Greetings. Due to recent events, we thought it would be a good idea to clear the air on hydra accounts, alt accounts, and accounts that have mechanical significance for a set up. First, let's talk about hydra accounts.
What is a hydra account?
A hydra account (or just "hydra") is a single account operated by multiple (usually two) users, for use in diplomacy games such as Mafia. It allows multiple players to team up and play a single slot in a game. There are several reasons for doing so, such as allowing a more experienced player to assist a newcomer, or for players who know each other offline to play a game without running the risk of disrupting the game state.
If you want to play a game using a hydra account, you should first check with the host of that game and ensure they are okay with it, as not all hosts will be willing to accommodate hydras in their games.
On Smashboards, hydra accounts can only be created if the players behind them first receive advance, express permission from the site administrators, and hydra accounts can only be used to post in Decisive Games.
How do I set up a hydra account?
First, you must request approval from the site administrators (e.g. Cyndane, or Strong Badam ). Simply send a message to an admin, include the person you're running the account with, and explain to them that you want to create a hydra account for use in Decisive Games. You should also link to the specific game(s) you want to play in using the account.
As unapproved alternate accounts are not allowed under the site's terms of service, you must receive permission before creating the account; if you do not do so, the account may be banned without warning.
Once an administrator approves your request, you can then create the account. You must then send the administrator a link to the account; they will then set up the account so that it may only be used to post within the Decisive Games board.
When the account is set up, it should state clearly (e.g. in its signature or "location") the main accounts of the players running the hydra. The only exception to this is if a specific game mechanic requires the anonymity of the hydra account's owners, but this is rare, and requesting to create a hydra simply to play anonymously will not be approved.
Rules and restrictions on hydra accounts
Hydra accounts can only be used to post in Decisive Games; while logged into a hydra account, you will be unable to post in other sections of the site. Within Decisive Games, you can post normally, but you should stay within the threads for games the hydra is active in.
You cannot use a hydra account to circumvent bans or infractions on your main account. If one of the players involved in a request for a hydra account is banned at the time of the request, it will not be approved. Any infractions incurred on a hydra account will instead be applied to the main account of the person responsible for the infracted post(s).
Accounts created with "mechanical significance" towards a set-up
Accounts that are created strictly because they have mechanical significance towards a setup must also be approved by administrators. These accounts follow the same creation protocol that hydras do.
What do you mean by "mechanical significance"?
Mechanical significance implies that that the account serves a reasonably necessary function or purpose in a game's progression.
For example, "puppet" roles, whereby a player is controlling a second account while no one else except the host knows they are controlling it, is mechanically significant since the puppet account protects the identity of the controlling player. The controlling player is subsequently able to perform diplomacy on the puppet account (be it during discussion in PMs or the game thread) while not putting the controlling player at risk if things go south during discussions on the puppet account.
If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to message either Pokechu or Strong Badam
What is a hydra account?
A hydra account (or just "hydra") is a single account operated by multiple (usually two) users, for use in diplomacy games such as Mafia. It allows multiple players to team up and play a single slot in a game. There are several reasons for doing so, such as allowing a more experienced player to assist a newcomer, or for players who know each other offline to play a game without running the risk of disrupting the game state.
If you want to play a game using a hydra account, you should first check with the host of that game and ensure they are okay with it, as not all hosts will be willing to accommodate hydras in their games.
On Smashboards, hydra accounts can only be created if the players behind them first receive advance, express permission from the site administrators, and hydra accounts can only be used to post in Decisive Games.
How do I set up a hydra account?
First, you must request approval from the site administrators (e.g. Cyndane, or Strong Badam ). Simply send a message to an admin, include the person you're running the account with, and explain to them that you want to create a hydra account for use in Decisive Games. You should also link to the specific game(s) you want to play in using the account.
As unapproved alternate accounts are not allowed under the site's terms of service, you must receive permission before creating the account; if you do not do so, the account may be banned without warning.
Once an administrator approves your request, you can then create the account. You must then send the administrator a link to the account; they will then set up the account so that it may only be used to post within the Decisive Games board.
When the account is set up, it should state clearly (e.g. in its signature or "location") the main accounts of the players running the hydra. The only exception to this is if a specific game mechanic requires the anonymity of the hydra account's owners, but this is rare, and requesting to create a hydra simply to play anonymously will not be approved.
Rules and restrictions on hydra accounts
Hydra accounts can only be used to post in Decisive Games; while logged into a hydra account, you will be unable to post in other sections of the site. Within Decisive Games, you can post normally, but you should stay within the threads for games the hydra is active in.
You cannot use a hydra account to circumvent bans or infractions on your main account. If one of the players involved in a request for a hydra account is banned at the time of the request, it will not be approved. Any infractions incurred on a hydra account will instead be applied to the main account of the person responsible for the infracted post(s).
Accounts created with "mechanical significance" towards a set-up
Accounts that are created strictly because they have mechanical significance towards a setup must also be approved by administrators. These accounts follow the same creation protocol that hydras do.
What do you mean by "mechanical significance"?
Mechanical significance implies that that the account serves a reasonably necessary function or purpose in a game's progression.
For example, "puppet" roles, whereby a player is controlling a second account while no one else except the host knows they are controlling it, is mechanically significant since the puppet account protects the identity of the controlling player. The controlling player is subsequently able to perform diplomacy on the puppet account (be it during discussion in PMs or the game thread) while not putting the controlling player at risk if things go south during discussions on the puppet account.
If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to message either Pokechu or Strong Badam
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