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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Yes That is her! Red Hair, Is like a hyuuga member that is her1

But how do we turn her back to normal?

<Thats if she is not already normal>


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
pinkie pie: "(taps asora's trophy base and revives her) hi there, ms. asora! my name's pinkie pie! so, you're mars16's power source, right? we've been looking for you for-EVER! we're on an adventure to stop hadas from taking over the world and ripping it apart to make this giant island mish-mash that this trophy case is standing on right now!"

asora: "trophy case? (looks outside)"

cosmo: "yyyyeah, it appears we have a very slight, teeny tiny larger problem than usual..."

(cut to the multiple areas added to media superland beginning to slowly fall apart into ruin as darklings run rampant)

+doomy montage music: the intro to Emerald Sword (by Rasphody)+

(the giant shine falls off of the shine gate)

(Edd, Tom, and Matt's house explodes)

matt: "AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!"

(Duel Academy caves in)

darkling dressed as jack atlas: "CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!"

(the plantlife in the Everfree Forest begins to wither and die)

talking flower: "help... me..."

asora: "0-0"

vlad: "and as you can imagine, this affects everyone in the world in more ways than obvious..."

asora: "and you say Hadas is the cause of this?"

pinkie pie: "uh-huh."

vlad: "yep."

wanda: "pretty much."

derpy: "(nods)"

asora: "flipping knew it. he always was the kind of evil godlike creature to cause such despair and panic."

cosmo: "so you're going to help us, right?"

asora: "i suppose, just as long as i don't have to burst out singing or any of that bullsh**. and mars does kind of need my presence to use the full extent of his powers."

gir: "YAAAY!"

(meanwhile, the other team is at hadas's tombthrone room, where hadas has conveniently left, and have found the gold case my trophy is contained in)

princess celestia: "there's the cube, there on the armrest!"

dib: "and there's smashfan's trophy! and he's turned into a pony!"

TAK: "okay... so, who should go down and get him out?"

henry: "i nominate dib."

princess celestia: "seconded."

(everyone else agrees)

dib: "...fine. does anyone have a grappling gun?"

june: "who said you have to stay in here? (shoves dib out of the vent)"


princess celestia: "don't worry, once you've got the cube, i'll levitate you back here."

dib: "why didn't you just levitate the cube in the first place?"

henry: "because shut up!"

dib: "(facepalm) guess i should start climbing, now... (scales the side of the tombthrone)"

(at the top, dib grabs the large string of rope)

dib: "okay, i got the string!"

june: "good! okay, sun goddess, reel 'im in!"

(celestia levitates dib back up as he holds the cube by the string)

dib: "hey, this thing's actually pretty light!"

(dib is pulled back in as the cube rips through the vent)

henry: "(taking note to the big hole made by the gold cube) ...think he'll notice that?"

twilight sparkle: "(casts a spell that mends the bars to the vent) notice what?"

henry: "nice one, twilight!"

dib: "well, we got smashfan back. the question is, how do we get him out?"

TAK: "i have an idea! (takes out pistol, then shoots the gold-plated sides, melting them and causing the glass to fall and break)"

fluttershy: "sure hope nopony steps on that..."

rarity: "i just hope hadas didn't replace him with a fake-out trophy (revives me)"

(my eyes are spinning around like wheels)

dib: "smashfan, are you okay?"

twilight sparkle: "are you alright?"

(dazed) duhhhhhh, CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES...

dib: "yep, he's fine."

(shakes head around) BLBLBLBLBBLBLLBL, what happened?

dib: "well..."

(a recap starts)

narrator: "previously on Forum Fight: The Story Forum..."

(everyone is turned into trophies)


zim: "(flying off into the distance) I AM ZIIIIIiiiiii- (twinkle)"

hadas: "(collecting the fallen trophies and forming media superland) all your trophy are belong to me, and also your land!"

narrator: "(as henry, june, and timmy are revived) tired old dedede badge-esque plot device!"

mars16: "(revived by zim) uuuuh, some party last night..."

smashfanpriestian: "WHERE IS SHE?! WHERE IS THAT ***** CANDACE FLYNN?!"

tomska: "WHY DID YOU LEAVE?!"

posessed princess celestia: "i'm in ur body, controlling ur solar powers! (BAMF)"

darkling: "ow, my face!"

tomska: "WHHHYYYYYYYYYY?!?!"

twilight sparkle: "uuugh, my head... i don't know what came over me..."

mars16: "we have to find asora, and fast!"

CBIW Cheshire Cat: "foreshadowing dance mix!"

yami yugi/pharaoh/
: "that's far enough- wait a minute, did any of that stuff with tomska actually happen?"

(recap ends)

...hadas did WHAT TO EQUESTRIA?!

+Requiem for a Dream (intense part)+

(runs down the shaft with the others)

you're going to suffer dearly for this, hadas. nobody f**ks with the internet's favorite show and gets away with it! you are going to PAY! CASH, NO CHECKS!


narrator: "...sh** just got real..."


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
So Im guessing recap is what already happened. Sorry I got kinda confused smasssssshfan. Anyway


Asora back to finally back to normal, I can fil the power raising in me.....

And don't try to run from me again you got that!.

Asora: Whatever shut up...

Cant we just get along please

Asora: Im only helping you cuase I dont like the sound of Hadas!

Just shut up and act like a good girl ok

Aora: SHUT the ..

OK gUYS WERE ARE WE GOING NEXT, sorry about that bad chemistre


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
we free all the trophies we can, and engage in another final battle.

rainbow dash: "and what, repeat ad infinum?"

this time, however, we'll have a few surprises for hadas and his dark cronies.

(everyone goes around and starts freeing everyone from their trophified state)

narrator: "and so, our heroes began to unleash every last character in the trophy case. we do not know how they did it so quickly, or how there were no major snags, but we'll just go with the easy way out and say that the narrator used the abridged description so that there would be no need to detail the whole thi- wait what?! oh, you have got to be ****ing kidding me. are the writers really THAT lazy?!"

announcer: "whoawhoawhoawhoawhoa! whoa! WHOA! ...we have writers?!"

(many hours of trophy-revival later)

well, that should be everyone.

princess celestia: "and now that we have all the warriors we need, it's time to defeat hadas once and for all!"

(everyone we've recently freed cheers)

(the land starts shaking)

strong bad: "whaaaat's thaaaaat?!"

hadas: "INFIDELS!!!"

yami yugi: "oh, crap in the nile, don't tell me it's..."

asora: "hadas..."

(the entire trophy case breaks apart)

hadas: "you have RUINED my entire plot to control the entire world's ultimate powers! i would expect all this by now, but really... now... you shall NEVER... AGAIN... SEE... THE LIGHT... OF... DAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!"

(media superland crumbles and becomes just multiple small land masses floating around in a dark twister)

narrator: "ooh, i bet THAT wasn't supposed to happen... if it was, it seems like incredibly poor planning to me!"

hadas: "so it's down to mars, smashfan, their ghosts, aliens, faries, and ponies... (binds the team in a dark energy bond while everyone else floats around) BONDAGE!"

zim: "hnngh! i'm stuck! i can't move at all!"

(hadas prepares a dark energy ball to annhialate us)

oh, ****...

narrator: "well THAT is undeniably a crappy ending! now even the ponies are gonna die. it doesn't look too good at this point... mars's firey spirit to defeat evil... timmy's heart for his hometown of dimmsdale... rainbow dash's dream to ride the wind with her idols, the wonderbolts... and zim's mission to conquer the earth... all crushed at the dark power that is hadas! is this truly how the series ends?!"

hadas: "are there any last words before you die?"

(weakly) yeah, i haven't had a thing to drink this whole story! *WHEEEEZE...* could i get a glass of water?

hadas: "i don't see why not."

(a glass of water appears in front of me)

narrator: "...really? a glass of water? THAT'S your biggest qualm right now? i mean, granted that's a legit request, but that should be last wish number 5. how anticlimatic..."

bottoms up. (guzzles down the glass of water) aaahhh, that's good stuff...

(a small glimmer appears before us)

zim: "wh.. what is that? wait a minute... earth?"

(the glimmer glows brighter as an epic tune builds up)

asora: "fire?"

rainbow dash: "wind..."


timmy: "heart!"

(the glimmer glows at it's peak and begins to form... something... a shiny man, apparently)

narrator: "woah, MAN! don't tell me that shiny dude is in here!"

???: "by your powers combined, i am..."

hadas: "what the- ?! no, not HIM!!!"

narrator: "yep, he is..."


narrator: "alright, enough with the Punch Time Explosion references!"

+Captain Planet and the Planeteers theme+

narrator: "UUUUUUUUGH!!!!!!"

(the following photo was created a long time ago, and i didn't expect it's need to arise THIS early, just assume i changed my avatar during the timeframe of this and the next image and changed it back afterward)

Singers: "Captain Planet, He's our hero! Gonna take pollution down to zero!"

Captain Planet: "looks like this dark dog's gotta be let out for a little fresh air! (fires a wind blast at hadas)"

hadas: "(dropping dark energy sphere) AAARGH!!!!"

Captain Planet: "anybody need a hand? (releases us from the dark energy bond and drops us off on a nearby floating landmass)"

zim: "so, this is the one named 'Captain Planet', eh?"

gir: "oooooohhh! HE SHINY!"

dib: "may i just say what an admirer i am of how turner broadcasting made people environmentally aware through someone so awesome?"

fluttershy: "i- it's nice to meet you mr. Captain Planet, sir. i love your work!"

asora: "so this is that guy people buy CN:pTE for, huh? none too shabby, i must say."

Captain Planet, my friends and i are faced with a crisis that affects not only the ecosystem, but life as we know it. hadas wishes to destroy the entire universe, and all life that goes with it. will you help us in our final battle?

Captain Planet: "(shakes my hand) it would be both a pleasure and an honor to fight alongside such nobel warriors, smashfan."

pinkie pie: "omygodohmygodomygodOMYGODOMYGODOMYGOD! CAPTAIN... ****IN'... PLANET!!! THIS IS GOING TO BE SO EXTRA-SUPER-SPECIAL-SAUCY-FUN-AWESOME!!! (gears grinding inside head, the collapses)"

Captain Planet: "...is she always this hyper?"

twilight sparkle: "more than you think..."

hadas: "YOU!!!"

(hadas is PISSED, and ready to battle)


everyone ready?

Captain Planet: "and willing."

then let's do this!

(and now, PROOF POSITIVE of how bad resizing in paint is, lol)

(the battle against hadas begins now!)


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
(Ok Hadas! Round 2

*Mars16 Charges a Powerful Fire ball. *

Hold this for later use it as a suprise attack!

~Thanks to Asora its at full power~


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
vlad: "take this, you evil furry! (continually throws ectoplasmic blasts at hadas) HYAAAAAAAGH!!"

hey, CP, think it's time for a team attack?

Captain Planet: "ready when you are!"

(Captain Planet and i both fly into the air and continually shoot energy bolts and fireballs at hadas)

hyah! hyah!

Captain Planet: "fire!"

(marx onlooks, tearing up with joy... and the scent of onions reaching his invisible nostrils...)

twilight sparkle: "c'mon, girls! smashfan & mars need our help, too!"

(twilight sparkle, rarity, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, fluttershy, and applejack don their respective necklaces created from the elements of harmony, and together, they unleash a bright blast from their combined strength)

(just then, hadas explodes)

...what the?

princess celestia: "well that was anticlimactic, we defeated him way too quickly..."

Captain Planet: "i'm not sure hadas is done just yet..."

hadas: "how right you are, my little PSA..."

(hadas's body crumbles away)

timmy: "!!! what just- ?!"

Princess Celestia: "does that mean..."

zim: "his physical form was just a shell this whole time?!"

Captain Planet: "then, where's the real hadas?"

(points skyward) up there...

hadas: "..."

timmy: "so that's what hadas really looks like?"

hadas: "(distorted voice) yes. i figured that if you all must be this powerful, then i decided, why not have you battle against me at my full strength? or better yet, getting even stronger from there?"

(a mysterious force is turning everyone in the area into pale, monochrome color tones)

zim: "(gasping) what's... happening?!"

Captain Planet: "hard... to breathe!"

princess celestia: "strength... fading..."


