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Haitian Aid by the Bay (Tournament 2/6/10)


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California

Haitian Aid by the Bay 2/6/10 Original Blog Here

Name: San Francisco State University Humanities Building Room 113
Address: 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, California, United States
Notes: We will be located in the humanities building, room 113. Please try to keep the room in decent condition. http://maps.google.com/places/us/sa...ve/1600/-san-francisco-state-university?hl=en

"Anyways, so I'm sure most of you have heard about the recent devastating earthquake in Haiti that killed and injured thousands of people while dealing massive damage to the environment and communities that live there. Haiti has always been taken advantage of economically and culturally throughout history, and they just do not have the means to help themselves in a time of crisis, let alone on a day to day basis.

So, although it may be a small contribution comparatively, I would like to create a tournament with a goal to raise funds for Haitian relief."

Well, here it is guys! Seeing as the Brawl community here in NorCal has also temporarily lost it's place for tournaments, I hope to see a lot of attendees. However, me being a rather inexperienced T.O and expecting a minimal amount of help as possible, there will be only time and space for Brawl events. However, that being said, I can not guarantee doubles either. I can only say the venue space and Brawl singles are finalized. (Which is if I get enough equipment.)

Price(s) of Entry
Donation (required for Haitian relief) - $10
Brawl singles - $5
Brawl doubles - $5 per player ($10 for team)

Pot will be distributed 60/30/10. This will not include the money earned from donations.

Rough Schedule
Set up: 9:30 am - 10:30am
Registration: 10:30 am - 11:00 am
Brawl doubles: 12:00am - whenever
Brawl singles: whenever there are enough T.V's available - 8:00pm

This schedule is a bit stressed for time, but I will not be available to set up until 9:30am. If anyone is willing to help set up earlier, the whole schedule could finish up more quickly. I want the tournament to start as early as possible so people don't have to wait around. Also, to my knowledge, we have to be out of there by 8:00pm.

As of now, I have no way of acquiring T.V's, Brawl discs, or Wii's except for the kindness of our local smashers.

If you bring a T.V. you may enter without paying the entry fee for singles/doubles.



Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
barlw and melee tournaments on the same day at the same place but completely separate events

with barlw likely having 2 tvs tops

i can't wait


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
i'm not

i don't really care for barlw and the norcal barlw community is pretty notorious for being terrible at providing setups (iirc they contributed a whole THREE televisions at genesis)

it's for a good cause and all so good luck but i wouldn't hold my breath on having a great time

any donations i make personally i'd pretty much do through the red cross or whatever since i'd rather not chance it with less than reputable organizations


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Ah, I understand. I've already made it a priority to expect and plan for as little help as possible, so I'm trying to find alternative methods for setups than just relying on other players.

I hope you'll consider attending if I can guarantee a better venue setup.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
The FBI offers the following advice for those considering making donations:

* Don't reply to unsolicited emails or click on any links in them
* Be wary of people claiming to be an official or a victim asking for a donation
* Rather than follow a link intended to show you a claim is legitimate -- it's easy to spoof a real site -- go to the known site of the charity without following the links, such as the American Red Cross' RedCross.org.
* Don't open email attachments, such as those claiming to show pictures from the disaster, unless it comes from a known sender
* Make your contributions directly to a charity rather than going through someone else
* Don't release your personal information to someone soliciting money


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Ugh I understand your concern, but I have no intention of using this money for myself. I know I may not be able to prove it, but this money will go directly to my school so that they may in turn give it to Red Cross.

Apparently I can't even show you guys some proof of donation, as that isn't trustworthy enough... so... well? What do you suggest I do?

It's hard to get motivated to do charity work nowadays when people are so skeptical about your true intentions. Not everyone is so self-centered. If I take this money for myself I am literally taking the lives of those in Haiti that need medical attention. To even suggest I could so something so demon-like, really puts a lot of doubt in my faith for humanity.

But well, skeptics can be skeptics. I am going through with this, seeing as it's a fun way to get people to donate. Either way this is a tournament, and you will have to pay for entry.


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2008
The FBI offers the following advice for those considering making donations:

* Don't reply to unsolicited emails or click on any links in them
* Be wary of people claiming to be an official or a victim asking for a donation
* Rather than follow a link intended to show you a claim is legitimate -- it's easy to spoof a real site -- go to the known site of the charity without following the links, such as the American Red Cross' RedCross.org.
* Don't open email attachments, such as those claiming to show pictures from the disaster, unless it comes from a known sender
* Make your contributions directly to a charity rather than going through someone else
* Don't release your personal information to someone soliciting money
Douchebaggery to it's fullest potential.

