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Final Destination: Workshop General social thread


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Is there a stage Starter/CP/Ban list for Brawl+ that I should use anywhere? I'm assuming it's different from vBrawl (lol unban rumble falls)...
I am pretty sure that it was the stage select screen on 4.2. I could certainly be wrong though. (That's what I'm using for the online tourney I'm hosting right now) They went in order from Neutral/CP/Ban I think.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio

Picture the scene. Bowser Koopa is embarking on an ongoing war with all the ******* with toadstool hats, who have become desperate enough to send in their only commando, alone and unarmed, to rescue their princess from a hostage situation. The war looks like it's a foregone conclusion.

You're a goomba. You've been bottle-fed on Koopa propaganda since you were old enough to read. Now you've come of age, brainwashed into knowing that there is no greater glory than joining the army. There's a tearful goodbye with your parents before you assure them it'll all be over by Christmas and get onto the bus. Or mushroom bus or whatever they have.

You arrive at the Koopa military training centre and sure enough you're force-fed more propaganda. Yes, the enemy are running scared. Yes, their leader has been captured. Yes, they're down to one man, and he's a stumpy little unarmed moustachioed European who has previous experience only in bathroom maintenance. Yes, this battle will be so stupidly brief that we're not even going to bother arming you. Just run up to him with a suitably vicious frown and he'll run for his life.

Civic pride fills your soul as you learn that you'll be part of the spearhead, the very first wave of soldiers to swarm down upon that Italian **** and tear him to pieces. A moment of alarm presents itself when you discover that the rest of the spearhead consists of just two other goombas, named Nobby and Ginger, but you are quickly convinced that even three soldiers would be more than enough.

All of a sudden, you find yourself in the field, under orders to advance immediately upon the enemy. You and Nobby and Ginger trek for many hours across various entirely 2-dimensional levels, the inability to jump being a major hindrance. On the way, you lose Nobby down a bottomless pit and Ginger to one of those insatiable chompy plants, but your lust for glory and hatred for the enemy kept you going. Suddenly, there he is; the biggest enemy of your people, right over the horizon. You set your face to the harshest slight frown your enormous eyes can manage, and charge towards him, screaming your hate.

Only then do you realise that the tagliatelli-scoffing fiend is twice your height, and because of your freakishly stubby legs, your maximum speed would embarrass a dishmop. And while you do have a special poison glazing which would kill him instantly if you were to merely touch his skin, he can also jump six times his own height and run at thirty miles an hour. The last thing you see is a pair of dungaree-clad buttocks silhouetted against the sunlight, thundering towards you like the hand of a vengeful god.

All of a sudden, the daylight goes away. Your bones are splintered, your skull-case smashed in, brain and internal organs crushed flat, the vitreous humour of your once-frowny eyes dribbling all down your front. For a second, your whole universe is a hideous sensation of agonising pain and the knowledge that the government you loved so much has betrayed you. Then you disappear. You simply cease to exist. Your grief-stricken parents don't even have anything to bury.

And you're just the first of innumerable senseless goomba deaths as the war the Koopas thought would be over in an instant drags on for half a dozen games, and still shows no sign of concluding. Oh, sure, they eventually acquired enough smarts to start giving goombas other weapons and fitting some of their soldiers with shells and spikey shells, but it took the horrible death of an innocent to make the generals realise. And if just one innocent is killed needlessly, then it's a war that nobody wins.

I was browsing facebook and forgot about my lulz group. The story was too funny not to post.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
That was too good GoG.

Has anybody else gone back to play the original Super Mario, whiff the first jump and die, get totally pissed off and shut off their NES until another day?


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007

Picture the scene. A green and blue world called Mobius, devoid of pollution and war. On this planet, a small island called South Island is one of the most, arguably the most, pleasant locations on Mobius. It's a place were relics are erected and stand tall for generations and generations of the island's inhabitants to marvel at and worship as they enjoy their everlasting peace and live in a world where nothing bad has happened and never will.

You're a young animal in a lush green zone with mountains and hills that touch the depths of the crystal, blue-sky. You have friends, family, and more peach and prosperity than you and the whole island could ever ask for. You're days are extremely lavish in happiness and the concept of war, domination, and technology is an essence known by not a single creature anywhere in the vicinity of your home.

You arrive home, or at least in the general vicinity where you live with your family and recently acquired female-partner, whom of which was declared pregnant and accepted your proposal to marriage, creating the stairway to a new level of your relationship with here after 5 years of commitment to each, this relationship giving birth to nothing but happiness and love. The area around your home seems extremely empty as the yards and fields located by your home is usually filled with children, teens, and adults alike, enjoying their day as they celebrate the gift of life to its maximum, with different activities and such.

You simply shrug it off and think nothing of it. There is nothing to worry about, there has never been anything to worry about. You can't even force the most negative parts of your mind to even glance at the possibility of a fight, or sickness because neither has even happened in Green Hill Zone. You walk down the empty fields with your house in direct sight. You never realized until now how lush, full, and green the grass of which you trod is. You stop as you take a deep breath and feel the revitalizing energy of life push you to the peak of happiness and break that peak, setting a new limit on happiness in life.