(everyone else collapses, and everyone floating around goes lifeless)

grrr... hadas, what have you done to them?!

asora: "(coughing during each pause) i... probably should have metioned that... hadas is able... to sap power from... those around him... when he's in his true form..."

wait... what?!

narrator: "okay, enough with the plot twi- (COUGH!) WH- what the- ?! oh, no... don't tell me he can... (thud...) uuuuugh... okay, i deserved that one..."

but how? how is he able to do this?!

asora: "*gasping* when hadas is free of his body shell... nothing is holding him back... from draining the power of those around him... smashfan..."


asora: "it's... up to... you... (disappears)"

...i will avenge you, asora. even though i've only met you the once and have no idea who you are or what franchise you're from. or are you a fanchar? i don't know.

hadas: "smashfan... how are you able to resist my power draining for so long?"

hadas. (breaking into a Ben 10 Ultimate Alien reference) do you remember when you told me the smashfan people's laws on the power copy and power steal abilities were lies to control the weak?

hadas: "what are you saying, whelp?"

let's see who's weak after i get some help from my friends. celestia, planet, are you two still conscious?!

princess celestia: "(eyes bagging) barely..."

we need to focus everyone's strength into me!

princess celestia: "i... i think i get it... because of the smashboards' hero's spirit inside him, smashfan is the only one not affected by hadas power drain!"

Captain Planet: "...we're counting on you, smashfan. use our remaining energy to beat him. (raises fist) the power is yours!"

+ He-Man theme +

(princess celestia's horn starts to glow, and the remaining power of everyone in the area is channeled into me)

by the power of grayskull!

(by everyone's combined strength, i transform into an ancient hero of old, a legend of smashboards lore, a ressurection of the legendary hero with the power of internet jokes and references... Sparchuckus, the Meme Overlord!)


hadas: "wh... wh... WHAT THE ****?!?!"

(i channel a good portion of my energy into derpy hooves, transforning her into the mighty Meme Stallion *wait a minute, isn't that supposed to be mare, since shes a female?*)

come, my faithful steed. we must vanquish this ancient evil once and for all!

(i mount myself upon the meme stallion/mare and we fly our way to hadas)

hadas! you have tormented the good people of Smash World Forums for the last time! i will now lay waste to your evil presence once and for all! so here it is, in full force!

hadas: "O.O mommy..."



(hadas evaporates, for good...)

(the energy i used to unleash my new form is returned to their original owners)

twilight sparkle: "wh... what happened?"

zim: "did we achieve victory?"

do not worry.

(everyone gazes upon my new form with awe)

hadas will not be bothering us any time soon...

rainbow dash: "smashfan... what the hell happened to you?!"

don't fret, rainbow dash. i may now be the fully-restored and updated form of the ancient smashboards hero, Sparchuckus. but inside, i am still the same smashfan666.

dedede: "smashfan, izzat you?!"

yes, dedede. i've tapped into the power within myself, and unleashed the full ability of the ancient hero Sparchuckus, the Meme Overlord! and with the strength bestowed upon me, and derpy, now the mighty Meme Stallion... or mare... hadas has been destroyed at last.

marie: "wait a minute, ancient hero?"

marx: "you mean you've had the powers of a legendary character with no specific origin or backstory this whole time?"

625: "how did you find out about something like that?"

a robot from the future told me of such!

all: "o_e"

...what? oh, yeah, like it's any more ridiculous that some of the other stuff this thread's been pulling out of it's @$$.

...well, time to get to those last 3 stories. but there's something i must do first.

(the meme stallion transforms back into derpy hooves, and i appear to be doing something that eminates a bright ball of light)

+Pikmin good/perfect ending+

(the ball of light flashes, and we dissapear as the shattered areas are returned to their original locations, and are repaired just as they were before)

(later, at the very location where the Grand Galloping Gala is held every... X ammount of years, mars16 is recieving his initiation into the forum fighters SP)

+Celebration music: Mother 2 (SSBM)+

numbuh 274: "fellow forum fighters, loyal fanboys and fangirls, innocent bystanders, and what-have-you what else. we are here today to celebrate the efforts of smashfan666, invader zim, timmy turner, mars16, princess celestia, captain planet, and all their gathered friends. for it was their efforts that not only saved the world, galaxy, universe, and possibly life as we know it from the evil hadas, but also gave us a small step, nay, giant leap towards the downfall of all evil."

(crowd cheers)

dedede: "(sniff) he delivers the BEST darn speeches, man!"

numbuh 274: "and as they have saved us all from what would most likely have been a gruesome fate, i would like to welcome new members into the ranks of the forum fighter union! timmy turner, cosmo, wanda, and poof; forum fighters epsilon."


chibi knight: "(shaking timmy turner's hand) welcome, friends!"

numbuh 274: "vlad plasmius; forum fighters delta."

(large ammount of clapping)

orochimaru: "good to have you on board, plasmius."

vlad: "good to be on board, lord orochimaru."

numbuh 274: "derpy hooves; forum fighter postal"

(derpy places a muffin on the pedestal, and shakes numbuh 274's hand)

numbuh 274: "and finally, mars16; forum fighters SP"

(thunderous applause and cheering)

gantu: "welcome to the forum fighters SP, mars16. we are honored to have you among our ranks."

leo: "i heard about asora... sorry for your loss, man... (sniff)"

ignignokt: "yes, we are all heartbroken by the loss of your female companion."

(zues enters from the right)

:marth:: "mars16, your efforts were bold in stopping hadas, and we are grateful. but i'm afraid even the power we have cannot save asora. she's gone. the only humane thing to do now is to honor her memory and give you the pendant she wore that protected her from the wolfhounds of garikshun..."

(mars16 is then handed the necklace worn by asora)

:marth:: "and as for your power, asora was the only thing that protected you from being drained over time. but now that she is gone, i see only reason enough to bestow upon you my own strength. (places hand up to mars16) ...best of luck, forum fighter... (salute, then leaves)"

numbuh 274: "and now that these are members of our fighting forces, we continue our generations-long mission to vanquish evil once and for all!"

(thunderous applause one more time)

skip-end-credits man: "I'M BAAAAAACK!!!"

angry video game nerd: "not YOU aga-"


??? 1: "master, hadas has been defeated by the forum fighter known as smashfan666. also, mars16 has recently been drafted into the FFSP."

??? 2: "(dark voice) hmm... and what of their recent revival efforts?"

??? 1: "they have found the one known as Shirley the Medium for the memory restoration spell, but i am not so certain of what they shall do for the revival of the characters themselves. we believe it to involve a vial of some kind of serum..."

??? 2: "hmm... so they think they can revive all the characters from that series that have died in one go, eh? well they are sadly mistaken..."

(??? 2 comes out from the shadows, it is megaman.exe *as for the image, imagine it's the lighting of the room making him look like darkmega*)

megaman.exe: "(the same dark voice) i will be ready for them... you can count on it..."

---{THE END, FOR NOW...}---

(as you can see, i already have the next 3 stories somewhat planned out. we will be taking a short leave on hiatus to recover from the length of this story. *yeesh, it was like writing a frickin' MOVIE!*)


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Secret Ending
*mars16 goes his own way*

Till we meet again smashfan, Vlad, and Zim......... and others.

*mars16 heads towards mushroom Kingdom*

*what crazy adventurer will mars16 go on next*

***will see next time***


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
mars16 prologue of next story!-------------:

*2 days later of the horrific fight with Hadas*

*mars16 finally makes it to mushroomkingdom........ but finds out theres something odd about it*

Were is everyone?

*coming from behind a building(crawling is weegee)*

What the ..... (runs to Weegee) are you ok what? happened Weegee?

Weegee: Madio...... Peach..... it was terrible....

Who did this!!!?

Weegee: It was the god of war....

Weegee: He seeks one of Zues Kids, Asora.

Asora is gone. But how did Kratos come from the Myths deminsion to this deminsion?

Weegee: I dont now but I think he is trying to find a way back.....
What happened to Madio and Peach?

Weegee: I dont know were they are but, they are probably dead from those grosume Blades of axile..... but last thing I heard Kratos say was "nothing will stop me from Killing Zues!"....

god what to do....?



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
*some time later*

Weegee: I cant move..... any more....

Ill look for them alone you stay here rest.

*starts walking through the mushroom kingdom*

Its so quite and Dark.... I wonder if Zues knows anything about this.

*faded sound*

????: ..............

What was that

????:..... .......? ......."........."

Who is talking I cant understand you but come out and figh....

Gregg the reaper: For crying out loud over here you idiot, like why the hell do i get stuck with stupid inner coms and *******es like you!...... At least theres no bloody cats.... I hate them.,...

And your suppose to be?

Gregg: Im Gregg, Gregg the reaper and dont ask why.

But arent you alittle short to be a the grim reaper.?

Gregg: well arent you a smart ***.. now.. lets see, hmm I was sent here to deliver you a messege from Zues. Lets see hmm, it says that he wants you to avoid the god of war, he's killed half of the gods and servents of gods already and even great heroes like Theseis and Perseus.

But he cant stop me, im different!

Gregg: And so was those guys, and they got there ***** handed to them.

I need to speek with Zues. Take me to Myth world..

Gregg: Hecks no you called me short.. (walking away).

Your not that short....

Gregg: jump into this portal, it will take you to Zues.




Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*Mars16 makes it to the myths deminsion*

Finally Im here.... no......

*Olympus half destroyed*

*Half covered in water, spirits flying hell, the Sun covered in clouds...*

What the hell happened

Athena: Terrible isn't it

Athena!? What happened here? Where Zues?

Athena: At the moment I do not now but were is Asora, she is needed.

She is gone, a spirit link from Zues gave me the power to hold my abilitys with out Asora.. she didn't make it.

Athena: I've seen Pesidons death but Hadas must have been defeated. With out his power, hell cant hold spirits.

I now, Hadas was trying to take over the world, Smasfan666 defeated him and that was the time Asora faded away.....somehow....

Athena: Hmm, well until Hadas returns the spirits of hell escape.
Ok..... were is Zues? I need to speak with him fast.

Athena: You can climb mount olympus, but if you want to get there faster, go through the labriynth. But be warned its covered with Undead soldiers.

I can take um..... I noticed something odd about you,... you seem to be..... ghostly!

Athena: I was killed by the blades of axile.

The same blades Weegee mentioned that Kratos has.

Athena: You now of Kratos?

Yes, once I find him ill defeat him. Ill be the hero that defeated Kratos, god of war, this will be the fate given to me by the 3 sisters of fate (speaking nobely).
Athena: That is almost the exact thing Perseus said. But was penetrated into a hook, and died instantly thanks to Kratos.

Really........(Scratching head). This is.... not intimadeting at all.

Athena: So you still wish to confront Kratos. You should leave him to Zues. Thats who Kratos wants.

Right now im heading out to find Zues, Athena farewell.



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
*Continueing from were we left off*

*Mars half way through the labryinth already*

I geuss I gotta get to that chain over there and climb it.

That girl from page nine of this ho thread:: What are you doing here?

What am... who are you, you seem so familiar.

The Girl: Its me remember the girl you met at the livingston street party in mushroom city.


The Girl: So your telling me that you dont remember the....

The what

The Girl: The room that we were innnnnnn...

All I wanna now is how did you get here, this place is only for those who have a link with gods. Did you walk up the golden stiars or something.

The Girl:Yes! Actually, Aphrodite, Goddess of love and stuff brought there stiars of light down for me to walk up and well, here I am now.

What are you doing in the labryinth?

The girl: Aphrodite wants me to pick her some flowers

................................ ..... Ok I gotta get going.....*Moves on*

Wiat a minute *turns back around* What is your name?

*Notices that she is gone*

Damn missed out on the opertunity again.

*Somke time later in the labryinth, Mars finally makes it to the huge chain*

Ill climb this, it should take me to Zues's base area thingy that atop mount olympus.

*Mars starts climbing the chain that is held by the three judges that lay within hell*

*Meanwhile If not fine*


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
*meanwhile back with mars16*

Damn i 've been climbing this change for the past 2 hours god... I think im almost there, I can see light.

*another hour passes and mars finally makes it up the chains.***

*but suddenly some sort of earth quake knocks mars off the chains that he's been climbing for about 2 hours*

*now mars is falling back down for about an hour*

aaaaaahhhhhh (boooooom)

*mars16 hits the floor, landing in the area were the three judges hold the chain that holds the labryinth*

Darn it, now how am I going to get the hell out of hell?

Heaphestus: just take the portal on the left, it should take you to Aphrodites room, hmf she's probably slaying another man.

Heaphestus? why are you done here?

Heaphestus: Im a black smith, I its along sotry, it has something to do with Zues, Pandora and all that stuff that i just dont fill like explaining......

