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Shadow Games Mafia Over: Dgames Doomed


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
You would dare clear me?? A noob who makes questionable decisions??? FREQUENTLY!?!?! And you must consider that we were both faced with a bunch of vig claims. Perhaps we thought that the vigs would just end up killing Kantrip, so we should lynch him to make ourselves look less suspicious AND increase the chances of the vigs murdering a townie. DID YOU CONSIDER THAT, KARY!?!?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I'm not even arguing that Kantrip and I would be a particularly unlikely team from an outsider's point of view. Somebody who hasn't seen my role PM might just think that anything's possible and there's nothing wrong with that. DSH still needs to explain his thought process though. Because as far as I can see his thought process must've been "Kantrip flipped scum LET'S VIG GHEB BECAUSE THEY'RE TOTALLY OBVIOUSLY SCUMMATES" and that's an entirely different story. Concluding that Kantrip's flip in no way clears me is fine. But concluding that Kantrip's flip makes me scum definitely requires an explanation.



Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
I'm not even arguing that Kantrip and I would be a particularly unlikely team from an outsider's point of view. Somebody who hasn't seen my role PM might just think that anything's possible and there's nothing wrong with that. DSH still needs to explain his thought process though. Because as far as I can see his thought process must've been "Kantrip flipped scum LET'S VIG GHEB BECAUSE THEY'RE TOTALLY OBVIOUSLY SCUMMATES" and that's an entirely different story. Concluding that Kantrip's flip in no way clears me is fine. But concluding that Kantrip's flip makes me scum definitely requires an explanation.

Kantrip's flip definitely makes me think you're scummier. I totally posted why on the last page. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me :013:

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
You very well could be? You've both asked the same question. I remember way back Kantrip asked me if one of you being guilty would clear the other, which I thought was very odd.
Of course it was odd. Because he's scum. You have to look at his posts from a scum angle and think about in what way he'd benefit from it.

I think we need to keep an especially close eye on Gheb today.
... as if ever you did anything else. You guys kept me pinned against the wall the whole game so far. Two different slots have attempted to vig me. Pretty much everybody has voted me at one point. I don't know how much more "especially close" you wanna keep your eyes on me. Perhaps it's time to just accept that I'm not actually scum? Is it that hard to swallow?

~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
You would dare clear me?? A noob who makes questionable decisions??? FREQUENTLY!?!?! And you must consider that we were both faced with a bunch of vig claims. Perhaps we thought that the vigs would just end up killing Kantrip, so we should lynch him to make ourselves look less suspicious AND increase the chances of the vigs murdering a townie. DID YOU CONSIDER THAT, KARY!?!?
You need to stop being over dramatic and start putting in legwork. All the capital letters and pokemon emotes aren't helping anyone.

To answer your question, yes I did consider reasons why JeXs / yourself might vote Kantrip as scum. Are you trying to convince me that you are scum? Or do you just like kicking up a fuss over nothing?


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
All the capital letters and pokemon emotes


To answer your question, yes I did consider reasons why JeXs / yourself might vote Kantrip as scum. Are you trying to convince me that you are scum? Or do you just like kicking up a fuss over nothing?
Neither of these, I am afraid, for you see, I am a member of the town. Kary, do you agree that in mafia Zalak's and mafia JeXs's position, it made more sense to switch over to Kantrip?


Apr 3, 2008
Unlike Dietz, we did not get confirmation that our shot sent. We stated the command, but we never got a reply.
For the record, I received and processed all night actions and effects.


It's been almost a (real life) week since anyone has seen
Gorf: Paul the Llama, Town Neighbor alive! You can only assume he's dead or worse (modkilled).

This will not end dayphase as really this should've happened during the night on my part. Votes will not be reset as the number needed to lynch remains the same at 5 out of 8 players.

With 8 alive it takes 5 to lynch

1. Maven
2. Full Metal Lynch
3. Zalak
4. Adumbrodeus
5. Kary [1] - Adumbrodeus
6. Detective Sherlock Hound
7. Jexs
8. Gheb

Not voting: Everyone not Adumbrodeus

Deadline is Midnight CST Tuesday the 9th
Last edited:

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Neither of these, I am afraid, for you see, I am a member of the town. Kary, do you agree that in mafia Zalak's and mafia JeXs's position, it made more sense to switch over to Kantrip?
It made more sense? pardon?

If one of you or JeXs is scum, I'm not in a position to evaluate whether it made more sense from their position. I just don't have enough information about their roles or who their partners are. Even if it makes less sense, that doesn't stop it happening.

My point was that I have a hard time seeing why you would do that as scum, given other things you could do.

Who do you think needs investigating toDay?


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
It made more sense? pardon?

If one of you or JeXs is scum, I'm not in a position to evaluate whether it made more sense from their position. I just don't have enough information about their roles or who their partners are. Even if it makes less sense, that doesn't stop it happening.
Assuming one or both of us are mafia, wouldn't it have made sense for us to switch our votes to Kantrip? Doing so would..............
ONE: make us look way less suspicious, decreasing our chances of being shot
and TWO: take an easy target away from the vigs, increasing their chances of murdering a townie.

