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Hey Everyone! :D


Smash Rookie
Jun 21, 2015
Riverside, California
So I've been into competitive Smash for quite sometime now, and have always dreamed of going to a tournament someday. I wouldn't count myself as someone who is exactly "ready" for any of that as of right now because of reasons such as practice and nervousness. So I thought getting more involved with the Smash community will help improve my overall experience with the game, and make me seem like less of a stranger to the community.

I mostly play Smash 4 (Wii U); Mainly Sheik, and sometimes Ganondorf, & Dedede, also been getting into Roy.
I also play Melee; Ganondorf, Sheik(sometimes).

I used to play Brawl and all I remember being good at was Sonic.
And I haven't even touched project M, yet...
Anything else? Hm...well I also play games on the PC with Steam,and am fascinated in game design.:ganondorfmelee:
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Deleted member

Welcome to Smashboards! Thank you for joining. You shouldn't be nervous about tourneys; they can be pretty chill! I've never went to one, though. I main Dedede in 3DS/Wii U as well. Project M can be fun, but it isn't really for me. You can enjoy it if you want-- no problem with that. I just like the original Melee better.

I disabled my Steam account a month ago because I was unsatisfied with the client software. Other reasons apply as well, but I can talk about that later. Enjoy your stay!
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Smash Rookie
Jun 21, 2015
Riverside, California
Thanks for the advice! It just brought up my hopes on joining a tourney someday. I may still try project M out someday because it does look a bit different due to the custom move sets and whatnot. Also, thanks for the nice welcome by the way! :b:

Deleted member

Thanks for the advice! It just brought up my hopes on joining a tourney someday. I may still try project M out someday because it does look a bit different due to the custom move sets and whatnot. Also, thanks for the nice welcome by the way! :b:
You're welcome, and I see. You can try it out if you want. It's pretty good for a Brawl mod, I can agree. I have Project M 3.0 installed but I barely play it.


Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
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Smash Cadet
Jun 16, 2015
Welcome to the party.

I was a little thing when I went to my first tournament, hanging around a bunch of people a lot older than me who were also a lot better. Let me tell you, though: there is nothing more amazing than going somewhere and watching that game you like to play a bunch suddenly turn into the main attraction, being surrounded by people who eat, breathe, sleep, and live that same interest. Just the energy of it. Those are memories I've kept, and will keep, for years.

So I'd say to you not to be nervous. Go do it. What's to be nervous about? You're just there to play some Smash. Everybody there wants to play Smash just as much as you do. You'll fit right in.


Smash Rookie
Jun 21, 2015
Riverside, California
Probably the main problem I have is how much I doubt myself when in a game. I also look at things a little too seriously when I should be looking at them as something that shouldn't need that much tension. However, after getting to know more about whatever I was nervous to face in the past makes me more confident about it. Thank you all so much for the advice and encouragement!
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