OK... ill just be taking the portal then......

*mars16 jumps through the portal and finds him self inside of Aphrodites area what ever its called*

What the heck is that sound? it sounds like a coulpe of chick haven fun, (walks up there staris)
The girl: finally your here, see i told you a guy was coming Aphrodite.

Aphrodite: i heard you were looking for Zues.

WERE? im still looking. Tell me, is there any other way i can get to him besides using the chains?
Aphrodite: I guess i can open you some sort of short cut, but whats in it for me?

Ah a thank you and good bye. Is that exeptable?

Aphrodite: I was hoping more of a... you now, hmmm lets see....hmmm. a three ,,,,,,,

FINE what ever, you and your ***** power *sigh*.

if not fine****


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
???: "hey, marsoid!"

(the world around mars16 begins to darken and disappear)

???: "earth to mars16!"

(mars16 wakes up to find he fell asleep while playing a children's card game with his fellow teammate. Forum Fighters SP second-in-command, Leo Leonardo III)

leo: "hey, are you in there? it's your move. you fell asleep while we were playing duel monsters again. and from the sounds of your mumbling, it seems like you were dreaming about God of War mixed with your supressed memories about asora and hadas. (grabs mars16's shoulder) look. i know how you feel about asora, and what you couldn't do then. but what matters is what you can do now. like draw one card from your deck."

(you'll be pretty important in this story, mars. at least from where you will be)

(meanwhile, at forum fighter postal, derpy hooves gets a letter from the stack and flies out the door)

+opening credits music: Fire Emblem Theme+


dedede: "whozzat?!"

i got it.

(i open the door and see derpy hooves with a letter in her mouth)

(takes letter) ah, thanks, derpy. (gives derpy a muffin)

(derpy smiles, then flies off)

lampy: "what'd we get?"

it's from forum fighter command.

625: "well, if they sent it by mail instead of communicating with us through the monitor, it must be serious."

it reads...

To all Forum Fighter teams.
We are pleased to inform you that we now have everything we need to finally ressurect all the characters of the Lilo and Stitch franchise that were killed tragically by an inconveniently-placed time bomb that nobody noticed until it was too late. now that we have Shirley the Medium to perform the memory restoration spell, and the Forum Fighters member known as Princess Bubblegum has prepared enough Decorpsinator serum to revive the deceased, everything is now at long last in place. please everyone report to Twilight Town to watch the proverbial fireworks.
-Forum Fighter Command.

finn: "AWESOME! finally!"

radio: "say princess, where'd ya' put that serum?"

princess bubblegum: "i had it already loaded up on F.A.T.R.I.D.E for when we head out."

then let's go!

(everybody boards F.A.T.R.I.D.E and we head out)

meta knight: "haven't used this thing in a while..."

(later, we arrive at Twilight Town from the kingdom hearts games. other forum fighter groups are here, as well as many other people)

ah, i see this event packed quite the crowd tonight. mars16, numbuh 20,000 and numbuh 60, chibi knight... this is truly to be a memoriam of a day...

(mic check)

numbuh 274: "testing, 123... hello, forum fighters, and many others. the last few S.C.A.M.P.E.Rs should be arriving shortly with the remaining guests."

(a S.C.A.M.P.E.R lands beside us, and opens up)

gruber: "you are all now clear to exit ze S.C.A.M.P.E.R."

hans & gruber: "HEIL KAIBA!"

yami yugi: "yes, yes, heil my archrival."

(yami yugi steps out of the S.C.A.M.P.E.R)

ah, yugi. say, how's littlekuriboh doing with the next episode?

yami yugi: "oh, he's getting there..."

(cut to littlekuriboh asleep on his computer, using his keyboard as a pillow)

littlekuriboh: "(snore) in america..."

so, going at usual pace, eh?

yami yugi: "sadly, yes."

(princess celestia and princess luna exit the S.C.A.M.P.E.R)

princess celestia: "it's been a while, smashfan."

yes it has. how've things been going for you two?

princess celestia: "pretty well. nothing spectacular up until now."

princess luna: "we heard about this event and decided to check it out."

(zim & dib step out of the S.C.A.M.P.E.R)

zim: "and i thought human technology was shoddy before."

zim and dib...

dedede: "in the same place..."

marx: "going to the same thing..."

jake: "as EQUALS?!"

zim: "i am simply here to study just how this jypsy woman 'shirley' is able to control the dead."

dib: "and i'm here to both watch the characters come back from the dead, and to prove that ZIM IS AN ALIEN, WHY DO I EVEN HAVE TO PROVE IT THIS MUCH?! (points yami yugi's head towards zim) C'MON, JUST LOOK AT HIM!!"

zim: "(noticing dib has human eyes pointed towards him) i sure like TV... and wearing pants..."

dib: "again?"

yami yugi: "he likes wearing pants, dib. everyone knows most aliens don't like to wear pants."

jumba: "(shrugs) you get used to it."

(wackoman steps out of the TARDIS. i mean, S.C.A.M.P.E.R)

hans: "be careful vith zis one, he seems to have a few of ze screws loose."

dib: "he doesn't look that bad to me."

hans: "who said i vas talking about ze clown?"




hans: "zough you do seem to raise a strong point."

gruber: "HEIL KAIBA!"

wackoman.exe: "what's going on in this here- (trips on a step) AHG! OW! OH, OUCH! OH, STEP! WHY THE HOSTILITY, STEPS?! (splat)"


wackoman.exe: "aaahaaahaaahaaahaaa..."

dedede: "you sure he's alright, fireman?"

fireman.exe: "yeah, he's always been like this."

so, i take it you're here to watch everyone coming back to life, huh?

wackoman.exe: "yep."

good to know. your random personality threw me off.

wackoman.exe: "it does that. (slapping self in the face) STOP! BEING! SO! MISLEADING! PERSONALITY!"

(one more person steps out. in the shot we can see a short figure wearing blue pants and sandals)

(glass shatters)

sonic: "(double facepalm) ohhh god. anyone but HER."

grim: "what i don't get is, why was she the sole human survivor of the whole disaster?"

old man jenkins: "who is that? describe him to me."

hmm, let's see now... orange poofy hair... green shirt b/w blue pants... relatively young... glasses... horrid personality... and wearing a pair of sandals... yep, that's b**chy mcc**tc**t

mario: "don't-a you mean-a mertle edmonds? the girl we all-a hate?"

that's what i said, b**chy mcc**tc**t. fingers, be prepared to swallow your pride and type her name often, because i think we'll be in for a looooooong ride...

mertle: "oh, come on. i don't have that lousy a fanbase, do i?"

(rotten tomatos, crushed cans, and even water balloons full of battery acid are thrown at mertle)

let me put it to you this way; you make the great and powerful trixie look self-contained.

mertle: "...well, it's good to know this whole thing won't take long."

let's just ignore her, she'll probably be a load if we don't.

zim: "agreed."

yami yugi: "me too."

princess celestia: "f**kin' b**ch..."

(trumpets blowing)

captain cody: "all stand for the current forum fighter union supreme leaders. numbuh 274 and the grand councilwoman!"

(everyone rises and claps)

numbuh 274: "hello everyone, and-"


numbuh 274: "...hello everyone, and welcome to a spectacular of great importance. this day shall put and end to almost a year and a half's worth of grieving. for with the help of shirley the medium, and princess bubblegum's patented decorpsinator serum-"

princess bubblegum: "that's my cue! (wheels a large container of decorpsinator serum out of F.A.T.R.I.D.E, taking it to the podium)"

numbuh 274: "-we shall, after a long time of waiting, finally ressurect the dead characters from the Lilo and Stitch franchise!"

(everyone cheers loudly)

numbuh 274: "i would personally like to thank everyone here for lending their support. for without someone to back us up, none of this would be possib-"


princess bubblegum: "huh?"

shirley: "what?"


(a large robot grabs the decorpsinator serum and lodges it in a compartment in it's chest)

dark voice: "it seems it wouldn't have been possible either way. forum fighters, and all you pathetic bystanders, you shall not see this day's planned revival come to a productive conclusion! needless to say, you're all screwed."

(the dark voice reveals himself to be megaman.exe)

megaman.exe: "so don't f**king move!"


megaman.exe: "destructior, unassociated with any scrapped IZ characters of the same name, let's get out of here!"

destructior: "I SHALL COMPLY."

(megaman.exe and destructior run out of the town)

oh no you don't! dedede, you get destructior while i handle megaman! (runs after megaman.exe)

megaman.exe: "oh, ya' know what? f**k it..."

(megaman.exe teleports out before i can catch up)

ghh! forgot he could do that.

dedede: "i gotcha' now ya' thiefing robot jerk!"

destructior: "(opens up a machine gun assortment) YOU DARE, I SHOOT... MY CONTAINER COMPARTMENT, THEREBY RENDERING YOUR SERUM USELESS. (warms up)"

dedede: "......................... (drops hammer)"

destructior: "I AM GLAD WE HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING. (teleports away)"

dedede: "..."

chowder: "aww, man!"

dib: "he got away..."

numbuh 274: "uhm, we're currectly experiencing technical difficulties, we'll get right back to the ceremony as soon as we've resolved our current dilemma."

he got away, numbuh 274.

numbuh 274: "i know. (double facepalm) auuugh, what now? without that serum, we can't continue the ressurection."

we're going to have to track megaman down and get it back! i'll take my team, as well as the forum fighters west and SP, and everyone who was on the S.C.A.M.P.E.R that landed by my team when we came in.

grand councilwoman: "are you sure it'll be enough?"

trust me, we've all been up against worse.

numbuh 274: "then follow me."

(later, we are on a large spaceship)

numbuh 274: "this spaceship should make it easier to find megaman and his giant robot."

dib: "we just have to pinpoint any traces of their activity and beam ourselves down."

with any luck, we can get the jump on him.

(the ship shakes around a bit)

mertle: "what was that?!"

princess luna: "i don't know, but it didn't sound good."



mertle: "okay, what in the heck is a macarron hole."

eddy: "trippiest thing you'll ever see. you get sucked in, you're stuck in a trippy place that constantly plays macarron chacarron."

eddy's right. the only known way to avoid it is to dance to the music as it passes by. seems stupid, but it's the only way we know of.

mertle: "ookay, how are you even sure that works?"

i was almost caught once. i was out in a space mission one time to collect some moon dust. i almost didn't see the darn thing. but once i saw that llama face in a green swirl, i knew i was in for some serious sh**. a big hole got torn in the side of the ship. then i heard the music, and decided to dance one las time before i get trapped forever. once i stopped dancing, i noticed it completely passed by. at first, i didn't know what the hell it was or how dancing stopped it. but once i filed my report, the response gave it to me in great detail. MACARRON HOLE...

(the side of the ship gets ripped)



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

I was dreaming!
Well ovcorss I was deaming, How xould Kratos be around when I already handle that saga along time ago.
I still wish I could have gotten that girls name...... everybody's dancing... I don't now how to dance...

were the hell is retro? And... and my old character selection list is all torn up, who did this!

+???????????+ Music
(???????????) posture or something
<Talking to a fellow forum fighter>
//camera angles//
*whats going on*


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
dancing's easy, mars. you just move ya' bad self to the beat, and-

(gibberish in whatever language that song is) get down on tha' floor! (more yiddish) chacarron!

(the macarron hole passes by)

pleakley: "now THAT'S what i call a portable black hole!"

dedede: "least we don't have to worry about that thing again!"

mertle: "uhm, guys?"

what, b**ch?

mertle: "not to be a ntpick, but... there's still a gaping hole in the hull."

everyone: "0_0"

(pressurization takes hold, suction trying to pull everyone out of the ship)

you just HAD to bring logic into this! (glare)

(dib grabs onto mertle's legs just before she flies out. then i grab dib's legs, then wackoman.exe grabs my legs)

dib: "mertle!"


wackoman.exe: "wait for me, guys! ahahahahahaha!"

(all 4 of us are separated from the rest and sent flying into the macarron hole that just went by)

dedede: "aww, no..."

numbuh 274: "someone, try and repair the hull!"

