd fit the screen perfectly, but they didn't. They left space.
Honestly, even from a marketing perspective, It'd be a really good decision to hold off on a few characters until the Wii U version comes out. I've been keeping a close eye out for trophies. If there's no trophy of a significant character, I think they've still got a shot.
I haven't seen a Mewtwo, K.Rool, or Ridley trophy yet, so I don't know.

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CJ Falcon

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
See you in Smash 5? What a laugh! I've he couldn't get in this time, than he will never get in. With each generation their will come new characters and every new character will have a higher importance for an All-Star roll, than K. Rool. The next new Pokémon will be more important, than K. Rool, the next FE-Character will be more important, than K. Rool and so on. K. Rool's best chances where back in Melee.
Is this a joke? Is each new up and coming baseball star more important to baseball than Babe Ruth? Are all rising pop stars somehow automatically more important to pop music than Michael Jackson just because they recently got popular? No? Didn't think so.

James Phillips

Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
You'd think with the success of Returns and the release of Tropical Freeze, DK would've been guaranteed for at least one newcomer.

Aeon Lupin

Survival of the fittest
Aug 24, 2014
Logically, yes. But then again, some things don't adhere to what would make logical sense to fans, which is why we have the roster we have.
Yeah, but that's precisely the reason Fire Emblem and KI got new characters, a new game which proved very successful. DK series had a similar, heck, bigger renaissance.
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Smash Cadet
Aug 22, 2013
Switch FC
SW 7645 5399 8874
Hmmm, guys? You WANT to see this:

There is one thing bothering me with this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this a new model of Dixie? Almost every trophy i have seen until now was modeled after an official artwork. And I neither have seen this one in any of the games nor I can find it anywhere. Wouldn't this exactly help Dixie's chances for a DLC entrance since they maybe already worked on her?

I know, this may be the wrong thread for this, but this could be really important if we may get a K. Rool trophy. If it is modeled after an old artwork, they maybe never considered him. If it is a new model, we really can celebrate big time.

Just wanted to point this out. Although i would prefer King K. Rool over Dixie..


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Hmmm, guys? You WANT to see this:

I'd really like to know what this says. I know that there's a rumour floating around from some European source that Dixie, Mewtwo, Ridley and someone else are going to fill the bottom part of the roster through DLC upon the Wii U release. If this model can be confirmed new, that rumour may be all but confirmed as well.

In other words, this either bodes well or extremely badly for King K. Rool. My only hope at this point is hanging in the fact we haven't seen his Trophy yet.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Theres a double dip

1 dixie kong deconfirmed king k rool is only possible

2 the fianl pre-release potd confirma patches so its not over

(But don't get your hopes up i think we are stuck with paying for the crocodile if hes in.)
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