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Final Fantasy XII - New Video/Characters/Massive Info Update


Dec 12, 2001
Title: Final Fantasy XII
Genre: Role Playing
Rating: T
Platform: PlayStation 2
Published by: Square Enix
Developed by: Square Enix
MSRP: Unknown
Release Dates: Japan - Q4 2004 to Q1 2005 | USA - Q2 to Q3 2005

The world of Ivalice is engulfed in the war between two great countries: the empires of Arcadia and Rosalia. Both fight for a key location, the Kingdom of Dalmasca. Arcadia wins the battle and invades Dalmasca, but there is heavy resistance, and this is where the characters are introduced.

Vaan - Spear - an adverturous boy who dreams of one day piloting a great airship, protagonist
Ashe - Sword - the princess of the Kingdom of Dalmasca, leader of the resistance against the invading Arcadia Empire
Balthier - Rifle - a pirate who owns his own airship
Fran - Archery - a Viera who is a friend of Bathier and travels on his airship
Penelo - Sword - Vaan's girlfriend who is searching for a way of peace
Basch - Saber - a soldier from one of the countries at war (not sure which one)

Rex - Vaan's older brother, Ashe's husband, and Basch's comrade; non-playable character


Jan 17, 2002
You can't have enough Tidus lookin boys around *squeee* ^^ Looking forward to hearing more on this game, read that it's not going to have very little love elements (pity that) and that it's going to be on two DVDs...so I suppose we're going to be looking at one really big/long game here, hopefully anyhow ^^
The game's also expected to come out in Japan next year around April 1st....we'll just hafta wait n' see if that happens : P I mean, what happened to KH2 after it was announced? Disappeared for a while : P

The logo kinda reminds me of some of the art from Metal Gear Solid...wonder if that's gonna be a 'boss' of some sort.

Anyhow, as I said, looking forward to hearing more ^^


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2003
VA Tech / NOVA
Most def HondaFoo keep up the good work. Is this gonna be online too? I haven't had a chance to play FFXI because the monthly fees scared me off....


Jul 14, 2001
Phoenix, Az
Wow, the main characters look a LOT like Yuna and Tidus. Crazy. You know what I think would be cool? If they had the female be the main character for once, instead of the male. Well, I guess FFX2 is doing that, but it doesn't count, since it's all females ;) All of the screenshots look really cool, so far. And that bangaa in the background is as kick arse as ever! IGN says the female's name is Ashe, while GameSpot called her Arche. I wonder which is right.

The logo kinda reminds me of some of the art from Metal Gear Solid...wonder if that's gonna be a 'boss' of some sort.
TM, where did you find a pic of the logo? I didn't see it on any of the sites I looked at.


Dec 12, 2001
It probably won't be online to the extent of FFXI, but maybe they'll put in some sort or online mini-game or trade weapons or something. The reason why I think this is because online MMORPGs last very long amounts of time before they have a sequel or something to replace them from the same company, and if this came out in April, it would leave Japanese players with less than a year with FFXI. Just a thought.

Two PS2 discs means it's going to be a massive game. I heard somewhere that the world map is going to be absolutely enormous, so that's something to looks forward to, this being the first FF game on the PS2 to even have one.

I'll post news about the official presentation tommorow.


Jul 14, 2001
Phoenix, Az
Yeah, I definitely remember hearing that it wasn't going to be an MMORPG. It's back to hot and sexy single player action. But I wouldn't be surprised to see downloadable content, or perhaps the ability to trade with other players like Honda suggested.

Thanks for linking to that site TM. All of the pics I saw on other sites had it cut off.

B0r3d*m Alien

Apr 5, 2002
Trying to contact my alien associates so they can
Can't see the pics..

Heh, I need a PS2!!! The director (I think, maybe producer..but that would be wrong) of Vagrant Story is working on this one, so I'm definitely hoping the fighting system is a bit different than the past games. This game looks pretty bad *** right now (that whole idea of the character possibly being poor is awesome), just not as dark as Vagrant Story looked like.

Anyone willing to get me a PS2?
BA out..


Jan 17, 2002
Omg....*squuueeeeeeeeeee* Vaan is so hot! ^^

*ahem* I think the concept art looks so wonderful! I particularly like the one with all the airships ^^

The basic start of the story you can read here:
Interestingly enough, it's set in Ivalice, same place as FFTA, although it has no connection back to the storyline of FFTA at all. Although, apparently the judges will play a part in the story and the bad guy is actually going to be a judge?