(celestia & luna use their horn magic to manipulate the loose breaches in the hull, and fireman.exe welds them back together)

dedede: "phew! well that was a close one."

numbuh 274: "closer that it might seem. 4 of our passengers were just sent spiraling into the macarron hole."

dedede: "so? send in a claw or something and get 'em out!"

numbuh 274: "can't, it's long gone by now. and trying to get closer would be way too risky. we'll just have to wait until they manage to get out. by then, we'll have a team of many ready to retrieve them if they land back on earth. any volunteers?"

dedede: "i nominate mars16!"

yami yugi: "i'll go, too."

zim: "you would be dreadfully lost without the guidance of the powerful zim! i mean, (grabs marx) I LOVE EARTH!"

yami yugi: "cut the crap, i know you're from another planet."

zim: "...f**k. i'm still going."

princess celestia: "i'm going with you too, mars."

princess luna: "well, if my sister goes, then i'll go."

numbuh 274: "and one more should about cover it. retro, you wanna go?"

(retroantonio's empty, offline shell remains silent)

numbuh 274: "i'll just take that as a yes."

(retroantonio is thrown at zim)

zim: "OUGH!"

yami yugi: "i suppose we should get going, then. where's the escape pod we can use to get there?"

numbuh 274: "oh, there is no escape pod. you'll be beamed down."

(mars16, yami yugi, princess celestia, princess luna, and zim carrying retroantonio on his shoulder stand on the teleporter)

numbuh 274: "good luck."

(all of them are beamed down to minecraft)

zim: "what is this place?"

yami yugi: "well, from the looks of it, we've landed in a minecraft server. we'll have to find a way out if we want to find smashfan and the others."

(meanwhile, we get ejected from the macarron hole in 4 separate diamond-shaped, white... space... traps... okay, what the hell are they?! whatever they are, they seem to be impervious to out attacks...)

(whistling macarron chacarron)

mertle: "well that was... insane..."

(dib's trap colides with mertle's, and become a single trap)

aww, how cute. dib & b**chy got their own little trap.

mertle: "hey, shut up!"

...your mother.

(the other 2 traps collide with theirs, making one whole trap.)

dib: "well, this is just great..."

okay, everyone. all we have to do is keep calm, and velvet banana.

mertle: "...what?!"

dib: "he must've got brain damage from excessive ammounts of macarron. that, or his original personality is slowly coming back."

yep, my brain am thinking good with stuff.

...y'know. when i'm getting down about something, i usually reflect with a ringo starr song we know from The Point. could someone hand me a key-sitar?

(a sitar stylized after a keytar is thrown into my arms)

+Think about your Troubles+

sit beside the breakfast table, think about your troubles.

pour yourself a cup of tea, and think about the bubbles.

(the trap floats into a stream of space bubbles)

you can take your teardrops and drop 'em in a teacup.

take 'em down to the riverside, and throw 'em over the side,

to be swept up by a current.

(our space trap is floating on a large flow of water. because there is definitely water in space.)

and taken to the ocean to be eaten by some fishes,

(a fish swallows the trap, and a larger fish swallows the first fish)

who were eaten by some fishes,

(a space whale swallows the large fish)

and swallowed by a whale, who grew so old, he decomposed, oh...

(the whale immediately deteriorates and breaks apart)

he died and left his body to the bottom of the ocean, now everybody knows that when a body decomposes, the basic elements are given back to the ocean, and the sea does what it oughta',

(the spacebound water swishes around the trap, turning into a large swirl)

assume this salted water

dib: "not too good for drinking,"

cause it tastes just like a teardrop,

dib: "(illegible)"

and it comes out from a faucet

dib: "and it goes into a teapot,"

which is just about to bubble now, think about your troubles...

(the trap floats off toward earth)

(much later, we wake up far, FAAAAR from the minecraft server in which mars is in. in a somewhat familliar area, familiar for some reason...)

mertle: "(regaining consciousness) uuuh, what happened?"

dib: "heck if i know."

(wakes up) auugh, where are we?

wackoman.exe: "what went on after the cut? is this... heavan?"

mertle: "...you can nix it being heavan, wackoman."

shut up, b**ch.

(looks around...) oh my god, we have to get out of here! NOW!

mertle: "why?"

(zoom out to our location, one of the many locations on the show Dora the Explorer)

we're in the setting of Dora the Explorer!

dib: "aaaaah, sh**..."



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*In Mushroom City*


Weegee:: I did'nt even now we were going to get scene in this movie.......


*Meanwhile back with Mars and Smashfan and Co.*


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(in the forest back on Dora the Explorer where we last saw smashfan)

mertle: "wait a minute, smashfan, did you just change armor in the last 5 seconds? you look... different."

oh, i just changed my avatar. i came up with this while deep in my... personal thoughts.

mertle: "what?!"

of what would be good parodial synergy attack concepts.

mertle: "oh..."

and afterwards, i went deep into my private mental pr0n vault.

mertle: "eug- wait, prawn?"

no, pr0n. as in pornography.

dib: "guys, let's just focus. we have to figure a way out of this trap."

dib's right, let's keep moving.

(we continue on our way as a figure stalks us through the bushes)

narrator: "you're probably already asking yourself, 'who the hell is this peeping tom?'. well, your guess is as good as ours."

(back with mars16's group, everyone is wondering what to do first)

princess celestia: "so, what do we do first?"

zim: "hmm... i say we build a shelter!"

yami yugi: "have you been using whatever the irken equivilant of a bong is?"

princess luna: "actually, the green one has a point."

yami yugi: "you wanna run that by me again?"

princess luna: "i hath seen much of this game, and it would seem the logical thing to do is set up a base of operations. a house, if you will."

zim: "yes. i've seen this game being played before by humans who go to libraries for that and playing children's card games!"

yami yugi: "actually, this is probably the first time i've even seen these graphics... these... really blocky graphics..."

princess luna: "so, mine sister and i shall acquire wood from trees to craft workbenches and tools. zim, you collect sand from the beachy areas so that we may make outlooking plates."

zim: "wat?"

yami yugi: "i think she means windows, zim."

princess luna: "person with the odd mane, you and mars shall collect cobblestone bricks for crafting better tools and weaponry, as well as a furnace to smelt the sand into glass for the windows. let us know if you find any coal for making torches to keep the area lit, and everypony will meet back at your area when we have sufficient items."

minecraft for n00bs new announcer: "let's speed up the process"

+montage music: benny hill chase theme+

(cut to luna and celestia punching down trees)

princess luna: "(seeing how the tree doesn't fall) o_e ..."

(zim collecting sand, his PAK begins to malfunction and make him spaz out)

+temporary replacement music: Moskau+

zim: "(doing an irish jig) hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm, la lala la la la la, la lala la la la la, ahahahaha!"

(music returns to the benny hill theme as mars & yami are collecting cobblestone from th side of a hill)

(yami yugi opens up a cave, which he then enters)

yami yugi: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! (runs the hell out)"

(many arrows are shot out of the cave, showing that there are skeletons)

(the music ends as celestia, luna, and zim return to mars16 and yami yugi)

princess luna: "anypony find anything?"

zim: "other than sand that is as we speak leaking it's way into my PAK's circuitry?"

yami yugi: "well, i found a piece of flint thinking the gravel i found it in was another stone block, now we just need an iron ingot for a flint and steel"

princess luna: "well, we can make due with what we have for now."

(the cube-shaped sun is going down fast)

princess celestia: "this world must have it's own independent day-night cycle, like most other franchises i've seen."

yami yugi: "which reminds me, don't you two have somewhere to be?"

princess celestia: "oh, that. well, we lend our duties to some people we've met if we're out and the day and night has to change whle we're gone. we've known them for a while."

yami yugi: "do you think it's really a good idea to trust the changing of equestria's night and day to just some people you've met who are likely from another franchise?"

princess celestia: "oh, i'm sure things are fine."

(cut to equestria, rex and weevil are each holding staffs that depict the moon and sun, respectively)

rex: "huhuhuh, huhuh, hey, weevil. check it out, this moon's got holes."

weevil: "ooooh, yeah, heheheheheheh."

rex: "it's like, kirby super star up in this *****."

weevil: "(making the sun shoot solar flares at the moon) fire, fire! yeah! heheheheh!"

rex: "(making the moon spin, breaking off the flames) huhuhuhuh, chill out."

(the moon attacks the sun with a freezing blast)

(back to minecraft, mars's team has already constructed much of a fort, some chests, a workbench, some stone equipment, a few torches, a door, and a furnace. they are also holding off hordes of zombies and skeletons)

zim: "(setting up blocks of wood planks) pharaoh! is the glass ready?!"

yami yugi: "almost, just 4 more blocks to go for this stack!"

princess luna: "(holding off zombies with a stone sword) just take what is ready and craft some glass panes!"

yami yugi: "you got it! (takes 60 glass blocks out of the furnace, then heads for the workbench)"

princess luna: "mars16, i require your assistance with these mobs! (ducks under an arrow)"

creeper: "thatssssssss a very nice houssssssse you have there."

princess luna: "GAH! (stabs creeper repeatedly)"

zim: "where's gir when i need him?! (takes note to a white pair of glowing eyes in the corner) huh?"

(the mobs look in the direction of the glowing eyes and run)

princess luna: "they've run off... but why?"

(a tall figure resembling a slenderized playable character appears in the distance)

zim: "i believe to see a playable character in the distance..."

princess celestia: "wait a minute... (looks closely at the figure) that's not a player! wh- what is that thing?!"

(the figure disappears, then reappears slightly closer, then disappears again)

princess luna: "...is that a- ?!"

all: "ENDERMAN!!!"

(the enderman pulls out a block of TNT)

princess luna: "pharaoh, hurry up with those glass panes!"

zim: "yes, or we might not live much longer to use them!"

yami yugi: "almost... there! now we've got 10 good windows! (looks at the enderman) ...mars? i think it's time to end this enderman. (grabs a stone sword)"


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
I agree yami yugi let us finish these endermen (creates an ice sword)...

What... I have ice powers now? My powers changed from Fire to ice? I haven't had ice powers since thee time I was hanging out with Ninjast!!..... whatever lets do this yani yugi!


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(many more endermen appear and start taking the fort apart block by block)

princess celestia: "guys? i think we may need to relocate..."

zim: "(takes out a bow & arrow) i agree. we must head for a cave! it shall provide pre-created shelter for the night! (shoots the endermen with arrows)"

(3 endermen fall over and die, but the crowd of endermen grows ever larger)

princess luna: "there's too many of them, look for an opening!"

yami yugi: "gotcha'! (hacks-n-slashes away at the endermen)"

(an enderman comes in with a full suit of diamond armor and a diamond sword)

diamond enderman: "UUUUURG..."

yami yugi: "oh, i call H4X0RZ!"

(the diamond enderman plows through the other endermen with ease by slashing at them)

yami yugi: "uh-oh. we've got friendly fire... (attacks the diamond enderman)"

zim: "YAMI, DON'T- !!!"

(yami yugi's stone sword shatters)

all: "..."

yami yugi: "uhm, uh..."

(the diamond enderman roars)


(everyone scrambles to the chests, then runs off in different directions into the forest. the princesses to the left, zim in the treetops, and yami yugi & mars16 to the right)

diamond enderman: "(looks off to the forest) uuuuurg..."

(later on, the teams meet up somewhere in the woods)

yami yugi: "okay, (panting) i think we lost them..."

princess luna: "hang on, where's zim?"

zim: "(falls from the treetops) UGH! (panting) oh my tallest! (pant, pant, pant) the endermen are EVERYWHERE! (pant, pant)"

princess celestia: "did anyone manage to get the torches?"

princess luna: "yes, i have one. (places torch and the area becomes lit, zim appears to be covered in scratches and scrapes and deep flesh cuts) 0-0"

zim: "...what?"

princess luna: "well, looks like we only have these for light..."

yami yugi: "(takes out a flashlight and turns it on) nope, i've got a- (luna smacks the flashlight out of his hand) ...nevermind."

zim: "(eats a cooked porkchop and instantly heals) we'd better keep an eye out for more endermen or other mobs."

princess luna: "yes, like skeletons, and zombies, and creepers. or lions and tigers and bears."

yami yugi: "oh, my!"

(everyone presses forward)


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
princess luna: "mars... who are you talking to? there's nopony there..."

yami yugi: "he was probably talking to smashfan beyond the fourth wall and you just happened to pick up on it."

(microphone feedback SFX as luna clutches her skull tightly)

princess luna: "AAAAAAARRRRRGGGHH!"

yami yugi: "oh come on, it's not THAT farfetched."

zim: "oh, no. i've seen this before! we have to get out of here! now, before she turns!"

yami yugi: "what? why? she looks like she needs our help!"

princess celestia: "i probably should have mentioned this earlier, but..."

zim: "princess luna has a darker side, brought on by resentfulness toward her elder sibling and offense to her subjects' actions."

yami yugi: "waaait a minute, i've heard of that. nightmare moon?"

princess celestia: "yep."

yami yugi: "what should we do about this?"

zim: "either we run, or try to help her fight her corruption!"

