Doc Monocle
Smash Ace
Ashley:《H.P.: 50/50 ; E.P.: 50/50 ; Keywords: Sand, urchin, outdoor grill, tantrum, taking charge 》
Chip:《H.P.: 14/19 ; E.P.: 22/22 ; Keywords: Quip, road burn, e'quip'ped and ready》
Red:《H.P.: 10/10 ; E.P.: 12/12 ; Keywords: Desperation, bent trident, shape-shifter 》
Slicky:《H.P.: 38/38 ; E.P.: 14/14 ; Keywords: Time to sell somethin'! 》
Jack Frost: 《H.P.: 52/52; E.P. 45/45; Keywords: Sand and snow; palm tree; hey, guys!; cool and collected》
Chip: Ouch! (Examines several scrapes) Ugh! I hate chase scenes... Ashley, what should we do? Take stock of all our keywords, and give orders!
Chip:《H.P.: 14/19 ; E.P.: 22/22 ; Keywords: Quip, road burn, e'quip'ped and ready》
Red:《H.P.: 10/10 ; E.P.: 12/12 ; Keywords: Desperation, bent trident, shape-shifter 》
Slicky:《H.P.: 38/38 ; E.P.: 14/14 ; Keywords: Time to sell somethin'! 》
Jack Frost: 《H.P.: 52/52; E.P. 45/45; Keywords: Sand and snow; palm tree; hey, guys!; cool and collected》
(The knights shoot at them with machine guns, hitting the skateboard in the wheels and causing it to launch them into the air)
Black Knight: Trying to bail? This is a boss fight in an RPG, and you can't run from them!
Ashley gets incredibly angry. "No, it isn't! You're just a bunch of lying losers! Get back to your smelly old castle!"
(Jack Frost freezes the Black Knight)
Jack Frost: This isn’t Final Fantasy, ho! Leave us alone!
They fall off the skateboard and land near Jack Frost.(Suddenly, an airship appears)
Ship Commander: Engage the targets. (A DJ-Bot begins playing the boss music from Final Fantasy VII before a boss battle begins)
Airship: HP: ????/???? EP: ???/??? Keywords: Flying, machine, empire.
Chip: Ouch! (Examines several scrapes) Ugh! I hate chase scenes... Ashley, what should we do? Take stock of all our keywords, and give orders!