I am positively thrilled to be knowing that Nobuo Uematsu is doing the soundtrack once again ^^

And already 70% done...although it's lookin a lil far in to the future, I can't wait to hear when we'll be gettin it ^^


Sep 7, 2003
El Paso, TX
Actually, I think this uses the Ivalice from the original Final Fantasy Tactics. It might be the society that existed before the timespan of FFT. I remember that Mustadio (the gun dude) worked with his father as an archaeologist discovering 'strange flying machines". Maybe this is what he was talking about.


Jul 14, 2001
Phoenix, Az
Wow, it's actually going to take place in Ivalice? I thought the only tactics references would mainly be including the species like Bangaas and Nu Mous, but that's pretty interesting that they're actually using a location they've used before. Geez, first a sequel to FFX and now a recycled world, what next? Square's totally changing how they do things. And I don't mean that in a bad way.

And yes, I agree with TM that the best news so far about this game is that Nobuo Uematsu is doing the music again.

that whole idea of the character possibly being poor is awesome
Well, it wouldn't really be the first time. I mean, Zidane in FF9 was pretty poor, I assume. He was a thief, after all.


Lone Wolf
Oct 21, 2001
The music in Final Fantasy XII will be co-produced by Nobuo Uematsu and Hitoshi Sakimoto (Final Fantasy Tactics, Vagrant Story). Sakimoto will be composing the general tracks, while Uematsu will be concentrating on a single track that will run during one very important scene. The team commented that they are working on a vocal track as well, or at least something they refer to as a "substitute" for a vocal track.

This is good news to me. I personally like Sakimoto's music much more than Uematsu's. Uematsu's newer tracks have been mostly . . . bland. FFT, on the other hand, has an excellent soundtrack. (Although my favorite is still Yasunori Mitsuda, of Xenogears/Chrono series fame.)

About the game itself, the story intruiges me. It's much less cliché than the series' previous installment (save the world from the giant monster?). Vaan reminds me of Tidus (Teedus!) and Ashe is just too generic to remember.

And this screenshot is awesome:

As is this one:

Reminds of the last Star Wars movie. . . .


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
Magus, I was thinking the same thing, those two screens look like they're from Star Wars.

So far the game looks pretty amazing in terms of graphics. I personally hope they keep the same battle system as FFX, as I liked it a lot. The only thing I don't like and haven't really ever liked is the meter that has to refill before you can attack.

I'm happy to see that this Final Fantasy game is catching my eye because after all, I bought a PS2 back in June and I haven't got very many games for it. I'll be anticipating this FF game even more than FFCC. By the way, if any of you haven't heard, the FFCC trailer on the Mario Kart: Double Dash!! bonus disc is pretty shwiggity shwig, erm, yeah, I mean cool.

Whens the estimated release again, TBA 2005? :p


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2002
Rio de janeiro, Brazil
I hope there aren't any clones in this game...

Ok, just kidding. The game is looking awesome. I like this new futuristic medieval-like design. Right now, i have FF Tactics for GBA, and i'm going to buy all the new upcoming games, including this one and CC. XII is the game i'm most excited about. It reminds of the old Snes games, i dunno why.


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
Jesus that mini-skirt is tight. I'm not to fond of Ashe's hot pink very mini-skirt. I mean, the rest of her attire is blue, white, and some goldish brown armor. It should be a dark blue in my opinion to make it not stand out so much, it just seems ridiculious for her to be wearing that very mini-skirt and have it be hot pink to take the attention of the player to look down yonder ;) Ashe is fiiiiiiine, though, so no problem here.

That second to last picture is beautiful, again it gives off a Star Wars kind-of-vibe. Which isn't a bad thing, though, isn't this game suppose to be set in the pretty far future or is it a long, long time ago in galaxy far away? :p

And is the last picture most likely to be a boss or a main mysterious character in the game?


Dec 2, 2001
dallas area
have you played ffta, cashed? that's a judge from that game. i read a little bit about that in one of those interview things somewhere... some conjecture that the game might be based on ashe and vaan trying to escape from them or stay away from them or something...

and, yeah, even though the skirt seems way the **** too short for someone who's gonna be fighting, i really can't say i disagree with it..


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2002
Phoenix, AZ
Actually, the character in the logo is a Judge, like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. The only difference? The fact that "Judges" in this game are crazy and rule with an iron fist, and are the foes to Vaan and Ashe in this game.