(sounds of endermen closing in from all sides)

princess celestia: "well, looks like running is out of the question, zim!"

princess luna: "(trying to fight back nightmare moon's control, voice getting deeper and darker) GET OUT OF MY FRIGGIN' HEAD YOU FRIGGIN' FRIGSTICK!"

zim: "moon princess! try to remember your peaceful days, when your anger has long since passed!"

(luna's eyes start glowing)

zim: "i don't think that worked."

yami yugi: "luna, try to fight it as hard as you can! we can't let this evil spirit take you over!"

princess luna: "I'M... TRYING... (body covered in a bright flash similar to an evolving pokemon) YAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!"

(the endermen go bug-eyed in awe as luna transforms)


yami yugi: "SHE ISN'T A POKEMON, ZIM!"




(luna has fully transformed into nightmare moon)

nightmare moon: "I... LIVE... AGAIN!"

zim: "...RUN!"

(celestia and zim take the left, while yami yugi grabs mars and runs off in the treetops)

nightmare moon: "no matter where you go... i will find you, foals! (turns into an eerie smoke and follows celestia and zim)"

narrator: "holy ra! that's the third time she's transformed that we know of! i'm glad smashfan and the others aren't dealing with anything this destructive! speaking of which, let's check up on them, shall we?"

(sniff, sniff-sniff!)

wackoman.exe: "AAH! (jumps into dib's arms) WHAT'S THAT?!"

that sounded like the only good character on this show...

(sniff, sniff-sniff!)

yep, that was unmistakably swiper's trademarked sniff...

+swiper's theme+

there's the theme music...

mertle: "okay, you have issues, man. what is WITH you?"




(swiper jumps out of the bushes)

(sarcastically) wonder what we have to do here...

(we all stick our hands out in a 'stop right there, b**ch!' fashion)


+the price is right losing horn+

swiper: "oh, man!"

swiper, we're kinda wondering if you could help us find a way out of this show.

mertle: "wait, huh?!"

dib: "see, we got stuck here after being fired out of a macarron hole through a diamond... outline... thing... whatever, space is confusing, i'll admit."

mertle: "whoawhoa waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait... you're asking swiper the fox for help?"\

yeah, so?

mertle: "last time i checked, he was a recurring villain in this show."

au contrair, my little b**ch. that's what they WANT you to believe.

mertle: "...are you on marijuana?"

swiper: "(slaps mertle in one of her eyeglass lenses, shattering it) shut up, b**ch. i'm not trying to cause problems in this show's world, i'm trying to save it!"

mertle: "...say what?"

this show's general area was magically locked away long ago, for fear of the purely demonic force that dwelled within it. she is the one who controls this deranged copy of hell, and through her evil power, makes the place look like a harmless children's cartoon. not many willingly enter this twisted maze of illusions, and even fewer return. this place was locked away for thousands of years to contain the pure evil of the area. sometimes she escapes and makes the people of smashboards cringe in fear, or on semi-rare cases, let out a long, loud, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU". in general, she is destruction, she is chaos, she is a being of unimaginable evil.

dib: "and that force... is DORA HERSELF..."

mertle: "pfft! don't be stupid. like the roles of the characters are actually flipped around from how they really are..."

don't say we didn't warn you, b**ch...

swiper: "anyway, about your problem. i think i can help you find a way out of here. but it's going to require a lot of supplies. we should find a quick route to my place at blueberry hill, and hope she isn't there..."

you heard him, guys. and b**chy. let's go.

(we head off the pathway and into the bushes following swiper)

mertle: "are you sure it's a good idea to trust a shifty, sneaky, clever fox?"

dib: "really, mertle. in actuality, the roles are reversed. can you get that through your head?"


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Let us use stealth against nightmare moon.

Hmm here is my character selection list, I summon Batman!!!!

*But it failed.....*

Damn.... I summon the Girl........

But it failed hmm........ Whatever lets move on.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009

yami yugi: "what was that?!"

(creepers approach)

yami yugi: "...well, this is just fan-tucking-fastic. we're on the run from a pony that's been taken over by a demented spirit and creepers can walk on tree leaves."

(endermen block the front forward)

yami yugi: "more endermen? alright, time to jump off-"

(zombies approach from the left, and skeletons from the right)

yami yugi: "...ra damn it all to the shadow realm. well, it's been nice knowing ya' mars."

(a blue-and-white blurr flies by and takes out most of the skeletons)

yami yugi: "huh?!"

zombie: "burr?!"

enderman: "uurgh?!"

skeleton: "clk-clk?!"

creeper: "sssss?!"

(the same blurr flies by again, this time pwning the zombies and endermen, and at least a lot of the creepers)

(regular yugi appears next to yami, although translucent)

yugi muto: "what the heck is that thing?!"

yami yugi: "whatever it is, it must have the strength of one-million and seventy men!"

(pauses like a videotape)

narrator: "(semi-quickly) we at forum fight the story forum apologize if the preceding reference line was not completely accurate. however, we'd like to think this is totally justified seeing as smashfan openly admits that his memory toward a lot of the shows he incorporates into FFTSF is bullsh** and he forgets details to some things quite often. but please, enjoy your story mode anyway, because you had nothing better to do with your time."


(the blurr lands next to mars16 and yami. as it turns out, it was Jenny Wakeman who saved their skins)

jenny: "you two alright?"

(i'm sure that somebody somewhere is touching himself inappropriately)

yami yugi: "sure are, thanks! one question, though... how did you end up in minecraft?"

jenny: "no time to explain, we've still got a few of these mobs to take care of. (activates giant steel fists)"

yami yugi: "right behind ya', jen! (summons *random word of description* celtic guardian) come on out, flabbergasted celtic guardian!"

flabbergasted celtic guardian: "this 'randomly named celtic guardian' sh**'s getting old..."

creeper: "hey, that'sssssss not legal! you can't sssssssummon monsterssssssss outssssssside of card gamesssssss!"

yami yugi: "tell it to the writing staff!"

(the flabbergasted celtic guardian destroys that very creeper, making it drop gunpowder)

creeper: "(dull) oh, the pain..."

(below the treetops, zim, celestia, and the logged-off retroantonio are still on the run)

zim: "(mounted on celestia) FASTER, PONY! FASTER!"

princess celestia: "I'M GOING AS FAST AS I CAN ON 4 HOOVES!"

(nightmare moon in smoke form draws closer)

zim: "(holding retroantonio's corpse in front of self) take the catgirl, she's housebroken!"

princess celestia: "(scowling) zim..."

zim: "what? why lose ALL our lives?"

(nightmare moon re-materializes, still giving chase)

nightmare moon: "i have you now, you little idiots!"

(and now i'm sure someone somewhere is pissing themself)

zim: "(pointing in a seemingly random direction) QUICK, INTO THAT FOGBANK!"

(they go into an area with really bad draw-distance a thick fog)

princess celestia: "we should be safe in here..."

(nightmare moon follows them into the fog)

nightmare moon: "ghh! which way did they go?!"



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(mars, where the f*** are you?)

(back in dora's world, we reconnect with the pathway)

mertle: "uuugh, how much longer? this is officially the farthest distance i've walked in a few weeks, what a personal record-"

oh, stop your whining, it's been like 5 minutes.

(creepy music as a familiar shoe steps forward)

(camera zooms up)

(the music changes to common Dora the Explorer BGM)

dora: "Hola! soy Dora!"


(wackoman.exe readies an M-Cannon, dib his balloon launcher, swiper a battle axe, and i pull out a cross and a bottle of holy water)


dora: "have you seen boots?"

(throws the holy water at her) THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!

mertle: "oh please, like that's going to do any-"

dora: "(cringes while being burned) *voice deepening* you have just sealed your fate, pathetic worms!"

mertle: "0-0 whaaaaat?"

(dora's eyes turn completely red, menacing tentacles sprout from her backpack, and a pentagram appears on her shirt)

dora: "(satanic voice) YOUR MOTHER SUCKS ***** IN HELL..."

(the background fades away into a hellish version of itself and the BGM goes all evil)

told ya', b**ch...

(meanwhile, mars16's body goes dull and lifeless again)

yami yugi: "well, seems mars forgot about this thread again"

jenny: "but it looks like we've only got one more enderman left."

yami yugi: "wait, isn't that thing a bit short for an enderman?"

(the 'enderman' removes it's blocky head and is revealed to really be shadi in disguise)

shadi: "it is very hard to breathe with this thing covering my head."

(the rest of shadi's enderman costume explodes)

yami yugi: "is that- ?"

shadi: "jagshemash! my name is shadi, i am here to warn you three of very bad things about to happen."

yami yugi: does it involve megaman and the stolen decorpsinator serum?

shadi: "yes, but that is after i warn you that your little night pony friend will turn into her evil form and try to kill you-"

yami yugi: "not to be a nitpick, but that already happened. what's the point of warning us if luna already transformed into nightmare moon?"

shadi: "i am a ghost."

yami yugi: "but that still doesn't explain-"

shadi: "also, concerning evil netnavi your friends are chasing; he will attempt to reverse-engineer serum which the fighter union plans to use to revive dead show. megaman plans to use it for something that gives me most unsettling of feelings in my chhram."

yami yugi: "he's going to give 4Kids the rights to Hasbro and have them make my little pony: friendship is magic just as frilly as it's predecessors?"

shadi: "yes..."

yami yugi: "THE BAST-"

shadi: "wait, no. if megaman is allowed to reverse-engineer the bubblegum princess's decorpsination serum, then life as we know it will be destroyed, and the forum games of smashboards will cease to be."

yami yugi: "...i still think the thing with 4Kids and Hasbro would've dealt a much harder blow, but whatever works. so tell me, shadi; could you help us get out of-"

(shadi has disappeared without a trace)

yami yugi: "...what just happened?"

jenny: "where'd he go?"

yami yugi: "hmm, maybe he IS a ghost..."


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009

yami yugi: "what's that now?"

--[Smashrant #4: MadManMatt = the Copycatter to myself!]--

there's no curse in irken, galkan, raposa, or the tongues of the living to define this treachery! during the summer 2 years ago i retroactively announced my fanfic, VG Cats: the Comedian Continued, with the inclusion of Evil Leo as one of the villains. right now i'm working on part 11 and so far, not much clicks. but some time before the new year, during september, a user of fanfiction.net named MadManMatt , i think, it's hard to tell from the resizing, but you can still make out what i've circled in the pic below, posted a fanfic of similar concept titled Aborted from Time! that means he had to find out about my fic, go to the VG Cats website to find out what the hell i was talking about, read the entirety of the comic which my fic takes place after, and write 6 chapters of his own fic, possibly ripping mine off in the process, ALL IN LESS THAN 4 MONTHS BEFORE I FOUND OUT!

nostalgia critic, could you take over my lines for this part? i just don't think i can go for that long about this person i will refer to as mike. also, i need a moment.

nostalgia critic: "certainly, smashfan..."

(and i'm back after that long rant)

you just COULDN'T let me handle this one myself, could ya'? you just HAD to take the one thing i could have been recognized as a great fic writer for STRAIGHT from my grasp. it appears mr. madmanmatt AKA mike has become the Copycatter card to my writing skillz!

(crowd boos)

OKAY, OKAY, alright, i'l admit... that was too far. but still, the point still stands: mike has stolen my idea thinking i wasn't being serious about going through with it, and decided "hey, he's not hurting anyone, i'll just take this poor sap's idea! he won't care, right?" well i care alright, mike.




this fic was my one chance to be an original, to do something that nobody else would have even thought of until some douchebag complained about it to himself for a week before finally taking action! if you knew what was good for you, you would respect my self-imposed copyright and just wait for my fic to be finished and up. but 6 parts, as we all know, is far too late for any sort of redemption, especially in the eyes of someone who came up with the idea 2 years or so earlier and anyone who backs them up, especially if they suspect they copied my idea to just troll with me. so i am going to avoid you and your works like the plague. now... let me do what must be done...

(exits thread until revenge has been exacted)

nostalgia critic: "...smashfan, are you okay?"