Now that I've pointed this out, do you still think our switch can be used to clear our names?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Here are my reads right at this moment:

FullMetalLynch - I still agree with my initial assessment of this slot, which is that they're not doing a lot to move the town forward. Their play is reactive as opposed to active and that makes me suspicious. Their claim was interesting, not least the timing which was kinda unprovoked and unnecessary. Their flurry of posts after that are kinda just AtE, but they do come off as kinda townie. Also of note is their commitment to the Kantrip waggon over adum which is probably points in their favour. Overall I want to like this slot, they're just not quite doing enough to convince me they're townie. Lean town.

Adumbrodeus- adum's play is robotic to the point of being borderline unintelligible. He seems very committed to his stances, though, and his support of them seems pretty genuine. What I don't like about his play is that I could see the extreme stances he takes masking scum intent- for instance in pushing Bardull to guarantee a lynch, I couldn't see any town motivation on his part to find a good lynch, or to try and get a read on Bardull vs. other slots. His reads list at the end of yesterDay restored some of my faith however, and at the moment I have no problems with his slot other than his posts making my eyes bleed. Lean town.

Detective Sherlock Hound- I think everyone read this slot as brownie townie Day 1, myself included. Day 2 however I feel that they fell off the map somewhat and while they did have a couple of big posts, they were just to do with mechanics and did not really flesh out any reads they had. I find the way they handled their claim pretty townie, so currently I have no problems with this slot, but I am finding it somewhat difficult to read them in their absence. Town for now.

Gheb- to me Gheb's play is not very consistent with scum Gheb. As much as he is anti-town and sits on his hands, I think as scum he would make more of an effort to stay out of the spotlight and to generate support for mislynches. I also think it is consistent with town Gheb to more or less just complain in the face of his lynch rather than try and weasel out of it or push the hate onto other slots. There are still some questions for me, for instance saving Maven seemed unnecessary from a town point of view, but I find it hard to imagine why him vs Kantrip was ever a thing if they're both scum. I am curious what direction he will push now, but I am happy enough with him for now. Town lean.

Zalak- at first I felt as though Zalak was very comfortable in the thread and just happily posting whatever, and was generally moving the thread in a good direction. However as time wore on I feel as though he actually has very little direction, and I dislike how he continues to move his vote around without any obvious aim. I could easily see his exaggerated posting style as just a means to avoid suspicion- it's the sort of thing I did when I first rolled scum, constantly badgering people to try and seem townie and keep the focus off of yourself. It is worth nothing that he probably could have lynched Gheb yesterDay, or forced a no lynch, which definitely makes things interesting if he is scum. But I'm going to remain wary of his slot because his play doesn't read very genuine to me at the moment. Scum lean.

Maven- In general Maven's posts read somewhat townie to me, but I don't really understand his slot that well at this point. I think I can see where he's coming from in terms of his reads and his direction, and I haven't really seen anything that sticks out or throws up a red flag. Of course he's still kinda a bit of an unknown with zero content Day 1 but I don't feel any reason why I shouldn't like him right now. Town.

JeXs- This slot is practically null to me at this point, but could lean scum by PoE. Only contribution Day 1 was pushing soup (possible chainsaw for Kantrip btw), and Day 2 he basically just played to his claim the whole time, from the vote on FML to the rolefishing. I can't really recall anything to like about the slot, and I feel as though JeXs is very hesitant to get his feet wet, which makes me worry. Again, there is the point of being on the Kantrip lynch yesterDay but overall I haven't really liked JeX's direction. Could definitely do with looking into. Null-scum.

That's everyone! Hooray! I guess I will try and put them in order for you:

DSH / Gheb / Adum > Maven > FML > Zalak > JeXs


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Assuming one or both of us are mafia, wouldn't it have made sense for us to switch our votes to Kantrip? Doing so would..............
ONE: make us look way less suspicious, decreasing our chances of being shot
and TWO: take an easy target away from the vigs, increasing their chances of murdering a townie.

Now that I've pointed this out, do you still think our switch can be used to clear our names?
I never said it could be used to clear your names. I said I would like to, and I'm thinking about it, but I'm hesitant.

Why are you laboring this point so much? Can you just NOT? It's not as if mentioning the claimed vigs even changes anything!


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2013
I never said it could be used to clear your names. I said I would like to, and I'm thinking about it, but I'm hesitant.

Why are you laboring this point so much? Can you just NOT? It's not as if mentioning the claimed vigs even changes anything!
i'm trying to pwn 2 birds with one stone. ANYWAY, you should go to sleep


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
The game should be won between
Gheb vs Maven + Zalak vs Kary

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@ ~ Gheb ~ ~ Gheb ~
Who would you like to lynch today?
Jexs is the scummiest player in my book atm. It's irritating how he tried to discredit the Maven/Gheb neighborhood and play us against each other when he was apparently in a neighborhood himself. I also don't understand why he is supposed to have abilities other than being able to talk with his neighbor - Gorf didn't and I don't either. I also don't like how he's trying to establish a dichotomy between Kary and Zalak while leaving adum out of the picture entirely [who in my opinion seems to be much more adversary to Kary than Zalak is].

I may have let FML off the hook too soon. He's not very high up on my scumlist but at the same time it's not a slot I can read as town with confidence.

There might be a scumbag between Kary vs adum. I wanna see if their tête-à-tête leads to anything useful but atm I'm not confident in their exchange being solidly TvT.

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