That was also pretty ignorant and extremely derogatory.
It was a vast waste of time to even state these things, as it does not in any way help you, unless you REALLY get some kind of hype off of being ridiculously controversial and dramatic, or attempting to destroy someone's rep.

Sure it POSSIBLY could help other people in the long run, but possibilities are not always equal to probabilities. In this situation, the factors are highly unbalanced. That being, the likelihood of this being a scam is substantially low.

The thought process behind posting that would likely be that of a governmental android.
By this I mean that no remotely sensitive person who knows the humanistic views of psychology (Which a three year old would know) could have written that, but one that just sees that this isn't 100% legit and decides to ask their mommy (google) what the government says about these things and paste what their trusted mother, incapable of deceit, has told them onto the forum in hopes of catching a BAD BAD MAN would be VERY likely to post this trash.

>_> (holding back the insults....)

As Light said, creating a scam of this sort would be a Demon-like thing to do.
It'd be insane!
And only some sort of freak could do such a thing.

The idea of it is just so far fetched and irrational... :mad:

Ugh.. I detest trash.


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
So, seeing that this whole "scam" issue could be problematic, I will be putting myself on the line. I am asking local T.O's such as Onski to ban from me future tournaments if I do not post a receipt of donation listing the right amount of money by a certain date.

Details will be confirmed in the future, but I am willing to try anything to prove that this is not a scam.


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
If I lived in NorCal, and had money, I'd totally be at that tourney with a full setup (minus Brawl, I could bring Melee though n.n) and play Brawl for the first time in over 5 months.

You're a good guy Light and you've taken harder heat than this over less important things.
If they don't want to go about it, then let it go.


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Thanks for the advice, I already have a tourney page set up there, but I was advised to use this as well. :)

I'll try and specifically rally some of the local smashers I've seen attend the usual tourneys. It'll take some work and time, but with enough effort I think this tourney should be fine. There's been a trend of rather laid back tournament organizing (and not to be mean or anything) because it was another routine tournament where the same people could be counted on for equipment and attendance. I just need to advertise and promote this more. Any help is greatly appreciated.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
Douchebaggery to it's fullest potential.
Ugh.. I detest trash.
Whoa calm down.

I was just posting some tips relevant to Haitian donation scams. I also don't get what you were talking about with mommy posting google threads or whatever.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
why the *** would he take money from a fundraiser for haiti...i can only hope you guys are just being ***** cause light is new to the scene/t.oing cause even i find it hard to believe there are people that are that disturbed...support a good cause,dont want to? then shut the **** up -.-


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
You are saying you cant believe people would use the tragedy of Haiti to take advantage of people's emotions? It is happening already.

People have already been wondering if their money was being pocketed on the side by onski who was running brawl tournaments at the same place that this one will be at and even though it was proven not true its still in people's minds.

Light may have good intentions but to come out with no reputation whatsoever and claim to do this for donations and expect to get no one questioning where the money would go is pretty naive.

Light good luck with your tournament, you seem like you know whats up but your lackeys get pretty angry way to easily.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
any donations i make personally i'd pretty much do through the red cross or whatever since i'd rather not chance it with less than reputable organizations
Can't get much less reputable than Red Cross.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2008
Panama, Panama
maybe if you show a letter signed by your director or something like that can prove these guys that your intentions are good ones


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Well, I have a link from my school webpage showing the efforts students have already made towards Haitian relief.


All the money gained from this tournament (that is not part of the pot) will go towards this money-raising effort.

I will also try and see if there is some way to get attendees to donate directly online or something, while having some sort of certificate or proof that you donated at least $10. That way you can bring this proof to the tourney and won't have to pay the donation fee.

I completely understand some people's concerns, and it's not like I didn't expect them to emerge. I am merely trying to satisfy/prove/defend myself to you guys before this becomes a trend and the tournament fails.

Thank you for the good luck, I'll figure out everything soon enough.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2008
Van Nuys
im just fvcking around. although i am lightweight pissed that you scheduled this on a day where i am running CGC XV. it seems (at first glance) as though you did that just to commandeer any adjacent rooms that are unlocked, but the whole spiel about your mom being a professor is legit enough.

and at any rate. any TO deserves a baptism by fire. if you can't handle people patronizing you, then you are not mentally fit to run this ****.


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Yeah, I'm real sorry for scheduling this on the day you had your CGC. When it saw it was the same day I was like "FFFFFfffff". Anyways, this will be Brawl only, so I'm not trying to steal your Melee attendance at all.

I can handle the patronizing, I'm just trying to get it to stop before it potentially wrecks the tournament. Thanks again for understanding.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
Berkerey, CA
Unfortunate that it's the same day as CGC. I might bring some people by if we get bored with melee... which probly won't happen if SilentSpectre's going. :chuckle:
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