+plotting music: Black Mesa Source WGH Topside *sped-up "minecraft for n00bs" version*+

(puts on fingerless gloves with blue dragons on them)

(crafts a crossbow)

(trust me, the more this scene will go, the more you'll wish that there were pics at my disposal to create, or a really long comic detailing the events...)

(eats a whole pizza)

(barters for temporary use of Leo IV's gun *leo leonardo IV is another character from my fic, in case you missed it*)

(loads gun with silver bullets filled with holy water and essence of garlic, then paints a cross on both sides of the barrel)

(holds gun high in the air)

(the epic part starts and i head for madmanmatt/mike's place, now wearing shades)

(dashes through a thick forest like a ninja)

(breaks through mike's window)

madmanmatt: "AAGH! WHAT THE HELL!? (notices me) oh hi, random freak"


madmanmatt: "uh no, you must have me confused for someone else, my screenname is MadManMatt64"

you stole something from me.

madmanmatt: "what?"

the fic, mike! the fanfic about after the VG Cats comic!

madmanmatt: "oh yeah, that! what were you making one?"


madmanmatt: "really? what was it about?"

aeris gets sent to a dystopian future ruled my an Evil Leo in mine. you stole my basic concept! if you don't plan on helping me make this into a genre all it's own, what do you have to say for yourself?!

madmanmatt: "...I NEED AN ADULT!"

(bullet shot, short ends)

madmanmatt: "OW! ARE YOU MENTAL?!"


(many more bullet shots as madmanmatt screams in pain)

---{SHORT OVER}---


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
yami yugi: "hopefully soon, mars. i don't know if retroantonio, zim, and princess celestia will be able to hold out against nightmare moon much longer."

(cut to princess celestia and zim sneaking through the fog while dragging the offline retroantonio)

zim: "(strainedly lugging retro around) ghhh, her only use is a bludgeon now!"

nightmare moon: "(turning to zim's direction) huh?!"

zim: "OH! she almost heard us!"

nightmare moon: "(turning head left and right) where are you hiding, you unruly slime?"


zim: "ew, no!"

princess celestia: "narrator, stop trying to get us-"

(retroantonio is compelled back to life by a mysterious force)

willed-back retroantonio: "(pointing in the direction of nightmare moon) HEY ZIM, HEY PRINCESS, LOOK AT THAT THING OVER THERE! I WONDER WHAT IT IS? LOUDLY DO I WONDER ABOUT IT."

princess celestia and zim: "Eep!"

nightmare moon: "ah, (as the fog clears) there you are!"


(lightning strikes and destroys some of the leaf blocks and sets some of the trees on fire)

(nightmare moon laughs maniacally)

retro, and zim: "(huddle together) HEEEEEELP!!!"

(mars16, yami, and jenny notice the lightning)

jenny: "woah! what's going on?!"

yami yugi: "i hear screaming coming from (points to where the lightning is striking) that general area over there!"

yugi muto: "(as a spirit) it must be zim and celestia! and retroantonio!"

(yami, mars16, and jenny run toward the lightning)

yami yugi: "we had best go and rescue them!"

jenny: "let's go!"

(they drop down to their area)

nightmare moon: "HAAA, HA HA HA HA HAAAAA! (taking note to mars & co.) wha- what is this?!"

yami yugi: "get your starry mane away from our friends, you vile thing, and face us in armed combat!"

(yami yugi takes out another stone sword, jenny readies an arm blaster, zim prepares tasers from his PAK, and princess celestia's horn starts glowing)

nightmare moon: "one against many.... it hardly seems fair. (uses alicorn telekenesis to deactivate zim & jenny's weaponry and put yami yugi back into the millenium puzzle, then to shove everyone off to the side except for celestia) ah, celestia, my old friend. it's been a long time since that summer sun celebration. what say we battle one-on-one?"

princess celestia: "(determined) sure... why not?"

(nightmare moon fires a blue lazer from her horn, while celestia counters with a pink one, and then it's lazer-on-lazer)

+battle music: the same music that played during yami bakura & maximillion pegasus's battle with ancient egyptian lazer beams+

yugi muto: "okay, since when did this show become AMAZING?!"


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Mars16 turn-

Mars16 used spike punch on nightmare moon. But it missed.

Mars16 goes into defence mode, preparing to reflect attacks with cape!


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(nightmare moon's laser collides with princess celestia's head, and sends her shooting straight into one of the burning trees)

yugi muto: "princess celestia! are you alright?!"

princess celestia: "(dazing eyes) ouuuugh, never felt like such... an arrow to the... want look more... (passes out)"

nightmare moon: "AHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!! had enough already? i thought you were made of sterner stuff, celestia."

willed-back retroantonio: "you... BIG... (manages to break free of magic bonds) JERK!!!"

nightmare moon: "oh, please. you underestimate me with that remark-"

willed-back retroantonio: "now you've made me angry! (shattering the ground with each step closer) VERY... VERY... VERY... (bursts into flame) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGH!!!!!! (jumps at nightmare moon, slashing with flaming claws)"

nightmare moon: ".......you're kidding, right? (flies out of the way)"

(retroantonio lands on the ground)

retroantonio: "ow, my face!"

+SFX: wah, wah, wah, waaaaaaaah...+

(princess celestia recovers from her K.O. dizzy spell)

princess celestia: "wh... what happened?"

yugi muto: "(thinking) this doesn't look good. nightmare moon's already beaten 2 of us without so much as breaking a sweat! and with the pharaoh still sealed off in the millennium puzzle, there's not very much left we can do. if only nightmare hadn't posessed luna when she did, then we wouldn't have to worry about this... wait a minute... that's it!"

jenny: "what's it, yugi?"

yugi muto: "if i can manage to take apart and re-solve the puzzle, that just might break the seal keeping the pharaoh from this! and i have a plan that he can execute! (takes the millennium puzzle apart on the ground, causing a purple smoke to eminate from it and then immediately vanish) now to put it back together again and end this battle... (begins to put the puzzle back together)"

nightmare moon: "(seeing yugi reconstructing the puzzle) what does that kid think he's doing?"

(back in dora's hellish domain)

satanic dora: "you know not the powers you are dealing with, foolish boob! should you face me in combat, you will all know the TRUE meaning of eternal suffering!"

mertle: "...what a blowhard."

guys, b**ch, get ready! we're dealing with a force of pure darkness and evil here!

satanic dora: "you refuse to stand down? you will regret that decision, but not for long! boots!"

(boots the monkey steps forward and transforms into a brutish, monstrous hellhound)

shadowy voiceover: "ZUUL, MOTHERF**KER! ZUUL!"

boots the hellhound: "(sinistar voice) I HUNGER!"

dib: "...CRAP IN A BUCKET..."

(throws stars made of purple energy at boots, which stab him straight in the leg)

boots the hellhound: "RAAAAAUUGH! (breathing fire) BEWARE, I LIVE! RUN, COWARD!"



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
nightmare moon: "perfect!"

(electric shocks go everywhere, one just bouncing off the barrier holding yugi, jenny, and zim away from the battle, and another frying F.L.U.D.D & mars by traveling through the pressurized water current)

F.L.U.D.D: "(ZZZZZZAP!!!) remember, mars, that water is a conductor of electricity, and as such is not a wise use against a being who can control it... (BOOM!)"

nightmare moon: "the little scrap pile is right, mars. perhaps you should have reconsidered your choice of weapon."

yugi muto: "just one left, and..."

(the last piece of the millenium puzzle is fit into place)

yugi muto: "yes!"

jenny: "alright, yugi did it!"

zim: "he has freed the puzzle of the dark pony's influence!"

nightmare moon: "(turning towards the barriered members of mars's team) he what?!"

(yugi transforms back into the pharaoh)

yugi muto: "(with yami yugi underlining his voice) SUPER-SPECIAL-AWESOME-SUPER-SEXY-TRANSFORMATION SEQUENCE, GO!"

yami yugi: "we're back, baby! (destroys the barriers holding zim & jenny back)"

nightmare moon: "no... this can't be! how did you manage to release the pharaoh from my intricate seal?!"

yami yugi: "if you really wish to know, then talk to the hand! MIND CRUSH!"

nightmare moon: "AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!"

(nightmare moon falls over, dazed)

zim: "...so. what now?"

yami yugi: "if this worked for bakura, then i'm sure it'll work for luna."

(nightmare moon is separated from luna's body, and is transformed back)

yami yugi: "luna? wakey-wakey eggs-and-bakey."

princess luna: "wh... what happened?"

zim: "your evil persona took over and went on a rampage. the pharaoh here managed to bring you back, though."

princess luna: "(looks around at the destruction) so... nightmare moon caused all this?"

princess celestia: "i'm afraid so..."

(meanwhile, in the shadow realm...)

nightmare moon: "wh... where am i? ...why is this area surrounded in purple clouds?"

(cut to the spirits of monsters closing in to devour nightmare moon's soul)

nightmare moon: "(notices monsters) stand back, beasts! (causes a huge lightning storm and fires an energy beam at the monsters)"

(we hear a panicked, doglike yipping, which we can only assume is coming from the monsters)

nightmare moon: "you really have no clue what you're bucking with here, do you?"

(shuddering coming from all around)

nightmare moon: "yeah, that's what i thought..."

(back in minecraft, the sun has risen)

yami yugi: "well, now that we have that taken care of, we should probably find a way out of-"

(cut to the area going black)

jenny: "uugh, what now?"

(wipe to above, where players seem to be placing a blanket of TNT over the server)

zim: "that's TNT!"

princess luna: "we have to get out of here before yonder griefers destroy the server!"

retroantonio: "or worse, crash the server, nyaaaa!"

(the server goes completely dark)

yami yugi: "well, this is just fan-tucking-fastic..."

creeper: "i'm sssssssssscared..."

all: "AH!"


princess celestia: "...did you just hear- ?"

(the leagues of TNT above start blowing up, revealing that pillars connecting it to the ground lead to covertly-placed channels of underground TNT, sending mars & co. flying, and lagging so much that they are paused in midair while screaming)


(many miles later, mars is in an overgrowing forest with luna and yami)

princess luna: "(shaking mars awake) hey. hey, wake up!"

yami yugi: "i know how to fix 'im."

(mars16 is slapped awake with a newspaper roll)

yami yugi: "WAKE UP, PUDDIN'-HEAD!"

princess luna: "i do believe he's up, but was the news transcript really necessary?"

yami yugi: "i'll admit it was about as necessary as using a motorbike to play card games."


princess luna: "shut up..."

jack atlas: "AWW, I'VE BEEN WAITING A WHOLE WEEK FOR THAT. (disappears)"

yami yugi: "well, where do you suppose we are? and for that matter, where to you suppose zim, jenny, retro, and celestia are?"

???: "you there!"

yami yugi: "huh?"

princess luna: "what the- ?"

???: "there's not much time, you three. if you want to survive, then come with me."

yami yugi: "lets see. mysterious robe, face half-concealed, talking in cryptic rhyme, glowing yellow eyes... seems trustworthy enough."

(yami yugi, luna, and mars16 follow the mysterious robed stranger)

narrator: "well, this is quite a turn of events, eh? mars's team has been separated in a forest that looks like my backyard just 2 weeks after winter! just who is this mysterious character they have run into? does she truly want the best for our protagonists? we'll just see. right now, lets take a look at how our other team is doing."

boots the hellhound: "RUN, RUN!"

swiper: "wackoman? think you should try some kind of battlechip maneuvre? NOW?!"

wackoman.exe: "right! (red cannon appears on arm) Program Advance, Z-Cannon! Slot In!"

dib: "yeah, wacko! blast the sh** out of him!"

wackoman.exe: "(shooting boots) TAKE THAT! AND THIS! BABOOM! SHA-KOW! IN-YA-FACE!"

boots the hellhound: "RAAAAWWWWWGHHHH!!!! (pwned in chest) NNNNNOOOOOOOOooooo!!!"

(boots falls over and disintegrates)

that all you got, exploradora? you got nothing, man! NOTHING! (pulls out holy-watergun)

satanic dora: "you wouldn't, you don't have the balls!"

(sprays dora with watergun multiple times, burning her)

satanic dora: "AAAAAAAAGGGGHH!!!! AAAAH! AAaaaahhh! nooo! stop! please! it burns us!"

one more should do it! (tries to fire, but out of ammo)

0_0 dear god...

satanic dora: "??? it stopped?"


satanic dora: "heheheheheeeeehhhhhh!"

mertle: "hey, you!"