Walking forward more, you enter your home. The sunlight filters through the open windows into your house. No one is home. Strangely enough, dinner is set on the table, steaming hot. A delicious platter of your favorite meal, as well as the island's delicacy. Your lips water an untold amount at the first scent that glazes your nose. Walking up to the table, you notice that some plates were already eaten out of. Once again, odd, but nothing strikes at you as something to worry about.

Pushing it out of your head, you walk out of your home and glance up at the beautiful sky for the dozenth time today. You seem to can't get enough of how full the ocean above you is. You imagine your life to come with your fiancée, your children, your friends, and your family. And then...then...it happens. A sharp sensation stabs at the back of your head and the middle of your back. It is a feeling completely new and unique to you, as you have never felt this feeling before. It's sharp. Loud.

...Unpleasent. You experience it for what seems to feel like an eternity, but in time's eye, nothing more than a few seconds. And then, darkness. Time passes by, unbeknown to you. Your dreams are nothing more than a dust storm of haze and uncertainty as your mind can't even comprehend what ANYTHING negative is. A sound enters your ear, a weird sound, it's undescribable.

-Clank, Clank-

You have no clue what it is, but it continues, forcing you to open your eyes, only to be greeted to your island once again...with a green, scan-line filter over everything. Bars and numbers and boxes with words of an non-understandable text inside are visible too. It was as if you were looking at your world through someone else' eyes.

Confused, you try to move your legs and arms, but they seem frozen solid, as if they were turned into stone. You start to lean your body forward and you're thoughts are rewarded with forward movement. You continue onward until you see a large, cube-type...thing. You stop at it, trying to maneuver around it, but find yourself unable to do so, effectively halting any forward progress.

You look through your green eyes off to the side and notice you're on a long-rectangle-like pillar. Looking further to the side, you see a ladybug-like creature on a level below you, but it looks odd. It has a sort of an open cylinder sticking out of it's rear. You see a black air repeatedly fly out of the cylinder, and the ladybug creature sits up top of a black circular device.

Watching further, you see a blue create off in the distance, twice the size of you, running at an immense speed that you couldn't believe could be reached. Running at the ladybug thing below, you wonder if the creature would help you figure out what was going on. The creature closes the distance between it and the ladybug, and suddenly hops into the air, curling itself into a ball, and comes crashing down onto the ladybug, creating an explosion of dark air.

The sight fills you with shock, and for the first time in your life, fear entraps your body and soul. The blue creature, after bouncing off the lady bug, jump up once more onto the pillar you occupy, standing in-front of the cube, separating you and it. Looking back at the lower level, he looks at the ground and sees something amazing. His lover, bouncing off from where the smoke once was.

And then suddenly, it all made sense. Why no one was at home and playing in the fields in-front of it. The reason of the sharp, unpleasant sensation that he was introduced to earlier. And the reason for the appearance of this blue savior. A sound of jumping is made, and you look up into the air to see a blue ball jump directly in-front of the sun. Your soul fills with glee and joy as you watch the creature descend upon you. The loud noise of destruction fills your ears, nearly breaking your ear drums in the process, creating a loud ring afterwards, but it's okay. You become free from your short lived prison. Your arms and legs work once again and fly out of the contraption you were in, hoping to the lower level and back to your life, no long trapped in a nightmare.

You don't even look back, but you can feel very deep inside of you, that your family will come back, and everything will be okay. Tears run down your face, and you cry happiness.

Life is perfect once again.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2009
I was thinking about making a video with a bunch of side-by-side vBrawl and Brawl+ clips, and calling it something like "Stop playing Brawl-" (don't kill me, I'm bad with names). For example, we could have a slide labeled "Brawl-" followed by a clip of DDD chaingrabbing, and then a slide labeled "Brawl+" of DDD doing some crazy combo. Then (with respective "Brawl-" and "Brawl+" slides) a vBrawl clip of two Falcos spamming lasers at each other relentlessly, followed by a Brawl+ clip of Falco dominating. I could do this with a bunch of characters, and show their vBrawl and Brawl+ counterparts (ie: thunder spamming Pika -> combo machine or Ganon, Jiggly, and Falcon punching bags -> viable characters).

Any suggestions?


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
I was thinking about making a video with a bunch of side-by-side vBrawl and Brawl+ clips, and calling it something like "Stop playing Brawl-" (don't kill me, I'm bad with names). For example, we could have a slide labeled "Brawl-" followed by a clip of DDD chaingrabbing, and then a slide labeled "Brawl+" of DDD doing some crazy combo. Then (with respective "Brawl-" and "Brawl+" slides) a vBrawl clip of two Falcos spamming lasers at each other relentlessly, followed by a Brawl+ clip of Falco dominating. I could do this with a bunch of characters, and show their vBrawl and Brawl+ counterparts (ie: thunder spamming Pika -> combo machine or Ganon, Jiggly, and Falcon punching bags -> viable characters).

Any suggestions?
If you plan to do this, don't call it Brawl-, that outrightly insults it and makes people think people who play + are elitist (which is totally wrong). Just call it Brawl in the video... that way people don't feel like you're insulting the game they play.

Edit: And yus, hype for that^ MAJOR HYPPPEEEE.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
New signature in the works!
Not quite done with it yet, but I'm tired of Photoshop for tonight...

lrn2di or get gRAPED
Tentacle gRAPED by Mr. G&W that is :V
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