Speaking of Ashe, it's kinda cool that they made a blonde female lead, it hasn't been done since Rosa in FFIV. :) If they'd just lengthen the ho skirt, it'd be awesome.


Dec 12, 2001
Speaking of Ashe, she was modeled to resemble a French person, which is odd, being that most FF characters are Japanese in visuals, or at least Asian.


Jul 14, 2001
Phoenix, Az
Speaking of Ashe, she was modeled to resemble a French person, which is odd, being that most FF characters are Japanese in visuals, or at least Asian.
Eh, doesn't seem that odd, especially since FFTA was a highly French themed game. Many of the names (Marche, Montblanc) were French, so seeing as how this takes place in Ivalice as well, it's not too surprising.

and, yeah, even though the skirt seems way the **** too short for someone who's gonna be fighting
On the contrary. Logically, a shorter skirt would be better for someone who intends to fight, since it would allow more freedom of leg movement than a longer, restricting skirt. Not to mention, it has the advantages of distracting male enemies who try to fight her ;) Unfortunately, it has the side-effect of also distracting male players :p

The interview on IGN was pretty funny. I liked when the guy said he agreed that the logo was way too big. And he never really gave a reason for why the heck Vaan looks so feminine.


Sep 7, 2003
El Paso, TX
Yeah, I had to check a few times to make sure Vaan wasn't a girl. From the neck up he looks WAY too feminine.

In the bottom left corner of the third pic, is that a Nu Mou from FFTA that I spy?

Man, I wish I knew where to get cool boots like Ashe and Vaan, they kick soooo much a**.

EDIT: Whoops. I meant Bangaa, not Nu Mou.


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2002
Under the McDonnals where they keep me
^Do you mean a Bangaa? I can't find a Nu Mou anywhere. There's also a Viera in the shot with the ariships.

This is a wild guess but judging from some screenshots I've seen it looks like the battle system will not depend on job classes, you know like how in FF7 and FF8 you custmomize a character with materia/GFs. I think the battle system will be somewhat like that. I think its like that because I have seen screen shots of Ashe and Vann sporting the same sword and shield. Now I think that it would be really stupid to have the 2 main characters have the same or even related classes. Then again I've also seen a Viera in the battle group, so I don't know I guess we'll wait.

I have a really good feeling about this game. This is going to be a good one for sure. I can feel it.


Sep 7, 2003
El Paso, TX
Maybe character skill structure has something to do with that green star thing that Vaan is holding. Of course, that's just me making a wild guess, since nothing has been mentioned about stars or anything.

Heh, they'll have trouble fitting that logo onto the spine of a game case. It's pretty darn big, but it's the coolest one they've made yet, IMO.

Another observation I just made: Ashe has a ring on her left ring finger. Is she married?


Jul 14, 2001
Phoenix, Az
Maybe character skill structure has something to do with that green star thing that Vaan is holding. Of course, that's just me making a wild guess, since nothing has been mentioned about stars or anything.
Eh, I don't even think that's a star, or of any significance. Maybe it's just me, but personally I think it looks like a piece of fruit he's eating. But I could be wrong.

Another observation I just made: Ashe has a ring on her left ring finger. Is she married?
Doubtful. If you notice, she has a ring on both hands. She's a princess, and royalty are known for being rather fond of jewelry (and super short skirts apparently ;) ). Plus, it's pretty much been confirmed that Ashe and Vaan will have some sort of relationship that goes beyond friendship in the game.

And yes, it's been confirmed that all of the FFTA races (Bangaa, Nu Mou, Viera, and of course Moogles) will be in the game.


Jan 17, 2002
Originally posted by HondaFoo
Speaking of Ashe, she was modeled to resemble a French person, which is odd, being that most FF characters are Japanese in visuals, or at least Asian.
And besides what Arrow said, in the interview don't they say something on their influences being quite meditteranian based for the backgrounds n' stuff? or something, I don't quite recall but this game is leaning slightly away from traditional japanese, unlike FFX.

Saw the pictures already but just thought I'd add for Ashe, yaay, she's not stick thin : P So tired of seeing all those so much more unrealistic figures, it drives a self-concious girl insane. Although yeah on the miniskirt, though, it's not so bad (as...lets say Rikku : P) since she's a lil more covered up ^^ Her shoes are tooo cool ^^

And Vann...*swoon, faint*


Dec 12, 2001
Originally posted by Arrow
Eh, I don't even think that's a star, or of any significance. Maybe it's just me, but personally I think it looks like a piece of fruit he's eating. But I could be wrong.
Yea, it's called a Star Fruit, but they have yet to say what meaning it has.

