Rolename =/= absence or presence of other abilities.
JeXs asked his question independently of Kary and Kary's question was nowhere near as rolefishy.
The entire point of a rolename is to convey role, eg soup's role name was town tracker.
To clarify it she should've asked for flavor name, instead she asked for something entirely different.
Though to be fair I realized I misread the exchange initially, rereading make me unsure if she was just using the terminology incorrectly or was expanding the inquiry due to maven's stubbornness.
I still don't like the former on a slot simply because it had an ability claim when it could potentially have others, but it's not as bad.
#HBC | Kary
care to clarify which you intended?
My question has nothing to do with Kary. I have other reasons.
My point was that you thought it was acceptable to fish because of Kary but if Kary didn't make you think it was acceptable... why exactly did you ask for ability claims from a slot that's not about to potentially be lynched.
And ya, let's here some reads, that would be great.