Maven can you list your reads?
I'm wary of Moosy. I'm seeing the possibility that he's attempting a "be anti-town to attract scum" thing, based on recent posts he said. (something about being pro-town anti-town) Overall, I'd rather see Moosy continue to post then write him off one way or the other too early.
Spak is
probably the most pro-scum, I guess, but it's very weak and nothing much to go on. He answered my question, I don't believe he was retconning with it. The only suspicious thing is his pushing of Moosy, but like with Moosy I'd rather see this continue. I'm not comfortable enough making a judgement either way, but he's highest on my watchlist right now. Just pushing anti-town doesn't mean pro-scum, especially not if he believes what he said about the two. I know I used to believe it, until the opposite conclusion was beaten into my head after multiple games. So i'm going to continue watching this.
Ryu is next, because despite saying he's suspicious of me he has made no attempt to really engage me,
On top of that, there are a few things I wanna ask and see before any action like that is considered.
I'd like to see what these questions are and have them asked.
RIght now, I'd actually rather the conversation moves away from Spak and Moosy, I feel they're reads best seen in new circumstances.
Vult/Darkpit are probably town, Orbo and J have given me good vibes. I want Rake to post.