(a water balloon is tossed at dora)

satanic dora: "0-0"

mertle: "chew on that one for a while!"


(dora melts into a puddle of blechh... with eyeballs in the center...)

satanic dora: "whyyyyyyyyy?"

because you're an abomination to fiction.

(the area begins to collapse)

dib: "what the- ?!"

what's going on?!

wackoman.exe: "i'm scared, i'm scared! (jumps into dib's arms)"

swiper: "dora must've been the only thing holding her hell-on-earth together, we have to get out of here, now before- !"



*waking up* where... where am i? wh- what happened?

dib: "beats me..."

wackoman.exe: "(foaming at the mouth) thhbbbbbbbbb......"

mertle: "...okay, ew."

swiper: "where did we end up?"

*examines surroundings* oh, no...

(pan out to the junkyard)

this... is... signifigantly better than being stuck in dora's world, but not by much...

mertle: "what's the big deal? it's just a junkyard."

dib: "yeah, but this one's a frickin' trap from which few have escaped. you know why?"

mertle: "(sarcastically unamused) why?"

(an ominous shadow looms over to us)

mertle: "0_0 wha- ?"

swiper: "(points up) that's why."

(we all quickly dart out of the way just in time before the giant magnet comes down)

mertle: "are those eyes on it? please tell me those are just painted on."

(the engineer comes through)

BLU engineer: "nope"

(the magnet blinks as it flies above to confirm engi's response)

BLU engineer: "see? (notices the heavy as a part of the magnet's load) heavy?"

BLU heavy weapons guy: "ENGINEER, HELP ME!"

(the engineer runs off)

(the magnet places the garbage on the conveyor belt, where the crusher smashes it into a cube)

all except the magnet & crusher: "D:"


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Darn, I guess I want be carrying any water on me anymore incass we get thirsty.... I failed.... Just like how I failed Asora........

Moving On!!


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(the cloaked figure has now lead mars, yami, and luna to a mysterious hut filled with odd voodoo items, potions, and other assorted knicknacks)

???: "you should be safe here for the night, i am just happy you are alright."

yami yugi: "okay, what's with the speaking in rhyme? i never got that deal most of the time..."

???: "hang on a second, are you rhyming too?"

yami yugi: "don't ask me, i don't have a clue."

princess luna: "this is sounding like something by the dr seuss..."

yami yugi: "by the way, cloakwoman, do you have any juice?"

narrator: "everyone seems to have gone into rhyme!"

yugi muto: "shut the hell up, this isn't the time!"

yami yugi: "ENOUGH! ...anyway, just who are you and why did you bring us to this hut in the middle of the woods?"

(the mysterious figure removes her cloak)

yami yugi: "oh, it's you!"

princess luna: "i thought this place looked familiar. it's been a long time, zecora."

zecora: "it certainly has, princess."

yami yugi: "wait. if this is your hut, then we must have landed somewhere in the everfree forest. anyway, we're missing four others. (points to luna) one about her size, (points to mars) one with websense like him, one a blue robot girl, and one really short, green, and kind of a germaphobe."

zecora: "hmm, i see. they shouldn't have landed very far, we'll go look sometime after-"

???: "(creepily) eeee! eeeee! eh- eh- eh- eeeee!"

zecora: "what... was that?!"

???: "(moaning voice) let me in! let me in!"

+horror soundtrack-esque theme from Percy's Ghostly Trick+

(lightning strikes)

(zecora shuts the door in a panic)

yami yugi: "(steps forward bravely) not by the hairs on my chinny-chin-chin!"

???: "then i'll huff, and i'll puff, and i'll break your door in!"

(the door is slashed open, and on the other side is...)

(retroantonio covered in a white pastelike substance, playing a joke on our protagonists!)

retroantonio: "gotcha!"

yami yugi: "retro? is that you?"

retroantonio: "yep! you'll never guess where i've been!"

zecora: "(touches retroantonio, some of the pastelike goop coming off on her) and... i don't really care to find out... (cringes in disgust) eugh..."

princess luna: "that just leaves zim, jenny, and my sister."

yami yugi: "looks pretty dangerous outside at the moment"

(a parasprite flies to the window and is struck by lightning, frying the poor thing to a crisp)

yami yugi: "maybe we should stay here unill the weather's better."

retroantonio: "nyaaaaa, i agree!"

yami yugi: "we'll hopefully be able to catch up with megaman soon so we can stop him from doing who-knows-what to a large batch of decorpsinator serum"

zecora: "megaman?"

yami yugi: "you know, blue netnavi?"

zecora: "ah, yes. that megaman. *sigh* he used to be such a kind soul until he turned to evil. pouring his soul into defeating corrupt organizations such as World 3 and Grave. he was, in every aspect, quite heroic."

yami yugi: "that he was, zecora. that he was."

zecora: "now it seems all he is interested in is power and destruction, and will stop at nothing to achieve them."

yami yugi: "who knows WHAT he's planning now!"

(meanwhile, at megaman's fortress)

megaman.exe: "destructior."

destructior: "YES, MEGAMAN?"

megaman.exe: "contact our master."

destructior: "OF COURSE, LORD MEGAMAN."

(destructior's torso turns into a monitor, showing a sillhouette of what appears to be a netnavi)

????: "report, megaman."

megaman.exe: "smashfan666 and 3 others that were on board the ship seem to be out of the picture. we've not seen him, dib, mertle edmonds, or wackoman anywhere since they were sent spiraling into the maccaron hole many pages ago."

????: "a small step forward, megaman. but i'm afraid it's two steps back soon."

megaman.exe: "what?!"

????: "the forum fighters aboard that ship have sent down mars16, zim, princess celestia, yugi muto, and princess luna to find them. and recently, they have found a robot named XJ-9 to help them."

megaman.exe: "XJ-9?"

????: "known better as Jenny Wakeman."

megaman.exe: "ah, i see."

????: "you'd better send your robot out to eliminate smashfan & mars's groups, or they could pose a serious threat to the plan."

megaman.exe: "i shall not fail you... bass..."

bass.exe: "i should hope not..."

(the monitor on destructior turns off and folds back in)

megaman.exe: "you heard him, destructior. take care of the pests trying to ruin what we've worked so hard for."

destructior: "(eyes glow red) KILL SMASHFAN... KILL MARS... KILL THEIR COMRADES... KILL THEM... ALL!"

(destructior runs out of the room)

megaman.exe: "just as planned... (creepy laughter) heheheheh, eheheheheh, aaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!"

(double doors close)

narrator: "...SHEEEEEEEEEET"


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Oh **** new enemy!!!

I now nowbodyncares really but, I will update forum fight history soon.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(meanwhile, smashfan's team is still looking for a way out of the junkyard)

mertle: "first a beloved children's cartoon is posessed, then a giant magnet suspented from a crane has EYES!"

we've seen odder, b**chy. for me and my team, they're a common occurrence.

mertle: "(sarcastically) then tell me, O wise and nobel fancily-streched-out name person, what's next? will trains on the british railway have faces? will cats with pop-tart bodies fly and defecate rainbows? will card games that musky nerds play be taken so seriously that the world can't possibly hope to turn an inch without them?"

all signs point to yes.

wackoman.exe: "am i able to fly?! (flaps arms and flutters in the air) WHEEEEEEEE-"

possible, but not likely, wackoman.

(wackoman slams into the ground)

wackoman.exe: "(woozily) ehhhhhh what's up, dooooooccc???? ehhhehhehhehheh........."

???: "ey. ey, buddie."

(a tall, lanky, cloaked figure walks up to us, followed by another about half his height)

dib: "who are you?"

???: "us?"

(the two remove their cloaks. they are Homeschool Winner and Champeen, 2 rejected homestar runner characters)

homeschool winner: "heh! i'm Homeschool Winner. and this little marvel here's Champeen. we've been stuck in this junkyard since deuce-triple-aught!"

if this is the case, then you must really want to escape. we're looking for a way out of this yard, too. come with us and we'll-

champeen: "(giggling)"

homeschool winner: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

mertle: "what, what's so funny?"

homeschool winner: "escape? HA!"

(homeschool and champeen laugh their @$$es off)

homeschool winner: "i'm sorry, but you- (laughs wheezily) you just crack me up! there's no escape from THIS junkyard."

swiper: "(flat) what?"

champeen: "the place is too big of a labyrinth! every turn you make, it's like you're going around in circles."

(cut to homeschool winner walking around a pile of trash in circles like a moron)


champeen: "hey, don't laugh just 'cause he doesn't have a sense of direction anymore!"

no- no it's just funny because- b- ahhhhhhhhhaahahahahahaaaaaa!

champeen: "out with it, chucklebucket. we can't wait all evening."

because i've gotten out of this junkyard multiple times with my team. that magnet's no biggie to me and my friends anymore!

homeschool winner: "i don't know what the hell a 'mag-net' or whatever it was you said is, but this junkyard really is impossible for escape."

heh, no, it's not.

homeschool winner: "yes, it is."

no, it's not.

homeschool winner: "yes it is! what, do you think you're some kinda' forum fighter saying you managed to get outta here time and again, when we couldn't even find a hint of wooden barbed-wire fence? besides, we don't need escape. we've got everything we want with us!"

(cut to homeschool and champeen leading us into a city made from garbage around the junkyard, populated by scrapped character ideas, characters who have been supposedly killed off in the canon of their works, characters who were never heard from again after an amount of appearances, characters from shows that were cancelled after barely any episodes, and many others)

homeschool winner: "we've been here all along, meeting one-another as we were tossed into the junkyard. when sufficient people have been added up in here, we've formed a populace and used our surroundings to create a utopian society of our own!"

(someone's building, made from a double decker bus, collapses, revealing Oscar the Grouch reading a newspaper)

oscar: "...what?! i'm on a business trip!"

dib: "0_0 it's certainly... innovative for junkyard dwellers like yourselves."

swiper: "and by that, we mean it's total sh**"

homeschool winner: "ah, see? we're improving by the minute!"

well... thanks for offering us a place to rest until we get out of here to get our journey back on track.

homeschool winner: "get out? you still don't get it, do you?"

inferno fury: "escape from the junkyard is impossible. we've all tried-"

grim fandango: "-and we've all failed to leave, or anywhere close to it."

homeschool winner: "all we can do is live out our lives and wait..."

wait? for what? for a rescue party?

dib: "for someone who works here to find all this?"

mertle: "for yourselves to starve to death?"

homeschool winner: "for he who lives above the sky to come and whisk us away to a life of true happiness. he comes every so often, selects one or more of us at his will, and pulls us high above the town to take us to the groundbound gates into heaven!"


homeschool winner: "ah, here he comes now!"

(the giant magnet comes down and pulls up many citizens, along with some of the town, to a section of the conveyor belt, where they are all taken to the crusher and smashed into a cube)

homeschool winner: "hmm. heaven must have a hefty order today."

are you all insane?! that magnet isn't picking you up to (fluttering hands) 'whisk you away to heaven', he's sending you to it in the quickest most painful way possible by junkyard equipment!

homeschool winner: "*sigh* in due time, the truth will become apparent, little white dragon."

mertle: "you're cuckoo in the cuckoo-clock, homeschool, this place is an outdoor slaughterhouse! (leaving in a huff) i am going home!"

(mertle comes back out of the well almost immediately, covered in sludge)

homeschool winner: "this is your home now, little girl. this is home."

(mertle slinks back, horrified, into the mucky trashcan with lid supported by 4 rods)

dib: "(thinking) poor girl. her mind isn't equipped to take living in a junkyard."

(back in the everfree forest, everyone else takes surprise at mars16 seeing through the fourth wall into another scene)

zecora: "you felt a disturbance, mars?"

yami yugi: "he must have some kind of ESP if he could tell there was a new enemy abound."

retroantonio: "(whispering into mars's ear) word of advice, don't try to break the fourth wall too much. i did that plenty of times and got odd looks from the others."


retro... we need to talk.

*in the flashback, retroantonio is eating straight from a cookie jar*

retroantonio: "look, i can explain everything."

i'm sure you can. just don't give any spoilers.

retroantonio: "NYAYAH, SNAPE KILLS D- (clamps mouth shut)"

i'm becoming concerned with your habit of using out-of-character knowledge in-story.

retroantonio: "wut?"

like one time, we were trying to help the cheat commandos find blue lazer's underground hideout. one scene showed with signs pointing to where they were, and we found them easy as pie.

retroantonio: "oh yeah, i remember that! good times... gunhaver surprisingly doesn't use his gun too much, though."

it's almost as if, in-story, you have some kind of ESP that grants you outside-reality access. while the gag of pointing and saying 'hey, there they are!' was funny when we found them after blue lazer commander was in the middle of a hammy speech, it gets boring when logic is just cheat-coded out. and nobody likes a boring story.

retroantonio: "didn't read, lol!"