And Vann...*swoon, faint*
Figures, he's a pretty-boy.

I am glad though that they gave Ashe a more natural look, rather than the too-thin figure, like Thunder Mistress was stating above. Man, I can't stop staring at her...belt...


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
Nice sig INFESTD.

Ashe is hot. ****.
And Vaan looks like a girl.

I'd love to get this game. I figure they are both heroes in this story. That's pretty cool. And those pictures are frickin' detailed. I love it.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 5, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona
My only problem with this game so far is the character design...WTF is up with Ashe's skirt?? :rolleyes: **** Square, first Tifa, then FFX-2 and now her...****, Tifa looks like a innocent schoolgirl compared to her...they should've just made it a bodysuit like their old-school designs (Celes, Terra, etc.), that would've been badass. Now Vaan looks alright (Dragon Knight as the hero, h3ll yeah!) except he seems way younger than Ashe (I don't know, maybe he is).


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2002
Under the McDonnals where they keep me
Now Vaan looks alright (Dragon Knight as the hero, h3ll yeah!)
Where did you hear Vaan was a Dragon Knight?

The character design shouldn't bother you so much, this whole topic has been about a skirt.

You guys should be discussing the story, and all the airship stuff.

Looks to me like their is going to be a bit of racism in this game(kinda how everyone hated Vivi in FF9). I recall reading something about racial conflict in the interview or something. Hmm could this get in the way of having a party with many different races?

B0r3d*m Alien

Apr 5, 2002
Trying to contact my alien associates so they can
Holy Alexander! I just noticed Ashe's short hot pink skirt....drool..

Wow, I never realized it. You can actually see the bottom part of her arse...is she even wearing panties? :crazy:

I'm wondering if the game will have anymore referrences to Ivalice or if it will not be effected by what happened in FFTA.

<--looking foward to some more [hot, french, women] characters.
BA out..


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
From IGN PS2
Square Enix has unveiled a few screens for its big 2004 release Final Fantasy XII. These are the first shots released on the game since its unveiling back in November.

Additionally, the upcoming issue of Japan's Jump Magazine contains first information on two new characters who will support hero Vaan and heroine Ashe on their quest. Fran was shown as a member of Vaan and Ashe's battle party in the video shown at the unveiling. Fran is a girl of the Veera race who has knowledge of both swordplay and hand-to-hand combat. Balfree, who did not appear in the video, is a sky pirate who pilots his own small ship. He loves his freedom and disregards the class system that frames the rest of the world.

The new pictures in the media section include shots from the official Final Fantasy XII site as well as some scans from Jump Magazine
So far 4 members of the party...3 of the human race it seems and 1 of the Veera race, that's interesting.

Fran, obviously the one on fire we cannot see. Other than the legs... that is. But still, Vaan, Fran? Err... Could we get a little more original please? :|

Just me or do those legs look familiar? ;)

From IGN PS2
First, a few new details on Fran and Balfree, the two new characters who were unveiled late last week. According to the magazine, the two characters will join up with Vaan and Ashe early on in their adventure. Balfree makes use of a gun as his standard weapon but will also be able to use other weapons. Fran, meanwhile, uses swords as well as hand-to-hand combat. Fran is meant to be very cute (something that doesn't show too clearly in the pictures, if you ask us).

As this game is being produced by Yasumi Matsuno of Final Fantasy Tactics fame, you can expect many characters aside from the four revealed so far to appear in this game. This will include additional characters who will join your party as well as main characters who are not playable.

One of the big changes to the game this time around is how the characters are shown on the world map. As with Final Fantasy XI, a character who's equipped with a particular weapon or set of armor, will be shown on the map in equipped form. The world map, incidentally, is expected to be quite big, although not as large as that of Final Fantasy XI.

The game's battle system has still yet to be revealed in detail. The development team is hoping to go beyond the more free-moving style of battles featured in Final Fantasy X-2. It's said that the battle system will surprise you, although the changes are really just evolutionary to the series.

Additionally, further details on the story have been revealed in only sparse bits. The magazine reveals that the air pirates, of which Balfree is one, are outcasts from the Empire and operate in a lawless state. Also, as revealed during the recent Q&A session with the FF staff posted here at IGN, there will be many airships in FFXII. The small airship Balfree pilots is one example, and it will have its own set name.

We expect to get another look at FFXII this Saturday. Stay tuned for a full report on what we see.
I love how the party will be shown on the map, in FFX it always gives me a stronger feeling when I can see all my characters walking away together after a little cutscene telling me where we're going next. Equipped form, too? Now that's just dandy! Hopefully I can get some nice skimpy armor to go with Ashe's hot pink skimpy skirt ;)

The battle system is making me wonder though, I actually prefer the set battle system, like used in FFX than the battle system in say, Kingdom Hearts (which may be the direction the battle system is heading for all we know), sure you can get through the battle with barely taking a scratch but it just feels so weird when the computers are helping you attack the enemy in my opinion.

Another thing, sounds like *scrolls up post to see name* Balfree (Free ballin' Balfree? ;)) will provide your party with an airship. :)



Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2002
Under the McDonnals where they keep me
Pics of the 2 new characters

I tried to post the image but it wouldn't let me. Looks like you'll have to settle for a link.
Does anyone besides me think Balfreya (guy with shotgun) looks alot like Seifer from FF8 I mean the way he's holding his gun and taunting.

Do you guys see the three little pods next to the MP bar in the battle screens? Square claims that those three little pods will "amaze and surprise" us. Can't wait.

CSHD do you by any chance know who the man with the gray hair, big sword and kick *** armor and cape is? He looks really cool reminds me of Zalbag or Beowulf from FFT. Well whoever he is he seems pretty important. Hmm I think I found a favorite character, even though I don't know much about him he just looks awesome.

Here's some design details from 1up.com

Square Enix's Final Fantasy XII continues to take shape in fits and starts, with a few new details arising in a series of developer interviews published this week by Famitsu Weekly. Character designer Akihiko Yoshida and director Yasumi Matsuno, among others, discussed their past influences and future plans, particularly as relates to the two newly-debuted playable characters.
Fran, the Viera archer, and her partner, the human gunslinger Balflear are two of the first supporting characters to join the game's story, after the two heroes Vaan and Ashe.

Fran, Yoshida says, was designed to look like "someone you could count on," beginning with her facial features. He also wanted to make her a good-looking, pretty character, even if she isn't quite human, while also emphasizing her skill as a fencer and martial artist. She's unusual for a Viera, since they normally inhabit regions well away from human settlements, and don't travel abroad very often.

Balflear, meanwhile, was designed to look like an archetypal hero. He's apparently Yoshida's favorite design in the game, and he'll be getting a lot of screen time as a consequence, as well as an arsenal of weapons beyond the gun he's currently pictured with.

These two, Matsuno explained, are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the game's cast. As in his Final Fantasy Tactics, he wants to introduce a large cast of supporting characters, some playable and some not, to offer the player more options and create a more complex scenario.

While FFXII's cast may be structurally complex, though, Matsuno says he favors a simpler style of visual design. He likes the look of Final Fantasy XI, with its more realistic treatment of a fantasy world (at least in comparison to Final Fantasy X's outlandish colors), and hopes to give FFXII a similar feel. The polygon models in FFXII are apparently on par with those in FFX, but the resemblance will end at the polygon count.

Concrete details on FFXII's gameplay remain conspicuously absent so far, but Matsuno and company plan to reveal all in time. The director continues to hint at changes in store, however -- in this interview, he noted that while it will still be recognizable as a descendant of the Final Fantasy series, FFXII's combat system might surprise players. We look forward to being surprised, then, when the next round of hints arrives.
I cannot wait any longer for this game to come out.


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
Heh, IGN was wrong on the character's name I see. They had it as Balfree when it's Balfreya... And er.. Balfreya is another character in my opinion who looks kind of gay. His hair, horrible! His outfit... horrible as well! Hopefully equipping the characters with armor and such will make quite the difference in their appearance.

Nephilim, I don't know who that character is, but I am just going to guess he's the Maester Seymour of FFXII, or he's just one of the main generals for the army.

Fran actually is kinda cute, she's all like a bunny in that picture ^^


axe me
Aug 20, 2001
Seattle, WA
Magus, I never beat Xenosaga. Heck, I never even got past the level where I was the cyborg dude because the stupid mechs pwned me.

Anyways, onto FFXII, www.ffxii.org/ has videos of FFXII from Jump Fest and such. You'll need Win Zip to unzip them. And let me tell you, this game looks amazing.

Oh and Neph, Ashe seems to be marrying the guy in the video. O.o
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