...listen, i need you to stop being so abundant with your ability to break the fourth wall.

retroantonio: "...i still don't follow."

(flashback ends)

retroantonio: "and then meta knight of all people beat me over the head with a car muffler... it hurt..."

yami yugi: "ouch."

retroantonio: "(in a sly mobster outfit and cheesy brooklyn accent) nya, so don't go around pullin' out too much outta' character knowledge too often, nya, see? just sayin' so you'll know. that is, if ya' don't already know not to use knowledge that ya' haven't aquired within the canon of the story, be it on or offscreen, nya? ya followin' me? cuz' i'm just sayin'-"

princess luna: "ENOUGH."

yami yugi: "second time you've had to say that after an overly long gag, luna. what are the odds today?"

(outside, the sun is showing)

yami yugi: "oh, hey, the rain stopped! let's get back to finding everybody!"

(yami yugi, retroantonio, and princess luna exit the hut, waving goodbye to zecora)

retroantonio: "bye nice zebra lady!"

yami yugi: "thank you for letting us wait out the rain at your place!"

princess luna: "i do hope we'll meet again soon!"

zecora: "as do i!"

(then zecora turns to mars)

zecora: "mars16. i know something troubles you. asora, was it? before you go, there is something i would like you to have."

(she leads him into the back room)

yami yugi: "huh. it must be important."

zecora: "(looking around on the shelves) asora was indeed a fine woman, and a great warrior too. that is to say, we are all saddened by your loss. (pulls out a skull)"

skull: "(wheezing) iiiiiiiii do cocaiiiiiiine!"

zecora: "(tosses the skull aside) even so, you must not let it interfere with your obligations, mars. there was nothing you could have done. the most you can do now is to put this grave matter behind you. (finally finds the item she was looking for) ah, here it is!"

(zecora hands mars the mysterious item, which is a purple jewel with markings on it)

zecora: "i do not know what this object is, but i sense the spirit of a strong, ravenous beast within it. it seems to long for a being to control it. and apparently one like you, mars."

(the jewel flashes for a split second, and mars briefly has a vision. he is in a white void with the jewel zecora handed to him)

(the markings around the jewel glow briefly, come off the jewel, and turn into a word: 'Hyren')

(mars16 snaps back to reality)

retroantonio: "mars, are you okay?"

princess luna: "are you alright?"

yami yugi: "you blanked out for a second, there."

zecora: "well, i suppose you should be off, then. (waving mars, retro, yami, and luna goodbye) so long! good luck with your journey!"

(when zecora's hut was just out of sight)

yami yugi: "what a swell zebra she was."

???: "wait just a minute!"

(mars & his team are stopped by 2 men wearing hoods. steve luma and steve umbris)

steve luma: "mars16, i take it. you have something that belongs to us."

steve umbris: "you're a thief, man!"

retroantonio: "WOAH woahwoahwoahwoahwoahwoah. WHAT?!"

steve luma: "on the moon, thievery is very common. but that animite mars16 is holding is integral to us, so please give it back at once."

steve umbris: "a give-a give it up, give-a give it up y'all!"

yami yugi: "now listen here, steves. zecora gave mars that... whatever you called it... not a few moments ago, with the intent of it aiding us on our adventure."

steve luma: "the one you call 'zecora' is but a simple name compared to what we can do to you. for not only have our decks been modified with power-boosting mask cards-"

steve umbris: "smokin'!"

steve luma: "but we are also well-prepared to take your animite by cardgame-unrelated force as well."

retroantonio: "(whispering to luna) animite? what's he talking about?"

princess luna: "he means the jewel mars16 now has. it seems these steves want it."

steve luma: "exactly, my little pony. exactly. you truly are quite clever compared to others we've seen."

princess luna: "well, you're going to have to get through us first!"

steve luma: "do not try to amuse us, pony."

steve umbris: "we are NOT amused!"

steve luma: "what good is a member of the equine family compared to a race evolved far beyond primitive earth men? what can YOU do against US?"

steve umbris: "pansy!"

yami yugi: "ooooohhhhhhhh, buck."

princess luna: "thou hast made a GRAVE MISTAKE to encite our wrath, steves! your taunting is most obnoxious!"

steve luma: "then might i suggest backing up your fancy words with even fancier actions."

steve umbris: "if ya' wanna impress the shogun!"

steve luma: "show us your true power, princess of the night."

princess luna: "you want power? I'LL show you power!"

yami yugi: "and cue dead steves in 3, 2, 1..."

princess luna: "thou hast NO IDEA the mighty forces thou have bucked with, steve luma and steve umbris! TAKE THIS!!!"

steve luma: "oh, no..."

(both steves take out 2 animites of their own, and frantically attempt to call the beast forward...)

steve luma & steve umbris: "WITH THIS ANIMITE, I MAGINE-"

(but the steves are hit with luna's spell before they could call their beasts out. a few trees are bent outward from the large blast)


steve umbris: "OH GOD, WHY?!?!"

(the steves are gone, leaving only their animites, and a satisfying blast mark on the ground where they once stood)

all: "..."

yami yugi: "holy ra!"

retroantonio: "and that, people, is why it is never a good idea to make princess luna angry."

???: "apparently."

all: "?!"

(there stands another of the two they are looking for, princess celestia)

princess celestia: "(supressing laughter) well, sister, so you don't know your own strength, is that it?"

princess luna: "(looks at the wreckage) apparently not."

(both the regal sisters share a quick laugh)

yami yugi: "so, princess, where have you been?"

princess celestia: "when i woke up, i had realised i had landed in the forest. so i decided to go and look for you. i searched all throughout the rainstorm, but all i managed to locate was this old doll (holds up the living neco-arc doll)"

(the doll zips back to the safety of retroantonio's pocket)

princess celestia: "it wasn't until my sister defeated the two steves that i found you."

yami yugi: "well, now that that's done, we just have jenny and zim left to find."


yami yugi: "that sounded like one of them."

(the group runs in the direction of the scream)


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
My senses tell me that I focus to much on the old facts in life but i NOW KNOW WHAT i MUST DO!!!!!!!!!!!


*sniff* Thinkl you for this Item it showed me whats know.. and whats in the past is no longer


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(the team is now out of the forest and in ponyville. there is a gaping hole in the roof of sugarcube corner, where the scream came from)

yami yugi: "look, over there! that must be where our next teammate landed!"

(cut to inside the building. zim wakes up in a bathtub)

zim: "uuuuuugh.... wh... where am i? why did i land in a bathtub? where is everyone?"

???: "hey, zim. haven't seen YOU in a while!"

(zim looks just behind him, seeing pinkie pie right beside him taking a bath)

zim: "OH! pink one! i- i didn't mean to intrude, it's just- just that i- (!!!) ...pinkie pie?"

pinkie pie: "yeah?"

zim: "do you feel something slimy on your leg?"

pinkie pie: "(giggle) there's an alligator in the tub! (dives in)"

zim: "ALLIGATOR?! (raised arms out of the tub, trying to avoid being further in)"

(pinkie pie exits the tub with her pet alligator, gummy)

pinkie pie: "zim, gummy. gummy, zim."

zim: "(slowly getting out of the tub) what posessed you to keep an alligator as an animal companion?!"

pinkie pie: "don't worry, zim. gummy doesn't bite."

pinkie pie: "well, he does bite, but he's pretty much harmless."

zim: "oh, heheh. toothless alligator, right, heh."

(gummy wraps his mouth around zim's head)

zim: "0-0 (cringes) hello, g... gummy."

(the rest of the group comes in)

princess celestia: "zim, are you in here?"

yami yugi: "ah, thank the gods you're alright!"

retroantonio: "why is there an alligator on your head?"

zim: "guh! i needed no saving, this reptilian creature you see is completely harmless. it is nothing compared to the might of zim, anyway!"

yami yugi: "uuuuh, yeah."

pinkie pie: "so, what are you guys doing here?"

yami yugi: "we're trying to find smashfan666, dib, a red clown named Wackoman, and a curly-haired dorky girl with a green shirt that nobody gives a sh** about. they've been sent spiraling out of a ship that's miles above the atmosphere in orbit, and landed likely a good ways away from a server in minecraft. we're trying to find them and stop megaman from reverse-engineering a serum and using it to destroy the entire world."

zim: "and that's MY job!"

princess luna: "but first, we must find a tall, blue robot girl."

yami yugi: "she's around 6 feet tall, has sharp blades for pigtails, and appears to be wearing a blue tank-top and skirt made of steel."

princess celestia: "have you seen anyone around recently who fits that description?"

pinkie pie: "..."

zim: "anyone?"

pinkie pie: "sorry, i haven't seen anypony like that."

zim: "*facepalm* great."

pinkie pie: "maybe gummy has! (picks gummy up by front legs)"

yami yugi: "you're joking, right?"

pinkie pie: "shh! (whispers into gummy's 'ear')"

(gummy shakes his head in a 'yes' fashion, then runs out of the room)

pinkie pie: "he wants us to follow him! (runs after gummy)"

zim: "this is our most reliable way to locate XJ-9 onhand?"

yami yugi: "i see your point, but it's the only one we've got. so let's follow that alligator!"

(everyone runs out, following gummy and pinkie pie)


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
princess celestia: "we must be getting close now."

zim: "i am sure we are!"

(gummy stops at an empty field with clear signs of a struggle)

pinkie pie: "this must be where he saw your robot."

yami yugi: "maybe. we can't be sure if this is where he saw jenny."

zim: "(scans a patch of oil using an irken scanning device) oh yes, this is the place. i am CERTAIN that XJ-9 ran off this fuel type."

princess luna: "(examines the damaged surroundings) whatever she was locked in combat with must have been very strong indeed."

yami yugi: "well, either way, she couldn't have gone far from here if gummy saw her recently."

(gummy nods and proceeds to sniff the oil patch)

zim: "why does that alligator think he's a dog?"

yami yugi: "wait a minute... if he can pick up the scent of that oil, i'll bet he can lead us to jenny!"

princess celestia: "good idea, pharaoh!"

(gummy begins to wander in the direction of what we can only assume is the scent of jenny's oil)

yami yugi: "follow that alligator! again."

(the others follow gummy as a rather unfriendly face comes up from the bushes observing them, particularly focusing on mars... man, alot of people seem to like looking on creepily from the bushes, eh?)

narrator: "hey, wait a minute..."

dark ace: "hmm. so this is the one they call 'mars16'? he's a bit shorter than i had imagined..."

narrator: "dark ace? what's he doing here?!"

(dark ace climbs onto his skimmer and silently bikes after them)

dark ace: "it'll be a pleasure to defeat him in combat."

(meanwhile, at the junkyard)

really, i appreciate your little 'reroute the b**ch to the well' joke, but we seriously can't stay.

homeschool winner: "and i appreciate your enthusiasm, but everyone who's tried just ends up somewhere else in this crazy place!"

hulk: "one time, hulk nearly make it out of junkyard. but just as hulk was about to escape... (shuddering) junkyard get angry! junkyard... c... COME ALIVE! (curls down in fetal position) junkyard come alive... junkyard nearly crush hulk!"

dib: "oh, come on. i'm sure it was just an unstable junk pile"


mertle: "...freak."


mertle: "WHAT THE-?! GET OFF ME, YOU BIG-"

do it, hulk! do it! she's dead weight to us anyway!

mertle: "bah, you're all jerks!"

swiper: "well then, no wonder you fit in so well."

god: "(bored with the lack of movement with the story) GET ON WITH IT!"

...okay, then. i'm going to suggest we... RUN!

(dib, mertle, wackoman, swiper and i run away from the mad, magnet-cultist junkdwellers)

homeschool winner: "AFTER THEM!"

(everyone else in the garbage town runs after us)


if this junkyard mysteriously twists and turns like they say it does, then we can split up and lead them so far away from eachother that they'll be unable to find us.

dib: "smashfan, that's risky! what if we never find eachother after?"

we'll just have to deal with that. besides, four of us will be enough anyway.

mertle: "hey!"


(we branch off into 5 paths)

homeschool winner: "split up! they're heading in different directions!"

(the crowd splits up and goes after each of us)
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